VOL. IX. LEBANON, OREGON, JUNE 28, 1895. NO. 18. ftRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year ..: - - . (If paid In advance, II "i per year.). Mi month i 1 Throe months ........ 2" Blngleooplea m : STATE OFFICERS. : .',. ' Hon. W. MiiBrlli ., Senator. John H. Jlittihell.j lunger Hermann, C'oiiKrmiian : William P. Lord Governor H. K. Khicultl Betirotsry of State Phil Motauhnn, Treasurer i. M. Irwin, gupt. Public Instruction H. W. Leeds, Htate Printer K. S. Sfahn, I n ' Wm. r. LonL ; Supreme Judges K. B. Bean, I , COUNTY OFITUEKS. Judge, .J.N. Duncan Clerk, N. Needhain Recorder, . F. ilardruan Nhorih", J. McKeron Bnhool Superintendent A. K. Kuthcrford Treasurer,.. '. V. Morris AtiHCBiinr W. V. Peak-im Surveyor,.... K. T. T. FiMicr Coroner K. Jayne , . ' ) John Pngh Conimissionera, j j. m. Wntere CITY OFFICIALS, MAYOR.... M.A. MIM.KIl RKCORDICR W. N. liROWN. CITY ATTOBKBY 8. M. (JAltLASl). TREASURER J.F. HYDE. MARSHAL P. W. MORGAN. f ED. KKM.KNBHIMIKK, K. B. DALtiLEEISH, 0OUN0I1.MEN s a jl(iN(l, 8. U. MYEK8. li. W. KICK. City Oounotl meets on the Hint and third Tuesday evening ol'eauh month. Seorst Booletlcs. LIMN TENT. No. 7, K. 0. T, M.-Meetsin a. A. E. IUII on Thurduy evening or each woek. Transient Mr Knights are mirdlally Invited to , visit the Tout meeting. J, A. LAMUKitttoti, Com, Oio. Vt'.Kmt.Jt. K. HONOR MM1K, No. 118. A. O. V. W.-Meet very ruoinay evening at 0. A. It. Hall. W. KUIIMNB, M. W. I. R, BoatiH, Hee, LEBANON WDM!, NO. , I. 0. 0. F.-ileul every Baumlayovenlng at Odd Follow Hall, at So'olookp.m. A. E, DAVIB, N. 0. IV. C. PETERSON, Soofy. J-KARI.UKUKCCA I.OUUE, NO. ft. I. 0. 0. F. HMteMI.0. 0. FUall "a lhlrd Wed1" dejrovenlugs of each month. MltB. CLARA BOYI.E, N. 0. MISS IUTTIE BlMitiON, Beefy. LEBANON LODGE No, U A. F. 4 A. M.-Meots Saturday evening, on or before the full moon In each month, at Masonic Hall, Cor. Mam and (iranlrti. Mourning brothcru oornlelly Invlteil to attend. E. K. 1ICK, V. . M, 8. 0. Wal aoc. Bee. UKN'L M1IIUUB CASH', No. 10, mvislon of Ore gun. Sons of Voteroaiw-Moet hi 0. A. K. Hall, evory Saturday evening, cacopt the third Balurdayofoach month, meeting the third Fri day luitead, All brotliora of the Bona of Vet oraiiaandoomrailoaorthe U.A.Il.are cordially Invited to uieot with the Oimiyi. E. 0. CMttt, Cnpt. A, TlvNNKV, First fii'gt. iii-A M.'WEBT HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M.- . attend. , a ,!,, LadyB.K. Basaii 8lTXAinri. La -""" PROFESSIONAL. SAM'L M. GARLAND. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. LEBANON. OREGON. Weatberford & Wyatt, : ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, ALBANY. OREGON. r.J SILYEU, A1TORNEY- AT - LAW, ALBANY, 0BE00N. W. M, BROWN, ' Attorney-at-Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Dr, H. L. Parish, . PErSICIAXdXD SUXGEON, Office and Residence in the Bt. Charles Hotel, L1-3ANON, - - - - OREGON. Cedar Posts.' Flrstolnss oedar posts for sale oheap. Call on. or address Walter Brown, Al bany office, at Freiiolic's Jewelry itors umI. A, VTklunvn nt LsUaou, "As old as thebilla"and never excell ed. Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions, Simmons Liver Regu- ldJM id tllA P f"f"P 'f 'only Liver OttO Kidnev medicine to which you can pm your ( M 'j faith for a 1 IdCtfl mUjaxa. tive, and purely veg etable, act- ttn 11 ing directly r1 C on the Liver jf tttO and Kid ' neys. Try it. Sold by aU Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medlctnei, " I have uaed yourHimmonsI.lver Regn kthii nd can eonarlentlonaly auy It la the king of all liver medlelnea, I conalder 11 a medicine cheat In ltoelf.CIEo. W. Jjloj Bust, Tacoma, Waahlogton. O-EVEBT FACKAGl t Baa th Z Stama In red on vnunm KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your Bl.iort, clear juur corn pleotlon, regulate ynur Bowels and make your head clear as a liell. 2.3c, 60c, and $1.00. Sold by N. W. Smltli. wuri ruuin i o fTJUK I OUT A IK A FA TENT f For trrnniiit answer ind an honest oplnimi, writ to MlNNA 0.. who liave bRd nearlj fifty yeuv' eiperloiitw In tbo patent bnnineM. Commiinlc tlotii utrlotly orniflriMitluL A Handtieob of In formation canouriiuifr l'ntrnti uid how to ob tutn ttiuui Kont f mo. Alno r cotalOKUfi OX iuwibiu leal nnd HOlontltlo books ent freo, I'utmitB tiibon tliroLti Hutin ft Co. ftoMrt nxidut iiotloo tn the Hcfcntf tic Amerlrnn, wid tliua ore bronirht wlfloly twforeUie publlowltb. out coirt to tii invmitnr. This splendid paper. Irnmed wonkiy, iilesaiiilrlllomrated.haBbTiartlis 1anrit drotitutlon of any twieutlttc work In tb World. fayfnr. tantple coiiltwMmt free, ilitlldlnti E(litloiv mcmthly, llflOayear. rJlnffte entiles, conts. Every number onntalna beau tlful platen, In colors, nnd photocrnpbs of new hounds, with pluiiH, itnubllnir Dutldera to hIiow tb lahput (IonIbiih and itiurt oontrnpli, Addreaa ilUWN & CU iNLW Vuiili, UUl BUUAUWAT. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, tlie Kreut Blood purifier elvee- fit hn ens Hud cicarncHH to the Completion and ouren OoiiHtlimtlon, 25 cut., 50 ots., 81. Sold by N, W. Baiith. I' ur wile by JS , VV . builtli. Inaure vour iirtmertv with Peteinon. iAdnrewB. They are auente for the old Iteiiuble, Home Mutual, New Zeuliilttl. KtiriliLrHetd of Mnaaunliuaetla. Conti iiciitul, and other g;od, reliable oouipanies. Tney also have money to loan (it per cent, in sums trout fan) up. Best Shoe aold at the price. $6, $4 at $3.60 Dress Sho liquat custom work, casting from $6 to SS. 63.60 Police Shoe, 3 Solet Best Walking Shoe ever made. 09.60 and 82 Shoes, Unequalled at Ute price. Boys' tf2 4 $1.79 School Shoes, Are the Be:.t lor Service. Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $1.76 Beat Dong-ola, Stylish, Perfect rittlnr and Horvloeiinlo. Boat lu Uie world. All Btylea. Inalat upon havlnfr W. L. Uouglaa Shoe.. Kame nnd price elamped ou hot. torn. W.L, JJKlifllulS, iiiocktou.Maal. Hiram Baker. Lebanon, Oregon. CAPTAIN HWEENEY, TJ. S. A, Ban Plego, Cal. says: "Bliiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Prloe 60e. Bold by N. W. 81.00 Botl.s 10,11 Oueeeptadow.gt'itMfa 11 It la aold on n guarsntoe bj all drui glata. It oitrea xnoipient ConeumpUoa taa lathebestCoueliaQd Orouo Cm. , H, P, HAYES ARRESTED IN JAIL IN EUGENE Charged With a Grave Crime. May Also be Called Upon to Answer the Accusation of Murder When all is Known. EUGENE, Or., June 22.-H. P. Hayes, of Kail creik precinct, this vounty, was arrested at the residence of his slater, Mrs. Bultrxks, two miles from Junction City, about noon today, and is now In lite county jail here, with a charge of incest against him. He may alto be called upon to answer the charge of murder before his case Is settled. Hayes Is a schoolteacher, an j has a niece in the the same neighbor hood, Miss Susan Walker, who is also a schoolteacher. Miss Walker last night gave birth to a girl baby, and charges Hayes with being her betrayer and the father ol her child. Blie went to her mother two weeks ago and made a confession as to her condition. About May 1, the father of Miss Walker had an liitl ration of the con dition of his daughter, and one day told Hayes that if his suspicions ma terialized he would kill the guilty tuan. May 15, Walker went to work in the morning about his barn, but was taken suddenly and violently ill, and was taken to his houae, where be soon died iu great agony, having spasms and violent convulsions. For some reason the o se was not leported to the coroner, and Walker's reruaiuB were intered without any Inquest or post-mortem examination. Thimoru iug, when Coroner Harris heard of the facts, he went to the place for the pur pose of having the body exhumed and an analysis tuade of the contents of the stomach. The people living in tbe neighbor hood are very much wrought up over the affair. Hayes is being held here and will not be taken before Justice Callison for examination until the ex citement subsides. Hayes seems to realize Uls position, and expressed a wish to end hie existence. Bandit Brady Still at Large. REDDING, Cal., June 23. The lat est reports from Anderson are that there has been a battle between Bandit Brady and his pirsuers. Sheriff Houston came iu a while ago, and stated that be had beard several shots. There is a well organized posse of more than 100 meti, under the direc ts n of Sheriff Housion, wutcbing the thickets whlcti they have surrounded. Happy valley, so-called, where Bratly is hid, is a long stretch of level,, laud devoted to orchards and vlnejardf, nnd is well irrigated, Where not cleared It is very brushy, furnishing a good hiding place and plenty of water and fruit close at hand. Abut Brady's camp, apple cores and other traces were seen, but Brady was not there. It is thought be is working southward. Tonight a large party left here un der command District Attorney Rose to assist, and every young and able bodied man is pressed Into service. So far, Brady has outwitted them all. It Is known that be is not badly woun ded, as at first supposed. The mar shal says Brady left bis hiding place to come north on accouut of an acci dent Which made him believe he was unsafe, Tbe horse and cart were prob ably loaned him by a friend, as it is known that friends have beeu assisting hint. People here assert that Brady Is a sou of a preacher named Gilbert in Fall river valley, but this Is thought to be a mistuke. Brady will probably be captured to morrow. An Attempted Jail Break.' TACOMA, June S3. Seven prison ers, headed by Tom Hayden, a noted con vlct, captured and beat Night Jailer tiibbsat the Pierce county jail this forenoon, when he was carrying lu their breakfast. They would have es caped, but for the quick actiou of Jailer Goodrich iu closing the door leading out of the cage. Glbbs is not badly injured. Hayden has served eighteen years In the Pacific county prison, and goes to Walla Walla this week to serve four more for burglary. One of his fellow-conspirators was Frank Poiueroy, arrested for burglariz ing a store last December at LaCauiaa, IB wbleb ti postaffiiM la ttlta4. A Sound Boat Burned. SEATTLE, Juno 22. The steamer Annie M. Pence, running between the Islands and Seattle, took lire at Sara toga Pass lost night at 11:80 o'clock and was destroyed. T. H. Sullivan, cook on the steamer, was drounded, being forced to take to I he water to save himself from the flames. The rest of the crew got on board a icowhrnd of hay, which the steamer was towing, and-, cutting adrift, they escaped death. The fire was a terrible one, and had enveloped the bout and the crew almost before any one was aware. The fire is supposed to have started from a spark near the boiler room. The stamer was halt a mile from shore when she cnught fir.'. After she had burned out, the stcum?r Munroe came along and beached her. The vessel was owned by Captain Joshua Green, and wis valued at (5000. The fire was discovered by the watch man, who rushed to the pilot-housa and gave the alarm to Captain Joshua Greeert, the owner, who was at the wheel. By this time the flames had spread over the whole steamtr and her cargo of hay, but the watchman knocked at the doors of each of the sleeping crew, who came out in their nifhlclothes, and saved themselves. He Ibiuks that Sullivan came eut also, hut went back for a valise, and, becoming confused, jumped into the water. ' Silver Will Advance. WASHINGTON, June 22.-The treasury officials anticipate that the payment of the Chinese war indemuity of 200,000,000 taels will result in ma terial Increase iu the market price of silver. The present quotation of silver Is 67j cents an ounce, which is an ad vance of 4 cents over the quotations of a year ago. The present price antici pated to some extent the expected rise, and is also the result of the increased demand caused by the war expenses of both governments. At present there is uot to exceed 000,000 ounces of silver bullion in the United States, outside of tbe amount owned by tbe government. At the present price of silver tbe amount re quired by Cbina would equal about 1143,000,000 worth of bullion. They Command Fancy Prices. CHICAGO, June 22. Strawberries as large as good sized waluuts, picked from vines iu Seattle, Washington, arrived In this city Monday. It was the first shipment of the sort. Represeulatives of leading hotels, restaurauts and fancy grocery houses took the fruit readily at prices varying from 3 to (9 per case, or five to fifteen ceut per quart. Seattle shippers were notified of the successful outcome of their venture and expressed their hearty satisfaction. It opens a new market for what has heretofore been considered commodities too perishable tor such a lout distance shipment. A Firebug Lynched. NEW ORLEANS, June 24.-In Gretna, a small tovu across the river, the body of John Frye, aged 22 years, wi s found dangling to u telegraph pole this morning. Frye belonged to a gang of young men who made a busi ness of burning down property lu Gretlua. Last night the gang were caught setting fire to' a disorderly house occupied by negroes. Frye was lyuched and three other members of the gaug are now In jail. No Trouble at Astoria. ASTORIA, Or., June 23.-Fish Com missioner McGuire and Sheriff Hare patrolled tbe river this inori.ing. They found five traps running on the Wash lugtou shore and made two arreBts. Tbey will lay information against all before the grand jury tomoirow. No effort was made by the Washington authorities to arrest McGuire and Hare. Portland Bonds Sold. PORTLAND, June 24. The bridge comiiiiltee t.iu ,y opoued bids for the purchase of $2OO,OO0 boud. There were six bids. Tlx; bonds were sold to Cushman, Fisher & Co,, of Boston, who bid par and a pivuilum of 15.63 per cent, or J2III.300 ami interest for the $200,000 bonds. Wanted to Kill Cleveland. CLYDE, N. Y , June 24. William Campbell, nn old soldier from Buffalo, N. Y is in juil here. He told Chief of Polm Hamilton thai he was on his way to kill Grover Cleveland. He is insane. Pugli & Muiicy have just leoived a large invoice nl Indus' children' and men's shot s. See them and you will buy thstti, Highest of all in Leavening Power. II Absolutely pure THE TRIAL OF SWARTZ EVIDENCE ALL SUBMITTED Argument in the Matter of the Confir mation of the Sale of the Oregon Pacific Ented. The evidence in tbe Swartz trial is all in. The jury and an audience as large as the courtroom would contain, listened all day, the 19th init., at Sa lem, to the details of the death of Ed ward Swartz, and the expert testimony of physicians, on the operation per formed to save his life. The chain of evidence surely points to Alonzo Swartz as the murderer of his son. Swartz, whiee ou the aland, testified that Edward rushed for a gun, and it wash) wresting it from biin that tbe knife was used. The testimony Is un supported. It is extremely doubtful if the evidence of the physicians will warrant the conclusion that the death of Edward was due to the operation, rather than the stab. ' The trial was concluded last Friday afternoon, and the jury after three and a half hours' deliberation, returned a verdict of murder In th( second degree. Tbe first ballot of tbe Jury stood five for murder in the first degree, five for second degree, and two for manslaugh ter. The sixth ballot showed thera unanimous for the second degree. Sentence was pronounced Saturday and tbe prisoner was taken to the pen. itentiary to spend tbe rest of bis na tural life. One of the jurors who sat in the Swartz case stated since that, that twenty years ago, he forced Swartz to put away a gun be bad drawn on his wife. The Argument Ended. On the convening of the supreme court, June 19, at Salem, J. R. Bryson concluded bis argument in behalf of the Oregon Pacific railroad, taking an hour and a half. Mr. Bryson con trasted the oft-quoted expression of At torney Bronaugh, that "the Oregon Pacific road is worthless, beinniug in a duck puddle and ending In a snow bank," with his present position. He claimed that the only question now Is that of adequacy of price. Following Mr. Bryson, George G. Bingham spoke for a quarter of an hour In be-' half of the employes of the road. He asked that, in case the sale be set aside, the cause of his clients be given prior ity over other claimants. In the course of his remarks Mr. Bingham charged that all appellants were con nected with the Hogg faction. Volumes of records in tbe Oregon Pacific case were filed in tbo supreme court, and its destiny left iu the hands ot the court. It is hardly probable that a decision will be reached within a month, and possibly a much longer time will be required. Tbe following order was entered in the supreme oourt: Charles L. Wat son, appellant, vs. William Buckler et al., respondents; ordered that the time for serving and filing additional ab stract by the respondent be further ex tended ten days from June 20, 1805. . A Lawmaker to be Hanged. From advices in Portland, It Is learned that Paul P. Laweon, a popu list ex-member of tbe Idaho legisla ture, was found guilty, at Cbullls, Idaho, June 14, of murder in the first degree, for killing Georgo W. WatBon, near Houston, Custer county, and was sentenced by. District Judge C O. Stockslager, to be banged July 20. The murder of Watson by Lawson was particularly atrocious. The evi dence in the trial showed that Lawson bad lain in wait for his victim, and shot him in the back, May 15, witb a shotgun loaded with buckshot and slugs. The only motive for the crime was thut Watson last;' fa II, in a fight with Lawson, had given him a severe thrashing; and, as Lawsou had been poaluf tf $ "bad u" ud of Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder the settlement about Houston, be hail concluded to "get even" for the loss of prestige entailed by the drubbing ad ministered to him. After the killing, Lawson stood gnrd fur several hours over the body, refusing to let any one come near li. exclaiming: "This Is my meat, and nobody can touch It till I sny so,'' coupled with horrible obscenities. But tinnlly ajuslice of the pence, friendly to the murderer, with the aid of a few friends, all of 'whom were nnued, held what they called an inquest behind locked doots, returning a verdict of "justifiable homicide." ' - The residents of Houston and vicin ity had by this time become aroused at the high-handed proceedings, and they delegated one of their number to pro ceed to Challis, the county seat, and swear out a warrant for the assassin . The sherlfl and coroner repaired to the scene of the crime. The former arres ted Lawson, and (he latter exhumed the body and held an Inquest, which resulted in the slayer being charged with murder "with malice afore thought." The subsequent trial at Challis lasted six days, and the jury brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree an hour after the case was submitted to them. The usual notice of application for a new trial was given, but the general opinion is that, it will not be grunted, as the judge wan extremely fair in his rulings. Oregon ian. Senator Mitchell's Views. Senator Mitchell being asked us to the subject of bimetallsin, says: "Any teal blnietalism, except where silver and gold are treated exactly alike so far as coinage is concerned at a fixed ratio, is impossible. I believe iu the unlimited coinage of both metals. I believe neither metal should be treated simply as a commodity, butasa money metal. I would perfer to see this ac complished by an international agree ment. My hope that this can be brought about is of the faintest possi ble character. Therefore, I am in favor of Independent action by the United States alone. I am In favor ot sound money gold, silver and paper eaoh dollar of which must be the equival ent in money value and purchasing power of tbe other two. I am unalter ably opposed to a single gold standard. I do uot believe with many that the opening of our mints to the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and sil ver would result in bringing us to a silver Btaudard. I believe in the dec laration of the first national republican platform in the use of both gold aud silver as a standard money. By utiliz ing the two precious metals of the country as money as the cnustitutl.m of the United Statts intended they should be, the people of this country would be furnished with a domestic money which would, in my judgment, result in vastly increased development of resources. Our reports to meet our foreign balances would be largely In creased, and us a conscience the an nual balances of trade abroad would be correspondingly diminished. The price of all commoditled, especially foreigu, would also be vastly Increased. "I do not belivo there will he a com plete restoration of business prosperity so long as we adhere tn the single gold standard. Of course the business of tbe country will improve. It is, in my judgment, improving' snmewhat now. Tbe present prospect, for good crops, especially on this coast, will do much in that direotiou, but in my judgment, this country as a, whole, will never realize that full measure of prosperity to which we are justly en titled until silver is re mo ietized, aud by this I mean simply the repeal of the coinage law by which it was de monetized." A Rush for Sileu. There promises to be something of a rush for lauds on the Siletz when the day arrives for tiling. Four teams passed through Saturday, three Tues day and oneesterduy, all bound for that vicinity. Those who expeot to settle should not forget that half a dol lar per acre must be paid when the filing Is made on the laud and an addi tional dollar per acre when ffnal proof is made. It is probable that tunny of the laud hunters, when they find they cannot get gratis, a farm well im proved by some Indian, Willi a fine bouse, hot and cold water conveniences, will turn their backs o.i the Siletz and return disgusted from wueiive tbey MW.Si