Lebanon Express. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, IW. It was 98 in the shade Monday. Weather wiirni and roada dusty. Quite a number attended the circua. Mist Haiti Garothera haa returned from Hulim. .'.,.. J. M. Settle and famaly leftTueaday for tin niounlaina, Miss Alice Ambler is dut from Al bany for a few duyt. Mia. D. C. Holt, of Hamburg, waa in the oily Uila week. It. Ii. (jllann la occupying his Dew resliluiii al Tubman, W. K. Chandler waa In Portland ami Vancouver Monday. , Jt. v. Lamar will preach at Oak Creek Jii.iiii church Sunday. The meeting of the W R. C. have In-i-ii piwipnm-ii till September 2U. Mis t'ln S-- ilh and Mr. Fred Hick uk drove tn Albany Tuesday evening. Mi. WbViui tlyn.ei, iirT.illn.au, UnH been (jiliu- sic., but is improving. The concert given by Prof. "Wood, the blind man, was a fair entertain ment. A good lllllD driving horae to trad for a good milk cow. Inquire at thla 'office. - . Kd Kellciilierger left today for Port land, with the view cf opening buleher shop. State Normal School, Drain, Oregon. Write for catalogue. Free, Louie Bni7.ee, Frealilent. A you'ig man from Salem waa fined ten dollars Tliurday for riding a bicy cle on the sidewalk. The pity st'ir run In a man thla week for Mug drunk. He plaad guilty and paid the usual Hue $10. Kraut Settle and wife left yesterday for I he mountains. Mr. Aril has charge of Mr. (Settle's harness thop. Itev. A. Melvln Williams Isso-journ-ng ut Newport. We don't know whether he there for hie health or not. Itev, Noble, of Newburg, will preach at the Baptist church next Sutiday at U:flOa,iu, No preaching In the evening- Tillman I'aul was taken suddenly ill while in the city on Wednesday. was taken to the residence of Dr. .F. ley. llenorla come that times lu Tallman are llvty: especially vlien Wllaon'i thrashing nrcw is around. They are Mng good work. TtfurrWl at He residence of the groom in Slc.n, Ju'y 37, by-Elder Arthur Cain, Mr. John (Joins and Miss Carrie Perry, ml Snutliitti product.. .Mr. L. B. Troutmau and family nave itnuriiid to their home at Tallman, from Albany, where they nave been atnvlns for sometime. Hop growers anmud thla vicinity sav t lie outlook for the crop to good, and nickinir will eoiumenee earlier thati usual this season. Keep your eye on Mayer and Kim hmuch'a show window. They have a ehiiiii .dinner set there thla week of lis piecie for tiily16 60. Tomorrow evening a Mr. Boss will i.ireah at the Biulh M. E. church. The ;iiitor of tlie eity are cordially invited (.! Iw present aud bear him. ; ). T. Mtiii.'he.V, of Independence, wastheuuest ot' O. VV. Oru-aiu and family hisl Sunday aud Monday. He was up here looking fof Jk'P pickers. Hisses Mattle Nkoti, Addle Siiap imii, Maule Uursoti, Callle and Bessie Warner returned Torm ihemoUBUlns lai 8 if.ir lay. They had a spleuded lime. JL"M.v Sheriff Q. E. Propett aud wlft-'weitf called to (his city by the -death of Mr. B. (''"". M"1- fton' father. , Mia. William' Robins, children and neioe, Miss Matilda Holm, of Saera meiito, who Is visiting her, left last Friday for two week's camping at Lower Soda, The' Oregon Silver Imprint la the nuiiie of a new weekly paper, pub llslie'l from the bile Oregon Popullat oflii-i- In Albany. J- A. Fu.ch In man-.wk-iitg editor, : : W. B, (illh iii, who has been visiting : Teniiins.il Tuiliiiun. has returned to ilii? Imiiie in McMluiiville. Miss Mary WM.mii aueouiiauied him hauie for a vt; weeks' vWt. . Willi' was Hi the -city this week Aiiiiid . with the view or i.u. ye uiiuersiuiiu lie tin pressed Willi our city jua iftW weeks- 'fj(jou will fcaye fwldene of! looking Stalling in, j ; wii t'.ivorii'le and .ejipeels t The BjptiHi Junior mi Ice cream social at tilt W., A. Sunders, east of the church ihiM-vciiiug ut elghto'i Jivrvhoily in invited to be present a -encourage the children. ;. ." . 'I A H. Sprague, of Sucramento, Call, "fornla arrived In the city Monday on . yiail to his'brotber-ln-law, William lt,i,.lns and family. He leftTueaday for Lower Hoda where Mrs. Boblus Mi family ut cauitilu . Dr. Leroy Lewis, the ili.itlst. Hiram Baker bun all kind of tore. !,- . For pure linseed oil, call on M. A. Milter. Go to Hiram Baker far your wall paper. Have yoor hop work done by Chandler. 0:d papers for sale here at five cents perdocen. Miss Dumond le telling millinery at bard time prices. Pure palnU and oils of all kind at Smith'i Pharmacy. : Remember ( handler la the practical tinner and plumber. Builth has Jut added fifty new books lo his circulating library. If you want lo sell property list it with Peterson A Andrews. If you want to buy property call ou or write Peterson & Andrews. If you desire to purchase property at a bargain, call on M. A. Miller. buy you tickets East over the N. P. R H of W. C" Peterson, l.ocui agcut. Ueorge Rice represents some of the best liii.ur.iiice uonipunlci iu the world. I'ui:h & MuiiMey want your pnaluee id will pay you the highest price paid. ' ' . j Auyone wishing well seasoned rustic aud flooring, should call on M. A. Miller. Ueorge Bioe writes all kinds ot In surance, and solicits a share of your patronage. Pugh t, Muusey am always ahead on fresh groceries at prices a low as the lowest. , ! Wanted at the Lebanon art gallery, bay, oats or w heat, In exchaugff for photographs.. When you want lo buy s ult of cloth- Ingyou will save money by getting It at Bach 4 Bnbl. Dr. G. W.'cueadle, dentist. Office over City Drug store. Office hours from 8 a. m. t S.80 p. in. Farmers, grease your machinery with Eldorade Can tar machine oil. ForaalebyN. W. Smith. Pugh Munoy b-ive just received their spring stock of hats which they are selling cheaper than ever. All knowing themselves Indebted to oe will please can ana seme si oiiuo. M. A. Miller. After June , Uiss Dumond will sell all millinery goods at cost. Stock per fectly uew and the latest, Call and be convinced. Pugh & Muticy have lust reeived large invoice ol ladies' children' and men's shoes. Bee them aud you will buy theill. Carpets, carpels, carpets. Matting niattjbg, matting. Buy of the Albany Furniture Co Bj4t(niore Block. Al bany, Oregon. Ladies If you are thinking of getting a pair of shoes or a new dress next week, you will want lo know where to get the best for the least im.ney. Mr iiaker always carries the best. A Bunday school haa been organised at the Tallman aclinolbouse, with Mr. William Marks at auperintendant. It meets every Sunday evening at four o'clock. The people of that vicinity hope lo aw large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Boyd left M'MIt duv evening to Newport where they intend spending several weeks nn the beaoh. His brother, James Boyd who has been out with a teut, has chargb of the gallery while they are gone, The young people of Hie Epworth League will give another of their de lightful lawn toulal at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elklne this Fri day evening. Ice cream and lemonade a111 be served. Everybody Invited. Miss -'La P' mli" of this place at tended the circus at Albany, Tuesday and reports having a BIO time hear ing the, ab'm, mule sing and re marked that the elephant, was a pecu liar creature, having two tails and that cushlpned teats at ten cents are cheap. In the evening U the Cumberland Presbyterian church, next Sunday! be first of a "seaclde aeries" of Sun dav evening programs will be rei- dered. fit au'deet is "Setting Sail." You nc people espeBMiiy iuvh. Mrnin? service and Sunday acbop, as uaual. The barn of Mrs. Kend-11, who live between Albany and Corvallis, was entirely burned Saturday night, with a large quantity of hay, iw, wa. gon, buggy and a cart. It was of in cendiary origin, The telephone lines ran over the barii mid uliout 2U0 feet waa burned. We aiiiioiiuw an ld "folk's service" for the 0 P. church iu coiiiieotlim with the Augimt c mmiunloti, Sunday Auxust 18 K"V. C. A. Wooley, of Eugene, and probably P. H. Small, of ktylverloii, will l present. The songs will ail be old fwliloued, and the ser mon by a ploueer preacbsy, Attorney J. W. Day spent last Sat urday and Sunday in this city visiting (j "a WW's parents, nr. ana airs, ad- sorge, ton, Mr- Day It repeutly from Sbel- VVall;Hlugtoii, aud has located In ' s linai atA a svattl liilll kili Albany. Mr- W " Bi 7 named G. D. Portland, have fcF(-Ur Dr. Lewis extracts temporary teeth free. . The "Ladles Progressive Club" of this city will take an outing at Soda vllle tomorrow, AH the members are expected to be present, as a good pro gram will be rendered, Any lady that can get to Sodnvillo with a well filled basket will be entitled to membership and be given a royal welcome. Will start at 9 a.m. At the Pastor's Association held on Monday, It was decided to hold a mass meeting of all the churches on next Sunday evening, July 11, at the M. E. church. Iu regular order this meeting would have been held at the Baptist church but on account of Rev. Lamar's absence on that day, It was deemed Impractical to hold It there. Last Monday the lr:e engine at the paper mi'l was started up for the first time. Thlsenglne of 125 horse power, was put In three years ago, to be used in case the water failed to furnish suf ficient power at any time.. But Mon day was the first time It had to be used, the river lielmr low. the water power was not sufficient to rim the mill, , Jos Klnm, of Waterloo, w as arrested Saturday and taken before Justice Powell in the afternoon on the charge of killing China pheasants. He was fined $25 and costs, $37.50 In all, which was paid. It Is reported that he sold them to Waterloo campers. It is a dangerous business to Kill this kind of game, as the time Ib not up and the country Is full of game watchers. Mr. E. Ooan died Wednesday night at eleven o'clock. The deceased waa born In Summerset county, Penn., Jan. 8, 1835, and has lived here for many years, where his many fine qualities had made for blm a host of friends. He leaves four children and his widow. His funeral will be held at the residence this afternoon at two o'clock. The burial will take place at the Masond cemetery. In the county clerk's office of Marian county Saturday, a hop contract be tween E. L. Swarts and Phil Neis & Co. was filed and recorded. The former airrees to deliver to the latter 200,000 pounds of his coming hop crop, the price to be paid therefore being fixed at ten cents. Mr. Swarts is to receive an advance of five cents per pound as picking money. The hops must be delivered by October 10. Buff Hiatt and Ed Kellenberger re turned froin (J'lartsvllie Wednesday evening, where they had been a few days. Buff says it is the fluent moun tain country he ever saw and a good road all the way. They came back with W. B. Lowler, superintendent of the Quarteville mines. Mr. Lawler says tbey intend spending $200,000 ou the mines this summer opening tbem up. All the improvements are good and perujlnent and the prospects are good tor a large growtu tins ran. Albany has the most lawyers it has ever had, and can make a showing in this respect that will compare with any city in Oregon for a like popuhv tlon. The list of those engaged iu the business Iu this city is as follows, alph abetically arranged: Bilyeu, Blaok: burn, Bryant, Curl, Cannon, Dal ryraple, Day, Elkiuj, Fllnn, Gal- bralth, Hewitt, Hacklemau, Kelley, Montanye, Newport, Powell, Somers, Stowe, Watson, Wealherford, Whit ney, Wright, Wyatt aud Young.---Ex. The Eugene Register says that "Whiskers has decided to quit font racing he's joined a thrashing crew and will earn the necessary where with which to purchase the wants of the inner uian by the sweat of his brow." Though Mr. Trine has won a good many foot races the decision Is a good one. The business Is a mighty poor one to make a living at. To make foot racng a success a man ha, to go under assumed names and resort to all kinds of subterfuges. Mr. Trine though has probably always ruu on square. Ex. Mr. William Miller died suddenly at the home of his son-in-law, W. 0. Wlnkley last Monday evening. Mr, Miller bad lust arrived In Lebanon that morning on a visit to bis daugh ter and lale In the afternoon was takeu suddenly 1)1. Pr. Foley was called and pronounced It heart trouble; gave some medicine and left him feeling much bt tier; but in a few hours he had another spell and died bef re the doctor reached his Icdslde. The re mains weee shipped batik to his home In Creswell, Line imunty, on Tuesday for l.urlul. Ho wi-.s h brother of Hon. I D. Miller of this county. TheSalein concert party were Inad vertently Ht )i much annoyance Wednesday evening. Our ordinances require a license for such entertain ments, but the concert manager thought the rent for the hall Included license fee. In the midst of the pro gram the euterlalnmont was stopped by the marshal and t'l !'Wr I'M1 under cash bonds to nppeur before the Recorder. When the lacte were mane known, the munager was released upon payment of the license. It Is an ewy tuutter for the marshal! to notify all such persona of Hie licence law and thus save inuoll anuoyauca to respec- half HOP) Dr. Lcroy Lewis,' of Dayton, Ore gon, huu decided to locate In our city and practice hit profession, dentistry, The doctor Is a graduate of the Ameri can College of Dental 8urgery of Chicago, and comes here well recom mended. His office is upstairs Iu Mil. F. M. Millers store building. The Day ton Horald sayss "Dr. Leroy Lewis will take his departure next week for Lebanon, Linn county, where he will locate lu the practice of dentistry. We congratulate the residence of that thriving little city and vicinity in hav ing one who la so thoroughly master of hit profession as is Dr. Lewis, loca ted In their city." The postul lawB of the United States provide that postmasters are strickly forbidden to place or permit to ' be placed upon the walls, or otherwise for public exhibition, within the postofflce or lobby thereto, or oil any of the postnflices premises, business cards, circulars, placards, handbills, or ad vertisements of private bultness; and, also, pictures, cartoons, placards, handl-ills or oilier documents or ad vertsements of a political character. All such notices are promptly removed when found iu the lobby to the ifflees. The public should take notice of this fact. The proper place to ad vertise Is In the local newspapers. Democrat. Last Saturday evening a supper con sisting of all the edibles imaginable, was given by Mr. Lindsy. the genial and popular landlord of the City Hotel, In honor of Dr. 8, Dudley who de parted last Monday morning for 811 vertou, thence to Weston, and event ually to California, the land of sun shine and flowers. Dr. Dudley resided at Lebanon for twelve years, during which time he acquired a large prac tice lu his profession and made numerous friends, who to say the least, will miss bis manly form, smiling countenance, and sage council. As was truthfully said by one among the many speakers of Saturday evening, the doctor left this city without an enemy. Ail join with us in wishing suece8 to crown all bis efforts in the future. Those present were: M. A. Miller, C. H. Ralston, Charles A. Smith, George W. Rice, M. Westfall, W. H. Booth, Jack Ralstou, Patsy Martin, Johnny McGnwan, Jack Monnigan, Frank Miller, W. J. Guy, S. P. Bach, Frank Skipworth, Joel Meyer aud William Elkins. Seeking Recreation. Mr. and Mrs. H. fl. Gile. Mr. and Mrs. J. A- Dickey, Miss Mlna Huelat, miss iniia winie, an8 uskie Mat thews, Messre. Luke L. Lynn, J. M. Woodruff and Walter Jenks, compos ing the Salem ladies' quartte and the Arinn male quartette, left yesterday for Clear lake, where they will enjoy two or three weeks In fishing and hunting and mountain climbing. Tbey went via Mehama, tbence to Lebanon and Waterloo, where they will give eoncerst This it a musical organization of high clans and the sev eral audiences will be highly pleased. Salem Statesman. The above ladies and gentlemen gave their entertainment, as advertised, last Weduesday evening to an apprecia tive but small audience, at the opera house In this city. It was as good a musical entertainment as has been in Lebanon for some time. If they should decide to favor us with an other on their return, they will be greeted with a full house, and receive all due courtesy, fetter List. Following is the list of letters re maining uncalled for in the Lebanon postofflce for tbe mouth ending July 30,1895: MrsSallieBlaylock.Chas T Broum, ColBSBIgbee, John MCook, J L Gilbert, 2 S L Ooan L A Hinilinan, Gen Howe, L B Knox, Mm William Lee, D W Milker, Mrs E McKesson, P.ev. Mark Noble, Lewis Russell. M H ltioe, Miss Sadie Simms, D S Umstead, Mary Vosberg, Mamie Vosberg, Alice Wallace, Ora Will ams. C. A. Smith, Postmaster, OUR Finannial Snhnnl Dr. Leroy Lewis, DENTIST. I desire to announce to the people of Lebanon aud vicinity that I have come among you to practice the latest and best methods of Dentistry. EXAMINATION SOLICITED, Awarded Highest HonorsWorld's Fajr, (iold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Da CREAK mum Most Perfect Made. rrlfMUvtlNftnsMd; Your Dollar How Much It Elsewhere. Will Buy. $ Your Dollar How Much It Here. Will Buy. READ, PEACOCK & CO. CLOTHING! Our Spring Stock is now entirely' on,- including the . greatest values that a season of careful buying could pro cure. . . Special cure has been taken in selecting choice patterns and the most becoming styles. Tho new Albany Woolen Mills goods are equal to any in the market for wear, the patterns are neat and the gar ments are elegantly made up. Suit of these goods run from $10 to $15 and will satisfy any one wishing good value. Princely styles in black dress suits. ' . Summer, suits from $8.25 up, in beautiful shades. Do not forgot that we also carry a large stock of the new est B ata, Furnishing Good and Shoes. If you are not ablo or pre par to come send your order and wo will forward goods on approval. Mail orders prompt ly iilled, THE LI I BLMN CLOTHING CO. Albany, Oregon,