The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 13, 1895, Image 1

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tins ?r. t V
tni mmitlih h '" 1 S
TlirM- monltit... .....- w
aHgUtiwipie.., MW.......M.........t"- w
(Inn. W.- MeBrMw, Senators
lulin H, Mltubell,! """"
Bingor Hermann .Ooiisresituan
William I', l-orii Governor
H. R. Kiucald,..., Beorotary 01 State
Phil Metsohaii, ..Treasurer
J, H. Irwin,.,, t. Public IimtrtioHou
H, W. l.B(l,......., iBtatc I'rintor
If. A. Misire, V Bupreme Judges.
C. 10. Woolvertoii.)
':oi;ntv offickiis.
JuAmw ! .......J. K. PuncaB
ilerk,.. .N. Needlmni
Itaounter, ! F. Hardtnan
HhorhT,.... , J. A. MoKeror.
H.tiol Huimrintendeiit, A. K. Rutherford
Tressim-, .....P. Morris
Assessor, W. P. Psakins
Hnrvoyor E. T. T. Fisher
Coroner .B. A. Jayi
. . I jonn riiKii
uuulluniuuuro . .. i j M. wtu'l-s
MA YOU .........N.A.I1U,KB
8, H. WYKEB.
City Council inset en the Bret and (bird
Tumidity evenings of each month.
Seoret loolctlM.
LINN TENT, No. !, K. 0. T, M.-MMto In U. A
R. Bull on Thumlay ovoulug of (Mb wm.
Transient Sir Knieht e oortlnUy iavlled to
vMilhoTtntowllof- ' '
J. A. Umdkbwk, Com,
lio. W.Hict.B.K. ':'
HONOR LODGE, No. M. A, 0. O. W.-Moetl
ty tnoljvnlii O. A,Js.Hrl.
A. W. Hu Han.
;BAN0r!LOIKII5,NO.41. 1,0. 0..-Mottl
r) Bnlimlar ovenmgat Odd MlomHan., al
,-clock p.m. A. K. PA VIS, N. Q.
w. o. mKH&oti, Bt'r.
... t mull. Mil Jl. I. 0. 0. F.
llama al I. 0.. 0.F Hall unit mm "
dyventniii or mutli month.
BATT1I A.OtlUBON, Hool'y.
. LEBANON UIUUKKO," . r.-. --
Hstuidaj evening, ouorbefor the full moon
. ... ix. ii ftw Vain and
.. ... . . . m t, t U MmIi
Qniu m. oojonmlni orethorn eonwUy Invited
toHitvnd. ,
K. B Hammaok, W. M,
t, 0. Will Hoo,
.',,'.iV"iMM.i Kit W. K. C. No. IS,
nnwli lt and 3rd Fridiiy. of each mouth at
S:80 p. ni. Dntui B. iruaii,
HMt llw, rm'
Biic'ty. '
OKN L MBWOH CAMP, No. W, lUvlnlon 0(0i.
. ... u... , v...iuMoil In 0. A. K. Hall,
t-.vmv mitntday oventug. oont U Ihw
..,., m.mlli. meotlin tilt third Krl'
it- lmlad. All htMUow of thoSom of Vet-
orani and oomnulwof tbo G. A. B. a oomnuy
.Invited to meal with uw oamp. ,
E, a. Cam, Gapt
; : A. 'IkKttJt. Flint
...... u iuiiut iiivk NO. 1. L. 0. T. M
Moowoutiioai, 4I1 aud 5th Friday ovonlng of
alitnt Lody Mom1w am cordially Invited 10
illimd. ,
Harai 8AK, Idy K. K. 8Hw, Lady Coin.
Sam'i, M. Garland.
Waatberford ft Wyatt,
Dr. H. L. Parish,
Offluelll St. Oharles Hotel,
- lft:00to 12:00 A.M.
B1OOI0 4:00 V. M.
m to 7:80 V, M.
Residence on Bi'ld Avenue.
Header, did you ever take Simmons
Livhb Rboulatob, the "Kino or
Ltvsiit Medicines?" Everybody needi
take a liver remedy. It isaglupsiahor
dlxeiuied liver that impairs digestion
and oiiuse- oonutipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remains in
thi' body and poisons the whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling is due to a
torpid liver. Jjinonsness, Heaoacne,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmonc Liver
Regulator is bettteb than Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
Ever; package lias the Bed Z
stomp on the wrapper. J, H.
ZeiUn & Co., Philadelphia.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers Linu
county like tn take the weekly Oregon
ian. We have made arrangements
whereby we can furnish it at a reduct
ion from the regular price bi those who
want both the Exi'Kicss and the
Oi'fgoiiian. The regular price of the
Ori'gonlan la $1,611 per year, and of the
Exi'KEBS $1.60 when in advance, We
will furnish both f ir $2, per year in
advance a snvlng.or one dollar to the
Bulwc.-lper. The Oregonlno gives all
the geiierul news of the country ouce a
week, and the Expribu gives all the
loeiil news ouce a week, which, will
linike a most excellent iieas eervjise
for I he moderate sum of $2. per year.
Thnse who are at present subscribers
I' I in- KxPHiif 8 must pay lu all arrear
uiti mid one year in advance to obtain
this special price.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co.
Express truiiiB lem-e Fori land daily:
l):3li r. 11. I,v...rnrlliiml Ar. 1 8:10 . M
12:10 r. 11. Lv... Allumv.. ..Ar. j 4:69 . M
10:16 A. M. I Ar.Smi l.v ! 11:00 r.
The iilinve trni' a Mtnp tit. KumI Furl
Ihiifl, Oregon t'lly, Wnntlliuni, rinleiu,
Turner, Marion, Ji'fl'cwon, Alluiny,
AM'iuiy Juiii'lkni, 'I'linireiil, Hliedil,
linlsey, Harrlsbui'g, .Itmeiloii City,
Irvlnit, Eugene, (Jreswell, Drains ti lid
all nations from Kiwilmig south to
atul .including Ashland.
Uoseburg mall daily:
T:80a. M.Vlivr. Portland ...Ar. I 4:40r. H.
12:25 r. M. hv...Alhany Ar. 1:16 r. M.
6:60 P. H. I Ar...Ko.niliui'g,. Lv. I BiOO A. M.
Local passenger trains daily (except
8:20 a! m. 1 Lv...Albany Ar. j 10:40 a.m.
:10A. M.
Ar... Lebanon ...Lv,
9:40 a.
4:0 r. .
6:20 e. H.
8:46 P. M,
6:60 P.M.
Dininj Cars on Ojgden Route.
Pullman Buff.jt Sleepers
Second-Class Sleeping Car At
tached to all Through Trains.
West Hlclo lvlaion.
Mail train-daily (exceptSunday):
7:80 A. M. I Lv...Portiand...Ar. :MA. a.
12:16 r. M. Ar...Corvnlli. .Lv. 1:H6p. m.
At Albanv and Oorvallla conneot with
trains of U. C. & K railroad.
Express trnlu-clally (except Sunday):
TJ6 p. m. I Lv...f'ortland ...Ar. ! 8:26a. h.
7:86 p. h. Ar.McMinnvilleLv I 6:60 a, .
tda and Europe can bo obtained at lowest
raios from F. U. lllckok, aitent, Ubanoii,
K. KOEIILKK. Manager.
E. P. ROGERS, Asst. O. F. itt Pass. AkL
All persons knowing themselves In
dehted to me will please cull and settle
at once, either by cash or a note, bb I
have Bold out and wish te close up my
tuoits, lib KlLSHMMBl.
James Lotan and Scid Back. The First
Pays $8000 and the Last
$5000. Lotan Pays snd
Goes Free.
Judge Bellinger ppssed sentence last
Friday upim Jaraes Lotan and SeiJ ,
Back for their complicity in the smug
gling conspiracy. Lotan was senten
ced to pay a fine of (8000 and Seid
Back a flue of 16000. There was no
Imprisonment Imposed in either case.
A week ago when the case was cal
led, sentence was posponed iu order to
allow Judge Durand to examine the
bill of exceptions, on which the pro
posed atipeal to the supreme court was
grounded. A copy of the bill of ex
oepllons was forwarded In Judge Dur
and, at Flint, Michigan, but no wore
has been received from littu. It was
thought therefore that there would be
another postponement. However,
Judge Bellinger had made up his
mind to pass sentence, and let the ap
peal be perfected afterward.
Mr. Lotan proceeded directly to the
offioe of the clerk of tbe court, and
handed Mr, Ed D. McKee, clerk of the
Uulted States district court, a check
for (8000. As that canceled the fine
and appeased the vengeance of tbe
law, Mr. Lotan walked forth a tree
man. '
As there was no imprisonment in
cludeded in the sentence, there will be
no apppeal taken to the supreme court,
and further litigation in the noted
case ends,
:. Beid Back did not have suob an easy
lime lu extricating himself from tbe
oluth of the law. He was not able to
liquidate his fine, and was accordingly
placed iu tbe custody of the court. He
was allowed to go out in charge of a
deputy United States marshal, and is
endeavoring to raise the amount of tils
fine. S.-id Back has considerable pro
perty, but It is claimed thatowiug to
the depression in tbe real estate mar
ket, that some -diflloulty may be ex
perienced in realizing, the amount of
the fi ue, either by sale or mortgage.
Iu case of failure to realize the amount
of the fine, there is ue alternative but
to go to jail.
After Eighteen Years.
A curious case was commenced In
the last term of the circuit at Tilla
mook, says the Advocate, John Ma,
limey' an old and highly respected cit
izen of Ocean Park, nearWoods, ill this
county, is the pluiutifi'. Eighteen
years ago the two were living together
as man and wile, which they were at
that time 011 a piece of government
lund. then supposed to be worthless,
but now known as Ocean Pjnk. They
had trouble 011 various, occasions, una
in 1877 Mrs. Mnlaney took most of the
children, and Mr. Malaney soys all of
bis money, aud part of his household
goods, and skipped. Four years later,
Mr. Malauey applied for a divorce, and
the usual advertisement was put in the
Suleio Stutesmun, the nearest paper at
the time, and old Judge R. P. Boise
grauted a decree of divorce. In all
this time, Mr, Malaney had not heard
from his former spouse, aud a few
years ago he married again, aud now
has a child by his lust marriage. Im
agine bis surprise to find bis first wife
filing a suit against him to have the
divorce set aside, after eighteen years
of separation, aud demanding a share
of his property, aud (300 a year to sup
port her during her life. If the divorce
is set aside It will ulso have the effect
annuliug the last niurriugeof Mr. Ma
lauey, and will brand bis lust child as
Notice to Shippers.
Kflect Aug. 21st, 1896. The rate oil
oats from Lebanon by rail to San
Francisco, Oakland wharfs, Port
Ousta and Sacramento, Oil., will be
$3,00 per ton In Carloads of 40000 11.
F. U. Hioook,
Agt. 8. P. R. R. C.
Water consumers must not sprinkle
their lawns after 8:30 p. m., ou ac
count of lire protection. Patrons vio
lating this notice, will be shut off,
KH. Allen
If you desire to purchase property at
bargain, call ou M, A. Miller,
Along the River.
' Gypsy, the O. R. 4 N. Co.'s new
boat which arrived at Salem Wednes
day morning, says the 8lateeman, and
proceeded ou up the river, did not go
any farther than the mouth of the
Santlam, where a bar that is very
near the surface of the river made the
trip farther Impossible. Captain Con
don said the boat could have passed
over tlie shoal by using lines, but this
was not considered nt-cestary so lie
headed the steamer for Salem, repell
ing here at 11 o'clock. After a tie-up
of an hour or longer, the craft started
on, her return to Portland,.. T. W.
Leii superintendent of tbe company'
water lines, thinks the river at the
Santlam bar could be made navigable
at an expense not exceeding $200, aud
such being the case, Major Post, the
government engineer, should send the
snag boat Corvallls there Immediately
w prosecute the work of dredging the
bar, and making a permanent channel
for summer navigation. A few weeks
of such work at different points ou the
Willamette above the fall .would
effect favorable changes and create a
renewal of activity among the boats f
the diOerent onmpuiies. Until the
winter, rise In the river tbe Gpysy will
make Regular trip between Salem and
Musioti landing connecting with tbe
Elmore and Modoc on alternate days
from Portland. Tbecompany will not
attempt to make the runs on regular
schedule time, consequently will not
bid for much of the- passenger traffic
at present. .
. -. Linn County Exhibit,
The county court has started the
work Of securing an exhlbl for the
state lair and the industrial exposition
at Portland, in tbe best shape possible
to make a genuine exhibit untram
melled by any side hnue scheme, and
success. The following leading cil i
lens from, different sections of the
couuty have been selected to, take
charge of gathering the articles and
shaping the character of theexhibti
Barn ,May, Harrisburg"; George A..
Dyson, Brownsville; Frank Frisbie,
Halsey; W. Powers, Sliedd; Dr. W. H.
Booth, Lebanon; W. R. Glass, Craw
fordsviile; J. S. Morris, Scio; S. R.
Douglas, Saiitiam; George Barton,
Oakville; Judge L. Fliou aud Dr. J.
L. Hill, Albany. The selection has
been carefully and wisely made and
will call out a united effort all around
to give a full, fair and complete collec
tion of tbe magnificent products of
Linn couuty. ,
The committeemen will receive no
tice of their appoiutment, aud also a re
quest to meet iu Albany on the Uth
lost, to arrange and complete the
work. Ex.
Fruit Jars.
What becomes of all the fruit jars
sold is as great a uouudrum as what
becomes of the pins. Every season
carloads of fruit jars are received here,
and there is a uever ending demand
fur them. One firm alone has this
season disposed of 6000 gross that is
72,000 dozen, or 864,000 jars. Several
other firms have disposed of probably
nearly as muny, which means several
jars for every man, woman anil child
in tli is region. "It is a wouder to me,"
said a dealer yesterday, "what become
of them. Of course, quite a percent
age get broken, but many lust years,
and it might tie supposed that in a few
years everybody would iiave a supply;
but the demand seems to Increase
every year, aud it seems us II people
would uever get enough." It is likely
that the number of people who put up
fruit grows larger every year, aud also
that the quantity put up by each is in
creased every year, as fruit becomes
better, more pleutiful and cheaper.
great Blood purifier gives freshness
and clearness to the C'omplectlon and
cures Constipation, 26 eta., 60 eta., $1
Sold by N. W. Smith.
Notice of Kxeeutrix.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may concern, -that, by an order of the
County Court for Linn County, State of
Oregon, the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed and is now the duly qualilied and
acting Kxeculrix of Hie last will and
testament of Kugcno H. Vim, deceased,
All purties indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immeiilate payment to
the undersigned, and all parties having
claims against the estate are hereby re
quired to present the saino properly veri
fied, within six months from tiie 6tb day of
April 1S96, the first publication of this
notice, to the undersigned at the oliioe of
fiaru4) XI. Oarlund, Ibai-.on, Or.
k. J. riK,
Ex. of the last will and testament of
Eugenii H, Ulm, deceased,
Bah'i M, Uiauns,
Ally, far fxasMlri.
Highest of U in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
fs&x 1
County Court,
Petition of J R Wyatt, J O Wrltf.
man, L Fttnn, E W Langdon, L E
Blalu aud about fine hundred Allien
asking fur an appropriation of $260 to
be expended for an exhibit of the
products of Linn county at the state
fair and at the Portland exposition.
Tbe costs were estimated at $100 for
preparing such exhibits especially the
various grains, fruits and grasses 111 a
suitable manner. One hundred dol
lar for a suitable person to care for
such exhibits and properly represent
Lihn county at tbe state fair and lex
position, and $50 lor suitable literature
descriptive of the product aud re
source of the county, The petition
was granted, so much of the money as
necessary to be expeuded under the
supervision and control of County
Judge Duncan, in conjunction with a
committee of seveu citizen to be ap
pointed by the county court. A war
rant for $60, principally for fruit, was
ordered drawn at once.
Iu matter of application of W. H.
Loooey etal. for county road, granted.
Damages, $60.00.
Iu matter of application of A L
Kirk et al for county road, granted.
Iu matter of application of Wm.
Baker et al, for county road, ordered
In application of J. O. Fry et al, for
county road granted.
Petition of city council for remitting
warrant of $1200 against city of Albany
was dismissed. - .
Application of Thomas Ewiug et al.
for couuty road, granted.
J M Waters was dlreoted to have
Brownsville bridge repaired.
. Bills ordered paid:
J A McFerou, sheriff. ,..$1IM 66
N Noedham, oierk j. 160 65
D F Hardman, recorder 150
J N Duncan, judge 100
P b Morris, treasurer 83 36
A R Rutherford, superintendent...... 60
FMRedfield, deputy clerk 83 36
(jEPropst, " sheriff. 66 66
John Usher, janitor. 10
M Poulsen, " 8
Albany El Lt Co 23 60
F P Nutting, printing 10 60
A R Rutherford, teachers ex 18
Elizabeth Carothers, " 18
R EMichenor, " 10 40
A R Rutherford, sundries 8
J W Richardson, thistle exterminator 6
) E Clark, road superAisor. 40
S E Young, acct poor,..,... 4 60
C Mycr, " 8 40
AiexBrandon, locating comity roads 26
J S Van Winkle, miscellaneous....,,.. 25
G D Ridinger, bridges.. 200
Mrs Clark 6
Cox family 7
Konw-orthy family 8
O T Lubker. ..: 3 SO
Robert Oillock '. , 6
F M Taylor , 10 , .
Orin Watcon .,... 5
Powers family , 10
Mr and Mtb Barnard 6
Mrs G F Junkey 8
Harry Myers , 5
James Larew , , 4
Adams , , 6
Alberts..,.. 9
Mary fi Davis 10
Hockenbury , , 8
Cregon agt John Smity 17
B Ericksou, lumber 13 40
G N Blandish, deputy sheriff 12 25
C L Morris, " 8
J C Powell, Oregon agt J Klum 1 60
B F Crow, aid poor 34 26
W F Dentins, assessor. 338 .
Q E Propst, deputy sheriff, 2
J A McFeron. sheriff. 33 63
J B Tillotson, bridge acct 6
C W Watts, printing 82 60
Albany Fair Co C and J 8 26
F E Allen, poor 3 20
S A Nickerson, lumber 15 92
J-W Pugh, per diem aud roads 15
PG Morris, mis 8 00 '
N Needliam, stamps , . 5
John Waters, perdiera 16 40
Dr Davis, acct poor SO
A J Craudall. viewing roads 8
S P Brock, roads 6
Brownsville Times, printing 10
purify your Blood, clear your com
plectiou, regulate your Bowels anil
make your head clear as a bell. 26c.
50c, and $1.00. Sold by N. W. Smith.
Hiram Buker buys -all kinds of
San Diego, Cal. Bays! "Shlloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy is the first medicine I
have ever found that would do me any
Price 60c. Sold by ft. w.
1 WMMIMsl ft
Charged With Crime.
FENDLETON, Sept. 7. A .thorough
investigation of the Wei-ton postofllce
robber resulted In the arrest of George
M. Reynolds, who was in charge of
the pnstofHce at the time Postmaster
Van Winkle was taking an nullng. in
the mountains. Deputy Sheriff Kim
berk went to Weston last night, sffore
out a complaint and placed Reynolds
uuder custody. The examination was
set for today nt one.
Reynolds refused to attempt to find
bondsmen and went to jail over nigh'.
The robbery occurred two weeks ago,
when between $300 and $10.) were tak
en from the postofiice safe between 6:00"
and 6;.10 p. 111. , :
Deputy Reynolds claimed lie went
to supper and came buck fo find the
safe rifled and the money gone. Mm
were In the vicinity of the postofnee n t
tbe time, and two sat on the steps ti n
feet from the rear door through wliicli
Reynolds claimed the robbers entered.
A peculiar circumstances is that the
lock of the rear door was found re
moved by taking out the screws fro 1
the inside as though to make it a,,-,
pear some oue came in the building
that way.
A Successful Hunt.
Captain Charles Luljens, of the seal
schooner, Kate and Anna, arrived
from Grays Harbor, Moiiday evening,
where be has been otter hunting for
the past six weeks. The catch so fur
amounted to sixteen skins, six of.
which netted the neat sum ot $1700,
the other teu hides the (-upturn ship
ped to London, and expects to real
ize on them $3000. Captain Lutjens is
on bis way lo San Franclco. He left
tbe Kate and Anna at Grays Harbor
iu charge of the first male, who will
shortly leave that port and hunt down
tne coast to Ban if rauciscc, where utip
tain Lutjens will refit the schooner
and hunt up the coast again. He con
siders this much more profitable than
going to the Japan sen, as he did sea
sons ago. Yuquina News.
Independence Moter Line.
INDEPENDENCE, Sept. 8.-Thero
Is a rumor here that the Southern Pa
cific is about to purchase or lease the
motor line from Independence to Mon
mouth and run an express train that .
will leave bere iu the morning and ar
rive in Portland at 10:00 a. 111., and '
will leave Portland at 4:00 p. m., anil'
arrive here about 7:80 p. m. The pro-'
prietors of the moter line disclaim all ,
knowledge of any sucb negotiutlous. ,
It would be a great conveience to tills
town. We could then to to the oounly
seat at Dallas In the morning, attend
to business and return in the evening,
An Allege I Counterfeiter.
Lane has been arrested by Deputy U. ,
8. Marshal Bentley atthe head of But-)
ler creek, chiuged with counterfeiting.
He is thought to bave'acconipllcrt far '
back in the Blue mountains. A gati ;
has been operating many months, uuil .
the officers have been working for evi
dence several weeks. Lane took bogus,
half dollars from his pals, paying -(
for 100 of spurious coin. These he cir-,
culated in this couuty to a large ex
tent. Lane may confess, implicating
others and lead to several arrests.
Usual After Challenge. ,,
OREGON CITY, Sept. 6.-The Ore-,
gon City fire department has Issued a,,
challenge to the Vancouver team to"
run any race of the recent tournament
at Vancouver at any place or time -named
- by the Vancouver bnyfy
other than the liome of elf her com-,
pany, for $200. The conditions arc lol
be thesame as those prescribed at Hie
tournament. -
The trusts are beginiug to ball. The .
whisky trust has been ordered sola by
courts. The cordage trust is broken
Up BIHl HOW we Hie llinniMK w .
.1... ........ b'p.,,., ,i,L- m, un :
LUC Illicit,, b, unn. i" "' "w
will sell first grade six cord thread for
4o 11 spool, seven for 25c. Three cord, t
two for 60. At the Raeket store We
also have overalls for 45, 60 and 65c.
Engineer's overalls 46, 05 and 90. '
Men's Jean pants 0o. Ladies' shoes 1
from $1.10 to z.76. Aieu s wool nuis
80 to 80s, Fur hats $1 to $1,76. Cow
by batl 76 and ll-Mi