The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 02, 1895, Image 2

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and - Proprietor
Lebanon needs bank.
Patronize the men who advertise
One more Astoria is sure of
railroad. The subsidy has. been
raised and operations are to begi
at ones.
There is no right without a par-
ailed duty, no liberty without the
supremacy of the law, no high des
tiny without earnest perseverance,
no greatness without self-denial.
Lieber. ".-" ' ".
The secretary of the treasury hx
formerly decided that the money
paid into the treasury on account
of the income tax will be refunded
to the iiersons and corporations re
spectively entitled .thereto upon
the filing of refunding claim .
Three cents a mile is the per- reduced rate on the
Southern Pacific between Salem
and Portland. Salem papem may
sav what the? will, but Salem peo-
poule will journey to Portland and
trade. Ex.
Judge Bellinger has decided that
the Oreeon fish laws cannot be ap
r.liml tn the Washington side of
the Columbia river. Fish and
(lame Warden McGuire will have
to confine bis operations to this
side of the river in the future.
The great car works of George
M. Pcllman have been enclosed
with an eight foot brick wall Bur
mounted with tiling. There are
only a few entrances left and some
cif tlie employes now have to walk
half or three quarters of an hour
longer each day in order to get to
their work. The managers of the
company deny that they are forti
fying the works, but say they de
sire to shot out trespassers.
Nothing so stirs up the indigna
tion of the average adult as to see
a little child abused by a grown
person, yet when Fireman Kelson
kicked a 2-year-old boy ;n Elkton,
Jkl., a day or two ago, so hard that
the mark was left on the child's
f.ire'uead for hours, he was praised
hv all who sa it and warmly
thanked by the little one's aarents
Nelson was standing on the pilot
of a swiftly moving locomative
ivhen he kicked the boy, and bis
l-lr-k knocked - the child off tbe
track and saved his life. Ex.
Go to Hiram Baker for your wall !
paper. T,
Have your hop work dona by
Chandler. ,
Mayer Klmbrough wants you
product. ,
Just received at M. A. Miller's a new
Hoe of tablets.
Miss Dumond It selling millinery at
hard time prices.
Pure paints and oils of nil klud at
Smith's Pharmacy.
Remember Chandler la tlie practical
tinner and plumber.
If you want to sell property list It
with Peterson Andrews.
If vou want to buy property call on
nr write Peterson & Andrews.
toon Rice represents some of the
beet iiifflirance companies In the world.
Anyone wishing well seasoned rustic
tnd flooring, should call onM. A.
Port Munaey are always ahead
nn fresh (tweeriea at prioes as low
the lowest
When yon want to buy a suit of cloth
ing you will save money by geHlnjt
it at Baett & Buhl. "
Ladies If you are thinking nf getting
a pair of ebon or a pew dress next
week, von will want to know where 10
get the best for tbe least mcney. Mr
daker always entries the beet
I.M'R Lire. lace. Just received a
new and large supply of dress laces
m and fine linen lace, idmes
shoes, eoarae aud fine;aleo outing fian-
eU and nhirtinis at such prices that
competition is not io ti, at tbe Racket
Oregon Central & EasternR. R. Co.
Steamship "Farallon'
TVotlw for Pntsltoatiun
j I'nitsd Status Uxd Oralis,
(Isiwok, Orrt, Obkoos,
June t, tSB.
Kotirc b hereby aiveu that in minli
ance with the or the act of ton-,. ..,, Youina Bv with the
pets of June S. 1878, entitled "An act for a,
thesale of timber audita the state of 0.1- j Ban I ranotaeo wd ..ouina Baj Steam,
ifornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington .""'f -iui'".i
Territory," as exteuded to all Hie Public
Land Stales bv ct of Aucust 4, IM. All-
eusla Ikiiuess. of Oregon City, comity
Clackamas, Slate of Oregon, has this day
died in thin office her sworn statement ro. a 1 and flrstoluwi in every respect.
37, for the purchase of the K of ' riu frnm Ym.iiina for San Francisco
w K of n e !. of Sec- . , .
lion Ko. 2! in township Xo. 10 south, range ,,,.,.., U118UP.
No. I east, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought more v.luuble for pawed. Shortest rou ''
its timber or stone Uian for agricultural Willamette Valley and ( aliforiila.
purpose, and to establish ier claim to said j Faro from Albany or points west to
irwl iufnn the reeister and receiver of this t Can FrftnelHoo:
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Mondiiy,p,. ... $12 00
Steerage, .'. 8 00
Catin,rouiidtrip,('.Ods. 18 00
the !tli day of August, ISfi
Hbenaines as witnesses: J L Borry of
Berry, Oregon, Wm T Whitlock of Berry,
Oregon, Robert forrell, of Berry, Oregon,
Ueorge Maybum of Berry, Oregon. Any
and all nersons claiming adversely tbe
above-described la"d are requested to tile
their claims m to s omce on or neiore soiu
2tilb day of August, 186.
For suilii.g day apply to
, H. L. Walpek, Agent,
F.nwis Ptoxk, Mn'ger., Alliuny,
Orviillis, Oregon.
Chas. Clark, flupt..
tChanted SveiT Week.l
Oats 19e
Hay-5 to6 per ton.
Flour-tO 80$85. per sack.
Chop-tO 90 per cwt.
Bran Toe perewt.
Middlings-) 78 per cwu
Potatoes 25c
Apples-Dried, 8e per It
Plums Dried, Sc.
Onions Sc.
Beef Dressed, Uc
Pork Dressed, 4.
Hams 10 per lb.
Shoulders Sc.
Bides 10c per lb.
Geese 4 to per doi.
Ducks 12 t3 per doa.
Chickens-t2 00S 00.
Turkeys 8c per lb.
Eggs 10c ier dot.
B itter 10 15c pr lb.
hides-Green, 5c; dry, 10.
, fry - ? - X ' ' V
Lumber Cheap
(Two miles west of Waterloo)
The nearest mill by eight miles to any point in the Valley.
Lumber at bottom prices, with liberal discount for canli.
Will fill orders at once. .
Save money, time, your wagon and team by buying of
Yon can haul 1500 feet at a load as the road is good to
this Mill.
Doim-hs makes the Shoes and
Baker sells them.
The hest shoes in the world for
the money.
Senator John H- Mitchell is
making a desperate effort to "stand
in" with the Dolph men now, hav
ing been instrumental in causing
his defeat In a recent interview j
in the Astorian he said: "Cp to
the time of Mr. Dolph's deleat it
was a matter of common know
ledge at the eapitol that the two
senators from - Oregon between
" them held far more and higher
committee positions per man than
any other senators. It was the re-'
suit of years of untiring work to
ward that end, work which now
has been very greatly impaired be
cause we are returning a new man.
Mr. Dolph's retirement was a very
great surprise to the republican
senators, and bis reputation among
them as a powerful and vigilant
defender of Oregon's interests stood
very high. His successor's name
has been the cause of a great deal
of speculation and inquiry, aud I
am pleased to say that Mr. Mo
Bride is already looked on in
Washington as a brilliant snd able
man. But, as I say, the ironclad
th.'Uih uiiwritU-n law tiftbenen-
ate that govern the choice of mem
bers for imittees will act against
- Lis progress in this direction fur a
long time. I am particularly anx
iouK aixiut the place on the com
mittee on comtnerece left vacantby
Mr. Dolph's retirement. This is
tine of the most important commit
tees in the senate, and it is a mat
ter of vital interest to Oregon that
she is given a place on it. I in
tend, of course, to work night snd
day for Mc Bride, but tbe claims of
olde: members are hard things to
get around and the senate usages
that have becuuie rules by years of
Lebanon Warehouse.
Having leased the Lebanon ware
bouse, I am now prepared to receivi
ruin on storage at usual warehouw
rates. I am ready at all times to pay
cash for grain. Ueoeral aitiafactioo
garauteed. Call at warehouse and get
cka. W. B. Duxac.
Pnrtips .tasirinj? lumber can firet
all kiuds at short notice, and at bot-
torn prices, ot Humphrey & Mcisee,
on Hamilton creek; or at S A. Nick-
erson s planer at Lebanon, uregon.
. S. I 1 I 1
A large stoc ot all Kmus always
on hand at both places, except black
walnut. Humphrey & 31 cNee.
Liberal discount for teams coming a long distance.
Deafnew Cannot be Cured. "
by local applications as tliejr cannot reach
tbe diseased portion of tbe ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that is
by aonstitnuonal remedies, neatness u
caused by an inflamed condition of the
maconi lining of tbe Eustachian Tube.
When tbe tube is inllaoied you bare a rum
nnnd or imnerfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, deafness is the
result, and unless tbe inHamniution can be
taken out this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine eases out of ten are caused by
catarrb, shich is nothing but au inflamed
mwiftitinn of the m niti us surfaces.
We will aire One. Hundred Hollars for
any case of deafness, caused by catarrb,
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrb.
bend for circulars; free.
1. 1. CHEXKY CO., Toledo, 0.
rSold Irj draggists, 75c.
Dealer Ir
Stoves Tin and Plumbing Goods.
Reparing and all kind of Jod work done at hard time prices.
Kotioe of Administration.
Kotk is herebr siren, that, by order of
tbe county court of Linn county ,Oiexon,tbe
undersigned has been duly appointed ana
now is tbe duly qualified and acting ad
ministrator of tbe estate of Kaucy Harks,
deceased. All parties having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
present the same, properly verllled, wtmin
lix months from the 12th day of July 1896,
tbe date of tlie first publication hereof, to
tbe underainned at tbe omce ot oam I a
'arland, Lebanon. Oreiron.
Johk il. SUCKS.
BAM'iM.OASUirD, Administrator.
Atty. for Admr. Estate of
Nance Marks, deceased.
Aiinlultrlrtrlx, Notion.
Knitr i hf-rehv (riven, that bv order ol
fhumtnntv mnrt nf l.itin COIiniV. OreitOU.
the undersiftned has been duly aqinled
and is now the duly aualitied acting sdnun-
iatratrii of tlie estate of W. A. Bishop, of
said county, deceased. All purtiee bavin?
claims aitaiust said estate ore hereby re
nnirod to nment the same, dutv verified,
ia tltA nnflersiinieiL within six months
from tlie 12th day of July, 18, the first
publication of tnis notice, at the office of
Bam'l X. tttrland, Lebanon, Oregon.
uaWam K. Humor,
RiM'i M . Oaauas, Adminlstretrii
Auy. ax i4nr'a. ofttoSatanaf
W.V m til, tmutt
ii,..i..l.i.n.i .....i.itmln .IJII.I.1..IU.I
T Uo.m T APflV iTflP LT tf V.V.JC.K fnvnoluof mv
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonable
Rales. AH kind of mason's woik done with neatness and
despatch. D. W. HARDEN.
1,000,000 People Wear
vi t t?nnnT A0
$3 SHOE ii
KM, $1.00,$3.50. $2-50, 2-2S,S
1 . h-i i ttm Men Mftl (t 7K for
AyS yAnyStylc,AllSizes,EvtryWulik.
I ; ONE-
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carjets, Linoleums, matting, etc.
Pictures and 1'icture molding.
a Specialty.
I nnpiTnkirio'
A. ft
Ww W. I Deooin. show snd
i nolr. tbe sdvsoeein iMtlier has
, ? UievnMKd tbe line ol
piHiwJ Tcwum tm www.
w.l bo ve LAa,
Bsocnoa, aUsa
For Sale by Hiram Baker, Lebanon, Or.
Fcur Mccg?-?C5 and 8100.
Factory and Kuin Otor-Jke tnd Kulg- U CMtCAQO, ILL,
OHMnos iw 1 w at hi r