The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 16, 1895, Image 3

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    Let&non Express.'
0 lltMm BaaM tor your wall
Foot race tomorroin.
Cool shadv Weather thia wk
Senator 8. A. Daweoa wm Id Leb
anon Wednesday.
Prof. Lee has bn elected president
or the Albany oollege.
Rev. Turner and wife were in tbe
ly the first of the week.
Fred Htckok and Miss Ola Bmlik
Will spend Sunday at the seaside.
Miss Little Reed bat returned to Port
land to resume ber medical studies
B. & Roberts, and daugbter Miie
Mary, of Bprliigfltld, are visiting bere.
Rev. Lamar will preach at tbe Bap-
un oiiuroli ctunday morning and even
Call and see those elegant aulta that
were received at Bach Buhl's this
' week.
The Lane county teaobera' institute
closed hut Saturday. Nearly ISO we:
in aiienasiioe.
This (mining reboot year will lie the
uiiy-eecniid In the history of Willa
mette university, at Baleai.
Peterson A Onell thipied three car
load of excelsior thia week. Oua to
Lee Aoglet, one to Ban Franclaoo and
nne 10 ewatue.
Mr. N. W. Smith and bully have
moved back to tbe home of hut father.
Dr. Parish will oooupy tbe realdence
vacated by Mr. Smith.
' Sheriff McFeron ha left Albany to
brlug borne A. R. Johnson from Lot
Angeles. Tbe aunplainanl u J. W.
vu-ioa, me wen aoowu oauKer.
The new rosideuot of Blraui Baker,
Dr. U. W. Cbeadle and A. E. Ananrn
re all under way, and firing work to
. a good many Lebanon oar pen ten
J. C. Gordon returned hem last Frl.
dav alter ah absence of Hevaml mimth.
. to eastern Oregon prospecting Clint
reports a nne trip and a profitable one.
Mr. C. H. Ralaton. wife and riauirh
ter, Miss Jewle, who have beau Thriv
ing trionas and relatives in thia city,
left yesterday for their home la Port-
Will. "
MiaJ Lalla Purdv. nne of tha irnm
ptished young ladies of Corvallia, ia
spending tne present week with Was
veiea nuranari at tne Dome or Mr
J. Wassom.
Attorney B. M flu-land left Wad.
V nesdar -in cownaDV with Charha
rfeiffer and John Bchmeer, both of
Albany, for a week or ten days outing
u me uiounuuus lor recreation.
Mm. J. F. Ornss. wba has been dan
gerously III at ber home iu Waterloo
iur some nine, is jet to a critical con
dition, but we note wltb pleasure that
change Tor the better has taken
puce ;
Mr. Walters, who recently bought the
tuepper properly, is Diving (be bouse
flnixhed up in good style on tbe inside
ana pamtiug it outside. It is reported
there will be a wedding in tbe near
inure, -
I. C. Car, aient of the S. P. at In
dependence, was in the eltr Weduee
day visiting Fred IT. Hickok, agent at
this place. Fred learned tbe business
under Mr. Oary and was quit pleased
to see bL old employer.
- Mineral Spring Seminary at Soda
ville, opens Monday, October T, 1895.
It has bees reorganised on a oollege
basis wltb full oolk'ge course. Stud
ents completing the normal course will
receive a state diploma.
" -Sometime lu the near future an en-
uniaiuuisni win lie liven at Mia onera
house entitled "Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs." It will be given by
fifty little girls In ooetume under tbe
airection offrof. W. C. Aylsworth.
.William M. Houg, of San Franclscu,
formerly manager of the old O. R
road, and C C. Hogue, of Albany,
wereiu meotty yesterday, registered
at tbe St. Charles. They were looking
wier toe Aioany canal at this place.
The adjuster for tbe Liverpool Lou
don A Globe Insurance oomnanv m
tnmed yesterday from Sweet Home
where hs had beeu to adjust
ine iocs on Mr. unger's barn, ft was
limned for 1600, and he adjusted the
, loss at
Mr. Jet Yoalar and Miss Evans,
All. Ooll Bottiar and Mica Cox, Mr.
Will linger and Miss Bllyeu, Mr.
Charles Amos and Miss Wallaoe,
will drive ta Albany Buudav morning
n excursion tralu to tbe
seaside at Newport.
Rev. Rosa, tbe travelling evanmllat
of the M. E. Church South, and wlfa
arrived In Lebanoo Saturday. He has
iwu umuitig revival eervlos In that
., uuurun every tiignt tbls week. Rev.
Ross Is a flue speaker aud we hope be
win succeed to stirring Lebanon up
irom oenwr to olscuiuference.
Old folks' service next Sunday at
the Cumberland Presbyterian church.
Rev. C. A. Wooley, of Eugene, will
preach. Communion service conduc
ted by Rey. T. H. Small, of Sllverton.
at SM p. m. At 8:00 p. m., "Betting
Ban," tne first of a seaslda series.
.Short addresses by the pastor and
Keys. Wooley aud KttaU. All arsis -9pfm
' '.
.Ms thimond Is fellitut milliner at
uani uiue prices.
Pure paints an1 oils of all kind at
emiura rtianuacy.
Remember Chandler la tha nraettaai
tinner and plumber.
Smith has just added flftv new books
lo bis circulating library.
If you waut to sell nronertv list It
wltb Peterson Andrews.
If you Want to buy nmnerlv call an
or write Peterson A Andrews. ,
If you desire to nurchsse nronertv at
' bargain, call ou U. A. Miller.
Buv yon ticket Eiuit over the V P.
R. R of W. 0- Peterson, Local agent.
Geonre Rice reeresenta some of th
beet Insurance companies lo the world.
Anyone wtsltliw well seaMinnd nut In
and flooring, hould call on M. A.
George Rloe writes nil klndi of In
surance, and solicits a ehareofyour
Stute Noimal School. Druin. Oreiroti.
Write for catalogue. Free. Louis
Barsee, pn sident. j
When you want to bur n suit of clnt li
Ingyou will Have aionev t,v arttinsr
ii at nut-lit Hubl.
Farmers, sniase vour machlnri-v
witti Kiaoraae castar maebine oil
For sale by N.W. Smith.
All knowing thetnselves indebted In
me will pleaxe call and settle at
once. h. A. Millar.
After June 1. Miss Dumoud will sell
all mlllloerv voodi at eoat. Rbvk
feetly new and the latest, call and be
Carpets, carnets. nrneta. Mtt!n
mattlLg, matting. Buy of the Albanv
furniture uo iisiumore Block. At
bany, Oregon.
Ladles If von are thlnklna nf eettlnir
a pair of shoes or a new drew next
week, you will want to know where n
get the beat for the least money. Mr
jiaker always carries the beet.
T. S. Hodsene who is wnrklnv for
the Hcribners Magazine Publishing
Company, was in the city a couple of
days this week soliciting, and iu-
caeded In getting a good number of
sunscnoers winie nere. Mr. Hodgens
is a jolly fellow aud a rustler.
Mr. J. R. Smith Informed us that he
received a letter Wednesday from his
aaugnter, Mrs. .Bolton, nee Mrs. Funk,
in which she stated that her h with
la better than It has been for a loug
lime. Her many friends here will be
glad to bear this good news.
"Dor" Davenport, who hss been
ooudlMd iu tbe oountv tall awalilnv
an rxamatlon before Judge Bellenger
tor counterfeiting, has given bail and
Is now now at liberty. He returned
to Letmiiou Tuesday afternoon aud
went to ills bonis across the river.
Robert B. Montague, general man
ager of the Read, Peacock A Co.'s
store at mis Biace. eft lust Hiturrinv
on a vacation He intends visltln?
Seattle, Taconut, Steilacoom and prob
ably Victoria, B. C. He will stop a
while lu Portland and Sales ou his
Tbe Oregon Central A Eastern ralW
nam company will give one or their
popular seaside excursions on Sunday
August 18. leavlns- Alhanv I on a. m .
Oorvsllli 730 a. m.. and rituMilnv
leaves Newport 6i80 p. m. Sare from
Aioany or corvallle to Newport and
mum, Bicycles will be rnrrled
free. -. Weather permltlng, the oom
modlous steamship Farallon will make
several excursions over the bar.
Messrs, Bach A Buhl received th
largest stock of fall and wltcr clothing
this week ever brouaht to Lebanon.
Most of the goods were direct from
New York, allboueh there were aom
Salem and Oregon City Woolen Mills
gooas. i ney nave marked those goods
down to hard time prices and nronnae
to sell at a close margin. Among their
new stock are some elegant dress suits
as wel' as (he business suits. - If von i
are thinking of buying a new suit, it
wm pay you to iook through their
Toctflav ftftarnrmn n f.w,t mm u.a
luitiunru neiween tiswortn Uameron
of this otnee. Mild tmnM Allur. nf I.K.
anon, I lie race to tuke plHce'iu that
n..y wn nuiUKIli.V MMTIlOOtl fi UgUSt 17.
The purse is $130 and the distance
HHVetllv.rlve vur,tu Thia 111... Iu u
Kt rati vi' I' In Orru.n m.H i.i.. Iu A r..u.
jmau, and no doubt is or, el"e he
" ve iMiu-iiHi uanirron.
Our ititv art Ainltrli.iii !...(......
........ u. t.i nuu
expect to double the contents of their
Ai-mijuiT, nines.
Allen, as refered to above, has onlv
been here for a short time, and is
Known only by a few. The race will
be run on Cotton's addition went of
the depot, between 1.00 and 4:00, to
morrow afternoon.
An eulhrrant named J. Butler, with
his family, passed through here Tues
day enraute for Salem. He left Mor.
ton county, Eunuia. the 13th of last
Mai ; driving through lu uitiety-three
days, tils teams were in good con
dition. He said hi fsiuliv had all en-
Joyed the trip.
Invitations have been issued for the
marriage of Miss Pesri Vance, vouiik-
eat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Vance, ot this city, to Mr. Walter B.
PeuootJ;, ol the uiercliantile firm of
Read. Peack A Co.. ut the residenei.
of the bride's nart-'llte on Wednesday
evening, August 88. -Herald.
Messrs Bllyeu. Parker and 8hw
returned last Sunday. Thev went as
fares the Matolaa. Besides catching
several candy buckets full of flsb, they
packed a numlier of cans lo regular
salmon style; having prepared for it
before going, with aolderins- irons.
cans etc Another flue trip reported
Around the paper mill is a husv
place at present. Besides the regular
routine workers, there are sixty extra
hands around the yard; the most of
wnnnj are on the mammoth stack. but a
good number are ori wairnna snd ntlmr.
wise employed about tbe straw. There
are from 110 to 135 loads of straw
hauled iu every day with au avers
of 8700 pounds to the load. The slack
being put op this year, is much lanrer
thsn usual: beini near 5.000.000 nonnrU
of straw in it when completed. Last
Wednesday at 8K p. m , there had
been 1330 loads hauled. The l.n
hauled this year was by O. O. Vernon
weighing ten pounds over t.hrw inn
Straw hauling will be finished tha
lore part or next week .
M. A. Miller, originator at the flh
ladder at Oregon City, says that it ia
to be regretted tbar the board did not
spena more or the appropriation in
blasting out the flsli wav. The hill
allowed 110,000, but only 1,000 was
expenceu. As It Is, the Bab way is ft
great suroess, and will prove a great
messing to tbe people of tbe Willa
mette valley. The Albanv Demnnrnt
says: "It Is a fact not known by
many that, salmon have begun running
quite lively in the Willamette at this
city, and bave been doing so for some
time. Parties boat riding have noticed
big fellows going along some two or
three feet long. As this is the elnwri
season they will have to be left alone,
out it is so evidence that there will he
plenty here in the future, and salmon
catching may become quite an indus
try in Albany,
At 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon the i
Koeeburg Coos Bay stage was acaiii
held up near the last place and on.
doubtedly by the same man. nn
Card well and Barney Matthews, of
Moseouig, were ou the seat with the
driver, and Major Pond, tbe light
house inspector ai.d Miss Myrtle
Bryan were inside. The men on th
seat were dlsrusslng ibe previous rob
bery at the lime. Caldwell said
"would It not be a joke if a robber
should appear from behind that tree
on tbis side of the road." and liiiin. rti.
ately the roblier apeared with two re
volvers. Carda-ell had over ,200 but
be only gave up 14. and Matthew
with several hundred dollars gave up
zou. Major rood rontribuiid 11.511.
and the young lady with 134 In her
pocket was not dlstunwd. The robber
lert saying lie would see them amiln in
a day or two.
Waterloo Warbles
We beg space in vour ln,il,l.
umns In which to
that have been circulated throughout
wis country by tbe Albauy Democrat,
paper we nad tboueht ahnve nrlnt
ihg SUCh rot. We refer in n It.,.,, on.
titled "Outing No. 2," signed "Caleb,"
which appeared a few tlav
It seems from the rend, no- tim
a querulous, crankv. uninvllv nnor.
relnome kind of vaeahmiri whn dnn
anow wnetber he, she or It remained
here fifteen minutes or two months,
who quarreled with a little h,, ,a
felt bad because the boy did not know
how many camps were here then af
ter being taken thl-olliril the mill a,.A
treated kindly where 'it' should have
been kicked as to gall to attempt to do
the town all the dirt nomlhl in .
long un article as 'It' could secure
space to have published. Then this be
ing who is all smiles when deirlir
favors and all Judas after receiving
them does not like the moral status of
ibis section, ('it' returns thank thnt
ii is not like other men.)
lhe racing affects ibis monument of
goodness, and the liquor Mint la
and especially Ibe amount taken In
therefor Is creating a wreck iu the
-miuga" think-tank.
The "devils club fool"
upon 'It's' colssal mind and none in
Waterloo are supposed to have irrn
enough to cope with "him."
Now Caleb wheu next you take an
"outing" go to Gehenna or down Oak
creek ur tietter still nrav for vnnnoir
nd not set up a iustice nffine tr, in.i,
your fellow man.
We as a community oan live In Annie
manner without vour aid and if,.
keep Pisgahs Mount between yourself
auu mis piace you will confer a a boou
upon the public in sreneral and m0if
in particular.
Soda water here canunt. l h.,n..j
lu ai.y way by vour weak ravin,
ueither can the water at Sodaville be'
made stronger. For the
ui oooa we reel truelv aorrv that
have Inflicted yourself upon them un
asked and truely hope you will have a
safe voyage to your honie-lf vnn
fortnate enough to have oue-and
there remain.
Charity covers a multitude nf in
I and to make the citizens of this town
responsible for tbe deeds omitted here
by such characters as Caleb i. ,il
. "'"a
This has been tbe most oniet nrH.
erly pleasant summer hear within the
memory of tbe oldest inhabitant,
Tbe camp meetiug had better order
than any previous one.
There baa been no fluhtlmr n. .):..
orderly conduct, no scandals.
lhe denizens have tried t) treflt all
in such a manner that they will not
forget us hut carry awav iilenwnr
memories and return again.
We may have done wrong In being
kind to things like Caleb hut tmat in
befergiven and will not let it happen
agai n If we have due notice of tbe ap
proach of such a monester.v i;
n ow mr. Caleb if you attempt to
"do" me as vou have thu inu,,,
one request to make, sign your own
name which we know, almost, you
will not do.
We do not wish to draw the two
towns into a wordy debate, but we
Will cheerfullv awan noru..r...l ...i.i.
you for a few weeks.
uu not rorget to write ulso sign tbe
have so ignobly disgraced. '
. t- Rice.
Financial School
Your Dollar
How Much It
Will Buy.
Your Dollar How Much It
Here, Will Buy.
Mrs. J. C'ovie died at her home near
Sodaville last Saturday morning from
a stroke or iwraiysis on Thursday after
noon. Mrs. Coyle was the onlv child
of Mr. E. Klrkeudall of tbls city, and
was buried In the Sand Ridge cemetery
on Suuday, Sh leaves a husband,
father aud a bust of friends to irourn
her departure.
J. V. Keebler, formerly of this nlace.
but who is now attending his uncle's
stock ranch near Oakland, Southern
Oregon, was in tbe city the first of the
week. Mr. Keebler tells us that be
intends to move back to Lebanon la
the near future. His many friends
will be glad to welcome him and his
family hack lu our midst again.
Lust Friday evenluir while R. M.
Caldwell was spitting kindling at tbe
residence of J. W. Burkhart'a In order
V get an early breakfast the next
morning tne end or the axe handle
struck tbe block euuslnir the axe to fall
on the thumb of bis left band that
lie was holding the stick with aud
Ul It off Just above the first
Jolut, Hr.saUiS to tpwn and had Dr.
A ivnort whr rant.t.v nirAsiiut ...
LeliMi on, uudrwi.trtHy to injure the
trmnHirt! of thpululip.ittH n...u. '.
iMrt st Upper Hd4( whlb we Mleve
ago me wile or Mr Charles boater, the
nrnnrttw M t hu !!.... u. .
died and was buried by ber request
near l,r nM h..n.A n L( m Ii.u.,..i.
. ..... ....u.. m ri,irB pro
perty Some person or persons circu
lated the reiMtrt that, aim hurt1 I.....
burled so close to the spring as to
make it unhealthy to those using the
Water from the anritiu Thu urri,an
this article bus been over the ground
fn company with others and find that
the reuialtifl were hnriu ... n ,t...
slope toward Aula Fork and not on
jiouuil Unit even slopes toward (lie
spring. One of Hie lent physicians of
Easlern Oregou and one who is well
versed In aanlliirv I fill tint Hiuiluaiu.
that it is a physical impoelblilty for
water to ruu from where the .'rave ii,
to the sprliig. In justice to Mr. Fns
ter, who Is au old friend of the writer,
we cueertuiiy HlilKe nils statement. A
nersou whnwnnld u-lllfiiilv ni..,iu
shoo a report is not entitled to any
A New Fraternal snd Benevolent Order.
Mr. J. L. Mltohell and Mr. J. B.
Woodfnrd, state oriranlzera rnr ih.
Home Forum Benefit.
' waapcuui iU
arrive in Lebanon the latter part of
weea ior tne purpose of organii
Inga local Forum of their nrHr i., ki.
city. The Home Forum is said to be
one of the best managed fraternal ord
ers iu the world and the highest num.
ber of assessments that has been made
in any one year was sevfn. a m..i.
able small number. : Tim
mils to membership either man or
woman irom ages eighteen to fifty-flve
and issues insurance
to $2,000. A $2,000, on the life of a
person aged eighteen to twenty-four,
together with all lodues duea mil .....
exceed $8.10. The order Is mewhat
uew iu mis state but is old and well
established east of the fi.icky Moun
Mr. Mitchell Is at Waterloo this
week, where he has inv,Boiirf i ... J
ting up a lodge of twenty charter
ueiuuers, composed of the best oltliens
oi mat place. He expects to arrrlve in
Lelia i today and will l niUu.H ,
explain the obj o, Unt! alms of his
inner io au, vine.
Parties desirino lmnli,. OKirt
all kiuds at short notice, and at bot
tom prices, of Humphrey &McNee.
on Hamilton creek; or at S A. Nick
erson's planer at Lebanon, Oreo-on.
Alare stor nf nil kin,.
on hand at both places, except black
walnut. Humphrey &McNee.
Liberal discount for teams coming a long distance.
I havfl a. T.ARni?: STnni?-r T5TT-,Tr .
w i . ; . " "ivviv ui iiruvjiv, tor sa rt nr niv
Yard, in the subnrba nf r.0hannn tr o.i ' : JJ,fc at ?
Potno aii i i f xui oaiu at Jteasonab e
Rates All kind of mason's woik done with neatness and
despatch. D.W. HARDEN.
oredlt or his speech any weight. All
uiu painuis w in, nave oeen mere will
upuuiu iu wriver in mis opinion. Al
bany Herald.
If at))' such report as the above has
been In circulation arojud this city,
we have failed to hear of It, and will
say that tbe best people of Lebanon
do not believe auy such statement.
For pure Unseed oil. call ou M. A.
Him -
Obit uar v.
ElllUittMUel ,,1.1
sUnn etuiuty. ami a man wh ..
- - ....... nuu IT OO 10
specien by mi nlut kll, w hjlni died at
his hopie U It,!, city a, j ,Mutk m
Ihureriay, August s, 1865.
He was bom June 8, 1835, In Sum
merset County, IVnilsvlvanla.
grate.1 to Iili.,ta iu 1854 ,,' fom
mere to ualllornlH In 1804.
Boou after bis arrival I,, ii,., .......
he proteased his fl llh ) Christ and
became a member r n,...i....
known us "Christian lir-ir...... u- p,,rl rguu lm
where he lived in, IMawy to his
eternal home. H i....u. i..
flvs children to ibiiuin the of ,
Notice. 1
Water consumers must not sp inkle
tuoir lawns after 8:30 p. m.
N, H. AM.EN.
l)r. G. W. Cheadlo. dentist. Offl.
over City Drug store, Oillcc hours
from 8 a. in. tj 5.30 p. m.
Have your hnD work done h
Highest Honors-World'- Plr,
Odd Modal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Mads, , ; ' .
Vtt tot titobi
Power & Tomlinson
Having consolidated the
two entire stocks of E. 1 ,
Power and J. L, Tomlinson.
Now located on Snennrl
Give them a call,
Dr. Leroy Lewis,
I desire to announce to tbo people of
Lebanon and vicinity tb,.t r be
come among ynU lo practice Ibe hiiwt
and heal methods of Leutlslry,