The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 28, 1895, Image 2

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    Lebanou Express.
Editor - and - Proprietor
Clackamas county couimis
sioners are talking of purchasing a
county poor farm.
uovKiimm Boise, of Iowa, baa
come out unreservedly for the free
and unlimited coinage of silver.
The frequent stage robberies oh
the route from Klamath Falls to
Aget have resulted in Wells, Fargo
& Co. again witlulrawirlg from
business over that line.
A Michigan farmer and his wife
signed what they supposed to be a
marriage certificate, turned up later
attached to a neatly penned, note
for $1,000. If the farmer can fine
the groom und bride he is ready to
throw an old shoe at them for luck.
His foot will be inside the shoe.
Ik the big dailies gave half of the
Rpace they give to scandal and pug-,
ilium each day to a truthful publi
cation ot the vast resources of the
state and the many inducements
offered home seekers, they would
soon have a better field in which to
work up their circulation, and at
the same time they would be doing
Oregon some service.
The Orange Judd Farmer crop
report for June declares that in the
six central states of Ohio, Michigan,
Indiana, Illinois, Mississippi and
Kansas, the wheat crop will be an
almost entire failure. Only a half
a crop of hops is predicted in New
York. In Oregon the vines never
looked better. With a failure of
wheat in the west and hops and
fruit in the cast, the outlook for a
martet for the northwest's abun
dance is very promising.
The Eosebnrg Ke iew sarcastic
ally remarks that there ,-is a gen
eral feeling of disappointment be
cause Colonel Alley refuses to be
come a candidate for congress from
the second congressional district."
There are two other equally avail
able candidates in that district for
the republicans to select from in the
persons of Hofer and Barkley,
which should have a tendency to
relieve the general disappointment,
especially" among the democrats.
Either of these great statesmen
would stand us much show of an
ile.'tiou as the gentleman from
A. kewpaper man is in some in
stances like other people. He re
spects his friends, appreciates a
kindness, and is always willing to
return a favor. In another respect
he resembles his fellownien. He
will not continue to pat man on
the back, tell what a good man he
i.-, and how much he' has done for
the town, and give hima free busi
ness puff every week, when the
man will not, through personal
prejudice or otherwise, continue to
aid in supporting the paper. In
other words, he stands by the man
who stands by him. Thatis about
the way of the world, and a news
paper man can't be expected to be
so much different from other
A dispatch from Chicago an
nounces that the wages of not leis
than 250,000 men in the United
States have been advanced materi
ally within the last ninety days.
Careful inquiry throughout the
country indicates an advance aver
aging If per cent. The Cliic.-.go
Iriimne has compiled a list which
embraces more than 2o0 firms
whicj have within the last few
. i. --i i.i . ,. .. .
auvuiiceu me wages ot tfietr
employes. A notable featuro of
this great industrial improvement
is that the wa(!s of these 250,000
men have, with hardly an excep
tion, been advanced voluntarial by
tlio employers, who" have shown a
spirit of willingness to share the
results of the era of general pros
perity which seem to have set in,
without delaying the division of
profits until labor grow imptient.
Silvorrnania, or any other craze
born of popular discontent, cannot
live in the face of such teitimony
Mr. William A. Bishop cliocl nt liU
lioine on Sunday evening, June lilt,
1K)5, near Lebanon, Oregon. He was
bom near Russellville, Ohio, on March
24,1828. " :
Mr. Bishop was united iu uiurralge
with Miss 'Hannah U. Hopkins by
Rev. Jesse Loofclmrt, Dee. 0, 1832.
Two children were born to them, but
both died while quite youn.
Being a man of strong will and In
domitable courage, lie determined to
establish a home on the prairies of the
great West, and In consequence of this
decision, removed to the state of Illi
nois in Feb. of 1855.
He united with the Presbyterian
church at Chnmpnign, Illinois, under
(he ministry of the Hov. Samuel Van
dyke In the yea"-1857.
His faith was of that type w bleb bus
upheld and fortified the true and liv
ing christians In nil Mines.
Many leiider tics of endearing friend
ship were formed In I Ids new borne,
hut tills waR mil to be the field of his
llfi worts.
In 1870, lie removed with Ills family
to the state of Nebraska, -inl carrying
with him lb:it live fur the Mas
ter's Kingdom, which was bom in
him of the spirit of Hod, he became
instrumental In organising the Pres
byterian church In the town of Alex
andria, Nebraska, in the year 1873.
He was Immediately elected, ordained
and installed an elder of that church.
The Sabbath school is the special part
of the Master's vineyard In which It
was ever his delight So lubor; he be
lieved that the careful training of the
tender plant, would give it vigor and
life in the time of fruit bearing and,
therefor, he advocated the christian
education of the children.
He was called to give his Influence
to the cause of Christ in another part
the field. On the 19th of April, 1802,
he became a resident of Linn Co., Or.,
uniting with the Presbyterian church
of Lebanon, and was at once elected
and Installed an elder of it session-
he was still a member of tliis,court of
our beloved church at the time of his
death. '
Elder Bishop has gone to enjoy the
uiuniphans "He-it that reraalneth to
the people of God;" hut he has left
footprints In the sands of time, if fol
lowed in-the spirit with which he
walked, will surely lead up to the
right hand of God.
The funeral services were held in the
First Presbyterian church, Tuesday,
June 25, 1895, at 10:30 a. in. The ser
vices were conducted by the pastor, J.
H. Beattie, assisted by the ministers of
the city. The floral tributes were pro
vided and arranged by the floral com
mittee of the Y. P. 6. C. E. and were
perfectly beautiful and abundant, A
shield of Calla Li I lies oc.upled the
center. Elder Bishop was a true lover
therefor, these sweet nienmrrinls
proved a great c imfort to Mrs. Bishop
in tne nour oi ner wreaveuient. li.
Hw m lamawkar Avoided Telllof m Di
rect Liu.
"Some of our lawmakers," said a
veteran lobbyist, who had had exper
ience in many capitals, "have very
curious consciences. 1 remember ou
one occasion that it be-.-arac neces
sary to have a certain man be a certain
state-legislature on our side in a little
legislation of importance, and it was my
duty to louk after him. I a d so, with
various attentions, including wines,
dinners, and so on, and at last, as I
couldn't fix him, I plumped a thousand
dollar bill at him. My, my, but he was
" 'No man can bribe me, siil Ko m:in
can bribe me,' he fairly yellc 1, a::d .be
tore up and down in sueh a violent
manner that I discreetly pocketed my
thousand and left him. The r.ext day i
I. don't know, of course, how it could
h ive happened one or two newspapers
that didn't like my man puiiibhed an
intimation that the lobbyist were
taking care of him, Then he was hot-t-.-r
than ever, and the next night I sent
a lady lobbyist in my employ to see
him. Bho came back to me in an hour
without the thousand dollars and said
he was all right Then I saw him, and
the next day be had a card in all the
papers, to the effect that he had repelled
with scorn the advances of a lobbyist,
and that he had accepted a bribe from
no man When the bill cause up he
voted with us and no comment was
made because he had been on the fence
anyway and nobody, except the few,
knew bow be would vote. All the same,
he took a roundabout way to avoid tell
ing a straight lis, didn't ho?" and the
lobbyist laughed, Detroit free Press.
Warding Off cholera.
Persians have many rites which the
superstitions believe are efficacious in
averting attacks of the cholera. One
"i the most popular of these is that of
passing under the Koran. Two elders
;tond opposite each other, holding be
tween tuein a scroll ol tne Koran
K'ragred in a silken scarf. Under this
e,-,viiiin( talisman the peasants pass
one by one and then go home, con
vinced that the cholerawill not beable
to touch them.
I f you want t buy property call on
or write Peterson & Andrem.
All knowing themselves indebted to
me will please call and settle at
once, M. A.
All persons knowing thi iiiselyes in
debled to me will please call and settle
it once u I need my money.
OhHiiKed Every Week.l
Whcut k -Oats
17o -flay
ti to$l pertdn.
Flour-to 70S0. per sack.
Clioji $t) 75 per ewt.
liriin 7"e per cwu '
.Middlings $0 70 per cwt.
Potatoes 25c. li
Apples Dried, (Ic per lb J'
Plums Dried, So. :
Onions 2e. .'...'.,
Ueei- Dressed, 4o.
Veal iijgs-lc.
Pork Dressed, 4. -Lard
Ilanis-io per Hi. "
Shoulders 8c. .:
Hides 10c per lb '
" Geene A $5 per doz.
Ducks f2 ('i $3 per doa.
.Chickens $2 OlioSil on.
Turkeys So per lb.
Eggs 12Jc -lerdoa.
P. .tter-8 10c pr lb. '
hides (treen, Be.; dry, 10c.
How's Thl3?
We o '.'( -i.ii. 'Hundred Dollars rerd
for cus- of Catarrh that cainon be
cnM h' Hull's I'attui'irCurt,
F. J. CHEXBV CO., Tule.lo, O.
- We, the iiinlersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the lost 16 years and believe
him j-erfcelly honorable in all business
trunsHCtiunsand tinuneially able to carry
out any obiifmtions nuute by their ttnn.
Wist Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Tolisjo, O. Waldino, Rinnan Mariiis,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. -
Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting djrv.lly upon the blood and mucous
sin faces uf lite system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 7tie, per bottle.
V. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0.
BP-Sol-l by druggists,- 76c.
Notice lor Pullioatiun
Psitku Statks Land Opsins,
OaiaoH, City, Okiuos,
- June 1, 1805.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance Willi the provisions of t he act of Con
gress of June 3, 187S, emitted "An set for
the sale of timber innds in the states of Cal
ifornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the Public
Laud States by set of August 4, 1802, Au
gusta lienness, ol'Oregon City, county of
Clackamas, Blate of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this otllcc her sworn statement No.
2867, for the purchase of the s Vi of li w
nei-ittsn-y and s v ol n e of Sec
tion No. 21 in township No. 10 south, range
No. 5 eust, and will otter proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the register and receiver of this
ofliee at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday,
tne zntu uny ol August, lsns.
Klicnauies as. witnesses: J I, llerry of
Uerry, Oregon, Wro T Whitlocfc of llerry,
Oregon, Uobert .Carroll, of llerry, Oregon,
Oeorge Muyburn of Kerry, Oregon. Any
and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deseribed tands are requested to file
their claims iu tb:6 office on or before said, 1806.
ltoitKirr A. MiMiKB,
Administrator's Sale of Real Property.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of the County Court of Unn coun
ty, Oregon, nmiie on .Monday the 3rd day
of June 1KB. 1 1 will sell at public auction.
to (he highest bidder, on the premises two
miles southeast of lbanon, in Linn county
Oregon, on Saturday, the I3lh day of July
1896, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., of
said day, the fullinving described real pro-
iertyof theeslate of A. V. (iaroulte, de
ceased, towit: Lois numbered one and two
in section tiventy-four. .Also the following
described tract of laud towiti lleginning
at a point twenly-lhieo rods north of the 8.
V, . corner of the 8. H. quarter of section
thirteen, thence south twenty-three rods
" ettJt Wr r,"ls. thence n"rth onc
rod, thence westerly to the place of begin
ning. All being situated in Tp, No. twelve,
south of Hauge No two west of the Willam
ette meridian in Linn 'Jouuty, Oregon, and
containing twenty-siv acres more or less.
Terms of sale one half cash and one half
payable in onc year from date of sale with
interest at the rate of eight per cent per'an
num. Pint ltirrsa,
W. II. Hurras, Administrator.
Attorney for Admir.
Dealer Ir
Stoves Tin and Plumbing Goods.
licparing and nil kind of Jod work tlono nt hard time prices.
I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for Bale at my
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonable
Raiea. All kind of mason's woik done with neatness and
dupftteU. D.W, HARDEN,:
Oregon G entral & Eastern R. R. Co.
Connect at Yaqulna Day with th
8a n Fi anclsoo mid Yaqulna Bay rttenui
hip Company -
Steamship "Farallon"
A 1 and tlrstclass Iu every respect
Sails from Yaiiiinu fur Han Francisco
about every 8 days.
Passenger accommodations unsur
passed. Hhortest mute between th
Willamette Valley and California.
Faro from Albany or points west to
Ban Francisco:
Cabin, .. $12 00
Steerage... 8 00
Cat)in,i'oundtrip,00d8. 18 00
for sailing ihiysapply to
H. h. Walden, Agent,
Eihvin Stonk, Mu'ger., Albany,
Corvnllls, Oregon.
CllAS). ('IjAIIK, Sllpt.,
v C'urvnllis,
Meat Market,
Ed Kellenberger, Propr.
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sausage Bo.
logna, and Ham ,
ISTBacon and Lard Always on Hand
' Main Street, Lebanou, Or.
Joy's for the Jaded and flood
Health for nil Jlanklnd.
made from "1 Hi
:rus, and F V m
nlalns IOI I pi
tneril m
i through
nature1 itowu
proper cii-
mi n
net, joy
deadly poi
on. Joy'
fear ia par )U
rob the
blood of all
iu import
tiei, and
courses all
tucac impuri
cure Iy-
fa r on ic
tion, Liver
and Kidney
Affect iotu.
Joyi TeretaWe
prevents tired feel
ings, staggering wn
ations, palpiUtion
of heart, ruah ol
blood to the head,
diuiiMM, ringing in
ars, spots before the
tjm, hwidtche, bil
ioasDeM,eoaitipation of bowels, paios in
the backnelarjcholy.
tongue coated, foul
breath, pimples on
face, body and limb,
declineofnerre fores
dizzy spells, faint
spells, cold, clammy
feet and hands, soar
risings, fatigue, in
somnia, and all dis
eases ofthestomscb,
liver and kidneys
Joy.. Vt(euble B.r
Mpnrllla la told by all
druggist.. Refuae a
aubstituie. When you
pay for lliebef tHeethat
you get tbe beau
Douglas -.lnakes .the --Shoes and
Baker sells them.
The hesl shoe iii the world for
the money.
. ' -
I " . ... 1
Albaiiy Fop
BALTLViORE DLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
1' urnituro, Carpets, Jdnoloumn
Pictures and I'icturo molding.
mlerlaking.a Specialty.
bicycles. fr
Four Models-S85
tnry and Mnlri Officei-Uke
iMutMHiiill-Naw Vfc San lU'Uiw, nlt
L I E F.
niture Co.
malting, ete.
and 8100.
SEND 2.CENT STAMP Fnn . none
and Halstcd Sia.. CHiCAnn in
laks Clly, l),vWl MmM tmn, TaSSiT.