The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 21, 1895, Image 2

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Editor - and - Proprietor
JjI'banon needs a bunk and needs
it badl v. . ..
Tub fruit crop is very promising
tins yeitr.
This nut look for a largo crop
vas never betto in the Willamette
Tins president has issued a proc
luraation forbidding the shipment
of arms to Cuba.
The steamer St. Louis made her
first trip across the Atlantic in six
days and seventeen hours.
Taken From Our Exchanges Through
out the Northwest.
, i ;
On the ranches on Choqpwetb
oreeK the hay crop is boinglinrv
ested, and there is a good yeild.
Professor KenemaU, of Cdquille,
bus 10,000 silk worrru that 1)e ex
pects soon to be ready for business.
Fourteen wagons with home
seekers from Utah have come into
Lane county, by the Mackenzie
Kerr & Buckley refused an offer
of ten cents a pound at The Dalles,
Saturday, for their wool clip of 90;
000 pounds.
Mr 8. Sarah P. Hunt died at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. S.
E. Hong, in North Yamhill, June 8
1895, at the age of 83.
David Zwoifol, who. lives near
Suuimerville, died last Saturday
from the effects of a dose of strych
nine self administerted.
Henry Parr was tound guilty of
assault with ' a dangerous weapon,
in the circuit court in Pendleton
last week.
Yamhill has 6904 persons of
school age, and the county school
superintendent has $10,188 to
divide among the ochool districts,
1 lie little town ot Adams came
near baving a tar and leather
episode last week. Three young
men were notified to leave the
town or take a coat of tar end
feathers. They left.
xt -inn t ii !
t ,,,,..-, - jseanv iu itiiieso inuorers
IHPt.PL-wpIr la snmolhinff tfnn aval - '
- -m ,.w - . , T . ... .
are bound to excert, whether you' . , , 6 .,
tv, r ,;weeK, Dounusoutnto&anji runcisco
Sei.ona Weber, another widow
of Emil Weber, the gambler who
wag shot in Portland in 1889, has
appeared on the scene, and sues to
recover the whole estate.
Over $50,000 worth of ranch
property near Pendleton, Oregon,
has been destroyed by incendia
ries.' One warehouse, containing
240,000 pounds of wool, will be a
total loss.
The citizens of Harney county
complain that Indians from the
Umatilla reservation come into
their country and kill deer in huge
numbers for their pelts, leaving
the meat to waste.
lul-.aiiKort livery Wt-t'k.l
Wlieiit 44e.
Oate 20o
Hay $6 to W perton. ,
Flour fO 60t5. per mink. V
Chop $() 76 per owt.
ill-tin 70c per owl.
Middlings 0 70 per owt.
Potatoes 2oo.
Apples Deled, flc por 11- -
Pluins Dried, 5c.
Onions 2u.
Reef Dressed, 4Je,
Veal SJ4c.
Pork Dressed, 4.
Lard 10.
Hams 10 per lb.
Shoulders So.
Hides lOo por lb.
Geese fj $6 per doz.
Ducks $2 (ff, $3 por doz.
Cliiokens $2 008 01). '-
Turkeys 8c por lb.
Eggs 8e lerdoz.
Butter 8 lOeper lb.
Hides Green, lot dry, 2c.
will or not; and it ib either for good
or evil. Even the wooden Indian
on the street constantly shows the
way to the cigar store.
Reports are that deer skinners
from.Chetco are at work on the
north side of Rogue river, some
distance up, and are slaughtering
deer hr.theirliides. . The animals
are very plentiful along the Rogue
I never heard man or woman
much abused that I was not in
clined to think the better of them,
and transfer the suspicion or dis
like to the one who found pleasure
in pointing out the defects of an
other. Jane Porter.
Recent history of some editors
in this state who believe in gold
standard. only, shows that these
ovur-zeulous civilians can become
very insulting indeed to those in
the same party who differ from
them in an opinion on the money
question. It is a rule or ruin mot
to with them.
A lemon tree in the Sweetwater
valley, San Diego county, has just
yielded thirty-one and a half boxes
of marketable lemons. At $3 per
box this yield would represent
$94.50 for a siugle tree, and eighty
trees to the acre at this rate would
produce $7560. Lemon growing
has superb possibilities. Los An
geles Times.
Neither law nor justice upholds
the practice of decoying people into
orime in order to punish them for
committing it. Judge Bellinger
has cendemed it, Judge Stephens
lias censured it, and the American
spirit of fair play never sanctioned
it. In their battle with the drug
gists the local liquor-dealers should
have hesitated to employ an unpop
ular weapon, for if any business is
at the mercy of popular sentiment
it is the saloon business. Ex.
UF.all the coal mines in the
world from the beginn ing of this
century to tbjs present time Great
Britain has produced one half. In
1891 she mined thirty-six per cent
oi the world's product, vthile the
United States produces thirty-three
per cent. The United States is in
creasing its output of coal at the
late often per cent per annum,
while the increase in Great Britain
is less than two per cent. The cost
of coa! is increasing iu Great Brit
ain and decreasing in the United
States.. England exports thirty
one per cent of her total product
of coal, while the United States ex
ports lest than one per oeut.Lon
tlon Tit-Blti,
from Portland. They were travel
ing in small parties on foot to save
railroad fare, and seemed to be en
joying the trip.-
Father Van Gorp, the su2erior in
charge of the Jesuit Indian missions
in the Rocky-mountain district,
has arrived at the Umitilla reserva
tion mission. He was driven to
the school which he will pay an
official visit.
John Brown pleaded guilty, in
the cireuit in Eugene, Wednesday
of last week, of assault with the in
tent totrmmit rape upon two little
girls near Eugene. Robert M.
Stevens also pleaded guilty to the
charge of having burglarized A. V.
Peters' house.
Keeney & Boomer, the stage men
purchased seventeen bead of horBes
in Grand Ronde, and started' the
band for Idaho on Sunday. The
horses are to be used on the line
between Boise City and Idaho City.
The gentlemen paid an average of
$48 per head. -
W. M. Kistner, a farmer living a
few mileB from Rainier, will spend
the coming Fourth with his mother,
who will celebrate her 103d anni
versary in August
resides at Highland Prairie, Wash.,
and, considering her age, is hale
and hearty. Her husband died
some years ago at the advanced
age of 118.
Last Tuesday the residence of
James Wilson, near North Powder,
was burned to the ground. The
hired giri had a dish of hot grease
on the Btove. The grease took fire,
the flames soon reached the wood
work, and those present were un
able to extinguish them. . .
While driving from Elgin to La
Grande, Mrs. John Lewis was
thrown from her wagon on a bridge
near the Iona school house, and
was run over. One of her armsi
was broken, and she was b.'dly in
jured about the head and face. The
accident is said to have been due
entirely to the bad condition of the
bridge, and that an action for dam
ages against the county will be
brought. .
While the four-horse slae from
Uranite to linker uity was coming
down Granite mountain, Wednes
day, with ton passenger on bonrd,
the brake gaye away, and the
horses took fright and ran, The
stage was thrown over the grade,
but fortunately struck agaiuct two
pine trees', preventing it from go
ing still further down the mount
ain. The passengers wero scattoied
in every direction, but no one was
seriously injured. L
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any ease of Cutitrrlr tout cannon bo
cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & tU.Tolrdo, O.
We, the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 jenri, anil believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their lirm.
Wss-r & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. V albino, Kinnak Maknin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's t.'atarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
sutfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
iree. l'nce 7ile. per bottle.
F. J. CHENEY CO,, Toledo, O.
UF-feul'l by druggists, 75c.
Notice lor 1'iiMieutioii
United Status Land Okkici,
. Orkoon', City, Orehon,
' June 1, tMK.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1S78, ontilled "An act for
the sale of timber kinds, in the suites of Cal
ifornia. Oregon, Nevada ami Washington,
Territory," as extended to all the Public
Laud Slates by act of August i, 1892, Au
gusta Ileuuess, of Oregon City, county of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in Ibis office her sworn, statement No.
2857, for the purchase of tiies of n w ,
n e K of s w X and s w yA of n e K of Sec
tion No. 22 in township No. 10 south, range
No. 6 east, and will offer proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable tor
its timber or stone than for agricultural
purimses, and to establish :ier claim to said
laud before the register and receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday,
the 28th day of August, 186. -
Hoc names us witnesses: J T. TTt;rry of
Berry, Oregon, Win T Whitloek of Berry,
Oregon, Hobert t'orrej, of Kerry, Oregon,
George Mayburn of Berry, Oregon. Any
and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested 'to file
their claims in this office on or before said, nan.
lioiiBRT A. Mim,i:ii,
Administrator's Sale of Real Property.
Notice is hereby given Hint by virtue of
an ortier of the County Court of Linn coun
ty, Oregon, made on Monday thcHrddnv
of June IR95. I Kill sell at public auction.
to the highest bidder, on the promises two
miles southeast 01'l.ebimim, in Linn count v
Oregon, on Saturday, the 13th day of July
1895. at the hour of one o'clock p. in., of
said (Inv. tlip fnllnu-inc il,,MfriWil iy.-i! i,vh.
This aged lady pcrty of the estate of A, V. liurotitto, de
ceased, towit: l.ols numbered oncantl two
In lection twenty-four. Also the following
described tract of land towit: Ik-ginning
at a point twenty-lbrce rods north of the S.
W. corner of the 8. K. quarter of section
thirteen, thence south twcnty-lbrce rods
, thence east eighty rods, llicnce north one
rod, thence westerly to the place of begin
ning. All being tituatetl in Tp, No, twelve,
south of llange No two west of the Willam
ette meridian in f.inn bounty, Oregon, anil
containing twenty-six acres more or less.
Terms of sale one half cash and one half
payable in one year Iron, date of sale with
interest at the rate of eight per cent par un
num. Pmt Itmxa,
W. M. Brows, Administrator.
Attorney for Admir.
Oregon Central& EasternR.R. Co.
Connect at Yiujulna Hay with the
Han Kmncisoo Mid Yaquilia Buy Steam
hti Commliy '
Steamship "Farallon"
A 1 mid llri.ttiluHii In every respqot.
Sails fnmi Yaitiitiu for San Francisco
about every 8 du,y. ,
l'mM'tiRcr aceoMiinoilntions unsur
passed. Shortest route between the
Willamette Valley and California.
Faro from Allniny or points west to
Bun Francisco;
Cabin,..,. .,, , '..;.!fl2 00
Steerage,.,., 8 00
Cabin.rouudtimOOds, 18 00
Forsniliiii; dnysnpply to '
II. h. Waldkn, Agent,
Euwi.v Stonu, Ma'ger., Albany,
Corvallia, Oregon.
CitAS. Clark, Bupt.,
Meat Market,
Ed Kcllenberger, Propr.
Fresh & Salted Beef Pork,
Mutton, Sausage Bo
logna, and Ham ,
Haf Bacon and Lard Always on Hand
Main Klreet, Lebanon, Or.
iloj'a for iiio Jaded nud Good
Health lor r :: uuifcind.
Prices way down.
faittnde from
h-.ra. and
cimums no
dntpa or
o:i. loy'i
rob tue
b;owl of nil
lis impuri
ties, tiud
ciur fill
tudt: iinpmi-
. f
oj s(rciai)ie
Jirovents tired feol
inft, staggering en-
t. J snlions, palpitation
t ot Heart, rush of
u Ihroiiih
-3 nature soun
f '-'it protierciion
- -9 nels. lov'i
VcjTCiH 1:10
,r a p c p 1 1 a ,
JHJ thronlc
lion. Liver
jiii-'iN nun is.ifiticv
r , I
i !i
T blood to the heail,
diainess-rinsinir in
m ears, spots bolorethe
eves. heiuliicliA. hi -
,. j iousncss,consti)ation
, wjneiB, uuins in
i the back,tnelunclioly,
i, ji oi Dowels, oams In
?iW-4 tongue coated, foul
breath, piinnlea on
trst : 4 face, body and limb.
decliiioofnerve force
'i du'.y spoils, faint
'( , apella, cold, clammy
A hot and hands, sour
, risings, fatigue, in
j -rif) somnm-and all dis
v c sesofthestomach,
, , luirand kidneys.
J Juy. VfgetnWe Bar
fIi "J f-ipuiiliftia Hold by alt
" dn 1.,,U(. He fine a
b tltnte. wiicn you
.,. p.yi'iirthcljL-stMiethat
yw: net tae best-
People who make the best of tilings
kt M tHt Wtw Will atu nut nit Inp-i
1) itior Ii
Stoves Tin and Plumbing Goods.
Reparing and all kind of Jod work done nt hard time prices.
, LE15AN0N, - . OSEOON.
83 vik n
j2j ,r?" yTf
Albany F
rata Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpots, Linolouins, matting, otc.
Pictures and Pifture molding. "
Undertaking a Sj)ecialty.
KiEj of Bicycles.
I have a LARGE STOCK of BRICK, for mil.t nt. mv
Yard, in the Kuburbs of Jvebanon. J-or Sulo at T-tsniinKU
xtates. All kind oi maBon s woik done with nuninoau
d"Pate1'- D. W. HARDEN.
speedy, HANDsonE. AsMt 4yk 9'ENTIF'
' Fonr Models-185 and tlOO.
IVIomarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Qlci Lnlta and Hulsted Sts CHICAOO, ILLi Prao.lios, Silt Uk city, uvw, Msmtils,Bltratt,lWaiitw'