The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 30, 1895, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
FfllDAY, AUGUST 80, 1895,
Watermelons are becoming plentiful,
- Mra. C, B. Montague is visiting In
Albany tills week.
Tlie hum oflho wood anw Is again
heard on the streets.
A. M, Orllley, of Bolom, it visiting
Mr. Mullt tills week.
Wheat win 81) J mid cats 16 at the
warehouse yesterday,
Hon. J, K. Weatlierford, of Albany,
was in the city Monday.
Mr. Foster, a large stock raiser near
Onrvallls, spent Sunday In the city.
Pete Smith, of Scln, was In Tiehanon
Monday looking after his property in
forests. Mr. Aldrloh Is building a new side
walk on the property rented Iy (. W.
Magnificent peaches are daily
iirought to market from neighboring
Miss Lena Whipple, of Knirene. Is In
the city visiting her sister, Mrs. II. J.
The city authorities are shoulng
commendable zeal in graveling the
Hop growers are experiencing much
difficulty In gelling the necessary funds
for picking their crops,
Mr. F. M, French, of Albany, passed
through here Monday, from Hodavllle,
whore Ills family is sojourning.
The Exfhhsh in in need of money,
and would appreciate It if those owing
us on inscription would pay up.
T. r. MoKnlght brought us a dim
ple of chlnkory last week, which
measured over eighteen inches In
Miss Fannie Orlggs returned to
Lebanon Wednesday evening after a
three weeks visit witli her parents in
Hon, ' C B. Montague left Tuesday
for Vancouver, Washington, to look
after his bulsuess Interests at that
Rev. A. Melvln William left yester
day for Junction City where he will
preach every evening this week and
There will be no presetting in the
Cumberland Presbyterian church Hun
day. The pastor ill preach ill Junc
tion city.
N, W. Smith has returned from an
extended bicycle ride to eastern Ore
gun and can find no fault with his
new Columbia.
I)r. Cheadle and wife returned from
Portland Wednesday evening, They
moved Into their new residence on
Main street, jcalirday,
Miss Liillu Purdy who has been
sending a few weeks In this oily left
for her home in Corvallls, Monday.
Miss Purdy made a number of warm
friends here.
,Mlss Ethel Blxby, who has becu
spending a few weeks with the family
of her uncle, Kev. J. H. Beattle, left
Wednesday morning for her home In
Oregon City.
Kev. H. P. Webb, for three years
pastor of the M. K. ehurch of Albany,
and quite well and favorably known
at this place, died iu WUIeburg, Ore-
gon, August Hit.
Mr. .1. H. Smith brought us a sample
this week of some very lino plums of
tile Golden Drip variety, raised at his I
home on Bridge avenue. They mens-1
ured seven and a quarter inches in cir
cumference. G. F. Know lea, proprietor of the
Bucket store, has rented the Montague
tore room by the postolllee, where he
will move his goods, and has rented
B.C. Miller's residence, on Main street
where lie will move Ills family.
Mr. Isaac plc&lnson, (if 9rdgcwater,
9. 'Dakota, an old friend of U. F,
Klinwuls arrived In the city last week,
He was so favorably Impressed with
this valley, that be deslded to locate,
and has leased A. Umplirey's ranch
for the coming year,
Mr. E. Kecliler brought us In a
bushel of the II nest pouches last Si'tur
day we ever saw; southern Oregon
nd California niilerepted. For taste
and jtavor, they could not he boat. Mr.
feebler Is ope of tlie moat prospers
farmers in the oounty.
The horsemen and others of Albany
are arralnghig for three days races at
the fail' grounds, September 13, 18 and
14. This will he just before the state
fair, and the fast horses assembled at
Portland and Salem will he there, It
promises to an enterestlng meeting,
The barn on the Unger place near
Sweet Home was burned about the
first of the month, Unger had pol
icy In the Liverpool, London & Globe
Insurance oompaiiy for $500, A
check was received yesterday bv Mr.
linger for MtT.88, the amount agreed
Biion In settlement, promptness
iif tm 'lio'aipwi Is fcraUfyli lu Hr,
jjiipf, ,tyiBl WtM,l
Roads are dusty.
Hop picking begins Monday.
Go to Hiram Baker tor your wall
For pure linseed oil, call on M. A.
Mr. Ansorgls' new house Is nearly
Miss Duraond Is selling millinery at
hard time prloes.
Pure paints and oils of all kind at
Smith's Pharmacy.
Remember Chandler ! the praotlcal
tinner and plumber.
Smith has Just added fifty new books
lo his circulating library,
If you want to sell property list It
with Peterson A Andrews,
J. C, Mayer wes doing business in
Albany two days this week,
You can get 6 loaves of bread at
Mayer & Kimhroiighfor 25 cts,
If you want to buy property call on
or write Peterson & Andrews.
Much lumber is iH'Ing used In build
ing and repairing cross wiillta,
If you desire lo purchase properly at
a barguln, call on M. A. Miller.
Buy you tickets East over the U. P.
It. It of W. (' Peterson, I, win agent,
George Rice represents some of the
best lUHunmee companies In the world,
Tlie c rpeiili rs working on Mr,
Baker's house, will soon have It com
pleted. Call and see those elegant tails that
were received at Bach & Buhl's this
Born, lo tlx wile of . F. Hall, Au
gust So, a son. Molher and baby are
doing well.
Anyone wlshliijj well seasoned rustic
anil flooring, slioulil call on M. A.
George Rice wrlies all kinds ot in
surance, and solicits a share of your
Slate Normal School, Drain, Oregon.
Write for catalogue. Free. Louis
Bane, president.
When you want to buy a suit of cloth
ing you will save money by getting
it at Bach & Buhl.
Robert B. Montague returned Mon
day from a visit to the Bound cities.
He reports a fine (rip.
Farmers, grease your machinery
with Eldorade Caetar machine oil.
For sale by N. W. Smith.
All knowing themselves ludebled to
me will please call and settle at
once, M. A. Miu-KK.
After June 1, Miss Dumoud will sell
all millinery goods at cost. Stock per
fectly new and the latett, call and tie
Carptts, carpets, carpets. Matting
multli g, matting. Buy of the Albapy
Kiirnilure Co Baltimore Block. Al
bany, Oregon.
Insure your property with Peterson
iAdniews. They are agents for the
Old Reliable, Home Mutual, Hew
Zealand, Springfield of Massachusetts,
Continental, and other good, reliable
W. H. Clcuveiicer, while running
yesterday, with the hose team to (he
fire, fell down and Ibe cart past over
ills lieud. He was not seriously hurt,
but hart a close call from been Instant
ly killed.
A fire was discovered on the roof of
one of Mr. Montague's buildings yes
terday. Tlie alarm was given and the
boys responded, but a few buckets of
water soon extinguished I lie flumes.
The damage was small,
Bishop Wilson of the M. K- Church
South, from Baltimore, on Ins way to
attend the annual conference at Oak'
land, preached to a 1 rp' audience in
the ehurch of that denomination here
Tuesday evening. As the Democrat
remarked In regard to Ills sermon iu
Albany Sunduy,"he did not talk about
bicycles, but preached u plain, practi
cal sermon." .
Threshing iu this vicinity Is almost 1
at au end, and several of the crews are I
already jaying up h!r niochipes. ipiie
harvest in all Miw be$ll !" (Wtlwt we I
have ever witnessed In Oregon, Hay
hauling and gruln hauling now ocuupy
the lu liners' time. The large yield
and fair prloes Indicated give a new
Impetus to rustic toll, and all things of
the farm uud road betoken belter
The entertainment, "Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs," given at the
Opera house by local talent, under the
direction of Will C. Aylswnrtb lust
Saturday evening was uierlterloua lu
every respect, and reflects credit ou,
the talent' of the city aud Its popular
management, A fair house was well
pleased, aud u answer to the general
wish, tlie entertainment rill be repea
ted this Friday evening. We bespeak
agoud bouse,
J. C. Bllyeu brought a specimen of
his hops to this oftloe yesterday which
beat any In size, that we have ever
saw; measuring four and a quarter
Inches in. length; well filled and solid.
We notice some of of ojr exchanges
braaKlntf over thi'M luota hops, but
four and a tjuurter luoh u It looia
thing every hudy hut Uot liaard of b
fore, Mr, Bllyau but a Am ybuug
yard wttltih promise! a uoi ylil tlila
all., will iiRiiiW iliikM
The dry weather is Injuring the
potato crop.
Mr. Hester Bland and family con
template a wecks'Vlsffto the ocean. "',
Albert Drum, of Colorado, and
brother, are guests at the St. Charles.
Ed Kellenberger, Vein Blodget, 3.
B. Thompson and Will Pervls drove
to Brownsville Wednesday evening.
Mr. Bush, Salem's great banker,
was in the cHy Saturday. He had
been to Waterloo wilh his daughter.
The item about Ike Basta'a gold
separator, printed on the first psge,
should have been credited to the Al
bany Democrat.
Money to loan. A limited amount
of money to loan on good farm secur
ity, Call upon or write to 8. N.
Steele & Co,, Albany, Oregon.
Rev. W. 8. Molloy and wife, of this
city, and Mr. Doughtou, of Spiecr, ore
attending conference of the M. K.
Church South at Oakland, this week.
HurryWilBon has applied fora patent
on a hop press of his own Invention
that will eclipse anything now in
use. He went to Albany on Wednes
day's local for the purpose of making
putfernt for use lu casting the iro i
portions of his press. He expects U
hove one of these machines ready for
work some time this week. Harris-!
burg Review. I
Haiurday afternoon about thirty
ladies gathered at. the residence of Dr.
Booth, and with Mrs. John Reed at
the head, armed with a whip, started
in a body to the residence of Mrs. F.
M. Miller and took poccssion, it being
her fiftieth birthday. After an hour
spent In social conversation, all de
parted wishing their host many happy
returns of the day.
Mr. Tom Atteridge and Mr. Tom
Hozeu were brought before Justice
Lovelce on Wednesday and pleaded
guilty to falling to properly bury a
dead horse that had Iweu left near Mr.
John Rolierls place. It seems that
there was no intention of violating Hie
law and the partle were released with
a small fine, agreeing to at once bury
the animal. Mr. Roberts' house was
badly scented by the carcass.
Charles Harmon, of Roseburg, a
brother of A. Harmon, formerly of Al
bany, has a patent Tor an improved
Btove oven. The pateut is for a rotary
bottom to the oven so arranged that
the cook can, by the turn of a thumb
screw on the outside turn a loaf, pie or
roast lu the oven without taking them
out as In the old way. Also if tlie
bottom of the oven tiecomes too hot,
the cook can by the turn of a thumb
screw elevate tlie loaf so as to prevent
burning or scorching. Ex.
The order of Independent Foresters
fouudered lu Newark, N.J., lu 1874,
and claiming to be Die best frat.rnal
benefit society in the world, is forming
a court In Lebanon. All wishing to
take advantage of cheap rates should
send iu their names immedeately to
Dr. H. L. Parish, of this city; or t!. U.
Burkhart, of Albany. The order has
5,000 members iu California, and large
courts iu Portland and Salem. Yvm.
Sanderson, Hupt., Portland, Or.
The trusts are begiulng to ball. The
whisky trust has been ordered sold by
courts. 1'be cordage trust is broken
up and now we are making war upon
tlie thread trust. From now on we
will sell first grade six cord thread for
4c a spool, seven for 25c. Three cord,
two for 6c. At the Racket store We
also have overalls for 45, 50 aud 65c
Engineer's overalls 45, 65 and 00.
Mien's Jean pants 80c. Ladies' shoes
from U.JO to (2. 75. Men's wool huts
80 fo 80c. Fur hats $1 to $1.75. Cow-
boy huts 75c and $1.50.
Several young people lu this vicin
ity are preparing to enter school this
fall throughout the state. , As before
quite a few from Lebanon will attend
the Albany college. Tills popular
faculty deserve credit for placing the
institution, of which Linn county Is
justly proud as her feuding institution
0f learning, on a firm college basis,
'fhe corpse In many respects Is on a
plir Bi()l W(U,rll institutions, The
conservatory of music, recently organ-
toed under Prof. Z. W. Parvln, assist, d
by Misses Heltt Gilbert and Maggie
Alderson, will he tlie best equipped
conservatory iu Oregon.
The evungeletitlc meetings conducted
by Rev. E. R. Ross of tlie M. E.
church South in this city closed last
Sunday evening. For two weeks, this
bright conseeriilcil man has preached
(wlceaday to fair audiences. There
is u power wi,th him that has never
been, manifest iu auy oilier evangelist
Who has visited and preached here.
He gave long discourses in his owu
peculiar tongue and style and wilh a
power that held 1) Is audience bound to
Ills theme with eagerness to hear every
word, While the results of this meet
ing do not look large to the visible
world, we will guarantee that there
has been good accomplished by this
series of meetings. Rev. Ross has
made many warm and sincere friends
among the citizens of this community,
and the members of all the churches;
I h will reoelve a true, aud royal we),
aauia from these people If ever lie fjiid.
I tltua lo agalii sojourn in our olty, He
; hit Monday for Urabtreo where Ik will
; ptd a WMk, tlmn ttn to Corvallls.
lf.fiy,fi:i aurjim tu aoitiinq n-
Water consumers must not sprinkle
thcjrJawpsjtljcrJJ;30.p..jBi.l 0U ac
count of lire protection, Patrons vio
lating this notice, will be shut off.
Notice to Shippers.
Effect Aug. 21st, 1895. The rate, on
oats from Lebanon by rail to Ban
Francisco, Oakland wharfs, Port
Costa and Sacramento, C'al., will he
13.00 per ton in Carloads of 40000 Ibe.
. F. U, HtCOCK,
Agt. S. P. R. R, C,
' Probate Court.
In estate of Henry Bear, final settle
ment set for September 7.
In estate of'Z. B. Moss, allowance
granted widow; final account approv.
V, A. Carter was appointed admin
istrator of the estate of May Vaughn;
bond $200.
In estate of Nancy Marks, Inventory
filed; personal property, 174.94: per
sonal property ordered sold.
In estate of A. V. Oamiite. senii-an-
iiuul account filed and attorney fee of
$50 allowed.
In e.-lute of John Fagan, final settle
ment set for October 7.
Iu estate of Eliza Denny, inventory
filed; real property, $18,500; personal,
$16,877.35; total, $35,468.35. ;
III estate of Naucv Dickens, insane.
guardian discharged, balance disrrlbu
ted among heirs. !
Iir estate of H. K. Stover, final ac
count sel for October 7.
New lotsjust in. Black and staple
shades. Ceuteineri, button and genuine
Foster hok. Also, extra fine lines for
$1 per pair.
S. E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Or.
Notice ibr Publication
Vkitkd States Land Ofeice,
Oregon, City, Osegon,
June h 1895.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance n ith the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "Au act for
the sale of timber lands in the states of Cal?
ifornia. Oregon, Nevada ajid Washington
Territory," us extended to all the Public
Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Aut
liusta lleinicss, of Oregon City, oounty of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this oflice hep sH'orn statement No.
2857, for the purchase of the of n w
n e H of s w K and s w of n e y. of Sec
tion No. 22 in township No. 10 south, range
No. 5 east, and will offer proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable tor
its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the register and receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday,
tlie Sith day of August, 1895.
She names as witnesses: J L Berryof
Berry, Oregon, Win T Whitlock of Berry,
Oregon, Hubert Correll, of Berry, Oregon,
George Muytmrn of Berry, Oregon. Any
and all jiersons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
26th day of August, (895.
ItoHEitf A. JIiukb,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard,
Power & Tomlinson
Having consolidated th
IQwey and J. L. Tomlinson.
Now located on Second,
! Street
Your Dollar
Your Dollar
LUfrl B E It.
Parties desiring lumber can get
all kiuds at short notice, and at bot
tom prices, ofHumphrey&McNee,
on Hamilton creek; or atS A. Nick
erson's planer at Lebanon, Oregon.
A large stoc of all kinds always
on hand at both places, except black
walnut. Humphrey &McI$ee.
tMiliiUiiitHl"1""""tl'ltmitr'i""" I -.
TttTi TTtt tTTTttt TttTTttTTtTtTTTt fTnTr TtttttI tt
Liberal discount for teams coming a long distance.
Hendoquartors for
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Furniture.
Our aim in business is to sell CHEAP for cash. Our
motto is "To lead but never follow." Our stock is large and
embraces everything needed to furnish a home. Call on ua
and examine our goods any get prices before purchasing
anything in our lino. Our stock is much larger this iall
than ever before,
Below is a Partial List of What We Carry.
Windows, doors, glass, builders hardware, carpenters
tools, plain and barbed wire, horse shoes, nails, belts etc.
Ranges, stoves, stove pipes, terracotta chimneys, graniU
ware, tinware, pitcher and force pumps, pipes and plumbers
Plows, harrows, wagons, washing machine, wringers,
churns, brooms and brushes.
Tu,hs, pails, birdcages, moulding, picture frames,
curtain poles, window shade.,- wallpaper, carperts matting,
linoleum, oil cloth rugs eto. . -
Bedroom sets, ehoffanieri, easy chairs and furniture of
a kinds, springe, wootteda, pillow eta.
Leather, UU, shoe ail, garden hot and lixtum,
mmunition w. MrJMftgw'i old itmA.
How Much It
Will Buy.
$ $ !
k .........
How Much It
Will Buy.