irt y J i Lebanon Express, FRIDAY, JUNE M, 1805. Circuit court meets on the 24th Inst. B. B, MontiiKUe spent Tuesday night In All uny. La Grande's pioneer reunion conies ofl'June 20. A number nf Lebanonltea were up to Waterloo Bjtnduy. ..'','.,'' MrsiE. Eeclestoii 'left Tuesday for her home In California. Mm. Henderson la running the Pa per Mill boarding house, Obnrlle Amos and Doll Boslar drove to the county seat Sunday. There are hut few new cases of any Importance on the circuit oourt docket. Mr. J. Arn had a new roof put on tbe building occupied by Frank Bot tle. Mrs. R. H. Huberts of Springfield, Js vlHltlng ber daughter, Mrs. F. A. Nlokersoon. Mr. Thomas Kay, proprietor of the Waterloo woolen mills, was In tbe city last Tuesday. Salmon and other fish are ca'jght in (he river and the canals, by gigs and ; other devices. .,"''. There seems to be an epidemic nf lires. Several residences have been liurned of lute. The Lebanon Flro Department re y driver1 a new bore cart from Portland ' this week. Itlaadulsy. , Attorney Oarland makes good use of bis wheel In traveling to Alb.iny and other points nu business. Prof. Alllngharo, an applicant for the prlnnipalsbip ol the publlo schools, was In the city Wednesday. Several employes of tbe Waterloo Mills paused through the city this week from Salem to Waterloo, Mr. Frank O'Neill has returned from California. His brother Ed will leave for California In a few days. So many residences burning of late, should make people look after their insurance; and sec that it does not run' out. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bmlth and Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Parish, nf this city, drove up to Waterloo last Sunday af ternoon, Dr. Courtney returned to McCoy lat Suturday. Mm. Courtney and ohll- drrit will visit in Lebanon for a couple of weeks longer. Quite a number of the Mnocalwes of this city a'tended the picnic at Jefler aoit last Tuesday, given by the Mao eabeea of that city. Lost, on the academy ground or Main street, June 8, a gold bead neck lace. Finder will he rewarded by leiivlnu same at Ibis office. Georae G"iseiidnrler lost from Cas cede Hnda springs, May 18, horseabout 1(1 bunds, clipped mane and tall, light dark brown color, slightly dappled. It Is stated on good authority that an Albany attorney will withdraw from the populist party on account of Joeing ignored at the Sodavllle picnic. Itev. . W. V. MoGee, of Albany, will All the pulpit In the morning at the Cumberland Presbyterian church nextHunday. A cordial invitation to all. John Dodge has posted as an estray a pretty little nare, color brown, four . year old, spot In forehead, white left fore foot and right hind foot, no brands. Mr, George Leslie died at the old I Exchange hotel In this city last Tues- I day with dropsy. His remains were burled at the Dodge oeinetary Wed' V riesday. N Phil Smith, Eb Keohlcr and Torn' Parker, left Wednesday for (he mount ains and the Fish Lake country, pre pared to oaten nil the fish that are iwllllng to be caught. Messrs. CD. Stein, W. 0. Smith , am? John Craft, are th gentlemen se lected .'torn Lebanon to serve on the Jury list, Of the circuit court, which convenes June 24, at Albany. The Pearl Bebooka lodge of the I. 0. 0 F tendered Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Dalglelsh a reception last Wednesday evening at their hull in this city, where light refreshments were served, and a pleasant evening enjoyed by all. Mesdames F. M. Miller, G. W. Cm son and Miss Dnllle Salt marsh, leave today for Oregon City, where they will visit for awhile and then attend th'i W. R. C. convention which meets next Mniiday and Tuesday In that clty..,i. Mr", Fred TJ. Hlckok, our genlul station agent, and Miss Ole Smith, our .PBsistaiit and accommodating post misters, drove over to Corvnllls Inst Sunday where they spent the day with friends. They report a flue .drive. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hyde left Tues day for Portland, where the will visit with relatives and frlei ds for few "(inuipment and the W. R. C- conven tion, which convenes at Oregon fit Kf TjMH a ' Hiram Baker buys all kinds of furs. . , Go tO.Hlram Baker for your wall paper. ,, Mayer, ft Elmbrough wants you produce: Old papers for sale hereat five cents per doaen. . Miss Dumond Is selling millinery at bard tlriie prices. If you want to sell property list It with Peterson & Andrews, If you want to buy property call on or write Peterson & Andrews. , You can get 8 loaves of bread at Mayer i, Klwbronghfor 25 ots. . Buy you tickets East over the N. P, R. R, of W. C Peterson, Local agent, J, A. Roberts of Kprlngtleld, spent lastHuuduy with friends In this city. Pugh & Muuscy want your produce and will pay you the highest price paid. . Pugh & Munsey are always ahead on fresh groceries at prices as low as the lowest. When you want to buy asuit of cloth ing you will save money by getting ItatJiuch's, Pugh & Muucy tnve just received their spring stock of hats which they are selling cheaper than ever. All kuowlng themselves indebted to me will please call and settle at once. M. A. MllAEB. Spring has come and no Is a good time to have some photos taken. Drop In at the Lebanon 'Art Gallery and get prices. Fugh&Muncy have just recived a large invoice ol ladles' children' and men's elms. See them uud you will buy them. After June 1, Miss Duiuoud will sell all millinery goods at cost. Stock per fectly new and the lateat, cull and be convinced. Salem. proposes raising $1,000 for a 4th of July celebration; Corvallis will celebrate; likewise Eugene; Browns ville wl'l dotbe business at home. There will be plenty of j llifleatlon this year, Messrs. Daltrjeish & Everett, our en terprislng furniture and hurdwure men, are putting an addition to their large store, which they ahull use us a store room for plumbing goods; und probably open up u tin shop In connec tion. I will have some Cotswold , sheep; both sexs, ill Lebanon1, Friday) June 21, which I will offer for sale. I would like for all sheep men to call und see this flue breed of sheep. I will also have a few fox hounds for sule. W. G. Brown. It must be very humiliating to pre pare a speech, (or in other words to be loaded for bear), pay your fare ou the curs, hire a horse, muke him fust to a grub without hlsdlnuer, and then, not be called ou to unload. Bucb wus tbe exierience of an Albany attorney with tbe Sodavllle picnic. The woolen mills at Waterloo nre now running about twenty five bunds. New blinds are being put to work as fust us they can leuri,, and the number will he Increased to about sixty in a short time. An eluotrle light plant is b-ingputlll th week, and then, Mr. Kuy.tclls us that he shall run tile mill both day and night. Lust Saturday Mr. Know les counted the beans Ibut were in the bntt.l and bad lieen guessid on, at his store.' Mr. Ueorge Smith drew Hie price allium; bis guess being 70!). It was llie closest, there being 71i! Hieuiis In the bottle. .Miss liffle Denncy was tbe next. here was 371 guesses given unci run om 130 up to 1500. Hats, hats, hats, when in need of a i at don't full to look ut those in I lie Racket store, straw huts 5c.,20c,uud 25c. Wool huts 80c, 45c. und 50c. Cowboy hate 75u und $1 50. Fir huts $1, $1.25 tine" first grude $1.75. New chollles, fine figured luwn und dress veiling at prices away below competi tion . Great bargains in white dress goods from 5c. up. Outing flannel, 20 pde. fnr$l: Boys' lace cups 20c, 25c. and 85 cents. Buker Newman und Charles Flush got In s tight In 8. P Bach's store lust Monday night. The city authorities thought Flush was to blame, So a v. ar rant was sworn out for bis arrest and he wus brought up before the recorder, plead guilty, wus fined $10; In default of which he was committed to the city jail. Later on, his tine was cm limited, provided he would have the city and never return, which he proui esed to do. 8. P. iiach, wife und little daughter, Will fjnger and Miss Bilyeu, R. B. Montague, M. Weisner, Mr Hendrleb, Hurley Crandall and Fred BoBhir were the party that went toHaleiu lust Sunday, from this pluoe, on 'line' . con ductors' excursiou, . They all report a good time, and say there were from thirteen to fifteen thousand visitors In Kulem They say Bob Montague hud several little accidents. Mr. Bad) and little daughter, Miss Bcsslo, re mained aH ilhjfuf til Sillem'Visltli.g relatives, and returned boms Monday J. B. Murks la working In N. W, Smith's pharmacy, When in need of stoves, tinware, etc.. call on W. E. Chandler. Plumb ing and Job work a specialty. A. E. Davis went up to Waterloo yesterday with a load of confectionery, etc., where be Intends to open up a store (luting the summer. An Important surgical operation was performed upon Mrs. N. M. Follls, in which two filiriild tumors were re moved. The patient Is doing well. The operation was performed by Dr. Parish, assisted by Drs. Patterson and Davis, of Albany, on Tuesday last, at tho puttcnt's home In this city. Dr. PutU'rsnn Is a graduate of the same col lege with Dr. Parish, at San Fran cisco. Goods renewed every two weeks, therefore always fresh and new. The finest lot of luces In town at prices away below competition. Ourchallis cannot lie matched in price, half wool loo., cotton twenty-five yards for il. Uisid heavy overalls 60c. Men's under shirts and drawcra 6()c a oult. Tbe best oil grain plow shoe In the market $1.30 Ladies flue Oxford ties $1.15. We are now huvlng men's shirts made here at Lebanon in firstclass shap '. Much better than the factory made article. At the Racket store. The furrii residence of Mr. E. E. Parrish, near Knox Butte was ent'rely consumed by Are Tuesday afternoon, together with all the urulture, but u few pieces. The fire started by sparks from the chimney catching in some moss ou the roof. Mrs. Parrish was putting up gonstliernes and bad a lint fire for that purpose. At the time she was picking berries In the yard, and did not notice the fire until it had gulned a good headway. The house wub Insured in the Underwriters for $050 und the furniture and piano in the New Zealand for $900. Mr. J, C, Ballmarsh's residence ou f Hamilton creek a few miles from Wa terloo, wus burned, Thursday of last week. It is not known just how it caught, but It is thought that a spark had fallen from the top of the flue on to the roof, us it was first seen blazing ou top of tbe bouse, und burned from the top down, without fulling in. The house. wus buill about thro years ago and cost Mr. .Saltmur h about $1000. It wus a tolul loss; there being no insur ance ou It. But little of the furniture was saved. The loss comes bard on Mr. Hull marsh just at this time, Archie MouBer, a son of L. A. Mou ser, met with a serious accident on Tuesday. He hud been to Albany; and ou his return, be attempted to mount the wagon ou tbe brake, about three miles out from Albany, when he fell and wus run over hy the wheels. His foot wus crushed and broken in a painful manner. The little fellow was brought home, where Drs. Foley and Booth throughly cleansed tbe wound of tbe sand and dirt that bad been ground into it, set the bones and st iohed up the outs, The work was done successfully and Is a very credit able piece of surgeon's skill. The boy Is resting well. Mr. E. Mussleman's residence, be tween Lebanon and Sodaville was burned down lust Huuduy about five o'clock in the ul'ternooii. Mr, Mussle uiau says he does not know how it caught; whether ou the. roof or up stairs, but supposes that it caught from I lie kitchen stove flue; as they bad just started a fire to gel supper. When discovered, the whole top part of the house wus in flames, and as there wus u brisk wind from the north it wus only u short space of time until the building was consumed. But little wus saved, as all their clothing and belling were upstu is, They lost four feu her beds, thirteen large feather pillows and all the Led covering ex cept for one bid. aTbey saved one chunge each if clothing, out of a large wurdrobe. They also lost all their jewelry; among which wus a t:50 dia mond ring. Mr. Musslemun places his Iosb ut about, $2000. He carried $800 insurances; $000 ou the house and $00 on t lie contents. It was insured In the Stub? Insurance company, WATERLOO RUMORS. Fourth of July wdll be oelebrartlou In Waterloo by u meet parade, band music, speeches, fireworks, and a grand ball. Times who desire a borse race, bilujt along your work horses. Ba e ball wiil be indulged in and a good quite drink can be hud by all. Come, und bring yovr aunt and mother-in-law Tlilrly-eight bunds employed irt Jhe' mill und more coming .The electric light ptunt lias arrived and competent electricians are pJncbV; it in position. Business Lijtfyfi'oviug and a grumbler euihnotvtiejjroiui!: yes we hud nearly forgvfltlf'rlie lute arrivals who can find iiyjlbuseln town good enough for thtm t,i eiiiup In, and they are to poor U bullet a chicKen coop or iiuy a aeseusia rooster - A.- Fred Gross hue Rented tue Ansorge property and rcmuv the post office thereto. The oTilrnije will be appreclu tud by all us the. building Is roomy, airy und centrally situated, A stock, ii.fiiry goods will be udded lu a few duyi und tbe "Cunudlan" can buy blwsulf ud ujlrl oris, lit red MMwu. CHILDREN'S DAY. Exercises at the First . Presbyterian Church. The day rovd to be one of those lovely periods of glorious sunshine for which the mouth of June is noted In Oregon. The program devised and arraliiged by Dr. Wordcn of Philadelphia, was one of true christian patriotism, and fidelity to the church of Christ. . In accordance with this spirit, the floral committee of the Y. P. S. of C. E. assisted by some of the other members of the society, decorated the auditor ium of the church, most beautifully with large and small flags, bunting and viiiiog festoons. The ooqucts of lovely and del h ate flowers that every where graced the Bcene and breathed their sweet fragrance on the fresh morning air, with the bright faced and happy children ou every hand, made us remember the church of God filled with those who love to gather there, Is the very gate of lieaveu. The inf..nt class gave a very pretty exercise, each one making a neat little address, then raised upon a wand a golden letter; when th.-, sentence was completed, It said: "Feed My Lambs." The Intermediate classes gave an ex ercise with flap, consisting of the stars and stripes with the "Banner of the Cross" above them. These were very beautiful exercises aud were also well rendered. The committeo on program arrange ments did their work well in having the children well represented In the work. The duet by Leila Westfall and Pauline Adams, was a beautiful peice, and was well rendered; afso the recitation by Lilliuu Beuttie wus very appropriate and nicely delivered. Superintendent Dalgleish certainly deserves great credit for the general- bip he has manifested in the manage ment ot the whole service and we sin cerely hope that he will continue the good work of using the young people and children in the service of the church. Auditor. Probate Record. Ill estate of E. L. Knox, lnveutmy filed showing real property, $18,167.25; personal property, $4425.95. Total, $22,593.20. In estate of John Marks, citation for sale of real property issued for June 19. In estate of Thomas Morgan, simi- annual account approved. In estate of Louis F. Hammer, Flor ence Hummer was was appointed ad ministratis. Bond, $1300. In estate of Laura Taylor, final ao- couuteetfor Julyl. In gardiaiieliip of Laura Temple et al, John Temple appointed guardian. Bond $000. Petitiou for mortgage of real property granted. Petition for mortgage of property Of Charles and Elsie Bardwell, minors, granted. In estate of H. M. Walter, receipts of heirs filed aud administrator E. R. Husten discharged and bondsmen re leased. . J. S. Van Wiuke vvaB appointed guardian of Thomas J. Harrison, in sane. Bond, $100. Cream Crepon All wool, jiiBl the thing for graduat ing dresses. Silk luce tor trimming. Satin Ribbon Two lots of all silk ribbon received this week. Black aud navy In (he ex tra wide. Good assortment of colors. Three grades. Biarritz Cloves Sample colors and black. $1 per pair. Pink t Bunting One piece e-ame Friday mornins and two more w ill be here about Monday. Plenty nf white on hand. S. E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Or. Cedar Posts. Firstclass cedui posts for Bale cheap Call on or address Waller Brown, Al bany office, at Freiiche'a jewelry store or see b, A. Nickerson at La ba noil. Awarded Highest Honors-World'i Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DIL- CREAM BMONG POM Uott Perfect Made. The Recent Rise Will Npt Affect Prices at Our Stores. Our Spring Orders were all in before the raise. We Can Save You . . . From ... 15 to 25 per cent . . On Your Purchases . . We make it extravagant for you to buy elsewhere. READ, PEACOCK & CO., Albany. CLOTHING! Our Spring Stock is now entirely on, including the greatest values that a season it of careful buying could pro 'eure. . Special care has been taken, in selecting choice patterns and the most becoming styles. The new Albany Woolen Mills goods are equal to any in the market for wear, the patterns are neat and the gar ments are elegantly made up, Suit of these goods run from $10 to $15 and will satisfy any one wishing good value. Princely slyles in black dresa suits,. Summer suits from $8.25 up, in beautiful shades. Do not forgot that we also carry a large stock of the new est Hats, Furnishing .Goods and Shoes. If you are not able or pre ' par to come send your order and we will forward goods on approval. Mail orders prompt ly filled. THE L. E; BLAIN CLOTHING CO, Albany, - - - Oregon. In : -liuiik Vl Lebanon. rmTTTTTTTTTTTT . i. J,"