The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 20, 1895, Image 4

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Haw It Cans Noar Bopamtlaj
Two lrtae EoortB.
Mis tney Meadow Ud two
miwrs, each of whom ndeaored to
eouit her while the other tried to do
tbe same thing. The experience is not
uncommon, but it 1 always exeltinft.
' It is scarcely necessary to saj that
Lucy was like most other (rirls and en
Joyed the excitement At heart she
.n kAiut maiden, but she was ad
dicted to harmless flirtation. She Rave
each suitor a little encouragement, but
. mtnh and excused her conduct
on the ground that she did not yet
know whica sne linen in .
Tv Mmum n tmr heroine it must be
confessed that her excuse was not a
bad one. for her admirers happened w
be as nearly equally desirable as they
could be. Each was fairly good look-
i l -M malra himself Quite
lug. www w -
...i.i- ah had averaoe intelli
gence, each had a good business and
attended to H in a Bmnamw
ner. and neither had any glaringly bad
habits. By anxious mothers and pru
dent fathers they were both considered
1 ...nhu 4nr riemrhteea. .
To the young men the double court
ship was not so pleasant as it was to
Lucy. They were uften on the tenters
..j eenh other with iealous
e-ra. whenerer they met But fate had
decreed that their charmer also should
. j-i:.hi nt Hirhtlvillstarhed
OaTB Mr W"6" f
after she had for some time contributed
to their torment without any eompunc-
Her punishment was meted out to
ni i i .
her one winter eremng. o nu
v. . ...,.. (, .lunh Walters, the
WJ IUC wnira
auitor who at thst time was to a small
extent more In furor than his nrai.
Tk. -uttini t itrollinff alonir watch
ing for a horse car on which they eould
ride to Lucy's home, nnue iney were
Mi..4fn itiAir mntnal satisfaction
they became involred in a jostling
crowd that was pouring oat of another
The irirl Warns seDarated
from Mr. Walters, and hurrying for
ward in search of him in the indistinct
light found him, as she supposed, ano
linked her arm in his with that eonfld-i-
-a PAi,finn.tA touch which men
like to receire from those whom they
adore. Bhe wallceU eontenieoiy in mr
i .uinf m. minute, when for the
aim aha rtiW her-eres to the
face of her escort Bhe (Tare a little
scresa and quiekly drew her arm from
that of her companion. He was not Ja
cob Walters, but John Hutchinson, her
other admirer.
"Oh, excuse mail did not mean to,
"No excuse is needed. I am delight
ed, I assure yon," replied Hutchinson,
who had concluded from the charming
manner in which she had attached her
self to him that she intended at last to
.hM a m&vked nrefcranee for him.
Oh, what shall I dol How shall lex
plain my conduct?" she continued, not
heeding his worda
"No explanation is necessary. Tell
me," and he bent over her eagerly,
"were you not about to reward my de
votion when you were frightened by
your own boldness. Oh, tell me then
is hopeP'
He attempted to place her arm in his
and to walk as they had done when
they met ; .
"Ton must not; you do not under
stand,'' she cried. with a desperate
effort she extricated herself from hi
"What does all this moan?" was the
inquiry in excited tones. f
Jacob Walters was again by her aide
after an anxious search.
The rivals (flared at each other.
"It is none of your business," shout
ed Hutchinson, who proposed to show
his sweetheart how doughty a cham-
"Yon must not quarrel,"' exclaimed
jhe girl as she ran Detween toe angry
fwMhlmd with dUtress. and
urcu. . ...
confused in her mind, she extended her
hands toward Walters.
"Fonrite me." she cried. "It is all a
"Do you suppose I am a fool? You
AuumvoA me tn in tfl mv rival when TOU
were bound by every rule of politeness
, allow me to escort ran home. Your
AMutiwt la minff.H
uvmw lanmiiure is amazinir. also. I
desire you to understand that I shall
protect this young lady from insult,"
said Hutchinson witli dignity.
T.nv turned toward him and said: "I
her of vou to keen still. You do not
know what you are talkine about"
"Pleme euliirhten me, then."
"Mr. Walters wasescorting me home
from the theater; we became separated
Kd net-before I met rou. I
searched for him and when I took your
arm I thought you were he. You were
the last person whom I desired to see
"Thank you, 1 shall endeavor to
avoid meet you nerenner."
Lucy saw her mistake, but knew not
how to rectify It Her intentions were
good, but in her confused attempt to
make a satisfactory explanation she
UA Ka.n mtiltv rtf a tVWttl llUk of tact
Naturally at this disagreeable moment
she turned to Bar other lover ior sym
pathy. "Yon at least must understand the
situation and must know that I am not
to blame," she cried, in appealing
"I am not satisfied," he replied,
Out of patience she exclaimed! "You
are both so stupid! I shall ask no more
favors of either of yon."
Bbe stepped into tbe street and be
fore they eould recover from their sur
prise a passing horse car was carrying
. her from them. '
" What do you think?" asked Huteh-
, inson.
"I think she is a consummate flirt"
"So do I."
"She has tried to hoodwink both of
us Whatever had been our differences
in the past, we have a common cause
sow. It is incumbent on both of us to
assert our dignity, and to show her uo
attenlion la the future except what to
"I (' r H
e that, aann nf MR shall SolemUlV
promise the other never again to seek
her hand in marriage."
"Your proposal suite me exacuy.
(ri.a aknnlr tianrie enmeatlT and
vowed again and again to be faithful
to their pledge, may were as irumuv
now as they had been hostile a short
time before.
Meanwhile Miss Meadows also oner-
lshed anger. She resolved never to
forgive either of her admirers. But at
the end of a week her mood was some
what conciliatory. Bhe reUectea that
the young men must by that time real
ise that they had made tools of them
selves and that she had done nothing
-j .ha naad be ashamed. She
expected that they would soon seek ber
presence in a aheepisn manner auu mm
nranavad tn ahoW a ffTaClOUS de-
meanor and to let bygones be bygones.
But weeks went ny ana iney uiu no
.tl RKa mat them several times and
they hurried by her and returned-her
greetings with eoia, lormai uow uuij
1 - Mnw har tnrn to be YerV Un
happy, especially as it was revealed to
her that she am greatly care iur uuc ui
ka fnrmar admirers. VU.. Sir. nutcuul-
soa. She knew now kow to decide be
tween the two, but alas, the opportun
ity to make such a decision might never
U UntilnanM alao hMftllM UneaSV
Tfa avaa aatnnlahftd to find hOW deep
his love 'for Lucy was and how futile
were his enroru to otciwuiw u w
UW MiMthul hta nledff. but US he
himself had been the first to propose
the compact, he eouia oiame nu uue
but himself for making it and was un
der the strongest kind of an obligation
4m Imam f :
The painful situation was soon fur
ther complicated by an act of Miss
Meadows, one oegan to encourago
middle-aged widower named Slawson,
V.A had lnnbt deitired to show her
marked attentions, but who had been
prevented from doing so oy ner cow
toward him while his tWO
younger rivals were in favor. He was
now filled with tnexpressioie ueiigm
because of the winning smiles which
the charming maiden tor the first time
bestowed upon nun, ana ne was u
aiafcad heeaiue of his unexoected suc
cess that he did not stop to inquire why
she treated him with a cordiality that
she had never before manifested. But
unlike the infatuated Mr. Slawson,
Lucy was not dominated by sentiment
Rha wee aa wise as a aeroent
while seeming to be ss harmless as a
dove. Bhe hoped that ner gracious
tmetment of the widower would render
Mr. Hutchinson iealous and cause him
again to seek her society iot me pur
pose of preventing, if possible, a third
admirer from winning her affections.
The maneuver was skillful, but it
i hMmffht ahnnt a nart of what she
desired, and even of that part she was
tMMni Mr. Hutehinsan was made
desperately jealous, but the agreement
lh Wallara wfcieh. of COUrse. WBS
unknown to Lucy, prevented him from
. :i. j
endeavoring to uecome rwiwihu mi
Two months elapsed -Seemingly
nnb-hlnaon was determined to mam
4; Uim Indifferent demeanor. MiSS
Meadows was discouraged. She believed
that the vraimr man ma not recinru-
lm in 4nr him end she becran to
think that the best thing she eould do
rniiin ne m iiinri t ut, minwi, aw
ha anra he was a widower twenty
years older than herself, and had two
daughters, each ol wnom was not, mucu
younger than she wss, but he was also
wealthy and lived in a fine house.
Moreover, she rather uvea nun. ana ne
adored her. Bhe miirht do worse than
to accept him aa a husband.
At this critical time Hutchinson, on
hie lnnmf to aimnlnta indifference
.lw.ul a tall Waltera how he felt at
thoiion he feared that nis tormer rival
might still love thejrirl as much as he
himself did. When tile; two young men
next met Hutchinson, growing red In
tbe lace, oroacnea uieauujeci. tuab
nrmermost in his mind.
"I want to asx you,' ne oaiu, iu a
blunt and desperate way, "whether you
are willing to release me from keeping
the compact by which each 'of us
agreed not again to seek to marry Miss
Meadows? I confess that I now love
bar more than 1 ever did. 1 suppose
you may love ber, too. J. wouia line to
be free to court the girl again, and at
course if I hsd that privilege, you, too,
would again nave a rignv w auun u
attentions, provided you desired so to
do. Let the better man win, I say, and
if either of us is to win we must bo
u 1 1 .tall von. 'for the widower is
making alarming progress in the im
provement 01 nlS OpporbUUlVlca, uuiHi
1 am mneh deeeived."
Walters laughed as the other spoke
and looked at mm in a peculiar w
"I release von f rotti VOUr Promise
Go ahead and -may you have good
Hutchinson was much surprised. .
"Can it be that you are no longer in
terested in Miss Meadows?" he asked,
doubtfully. .-
"I am no longer interested."
MMr T aalr the reason?"
"Yes; confidentially I will tell yon
that I am now in love with another
"I am so clad. 1 nope sne win
reciprocate your affection and that
yon will be very happy," said Hutchin
son, as he fervently shook tbe hand of
bis companion.
"Bhe has already accepted me.
si. taro oelorlr m the afternoon of
that day Mr. Hutchinson stood before
Miss Meadows in the parlor oi ner
"Am I too late?" he asked.
"No; but you would have been one
hour from now."
"What do you mean?".
"At three o'clock Mr. Slawson will
receive his answer."
"What will yon say?"
"Had you not called, my answer
would be yea" ,
"What will It be now that I have
"No." J. A. Bollea, in Boston
I Am Glad
trll whst Hood's Ssn-x Ills his Jm
Iur ice. I and the grip su i l i in snvtt. i
seuisu an over
mo. I hul cramps
j'VK. In my le ji sad
svkA . .. ..
..r.irt rrequm-iyii. i
to get up si
niiht sud walk
;S to rolsx the mus
cles. I slao bad
stomach trouh-
Ales, Itlwntook
Hood's Barss,
1 rills. One bottle
cured tbseremo,
and snether has
;seh trouble
greatly. I have taken I bettlre UM
un Hood's Pilli which are the best I ever
took." U. A. AinLVIM, DlSMni, vcefua.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In the public eye today.
The Unenterprising
Insiness Man . . .
el'""" ""I
it I
AU sirrnnioie uixairrs aim ii .
BoWbyUrumrlslsorsent bymalL teaaee.
sadtLOOperpac-airs. eamplesfres. .
rff Tak The PavorlifMra KIWI
ikU liV fortheO Uisadllresth,Sa,
ror iiK! u
Hood's Pills ZIZZLTL"
Usee a email amount of Print
ed stationery and other Ad
verlinino matter, and UB 1
oonfienllennA hia hllflinaSS flieft
nway and he is then like the
man whose picture appears
The Enterprising
Business Han...
Usee a arftnt. amonilt of AdvBr
tisine matter of all kinds.
Consequently his Business In
creases and he becomes as
happy as the individual who
is represented by the picture
just above.
Pleasant to take by old or
young. No gi'ipmg.
The root of the Liverine
plant is extoimivoly used in
Norway for the cure of Piles.
Sold by all first class drug
Wholesale Manufactures.
Anchor S Chemical Co.
Lebanon, Oregon.
lint'Ht line of ( K0 KKKY 11 ci
lit to Lebanon, which tin ) i
Have juHt received Uu.
GLASS WAUL ever livmi
ite you to call and inspect.
Their price are as low, if not lower than anywhere t In
in the valley. .
Highest Prices paid for country
Lumber Cheap
(Two nillea wet of Waterloo)
The noarest mill by eight miles to any point in the Valley.
Lumber at bottom prices, with liberal discount for cash
Will fill ordors at once.
Save money, time, yuur wagon and toam by Iniying of
Yon can haul 1500 feet at a load as the road is' good to
this Mill.
Job Printing
of All Kinds
Best Sliaves, Hair Cut or Shampoo at
Shaving Parlor.
Dealer Ir
Stoves Tin and Plumbing Goods.
.Reparing and all kind of Jod work done at hard time prices.
Ta ,! at iliia Dffine in a.
Workmanlike Manner, and at
Prices to Compare- with the
TImaa Vnni Uitalneaa will h&
Increased by having Your Job
Printing done at this Office.
Notloe ofAdmlnlHtratlon.
Kniiiwia herahv lven. that, bv onlerof
.h,uti,iiv nrtiipt nf Linn enntitv.flrnenil.the
nnikrsigtied has been duly appointeil and
now u the duly qnaiinea ann acnnK
minisiralor of the estate 01 nana; Auru,
deceased. All parties having claims
against said eatate are hereby required to
present the same, properly verilicu, wiinin
Bix months from the 12th day ol July 19,
the date of the fint publication liercof, to
the undersigned at the olficc of Hom'l M.
Oarlanrt, Lebanon, Oregon. "
Johh 11. Mabks.
SaU'LM. Oabxand, Adndnistrator.
Atty. for Admr. Estate of
Nancy Marks, deceased.
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty.
Oregon Central& Eastern R. R.Co.
Hnnneot at Taauina Bay with the
Sail Fraiiciscouiid Yaquina Bay rtteani'
ship Company
1...1J ...I J J1.1m1 ItnA f
aeiaMi inm wur.w piut.j - '
k t ' hill lte till CiilUnjMi,
fr,4h 'St'- !lf!l llff!iJaa, 1
SteaiBSlip "Farallon
A 1 end flratclaas In every renpect.
Sails from Yaquina for Sail FmnclMo
ilKmt every 8duy,
i . : .i.MiiniKuliitioiw iitianr-
. , -n. ; II- l.W.'1'll till
iliuiin Hi' Valley and ('.'allfurni.
Fan- from Alwuny or pniiin weat to
Ken Francisco:
Cabin,.....,.,... ,...... ...$12 00
Kteornfrfi 0 UU
Cabiii,rouiidtrip,60dB., 18 00
For fiailliiK rtnysapply W
H l. VVamibh, Agent, ,
Eiiwi.v Stone, Ma'ger,, AH.Vi
Corvallls, Oregon.
Chas, Clark, Bupt,,
Albany Steam Laundry
Albany, Oregon
All Orders Receive Prompt
Special Rates for
Family Wasnings.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money
J. F. HYDE, Agent,
Lebanon. Orciton.
See ant HAMM
aim raive
1,000,000 People Wear
V. ammpen
l f X V, lafXI" FIT FOB
; U""r 5-.$4-'.3-80'2-80'$2-2siS.
J yt $3-00, $2.50,$2.00, $J.75
i SJZy SlyU,AttSlut,Evtry Width. ("
f ,aaa- 'muxamra.l V X lesa.Wa
I A Saa V. mlr. The adTanen to Uether hmt
f 4 "Saa t leonuar Ua print ol l
I .Ta!" X BtkM, tat Ot qualllT sod
lSTHnim y r v w.i...i.u,i
For Sale by Hiram Baker, Lebanon Or.
VX eUAVjrVebeli
tor m
SxperlenM hi lie patent bUflnmi. Comfmiilo.
ions Htrlctlr oonfldentul. k llnndbaok of In.
foriDAtlon omioenimfl I'etente ena oi,
tela tlitm) lent Irae. Also s catalogue of
Fatents taken ttirouRh Muiin Co. fsealfa
pMal notloe In tie hclenllnc Anerlcno. ami
tuns are orounai wiaeiT oeiuremu puuiiow.v
out eoat to tbe (mentor. Tula ap endld paper,
fanu eli. Hwanll7 niMtrated, bai by far tb
Uruat .IrtialatUiD of any aolenttfta work la tH nal
Wtliea, SS eeula. iSarf oumW oontaloa Paaej
enlMen be?1
aSea 'aaii lme X
fpieaiiSoauU. Writ
nfSlaWa. le oolore
& ----- twmmrTn i ii iiiiidaaP
Four Models 885 and $100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
ffunrf and Mnln OMIcet Lsk and HaUtedl 8U., CMICAOOjJLljr'