The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 30, 1895, Image 2

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    Lebanon) Express.
Editor - and Proprietor
Printers' Ink buj'b: "The, best
place to put an advertisement is in
the paper that enjoys the confi
dence of the eommaiflty.nAV!
Are the people of Oregon to' be
" afflicted witlf arTafffuineiit through
the press, TJetween Tiiuotny?Tug
mutto'ri Geer and Dr.Sydney Dell?
Texas is a big state with great
possibilities. . Of -the 2U counties
into which the state is sub-divided
sixty-fuur are so thinly,: populated
they no local newspapers, and
in fifteen of these counties there is
not a single poetodice. .
Some holiness fanatios of Indiana
have set September 15, as the day
on which the world will come to
an end, and are making their ar
rangements accordingly.. They
claim to have a divine presenti
ment to that effect. .
A good point for business, men
to bear in mind when writing
their ads. is to ."pick . out their
strongest point in the good, put
it in -simple phnse and peiSistently
use it." Such advertising; pays.
. Tiie bent man in the church does
Hut always seat . himself ..inu the
"amen corner." We have seen him
occupy 11 less conspicuous seat, and
be content to take a doorkeeper's
place in the house of God, and ; he
commanded the confidence and te
gpect of all'whb knew"him.' '
A company with $1,000,000 cap
ital has been formed to build nn
elevated bicycle road from Chicago
to Milwaukee. It is to be sixteen
feet wide and nearly--straight. r.-It
is to be a toll road charge 10 Cents
and it is thought that 2(1,000 per
sons will travel .over it every day.
The fourth annual re-union of
soldiers and sailors will the held at
Ashland, September 17 tt) 2i,4895.
Among the rioted' speukers who
will be present will be Senator
Mitchell, ex-Senator J)olph, bent
tor McBride, Congressman Her
mann, Captain O. - . C." Applegate
and General Compson. ' latest bulletn, just issued,
by the Oregon Fruit Union says
that "the eastern markets still re
main firm and the outlook grows
more favorable for the shipper."
That means,, we suppose, that the
railroad companies will realize
more fromj.the shipments of our
fruit growers. they- seem' to take
all the proceeds.
A new law in New York goes in
force September 1, which requires
secrecy to be maintained by all
who handle telephone "messages.
Under it provisions any telephone
employe who improperly .reveals a
message may be fined $1000 or im
prisoned for six months 'and the
same penalty is fixed for any per
son who wrongfully obtaius a mes
sage. The law makes mo distinc
tion as far as secrecy is concerned
between the telegraph and the tel
ephone. . '
The editor of the Portland Lead
er, a populist paper, in a farewell
address to his readers gives evi
dence of a contrite heart and re
turning sanity r "My debt of grat
itude to those who have done all
they could to sustain the, paper is
only exceeded by the debt I . owe
for presswork. If Gi)d in his in
finite wisdom and mercy will for
give me for neglecting my family
in my- past earnest endeavor to
publish a paper in behalf of oppressed-
liutnanity, a -very large
proportion of whom do not ap
preciate the effort, I solemnly
promise not to do so again."
The Southern Pacific Company
baa made a new move to thwart
the operations of the ticket b Aik
en. General Passenger Agent
Goodman has issued an order abol
felting U tiukeu limited to lis
fcoMHi ow the eompeny'i lines
sola to point, oiiteidl Ihi lUtii
jraranfUf l alnlt .ink-
points in Oregon, Utah, Arizona
and Now Mexico, including El
Paso, or from California to points
in Oregon, or any other of the
above mentioned states will be
limited to thirty , days. All such
tickets now unused in whole or
part will 'i redeemed tit a proper
value upon application to the gen
eral 'passenger department, or to
the local agent. JThis new rule
cannot be applied to local firstolass
tickets Bold between stations in
California owing to the interstate
commerce-law, The ticket brokdts
say. that this latest action of the
Southern Pacific Company will
seriously affeot their business, for
it has been upon the six months
tiokets that they have made their
principal profits.
W.anted at the Lobuiiiiu art giiMery,
bay, oats or wheat, iu exchange for
Dr. (1. W. Cheadle, ilmitist. Office
over City Drug store. Office hours
Iroiu 9 a. m. t 5 30 p. in.
Ohamwl Every Woek-.l
Oats IB to IVo
Hay 13 to $3 perton.
Flour 10 885. per sack.
Chop $0 90 per vt.
Bran 75c per cwt. .
Middlings P 75 par ewt.
Potatoes 40c.
AppleB Dried, 6c per It
Plums Dried, 5c.
Onions 2.
Beef Dressed, 4ii;. ,
Pork Dressed, 4.
Hams 10 per lb.
Shoulders Sc.
Hides 10c per lb. - i
Geese $4 (a to per di.
Ducks 12 ?- 3 per doz.
Chickens $2 0M8 00.
Turkeys 8c per lb.
E(rgs 8c ier doz. r
Butter 10 oc p"r lb. .
Hides Green, 5e; dry, 10.
Statk of Ohio, 'rTY of Toledo. J?
Fbank J. Cheney mtikes oath that lie is
the senior partner of the tirra o( F.J.
Chbniey & Co., business in the City
of Toledo, Count and State aforesaid, and
that said tirm will pay ithe sum of OXE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Oatabhh Ciuot.
Hworen to before inc and subscriijeil in
my presence, this (Jth day of December,
A. I) IWj
. Notary Public, k
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system.
Send for circulars; free.
F. J. (JHKNEY & (:)., Toledo, O.
tWBobl by drugiiisls, 75c.
Prof. A. STARK
Of Will & Stark, Jewelers
Optical Specialist.
Graduate of the Cicago Optlialmic
I am prepared to examine scientifi
cally and accuratly, by the Intent and
improved methods of modern science,
any who desire to have their eyes tes
ted. Gusick Block, Albany, Orkoion,
;-Adniinlstrl1.rlx'H Police
.Notice is hereby given, that by order of
the county court of. Linn county, Oregon,
the undersigned hag been duly appointed
and is now the duly qualified actingailroiri-
istratrix of the estate of W. A. Bishop, of
said county, deceased. Ajl parlie having
claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same, duly veritied
to the undersigned, within six months
from the l2th day of July, WW,, the first
publication oftnis notice, at thc olficc of
Sam'l M. Garland, Lebanon, Oregon.
": .-..-.-. ,-. Hasjcah R, Bwipp,
8'L M. Gablako, .Administratrix
Atty. for Admr'x. of the Estate of
W. A. Bishop, deceased.
Notice of laxeoutrix.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may concern, that, by an order of the
County Court for Linn County, State of
Oregon, the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed and is now the duly qualified and
acting Executrix of the last will and
testament of Eugene II. TJIni, deceased.
All parties indebted to said estate are re
quested to make Immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all parties having
claims against tiie estate are hereby re
quired to present the same properly veri
fied, within tlx months from the 8th day of
April 1899, tbs tint publication of this
note, Ui tit ttndenlgnad at th cilice of
trnn'l M- Otitiandi Ubtuon, Ore-
1, tin, -
Ex, tt Ui iMt wlli tnd ttilmiieiH of
Ku(n( it, vim, OtMtMd, .
tfi nil tii
It !' Snitromil All Ovnr th linrth fro
teellns Amerieau Interests.
At no time within'ooent years has
the United Statca government heon so
well repre.-MUU'd In loreipn waters by
on armed niividl force, nor so poorly
provided -for In -ships at homo, tut at
present. Three? hig oruisers are at lilo
.lautiiru. two more arc on their way
there, nud this number will be in
creased to 'Rix by the monitor Mlan-
toiumioh. The punboat Yorktown Is
nt 1'almo, fern, and the corvette Al
liance 1ms sidled to join her, from La
L-ibiSrtad. The old Vantic is stationed
uienmHwrntk' at-the-moHth of the Rio
do la 1'hvta, clmrpcd with the duty of
attending to American interests In
Jtdjatcjil. ierrjtjiiv,. .. .: .. :
The Kuiifrer, which sailed from La
Libcrtad recently for Corinto, Nicara-
frim. is assigned to the west ooaat of
Central America, where rtwolntionary
onthrealH are so frequent, while the
corvette henrsiirifo, now en route from
Jew . ork to Snu Domingo to afford
protection to American life and prop
erty in the threatened uprising there,
will ernise alxmt the West Indies, and,
until relieved by the cruiser San Fran
cisco, a loop t he east coast of Central
America. The rhiladalphla and the
.Adams arc at Honolulu, The Asiatic
or China station, which has become so
important. throusrh the hostile feeling
of the Chinese toward Americans over
the'exclusion law, has aix -vessels at
tached to it, aud it is expected that the
.Muohias, now at Brooklyn, will sail
soon to join them. , -
-The North Atlantic or home station
has nominally five, hut actually only
one vessel in commission to its credit,
for the San Francisco Ib on her way to
llio; the Kearsnrge is bound for San
bomme-o (which can hardly be called
a "home'1 port, -although within the
lines of the station), and the llachias is
destined, for China. The dynamite
cruiser Vesuvius is therefore likely to
' be the sole war vessel left for service
on the eastern coast of the United
States, and the practicability of the
.Vesuvius as on effective battleship is
in serious doubt. At the navyyardat
Mare Xsland, Cel., the old Mohican is
fitting for sea service, presumably in
the South Pacific. The coast defense
.vessel Monterey is also at Mare Island.
The Pasting atrauser Always Invited In
-. him -ratten care or.
"The latch -string hangs out" ex-pressed-the
hospitality of the southern
frontier in the days "before the war."
1 f a traveler rode up before the fence
thut separated the log cabin from the
road he. was greeted hy "'Light,
stranger, High t!" - Without this saln-tatiou-no
one dismounted, but it was
rarely withheld. Sir. Williams, in his
recent book, "Sam Houston," thus de
scribes -the impulse of hospitality,
which made every traveler a guest
during the early settlement of Texas;
The. traveler who rode up to the
front fence was instantly invited to
alight. "His horse was . staked out or
hobbled, to feed on the prairie grass
and tue visitor snt down to exchange
the news with his host The coffee
mill nan set going, if there were any of
. the precious grains in the house, and
the hopper in the hollow log to grind
ing the eorii. The venison or bear meat
was put on the coals and the fishcake
baked, .
, After the nieal and the evening pipe
the visitor Stretohod himself on a buf
falo robe on the floor with tho picm
bers of the family and slept the sleep
oi Health ana mugue, in the morning
tho response- to any inquiry as to the
charge was: "You can pay me by com
ing again."
The story that a certain hospitable
settlor used to waylay travelers on the
road and compel them to visit him at
the muzzle of a double-barreled shot
gun wnsonlyn liumoronsexaggeration
of the instinct for hospitality which
characterized the community.
The visitor was a living newspaper,
who brought tiie only news obtain:
able, and was a welcome relief to the
mopotony and loneliness of the wilder'
Loris; lteigns.
According to the "Gotha Almanac,"
which has just been Issued for 1894. the
queen of England has reigned longer
than any other ruler in the world, hav
ing ascended the throne in 1837. Next
to her in point of time are Emperor
J?raneis Joseph of Austria and Fred
erick, the gram duke of Uaden. The
monarchs who have reigned the short
est time are Prince Friederioh of Wal:
deck and Duke Alfred of Saxe-Coburg-Ootha.
The oldest monarch, accord
ing to the "Almanac," is the pope,
who is more than eighty-three years of
age. The grand duke of Lunerabourg
and the king of Denmark, respectively
seventy-six and seventy-five years of
age, stand next to him in this regard.
Grand nuke Karl Alexander, who
lives In Weimar, is fourth in point of
age. and Queen Victoria, with her seventy-four
years, is the fifth oldest mon
arch. The youngest crowned heads
are the little queen of the Nether
lands, who is thirteen, and the king of
Spain, who is seven and a half years
old; ';
Assassination br Bomb.
Vnillant, who hurled a bomb In the
chamber of deputies in Paris recently,
paid only thirteen cents for the can
ister that contained the explosive, says
the Now York World. There are other
deadly missiles which the anarchists
have learned to make, and the ordinary
cane or umbrella will conceal them.
The plan is to take the cane or um
brella into the theater, store or stock
exchange and lay it upon the floor or
counter. The setting of tt up in its
patural position will cause it to ex
plode with fatal result,. -
The head of the cane holds twoglass
vessels, oblong in shape, and each filled
yvith an explosive liquid harmless in it
self so long as it is kept away from the
others, The cane Is carried by the an
archist in perfect safety by being held
lorizontally, But when lifted up and
placed against the wall the fluid In the
upper bottle rum into (It Wfrr&4
the explosion uki fmif.
Requisites of a Terleflt Wlelrier uf the
HolMotM tt'itl Ttino Line.
Tha ideal merchant tailor should bo
a good-looking man, for the same ron
ton thut n meritorious book nhould br
handsomely bound; he should -be- woll
dressed, because a good-looking maa
who Is not well dressed, unless ho can
not afford to dress woll. seems ungrate
ful for the physical gifts with which
nature has endowed him, and because a
tailor who ia not well dressed insults
his trade and advertises himself as an
alien to it except iiuauutaUyi and he
should bo obliging and of ple.asiag.nun-'
ners, bjcaiv." if ho is not his nature and,
presence will bu as completely out of
harmony with tho character and ditto
of his business as tho tooting of a tin
fish horn in a string band.
Ho should be well educated, brainy,
and thoroughly familiar with business
usages, for unless he is ho can under
stand the requirements of his trade no
more than a liodsarrier can the phlogis
ton of the chemist Stahl; and he should
be in every thought and instinct an
artist, for only an artist con appreci
ate, much loss worthily exemplify, the
grace and beauty that are possible to
He should be familiar with his trade
from waxing a length of Bowing silk to
properly trying on a coat, for this kind
of familiarity is as sure to oroato confi
dence in and respect for his ability, as
too much of another kind is certain to
breed contempt :
lie should do business in-au elegantly
finished and furnished store, containing
eomfqrtable dresBing-rooms and every
necessary convenience for his custom
ers, and should carry a cholco if not a
not a very large stock of goods; for his
establishment as well as himself should
suggest comfort, art and refinement,
and be in every way in perfect harmony
with tho moat cultivated taste of the
He should be, in short, a gentleman,
a thorough master of hia business and I
an artist The ideal tailor, then, would j
seem to be an ideal man who is very
comfortably fixed; for Ids trade is an
ideal trade, able to exert innumerable I
refining inUuences that cunnot fall to
benefit mankind and give to civilization
a polish and charm. Sartorial Art
Is Your Child .
Gt)ing to College,
Have him fitted at the
Thourough prqieration for
all collegiate eourseB.
Certificates admit to the
leading College on the coast.
Normal Department gradu
ates obtain State and Life di
plomas. Music, Art, Book
keeping. SpecialtitiH,- health
and outdoor life. Small clas
ses and instruction for the in
dividual. Winter term opens Sept 23,
tuition $0.50 and $10.00 per
term. Send for catalogue,
S. A. RAXDLE, A. M., ,
To Advertisers.
If you wish to obtain the best
returns from your ndvertiBoineutu
Don't Forget
the important fact that
The Lebanon Express
will give the desired results, us it
Is The Best
Advertising Medium
in Linn Countv.
tr. Z Z
1 C.
t o J
.ill! F8 ?
:iN ;
Doimlas makes
Baker sells them.
The best shoes in the world for
the money.
Albany Furniture Co
BALTIMORE 'BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, iiuitling, etc. .
Picture? and 1'icture rnolcling. !
Undertaking a Specialty.
On the 11th of September, tho Collejjo will ojien for ita
twehty-ninth year, with a full corps of inslructora, and all
facilitos for attaining a complete education. The commer
cial department is open for
a business careeer. Carful
who desire to enter our Normal course A Conservatory of
Music under tiie eueciont management ot lJiot. L. M, rarvin
has-been established,
Collegeate courses leading up to the degrees of A. B,
and B, 8, Catalogue on application
the Shoes and
thoes who a'e aiming to pursue
atteulion will be paid to thoes
11. LEE, A, JJ, resident