VOL. IX. LEBANON, OREGON, AUGUST 16, 1895. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 2 00 '7u ji d'in mTvamw" 11 "in pur year.) -4t k montliH... - . w TiirtMi m'tiih " ' ;,' STATU uFrlCBHS. rico. vv. MeftifMn, . ...l..,fscnuio . L II i!lH . 4 ,...... ..... ,ioii n. ,ni'i". i..w.f Hermann, Congressman Willi." I'. LnU.i.. flow"" H R Ki'K'uM ......Secretary of Start 1'MI Miwho" Treasurer u .1 r dimL Public Instruction ii" ' ij.i ri State Printer It. Slleaiv. I , . F, A. Moore, f Supreme Judges. C. IS. WoulvSrtoil.). ' tmxmt oFFtcBiw. i,i ' ' j. N. Duncan Clerk -: N. Keedham . i t7..,...,ii,.i' ; :..!. F. Hardman ; ... ,i . I A Melt'itroii . wnemi. ........ .....i' ferti'i..,,,! fiiiiMri .u.snlfnt A. R. Kuinenora i ,. 1'. fl. Morriii ,,J..r .. VV. F. Deaklnt L.,n.....,r K. T. T. Fihcr ' Coroner '. R- Jayne , John Ponh ConintiHsioiierii . i u Wateri CITV OFFICIALS. , v Vul; . A. MIU.KR ., , W. M. BROWN. ' (.,'rr ATTOUNKY . M. OARWKft fHKArflluii.li , J.F.HYDK. UARS1UI P. W. MORGAN. Ml j(KU.KXUKUUUCl X. H. HAUiLI-lilSH, i "s 11. MYKlid. " .'. U,. VV. UU'h. ",-II niwi t 'lKI lir"1 1 115 1 V,ift'l mouth. . I m-'iut e'ii.vl b0oret'""t", It H..1I i... TaowlaJ nW o. , Traiwwit sir Kuwliw are ennltally tMiM fwii wenting. j a. UBinaaoK, C1"1' (iKo. W. Rut, 11 K. ,10X011 LOWiK. No. M. A.O.D.W.-Meetl wy ruoxlay evcutui at fl. A. H. Ball. . u w 0, ." '.",. W'. A. Mr. Hc. .r:lUNrtS.ol.li.NO.. 10. o.r.-M .n.rj-sanmlayevealiujat (kid Fellow. Hall, at o'clock a. ai. A E j,aVI8i K. a. . r: c PKTftKSoN, Beefy. . lAUI.'KKIIB'CA LOllllE. 0. 47. 1. 0. (1. F , l. o. a r tlalt lb lUlrd Wsdnst- lay eve. 1K8.X!LABA BuYIJt, M1HB H.VI , IE 44 A. K. A. M.-Meett LEHA.OM.iiie o, biom (ht! roll mcuo In niunlny cveiihut. ii '. Hlli tur. Mum and acll mmitll. l lliuu. tarulally liwltod (Irani to. BiijuuniiiiD , t ailuiid. - .. E. B. timua, VV. M, . '8. 0. WrIhco. - -.jBoiittfOre- ' ,!, MW'iunAMl',11... in l i j(. Uall, :sim, Hon. uf Vt'lu.iiaii. Mi'"' Jd ,uvi,ry 6iu.oy ii.'i. w lhl frl. . i. i. iii-uim Hie OrtM i jii i.,Liiiir of tliebmw or '""- wW",W ""o. CAM. tM. I month 1 1:W V. . A- B. "f l , "" Klcllt . - attiind, .A. uvuis, Lady K.K. aatukt. ldy Cjui. H.UIA1I HALT, PJtOFt. " "J"""" , OAKLAND, . SAM'U M. w ATTO EY - h "& & fiati, UUULUU11U1 - ATTORNEYS - AT - L.A- . ALBASV. OKI .... tt'.U 1SILYF.V, ATTORNEY - At - -aW ALBANY, OREGON. ' M, BBOWJf, ' Attorney-at-Law. JaEHANON, OKEOON. Dr. H. L. Parish, FUYSICUXAXD SDBGEOJf, Otfli and Rwildeiiw in tin' Ht. Cliari HWl LEBANON. OBEWlN. CAPTAIN i-WEESKY, U. B. A. Bun Dli'K'i. Cul. Kiiya: 'Hhlloh't CV l.iriti U.iti.fl.V l Ihe tliHt mwllclnel haw ever lnUnrt I Hut vvnulrl do nie any f::simmoms REGULATOR I'.c.der, did you ever Lake buiuoni IjWeb ItisaiiLATOR, the "Kino of Live?. Medicines?" Everybody needs like a liver remedy. It ia a elupgish or diseased liver that Impairs digestion and causes cov,utipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains in th:' bo ly and jioitans the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'U get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is hettes, THAN PILLS. It does not gripe, nor weaken, bat greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package has the Bed Z Stamp on tbe wrapper. J. H. ZelUu & Co., Philadelpnia. A Clubbing Offer. A great niuny of our readers Linn rounty like to IkI? the weekly Oregon bit We have made urrmigtmrnti" hi i'i'liy we mil furnlch II at a reducl i"H from the irin'lar prirrtn those whu want both Ihe Exi'KfSs and tbe Orf(((iMiti. The regular price of the Oregofltai t (i,W per year, and of the ExfHiMi 11.80 vheu III udvanpe, We will furnish Uitlif r $ per year In advutioe a saving of one dollar to the Bulwc.'iner. Tiie Orvgoiiiai gives all Hi" gvuernl ni waof the country once a .veofc. and the ExPHKSS (fives all tbe lix-u1 (!(' oo'ie a week, which will niiilt.e ft i,"wt einellwit i'e aiTvice fiif'fW mo?crateauin of 2, ief ytr. I'iuao u hn are at lireHeut sulwcriberr rf ti EPBiS uiual pay lit all arrear- trnm and one j ear in advance to obtain this special price. East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE- Soatlra Pacific Co. Etpress trains leave Portland dally : tl;90P, lj. J,v...I'oi'llnnil Ar. ; 8:10. a 12:111 e. ti. Lr,.,Alliany.. ..Ar. 4 :,'. u 10;lf a. M. ! Ar.Kan jfranijufiiLv I 7:00 r. a The above tl'jil1 a Hlop ai JJahl Port IhiiiI, Onri'ti 'i'J'i W "odliurn, rSnlcm, Turnrr, llnilnii, Ji'11'erwiii, Albany, Aliwitf Juni'tioii, 'I'untrent, Khedil, .Xdla-y, HatTlaburc J iilit-tit.it City, IrM"jr, Euitfii,', Cnvtrel). Drailm and .ii Mttilona fioui linMl-iilir south to and inli"Hiil Ashland. Honeliuii"?!.1"'1! iT-'tn'A a il.v.Portlaiiii"Ar. I 4:40p.m. lS-asr Lv... Albany Ar. :If.- I'Mr. . ! Arr.iR..M:Jjii. Icai paesetiKfr trains-dally (except tsiinoay. 8:20. a (1:10 A. M. 4:80 r. . S :al f. H. Lv...Alfiittiy Ar. Ar.,.Ilnon....Lv. 10:40 A. M. 9:40 a. . 8:45 P.M. 6:60 r. H. I.v...Aliiany Ar. Ar...Lobanoii ...Lv. J)inin$ Can on Ogdtn Route. Pullman Bi ff st Sleepers f-ajjd- Stisond-Class Sleeping Cam At tached to all Through Trains.. Veet Hide ltlvlalon, JiETWIW FOUTIAIIP AB CoaVALLIS. Mail train-doily (e!l?l,!');.m. y.tfT'aO tiV.PottlaM(i ...Ar. I 6:36 a. a. "" AHianv !ti rnW ?l""ict wl"' At ou..iJti rmlroad. ln-Jaily (except .Bunday)! . w:rTA r 1 r.:25 a. h. la and Euro, can be ob " raiealrom I. A. Bennett, atse, E. P. R0GEHH. Aaat. n. F. I "'"jj1 ' . Notice. All peraona knowing thet.taelves III dubted to me will please " at ouite, eltlter by cash or a note, as I Ii s'vr sold out and wish te Close upuiy FIRE FIENDS AT PENDLETON MEN WEKE BURNED ALIVE The Tranafere Hotel and Surround ing Buildings. Fifteen Thou sand Dollars Lots. Wednesday night of last week at Peudleton, Ore consumed tbe Trausfer hotel, and several adjoining buildings on Main street, one block from the Oregon Railway A Navigation depot The loss is about $13000; the inauraisoe half that amount. Four bodies bave been recovered from tbe ruius, and one man besides is still miosing. Frank Brediug and Old Wolf, an In dian, were two of (lpse recovered. The others nilssiug areO. Clacking, William Btrennnen and i. D. Taylor. It is thought the fifth body may be found. The Are originated on tbe up per floor of tbe Transfer house, when a man dropped a match near some gasoline. There were twenty-nine gueata. The family of the hindjord, consisted of aix'pernons. Later There are . many reasons to think someone was murdered before lire was set U the Trausfer house, and that the tbe hotel was burned to wipe out the evidence of guilt. A woman who was carried ojt duringthe fire said the saw a man lylug in a pool of blood. The story was at Oral discred ited, but now It is again beinr made the subject of Inquiry, and tbe opinion is general that she was right, and there is much evidence to prove tbe statement is true.. Officers are making a quiet search, and are neglecting no tneaut that may lead to feiretlng out tbe flejidawboarejespouslWe for this terrible -calamity. . -. SuUtde of j, H MuUf". A dispatch from Victoria Is at folr lows: In a fit of despondency, John Muller, lately a real estate dealer of Albany, Or., Juiuied from the Es quimau it Naiiaimu railway bridge lust evening, and this niorn)ng his body was found floating In the harbor. Muller arrived here ten days ago, and while on hia way wired a friend in Se attle: "Will be on the Seattle boat to day, or else good-by." He wan feeling blue all tits time he wssbere, but no cause is known for it, be was said tp have property In Seattle, as well as in Oregon. He was 4-5 years old, single, and several years ago was agent here for the Singer Sewing Macbiue com pany. He was well known at Se attle ud Portland. Hit body floated ou ing to a peculiar cause. Hi tongue was held nnniy tieiuee'i nia teetn, keeping the air iu his lungs and rend ering the body buoyant." Mr. Mullen was bom In Belfast, Ire land, and. came to America iu 1673, aod to Oregon )n about ! for good many yours he was in business With Charles Currau, uow Curran & MonitlU), of this city, but was out of business for several year). warfti friendship continued between then until bis death, and sometime ago hav ing no relatives here he made a will leaving hie property to Mr. Cur rau. He was uot broke, as was repor ted, but had an iuterett In some pro perty. F"f some tlpje, though, bis health had been poor, and be bad been very despondent. At times a heavy pressure on his head was too much for hhu. Just before going to Victoria, where (w vyent upon Invita tion of Mr. Adama, at) 0$ sewing machine friend In biislneas there, be spent a month at Sndavllle. Be fore lltat lie bad been emtaged In a ' ...... J! ,...J Veil!!" tat ijuq gfaiiy uiappoiiiniu hin . A filend tlkiv at (lie same time rcpurl him t have las n very (en-dent.-sla'iirday's Pi'tn'trat. A Farm Hand Ki)ed. Charles Suver was working on the irimrston farm,, cue mile north of Wt'll" WNf'MW "f M werk whe" be met -!bttfl siplllvllf l) fl' muuner: He was hauling I luauui ahwrt I" I1"-' tbresher when his wagon struck WHW ml n 'l'rowB head Hist JP lb WWW If) i-..,rtiiiu to Ihe around. Tbe horses 1 .. r.nt whm.) naMainar over bis ran, - , , i. und a bind wheel over bit body running lengthwise. H uled In-fore uiedleal assistance arrieq, jpe remains were burled at Buena VIsU, Kiivsr waa forty ytartofags and aa- Electric Headlightt. Electric lights will wain succeed oil lamps as headlights on all of the pas senger Iruitt locomotives of the South Paciflc company. The company has been experimenting with electric headlighis for wime time past- and at last has perfected a light that can lie manufactured by a dynamo on the lo- oomollve which will llluinlato the track for a distance of 2000 feet. Oil lamps only light the track for 200 feet ahead of the locomotive, and when running at high speed engineers are unable to stop aft.-r observing an ob struction on tbe track in time to pre vent an accident The Southern Pa cific company will be tbe first railroad company In the United States to equip all of its passenger train locomotives with electric headlights. County Court. County Judge J. N. Duncan and commissioners J . W. l'ugh and J. M. Waters, bave transacied the f llowing business of tbe regular August term. Application of E. Hover et al for county road granted and oidered opened.. In applications of William Baker et al, James E. Yoemau et al, W. H. Ltaitiey et al, Thomas Ewiug et al, viewers were appointed. ' Petition of J. O. Fry et al, for county road, granted. Viewers were appointed for niads as follows: Application of William Ba ker et al, T. J Munker, Robert Cary and David Meyers, to meet at Scin, August 31, at nine a. m. On applica tion of W. H. Lonney et al, Hez Burk hart, L. C. Stratum and Mote Miller, to meet at court bouse August 81, at nine am. Tbe following bills were allowed: John Usher, janitor .$ 15 B H Houston 4 Co. ac't Jail aid poor.. S 26 Parker Bros., aid poor S 60 N B Washburn. 8 W W Crawford, roads Ill 90 F Achernian, " !4 9o AM Baltimore. " 64 B Biicson, ' '.. .. 1 35 RW-Mows, " 13 33 Humphrey '.' SlcNpe, roadt 14 43 Hopkins Brothers, " SO FredtjrofSv. " .,umwu,. A 75 Albany Water company IS, Oeorge Acheson, acct C, H ,, (0 Pf Wajlace. acct insane (j Fosnay &. Mason, acct v. a -a w Fees State, Louis Dyer 32 90 " A R Johnson, i KBtockr . ' man, John Iaomu 3 76 Statesman Pub. Co, printing 4 60 N D Conn, acct jaj i CO Washburn, '! 2S 8p Jg Van Winkle, clerical work 23 Lee Bilyeu, rebate on tax 2 80 M U Cameron, acct roads 8 43 P W Spinks. roads 97 87 Tbos Ewing, sect roads 18 P CSwanu, road supervisor SH H C Watson, sect w 12 A J Barnigan, as J. P 7 13 F Crow, keeping county paupers.. 41 03 A A Kees, roads 23 Glass & Prudhomnie, books 23 60 Fees State vs. Wm. Smith, 5 70. H M Stone, roads 80 W F Deakins, assessor , HsJ M I, Forrester, mails'..' 34 88 TT Fisher, surveyor 10 Albany Iron Works, acct bridges 61 Robert Bilyeu, lumber 40 Harrisburg Lumber Co, i)cct roads... 60 70 Road Work, diet. 11 30 Ouabain & liobson, aoct roadt 60. J A McFcron, shcriif. 166 65 N Needham, clerk.... 166 66 1) F Hardman, recorder 160 Duncan, judge , 100 P 0 Morris, treasurer & t A R Rutherford, supt 60 00 F M Redlield, dop clerk 83 85 Q E Propest, dep sheriff. 66 65 0 C Cooley, aid poor 6 B While, aid poor .- 8 OTLubker.aid,,, 8 Barak Hitiee, aid 9 Robert Gilock, aid self 6 Mattie Taylor, aid 10 Uren Watson, aid : 5 rowers family, aid 10 Mr and Mrs Barnard, aid ., ....., 6 lift a f Juntar, W 8 Jas (drew, aid 4 John Waters, aid poor 6 i A Albert, aid 9 Cox family, aid 8 06 Mary 9 Davit, aid,, 10 Albany Bleat ik Lfctlii I'q npany 23 60 S V r.pae. i..i'ij(-t'.it aobiiiTs fund... 7:1 16 J A JkKeron 27 11 J H Edwards 29 65 H B St. John. im'I brliliirs , 60 Stewart & Sox llsiibvate Company.. 18 Miller & Turner, livery 2 60 II B St John, acct bridge! l 08 E. 'f T Kllier, acct poor 6 P f Wtiglil, nqukt. bwlie i A U Cameron, clerical work V ox fa.nily, ai.l poor 7 Alma Vail, aid ' Henry Meyers, aid 6 fvwtra (uniiy, 1l.t:iK-Turja w C PeDirlin. ai I - W I g Van Winkle, den sheriffs 10 2) Win Rrenner. " 42 "6 UL Munis. " 1 40 CBWtllll. " : 0 I A W ilson, " H Highest of all in Leavening ACSCLUTElY PURE A CRANK FROM STAYTON WILL CO TO THE ASYLUM W. H, Felton. Imagined He Had Six Million ' Dollars 4 In. Ladd & Ttllton's " . Bank. . PORTLANO, Aug. 10 A religious crank who In a moment of undue ex citement might prove more dangerous tbun Preacher Reed, annoyed the peo ple of Ladd & Tllton's bunk not a lit tle yesterday ulicriioon. ' His name is W. H. Felton; he is thirty-six years old, claiming to, and probably does, hail from Sluylon, Marlon . county. The insane fellow has papers in his possession, purporting to represent (6,000,000, belonging to the Lord, that he had deposited In (he bank, and which he desired to draw out." He be came so importunate tbat the bank people caused bis arrest at 4 o'clock, Chief of Police Minto detailing" Detec tive Joe Day to bring the mat) to the station. . Felton proved to be one of the quiet, dreamy class of lunatics, who are as dangerous as a keg of powder. The arresting officer detected in him the kind of a crank, who, bad he a gup,' would bave forced the payment of his imaginary cluinl at the expense of hu man blood. He was not long detained at the police station, buf'conveyed to the caunty jail, from whence he will, In all probability be sent to the insvue asylum, . Shearch for an Heir. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10.-By the aid of tbe state labor bureau a heir to a (60000 estate bas been found after a relative bad searched for the rplaslug legatee for six years. Yesterday a man- entered the bureau and told a deputy that he was looking for his- brother, W. H. White, who had let! ' bis' homo in Indiana 'In 1886. Ht) gave bis own as John White. ' He said that his anxiety to fl,nd his brother wna due to the fapt Hmf nnj 'e'sta;to"fif: 180,QG0 was waiting to be distributed.' His urol Iter's Stiare was $00,0110, and would be lost to him If he was not found within two months. Hesaid that W. H. White Was a teamstef, at'4 B'iight huve sought omptoyment. A'searoh was made, thrnuirb the applications for that class of work, but nothing was discovered. Finally 'tbe 'laborers' ap plications were gone through, arid when about two-thirds had. been scan ned White gave a whoop of jpy(.grab-, lied an application and bin hat and. rushed out of the office. When the deputy recovered White aa nowhere ' to be Been. Deputy Dam says that be remembers having registered White, and that tbe mail bad been employed ou an Irrigation ditch Iu. Sat Jouquin county at (1 a day and board,, aud when work was stopped hy Judge Ross' decision, White thou drifted back to the city a week ago. i Business Outlook.- ' . NEW YORK, Aug, 10,-R.'G. Dun. company, say III their weekly re view of trade: "Business' continues unuauallv active for midsummer and though there Is a perceptible rejaxar tinu tlieit) arc 110 algna of reantlon. One change of great iuiportaiice.wjilch the last week lias brought Is the amic able settlement rjetweeii the coal miners and employers in rennsyivR, nia. Ohlo.aild Indiana, It is said about 100,000 inert will have their wages Inoreaned" after October 1, by ...1,11.. II.. In mis a"junueoi, uou .hk, ii. crease of the purihalug pnwei Is of cousequeqee mm even more im portant than the chronic ease of con troversy which has beeu removed, by a new agreement us to company stores, FiillnroH for Ihe week WuW 6 ill the United atates ag tinat 2641a year,'' and fortythree 111 caiiairo agaiusi fiylWf.U" ' Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report A Pire at Lockport LOCKPORT, III., Aug. 10. -The business portion of this place was com plealely destroyed hy fire today, ui taillng a loss of 200,000, or which unotit one-half or two-thirds is cover ti by Insurance. The fire started in tbe roof of a building owned by J. 8. McDonald, where some tinners were at work, and set a portion of the roof on fire. Tbe mei tried to put out tbe llami a with blankets snd coats, and In t tew nilniites they were glad to let It done and ' run for their lives. The town has no fire protection. Tbe names fanned by a strong wind, swept ihe buildings and carried evertbing in their path. Two engine companies were sent from Chicago, one from Jol iet and one from Latnout. The lire had eaten tip -most of the buslines portion when the engines arrived, but was extinguished In an hour after ward . Part of the town hall and post office was destroyed Including the records. Lockport Is in Will county, on tbe big drainage canal, about thirty two miles southeast from Chicago and has a population of about 2000. It con. tained eight churoet, newspaper mill, large flour mill, four carriage shops end various other enterprises. I The , Eddy Case. ... SALEM, Aug. 10. -Attorney Drake lias beeu in Salem today In consulta tion with his client, Secretary Kin cald, relative to the decision of the supreme court on tbe questlou of hold- ever oonimissloiiers, and it 'may be that n rehearing will yet be asked lie fore drawing warrants for the railroad omuiissiouecB. . Mr. Drake is teuaci i us on the point he has raised, tbat tbe election of all slate officers Is a pre crgatlve' belonging to the people, and he would like an opinion independent of concurrent legislative exposition of the constitution. The secretary relies i-inre on tbe fact tbat the commi&sion- rs failed to file au oath of office or re new their bonds. The advisability of Bsklnsnpr.jp! rehearing has been left with Mp. DAke. Peculiar Death. MEDFORD.'Or., Aug. 10.-B.Simp- s in was pushed from a sidewalk here this afternoon and hi neck broken. He had been having some trouble dur. lug tbu afternoon with V. M. Gainey, but nothing serious resulted from the iiltenvitinu. After Gainey had gone fioine, Hiitipsou mistook William .( roue for, Gainey and came at hiiu v lth.tiiboard. , Crane, Iu his owu de fense, pushed Simpson backwards and 1 ielaiter fell from the walk to the s reel, a distance of about two feet, re B'.iltlnj;'as above stated. Simpson baa b en? at-1 resldentof this county Since S62, lino) was about sixty years old. 'o, blame Is attached to Crane. t Pools-Not 'All Dead, S . " NOH WICH, N . Y., Aug. 9.-A doaen young wen of Edmcston have formed hut. thay teim an, "antl-bloouier brigade," the prime object of which is. opposition to the new blooruer oog(ume linw In vogue with female cyclists, Each, member of the brigade is requii red to ,lgn tbe following pledge;"! here by agree to rofruiu front associating with all young women who adopt the l,)opnieri cycling opstuuae, and pledge myself to use all honorable means to r'tidei such costume unpopular in the Comluunity where I reside." ' ' An Aged BrHegroom. ( rOHONTO, Aug. I0.Sir William r. ; Howlan'd, K. C. Q K. C. B., ex-lil-U'euaiit-goveriHir of Toronto, aud president of the Coufedeiation Life Aastiriiuoe Company, uow in his eigh t.ytix year, will soon lead to the alter t ae widow' of James Bctbunc, late fuanai;er of the Dominion bunk. Their yeluthetare strongly' opposed to the matoh. Sir Vlfillium Is au American by blub. , , 1 i ( , KAHL'8 CLtlVER ROOT, the treat Blood nurlfler Elves freshness and clearness to the Complection and cures Constipation, 26 eta., 60 cts,, (1, BoldbyN. W.fliuitb. ... KAHL'8 CLOVER ROOT wll p jrify your Blood, dear your com p'.eotli u, regulate yn'ur Bowels and piakt yeur bta4 clttf M ,k bell,' toe.) nofl " ri iue UOM, Bum " limb..