The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 13, 1895, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
, Bull). . ,
Hop-plolclng la stopped.
Subscribe for the Express.
Mra. Muriln Hlokman has been ill.
Miss Huttle Swan la visiting in 8a-
William Slater is driving the Sweet
Home atnge. .;
Mra. O. Lovclee left Monday for
Portland on a vlalt.
Born to the wife of John James,
September 8, a aou, .
Mr. Mac Monteeth waa In Lebanon
a couple of days thla week.
Mr. A. B. Grlgiw, waa In Lebanon
last Baturdny vlaltlng frlenda.
Mr. J. A. Beard and faintly returned
laat Friday to their home In Portland.
. The rain Wednesday drove annie of
i- the hop pickers home a few days thli
week. '' :
Hon. M. A. Millor and PoHtiuatler
C, Hiulth Wore doing hulin-a in Al
latiy Tuesday. ,
Mian Alible Fry expect to leave to
day for Eugene, where ahe will enter
the university.
W. W. Carlyle, of Benton county,
vlaltlng friend In Lebanon last Frl-
day and Saturday.
Itev. Tcmpleton, of Salem, panned
through the olty thla week on hie way
to und from Sodavllle.
Mr. Ed O'Neill n turned Inat Friday
after an ulieenon of aeveral weeks at bin
aier mill In California.
The Express li In need of money,
and would appreciate It If those owing
ua on aubHoriptlon would pay up.
Mr. W. F. Head and fuiully, of Al
bany, apeut Sunday In Lebanon with
hie Bister, Mra. W. E. Chandler.
Hantinm aoademy will ipen Ita doors
for beginning school in lit forty-flrst
year, a week from next Mouday,
1 Mr. F. Wheeler and family have
moved to Everett,'Waauiiigton, where
he line ajob in athlugle mill.
The outelde work on Mr. Anaorge'a
reeldeuoe la about completed. The in
side Is now ready for the piaalera.
' . The number of Chinese pheasant
slaughtered In thla county last week
it varloualy estimated at from 8000 to
W. J. Guy and family returned the
latter part, of laat week from a atayof
two weeka on the ocean beach, ut New
port. Arrangemeuta are being made to
have the entire Buokane fruit fair
tranaferred to the exposition at Port
laud., Take a look at the elegant dinner aet
in Mayor & Kiiubrougb'a window. It
haa llfty-three pieces, and ran be
i bought for U).7fi.
Mra. II. D. Carnlue, who haa been
here vlaltlng her Bitter, Mra. J. F,
Heudrlckanu, returned Tueaday lo her
1 home in Portland.
Aire. J. W. Cuslok and little eon, of
Albany, drove out here Haturduy and
apent Holiday with her parent, grand-
and grandma Peebler.
Kev. J. H. Beattie will preach his
farewell sorjnon next Sunday evening,
tie leavea Tuesday for hla new
'j f "Tionw at Wilbur, Waelilugton.
, Commissioners J. M. Walters and
(J, 11. Pugh pawed through here laat
Friday to examine aome bridges up on
' McDowell nud Hamlltou oreoks.
Speslgl rates have been made on all
lines to tha exposition at Portland.
. The Southern Pueitio gives a round
trip rule of one and one-third fair.
Mr. Granger MoOuue returned from
Cortland Wednesday, and expeota to
leave in a few days for Corvallla, where
be will again enter the Agricultural
' " college. .
Rev. E. A. Boat will commenoe a
a serlea of meetings at Peoria next
. Sunday. Bev. Boas aud wife have
made many warm friends daring their
r . itny here.
i ' EuffHiutt has bought up a large
quantity of hay this falll. He will
J keep over 200 bead of cattle on hit
pasture, and wants plenty of hay in
I case of a hard winter.
Pugh Muncy are headquarters for
I Wits, shoes, rubbers,,
furnishing goods, hats, oapa aud gro
j series. It will pay you to ewe them
' fiefore buying elsewhere.
i Mr. William Smith brought to this
pfBco a small box of very fine allver
prunes laat week some of which
measure (even aiid half Inohea around.
Jlairy thanks Mr. Smith.
'"' Jiurt Vvlght, who was clerking In
M. A. Miller's pharmacy, during the
summer vacation, r. turned to Albany
last Saturday evening, tu attend
achoal at the Albany college,
Mra. Milton Wllsou, who waa In- in a runaway accident near Hal-
ivy, Auguat SB, died from her Injuries
ilast f'riday, Hat husband, it will It
jwitf'uibitrua, was kllkd In Ui laat
New fur capes at Bead, Peacock & Co.
Go to Hiram Baker tor your wall
For pure linseed oil, call on M. A.
Mayer & Klmbrough wants you
Flave your hop work done by
Old papora for sale here at five cen la
per dozen,
Genta' ahoea. A full line at Read,
Peaoook A Co.
Juat received at M. A. Miller's a new
line of tablets.
Mjas Dumonil Is selling millinery at
hard time prices. -
Pure paints and oils of all kind at
Smith's Pharmacy.
If you want to sell property list It
with Peterson A Andrews.
' You can get 8 loaves of bread at,
Mayer & Klnjbroughfor 25 els.
If you want to buy property call on
or write Peterson & Andrews.
Ladle and cliildrens jir-keta of new.
est .did jii al E od, Peueoek 4 Co.
Buy you tickets East over the N, P.
B. B of VV. C Pelorson, Local agent
-George Alee represents some of the
best In-urutice coninunlus In (he world.
Anyone wMiliirwcllwiieniiod rustic
and flooring, sl.ould cull on M. A.
George Rice writes all kinds ol In
surance, and sollelts a ehare of your
Pugh & Muucy will save you money
on IkioIs and shoes, See them and be
State No; uml Hehool, Drain, Oregon.
Wrlle fur i-wtalogue. Free, Louis
Burgee, president,
When you want to buy a suit of cloth,
Ingynu will save money by gelling
Ladies should Inspect Bead, Pta-
oock i, C'o.'s new stock of jackets aud
clocks before purchasing.
Farmers, grease your machinery
with Eldnrade Castar machine oil.
For sale by N. W. Smith.
Pugh & Muncy will sell you Macin
toshes und rubbers, ladles' gent's or
ohlldren'a, cheaper than ever.
All knowing themselves iudebled to
me will please call and settle at
once. M. A. Miller.
Carpcta, carpets, carpets. Matting
niatth.g, matting. Buy ol the Albany
Furniture Co Baltimore Block. Al
bany, Oregon.
Pugh & Muncy have Just received
the nicest line of ladies' and gentle
men's Macintoshes ever brought to
Lebanon. Call and see them.
Money to loan. A limited amouut
of money to loan uu good farm secur
ity. Cull upon or write to S. N.
Steele & Co., Albany, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
der signed will not be responsible for
any debts contracted by John A.
Bletsch. G.M.Gelsendorfer.
Mr, I. Conn completed tin bridge
for the paper mill switch acrom the
oamil yesterday, O'Neill Bros, ex
pect to have the switch completed by
Oetolier 1.
Ladies if you are thinking of getting
a pair of shoes or a new dress next
week, you will want to know where t
get the beat for the least muicy. Mr
linker al wiiys curries the best.
Mrs. 3, W. McFaddan, wife of late
Engineer McFaddan killed in the
Lake Labiah wreck who waa here
visiting her brother, J, F- Hyde, left
yeaterduy for her home In Portland.
The catalogue and fourth annual
circular of Santlain Academy, Leb
auon, Oregon, la now ready from the
press. Copies of same can be had by
application to 8. A. Bundle, principal.
Insure your property with Peterson
AAdnrcws. They are agents for the
Old Beliable, Home Mutual, New
Zealand, Springfield of Massachusetts,
Continental, and other guod, reliable
companies, 1
Speclmeaof bo) from the yard of
S. Gentry, two miles north of this city,
show what the yield and quality ure
thla year. They were magnluceiitly
large ones aud the yield la correspond
ingly large.
N.W. Smith was in Albany Wed
nesday, and met an eastern drummer
from whom lie ordered a big stock of
holiday goods. Normau says he In
tends to have the finest holiday atook
this year ever brought to Lebanon.
Mr. Don Hwau, one of Linn county's
bright young men, will enter the Al
bany college Monday morning, aud
take up the Normal course of
study this term. His many friends
oin with ua in wishing him success.
Mr, H. Baker's now residence on
Bridge avenue will be an elegant home
When completed. It is uu orniinent
to that part of the olty, The carpen
ter work, which is being done by J. N.
Qrundall A Bona, speaks well for Leb
anon's workmen.
Bev! A. Melvln Williams ri turned
Mouday to Albany, where he enters
theteinur olass this year lu til Al
bany college, He will still occupy
tits pulpit, preaching in the morning,
at ilia Uuattiirlaud frMbyWrluil
ItiUrvuM IliimhW i
The Linn county Sunday School
Convention will be held in Albany,
September 20, and 21. An excellent
program baa been arranged and all
who attend will be highly entertained.
We are aorry that space will not per
mit of publishing the program in full.
A brakeman named H., S. Sykea
who has been running on the Lebanon
branch and the Oregonian railroad a
few days, got his left hand badly
mashed atCoburg, Tuesday evening
while making a coupling. He was
taken to his home at Boseburg.
Mrs. J. M. Owen and daughter, of
Eugene, arrived here this week and
rented the Kirkpatrick building re
cently vacated by E. G. Carr. She
will open a dressmaking shop. Mr.
Owen is exacted here In a few days,
and will run a steam wood saw.
' Last Saturday the barn on Mr. K.
Arnold's place above this city was
lurned to the ground with all Its
contents. It is supposed to have
caught from the smoldering remnants
of a brush heap where the fire was
thought to be entirely burned out.
The place is occupied by Mr. Alex
Messrs. Dulgleish ft Everett, our en
terprisiug . furniture aud hardware
dealers received the largest invoice of
goods last Suturduy, ever brought to
Lebanon, by one firm for many a day:
over twenty tons of freight including
elegant bedroom suits, stoves nails
etc. Judging from the amount of
goods they ere receiving, one Is led to
believe bard times are about over.
A sad sight waa witness at the depot
last Mouday morning. It was a crazy
woman; Mrs. Nellie Holmes, nee
Wolfe, of Portland. About two weeks
ago she went up to Sodavllle hoping
to regain her health; but, soon lost her
mind entirely. Her people in Port
land were notified, and Saturday her
brother, Aurther Wolfe arrived and
took her home last Mouday morning.
Last Saturday Mr. John O'Niel, ac
companied by his brother-in-law, Mr.
R. Getzschmann, arrived In Lebanon
from California, with a carload of
household goods, including a team and
wagon. John has rented the Pete
Smith house, recently vacated by Dr.
Booth, where be moved his goods.
Mrs. O'Niel will arrive in about a
month, accompanied by Mrs. Ed
O'Niel, John's mother, and commence
The Mineral Springs semnlary at
Sodavllle, Or., will open October, 7,
1806.,; College grade, literary, scien
tific, classical, normal, business and
music courses. Six instructors. Young
men and woman who are backward
lu the common branches will recleve
special atteution. Write the under
algned or Dr. D. M. Jones, trustee,
Sodavllle, in regard to degrees, atate
iliploma, dues, board and other needed
information. J. E. Geddee, Pres.
Visitors to the exposition that opens
In Portlaud Octobor S, will see more
of interest in the exhibta than In for
mer years. Nearly every exhlbt will
have something going on to instruct
and interest thoee who see It. Especi
ally will the manufacturing exhibits
have such specials attractions.
Machinery will be at work aud mecha
nics will display their skill. It will
be an Industrial bee hive. It will be
impossible in one visit to see every
thing con tul ued lu the huge building
aud enjoy the music and other enter
tainment offered,
Prof, J. B. Horner, a member of the
faculty of the State Agricultural col
lege, at Corvallis, was in the city Tuea
day. Mr. Horner is a pleasant gentle
man of much refinement and ability,
and speaks very encourgingly of the
states tine school. In order that our
readers, who have boys to educate,
muy know something of this great in
stitution in our midst, we give a few
particulars; There are twenty-two In
structors. Tuition la free, and no
charge for any incidentals or extras.
There were 201 enrolled last year, with
a graduating class of fifty-one. The
college furnishes board, room, fuel and
light at the small pelce of $2.60 a week.
Fourteen dollars a mouth will board,
clothe and educate your boy. An
office of the United States government
furnishes military instructions. Write
for particulars to Presideut J. M. Biosa
Corvallis, Oregon.
Last Friday, about midnight, Oscar
Williams and Oscjr Black had a quar
rel at Humphrey & McNee's sawmill,
which resulted in Williams cutting
Black up in bad shape. - Both men
were employed at tiie mill and boarded
ut Humphrey's house. During the
the night they got in a racket over a
girl. Williams started for a gun but
the night watchman would not let
him have It. He then got a bread
knife which he used; nearly severing
the right arm from the shoulder and
Indicting two ugly wounds on the
head, one laying the skull hare nearly
four inches, Dr. Parish, of this olty,
was called and dressed the wouuds;
using thirty-two atlchoe to sew them
up. The dootor says Black will re
oover. A feud had existed between
those tneu for some time. It Is said
Black ahwed considerable courage,
fighting as lung as he pould staud up,
with nothing but his fists, Williams
find as iouu as lie finished tin Job and
bit wiumeouH m HuHnowiii
Wedding Bells.
Mr. Hurry G. Everett and Ml Lulu
Westfall were united together in the
holy bonds of matrimony Wednesday
morning at eight o'clock, at the home
of the bride's father, in thla city; In
the presence of a few Intimate friends
of the contracting parties; Bev. Ji H.
Beattie officiating. Mr. Everett Is a
member of the firm of Dalglelsh A
Everett, and is a young man of sterl
ing qualities. During his four years
of residence In Lebanon, he has made
many warm friends, and by bis honest
and upright way of doing business,
has commanded the respect and con
fidence of all that know him. He is a
fine business man and a christian
and well deserves the good wife he
succeeded in winning.
Miss Lulu Westfall is the oldest
daughter of our fellow townsman, G.
M. Westfall, and is an accomplished
and esteemed young lady, loved and
respected by all who know her. Mr.
Everett Is certainly fortunate in se
curing the htart and hand of such a
help-meet through life.
Immediately after the aermoney the
happy couple left on the morning
train for Newport, where they will
apend a few days, then return to Leb
anon, where thev will make their
future home. The Kxprkss Joins
with their many fir lends in wishing
them a happy journey through life.
The county court bos atsrted the
work of securing an exhlbt for the
atate fair and the Industrial exposition
at Portland, in the best shape possible
to make a genuine exhibit uutmin
mailed by any side issue scheme, and
a success. The following leading cit.
eens from different sections of the
county have been selected to take
charge of gathering the articles and
shaping the character of the exhibit
Sam May, Harrisburg; George A.
DyBon, Brownsville; Frank Frisbie,
Haisey; W. Powers, Bhedd; Dr. W. H.
Booth, Lebanon; W. R. Glass, Craw
fordsville; J. S. Morris, Bclo; 1. R.
Douglas, Santiam; George Barton,
Oakville; Judge L. Flinn and) Dr. J,
L. Hill, Albany, The selection haa
been carefully aud wisely made aud
will call out a united effort all around
to give a full, fair and complete collec
tion of the magnificent product of
Linn county.
Mr. A. Strong, a prominent resident
of Salem, and Mr. R. F. Friak, a sub.
atantial citizen of Missouri, spent a
few days in our city this week. These
gentlemen were here looking over the
ground, with a view to starting a bank,
It is wonder that a bank haa not been
started here long ago. There la not a
town in this state so badly in need of a
bank, nor is there a location so favor
ably adopted to the success of a safe
banking business. There are many
business men, farmers and laborers
who have more or leea cash which
they would like to place in a safe bank.
There are may secure loans tote made.
In a word, Lebanon needs a bank, and
a bank would surely prosper.
A special session of circuit court was
opened Monday ut 1.00 p. m , with
Judge Hewitt behind the bar. Bailiff,
W. H. Warner. In the the assign
ment of I. Beam, the final account
waa filled. The assignments of W. B.
Graham and G. W. Smith will come
up the first day of the October term.
The sales in the cases of the Linn
County National bank against James
Elkinsaud J. K Weatherford agaiuet
Louisa V. Duncan were confirmed,
New pieces of the celebrated Broad
heaed dress goods now on sale Best
goods on the market at medium prices
See rry show window for a few of the
different patterns.
8. E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Or,
Hifhett Honors-Worid'i Fair,
Odd Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Mat firfott Itata
Our shelves are now fille d
with the choiceflt line of
Dress Goods, freijh from the
loomg. Not an unstyliuh
piece in the lot, and at prices
to suit your pocket book.
department was never so full
of stylish made shoes as at
the present time.
We. would be pleased to
show you through our stock
wether you are ' a purchaser
or not.
Read, Peacock & Co.
Parties desiring lumber can get
all Jduds at short
tom prices, ot Humphrey & McJNee,
on Hamilton creek; or at S. A. Nick
erson's planer at Lebanon, Oregon.
A large stock ot
on hand at both places, except black
walnut. Humphrey & McJN ee.
Liberal discount for teams
Headequarters for
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware ' and Furniture,
Our aim in business is to
motto is "To lead but never follow," Our stock is large and
embraces everything needed to
and examine our goods any get . prices bolore purchasing
anything in our line. Our stock is much larger this fall
than ever before.
Below is a Partial List of What We Carry.
Windows, doors, glass, builders hardware, carpenters
tools, plain and barbed wire,
Ranees, stoves, stove pipes,
ware, tinware, pitcher and force
Plows, harrows, wagons,
churns, brooms and brushes.
Tubs, pails, bird cages,
curtain poles,- window shades,
i i . .i i . .i . i.
tinoieusn, ou ciow rugn eui.
Bedroom sets, cheffaniers,
all kinds, springs, woolteds,
Leather, Uts, shot nails,
ftunitlon tw,
notice, and at bot
all kinds always
coming a long distance.
sell CHEAP for cash. Our
furnish a home. Call on us
horse shoes, nails, belts etc.
terracotta chimneys, granit-
pumps, pipes and plumbers
washing machine, wringers,
moulding, picture, frames,
wallpaper, carperts matting,
easy chairs and furniture of
pillows etc. ;
garden hot nd fixtures,
ijonfague'i oli"itnd,