The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 09, 1895, Image 1

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    VOL. IX.
Oaorear ...... 12 00
(If paid In advance, II mi per yt-cr.t
4t iiinnlliK.....M.H 1 00
Three rannihs - -
Slnglvooplet..... - -
' ?T u' un'i?!- Senator.
John H. Mitchell. I
Ringer Hermann ....Congressman
William P. Lord (iovcriior
H. R. Kinceid Secretary o( Suite
Phil Mrtwtliaik,. rreusnn-r
. M. Irwin, rjnpt, ?ublic Instruction
H. W. lfd - State Printer
It. 8 Heart, I
V. A. Moore, ' j- -...Supreme Judges.
t). II. Woolvvrton.)
Judge,... 1,......, ...,.,. J, X. Duncan
i'tcrk, X. Ncedlufui
Recorder I. F. llardman
Sheriff.......... J. A. McFeron
School 8u(ierititi!iidMit,..A. H. Rutherford
Treasurer, - P. G. Morris
Assessor W. P. Deakins
Hurvcyor, ' K. T. T. Fisher
Coroner, ... H. A. Jayne
, . i John Pngh
f!omuiiiur!oner j j. m. Watera
MAYOR... M. A. VlUiETt
iEOOltl'lill - ...W. M. UltoWN.
" ntEASWltfclt ....... J.F. HVDK.
fED. KF.Ll.KSlSKIttiEI:,
X. 8. HAUil.EElSH,
01 Council aunts " 'he liret and third
r;edBy evenings fexl mouth, ,
crt tooletle.
LINK TKNT, No. 7, k. ' U. A.
H. H.U on Thar-la, ev"" "' Tf'
iJmL BIT Kn.U, are ." t"'""" 10
Tlult the font meeting.
Gao. W. Rice, B. K.
HONOR LODGE, No. M. A. 0. C. W. Meet
very Tuesday evening at G. A. R.Hall.
U. W. CRl'SON. H. W.
W. A.HAKKI Rets.
LEBANON LOPUE, NO. 17, 1. 1). O. F.-Meelii
every Batnrday evening at Odd Fellow Hal). at
o'clock a. .. A. . DaVIB, N. 0.
W. C. PETERSON, Sect ).
lwtall. O. 0. KHall nrw and third Wediica
day evening of each month.
LEBANON LOIWE No, 44 A. F. 4 A. M.-Meet
aamida- evening, on or before lire lull moon In
""h- . at Maoi.k Hall, W. Main and
Uraai tuT B.,'m"'uiu I1'11""1 eorulally umled
"""?"1' JC.E.BAaMat.W.M,
8, 0. wal see. Bee.
,u, Son. of Veteran-.-'"' ' 0- J!1
Balarda, evening. 1 1 W
Baurdaroleh month, meetin g u,i
, iMWad. All hrotUOT or I .
an and oomradcof tto U. A. It. .wdlalh
lnltd to meet with the Cauirj.
E. 0. Cxait, taut.
A. TfcKWtY, Flrat fgt.
B1NAM.WE8I HIVE, NO. 1. L. O. T,
Mcottontheal, 4th and Mi Frlrtny evening of
.a, month at 7i r.. at U. A. K- Hall.
alL-nt Utty MaonalKioii are cordially Invited l
A. A. Uvue, Idy R K.
tUaiH BiLTMlwH. tady Oom.
' T M- Garland.
Weatheriord S Vju1
Dr. H. L, Parish,
Offltwand RtttldeiHwi" Hie
St. Cliarlfa .Hotel,
Mre T. B. Hawkins. Ctiitlnnnf.M
TcttH. Bvn, "Khiloh'a Vimli.i-r
'SAVED MY L1K1C I mMff It Hie rt-Diedy for a drbllltatrd f.VMlein I
ued." for 1J fl'"!". Llvt-r r.t
Kidney trouble It exoela. Piitt 7iil.
&U by K. W. BtultU,
Header, did ynu ever take Simmons
Liveii Ubgulator, the "Kino op
Liver Medicines?" Everybody needa
take a liver remedy. It is a aluegish or
diseased liver tliat impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remains in
the body and poinons the whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling is due to s
torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Mnlaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator is butter than Pills. It
does not grijje, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
livery piu'Vn has the Bed Z
stamp on the wrapper. J. II.
Zeiliu & Co., Fhiuulelpliia.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our readers Llim
county like to take the weekly Oregnn
ian. We liuvc made arrangements
whereby we call furnish it at a reduct
ion from the regflar price to those who
unlit both the ExI'BESh and the
On goniap. The regular price of he
Oreginiiati ial.oil per year, and of the
Kxi'ittwuSl W when in aiivniiixv We
will furnish Imlli f r t- per year in
ailvuiMW a having of one dollar to the
aubsc-iju-'r. Tlie Uregmiian gives all
I he jjcnernl news of ll;e t'oiintfy mine a
teU, uiiil the gives oil the
oei.' bi WR once a week, which will
nmUe n ui'wt fMelleiit liens servloe
f..r the nindi-rati' sum of ?i per year.
Tlume ) are at. prew lit Hibscribers
f ine ICxrstKj-w tugal jay 111 all iirrear
Biri one war in ad earn tp ubaju
tliis Kitfil price.
East and South
Southern Pacific Co.
Kxpiw Indii leiive Portland daily:
": titCir "TtKiriTuii8 Ar. 8:10 a. at
l1.':!!! e. M. I l,v...Atlia:iy.. ..Ar.
4:S0 i,
111:111. !U.
fin: Francisco Lv 7:00 v.
'l'lie iibove triii-a stop tit East Port
biinl, Ofe!!i,ii City, WiHHiburu, Halein,
Turner, Marion. J'lli'iBon, Albany,
Albany Junelioii, iViigenl, Khedd,
Iloiy, Hii iniitiiir. Junction Uily,
Jrvi'iK, Kuuriie, (JieHWell Drnlne and
ali Ft!,iioi, fiotii JtoM'biii'g aouth to
ni.ii iuciuiiioij A.-iiLi(l.
!os' t,titg leail i:ailyi
'ia'i.ii'i l.v ..Porilaitdr..'Ar.'' iCwV.u.
12:36 r. M- j Lv...AIny Ar. :lr. at.
' r, :l v, M. ! Ar,..Hu"eburr..l,v.J S:00.ll.
lic.,1 passenger trains daily (except
a-'in .
; KrAjiiany..
,Ar. : 10:40 A. M.
n.lilA. M. I Ar...ijcbanon....Lv,
9:40 A.M.
Ii: F. M.
6:50 P.M.
4::V1 p. M. Lv..,Albany......Ar.
5:'J() r. M. i Ar,..Le!anon ...l.v.
Dining Carson Ogden Route.
Pullman Bl'FUT Sleepers
Second-ClaBu Bleeping Curs At
. taclicd to all Through Twns.
v.-i.t WUlo llvllon.
train .-daily (except Sunday):
": k'i"' bv.r.triiaTiii ,lAr." I 6xa.m.
12 j . jAr;..rvallia..l,y, 1 M.
Al Albanv I'm! Corvallis connect aitli
trainii of yregon 1'aeiflc railroad.
F.xprew train-daily (except Sunday):
lkir.Tl.v::Prllanl ...Ar. j f :M a. .
7 p. m. i Ar.McMiniivilMJM SiWA.M.
ada and Europe can f obtained at lowest
raics (rum I. A. Bennett, agent, Lebanon.
K. KOEHLIiK. Manager.
' K. P. RtWRRH. Aaat. . V. A Paas. Agt.
All persons knowing (lieiuselres In
dcbled to intYwIII please call and settle
at once, either by cash or note, as I
have sold out and ish to close ui liny
books, E" RKLUiNSKiiaii-
September t, But Deer May Now bt
Slain. Mongolian Pheas-
ants Are Big
and Fat.
Sportsmen are fretting a good deal
over the fact that still another
thirty days must elapse before they
can get a whack at the upland game
birds. Report says that Mongolian
pheasants are big and fat, and so num
erous that one has to be careful in
driving along the country roads not to
run over them. Last year the Mason
opened on August 1, but that was
thought to be too early, and another
month was racked on at the earnest
solicitation of sportmeu. Now they
think (hey made a mistnke, and wish
they had not put off the killing sea
son further than August IS. But they
have to stand it; that is, the eity sport
men must. The country shooters can
better afford to take the chancas of en
joying a stolen hat of game.
The deer hunting season opened on
August I, but thus far there has not
been much of a rush of hunters from
the city. The slaughter of deer has
been so greal by the hide and pothun
ters during recent years that it is not
an easy undertaking to reacb a local
ity where deer may be hunted with
some chances of success. Then the
beat is a Utile to intense as yet to
make stalking pleasant work. After
the dog days are over a man may
expect to keep hi shirt and powder dry
while packing a heavy gun and other
equipments over hill and dale through
tangled woods. But within a lort
nlght It Is probable that the markets
will he full of venison. Nearly al
ways at this season of the year Eastern
hunting parties may be expected, and
they usually set a puce which local
sportsmen are oh iced to follow r lose
the best of the hunting season.
Game Protector McQuire will have
his hands full if he expects tn
protect upland birds during the next
mouth, fje lias been very busy all
summer with the salmon, but now
that Jude Bellinger has decided that
his labor Is no longer valuable, be will
put in his time bunting down the so
called "sportsman" who has no re-,
spect for the laws of the state. He lias
already iu his possession a bugh stack
of complaints from many valley points
and has appointed deputies in many
localities to look after the state's inter
ests. If there Is any merit In (be
present law.for the ptotection of game,
it will at least be given a fair test.
Nothing can be accomplished without
the support of true sportsmen, who
are wlllfng to use every effort to up
hold the law.
The real status of the game laws and
an endmeiits passed at the last session
of the legislature is not f ally under
stood here, as It has been impossible to
secure a ropy fro n (he state printing
office at Salem. Several local sports
men have s ut in applications for cop
ies, but up to date not a single appli
cation has been f)ed Oregonlan.
A Suggestion.
To Editor Express:
Will you kindly allow me a few
nes ofsay In your columns? I was
in Albany yetrdy ft fact not at all
alarming. But a "smash up" In these
times when salaries, verily, afe small
is lint at all the pleasant thing. I
shall not detail the tragic scene on
Fifl apd Lion, but simply want to
make an open uggestoi to the man
agement of Albany's inter-street trunk
line. By way of Introduction, I want
tosav (hat atew limes I have patro
nised the enterprise, and will do so
again if they will spare my life.
With this Bmd promise, let 1)16 pro
ceed to the suggestion: picas top your
little bell at least once of twice between
First street and . P. depot, for some
poor lad from a country berg may be
driving ft gentle oteed, one uuacuuau
ted Willi the latest development In
nineteenth century progress,
Yours for my life aud my beast's,
A. M. Williams.
Lebanon, Or., July 31.
BHILQH'S PIJKE Is sold on a
guarantee, II cdres Incipient Oon
auuipllou. It l the best Cough Cure
Only one cent a dose 26eta., tOcta.,
and II 00. Hold by N. W Bmlth,
Freight Ratea.
The recent reduction in freight rales
by the Southern Paclllo company,
which is one of the heaviest reductions
ever made by a western road, III
Purl land papers declare It is a war
upon the Oregon Railway A Naviga
tion Company's steamship line and
the Dietrick steamship line between
Portland and the steamship company
which operates vessels between Sail
Fhmclsco and Yaquina.
he companies have brought mer
chandise from San Francisco Into the
Willamette valley at rates much lower
than the Southern Pacific. They have
even in some cases brought it to Poit
laiid, and then by river steamer to
points up the valley ns fur as Corvallis
al rates lower than those of the South
ern Paciflo from Portland to these
The steamers running into Yaquina
bave brought merchandise to that
port aud by 0. C. & E. road to Al
bany. In this way Corvallis, Al
bany, aud nearly all valley towns
have been almost wholly supplied.
Freight has been taken from Corvallis
to Eugene by teams cheaper than the
Southern Pacific could bring It from
San Franclsio.
For a ong time they have looked on
and seen this territory Invaded and
have done nothing Now they have
acted, and In a Dinner that is declared
will startal the opposition companies.
Competition is the life of trade and
there is likely to be some lively compe
tition for the business of the Willa
mette Valley, which will result In
cheap freight rates. The reduction oil
the Suutheru Pacific does not apply to
hauls between intermediate points,
but the 0. C. A E. management con
template building branch lines
through the valley, both north and
south from Albany, unless satisfactory
rates are given over the Southern
Pacific front Albany. Their short
ocean route n aln Hue extended into
Eastern Oregon, and these branches
built, will give the 0. C. A E. the key
to the situation and will enable this
road to be a successful competitor for
traffic in lioth Western and Eastern
Oregon. "
Wholesale Capture of Deer Hides,
Herman Metzgar has been arrested
in Portland for having in bis posses
sion a quantity of deer hides contrary
to taw. Game Protector McGulre
found in Metzgar's warehouse six big
bales of deer skins, about 800 skins in
all, neatly packed in wool and counter
felted, to represent sheep skins. The
hides were shipped there from Oak
land, by a Mr. Young, a merchant, for
whom a warrant has also been Issued
A few arrests of this kind, followed by
conviction and punishment, will pre
hapa stop the wanton slaughter of deer
for their hides.
Sweet Home.
Postmaster Simons is enjoying a va
tatlun fn the mountains.
Rev. E. E. McVickerand family are
attending pampineetiiig at Sodaville.
W. 8. Moore is attending the post
office iu the abscence of Mr. Slmonn.
Rev. FlBher and Rev. Welnent and
family spent last week i) the moun
tains. They report having a nice
Miss Banca, of Oregon City, Is visit
ing the family of Hiram Green.
Rev. Fisher leaves this week for his
home In Spokane.
William Connett and family have
moved up to bis place iu the moun
tains. H. Green had the misfortune of los
ing one his horses a few day ago. The
animal had the mountain fever.
Lute Wiley, of Tallman has the
Sweet Home school for the winter
Several binders are running In this
vicinity and the thrashers will soon
start. Observer,
Happy Home.
Harvest Is in ftjll blast.
Vv. L Brown Is tuning Mrs. French's
David Hares wlih liUsteutp thrasher
andcreyv are !k ow Sclo v. here they
will thrash two weeks, then return
here and nnl.-li harvesting.
Nearly everybody went to Waterloo
Mrs. W. II. Cuinuilngs is In Leb
anon, Willi her ibniHiter, Mrs, tttl
A number of firmer are stacking
their grain In -.his neighborhood to
guard against rain. HkdR'iCK,
BHII.OH'S CUKE, the gnat Cough
and Croup Cup', U In git;at demand.
Pocket le ismiuliis (weiily-flve only
2&o. Children love It. Sold by N. W
Highest of all in Leavening Pcww, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
wa. ma sf r m m ft
At Astoria, For an Old Crime. He
Brutally Murdered a Rancher on
theClatskanieRiverina -Spirit
of Revenge.
ASTORIA, Or., Aug. a.-George
Upton was arrested by Chief of Pullee
Loughery this afternoou for the mur
of William De Journctte, which occur
red ot McQrau'8 Itiiuiitij;, ou the Clat-
skanie nearly eight years ago. Upton
had lus trutik checked aud was ready
to leave for P ortland on the evening
boat, when he was arrested by the
chief in Wilson's saloon. Since the
murder, Upton has evaded the offlceij
who, on several occasiqne, got
an inkling of his whereabouts, but
Upton always managed to give them
the slip. He was last seen in this ottv
two years ago. The officers were In
informed, but when they searched for
him, he could not be found. It is
thought that during the past two
years he has been in California. The
history of the crime he Is charged with
is follows:
About six o'clock the evening of
Friday, August 12, 1887, George Upton
entered the dwelling of William 0,
batter, on the Clalskame, and an
nounced that he Intended to kill the
entire household and then kill him
self. Then he began shooting. Two
snots were aimed Willi good effect at
De Journette, the last one striking
him near the temple and producing
death almost Instantly. This emptied
the revolver, and Upton, who had
brought a supply of ammunition, then
refilled his weapon with the Intention
of killing Mrs. De Journette, but
when he pulled the trigger, the ham
mer did not work, the spring evidently
having been broken with tlie la,t shot.
He beat the wornan. over the head
with the revovlver, threw her to the
floor and kicked, her uutil she was
covered with bruises from head to
He thefl left the house and madehla
escape in a small boat. Upton's mo
tive for the deed was revenge. He
wonted Mrs. De Journette to desert
her husband and and live with him,
which she declined to do, and was up
held in this notion by her husband.
Upton is a square shouldered, well
built, man, of ahsjit forty-eight years
of age, aud has a somewhat sallow
complexion. He Ib a ready talker and
easy to engage in conversation,
Will Draw their Salaries.
SALEM, Aug. 5. In the supreme
court today In the case of Jumea B,
Eddy respondent, vs H. R. Klneaid,
secretary of state, appellant, appeal
from Marlon comity, Judgment of tit -lower
court was affirmed. Opinion by
Bean, J.
This decision will require the secre
tary of state to pay the railroad com
missioners their salary, lis the supreme
court holds that t lie legislature having
failed to repeal the law, It Is still valid,
notwithstanding the fact that the
legislature did lint elect railroad com
missioners. The old couimlssioiiei's
will now hold ufiloe and draw their
salaries at least until the next legisla
ture meets. This decision was not un
expected, ns attorneys generally have
conceded that the law is valid, aud
the only remedy is to repoal It.
A Strange Freak,
strange freak of electricity was the
striking by lightning ol' the dwelling
of James Heed. There was no rain
and the al.y was almost clear. The
chimney on the east end of the build
ing was knot-bed down and the water
conductor at 1 lie other end of the build
ing was unsoldered.. J( left the con
ductor arid shivered to atoms a post iu
the picket fence adjoining, making a
large hole iu the ground. Several peo
ple were ttuuied.
Loss Over a Million and a half. Tli ! Sit.
tirebnainesa Portion Burned,
SPRAGUE, Wu.. Autr. 7.Th.
tire bllSilieSS DOrtioil nl Krumin l
ashes, mid hundreds are homehss.
llietownls almost destitute of food,
oud Mayor Sanderson has sent n ,,.
gestothe leading cities appealing for
aio. l ne people are appalled by their
ingntrul losses, and it will be suvri
days before thoy will know whether to
try so reouim the city or not.
ine nre orrm nated in the Rrvm,
chop and reed mill, at noon on Sun-
qay ior. rue department responded
promptly, but the bltze was quicltlv
fanned Intoa roaring furnate.and tin.
tire boys wire driven back from ll.
scene almost os soon as thev arrived.
With lightning rapidity ttiu Humes
leaned from one buiidins to anothpe
ana Inside of five minutes it was uieu
that the entire town was threatened.
The loss will reach tl,500,000, vutli
only about J60,000 Insurance outside of
the railroad oonipany,
The Northern Paciflo Railroad (mm.
pany was the largest losser. Its losses
will aggregate 1700,000.
Hawaii Buying Arms,
TACOMA, Aug. 8.-For several
weeks a secret service agent of the
Hawaiian government has been sta
tioned here, though be Is now out of
town. He and a Seattle detective, iu
his employ, are watching the North
ern Pacific and. Oreat Northern rail
roads for an exueoted shipment of sev
eral hundred rifles aud half a dozi n
gatling guns, which, it is believed,
Hawaliau royalists sympathisers have
ordered of Eastern manufacturers.
The government is proceeding on the
theory that prevention is better than
lighting. There are several other
agents stationed iu Oregon and Cali
fornia.', -
One of the agents on the Sound
stated this week that 500 or 000 abort
rifles were shipped West over the
Great Northern last October or No
vember, loaded aboard a smuggling
schooner at Ballard and landed in
Hawaii, probably on Maui island.
Some of them, he said, were captured
at the lime of the Jauuary revolution
and the remainder are yet seoroted in
the islands.
The agent who has beeu here bears
credentials signed bv E.G. Hitchcock,
marshal of the Hawiian republic, ntul
receives regular remittances from
Several Drowned,
NEW YORK, Aug. 3.-Several sev.
ere squalls, accompanied by lightnliit:
and a great dowupore of roiti, struck
litis city and surrounding territory
last evening, a number of necidenu
being reported. Two men weio
drowned by the capsizing of a yacht
at the Narrows. Two adults and ono
child were drowned in the East river,
and a trolley oar in the annexed dis
trict was struck by lightning, half a
dozen persons being injured. Dunns;
the storm, the wind blew at the rate of
sixty miles au hour.
A Huge Locomotive,
CHICAGO, Aug, 3.-The Chlougo,
Burlington A Quincy railroad will in
a few weeks put ou its last mail train
out ofChlcagoau etiglue to make eight v
miles an hour. It will he, when com
pleted, the largest, as well as the fast,
est engine on that road and no doubt
the fastest ou any Western road. If it
proves effective ill giving better mail
service, an order for more of the saitio
class to be used on ex press trains of lli-j
Burlington will booh be given out.
Relief for the Sufferers.
TACOMA, Aug. 5.-At the oltizmis'
meeting today, presided over by May
or Orr, It wos decided to sent! relief lit,
olios to Sprague sufferers. A cnrloail
of provisions will be dispatched to
night. Money, clothing and building
material will he donated.
Mrs. DeWitt Talmage Dead,
DAN8VILLE, N. Y., Aug. 5.-Mm.
T. DeWitt Tulmage died hero, at 5.80
this morning. Since Ilia burning of
the Brooklyn tabernacle, Htst year,
Mrs. Talmage lias suflered I'rnni ner
vous prostration and never fully re
covered, from the aboek,