The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 05, 1895, Image 2

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    Lcbano.i Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
The ray to build up your town
is to patronize home industry.
The Ashland Tidings says that
the jicach shipments from about
that town will amount to 150,000
boxes this vear.
Tim Oregon Populist has ("gain
suspend publication. Bro. Knapp
wivus hr hiR reason, the lack of
fiunucial support among his con
stituency. With splendid crops prnspeots,
and an upward tendency in all the
markets, next f.Jl's business may
be looked forward to with pleasant
anticipation litre in Oregon.
Henry, the defaulting
oitv treasurer of Omaha, has re
signed from the city council. H s
27.(Kfl. which his
bontLunen will make good.
It is said that millions of copies
ot Secretary Carlisle's financial
speeches are being printed and cir
culated as campaign litorature by
the Iriends of the administration.
Tub election for directors of the
Oregon Improvement Company at
Portland resulted in a defeat of the
old management and the victory
of Elijah Smith, who will be presi
dent of the company.
According to the Sacramento
Bee there are millions of grasshop
pers in Placer and Sutter counties.
The hoppers are destroying all the
crops. The first crop of grape ib
"being destroyed by the insects. -
Another harvest is just upon ns.
The markets have been filled with
early fruits such ns only Oregon
knows. Strawberries are about
gone, raspberries, blackberries, etc.,
are plentiful, cherries seem finer
than before. Vegetables will be
, plentiful.
These are busy times with the
farmers and they have plenty of
hi i crops to "earner, all of which
makes labor a pleasure. Give the
farmer good cropB and an average
fair price for his products and we
will all see better times.
Twenty acres of celery in Orange
county. California, will produce
twenty-five carloads. A carload of
celery will sell for 1400 in the
Chicago market. At this rate the
total prndrct of the twenty acres
would be $10,000, or $500 an are,
less, freight charges, The celery is
rained on peat Jands. '.
Contrary to the statements fre-
nuentlv heard, that old rails can'
not be used again, they are put t
manv uses. A treat amount of
barb wire fencing is made of rail
road iron. nd very often the rails
are used as foundations for large
buildings. There are not many
people who know that the Masonic
Temple in Chicago rests on a foun
dation of steel rails, layer upon
layer, six feet deep.
Id StrMta ot tho World's Motropoill
aiim with Vlolnu. I'eonl.'.
In the wost end of London tin- eomli
tionol things at ulght would di iRriu'o
any enliffhtoned community. It is al
most impossible Buys the Chicago News,
to pass through some of the most iut.n-
ionable streets without omiist imiu:-u
by hordes of these wratched cniuireiuii
the night, who almost hound down tire
male pssscre by in their desperate ef
forts. The neighborhoods of the great
hotels frequented by American tounntn
are especially infested by sonm of hu
man wolves, wno, in meir i tni.i"...
are ready for anything from persist
ent begging importunities to guvroting
or robbing with violence if the oppor
tunity only presents nseu. a wmim
of weeks ago sn American gentlemen,
who had just loft a lnrp-o hotel it
central London, was suoueuiy m
rounded by a gang of abandoned mcr
and women, dragged into a eonrtway
and robbed of watch, iewelry and
money in a few seconds, and then
kicked into Insensibility.
Complaints have been made by Amer
ican ladies of the annoyance to which
they are subjected here, even when
under the protection of husbands,
brothers or friends, from the import um
t:nB r 'hmfortiiiuitft' women. The
thing has been an open scandal for
years, ana me auinoni ies mivo .,,
seemed powerless to check it.
The spectacle which the fashionable
Piccadilly presents at night has for a
long time past been a disgrace to tins
metropolis. Although it 1b the main
thoroughfare between the loading
theaters and some of the most aristo
cratic districts, it is blocked every
night by rows of women, decked out in
gorgeous apparel and wearing flashing
jewels, lying in wait for clubmen. A
hideous case of depravity was in the
papers a day or two ago. Two young
nnw, arrested for some trilling
i offense while driving with two men in n
cab. The police discover mm cmr
man was the father of the two girls and
that the servant at the house whore
they lived in shame was actually their
Many are the perils which beset the
unwary American visitor who strolls
about the streets oi iionaon. u ura
iut nf these are the professional
"blackmailers," an infamous gang who
are the pest of the "modern Babylon."
These vultures are oi mm se.e
tn hutide the luckless individual who
gets Into their clutches, lie will be
confronted witn tne niiernnuvra ui
trumped up charges entailing exposure,
dissrace and social ruin or else must
pay hush-money.
Let the American oewore ux sue
young, bright-eyed sirens wno sxroii
demurely about the parks, the leading
thoroughfares, or the quiet ana exclu
sive nooks of the theaters here. These
re some of the baits and decoys of tho
professional blackmailers and have
been trainea u euucuvur, w
guiles and arts, to lead strangers into
snares which will give the wretches
who employ them opportunities oi
DMT ttnMtott. Monument.
A mnrmmant 1r ir. he erected over the
remains of Davy Crockett, the famous
TonnMuMi hnntar. who killed 108 bears
and performed various other deeds of
valor. It is now more man sixty years
since this picturesque old character was
buried. The shaft will be of Tcnnes-'
see granite and over twenty-seven feet
high. At the tront oase oi me column
tu. amhlomfttip. bear keens faithful
watch in front of the bronze medallion
of the setting sun; on the right pan oi
the shaft a bronze medallion with the
distinctive badge (the rille ana mule
crossed) of the pioneer settlers of
the state is represented ana a
corresponding medallion on the
left aide shows the agricultural im
plements, early symbols of Tennessee's
prosperity, une oiner meimuiuu rcp
Msont thA orand seal of Tennessee.
and on the front of the shaft a bust ot
Col. Crockett looks down over the
grizzly he loved to hunt so well. The
bust will be as true to life as it can be
tenanted Utsty Week.l
Wheat 44e.
Oats 170
Hny-tS to $6 per ton.
" Flour f 0 885. per sack.
Chop $0 90 per owt.
Ilrun 75c per uvvt.
Miililllnga 176 perewt. "'
Potatoes ae.
Apples Dried, 6c per U-
Plums Dried, 5c.
Onions 2u.
lleci DnwH'il, 4'o.
Veal il'ifjMc.
I'oik Diossed, 1.
Jainl 10.
Iliiins ill per lb.
Hhoulders 8c.
Hideo Hie per Ib
Oi'csi' 4 fii B per dew.
Ducks-Si t"i per l'.
aili'kii-$2 0O8 00. ,
Turkeys Se per Ib.
Ejjjrs ujc n'r dot.
II .tier 10 15c p"r lb.
UU--()n'en, 5e; dry, 10.
The Illinois legislature asBem
bled in special ression Monday, in
response to the call of Governor
Altgeld, to consider arbitration of
Pullman sleeping car rates, the
Chicago justice shop abuses, child
labor, state finances and other top
ics. -A message from Governor
Altgeld was submitted, but, con
trary to the some general exuecla-
tions it was rmt caustic or of a sen
sational character,
How's This?
Wo oVr i ilunilmt Dollars reward
for ii'iv cm oT Uatarrh Uiat eaiih-m bf
curnl hv iiall's 'ainrrli Cure.
I .1 CIIKNUY A CO., Toledo, O.
v.. tin- ni.ilersiBuefl have known F. J.
Clienev (or the lost 15 yean, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all buiiiwn
and financially able to carry
mil any oulixulions made by their lirm.
West & Tbuax, Wholesale uruopu,
Toleilu, (I. Wauiiku, Kinnak JIabkik,
tVhiilewIe Drwniisls, Toledo, O.
Hull's ( iiiiirrh Cure is taken internally,
aeiing dirceily upon the Dioott ami nuirous
suifiuc oi the svstc n. Testimoninls sent
free. 1'rice oic. r bittle.
1'. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, U.
ioi'l by druggists, 75c '
Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. C o.
Connect at Y equina H.v wllh the
San Fiaiiolsco ai:tl YnUliia Buy sili'tn
sbip L'onipany
Steamship "Farallon'-
A 1 and llrstolnss In eveiy respect.
Halls ftoni Yaiiilim for Hun Francisco
about every 8 days,
russcnger acconiinodntioim utisur
Mlmrtiai rovte belwci ii the
Willamette Valley ami California.
Fare from Albany or points west to
Ban Frnnelseo:
Cabin, $12 00
Stwrage, &
CaUiii.r.mndtrip.OOcls. lh 00
For sailing diivsiii'ii vlo
H. 1.. WaIiIihn, Am nl,
Edwin rVrtiNK, M 'iter. AU sin.
' K Ml
Meat Market,
Ed Kellenberger, Propr.
ISi'tioe for PulIioatloii
I'sitbii Btatks Land Oraos,
Oaiooa, Citi, Oasaos,
June 1, 1895.
Xmire is .hereby given that in compli
..,... n oi, il nmvisions of the act of Con'
,m. nfJuneS. 18.'8 entitled "An act for
the sole of timber lands in the states 01 tai-i.-....,,.,
n, ...... N'nvnils and WaslihiKton
Territory," as extended to all tho ruDlic
1 i,v net of Auaust 4. lrlT-1. Atl
custa Bcnnoss, ofOreann City, county of
Clackamas, Slate of Oregon, has uus nay
filed in this ofllee her sworn statement no.
2C4", for llie purchase of the sHef n w ,
n e ;( of s n 4 and s w of n e of See-
iAi, K. '! in townshiu No. 10 south, range
fio. 6 east, and will offer proof to show
thai the land sought to more valuable for
its limber or stone than for agricultural
,.,,. n.,.l i ,.t!il)lisn ncr claim to said
! luml before the resistcr and receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Momiaj .
the 2uih day of August, 18B6. "
Hhenanics as wilnesses: J I. Berry ot
Ucrry, Oregon, Win T Whitlock of Borry,
Orcpn:, Hubert Correll, of Herry, Oregon,
lieorge jlnyliurii of Berry, Oregon. Any
and all persons claiming adversely the
abovc-ikstrilied lands are requested to nie
tlieirdai!i:sinlh so.Heeonor lieiore sum
2Bl!l day of Aiigiut, 1S96.
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sausage Bo
logna, and Ham ,
Igf-Bacon and Lard Always on Hand
Malu Street, Lebanon, Or.
' The Oregonian is not a christiui
journal. . At the eiime time, with
thinking men everywhere, that
mighty sheet, accrding to Scott, j
maces a big point for chrislttiiltt
when it heads the movement to se
cure the international Y. P. 8. C.
E. convention for 1897. The Ore
gonian says: ''It would bring just
the class of people who are looking
for a place where they may get a
start in life. As a financial invest'
ment it beats the Dutchman's 1 per
cent. Also, the moral and ie!itri
nus influence on Western civrli:.
tiun would bt mora wholeiuure.
Aftsr Bleeping One Hundred yours It
Crawls Out and I Killcil.
Early in Januaty of the present year
a woodman engaged in chopping -some
oi the monster oaks in the northern
part of the great "Black forest," I'or
many, and who had built a fire afrninst
a large dead log preparatory to partak
ing of his midday meal, was surprised
to sec a serpent ot gigantic proportions
crawl from the kig an soon as the rotten
wood had got well wanned throujrh.
The day was bitter cold and the snaks
only made a few yards over the frozen
ground until his convolutions became
smaller and smaller, until he finally
ceased to wiggle and quietly coiled up
near a large pile of brush.
Tbi. dtiirdv German choDoer. who had
been more surprised thun scared, waited j
until the creature had becom thorough
ly benumbed with the cold and then ap-1
preached and dispatched hui with his j
ax. Measurements showed the slimy j
creature to be twenty-seven feet six ;
inches in length und nearly fifteen inches
through the body in the middle.
Just back of ' the immense head,
which is eleven Indies in length and ui
most as broad, a little gold ring had
been put through the skin, relates a St.
Lonis ltepublic's correspondent. It
was in the form of two rings rather
than one, being shaped not unlike a
figure S. One port of the ring was
through the skin, while the other was
through a hole in a small copper coin
bearing date of 1712. One side of the
coia was perfectly smooth, with
the exception of those Inters and
figures, which had evidently been cut
on it with a pocketknife, the workman
ship heingvery rough: "Louis Krutzer,
B. G. 0 1781." "
Some of the older inhabitants of the
"Black forest" remember hearing their
parents tell of "Krutzer, the serpent
charmer," and they all unit'! in declar
ing that this gigantlo serpent was for
merly the property of thoold 'charmer,"
and that it was ut least one hundred
and fifteen years old when killed oa
tbM wM iTschwrT oaf M lvtl, .
Administrator s Sale of Real Property.
.Nolire b hereby aiven that by virtneof
an order of the County Court of I -ion coun
ty. Oregon, r.iailc on Holiday- the 3rd day
of June . trill sell at public auction,
to ihe highest Under, on the premises two
mite wuiheost ufhnlianon, in Linn county
iir, i, Hxturdav. the 1.1th day of July
ift-, ut i In' hour ot one o'clock p. ni., of
said day. the following described real pro
perly of thecstale of A. V. (Jaroulle, de
tiiivit : Lois numbered onesud two
in section tuenty-foiir. Also the following
iU'c rll)eil tract of land towit: Beginning
nt n nuint tiveiitv-thrce roils north of Hie B
W. corner of the S. U. quarler of section
thirteen. Ilience smith twenty-nirce runs
ilieure east eialitv ro'ls, llienre north one
mil. tlienre woterlY to the nloce of begin
ning. All being situated inTp. No. twelve,
south oi Itnngf Xo two west of the V, Ilium
cue meridian in Lion Doutity, Oregon, and
.containing twenty-six acres nioreor less.
tern ut sale one hulf cash anil one nan
payable in one year from date of sale with
interest at the rate of eitfit per cent ier an
num. Pan, liirtna,
,V. M. llsnttj, Administrator,
Attorney for Admir.
Jay's (or the Jaded and Cood
Health for all SUnkina.
herbs, and
JT"' throngh
r "1 tisture'sowa
eonuias no I wva""-
min.r.l t f J's
dtJypols. lylfiSy ?'r'"t
cm. Joy's Ihk.r1 C;'1 cur r1"
Vegetablt o,t S.l E'"";
BarMDsrlna M.s;' Chronic
robiths hCHJ ?atir'
blood of sit iJC"l,,l "on, Liver
luimpurt- wir." Comjanints
ties sad .Wji.VJ and tiilncy
Sm in siil Affccttoti..
these impuri- j 'w.?!
Joy's Tegetable
prevents Ured feel
ings, staggering sen
sations, palpitation
of hurt, ruth oi
hlnnd to tlin hmA.
dizziness, ringing in
ears, spots betonths
eye hesdsche, bil of bowels, pain in
the back,melancholy,
tongue coated, foul
breath, mmn M on
face, body and limb.
declineofnerve fores
dizzy spells, faint
rails, mid. iUmmi
feet and hands, sour
risings, iauguo, tn
somniSjSnd all dis
eases of the storoaoh,
liver and kidneys.
Joy ,8 Vegetable Bsr
Sftpartlls is sold by sll
dmireUiU. Refuse a
substitute. When you
payfor thebest tee fast
you get the best.
Douglas makes the Shoes and?
Baker sells them. . . .
The best shoes in the world for,.
Dealer Ir
Stoves Tin and Plumbi ng Goods.
Rearing and all kind of Jod work done at hard time inices
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, etc.
Pictures and Picture molding. : -
Undertaking a Specialty
' W(MHWMiH4t'H4trTtm. ' '
I liave a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for sale at my
Yard, in tlio miburba of Lebanon, For Sale at . Reasonable
Rules All kind of mauon'n woik done witb tioatnous and
deifwtiih. D. W, HARDEN,
Four IMeltHT-SS and $100.
on arch Cycle Co.
4ctory nd Main Office: Luke and Halsted SU., CHICAQO, )
nwwfawr Wrfa. rmfam $m WWHty, mmm, mmm muwt, w. -