The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 26, 1895, Image 2

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    Lebanc a. -Express.
E5 iitor and - Proprietor
She wjs a brown-evcfl maiden
jnst four years old, with the eweet---t
voice ml tenderesi hearju
the world. She was pulling her
little r.ickiug chair across the room
the other day, when, somehow, in
iter progress ehe trod upou the tail
her dog. Prince and elicited a
w growl of reproach from that
iv-'cii valued member ol the family
" A look of dismay crossed the
. baby's face and she turned hastily.
''Excuse, me, Prince,'' she pleaded
as she laid her suowfluke of a hand
caressingly on the doj's head.
Prince thumped his tail heavily as
if to say, "It's all right my dear
little mistress: I know it was all
an accident."
Ah, w!iy is there not more of it
in the world, we wonder thut
spirit which hesittites to wound
the feelings of even a dog, which
has a tender and kindly care for
the humblest of God's creation. In
old times people believed that if a
man could tame the birds so they
would eat from his hand he had
given evidence that he was beloved
of God. And. the quaint theory was
not altogether witboot weight He
who cares for the little birds and
supplies the r needs has something
in his heart akin to the nature of
t he loving Father who hears the
ery of the young ravens and whose
pitying eye sees the fall of the tint'
i-st sparrow.
is when a certain member of a
family enters the house the cat
shrinks away and the dog cowers as
if expecting a How, we haverecived
BOine important evidence against
his character, though not a word
has been spoken. He is destitute
of those finer feelings which link
God's great family together. And on
the other hand, a little child whose
heart is full of love to created things
seems to bring the kingdom of
heaven nearer us. Blesdngs on
the bright faced teachers. Ex.
Farm products 8 re taking a de
cided step ; upward:- The people
who work and have things to sell
viil be haopy. The idlers who
never work, and .have nothing to
to sell,will be depressedjfor they can
no longer find sympathy in their
growling. If the Democrats are
responsible for the hard times,
tbey should be given credit for the
return of good times. Of course,
we may expect the populist to
claim that the good times are the
result of their continued complaint
and the republicans will say it is
because, a republican president will
be elected next year. The people
will decide who is right, if any one
- excuse, a uupiiauefc ui i
Lawrenceburg, Indiana, has com-j
r- i T r
pleted arrangements for the con
structing of a large flume from
VVhite river terminating at Vicitor.
The flume is to be used tor irrigat
ing and milling purposes. The
plant includes a flouring mill, saw
mill and shingle mill. This en
terprise will be of incalculable
benefit to the people of Victor and
Kuitiper Flat, both in furnishing a
market for their wheat and bring
ing much good land under culti
vation. The new contract secured in Lob
Angeles by the Pioneer stone quar
ry people, of Corvalli", for furnish
ing titMoe f r n ii- 1 rrM'nr. - f.,f
t'l 7 htm .;f --r-'W- v.)) fnv -'
in the hmWln r -"k :V 'k.-
chipjied t., there t
btr dressed and rhi;jted to Im
The caie of the Htate
GuMi-wrthy, 'nargd with niur
!fT mi thp first d't'r'p d wWe
t M I"' J-,,
full term, 'ha owt thf ux jit-ri
of KConnty tus far f 1500;
$500 in the justice court and f 1(XX
in the circuit cnurt.
Tbia i au off year in politics, !
sod tbere wilt be only twelve '
fUUi bolii0 tfarcakw tUaUont. j
Taken Prom Oor Eichaiigce Through
out the Northwest.
John Longman brought into Ba
ker City last Friday ( 15,000 in
gold bullion, the first clean-np of
the E. k E. mineunderthe present
A residence near Hood River be
longing to Hon. T. K. Coon, in
which his step-father, Mr. Price,
lived, burned last Thursday. Most
of the furniture was saved.
The town- council of Vale has
ordered poles and wire for a tele
phone line to connect with the rail
road at Ontario, a distance of six
teen miles. Ths cost will be about
A team ran away on the Cooper
farm, near Corvaliis, last Thurs
day, and threw out of a hack
Grandma Cooper aged sixty-five,
and a boy aged twelve, bruising
both badly.
Last Thursday a complaint was
sworn out in Baker City by Mrs.
J. I). Wouiner against Martin Hill,
a Burnt river farmer, charging
him with incest with his daughter,
a young woman about, eighteen
years of age.
The driving of beef cattle from
Klamath coutty to outside markets
is now fairly under way. Arthur
Jackson, of Steel's swamp, drove
300 head of beeves to Shaster val
ley last wee, and Louis Gerber
left Frank Adams'jranch recently
with 400 head from Horsefly en
route to Montague.
Cattle thieves have become ex-,
tremely bold in the mountains
above Milton. In a number of in
stances lately fat stock has been
killed on the range, a small por
tion of bam taken and the balance
of the meat left for the coyotes. D.
J. Woodward, Eewis Bowlus and
others have found cattle belonging
to them thus killed and mutilated.
No sooner is the wool rush to The
Dalles over than preparations are
begun for the wheat season. The
large warehouses are getting ready
for a busy time in this fall. The
Wasco warehouse expects to do a
big business, and has ordered a
large consignment of grain sacks.
Fifty thousand sacks are expected
in the first consignment
Lebanoa Warehouse.
Having United the Lebanon ware
house, I am now prepared to receive
grain on storage at usual warehouse
rale. I am ready at all time to pay
cueli fur grain. General natifaclion
garanteed. Call at warehouse and get
sacks. W. B. Dokacl
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. T lie re is
only one way to cure deafness, and that is
by aonstitntional remedies, Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the .Eustachian Tube.
When the tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect bearing, and
when it is entirely closed, deafness Is the
result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken out this tube restored to its normal
condition hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but au inflamed
conditiou of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case -of deafness, caused by catarrh,
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Send for circulars ; free. -
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
-Sold by druggists, 75c
'otloe ofAdmlslstraUon
Notice is hereby given, that, by order of
the county courlof Linn county .Oregon ,tbe
undersigned has been duly appointed and
now is the duly qualified and acting ad
ministrator of the estate of Jfsncy Marks,
deceased. AU parties having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
present tbe ame, properly verilied, within
six months from the lihh day of July
tli dme of titc lirnt publication hereof, to
HaiTi. JU.tjAKLAyif '.(,,.' iMratur.
Alty. fur Admr. Jwrtfie of
Xaticy Aliirks, -e -seaeetf.
AdratulKti'lc-tr)i:'w 'ot!oe
Notice hereby give . tliwt by.or!cr of
tiiepouuty court of linn com,ty, t)rtMii.
tiie uti(lenigi(l h8 been ul.v BroinlMl
and If now die dulv qualined at:iinf;iiiliiitii'
Mtrairiiof'.hr -..ta;tif A. I:i-l:o;-, i-t.
-m (unit , mmthw 11 iHirtiflP liaviny
')tii; sai t-'totr are hereby re.
tjiiire.i to 'it-delft the ftante, duly verified,
to the uiitetfiigned, villtin aix riiontha
from the I2th day of July, 1SI6, Hie firat
ihtiHration of tiiis t.otice, at the office of
Mam'! 1. tiariand, Ibanon, ('rffton.
Hassaii 1:. I lnop.
Sam'l M. Gakuxo, AriminiatrattU
Ally, lor Admr'i, of ttac Estaia of
Notice ior Puttliciuiun
l"m Statm Land Urtiv-a,
Okkbox, Omr, Omdob,
Juiii' 1, WM5.
Kotiie ia hereby given that in oiupli
net with the provisions of the tu-i of Con
gress of Junes, 1878. entitled "An act fir
the sale of timber lands in the state oi Cal
ifornia. Oregon, Nevada and Wtu&hifttoa
Territory," as extended to all the Public
hand Sattew by act of Aupust 4, iNg, Au
nsta llennesa, of Oregon City, eouuiy of
Clackamas, State of Orrfftm, lias tUi ,tnv
filed in this office her 'orn siateivenl S.i.
3857, for the purchase of the s.H ol n
n e Vi of a and w of it e of Soi
tion So. 22 in township No. 10 south, raj
No. 6 east, and will offer proof in kIhhv j
that the land sought is ninre valuable fit
ila timber or stone than tor atenmltiirnt
purposes, and to establish .ier elsiiti to Haiti
land before the register and receiver of this
office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on ,'
the 28th day of August, sf, I
She names as witnesses : J L l ?:y v;:.
Berry, Oregon, Win T VViiiiiock e; llerry. ;
Oregon, Robert Corrcll, of Iierry, tireg.c. j
Ueorge Mayburn of llerry, Oreg 1:1. Any j
and all persons claiming fliivcr.'ly the!
bovelescribeU laHS$ art? re.juesl ';! lo fie
their claims in th's nftiiT on or ltefm said f
26th day of August. 1S86. . !
KoKKttT A. MlU.Rtt,
Lumber Cheap
(Two miles west of Waterloo)
The nearest mill by eight miles to any oint in the Valley.
Lumber at bottom prices,
Will fill orders at once.
Save money, time, your wagon and team by buying of
Yon can haul 1 500 feet at a load as the road is good to
this Mill.
Parties desiring lumber can get
all kiuds at short notice, and at bot
tom prices, of Humphrey & McNee,
on Hamilton creek; or at S A. Nick
erson's planer at Lebanon, Oregon.
A large stock of all kinds always
on hand at both places, except black
walnut. H umwirey & 31 cNee.
Liberal discount for teams coming a long distance.
Di-aler If
Stoves Tin and Plumbing Goods.
Reparing and all kind of Jod work done at hard ti rue irices.
, LEBANON, - -
I have a LARGE STOCK of BFJCK, for sale at inv
Yard, in the suburbs of lbanon, vr Sale at Seasonable
Rales. All kind of Miasm's woi k done w ith neatness and
despatch. ; D. W. HARDEN.
1 h--
i Ct
For Sale by Hiram
OregonCentrai & Eastern R.R.Co.
Connect at Ynquina Boy with the
Sim i't anewo ai d Yiwulna Buy Steam
ship Company
Steamship "Farallon"
A 1 and fimtclass in every recpect.
Sails from Ywjmim for San Francisco
aUnti every S days.
Piisaetiger iK'coimnodiitlotis unsur
passed. Shortest rotte between the
Willamette Valley and California.
Fare from Albany or points West to
Sun Francisco:
CaMu, 12 00
Steerage, 8 00
Cabiii,rouii(Urip,(0cIs. 18 00
For Mtilii.g ilnys apply to
H .. Waliiek. Atrent.
Envvts Sto.nk, Mu'ger., Albany,
Ciirvallia, Oregon.
(.'hah. C1.AHK, Supt ,
with liberal discount for cash.
4 WtS.
ii&Jfr Me. USk.
1,000,000 People Wear
w. t mum JIG
m SC.OO,$1.00,$1.50,$').50,$r2sror
j t j i, i, nun
$2.oo,$,$2.oo,$.7s r
iAny Style, AH Sists,Evtry Width.
Wa W. 1 llmietni that tui
M4ygr.mail.o1l toatll.oON.
-a hv,i . i :m nfiT:iace in tmuutr lias
liiemtuKd Ui lint ol ur
, - A mssw, tint thfl qnalitv at
vTl ku o( w. t. iimixl.ia
fQt!aay - rf - ' - ;.. ahai rtmam tM hum.
Pi " Buocnoa. Mam
Baker, Lebanon Or.
v V
Douglas makes the Shoes and
Baker sells them.
The best shoes in the world for
the money.
'h i- ;,j t-. ii
Albany Fu
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, etc.
Pictures and Picture molding.
' Undertaking a Specialty.
I Four Models
Fyory end t,t.n
? . iydT
. . avj s
K E L I E P.
puiture Co.
85 g.nd 1100.
r-- nxhis cmcMp, ,ll
111 1