The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 07, 1895, Image 2

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    Lebanon 'Express,
Editor1 - and - Proprietor.
If business could only be meaa
tlretl ly bicycling there would be
no reason to complain of hard
Those who expect to get fine
farms at little or no cost on the
Si lot a reservation are li t.oly to be
Morhow county has 241,680
Bheep. Out of this number 43,500
lias been driven out of the county
by local and Eastern buyers. The
lamb crop is estimated at 125,000.
S. Dakota is to abolish its mili
tia. The -people in these times
find more use for pruning hooks
and plows, than for swords. Bpears
and pretty dudes in uniform, says
It would appear that the Kicka
poo reservation lost its reputation
when it' ceased being reserved. So
far only some 440 farms have been
staked off out of a possible 24,000.
The other boomers are coming
home by slow freight.
ISastkhn Oregon and Washing
ton has had sufficient rain to en
sure" good crops. Wheat took s
jump to 40 cents at LiGiande last
week, and 20,000 bushels changed
hnndint ibis figure. The seller
had bought the greater part for 25
The crop outlook was never
brighter than at present The fail
amount of Boring showers and sun
shine has done wonders in bring
ing forth this assurance of every
production. Th?t another yor
will bring our country to a normal
condition now seems certain.
While plowing on an island In
Missouri a man recently unearthed
a rusty tin box containing $2700, a
diamond ring and a gold watch.
The ground had just been cleared
and the box was found under.a log
turned up by the plow. He says
the paper currency is in good con
dition and is undoubtedly genuine
and that the dates on the coins
show that the box was buried over
,a quarter of a century ago.
Hebe is something worth trying,
says an exchange, should you have
occasion: "There is no use wait
ing the floor with a felon," says a
gentleman who has had experience
in that direction. "Wrap a cloth
closelv around the felon, leaving
the end open. Pour gun powder in
the end and ehuke it down until
the felon is covered. Then keep it
wet with camphor. In two hours
the pain will be relieved and n
perfect cure quickly follow."
The great iron industry ot the
United States .is now inoking up
and the big manufactories are
nearly all running on full time.
This of itself is a propitious out
look. Following closely nil periods
of close financial times of our
country it will be seen that this
has been the first industry to move
from its lethargy. And it is so
now. A cheerful view of coming
eventB is surely being imbued into
the spirit of the times.
One of the most wonderful clocks
in the world is being exhibited in
St. Petersburg. It was originally
manufactured for the late Duke
Charles, of Brunswick, who be
queathed it to the Swiss confedera
tion. There are no fewer than
ninety-five faces to this colossal
timepiece. It indicates simultane
ously the time of day at thirty
different spots of the earth's sur
face, beside the movement of the
earth around the sun, the phases of
the moon,the signs of the zodiac,the
passage over the meridian of more
than fifty stars of the" Northern
Hemisphere, and the date accord
ing to the Gregorian, Greek, Mus
sulman and Hebrew calendars. So
complicated are the works that
it took two, years to put them to
gether after the clock had been !
sent in detached pieces from Swit
lt rlW)4 to fcttitUi .
Ourt order could leaid , a very
valuable lesson from the doctrin of
tho Quaker, or Friends' Church.
That organization teaches, .and
early instills in its' members the
fact that there is no profit or gain
in any of the courts, and they put
it in this way: "The man who
wins, loses, and the man who loses
is robbed." It conies about as near
the pratical truth as it is possibly
can; in fact, its truth itsolf. How
many have learned that truth to
their Borrow? ' Our organisation
has kept pretty dear of the courts, '
considering all things, and now it
iB entirely too late in the day to re
sort to a method where it is bo pub
licly known and dearly under
stood that "he that wins loses, and
he that loses is robbed." Brothers,
whatever our differences may be
in our order let us settle them out
of court.
Peter H. Burnett, ex-governor
of California, who was a pioneer
Oregonian, left an estate valued at
about $U7,000. His will, which
has been filed for probate, is re
markable for the advice it gives
rather than for the bequests. It
was made four years ago when
Burnett was eighty-four yearc old.
The seven sentiments which the
simple old governor desired to per
petuate in his will are: "Pay yuor
honest debts; never disgrace the
family; be just to all men, yourself
included; assist your honest, sober
and industrious relatives; property
is only desirable for two purposes:
To procure the necessaries of life
and to be, more able to be chari
table; be intimate only with good
people; have faith in God and your
country." Governor Burnett had
$65,000 in government bonds to
back up his first sentiment .and
the remaining six came easy.
The following from the Baleiu
Post is of a very serious character,
and puts a new phase on the char
acter, of some of the members of
the last legislature, and it
wonder they stood in with railroad
commissions and jobbery gener
ally. Some of the rooms in the
state houBe are undergoing a few
needy repairs in the way of kalso
mining and frescoiugthe ceilings.
The room occupied by some of the
committees during the last legisla
ture were left in a very filthy con
dition; the caTpets were spoiled by
tobacco juice and tho ceilings
ruined by smoke. It looks -very
much as though some of the mem
bers or the clerks might have been
raised in a pig pen, if their quarters
were to be judged. Many of the
chairs and tables were also broken
and rendered useless, all of which
are of the most expensive quality,
and when the next session is called
these broken articles will have to
be replaced by new ones.
There never wag a time in the
history of the nation when insur
ance was so cheap and when the
necessity ol it was so great as at
the present. Every man who has
a dependant should secure protec
tion for such one by taking a pol
icy in some responsible order. Al
most any order is good enough for
membership, and the man ur wo
man seeking protection -fo.' those
nearest and dearest to them, can
not miss it by uniting with any
good fraternal beneficial order. In
surance in an old line insurance
company is too expensive for a per
son of ordinary means to carry;
but in a fraternal beneficiary order
the cost is so 'reasonable that a
poor man can easily meet the ex
pense if ho so desires. No one pos
sessing a spark of love or affection
for their dear ones would hesitate a
a moment to give' the protection
when assured of the small cost at
tached thereto. Now, to any men
or women who have not secured
nsuranee on their. lives in favor of
their dependants we say: Come,
join our order and protect your
loved ones. Frater.
Salem proposes raising $1,000 lor a
4ib of July celebration; Corvallis will
celebrate; likewise Eugene; Brown.
ville will do the business at home.
There will be plenty of jollification
this year. "
If you wsut to buy property call tl
m write tmiewBtf Aultat
Happy Home. k,
Church at the school house Hunday
at eleven o'clock.
(School Is progressing under Prof.
Mrs. AllleCalavan was buried here
Itutl week by the side of her mother,
Mrs. Taylor.
Dvcoratlou Day was observed by the
people here and a number of graves
were decorated.
Mlaa l.ulu Hylveeter oame up from
Albany Friday on a visit to her home.
Bhe returns In a few days,
Miss Alia Gleasou of Waterloo, la
visiting her grand parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cuinmlngs.
J. B. Caldwell of Lebanon wag at his
Mountain View home Suturday.
Mrs. W. H. Cummlnga went to
Lebanon Friday to have her limb
treated. Bhe is steadily Improving
and we hope she will toon be around
Mrs. Ross Morgan of Waterloo, vls-1
Ited her parents Sunday.
Mr. Firewater is on the slok list.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannon be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Care,
F. J. CHENEY ik CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned have known F, J,
Cheney tor the last 15 yean, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their Arm.
Wist & Tauix, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Waldiho, Kuwait Masjiin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
tree, rnce roc. per Dome.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, 0.
gW&oM by druggists, 75c.
Notice for Publication
UrtiTiD tiTATKs Land Oram,
Obkqon, Cm, Oaiuoa,
June 1, 18f.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the states of Cal
ifornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the Public
Land States by act of August 4, 1882, Au
gusts lleuness, of Oregon City, county of
Clackamas, Butte of Oregon, has this day
Sled in this office her sworn statement No.
2867, for the purchase of the sH of n w H,
neXofswK and swfcofneKof Sec
tion No. 22 in township No. 10 south, range
No. 6 east, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
land before the register and receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday,
the 26th day of August, 1806.
Bhenames as witnesses: 3 L Berry of
Berry, Oregon, Wra T Whttlock of Berry,
Oregon, llobert t'orrell, of Berry, Oregon,
George Mayburn of Berry, Oregon. Any
and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
29th day of August, 1896.
KoBsai A, 11 aunt,
HlfhMt Honortv-Warld's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
. Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
C report
All wool, juat the thing for graduat
ing dresses. Bilk lace for trimming.
, Ribbon
Two lots of all silk ribbon received
tbla week. Black and navy in the ex
tra wide. Good assortment of colors.
Three grades.
' ' , Cloves
Sample colors and blaek. (1 per pair.
One piece came Friday morning and
two more will be here about Monday,
Plenty of white on hand.
S. E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Or.
Cedar Posts.
Firslelass eedai posts for sale cheap
Call on or address Walter Brown, Al
bany office, at Frenche'a jewelry store
rseeB. A. Mckertou at Lebanon.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me will please cull and settle
at mm m I used uy money.
(Chanted Kvsry Week.l
Oata 20o
Hay $A to $6 per ton.
Flour $0 60(5105. per saok.
Chop 10 75 per cwt.
Bran TOo perowt,
Middlings p) 70 per owt.
Potatoes 2iSc.
Apples Dried, 8c per lb
Plums Dried, 8c. .
Onions 2u. t ,
Beef Dressed, 4jo.
Pork Dressed, 4,
Hams 10 per lb.
Shoulders He.
Bides 100 per lb.
Oeoac -4 (fi por dot.
Ducks $2 f3 per doz,
Chiokene $2 008 00.
Turkeys 8o ' per lb. .
Eggs 8o oerdoz.
Butter 8 10c per lb.
Hides Green, lo; dry, 2o.
Adminiiatrator'a Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tho under
signed administrator of tho estate of Mary
J. Galloway, deceased, has -tiled with tin
clerk of Linn county, Oregon, his final ac
count in the above named estate, and that
the County Court of said County has Hied
the 3rd day of June, 1808, at the hour of one
o'clock p. m. of said day, at the Court
House thereof, for hearing objections, if any
therein, to said account, and for the settle
ment of said estate.
Dated this 19th day of April, 1886.
Jacob W. Chefhir, -Bam'l
M. Garland, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
Nottoo l'ov Publication.
Land Orrici atOsioon City, Ok.
April 12, 1800.
Notice is hereby given that the follow,
ing named settler has Hied notice of bis In
tention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the county clerk, Linn county, at
Albany, Oregon, on Hay 31, 1806, via:
VYilber F. Hammer, H. E No. 7051, for
the northeast 4, Sec. H T 10 8. It. 8 K.
lie mimes the following witnesses to,
provehis continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: T. M. Mo-
Clary, of Gates, Oregon, BenJ B. Butler, of
Uates, Oregon, James Hhahan, of Mill City,
Oregon, Joseph G, Gibson, Minto, Oregon.
ItosinT A. M n, lib, Register.
Forty Cords of Wood Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received, by the
undersigned, up to nnnn of June 1),
1895, to furnish Behool District No. 16,
Linn county, Oregon, with 25 cords of
old, dry, Arm red fir wood, and 15
cords of large dry oak wood.
All wood to be two feet long, well
seasoned, of large and firm tlmeer, and
to be securely piled In tiers In the
basement of the school house and to
be delivered byOctobor 1,1805. Separate
bids will be received for fir aud oak,
The right to reject any and all bids is
By order of the Board of Directors of
said district. 8am'l M. Oakland,
May, 25, 1885, District Clerk.
Pi Ices the very lowest. Calicos and
sheetings 20 yds 1. Hutteens 10, 12, 15
and 18 c. per yd. We have reduced
the price of cashmer, uow selling 30 c.
gocds for 20 c. and 25 o. goods for 22 o.
These are our regular 50 c. goods. We
have Jet bead dress trinimining at 1
the usual price. Fine Initial scarf pins
10c. Brownie pins 6c. Fine silk ties
15 and 20 c. Bilk Brownie ties 20 o.
Fin kid shoes 1.W. Oxford ties flue
11.10. At the Racket Store.
Amohb flowers chrysanthemums live
the longest after being out.
Alt attempt is being made to export
flowers from Australia, refrigerating
them as beef and milk are treated,
Traai is a wild flower in Turkey
that is the exact floral Image of a hum
ming bird; the breast is green, the
wings are a deep rose color, the throat
yellow, the head and beak almost
Plahts often exhibit something very
much like intelligence, If a bucket of
water during a dry season be placed a
few inches from a growing pumpkin or
melon vine the latter will turn from
its course and hi a day or two will get
one of its leaves in the water.
Oxegon Central EasternR. R. Co.
Connect at Yaqulna Bay with the
San Francisco and Yaqulna Bay Steam
ship Company
Steamship "Farallon"
A 1 and ilrstcloss in everv resneat.
Stills from Yaqulna for San Francisco
aoout every 8 days.
Passenger accommodations unsur
passed. Shortest Mute between the
Willamette Valley and California.
Fare from Albany or point west to
San Franclscoi
Cabin, ... $12 00
Steerage 8 00
Cabin,roun,dtrip,60ds. 18 00
orsalliug daysapply to
H. L. WALDRN. Airent.
Edwin Stonb, Ma'ger,, Albany,
torvnllls, Oregoa.
Chas. Clark, Supt,,
Prices way down.
Albany Forniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, etc,
Pictures, and Picture molding.
Undertaking a Specialty.
I have a LARGE STOCK of RRTflK for floln of mir
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon. For Snl
Rates. All kind of mason's
woik done with neatness and
S a)
5 W