The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 21, 1895, Image 1

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    VOL. IX.
NO. 17.
One your ..i 00
If paid tn uilvwiuo. W Bu iwr yver.)
Six montlis 1
Thruo months .,. 1 ?l'
single cookm... w
Oeo. W. McVlrhlei. . ,. Sonutoi-8
John H. Mltutscll,! ":
Illnger Hermann llongrcsHimin
'illhim 1'. Lord , ...(lovernor
II. It. ICluCnid ..Hooroiiiry of State
Phil MolHObun Treasurer
l. M. Irwhi,'.........8upt. I'uhlic Instruction
ii. W. Leudu, Slate Printer
K. 8. Sfalin. i , ,
Wm. r. LoriU ; .....Supreme J
It, 8. Beau, ) .
Judge . I. . Duncan
Clerk, ,.,N. Neoilhum
ltccoriler ...II. 1?. llanlmuii
Hharill',, ' ;;...J. A. McKerw.
School Btiiorintamiont A. It. Ilittherhmi
Treasurer,.: 1'. H. Hani-
Assessor VV;. V. Denkinc
Surveyor, IS. T.T. Fbher
Coroner -...K. A. Jiiyue
, , j John l'ugh
CoiitniBsiiTir, ,., .....) j, ji, 'Waters
citv :i.FiCiAus.
MAY"tt ...,;.M. A. 51lM.Hi:
aeooiujKK t.-.v, s. m s.
CITY A'i'TuiiiV S.'".U, UABI.A.Ml.
raiiABUUKK.... ...J. f.hyi-:.
.VUltlilUU , P. W. MOIIGAN.
' I K. fci. DAI.DI.EliJBiI,
-. II. MYKU8.
o.w. uick. ;
City Council meets on the Um, nml third
Tuesday evenings of each month.
4, Secret Societies.
LINN TOit. tt". ' K. O. T, M.-Meot In o. A,
H Hull on Thuwlny evening el each cuk,
Transient Hlr KawUta are conllally invited to
vlnlt the lent meeting.
.1. A. l.AMIIKHKO.N, ;ulu,
Imo.W.Kia, U.K.
HONOK 1.01101!, No. A. 0. 0. W.-Moelt
very Cmisday ovonhiR at 11. A. U.tttill.
. - IV. HOlllUNB.M.
',.' I. It. HomtM, Koc.
LBBANOtt UHX1K, N0.47, t.O. O.F.-Meetn
every Saturday evelihiR at OiM Follows Hall, at
B o'clock p. HI. A K l,.WI6,N.a.
,: W.-O. I'KTUl'.BON, Scct'y.
: PEAHUlBllltfCA LOIJUE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. C
iHoetsaU.O. 0.1' Hall first ami third Mlne
d,.v evenings irf each month .
JtltS. CLARA 1I0YI.K, K.O.
; MlUtt HM'niSWill'SDN. heol'y. .
LEBANON UHWKNO, 44 A. F. & A. M.-Meets
Br,tay evelilni!, en orhetore the hill mom, , n
each month, at Xml , C MJ "
(Irani st. Sojourning hruthoru cotninlls Im Hod
toaitoml. ...
K. E. 1IAJ1MACK, W. M,
. fj. 0. Wnlaee. ifee.
(J KN'L MWfltlB CAM!'. No. ""W ot""'
eon, Sons of Villoniii-Meul In . A. Ii. Hah,
every Himmlay evening, except t he tliM
BttUiruayoi oaeli month, meeiimi the third Kr -aa
intea. All htothora of the Sow nf Vet
erans ami commdwof the U. A. tt. era ccrtllalij
llivileil to meet with the cuml'.
U, a. C.M'K, "et'1'
A. lunnW, rl Segt.
I1INA M. WEST IllVli, NO. 1, X,. 0. f,
Muotmithe.flih ami mh mt " 01
mehmontl.ai7;;itir.M.atu. A. It.
sient Ln.iy llaei"ce are eonlhilly invilcd to
A. A. llvnti, haiiy 15. K;
HabaiiSai.tkaohh. IjulvCom.
Weatlierford & Wyatt,
Dr. H. L. Parish,
Oftlco fttid Residence in the
8t. Olinrles Hotel,
Cedar Posts,
v FlrBtolaaa oetluf posb for mile chenp.
Cull oti or addresa Walter. Brown, Al
bany office, at Kreiiohe' Jewe'iy atore
4ir It. A. Nleherwn at Xj.iiton,
"As old as
the hills" and
never excelled.-'
and proven "
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Ecgu
, -r t iator is the
-3rr?only Liver
JLJUttC all(j Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
j-y-T ' faith for a
. . id (1 11 mUi l 'ittxa.
tive, and
purely veg
', etable, act
yv 7 7 ing directly
-' C on the Liver
1 lUO and Kid
neys, Try it.
Sold hy all
. Druggists in Liquid, orin Powder
to be takon dry or made into a tea.
Tno lime f ijlver Ittealcmeff.
"1 have ttHcrt your HtnimonM Liver Reira
lutoi mikI can conHcleiitioUHly mty It In tne
kliiBOfft'.lliver me'.tlctiicH, J ooiiHlderll u
medicine client lu llPc'f. iKo. W. JAOfi
ioji, Xucoinu, WiiHhlngum.
Bat the 2 StHtnji lu red o& wr turner.
purify your Wood, I'lcnr 'ur corn
pleotlon, refe'tilitte your Bovds und
nmke your heud clear as a hell. 25c,
6te., uiid $1.00. Sold by N. W. Bmllh.
Srtiinnt nnnwur and un hnnest opinton, write to
I UN N 4fc (!., who luive bud ntjarly flhy years'
exporieiitio Id the imtmit bualncsB. Ctimmtmlca
tloiii tttriRtly oonfldontlal. A 11 anil bowk of In
formation oouctinUna rntntl trod how to ob
tain tlitim Himt fiiio. Also a catalogue Of mechan
ical ntid tioiontltlo boohe noiit (reo.
l'atontfl tiihun tlirouub Muim ft Oo. TMWln
vpftcial notint) In the Nninnttflo Amerlrnn, ami
tlnift are bvouttht wlditlp boforetlie public w!tb
mit cost to the InTontur. Tiitu nplendid pnper,
lnHuod wenkly, cltwaiitly UlnntrotRd, has br far the
inmost oirciilntioa of any scion title work In tUv
world. K'iaytmr. eoinitto oojufia aent free.
IIiilHllnir Edition, monthly, T3.6la year. Blnffle
Copies, i: cunts, Ivury nuoibor oontalna beau
tiful plntoa, lu colors, nnd photographs of now
housee. with plans, oiial'llnc oulltinra to show tbe
lfttoflt 1(Hitiiri and a.'ouro cnntrntita, Addrcu
grtMit BltKHl purifier cives fresbness
iih.l clfiirnt'HH tn (ln C'omplwtion and
cureB (JonotipatloG, 25 eta., 50 cts., $1,
Sold byN, W. Smith.
II; is Hold on m, nifciwiiTAa hv all rtmiK.
CtlHte. It onres Incipient Oonsumptioa
ad Is the host Cough and Croup Ouie. ,
for sale hy N. W. Ijnutli.
Iiietire your property with Peterson,
& Adnrewa. They are aueiita for the
Old Belinble, Home Mutual, New
Zealand,' Bpt'lngflrld of Museiichusetts,
Cotitinenlul, and other good, reliable
companies. They alao have money to
loan at 8 per cent, in auuia from $200
Best Shoe sold at the price.
65, $4 & $3.60 Dress hoe
liqual custom work, costing from $6 to $3.
$3.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles
Best Walking Slue ever made.
$2.60 and $2 Shoes,
Unequalled at the price.
Boys' $2 t $1.76 School Shoes,
Are the Best for Service.
Lad les' $3, $2.60, $2, $1.76
IK.Ht Donirola, Styllah, Perfect Flttine
end Horvleeitble. Ueet tu the world. Alt
Siyloe. Insist noon having; W. Ju, UoUKlal
Hlioee. Name and price atnmped on bot
tom. 1V.L. JUOliOUlS, Urocktou, Mass.
Hiram Baker.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Bun Diego, CM. saye: "Sbllob's Ca-
! tnrrh Keuiedy la the tlrat medicine I
i huve ever tuuufl that would do uie any
! good," Prioe 60c. Sold by N. W.
I Huittb, .
One cent fthweS 8 jy
But Apt to be Unclean. Public Inter
est Should be Aroused, Therefore
on the Subject of Beet
Sugar Production.
It la the duty of the press so fur as It
la possible to educate the public in re
gard lo questions of common Interest,
ullhongh they may be very common
place. When It cornea down to a mat
ter of household economy, every one i
familiar with the fact that little I lungs
are the occasion of the greatest losses,
and but few know the proper value of
the goods they buy, in many cases
reckh'ss Ibrough the help at the hack
door. 1 .
The principal anurous of eujjar sup
ply are refineries ailunled in lliediffer
ent parts of the U. S.; but a very large
portion of the stuck that is manufac
tured by these refineries is imported
from Germany, .Sandwich islands and
West Indies. Another point of impor
tance for refined S"gurs ib China, but
the sugar from that country are only
used in any quantity on the Pacific
ooust. Not leaa than' $1,500,000 was
seut to China for sugar consumed on
the Pacific coast during the year 1894,
und tbebussineeB threatens to increase.
Now there are two very Important
factors to the development of this
Weslein country, 'i he first is to pro
duce those articles that arc. lu demand,
and wbicb can take the place of im
ported products for which our money
has to he sent away. The second is to
enoourage the population in our im
mediate section to consume those arti
cles that are produced as far as possible
uu the coast There are two beet sugar
factories Ju California doiug a large
business. The Western Hugur Kcfin-'
log Company expended in operating
expenses iu 181)4, $l,(loO,000, of which
$500,000 was for labor. While tlieie is
room for other factories, there is plenty
of Sugar produced here to supply the
demand; and the importing of China
sugars has been carried on simply be
cause there is a tendency on the part
of our own people, consumers and
merchants, to buy the cheapest article
article that is offered, irrespective of
quality. We do not think the con
sumer is altogether to blame fcr this.
The retail grocer takes that sugar
which will afford him Ihe greatest pro
fit. Uuless the consumers are watch
ful, they cannot be sure that they are
not eating sugars that are nmnufiic
tured by the cheap coolie laborer of
the Orient, where hand laber, though
nasty, la so cheap that tlfere is no in
ducement tu use machinery, Custom
house figures absolutely show ttiat
there were imported into the Portland
and Port Towneend (Orcgou and Wash
ington) districts In 1894, 11,000,000
pounds of refined sugars from Hong
Kong, and all of this sugar was nan
died iu a surreptitious way by our re
tall grocers (for our wholesalers will
not buy It, the retailer getting his sup
plies direct from tha importer's bro
kers), and sold as American suguars.
Ask any grocer in Oregon if he han
dles China sugars, and he will answer
"No." What has become of the 11,
000,000 pounds imported? It probably
goes without sayiug that the Eastern,
or Oriental countries, are hotbeds for
development of all kinds of horrible,
loathsome human diseases: cholera,
smallpox, leprosy etc. Iu oue Instance,
in 1892, the steamer Palmas, which
brought 2000 to 8000 bags of China
sugar to Victoria, had smallpox on
board, aud there were later cases of the
same disease among the stevedores
who helped to discharge the vessel. Iu
1894, lite great sugar refineries of
Hong Kong were compelled to cease
operations for lack of labor due to the
plague, aud now we are told that the
black plague has broken out this
spring. Iu view of the introduction of
quantities of Cbiueso sugar, it may be
as well that the public be informed on
the very highest possible authority, of
the dauger that tuny be attended upon
their use. Prof. Cameron, public an
alyst, Dubliu, a gentleman A'bo has
made it hie special business toexamlne
all kinds of foreigu sugars, refined aud
other, says that ccrtuiu kinds of them
should never be used. He states that
they contain great numbers of disgust
ing insects, which produce disgusting
lVobubly enough luta been said hsre
to awaken some Interest in this suhject
and it is hop: ii readers of this article
will stipulate when they order sugar
that It is pioduced on I he Paciflo coast,
and show that they wi nt sugars made
by home .refineries, which employ
while labor only. Statistics show that
this country has sent abroad In a single
year $110,000,000 for sugar alone. Of
tills Immense consumption, 1,700,685
tons was foreign sugars, and yet it lies
been asserted by one of the most prom
inent men connected with tills busi
ness that California alone, if the inter
ests were properly developed, would
produce enough raw beet sugar to sup
ply the demand of the entire U. 8.
What a boon It would lie tn Oregon if
we could locate in the central portion
of our territory a refinery for making
beet sugar. While It Is not possible for
consumers in general to contribute to
an industry of this kind, it is possible
for them to make it Interesting to cap
itallsts by proving themselves enthus
iastic on the subject of patronizing
home industry. This is an opportun
ity in everybody's way, and a little
thouglitiulness if made use of will re
sult in an utiboudid benefit to our
The following Was write!) lo the edi
tor of the Oregoiiian and signed
"Home Industry." We publish it by
request. '
Buuior has it that tiie butchers are
losing cattle and we trust the thief will
be found. Several men have been
charged with that style of stealing
hereabout in time past aud with a vast
amount of proof against them; they
still are suffered to run a large. It is
time for an investigation tu be made
and a thorough one at that,
Sundays in Waterloo have been
quiet this spring. Home slight excite
ment was created two week since hy
the Sautiam und Waterloo ball nines,
but resulted as usual in favor of Water
loo. We had in view a brief write up of
the "Bicycle as She is rode" by the
cbtuing wtioianess, but space forbids
this week; next week we will give the
law on the subject, also the term" of
the meat market folks for delivering
four cents worth of beef.
We have not yet received an Invita
tion to "do" tlie factory or mill, and
until such invitation is extended the
public will have to coutent Itself with
what few scraps we here outside the
walls, for without a passport it is dan
gerous to inbude. Saooers. .
Sweet Home.
Several of our young people went to
the picnic at Lebanon last week.
W..J. Grimes came from Albany
last week.
J. M. Ware and wife are at Oiegon
City on a visit.
MissAddie Hughes, who has been
attending school at Oregon City, came
home last week.
A. Phelps intends to start for Prines
ville tills week.
W. Scott wetit to Crawfordville on
his wheel and hud a breakdown.
Walter Van Horn has returned from
eastern Oregon. a
Children's. Day passed quietly.
There will be a basket social at A. C.
Buck's Friday evening for the benefit
of the Sunday school.
8. Evans and family leave for east
ern Oregon this week.
Paul Preston has moved into the
Charles Simons bought S, Evan's
household furniture.
Dick Malone purchased the pro
perty where the saloon now is.
Martha Crowder of this place Is now
working at Sodavllle.
James Blackluw has bought anew
I. i-I Kttt.ilnv S'ohmI.i and Tennessee
played a of hall. Tennessee was
defeated. An un tsnl large crowd was
iu attendance.
Strawberries at Fronlt's.
Orville S ink visited this place last
There will be a pletile at tha close of
Clyde 1AVK light was a visitor here
Potaloe growsi's Ituve finished plant
ing. Obe Wallace is stnyiiigin these parts.
Mr. and and Mrs, G. W. McKuight
visited this vicinity Sunday.
Sunday school at the schoolbous 4
p. Hi. ' CjBMi.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
11 w
And Enjoyed Themselves. After Parade
.' ant Addresses, They Fought
Over Again the Battle
of Table Rock.
HOSEBURQ, Or., June 15 -The
pioneer reiitiion was held here today.
There were many campers at the
grove, and 1 II trains from the north
brought many more. Early Ihismorn
ing teams containing old and young
came by all the roads into the city.
There wetefiOOO people iu attendance,
notwitbstunding it was showery at in
tervals the entire day, The piocestion
formed in front of the court house at
9:30 a. m., headed by the Knights of
Pythias band. In the parade the Ore
gon National Guard, Army of the Be
public, Odd Fellows, Knights of
Pythias, Ben Holladay'a coach with
six mules, two ox teams of six oxen
each, hauling emigrant trains and fol
lowed by citizens in carriages and wa
gons, forming a procession oue mile in
length. After arriving at the grove,
the Hon. Stepheu Slants, president,
delivered the address, and Judge Luu
ghary the annual address In a most el
oquent manner. After some music,
Governor Lord and Binger Hermann
made short speeches. Dinner was ser
ved during a heavy shower, 'after
which the pioneers played a game of
ball, to the amusement of all. At 2:00
p. m,, the sham battle of Table Eock
took place on Mouut Nebo, in West
Hoseburg. Captain F. G. Hamliu
commanded the militia, and Captain
G. W. Peters, of Oakland, the pio
neers. The Indians were attacked
from the west side of the mountain
'and driven to the river on the east
side and, then were taken to the east
side of the river, where the pipe of
peace was smoked. The day wound
up with a dance in the armory.
A Fatal Explosion,
FALL E1VER, Mass., June 14.
The worst catastrophe that has visited
this city since the Grauite mill fire oc
curred this morning. Iu Langley's
harness shop, a four story building, on
County street, a new boiler exploded
In the basement, blowing out the en-'
tire side of the structure and allowing
the upper floors to settle Into a mass of
ruins, There were about forty-five
persons, moBt of them women, at work
in the shop, of whom only Henry J,
Langley, the proprietor; deorge E.
Da vol. the foreman, and seven other
employes had been rescued alive up to
9:30. ,
Later Mayor Green announces
that ten persons were killed. Three
are still missing. .. nly about thirty
persons were in the building when the
explosion occured. There area number
of injured and several may die. Engi
neer Lepage was arrested. He aays
the boiler was five years old and had
uot been Inspected for a long time, He
says he put water iu the boiler some
time before the catastrophe.
He Lost His Dignity.
BAN FRANCISCO, June 15.-Jus-tice
of the Peace Groezlnger jumped
through the window of his courtroom
today to escape the wrath cf an irate
lawyer who wanted his blood. Justice
Groezlnger heard the suit , of A. 8.
Newberg against Police Captain
Dougalass for $229 damages. During
the Currant examination Newberg
was forcibly ejected from the court
room by Captain Douglass. Newberg
claimed that as an attorney be had a
right to be in court, and be accordingly
brought suit. Groezlnger dismissed
the case today. When Newberg heard
of It be threatened td shoot Groezlnger.
Tlje matter was reported to the justice,
and latter, when Newberg tapped at
the" glass door of the courtroom,
Groeziuger, seeing who it was, jumped
through the window and sought safety
in flight, ' Newberg was calmed by
friends and bas buried the htuht.
A Jealous Man's Crime.
ST. FRANCIS, Kau., June 15.-A ;
horrible tragedy was enacted about
nine miles northeast of St. Francis this
morning. Frank Williams, a farmer, "
in a fit of jealous rnge, attempted to
murder his wife and Miss Alice Smith
and William Smith. He bent the
brains out of his two children, 11 girl :
aged five und a boy aged nine yeitis,
with a In. tenet, afler which ho blew
his own brains out with a revolver. ;
; Williams lost has first wife latt Si p- ,'
teiuber, and lu May was married to
Mrs. Anna Kennedy, formerly Miss
Dixon, win lived near by, and who
hud assisted in the housjwork for
some time. Their iiinrrlcd life was
very unhappy, mid after about four,;;
weeks of turmoil the woman left him
and went to live with a man named A.
Swansnii, a 'neighbor. . Durius the':
passed week -Williams e it t tho.
houoc of Swnnson several linns, flouri--.'
shed a revolver and threatened to kill
his wife and Mrs. Swanson. ,,
This morning the Swuuson family,
family and Mrs. Williams started to
come to St. Francis for the purpose of :
having Williams arrested. On the
way they stopped at the house of G. O.
Smith. While there Williams ap.
peared end proceeded to settle the dif
ferences between his wife and himself
by drawing a revolver and beginning
to fire at everoody in sight. William,
Smith was shot through the cheek;
the bullet knocking out two of his
teeth and tearing away a portion of
the jawbone. He was also shot twice,
in the back, and may die. MlssSmitli
received a bullet iu the breast, but for
tunately her corset arrested the bullet,
and she suffered but a slight flesh
wound. Mrs. Williams, the wife, re-'
ceived u bullet in the mouth, but was
not seriously hurt. Williams then .
rode home, where he .completed his :
work by smashing the bruins of bis
two children with a hatchet and
shooting himself through the head.
When the sheriff arrlvedWIUlams anil
the children were dead. The ootouer
was summoned and held an Inquest.
Great excitement prevails through the
San Francisco Will be Happy.
Washington special to a morning pa
per, says that if the views of promin
ent members , of the republican na
tional committee cannot be taken as a ;
criterion, San Francisco is the leading
city now actively in the race for the
next national republican convention.
Up to the present time Thomas H.
Carter, chairman of the republican na
tional coommlttee; Joe Mauley, of
Maine, chairman of the executive com
mittee; General Clarkson, national ,'
committeeman from Iowa, and Hubert
G, Evans, republican committeeman
from Minnesota, are in favor of the Pa
cing ooast metropolis as the next con
vention town.
Mauley and Clarkson have all along
favored San Francisco, aud now Na
tional Committeeman Evans, of Minn
esota, says he favors San Francisco. It
will be seen from the names given that
the most prominent men on the com
mittee favor San Francisco for the con
vention, The Black Flag in It,
HONG KONG, June 16. U is
stated that the Black Flags are threat
ening to cause serious trouble in For
mosa, aud foreigners on the sslatui are
iu a critical condition, In view of
these facts the commander of the Biit
ish cruiser Spartan has lauded a de
tach meuit of ni' rines, and the British
oruiser Eainbow has left here for the
scene of the tfhuble. The Japanese
cruiser approaching Ah Ping nits fired
upon without effect.
In Salem Schools.
SALEM, June 14, The con mence
ment exercises of the academy of the
Sacred Heart were largely attended
this afternoon, and Reed's opera house
was crowded at the graduating exer
cises of the publio schools lu the even
ing. Dr. Byrd, of the school board,
presented forty-six diplomas to public
school gradvates. The address lo the
class was delivered by H. J Bigger,
Sio ini! has come and now is a good
j time to have .some photos taken. Drop,
lu at the Lebanon Alt Gallery and
j get prices.