VOL. IX. LEBANON, OREGON, AUGUST 30, 1895. NO. 27. T TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, lie year , , ' WOO (II iMiid m advance, $1 Aoperyoar.) Mt mutiUiH , 1 00 P'lri'i. iiinmim-.', .....,. ..... M 4nurh' noele...... ...... h - 06 ' STATU OFFICERS. John H. Mitoliell.i Buiators Minimi' Hermann,,. , .Uonnresiiuun William I'. Lord, Governor H, It. Ki'icnid Secretary ol State l'hil MtitHnliHH ', Treasurer i. M, Irwin, rinpt. ?ubllc Instruction H. W. Lewi State Printer It. S llcan, I I''. A. Monro, ' Supreme Judges. II K.Woolvorton.i UHJNTY OFFICERS. JikIiw, , J. H. Dunes Clufk N. Noedliem Recorder II. F. Hurdmaii Hlinrill',., J.A.McFonm Hi-linnl SuTiMlcii(Uiiit,:.....A. 11. Rutherford Treasurer, P. 0. Morrii Assessor,, VV. F. Deakins Surveyor E. T. T. Fisher :orouor It. A. Jayne i John Puk.Ii UonnnbisloiioM j j jjj Wat CITY OFFICIALS, MAYOIt .,ZZ. M. A. MILLER lrillKlt W. II. BROWN. I'.ITY ATTORNEY B. M. GARLAND. I'lIKAHl'Kl'.lt J.F.HYDE. M.UtKllAl P. W. MORGAN. f Kl. KKLLKNBKRGKR, I N. H. DALULKIUKH, ,,i.,ii ui-k I J. t'.itllAKU, OObM-lLMKN H uN(i IS. II. MYERS. to. w.uiuc. (Hty C'otitiiiil iimutaon Hie first and Hurd Tuesday evenings nloaell montll. Secret Sooletle. 1.INM TK.XT. No. 7, K, (I. T, M.-Meeta In 0. A. II. il.il! uu Tlmr-duy evening of each week. Tnuiwont sir Kuiahtt are cordially luvliud to vlilttlie IVm niccting. i. A. Laubbhiok, (Jam, Han. W. Un:e. R. K. HONOR l.oniiK, No. as, A. O. U. W.-Hoott vor' I'llUNiltty ovimllitt at 0. A . R. Hau. G. W.CRUBON.M.W, A. W. jIaiikh Itoc. LlSllANON 1.0UUH, NO. 47. t. 0. 0. r.-Meeti ivurjr Saturday evuiiiugat Odd Fellow. Hall, at , o'clock n.m. A F DAVID, N. G. w, u. rrrmmoN, Boot'?. PEART. KKKM.'A U)0((IS, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. 1 . Hunts i 1. 0.0. r Hall Ural aud third Wednes day ovuntiiRK or each IllOlltll. SAKAU SAI.TUAKBH, . 0. HATMK A.CKII80N, Beefy. LF.HANON 1-OHOF. No, 44 A. F. A A. St. Meet Hatunlay eveiiln. on or before the IUU moon in each month, in MiiHinlo Hall, Cor. Main and Omni . Sojourning hri'thcm Connolly Invited to attend. ... E. E. Hammack, ft. M, a. 0. Wat ui'i!. See. "jllHN V. MUXlHt W. U. C. Ko. 16, incuts 1st and Urd Fritlitya of eunh month At SSWli. tn. Iiou.iii U. 8ai.tmaiuiii, MlNSIK MliNZIK, bu-'iV. i KIBN'L MIlKHirl lAM"'. No. 1U: Plvllou of (He ,n sum of Visli'ruaiin-Miiet In 0. A. B. Hall, n M..,r.i,iv i,v,.nlne. eaeeut the third ialurduy ill ,oaiih inmitli, meollng the third rl- my inalead. All Urotliow 01 uienon. oi srii and witurarteaiif tlie U. A. K. are cordially Invllutl lo iih'I'I with I'"' "'P' . ' E. a. Cabii, tlapt. A. TiM v, Flirt fci-al. mui ivu-wr IIIVK. NO. 1. L. 0. T, M. Menu on tin' A 4th mill Mil Friday evening of aaelinioiitliauaiiir.x.aiu. ATll. Hall. 'Jrau lnt lady .Miu'imlieon an) cordially invited to ...... A. A. tlvim, Udy R. K. 8AIIA1I BAIAXAIISII. Lulls Com. PJiOFJCSSIOJfAL. BAMX M. GARLAND. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. ,4 -.: .. JJMfANON, OREGON. :gf!l-. . j Weatherfovl 4 Wyatt, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, AliBA'NY, OREGON. V. It BILYEV, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. WVJtr. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Dr. H. L. Parish, nrs r ciaxaxd s urqeox, Offli'H III .St. (Jhnrloa Mnlcl, til' r ii rinvino 10:00 10 H:00 . M. KlOOHi :IP. M. OHIO t" Jt P. Mi ... RwldellW UU Bllfllie AvhiM, SI MM ON S HoadBT, did yon ever take Himmons Livbb ItHom.ATOiL the "Kino of LiVBBMKDieiNraT" Everybody needs take a liver remedy. Itiaasluegiahor diseased livor that tnpaln digestion and oauses oonstipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in th" body and poisons the 7hole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keen the liver active bv on oocasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg- umwr ana you'll gei na ox wose trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem, For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is better than Pills, it does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package lias the Bed Z stamp on the wrapper. J. H. Zeiltn & Co., Philadelphia. A Clubbing Offer. A great many of our readors Linn ciiunty like to tube the weekly Oregtm laii. We have made arrungetnt'Dts whereby we mn furnish it at a reduct ion from the regular priee lo those who want both the Expbkbh and the Oitgoniun, The regular price of the Ori'Knlu Is $1.6(1 per year, and of the Exi'RKHstl.50 when In advance. We will furnUli both fir 12. per year iu advance a saving nf one dollar to Hie suliaoriper. The Oregoniau gives all the general news of the country once a week, and the Express gives all the local news once a week, which will Diuke a most excel lent neks service fur the moderate aum of 12. per year. Those wbn are at preeeut subacriuers of the Expiuxb must pay iu all arrear ages uud one year in advauce lo obtain this special price. East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co, KxtirofcH truiiie leave Portland dully: 11:80 r. M. Ill: 10 r. M. 10:16 a.m. l.v... Portland Ar. I S:10 A. a l.v...AIIuii). ..Ar. 4:50 A. M Ar.Sutl Francisco Lv 11:00 V. M 'The nlntre Irui' S atop ill East Pnrt IniHl, Oreiron t'ily, Winailiurn, Kalem, Turner, Mniion, Ji'tteranii, Alliuiiv, Alliuiiy Juuctiiin, TaiiKcnt, HhtuJ, Unlacy, Hurrialiurg, Juncliuii Oily, Irving, Euiteuc, C'rmwell. Draina unit all millions from Rowlitirg south to and including Ashlund. Roacliurg mail daily : TiTHO A."nT" TartlaiMl...Ar. 12:ao r. u. : Lv...Alliany Ar. 6:60 P. M. ! Ar...Koeburir..liV. 4 :40 r. m. 1:16 r. a. 8:00 a.m. Local ta8aen(fer trains daily (exceit Humih.v. "8:20 a. m. J Lv...Altiany Ar. j.v,..jwiiui!Y at. A . T l.A.w... I .. 10:40 A. X. H:tu A. X, 4:H0 P. U. 6:20 P. X. 9:40 A. x. Lv... Albany Ar. Ar.. .Lebanon ...Lv. 11:46 l. X. 6:60 P. u. Dining Carson Ogden Route. Pullman Buffst Sleepers AND 8ooond-Cla68 Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Trains. West Hide lvllon. BkTWUEN PoaTLANP AKIl (JOKVAI.US. MalHrahi daily (except Sunday): TaiZit. rLv,..PortlsiitT..".Ar'. j 6:20 a.' x, 15:16 p. x. Ar...('orvolli..l,v. j 1:.16p. x. At Albanv and Corvallls connect with train of U. C. A' K. railroad. Exireb train daily (except Monday) : '4:40 p. H. I Lv...Poflland ...Ar. ! 7:36 p. x. I Ar.McMinuvllle l.v I 8:26 a. 6:60 a. THROUGH TICKETS I0'11 't".1" tda and Europe can be obtained at lov eat rates from F. U. Hlckok, ogont, Lebanon. R, KUEHLEK. Manajrer.' K. P. RIM1RRB, Aaat. 0. F. Paaa. At. Notice. All persons knowing themselves In dented to me will please cull and aeitle al nntie, either by cash or a note, as I (ihvp sold nwl and wish I 4s up my VREGULAT0R7 MURDERED HER BABE A SAD. STORY REPORTED Mrs. Tetherow Held Her Child Under the Water Till Dead, and ' Latter Attempted Suicide INDEPENDENCE, Or., Aug. 25. A sad story comes from Luckiatuute, distant about six miles from here. The wile of James Tetherow, a well-to-do farmer, who has been under the care of a doctor for several mouths, arosa this morning before the rest of the family. Taking her 6-year-old son from bis bed, she wrapped him iu a quilt and carried him down to the Luck lam ute river, distant about a quarter of a mile, and drowned him, Returning to the bouse, she told her husband she was sick, and asked him tu go for the doctor. He told her she was no worse than usual, and that she must wait The vile theu left the house aud went toward the river agaiu. This time she was followed, aud, iu an attempt to drowu herself, was res cued. On the returu to the house she kept speaking about the baby. When the house was reached the baby was flntt missed. Then she told how she had taken it down lo the "nice bath lug pool, and, although he clung to my ueck aud begged me uot to put him In, I held him uuder the water." Mrs. Tetherow is now iu a stupor, aud and dues not know what she has dune. It is thought she Is iusaue. Four Men Llnched. YREKA, Cal., Aug. 2o.-At one o'clock this morning about 150 masked Bieu surrouuded the jail aud made suf ficient noise to draw the jailer to the door, where he wus confronted liy sev eral revolvers. He turned over his keys. The mob bad already perfected all arrangements. A railroad iron rail was put up betwei u to trees. They took first from the jail, Johnsou, charged with murdering Ills wife at Callabaus ranch and strung him up, the victim crying for mercy. The only answer he received was that be had shows none. The uexl was Moreno, a Mexican charged with murdering George Bears and Cashier Melerhaua, at Bailey Hill. To the question "what have you to say," he replied "Noting to say;" Null, who killed Auiiner, at Etna, aud whose plea has been insanity wus the third. He wished to make a speech and asked that he be allowed. "Hlringiug up Is good eucugh for you," u us the reply, aud stringing followed. The fourth and last was rjtemler, a youuy man charm d along with Monreno with the Bailey Hill murders. In his ease at the first atteuipt the rope broke. He then said "go ahead but tell my mother that I am inuooeut." The second attempt look bis life. Moreno and Bteiuler were to have had a con tinuance ol their pndimiuary trial to day. The thing wan well planned, ail bell ropes were either cut or put out of reach to prevent an alarm being given All stragglers found were wulked along for the some purpose. Chinese Version. CHICAGO, Aug. 25. -Sam Moy, a Chinese inerehuol, received a Chinese paper published at Fod-Chow, which gives four columns of space to the at tack! upon the English and American missionaries in June. The paper is In tereatlng, because it contains the Chinese version of the ullulr, A free translation of the principal points of the C'blucse review of Hie riots shows the utlt.uk ou (lie mission houses arose, firstly, from motives of mere robbery, (mused by the building of houses with busetuents, aud, secondly, by the reve lation of the corrupt practices of some of the hungers on of the mission statiou. ;; A Big Job DALLAS, Tex., Aug. 23. -There Is bcjlunlnK lu be quiet a stir aud show of business at the site of the amphl' theater in which the great glove oou teat 111 take place since the contract (or the lumber was let. Ten of the In.'gest saw mills iu cu-lern Texas have been running night and day to fill the largest single bill ever placed with them. Something over 1,000,000 IM of lumber will be used In the build lug. ' Hiram Baker uuya all kinds of Jim Hill's Movements, SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 24.-A special from Chicago says: "Should the present plan be carried into effect the reorganization of the Northern Pacific will present a situation juni;:r ailed in the history of Ameilcau rail roads. J. J. Hill, president of llie Great Northern railroad, the active and bit ter lival of the Nortnern Pacific, Is to have absolute control of the property. There will be no consolidation. Each roid is to be operated separately, but the most harmonious relations between the properties are to be established. The combined value of the Interests to be placed uuder Mr. Hill's charge Is lu the neighborhood of $300,000,000 aud the miles of railroad aggregate moo. Mr, Hill was In Chicago today and gave out the infurmation. He also furnished the authentio figures show ing the amount of money lost by the Northern Pacific in the last two years while the receivers have been iu charge. It reaches the enormous total of $10,193,570. . . . -' President Hill will take charge of the Northern Pacific property on th ' condition that he Is placed in absolute control of the majority of the stock, uud that the interest account be scaled dowu by at least $4,000,000. On these conditions he promises lo operate the Northern Pacific in the same conserva tive and business like manner as he has managed the Great Northern, aud make it Just as profitable property. Arrest of the Princeton Party. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 24.1 Governor Richards today requested the a Jthoriiies of Natrona county to arrest the members of the Princeton geological expedition, If evidence could tie secured that I hey had been k'lling big gume. Professor Hatcher, R. Forsyth Little and S. B. Davis, of the expedition, reached the railroad at Casper on their return trip yesterday Irom Yellowstone Park. The parly came across the Wind River moun tuins, aud for several days had to wade through deep suow aud drag their horses and cump outfit across snow filled gullies. They reported having killed many deer aud antelope, and these reports reached the governor, he at once ordered their arrest. " Durrant's Trial Resumed, BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 26.-The trial of Theodore Durrant was resumed this morning, and Superior Judge Murphy said his health was so Im proved that he hoped lie would be able to sit through the entire trial without further delays. The search for three more acceptable jurors was again be gun. Out of all the veniremen exam ined none were secured, Only 150 veil ler men are left, aud a special veni re will probably be made tomorrow, unless three jurors are secured before then, which Is very unlikely. The prosectiou remains confident that the boasted alibi kept in reserve by the defense is based principally on Dur rani's own statement. A Hold Up. LONO BEACH, Wash., Aug. 24.- A bold robbery occurred on Hie bench Thursday night. Wulhiigtou Wad- dell, a salesman iu the employ of Van Bcliuy ver & Co., the liquor dealers of Portland, was the victim. Waddell had been miking collec tions tor bis firm, and was supposed to have lieen currying several hundred dollars iu coin lu bis pocket. He bad left the most of it in the hotel safe. He was met by two robbers, who relieved him of $24 iu cash hut left his diamond and watch. Without investigating further, the robbers escaped with the booty, firing a shot at Waddell as they disappeared iu (lie darkness. A Dastardly Outrage. BUTTE, Mont,, Aug. 1.-An at temp wub tnuilt Inst night by unknown hiImjumiiIs lo blow Up t lie the 10:30 o'clock cad. b.iuud Northern Pacirle train by placing a stick of dynamite in a frog at a junction half a mile east of tue city. Nearly the whole train passed over the dynamite before It ex ul"d'd. 'l'lie last couch tilled with passengers w is badly shattered, but uo one was injured. Three Indians Held Up. LEWISTON, Idaho, Aug. 24.- Tbree Indians wire held up this mom. lug by three uiasl.cd men aud robbed of $2,600, peid them by the govern' ruent for land. Over $200,000 have been paid to Inulans lu the last two days. The Indians are flocking Into Lewlatoit and spending money freely. They flbd no dittkuliy In obtaining w hi key Otis ibetitiug attray kai.fi. teaty wwwri Highest of all in livening Powei-Utest U. S. Govt Report Fifteen-Mile Record Lowered. ERIE, Pa., Aug. 25.-D. A.Phillips, a local wheelman, today lowered the world's road record for fifteen miles, held by Decardy of Chicago. Phillips, paced by a tandem, rode the distance, seven and a half miles and return, in thirty-seven minutes, beatimr De. cardy's lime thirty-eight seconds. Waterloo. We are having weather at present: Fog, smoke, dust and rain. The thirsty still driuk soda and a few, since "Caleb" has been here, take something stronger. We have been absent some time but note with pleasure that the town seems to have been steadily improving dur ing our absence. Somewhat to our sur prise. " The woolen mill now employs 68 hands, all yacaut houses have been filled and more are under construction. Borne 6,000 yards of flannel were woven last mouth aud a larger out-put is ex pected this month. Mrs. J. F. Gross who has been dang- erously ill Is convalescelng. Mrs. Davis has departed on a jaunt to the Wilhoit springs. The Forum aid society has been or ganized here and we expect to winter in better shape than we did last. A French doctor-went through the mill recently and when the finisher told him the specks in the cloth were giving Mm trouble be commenced this little ad: "Use Llverine It cures pimples, removes worms, specks, bots, black-heads and " The remalHs were sat upon by the P. P. coroner and the jury returned a verdiot of justifi able homicide, The remains are in pickle and we await pnetage. Dr. Prill has established a branch ofiiceatthls placa and can be found Wednesday of each week by those who will not kill or cure. We have beared a borrowing tale of a Balem dude but the third time is the charm and if It occurs again we will have to mention the matter In a causual manner. Buuday will be auothes big day, all are invited except Caleb. The noise might jar on his old granny nerves. Boduvllle came over In full force Tuesday, from the way In which thoy devoured greeu gage plums Dr. Prill will uot keep his appointment here Wednesday. Iu the mud rush for the all lied dol lar our citizens should not forget te erect an awning over the spring. No use waiting for the fir trees that have been grafted upon the rocks to grow. let us get a move on an cover that 'hole iu the recks" with lumber. So much has taken place of late that it Is useless to try to bring up arrears but will try for a few weeks to protect the town in the absence of tbemarsbal aud recorder. How does the Lebanon boys like Allen? It tter than Meyers is the opinion of Jauokhs. The New Women. Prof. Shorey, of Portland, ocoupied the pulpilof the Congregational churoh last Sunday night. His subject was the "New Woman," aud while eulogizing wouiau as the equal of man intellectually aud socially, he depreca ted the practice of women wearing bloomers while riding bicycles or ou any other occasion, He claimed the woman should have an e.iuul chance with men in all professions aud all the avenues of employment, but It was uot necessary for them to unsex them selves to fill these places. Whenever a woman does anything to unsex herself, she destroys the high regard aud es teem held for her by the malu sex. He said the practice of wearing bloomers was a custom Imported from loi egn countries, and a relict nf barbar ism. Several of the Indies, whoatlen ded I he eervlea, and who are advo cates of the ii'lvaucemmt of ihe "New Women," ns-rt that wearing bloom ers does nut detract front woman's modesty or chain)., aud that It is ab solutely dangerous fur a woman to wear the ordinary slyle of dress when riding a bicycle, Besides, In Orleutlal atilmkrles. wbr the virtu of WotnaM ti nrt ,wsiii sfdi til i Baking Ibis country, aud where womeu are held in the highest esteem, bloomers are the prevailing custom. Oregon City Enterprise. Money in Prunes. " Several Marion county men have sold their prunes to Portland dealers for four and five cents according to siae,. those running from forty to tiny pound briugiug the latter price. There is big nruuey iu prunes at those prk-ts. Dr. Sharpies, of Lane county has sold bis; prunes to the same Portland firm at probably a like price. He says the prunes will net him one cent a pound green. : '. -" Ike Banta's Success. !. Bauta, a tormer gunsmith of A -bany, arrived iu Albany this moruii g from Gold Bfuff, northorn California, on his way -to Seal Rock where bis wife; has been residing for several months. Mr. Bauta reports his gold separator as having met with gnat success, and as a result Mr. Bauta ie (p clover financially. He states that he sold Idaho for $10,000, California for the same amount and a half interest in Ills separator f.r$20,000. ,. He has sold forty-eight separators for use od. claims along the beach in south em Oregon and northern California, A great deal has been said In the pa pers.' about this beach mining. Mr. Banta, says a man with one of his machines ou a fair elaini makes never lea then $10 a day and as high as five ounces; of gold. The gold is of high grade and worth $18 au ounce. A good claim ie valuable as It is Inexbaustable, the sea continually washing in new sand'. He reports buying the Zumalt for $5000 and selling It for $7,000. Af ter going to Seal Rock Mr. Banta will go to Nlcaraugua, where be reports an offer of $50,000 for the right for that country. Mr. Banta talks about thousands the way most of us do about cents. He Is fairly in the swim and bis friends here generally will be glad to know that the gold is panning out so heavely. Oot the Worst of It. The Solo Press gives the particulars ot how a couple men failed to paint the country red: "Last week a first class row orourred in oue of the har vest crews, that are engaged between this city and Lebanon. George Priue and John Smith, two of the employes in the crew came to Solo, and became loaded with bug juice, taking a bottle of the same back with them. For some reason Priue "had it In" for oue of the bosses, George Young, and upon their return he became tu abusive that a fight oooured between them, Young getting the best of It and made Prine agree to behave himself. Iu the fra cas Prlne attempted to use a kuife, but did not injur Young further than to out his clothes and scratch the skin near one of his shoulders. As Young was alteudlug to his work about the machine, Prine, who had secured a club, attacked him agaiu, Young again proved the better man and booh had his antagonist on the grouud and, forcibly took the olub away from him. About tills time Smith, who had ob tained au axe came at Young with the evideut Intention of making mince meat of him. Henry Bay, however, caught him before any damage was done. . Priue and Smith were after wards arrested by Deputy Sheriff Brenner aud taken before Justice Mil ler, of Shelburu, who gave them time to secure counsel. Iu the meantime they were held as prisoners by the deputy at or about his livery barn. On the following day, Friday, Prlne gave his guards the slip, un 1 his whereabouts la now unknown. Smith was taken before Justice Miller on Sat urday afternoon, aud on a sort of com promise basis, pleaded guilty to simple assault aud was fined $40 aud costs, amouuliug to nearly $00, for his share ' of this harvest playfulness. Ludies If you are thinking nf getting apair of shoes or a new dress next week, you will want to know where to get the best for th least money, Mr -iiaker always carries the beat. KARL'S CLOVEn KOOT will purify your Blood, tkaw your ocm pleolloo, r'' - - ."fiur BowsU and liaks fcU, tec .5 frm