VOL. IX. LEBANON, OREGON, SETPTEMBER 6, 1895. NO. 28. Tt RWS Of SUBSCRIPTION. : me yeat.i .v.... ,..,..,....,...I2 00 (r paid in ndvaiiiia.Sl itusc-ryot;.) mi ruhhIh.. '' riiwo months,,..,.......,,....... (....... Jjo 4iaj(U) copies.,...,. ....., 'Oo "'V;f.'; statu 0PPM:it; ' yu.Rr'- ,.....1.8nators Jnlm H. Mllrsliell.t ' " J ; i .. Iliruter HiiiBiiiiV..:i.;.,'.riU.S09nipwiii William P. Lord i..,....(ovrnor , -M K. Ki'n-ot.l...:. a Secretary of State Pl.li,1ii-"liiin,...i,...; irnwMiwr ij. I, ilrwli .'..rlitpt. Public Instruction H. W.' Leeds;,.,.,...-.,.,;..., .State Printer F, A. Moore, ., Supreme JuiIros. .C.-B,-ffwlvnuii.l ' .. v ''iui:N'rViFFIUKitS. f , Judge,. J. N, Duncan (Jlei'k, ......... N. Noedham Recorder D.'F. Hordinan Shcrlir,,... .1. A. McFcron School Nirpiiriiiondont,...,..A. It. ItiitliorfoM Treasurer P. ' Morris S Assessor .' W. F. Dnukins '.Surveyor E. T. T. Fisher Coroner K, A. Jayue '',, i John Pusb Goiiiitiianliiiivrit, j jg Mi Waters CITY OFFICIALS. 'MAYOR W.A. MILLER IlKCOH DF.lt W. M. BROWN. CITY ATTORNEY B. M. GARLAND. ritEArtl'IlKR J.F.HYDE. Jh ARS11A L .P.. W. MORGAN. f HI). KELLENBERGEK, N. 8. DAUILEKIHH, 8. H. MYIiltB. ti. W.HlCli, City Council moots an the Unit and tliird Tuesday evenings nl'uaoli mouth. Secret Sooletle. LINN TUNT, So. 1, K. 0. T, M.-MoeU ID U. A. U. Hull oil TIlilMiay evening at each week. Tnwiwnl Hlr Knudits ore annually luvllod to visit tlio rent meeting. J. A. UWWBMtt, Com, liBi.W. RliT.H K. llONOH IWKiK. No. 8. A. 0. U. W.-Moel very Tuesday evening at 0. A, ll. llaU. : U. W.CBUSON.M.W. A. W. Maiikh tied. LEBANON UllKJE, NO. 4', 1,0. O.F.-Mects very Saturday evening at Odd KctlovniHall, st 1,1'clackp.m. A. E. DAVIB, N. Q. W. C. I'ETEUHON, Bcot'y. PKAttUlKUKWA UUKiE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F. Mectsal I. 0. 0. F Hull lint and W Wednes day evonllil( of will month. S.YItAlt BAl.TMAItBU, K. 0. HATl'IB A.CRtlSON.Rool'y. LEBANON LOWIE No, 44 A. t. 4 A. M.-MceUi Hlunlayeveiiuis. on or before the fall moon In Mih month, at MMonki Hall, Cor. Main anil Grant w. Bnjmiri.tng brothom corulally invlteo toattoiid. , ' U. 0. Wal aue. Sue. "Trin"n'Tlill,l,liR W, K. 0. No. 16, jueotn ll and 3rd Fridays of onoh month at 2:30 p. m. DoU.tK K. 8l,TUBlllt, MtNniK Miw.ie. tkw'ty. Pres. UltN'L MI'.IWIB ('AMI', No. HI, Blvllon of Ore ,on, Sum of Vuternan-MMt 111 0. A. K. Hall, H,,tiii'inv oviiuIiib. MTOPt tlio third Ditllnlay of uach month, luootlim the tliird Krl ....J i.i,,.d All brothers of the Bonn of Vol ram and fomrodoof the G. A. B. are cordially Invited to meet with the Utmp. . .. s n E. a. Ca. Cant A. TlBRt.v.'l'luilSl'Sl, mm M. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, H., Meeuion Ihcid, 4th and Bin Friday avonlnii of each uiontli at 7:i p. . at u. A. it. nan. i lout iJidy Macnnlicoii are cordially Invited to llATOB BwaN, Ijuly R. K. Pouui WU. ii'dy Com, PROFESSIONAL. Sam'i. M. Garland. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON. OREGON. Weatberford & Wyatt, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ALBANY. OREGON. W.R MLYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, - ALBANY, OREGON. W. M, BROWN, Attorney.at-Law., LEBANON, OREGON. Dr. H. L. Parish, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office iu Ht. Charles Hotel, OFF10 HOURS 10:00 to 12:00 A.M. 2:00lo 4:00 P, M. I 6:30 to TlHO r. n, I HeHlrtoutw on Bridge Avenue, jillnXOH. " "lUi ( nwMliiaillii.il iiijiiiiiiii iiii iiiii'ii i ton iwTl i mCTiiTTi i fltll Ttiir REGULATOR -wvrswirrBr!!.'-'' 'ilteuder. did Ton ever take BnmrjNi Liver Kboktlatos, the "Kino of Liver Medioikhh?" Everybody need take a liver remedy. It It a sluggish or diseaaed liver that impairs digestion and naustw oonstififttion, when the watte that nhould be carried off remaint in the body and poitont th whole ayitem. That dull, heavy feeling it due to a torpid liver. Bniounesa, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion art all liver disease. Keep the liver active by an oeoasional dote of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons liver Regulator is better, than Pfu. It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. livery nackaire has the Bed Z stamp on the wrapper. J. U. Zellin & Co., FhUuUefphia. . A Clubbing Offer. A great many'of our readers Lluu county like to take the weekly Oregon- lun, We have made arrangements whereby we can furnish it at a reduct ion from tlie regular price to those who want both the Exi'KKBn and the Oregniilan. , The regular price of the Orcgidiiaii is $1.6(1 per year, and of the Exi'liKHs $1.50 when in advance. We will furnish both f r $2. per year in advance a enving of one dollar to the sulwc. Ipor. Tlie Oregonluu gives all lite geuurul hews of the country once a wiek, und tlie Kxprkba gives all the liieul ni -ws ontw a week, wbidi will nuike a most excelleut news service for the moderate sum of 12. per year. Tli'ise who are at prewut sutmcribers ,f ilie Kxphehb uiust pay in all arrear ages and one year in advance to obtaiu this speelal price. East and South VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE . OF THE : Southern Pacific Co, Express truliia leave Fori land daily: 11:30 I'. M. . I,v....I'(irtluud Ar. i 8:10 A. M 12:10 P. . l.v...All,ii,y., ..Ar. 4 :.r0 A. l 10:lfi A. M. i Ar.Hiiti l-'rnVciM-o l.v ! 0:liOj. H '1'iie niiove tral' a Htnp tit K-imI Fort Initil, Ontiiii City, Voiirl.iUi'U, Bulem, Turner, nlurliui, JifliMsun, AHwiiy, Ali'iiny .lunctlitn, TuhkomI, Hhedd, linUey, lliiiilliui'K, .lu'ni'lliin City, Irving, Kutreiie, (!i'enwell. Drtiinx and alt Ktiitliins from Koseliuig anulli to and including Aslilund. lioHidmrp mall daily: A. n.fi .v "ri'ortland ...Ar.' I iMtTi. 12:25 p. M. Lv...All,any Ar. 1:13 p. M. 6:60 P. . I Ar...Koseburn..I.v. 8:00 a.m. Local pasaengor trains daily (except Sunday. 8:211 A. V. 0:1(1 A. M. 4:W P. M. 6:20 P. H. Lv...Alliany......Ar. Ar...Leliaiion..Lv. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar... Lebanon ...Lv. 10:40 a.m. 9:40 A. M. 41:46 P. M. 6:60 P. M. Dining Cars on Og&en Route. Pullman Biiffht Sleepers -AND- , Second-Class Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Trains. West Hide lMvlBlon. BkTIVIEN FoaTLAHD AND CoKTAM.II. Mall train daily (except Sunday): 7:80 T.'itTi Lv.Portland "...Air. I 6:20 a. . 12:15 P. x. A.rf..Uirvullis. .l.v. 1:86 r. M. At Albanv and Oorvallis connect with trains of 0. C. E. railroad. ICxprets traiii-,duily (except Sunday): 4:40 P. M. 7:S6p. m. Lv. .. Portland ...Ar. 8:25 a.m. Ar.McMinnvillcLv 6:60 a. u, THROUGH TICKETS "cin ada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from F, U. Hickok, agent, Lebanon. It. KOEHLEK, Manager. E. P. ROGERS. Asat. 0. F. A Pass. Ant. Notice. , All persons knowing themselves In debted to me will please call and settle at onoe, either by cash or a note, nt I have told nut and with t close tip my books, EC RHU1WHW4U. PORTLAND TO SALEM AN ELECTRIC ROAD PROJECT Resignation of Dra. W. A, Cusick and Clara Davidson ai ' Physicians at the Asylum. '" SALEM, Aug. Bl.-There Is at least a probability that the project to con nect Balem and Portland by an elec tric railway will be revived with the dawn of better times. The scheme Was well under way three years ago- just at the time to lie thwarted by the financial crisis. F. X. Derby, superin tendent of the capltol railway, has been asturjed of capital by an eastern firm to build and equip the , Hue. There is ample wstrr-power for the generation of elect rlcty between the two points, and Mr. Derby estimates that 1760,000 will put the line In oper ation. His plan was to purchase a strip of lsd one half mile wide along the route and divide it Into small tracts fur sale. - The route, as oouleui plated by the projectors, was eaat of Oregon City, but Mr. Derby thinks It not altogether Impracticable to go be tween the liver and tiluft at that poiut without crossing the former. As an Investment, Mr, Derby Is positive that an electric Hue connecting Salem and Portland would pay. With AO.fXO peo ple at one end of the line, and 15,000 at the other, to draw from, and tlie lu tevening tributaries, passengers, be thinks, could be carried from Salem to Portland or Portland to Salem for 60 cent" at a profit to the road. It Is not at all improbable that this enterprise will be agsln taken Tip aird pushed to completion lu tb near future. The resignation of Dr.W. A. Cusick, visiting physicieu, and Dr. Clara Davidson, lady physician of the asy lum, will be considered at the meet ing of the board next Tuesday. In bis resignation Dr. Cusick generously of fered bis service gratuitously hereaf ter, In requesting ber release Dr. Davidson shows diplomacy by asking for an increase of wages. Speaking of the resignations, Dr. Paine said it was purely a matter of economy. The salaries of the two amount to $1600 a year. A stenographer will be employ ed Instead, said the superintendent, who will take all the clerical work of tlie physicians, and a weekly clinic will be established. All cases not de manding Immediate attention will be deferred until clinic day, Another in novation is said to be in contempla tion whioli Is the Introduction of trained nurses. The Michigan Mines. I8HPEMING, Mich., Aug.-8Lr-Learnlng that the striking miners had given forcible opposition to the depu ties who have been ebosen to guard the steam shovelers, who are coming from the outside points, It was today decided by the local authorities to call for trooHi. Seven companies of the state mlll'la have been ordered out, and are moving toward bpbenilng lb' night. The news is gladly received by the merchants and many working- men who have been out of employ ment for seven weeks, and who have not the courage to oppose the strikers. Four cars ofsbovelmen arrived today by special train, and are quartered at the Lake Augeliue, Lake Superior and Cleveland mines. The shovels will be started Monday. A loss of over $500,000 has been caused thus far by the strike. There was a large meeting of strikers in tills city today, und much excite ment was shown, due to the news that the shovels would be started Mouday. Labor Day. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 81.-The federal offices will all be closed od la bor day, The heads of departments were uncertain for a time, but each finally Issued an order to close his office Monday. Duty-paid vessels will be allowed to discharge as usual. The day will not be observed as state holiday. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga Tenn. says, "Shlloh's Vttaliter 'HAVED MY LIFE.' I oouslder it the beet remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dj s epsla. Liver or Kidney trouole It excels, rrtoe touis Hold by N. W, Smith. . If yes desire to purchaM property at I mw m w "' . The Women'of Utah. SALT LAKE, Utah, Aug. 31. -The supreme court lias decided that wo men cannot vote at the coining elec tion in November. The cnievaine up on appeal in the suit of Sarah E. And erson agalntt Charles Tyree,- register officer at Ogileu, Involving the ques tion of wennu voting, i Chief Justice Men lit rendered th decision May. He snld that Judge Bartch and himself had arrived at conclusion. Judge jCiug dissented on the subject. Mrs. Anderaon had asked that her name be placed on tlie reglstrer roll. Judge Merritt said the Edmonds-Tucker law bad not been re pealed and would remain effective un til statehood was achieved. Section t of tlie enabling act had extended the franchise among males, but bad not referred to females. To allow ftuiak s to vote wojhi be in conflict with the act and was forbidden. There had been stress laid upon the fourth sec tion of the enabling act, where the "qualified voters of the pre-posed-state" were authorized to vote. In bis; view these qualified voters were those qual-' Ified under existing laws and the en abling act. There has been no inten tion on the part of the constitutional convention to allow woiueu to vote at the first election In November .next, but to allow them to vote thereafter. This was clearly shown in section 11, of the schedule of the constitution. Twelve Men at Last. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. zsi-Tbe tedious work of completing a Jury to try Theodore Durrani for the murder of Bland) Larnont was ended .today by the acceptance of Smauel E. Dut ton, a wholesale stationer, as the twel fth juror. - After the information bad been read, both sides joined in 'a re quest for for an adjournment,-Until Monday, promising that there should be no further delays until the comple tion of the case. The court after soma hesitatlen, grunted the request fr ad. journmedt, giving notice to council that h fwild probably hold court on Saturdays uutll the tettiujony in the ease Is all In. . . : Monday the case will be opened by District Attorney Barnes. Bis address Is expected to cover the entire case, and to marshal all the ntaterial points of the prosecution. He had at first in tended to ask that two extra Jurymen be selected as a reserve, but this idea was abandoned. The difficulty ex perieuoed In obtaining twelve jurors and the uncertainty of the constltu. tlonalityof the law passed at the last legislature permitting a Jury of four teen in crimiual cases satisfied (be district attorney to proceed with the talesmen already secured. A New Star For the Flag WASHINGTON, Aug. SO.-Anotu- er star, the forty-fifth, will be added to the flag. Tlie new star will repre sent Utah, and tlie order for lis add! lion to the national colors was issued ly Secretary Lament. The star will be placed to the right of the fourth row from tlie top. The order for the aditional star is ac companied liy one changing the size of (lie volort. Heretofore the tlnudard has been six feel by live. Tlie new order makes I he regulation site five feet six inches hy four teet four Inches. The order provides for new colors to be Issued to all Infantry, artillery and battalions of engineers, and also for new standards fur all cavalry. The new flags will lu vory handsome. They are to lie made of the finest American tilk, and their cost will be considerable. ' Utah will not attain statehood until July 4, next, but all the Bugs hereafter contracted for and issued will contain a star heralding th admission of that territory into the Union of States. Badly Bruised. BOSEBURG, Aug. SO.-A party, consisting of S C. Flint rnd wife, Thomas Hlukle, Mltw a Jennie Buick and Marie Wissiug, left Koschiug this morning fur Tioptt, tuemy-llve miles east of here. When within Ave miles of their destl' atlon uml at Icne Rock feiry, on a heavy grad1.', the neckyoke of tlie hack luoke, frightening the horses. In running down grade the back struck a large tree, throwing all out in a hea. The ladies received lome bruises, and Hiukl was badly bruised about the bead. Flint was badly injured ala'Ut the legs, and when the luivaeuger left was unable to epeuk. Mrduul uiteiidance left this evening. SHILOH'S CUBE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, Is in great demand, FookeUlat contains twenty-five only goo. Children love It, Sold by Vt. W Bruithi ' . ' ' ,, ' i)UtVi6iterU)ittia. 1 -v. 1, ,t Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report s -4aV' m&immx pure He Cried Wolf too Often. j NORTH YAKIMA, Aug. 31. -Today, while a party of boys were bath ing iu the Yakima river, one of them, Chester Roseufeldt, cried nut he Was drowning. He had on several occa sions, made this claim in sport, mid no attention was paid to It until he wenl under for the tliird tisne. Then his companions went to his rescue, but It was ten minutes before he could be gotten out. His body was still warm, but efforts at reeusciatinn proved futile The deceased was the son ot J. W. Rusenfeldt, a well-known merchant 01 this city, and formerly of Portland. Rea I is a Free Man. SALEM, Aug. 30. The Rev. J. C. Read received his discharge from the insane asylum today, and returned to Oregon City, where he expects to re main a short time. It is his intention to go to California soon. Congressman Clark on Yaquina. Congressman C. W. Clark, of Mis souri, who recently returned from a week's stay at Yaquina, has been down to Astoria. In an interview he said, among other things: - 1 "I am on a visit to the Pacific coast for strictly business reasons, as I be lieve that I cannot fill the time before congress meets better than by thorough ly posting myself not only on the gen eral condition of things in the West, but also on special matters m which thecenteral government is concerned. At Yaquina Bay, where I have been staying for the past week, I thoroughly inspected the govern ment works, and was shown great kindness by Captain Synionav It is a pity to haye the fact thurst on one' notice tbat in the building of alt these great national undertakings, there are glaring faults, not In tlie matter of ac tual construction, but in tlie methods employed. The work at Yaquina Bay lias taken thirteen years to complete to it present stage, when three years would have been ample time. There have been three stoppages with a break of years between each, mid the whole thing shows plainly on its sur face the result of such a patchwork policy. I believe and Intend to advo cate with all my strength in the gov ernment running its business just in the same manner as any level headed private citizen would look nf:cr his own interests. Why should under takings of this character he built by sections, and fits and starts. Why cannot tlie national government de cide what work is necessary, appropri ate a sufficient amount of money to take it to a completion, und then lose no time in tluihlng it up? The day I left Yaquina the superintendent in charge was busy dismantling und housing ull the machinery for the fa1! and winter months, spending valu able time and government money In doing something that should have lieen wholly unnecessary. Tillamook Fisherman, The flsheruteu of Tillamook nre or ganised and ask twenty cents apiece for silver sides and fifty cents apiece for Chinook salmon, says the Head light. About fifteen fishermen have been brought In from the Columbia, and it is thought there will be trouble if they atteuip to fish at tlie old price fifteen and thirty cents. The can uerymen claim that fish were so plen tiful this year on the Columbia and that prices are so low that It Is impos sible to accede to the demands of the flsln mien. Tlie fishermen claim that 'over $1 per fish is paid on the Colum bia; that the prices asked are very low, and that they can make more by uot fishing, or sending what few they do catch across the mountains for the valley trade. They say the cannery leaves no money here, and that those who do fish come out about even at the end of the sea son, and that it Is JuBt as well to let the fish rest and breed for a year. The fishermen are determined, and it Is ru mored there will be Iniuhlo if anj. body tries to fish at the low prices. On the other hand, the proprietors of tlie cannery say they ll have no trouble, but will pull up t takes and abandon fitblng tblt year If there Is any strike. . Buy you tickets East over the N..P, i&UtY, ,C'jN4fMMiM akini Telling Soil. "Four Calcutta ks of dirt lying on the college farm, Buys the Corvullis Gazette, attract the atlentltn of I ho pedestrian who goes out to the O. A. C. building. Each tack contains a sample of soil, one hundred pounds in weight, aud is to be shipped buck to Ihe Department of Agriculture nt Washington, there to be experimenti d with In order to ascertain what ele ments it comprises, and for what pur poses it is best adapted. The soil ia taken out of the ground In layers two inches In thicki ess, tlie Hist one coin ing from Ihe top of the ground. Tlie next layer Is t' ken out at a depth of eight inches, the next one at two, and tbe fourth at four feet of depth. The accumulation and the shipment of the samples of soil Is under direction of Prof. Bhaw, chemist at the experimct station, and the samples are being gatherered from all parts of the farm, and are to represent all Ihe various kinds of sou found within the farm's borders. Tbe sacks seen on the cam pus were taken from the old farm, and are specimens of Oregon's well known 'white land." They will be started on the journey east in a day or two. Railroad Hogs. The Rnsebnrg Review is sorry to chronicle the news that the recent shipment of green plums, to the east ern markets through Ihe Oregon Fruit Union have proven financially unsuc cessful. The fruit sold from sixty-five to eighty-four cents a box, certainly a good price, and shippers expected fair profits but was disappointed when their checks arrived. It seems that it was represented tn the fruit growers here that tbe freight would be one and a quarter cents a pound, but when the returns from the shipments came, it figured up two cents or more, leaving growers little or nothing. Judge Rid dle shipped 2400 pounds of plums and received a check for $74, having paid $75 for picking aud placing tlie fruit aboard the cars. He was out his plums $1 In money and the hoard of the pickers. Mr, Godfrey's plums sold fit the rate of $2.25 cents a bushel and the railroad let him have 6 cents of it, keeping the $2.20. Sold at Sheriff's Sale. Sheriff McFeron sold at sheriff's sit!o Saturday five pieces of laud for cluinw aggregating $13,684.42. The plai'itlll was purchaser In each case and tin sales were as follows: The German Savings aud Loan So ciety, U. 8., plaintiff The Portland Construction company, 609 acres, toll fnr$9650. Emma F. Hopkins vs. Ella M. Mer rill et al.; house aud lutlu Albany soi l for $1300. : " John C. Roe vs. Vina C. Simmons et al ; two lots in the town of Lyon?, sold for $175. David Link vs. Charles Metzgci ; house and lot in Albany, $382.32. M. B. Reeves vs. John Isom, et. al ; town lots in Albany, sold for $a072. K. Races. "The races at the Albany fair ground tracks, on September 12, 13, aud 11, promises to be great success and will be attended by mauy fast horses. Tbe program will be about as follows: First day 2:20 class pacing; 2:30 class trotting. ' Second day Free for all trot; 2:30 class pacing, Third day -Free for all pacing; 2:40 trot. Special for Linn county horses. Admission, 25 cents; ladies and chil dren free. The trusts are begining to ball. The whisky trust has been ordered snld hy courts. The cordage trust Is broken up and now we are making war upon the thread trust, From now on we will sell first grade six cord thread for 4'ja spool, seven for 25c. Three curd, two for 5. At the Backet store. We also have overalls for 46, 50 aud 05c. Engineer's overalls 45, 65 and 90. Men's Jean pants 80o. Ladies' siloes from $1.10 to $2 78. Men's wool hats 30 fo 30c. Fur bats $1 to $1.75. Cow biy hats 76c and $1.60, SHILOH'S CURE is tild on a guarantee. It eorea Incipient Con sumptloDi It Is tbe best Cough Cure Only on atlt. dr . ., B0ct,,