The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 11, 1895, Image 4

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uiiifr, nml orders already in could not
uu uupu. ii mi-ant rum for Mm.
After Bcrcrul days of distnwtcd writ-
"us " u'leirrapiimfr, lie received a
letter from Uliston, which ran:
"Mk. iik.sry MoUnmuLtr-Deftr Sir: I
bme vlsUtut your mill, ijuiwd orer tUe
premises, cxurainal t!M b;oli, and, It siills
far tory to you. am willing to tiiko tilutrm o(
tho ilurinj your atMini-e, nilTjnclng
the noresary mosey. This, p.ovljluij yoa Kill
. un 11 wilt;.o.ui inierest ui tiie proiiorty, at
The astonishment In the word was
imply indescribable, aa Barry Mc
Doupill dropped his paper and repard
ed hia cousin in dignified amazement.
A prettier cousin than usual she was
J, , . "'uo "-"f V" the price uM liy tin former owa.T, aud will
eneeks a little bluer and pinker, as accept thetuoaoyishuiiadvanoo ustran pur-
ahe viewed her surprised relative, who -'base money,
soon found voice to remonstrate: "Awaiting ,our decision, I am
"Do you mean to say that yon, whose flh taTTwa TTT.",
aoie ambition should be the enhancing lowed bv XZn, "i"? ' ' "
of woman's chief virtue, retiring mod- ZTJ? ,n?!rmont- v
esty, are really proposing to enter my ZZ 7 .r f the flrm
mlllasbookkecpirHfso.yonareeithc Em tTand lVn , ",,Utato
very ignorant of what would lcx- Su. mbe'm,
pected of yon in that capacity or you 1 8 T thHn that of a
ire ferpubw what is dC your ow JT " in 'he,cl,f , . What could he
womanhood. Henrietta McDouffal"l f"7 Balff,d ,lum?!,K' wit" "n
am ashamed of voul" . res .n a miU in a little country
The subject of thU tirade merely ZT wl18u' nW Uimtfr
gave her decided chin. uStaliK, '-o his
made answer: In, . i ..
"Yon need not flatter yoarself that f J a XZ TV
von are o-oino- to ti:.i, . i,k Ial"' nnt UaTry teleirraphcd his ac-
your heroics, Harry, for I iStoratsk'Tl,tal,!
tainly do intend to fro into an office ' " kiI L? "' Mr' Boar'im would
even if the shock should Drove serinnR
to your conservative organization. As
you refuse my offer, I shall take a posi
tion with the Hip; Salt Lumber com
pany; but I thought it would be pleas
ant to work with you."
The yonnsr man cleared his throat
Three month Info,- n.., i:i....i
j . . "-"J miyiiwu
from tiie tram at his western home.
In the intervening time his partner
had not only made up the loss the busi
ness had sustained, but had brought
protits hiirher than
Boardnian had remained constantly on
C? nndt be prriuir.eaily cured bv the use
ofo; is!ot tad sedative compounds. It it
too dec-.ily sealed. It j niul by an
tap.ivo.-Hicil oomlitloa ol tlio blcoii,
n;wn whio:i no nerves depend (or tuste
nance. This is the true and only natural
explanation for nervousness. Purify, en
rich aud vltaliie the blood with
; -flood's -
and norvouanest will dUappear. Ilood't
Ej-rapnrllla will give vitality tothe blood
a:id will tend it coursing throujjh the
veins and n-tHw oharsed with the llfe
givin, atroii-th building qualities which
nialte s ,ronj nerval. II you are nervous,
try hood's HaraaiMtllla and And Hi nam.
Miff ot tvnluh linndredso(peon!oirlel
liug in thoir pabliihed tettlmouialt. Uet
Hood's C Rood's.
Beeanse Hood's BaMsparilla la the only
public eye today. Sold by all druggists.
,. - ,)." rZ, v j uoaruman had remained constantly on
Xltumt on "l fhe?round' how"' mtk.a mpnifled
' lOTli'n. , . ; hu intention of returning to Elliston
But, Henrietta, it is not a woman's' as soon as Unrrv returned
place. Contact with men in business! A farmer drove past Harrv as he
life .hsanns woman of her best weapon, ' walked to the milL He could not stoo
End withal her greatest charm, fcihe his loaded wagon on the river bank
wrecks her own matrimonial chances; but he called out clieeriiv
tor you see, when men marry, they do I "Glad tor see yer back, Mr. McDou
not the cnrlft vthn how. !,....
themselves forward, but tie for life to
uie uoine gin. men, too," continued
he, with a touch of
"woman's brain is of auch different
caliber that she is never a success in
the business world. While 1 esteem
you very highlyas a friend and cousin,
I could not give you a place in my
office. I must hnve the broader out
look of a man, and do not feel that I
could trust any woman with such a
responsible position as that held by my
Tiiis time there was no mistaking the
real indignation in the girl'a face and
"Harry, I should be very angry with
your insinuations, but J really only
pity one who holds such warped views.
I want vutt to understand that girls
nowadays are not compelled to go
about on tiptoe and with bated breath
for fear of spoiling their matrimonial
chunces. Talk about trustworthiness!
Who absconds with the employer's
money? Kot the woman. Talk about
the 'broader outlook! Wait until your
cruss-eyen uooitaeeper goes to South
America with the enntpnt nl ,.
safe, and you will wish you bad one of
uie nniruoiwortny women in lnsptace."
"llnn't J;-t us ounrrel, .mv dear."
patronized Hurry, "for I did not wish
to oiteiid you.' 1 was shocked that yon,
so young, bo pretty, wished to do mac's
"It is not man's work, Harry," said
the girl, quickly. "Work is classified
according to its excellence, and not
the sex ol 'I he worker. Hut there is no
nsc in arguing with you," turning to
leave the room, -"tin second thought,"
and she paused on the threshold, "let
me predict that you will fall hopelessly
in love with one of this very cliss of
women, marry her, aud become a
thorough convert to theideaof women
in business.",,
'Marry' a creature of that stamp?
Nut until I become an imbecile. .1
shali marry for a companion; a woman
who will l:row her sphere and keep it.'
Harry Itiellougall was not at heart
uu luioieraut man, out nis wnoie lite
environment had been conservative in
tiie highest degree.
His residence in the west had' becu
but short, and he was daily surprised
at the freedom accorded women about
liiui. He marveled at the nnconscious
nesa with which business men accepted
into their precincts the.enlranco of
business women, and abhorred,
tnrough ignorance of the thought of
the times, their "intrusion," as he
called it.
lint a few months before young Me
Dougall had come to Kansas from
Connecticut to take charge of a flour-
inir mill iatlv nnrfthnjuari Vitr ltlv Inthu,
a property situated in a small town
buiuu tinny nines west oi feiuston,
Henrietta's home.
The business was prospering, and
prosperity does not make an intolerant
wuu wiu-uuv, unjli Jlia VUtllril W 1,1-
liston his altercations with Henrietta
had become more spirited, culminating
in the application by the girl for posi
tion as bookkeeper in his mill, and his
pompous refusal of it
The next morning, before breakfast,
a telegram Informed Harry that .his
father had been the victim of an acci
dent in the old. mil! at home, and de
sired the ii.iiiio.,iute pic;e:ico of his
on. He h.ui barely time to write in
structions to his bookkeeper, placing
necessary (andtt at his disposal, before
the nost train for the east.
"What a pity you did not accept my
offer of yctcrday,'' raid Henrietta
jokingly, ju they stood beside liai
wattiu;; train. "Just, think how ivoli
Icouki taken care of your inter
esta during your libseace," '
"l'oaf!'' ejaculated -liitrrv, with ejt.l
aggurateJ contempt, "When ;J want
a shorOija i.i ,uiy accounts, 1 will em
ploy women to manage my afPairs." .
And he swung himself ' aboard fri
time lo.escspe his cousin-'s. j-ist, wrath.
litit:uo liot. -. . . .; J;.-. xn -up jj,u
familiar lu.jc. at bon:.- tlian the dij.
trueting news came from the west that
his trusted '.bookkeeper '(Henrietta's
detestation), had .deft suddenly, with
me content oi inc sate, j ,
Tiie young man's state of mind can 1
be iinarnned. His father was not yet '
out of danger, and. even had he been
the business required him to stay in
the ens Ills money a sonsiilorj'u" f
w-;m rfrne. the mill wat not run
ffal. Mighty fine partner o' voura in
With a light heart, Harry pushed
open the omee door, then stopped,
aghast! He saw, busily writing at the
desk, not the bent form of David
Boardman, but a young lady. For a
moment he stood staring at the trimly
attired figure and sleek, dark hea d
Then a low, yet decisive voice said:
"Were there any letters for us to
night, John?"
Before Harry could frame a reply,
the young woman, turning, met his
gaze.. .She rose and advanced, a trifle
of color coining to her cheek, yet her
demeanor cool and unruffled, and asked:
"I beg your pardon, sir. I thought
It was the janitor. Is there anything
I can do for you?"
Harry pulled himself tnirthor n,i
"I should like to see Mr. Boardman "
The girl looked nuzzled fm- mn.
ment, men answered:
"I fear yon have made a niisuilm
,Jir, Boardman lives in Elliston, the
next town east."
"I certainly can have made no mis
take," returned Harrv. deoideillv "1
have letters in my pocket dated at this
piace, ana settling the details of a
transaction by which he becomes part
owner of this property."
"Jir. lloarilnnn certainly ha no in
terest here." stated -his informant, "J
am Miss lioardumn, ancl have' bought
half this mill, which I am managing
until Mr. McDougall arrives from the
For an instant Harry felt as though
he were on a toboggan slope several
miles long, not knowing where th'e.cnd
might be; but he pulled" himself (to
gether and handed the lady one of his
cauls. .
At sight of the piece of pasteboard
the young lady looked wondcrstruck,
and again flushed a trifle. Then she
looked up, and ventured: ; , -
"And you thonfrhW ,,; .
"Yes. I thought so." ho riiiubfI
comprehensively. "But I am so be
wildered uowtjiat fam past all think
ing. Will yon please explain some,
things that I cannot understand?"' '
Within a few moments Harry ilia
covered that instead of selling an in
terest in hismlll to Mr. David V. Board
man, he had delivered it over tn a
Philistine in the person, of Dor
othy P. Uoardmnn, "the aforesaid
gentleman's niece and junior-partner,
that she, having extra funds on her,
hands, and hearing of JlcDougali's
trouble, had felt sorry for him, inves
tigated, found that the investment
would be a good one, aud.made him an
offer. . .,..';.
She had not intended to deceive him,
but had merely sitrned her name u
she was in the habit oi doing in her
tmsmess relations, without dreaming
of being contused with her ancle, not
tailing into awomit Harry's short resi
dence in the state. ... .
It was as.onishing to-see how readi
ly the yonn.? man reconciled himself
to having for a partner this yonng,
businesslike woman,'; with the bright
eyes and ojiiet voice. : ,,-
Miss'lioardmau went back to Ellis-:
ton at once, aud Harry took up iiis
work alono. His bookkeeper was
never found, perhaps becauve'' 'tlio
amount of his embezzlement was not
large enough to make much itir, but
Henrietta s:;i! it was because ot his
''broader outlook.".
That ymng lady also made- frequent
remarks obaut the number of time-)
that Harry found it necessary to seek
his pirtiiur's advice, and her triumph
was compile when, a few months
u"t;T tiie liiiit paniiersiiip was con
summated, H.(riit!iy Boariinain, upon
much pjivtsdtKi, cjiiB.iutad to enter
illV.- a::iJ.i.:r p.:rt-xi-:,hip with tlio
!'i)U.).i of .",'.-.:';) ,s;.;a)l, the papers to ,bo
i!'-Je.;ut for ih'e. - " " -
this v.-ks lite' years ifo...; Now
t:ic Hu;ee..;iinti;yst::tiii,t:i;-c ;wus to
b.; l;iito a town, n'lirt' Ilafry a proapcri
Us -rr-nvn; Ho gives
..i, v.ij,j milt foe his pr-ticKly, as
1'H I'-ip--iDM-j, and lut-'i come to
:'i-7 ia. ::::viii;f married'! ue of the
ijr.t'i? ,o obuo:;iou,r: ij Iviin. ' .
!';v.ii iloardrnau MeDoiirf.ill, aged
i j!e. i;, in fcyite of his long name,
-..a,..- t.w'iaWtelJige;!! .child in cx
.. '.i';e, f-.o his iiar.'nts aver, and ileii
: :!ji)uu'aU is head bookkeeper
-cousin's mill, having oome to '
uuiep vu ut.uvr prounooy. H. y,
nuu ... I JUS t01u p,Mjac,pwbol'r
iTIie Unenterprisin
Business Mail , ,
Upi'8 u small amount of Print
etl Btutionory 'mid other Ad
vertising mattor., nnil ns
eonsequenco his busiiK.'iiB 'dies
iiwuv and ho is then like the
man whose pictnve nipeiirB
L )Pr. " - .--,,....1
rw.a- ' '
. OUrtS IllOfpiant OontnimnHnn
1 1" uiv )y t. v . i-i
JK -'
The Enterprising
Business Man . .
Uses a great amount of Adver-
iisinf! iniuier oi on Kinds.
Consequently his llUBinoss In-
fki'P!l4Ail ,111,1 liO ' Kuntitwid ne
happy as the individual who
So' ,,i,U"kii,.- ,.:..,.
to iuwuiin.u vttv jiu;t,tiio
just above. .
Job Printing
of All Kinds
Is done at this Office in a
Workmanlike Manner, and at
Prices to Compare' with the
Times.' Your llusiness will be
Increased by having Your Job
Printinp; done at this Office.
PlcftHairt to take Xyold
young, So rvipiii".
I'ool. ol tiie Iiivt'i'ine
c.tunsivcly usotl in
XT .1 n ....
Norway ior tno nmnA rilos.
Sold by all first class drug
"Wholesalo Manufactures.'
Amciioii S .i.,ncAiA'o.
, Lebanon, Oros'ou
IN'otloo !' .Vllllliiln(.i'nt!,,ii.
Nolii-cifi lioreby jjivHi, Him, by or.icrof
thecomiij- Crtnrtof Uun doiiiity.Orenoii.tlie
illiilcrsii(iieil ban Ijt'en duly tppniutfid and
now is tlio iliil.v ijiiiiliiifd, -mid oflltiK ail
minislraior of tlio estate ot Kaimy Marks,
ilcci'iisi-il. All imrliDS lutviiiK eliiiiim
acainht said e.stiik'flr Iirliv i,niii-p,l i
vrcwiil tb nana', imi'wljr vcriliiil, within
sis inoniiH Irani tno Kin Hay Df July SI6,
In,; ilntc ol tin; nubliciitlnii ln-mif. In
IIil' nndcrsiRned ill the olllft of M.iln'l M
.Oirland, litbuiioii, Oiepiw. '. ;
i : . . JlW-N.H, .MA1IKH, , . '
. Sam'i, Sr.OAnj.AK0, Ailijiiiiinirutor.
Atty. for Ailmr. -Untate of , .
' Nancy ilarki, deceased.
BestHlinves, Hair Cut or Sliuiiiwoal
Shaving Parlor.
Elegant Baths.
Children 'Kindly Treated.
Ladies llair DreBsinfr it Siei.iultj'.
Oregon Central Eastern R. R. Co.
Connect ot Yaouina Ilav wltli llif-
San Francisco ami Yanuiua Buv rttcuni-
lilp Compiiiiy '
Steamship "Farallon"
Aland lirlcls In evurv riHiipnt.
HhIIs froui Yaiiiina for Hun Framtli-co
alamt every ilavd.
Piisiseiiai-i' iiccoiniiiodatioiiii -n it;iv
nnaw'l. -''.Mliort' M riit'lc -in iiv.-i-n ihi.
.WiHlinii'td- Villley and Coiifiil-ifiii. -
Fare' fiLiir 'Albnny flr pointi, ni In
Cabin,-..,.-;.; " $,12 00
Sleerage,,', 8 (10
Cabiu.i'ound trip,0(l ds. 1 8,00
For Hiiili i.ji ilaya))l) to . . ...
, H. Ii. WAIiliKN. Aui-nt.
EiiWInRtiink, M-i'mr., Alhanv.
t'nrviillid, - - . .. Ori'Kon.
... . Oivkhii, , '. , ,; .
Chab, Clark, Sij,t , '.' .
, , . : " ;;, . - .OrvHllii,,
Albany Steam Laundry
All Orders Receive Prompl
Special Rates for
- Family Washings.
Satisfaction Giiurniitfiod or Money
J. F. H YDE, Acent,
jL.l liii lion, . ,!K(li.
M f nimiiu ...........
Vir&V'T'i! a"t "," "niniim. "'Hi! to
exiwiera, In Ihn Mnt liuniiiM KiZZZt
IiilVU JUKI ivet-ivcd
Ui'.ASS V:m:
iit) )'iiu In ciii 1 and iii'XTi
Tlioir irji'o 'nvo'tui
i the villi, y.
I Iisliest lJrlct. s;
ni'-l line rf 1 i.i .( l.LI.Y ai d
evt'r lii-''!i,.-lit to l.fliaiKin, "which iln-v in
.if nut lower i!:.-ii in ywlicie cW,
P;iil fi
1 T x luct.
r (. i i i i n ry
Lumber CIiea;
AT 'Jill
(To mile, M f Vat,,(i)
Tli iK'tti'ttfii, mill by viglit niilos to any'
Lumber at ImiKoiii nriceB; with lil
Will lill oi-dci-s at onci'
point in tho Valley,
discount lor cusli
Suvc ninncy, timo, ymn wagon and team by buying of
load us tlio -road is good to
You can haul 1 500 feet at a
111- ,-!iil. '
. Dculur Ir
Stoves Tin and Plumbing Goods.
,,; n..,i ..ti t p i
iiuuiig uiiu iiu Kiuu oi Jou worn (,
limit) at hard time priced.
Im thn4 T1UH
ol i L - ,ifi
t: , .i .
V . -t -"KI. V... . f
to- -i "MMlw.. .1S.
1,000,000 People Wear
$c.on. s.nn .tT m rrn -r r
,r . $J.OO.$1.SO.$1.00i$1.7S Fof
.. 1 ii I Bava
TVew W. 1., nofinrlrti thtm and
... i.kt imiv,uici in Mjairtor lira
tiicreiwwl Uie price ot otiier
Binkw, but tlt aunliw iid
W I, lioniflua
rttuaat the tatnt.
For Sale by Hiram Baker, Lebanon Or
' rflTT'f nil lJoiif-t opinion, wmo to
Lv- i "L" who ,,avu is"(i neftrty fifty ycnrV
'iiMrlollrciinililoiiiil. A Haiiilliiiiil,( S
fora.ullon concern I'iiIi imh iiikI um ti) oil.
l alcnu . tMi tfaroiuli Muiin Co. rmlva
S, ,m fiff"1"""" m-mm .mm! in tlu
IIutMIiik KiW.ou, uiomlily, (J iuo yi. inula
II cm plated, In ooliiiw, and n iolffiu,,l,H of
UUH i uu urn uul &ai fiilii
t v .or ,m
a -"vjwxvo.
Four Model3-S85 and S100.-
r :. Monarch Qvr.i r
fMtory Ma'" Office; tko end Hnlsted Sts CHICAOO,
WNiiu8iWlSr'Vw, MtUSilir, brszrj