i MENNONi'.'ZS OF RUSSIA. V-.w llitniahlpa e; ('trrlxtlmi Ht Undar tha Ci:irii ioTpmiuaat The Mennonites of Russia, as well as Ik-brows, are complaining uf the sever ities 01 the cW government, and, bat v r th obstacle to thou- emitnnitiaB, ! whole body of thorn would probably come to tall country. They are a Christian sect over three centuries old. um1 hold baptismal doctrine not reoof- rot by the orthodox Oreek church, ii.to which tht government has tried to drive them. The Russian Hennonitee, who num ber only about 60,000, took np then habitation in southern Russia, near the sea of Atov, about a century npo, ex plains the New Yurk Sun. having then left Prussia on account of the hardships to which they were subjected. They ore a peaceful, intelligent, virtuous and industrious people and they have en joyed rare prosperity in that region. The main trouble of the government with them (Trows out of their religious principle of non-resistance and their re Tjsal to render military service. For a njr period of time they were exempt v: -m service by the decrees of the czars, :t this privilege was withdrawn twen .. years ago. They then obtained per ; ;::3ion to leave fiussia within a speei lk:il time. In 1873 they began to take advantage of it, and several thousand of them f -mid refuge in this country. The first eolonies went as farmers to Kansas and Minnesota, where they purchased land ::ad got along finely. The czar seeing Urbr determination modified his decree f conscription, and gave orders that, in iue of war, they should be required r ly to render service in the military br spitals. The granting of this privilege rud the expiration of the period during v. iucu they were allowed to emigrate : topped the mennonite movement to America. The whole body of them was desirous of leaving Russia, as they left Prussia a century ago. Kow again they are suffering hard ships through the operation of the con scription law and through the czar's de termination to bring them into the ortho dox fold. If permission could be obt ained by them to leave Russia they would fol i. w those of their brethren who came here eighteen years ago. FISH ANtf b.(H, YARNS. (."hole Eph Pu'SKETT. of Mirn bells Falls. Tex., has taught a rattlesnake to shake his tail to music. Turns thousand salmon, it Is claimed, were landed by bamuel Good win with one haul of a not near Port Anirele. Wash., recently. JI lis. O. P. PirsK, of Gainesville. Go., lulled thirteen rattlesnakes in the lot nronnd her home, with a piece of fence rail, a few days ago. They averaged about two feet in length each. Ah old Maine fisherman has been living in a dory all summer, cruising a taint Penobscot bay catching and cur ing fish, fie has camped in rough fashion on the islands, hasn't slept in h lied since last May, and avers he has had a very fine time. One curious result of the hurricane that struck the southern coast recent ly was the killing of quantities of fish. For many days after the storm the coast aronnd Savannah and throughout the stretch where its force was most vented was strewn with dead fish of all lands. Poisosoua snakes are so numerous in Venezuela that snaki. bite is almost ts common there as in iLaia. lint there arc fewer fatalities, for the natives !:;ie discovered that a plant known as iLe ocumtllo,when powdered and ap plied to the wound, results in a cure in almost every case. : ART AND ARTISTS. Giotto's greatest advance in paint ing was the rejection of the greenish Mack color the Byzantine painters em ployed for the human figure, nnd sub rtituting the color of nature for the faces and hands. The museum of antiquities at Dres den has eome into possession of an in-U-resting marble relief from Rome, which represents an ancient butcher shop, of oblong shape, and divided by a pillar into two equal parts. A portbait, which is Supposed to be of Robert Aachmuty. one of George HI.'s judges, in lioston. is still Hang ing in the supreme courtroom in that city. The picture is the work of John Singleton Copley and bears the date of 1787. Mr. BtKire-JoHES, theEuglishartist, j Is encraired upon the ink-resting task of painting a portrait of Mr. Glad stone's youngest granddaughter. Doro thy Drew. This little blue-eyed maiden of three years is said to re semble the grandfather startl'uigiy. A Greer peasant livingon the island of gina recently discovered a mag nificent statue buried in the rrround, upon which had been a nall planta tion, and which he had cleared. The statue was sold toji bric-a-brac dealer, who sent it to London, where it has just been bought by the British gov ernment for the sum of sixty-five hun dred pounds. BOOK LITTER. The sultan "is establishing a public library in Constantinople. All the li braries of the mosques are to be trans ferred to it Tuk old Indiana homestead of the family of Mr. James Whitcomb Riley has been purchased by the poet as a permanent residence. The largest library in the world is the lhidiotacquc Natiimale, Paris, founded by Louis XIV. It cuutalns 1, Tl,LZtT ;0n '"P"1 I 1... um n wripts, ,T.D C,n maps nd f Char cuius an 1 ftiL-dals. "sa WiKBsr.r. Umiiiai cele- brated hi eighty-fjarth birtirtajr ro- t-ontly. He is workln oi an euto ograpuy. iew men have in their time t.-i.;ted more of tho love of their fellow mea tlian Cm checvv Autocrat. A.- int.-resting find i a i arr of 610 v-Jlumes. includi,-ff ic-.-jaty' niann kunptftof tbe tenth and i '.:ve:-tli. und im with wocder.--.il raiajur.rer. of the i iha fonrvecut!) ce-ituries, which were r-tor.ijr ii)!w-J.i b , JVaieisiaat t-L! U Vh rirst txtUtfU :m Ovvi t.:t- Vtfant Asa. The first race fur the cup, now known as the America's cup, was sr.ilei arm.r.d the I.ile of Vfcjht on AuruiU !tai, says the ll-'uuWlnhia Ibw. t-'f t!,e yachts that trt U-il the seas in i;e days the . :t old Ameriai, l'-:1! of years iili .i-nmrs. is pr-iba1.-!; lu..- only one now ;::vuuuni w'uu. ' in- l.yal yacht ao-i:n'ron hud osercd a cup open to con petition ivy yacht-: of uH natious. Tp.w America was lyiiss ist Coweo, and b.-r cuntm were auxiiii:.. to get a mnUIi r.tcifwich 4 repreicr.tative Hritish yacht. Com modore Stevens entered tUc .-nii-rica in this ip.-u race. There t-tv six tfehoouins, one a three-master of three hun.-in-t and ninuty-two tons, and eijrht cuttira in the raue. The Ameri ca wa the lart yacht to got ait. She ran v. irc-nnd-wlng, her r.;niw nil out on otte ide nnd her forct-aii ont on the other, a: -1 very soon had rr.ilod grand ly thruu.-rh the fleet, vcaehiaf the schooner licatricc and the cutters Au rora. V. diintc and Arrow, which were h-adine-. Finally the America, by very skillful lodging, managed to got into th-lcl. , ' .. 'i.;? Yankee boat with the wind free had shown superiority over the Eng lish rebels. And when It came to windward wijlc she proved that she was equally -up,-t.ur. Mie worked to tlie wiiu'.wur.l no s peedily that by the time the point was reached there was not a yacht in aigut from her decks. The wind now died down and a strong head tide was encountered, against which the America made little head way. This gave the fleet, which had not yet caught the full strength of the tide, a chance to creep up on her. The lit : e entter Aurora and the cutter Arrow nea.'y caught up -with the America, but the rest of the fleets were miles astern. At St. Catherine's the Arrow went aground and was out of the rac-. but thfr little Aurora clung to the America admirably.' The wind now freshened again and the America ilrew away rapidly from her plucky little rival. After getting by St. Catherine's tho America had a leading wind, and easing off her sheet.-, tore through the water in magnificent style and swept toward Cowes, a re markable winner. The defeated Eng- hVh yachts were two davs altogether in getting into port. The dismay of the Luplish yachtsmen and all Great l.ntaia ct the temble defeat given by the little black Yankee is almost a matter of international history. Commodore Stevens had tried be fore the big race for a match very hard and had posted in the Royal squadron's castle a challenge to sail against any yacht for from one thousand to ten; thousand guineas, but the English were afraid of the Yankee from his first appearance and the challenge was never accepted. t A TERROR TO BANKERS. Th hri Wka Camm im ate Oakw of Huakta Hninlj U Mot UmdnL K. A. Painbolt, of Norfolk, Neb., who was present at the world's congress of finance at Chicago, said to a St Louis Globe-Democrat: "1 am more fearful of the man who makes a good appearance than o'. the other kind. Men who ex pect to deceive bankers understand how much we have to depend upon looks. They prepare themselves ac cordingly. If a man comes to me with a certain amount of timidity and want of confidence. I am more inclined to tahe iiim at his word and give him what he wants than if he is ready of s;)cech an-J entirely self-possessed. As for the theory that the confidence man betrays himself by his manner I have my doubts. It hasn't been my expert. ji-c with them. Dickens is considered an authority on hnman nature. Dick ens said something like this: "The geaerul impression is that a dishonest man cannot look you in the face. Let me disabuse your mind of that, for J promise you a dishonest man can look you out of countenanoe every hour of the day if there is anything to be gained by it' My experience in the bunking business confirms that view of it" J. M. Dinwiddie, of Cedar Rapids, said: "Let me add my experience. A man came into my bank with a check for fifteen dollars his wages as a car penter, he said. Be was dressed like a workingman. lie looked like one. In .every way he had the appearance of an honest man. 1 hadn't the least doubt he was what he claimed to be ana cashed his check, lie had forged the signature. He cashed six others like it in our city that day. We got him and I looked him over carefully, but I couldn't see anything about him which conflicted with my first judg ment that he was an honest working- even arwr ne was in prison he was just as honest looking as when ha ' came to the bank window, A WOMAN IN IT. In a suit for divorce by an unhappy husband is Kent county, Mich., one of the reasons given for his action is that his wife makes life a burden to him by keeping a revolver in the house "for the express purpose of showing him who is boss." A wxddim took place the other day In a picture gallery at Paolo, Kan. While the preacher was performing th ceremony the artist turned his camera upon the happy couple and photo graphed them just as they were regis tering their nuptial vows. ' . A Hamburg bachelor who died recent ly got even with, a woman who jilted him by leaving her a legacy of twelve thed mark, and the following le ..m.b ,hlrf : ter: "Madam Some thirty years ago I was a suitor for your hand in mar riage, yon refused my offer, and as a aonseqaeno my days have been passed in peace and quietness. Sow I requite your foodnea." 'ttLii-uojiEiiKTiw U the new word naming an Instrument to register th time of each xwversation at the tela? phone from th time of ringing up th 4change to tbe ringlng-off signal, Euch a system would reduce rentals of telephones to a acale according to lot .f.U.t... BARON HAUSSMANN. . 'The Csrer at the Liwrjrctle Pmfeot Whu fatMlnstrveteri l-si Is. Enron Ilnussmnnn. the creator of mod ern I'uris, thron.;h tho vast systems of public improvements instituted and oiirried out by him as prcfeot of tho Heine under Louis Nnpoleon, win-stricken by mxiploxy while nt dinner on a re cent evening, and died in the course of the night, being nearly eighty-two years old. Ilausmsnn was n native Parisian, soys the Springfield (Moss.) liopuMican. and grandson of a man who war. banished by mistake in 1810 a:; on? of those who in convention voted the death of Louis XVI. lie wes born March 27, 1801), was educated at the Con servatory of Music, but became an ad vocate, and after the revolution of 1830 was sub-prefect successively- of several departments, und prefect of the Var, the Yoano, and the Gironde under the presidency of Louis Nnpoleon. Shortly cfter the second empire woe established Ilaussmuuu was mude pre fect of the Seine, and entered at once in 1858 upon the ehonges which huvo made "Hnussmaunhiing" a term to Bignify the complete transformation of a city from atre, dirt, crookedness and squalor to freshness, cleanliness, convenience and splendor. Some have said that the idea oi these unexampled improvements in its main outlines belonged to Napo leon ill., but the energy and ability with which they were uehieved were such as to almost entitle Hanssmann to be called great New hoidevurds, out ting through and demolishing the an cient nnd picturesque but narrow and noisome quarters of Paris; great pub lic gardens and open squares replacing nests of wretchedness, splendid rows of buildings, theaters, hospitals, asylums public offices; strong and artistic bridges, fountains and many other ac cessories of beauty; the nmkiug into grand parks the lJois du llolognc the bnttes dc Chuumont Vincenue6 and Moutsouris: these indicate the charac ter of the work. The grand bendevard of Sevastopol, on both bunks of the Seine, the boulevard Malcsherbes. and over twenty others were laid out through t iie old parts of Paris, und one of them p-.-serves his name. This required an immense cnse, and presently Huutsmann was elinrju-tl. notwitl:st;iUfUng the great sums raised by tiie mtmicipauty, with raism? more money still by incuns of uuar.thnriaed bonds. At his request the bu-iffut of the city was given to the control of the corps legislatif, which spent most of the session of lSvO in examining his ac counts. The result was the auth-jrising of a new loon of liity-two million dol lars, but Ilanssmnnn was ashed to re sign his prefecture, and: refusing to do so, was relieved by imperial decree in January, 1870. After tho full of the empire he left France for a time, but the public re sentment of his extravagance was not lasting, lie returned in 1871 and was appointed director of the Credit Mobil icr and brought it into pretty good con dition again, Hanssmann was made senator under the empire, elected a member of the academy of fine arts, and got tlu- grand cross of the Legion of Honor in Wt-i. In lfi77 he was re turned to tlie chamlicr ol deputies from Ajaccio, beating IVinee Napoleon, -and was frequently called upon to defend there his administration of the public works. The municipal eounoii of Paris even voted in 1870 to change the name of the boulevard Unxnimann. but fiunl ly relented. FOREIGNERS OF NOTE. Miik. Carxot's musieales at the Ely see, in Paris, are really amazing in their splendor. r Lobb Staxi.ct, of Preston, governor general of Canada, is an enthusiastic football player. Ems Pacha has been honored by a German botanist. A now plant has been called Eininia Eminens. The latetharlcs IJradlaugh played a strong game of chess, and ranked among the bent players of England. He was also skillful in checkers and other similar games. Pkisce Hkxbt, brother of tho emper or of Germany, recently displayed sur prising talent as a violinist nt n coneert in Kiel. The prince played the first violin in the orchestra. Oscar Wn.ms has not abandoned estheticism entirely, it seems, as he tunes now in a white room wjth a shelf upon the wall and no furniture except the table and chairs, while the draw ing-room has settees with high white docks ana sago green cushions. Tub people of Japan owe much of tneir progress the last twenty-fire years to the Empress Harako, a very scholar ly and progressive woman. Her most hitunate fnend. Ntumutz Tamnimw. graauatea irom vassar college, and has doubtless done much to assist the em press in introducing western innova tions into Japan. , , r- . - Osetraplilrsl riofce, The Japanese are a very polite peo ple, but they sometimes like to play a joke, in a roundabout, oricntu! way, qpon the men of tlie west in the days of the second empire Huron o-.i s was aent to Japan to demand the opening pf certain ports to French com ucrcs Amaag the rest he named to tli Japanese ministers a certain tit i. The Japanese functionaries smiled so broadly when ho preferred tiic r .-rjucst that the French ambassador a.,lieii them to tell him what gave theiu s i moch amuseaient; but instead ol answering, flic Japanese mhitoers said.- "Vie will opeq the port in qunation, my lord, if I-'ranoe, in her turn, will open a certuio port to us." "What port it thatr asked the Frenchman. "The port of Liverpool," "But, your excellencies," laughing, "Liverpool is not a French mri oglish one." j 'Vesr answered the Japanese. "And tbe port yon named to us is not i in Japan, but in Coreal" j ihe ireneh amhossador was mm. You can get S loaves of bread at Mayer ft kimhmiighfor 25 els. - L VI K, lack, 1'ii-e. Just received a new and large HUiply of dress Incos coarse -end flue lim-ii laoe. Lsdiea shoes, coarse and tine;ulo outing llmt-uel-'i.nd slijrtinus nl such piieea l hat (Himpelitiou is nut In tl, nt (lie Raeket slore. Insure jour property with Peterson & Adiireu j. .They lire intents for ihe (.lid licllnblo, Home Mutual, .New Zealand, Springfield of Massachusetts, Cntitiiienlul, and other gi.ml, reliable eoinpnuies. They also have money to loan nt 8 sr cent, in sinus Innu filX) up. TVot W-e of Kxectitrtx. Jioiicc is hereby Riven to all whom it may concern, that, by sa order of the County Court fur l.ion Cnaaty, State of Oregon, the undursigaed has been duty ap pointed and is now the duly qualified and aotutu Lxectitrix of the last will and testament of Eugene H. 1'lm, deceased. AM parties indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment to die undersigned, and all thirties having claims against the estate are hereby re quired In present the same properly veri fied, within six months front the nth diiv of April NK. the hrt publication i i .i notice, to the undersigned st the olhce of SaaiM M. tiarlnud, lhnnon, Ore h. 1. I'm. Ex. of the Inst will and Imminent of Kuyene II. Vim, deceased. Sam'i M. t-Auuxn, Ally, for Kx-ecutrix, An agreeable laxative and Rxrvr Tosto. Bolji byDnii-btsoraeDt bynalL &oWo and ILOOper package. Samples frsa. Wf tit P rnvortta TO-H mm BU iiVforthoandJJnau.tto. LIYERINE THE GREAT KIDHEY AND CONSTIPATIOH CUltE. Pleneant to take by old or young, No griping. The root of the Liverine plant is extensively used in Norway for the eure of Piles. il L.. ii i , i , ooiu ny an nrst class ciriig- gists. : Wholesale Manufactures, Ancuok S Chemical Co. Lebanon, Oregon BARBER SHOP Best Khavt'H, Hair Cut or Nhump ioal B. F. KIRK. . Shaving Parlor. X EXT WOK TO 8T. CHARLKM HOTEL. Klegant Baths. Children Kindly Treated. J wi50 fQR case: it will not cuhl. j v4 PANSY. MAYER & KIMBROUGH Have just received t'no finost line of rrOCKERY and l iLASS WARE ever tuvn, lit to Lebanon, which they in vito you to call and inapt t. Their price are as lew, if not lower thru ary where eke, in the vallev. Highest Prices? paid for country l 'reduce. Lumber Cheap AT THE WATERLOO MILL (Two miles west of Wateiiou) The nearest mill by eigM miles to any point in tho Valley. Lunilier sf bditinn jirieee, ti;li IiIk ral disrount for cash. Will (ill oidi'is at once. ': Save inonev, time, ymir wnson and team by buyins,' of WATERLOO MILL You can haul 15CKJ feet at a loud as the ruHd is pood to this Mill. The Unenterprising Business Man , .. Ubcb a amnll atnoutit of Print ed Stationery, and- ot her Ad vertising matter, and as 11 conBcquenco his business dien away and lie i then like the man whoso jiiuttire rtppeari above. m The Enterprising Business Han , , Usee a great amount of Adver tising matter of all kinds. Consequently his Business In ci eases and bo becomes lis happy os the individual who is represented by the picture juat above. I) Printing N,.v, of All Kinds Is dwe at thin Office in aj Workmanlike Manner, and nt j l'rcv to Compare with tho i Times. Vour Businesa v ill hc-i Jn(T(;n8cd by having Vour Jcit f Fr-ntinn done at this Ollico. i Oregon Central & Eastern R.R. Co. YAQt'l.NA BAV KOt'TK, t'oniu-ei a', YiUjiilt.a Buy with u, SniiFiaiiclhi-oui d Yaiiilug Bliy rt,Hill. ship Cuinpaiiy SieairsW? "rarallon" A 1 and uhIi-Iis In t-vety rivpoct. ShiIh rrniti Vutjiitiiu for 81111 Fnuieiw-o aiiolil every 8 dnyx, . riu-Hi'iiger neeoiiiiiiodiitluiis minor-pin-sill. Hlnirteet rotrte is-twiiii the VVilliiiiietie Valley nnd (,'uliforiila. Fare from Allmny or points west tu. Bun Frauelseii: Cabin, $12 00 wrajre, 8 00 Cain,roundtriji,()(Jds, 18 00 Fur milling dntaapuly to il. Ii. Walden, Agent, Edwix Stonk, Mu'ger., Allmur C'orvullls, v -' Oregon, .ft'KMi. Corvellis, . Oregon. Tfmptf 4- WWny Steam Laundry RICHARDS 4 PHILLIPS, Proprs, Albany, Orego,, All Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Special Rates for Family Washings. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Itofunded. J. F. HYDE, Agent, COPYRIGHTS- I OBTAIN A PATFNT rnr . i" ' 5?. .V'.'- wlio luvo Und nauli mir ..J k vouiaiiiiiiij nribotik nt In- I and how nh. out .it fo tT hi.: ..reu, ""." iitaitiui -Mbi. " . i'ib Binenaia I Bf any Mimmtlc mark u thm J iimH Btntlon. mntittii. lfJ1- -:. -"'S'.' i nt T ai " a L-yw. Huty SV?S '321