1 . 6 f VOL. IX. LEBANON, OREGON, JUNE 7, 1895. NO. 15. 1 2 Mm r i "M' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. bills ycur ...- .....WM (If paid I" advance. 1 ou ,'icr ye"".) UK innnih. 1 .. Three iiuhuIih, J siiiKleeopicii... ....... - w " BTATK OI'TtllKIIS. . flno. W. Mollrtdel ; ......gonutom John II. Mitolioll,! Biniior Hurintiiin,,.,, Congressman 'William P. r.tinl Governor "Nl. It. Klnmiil Hourotory of Hmte wi'hil Mniwhu Treasurer ti. At, Irwin Hupt. Public IiiBtriiution 11. W. Leeds .' Stale Printer It. S. St-aliii. i ' ' Win. I'. boruYr Supremo JuiIkmi It. li. Ii.mii, 1 . CfJl'NTY OFFICE 118. JiiiIko,.. .-. .....J.N. Duncan (U,,,!, N. Neeilliam Uucurilw, Hanlmaii Klieriir,,,.'. J- A. MoForon Keliiidl 8iiiurinten,loiit A. It. Rutliorfurd TreiomVer,... p- M"rrl" AbwumwS ..W. P. lloaklns Hurveyor, K. T . T. Fisher Coroner - J "J"" I John I'ugh .Com rnib.-Uinoru J. M. Waters CITY OFFICIALS, m WDii , M.k. mu.m n'mnwm 1!ltoWN' (H I V ATKWtKKV- B. M. OAKLAND. fltEASfUlElt J. F, HYDE. .WAKSHA1 p. W.MOBfiAN. . y. AUil.KEI8U, l;OUN!n.MEN.1i!,SlT' S. 11. MYliltB, 1 (I. V,'. KICK. (Jlty Counnil meets on tlio lirnt and third Tuesday ovuiiIiiah ufoncli month. " Secret Booletloe. ,,INN TENT. Nn. 7, S, t). T, M.-Meot lu . A. . 11 Hull nn Tliliruluy 'Hln of each week. Tiiituiom Sir Kiuiltits are .cunltaHjr luvlteil to visit the I'mu llieoliwf. J, A. 1.AHUKIITOK, t'WII, . (mu. v. ltii.fi, it. K. .. ilOKliK WWiK, . M. A.tl.U.W.-MiloUl very rwslayuwnliifi "t A, It. tUlt. W.llUllMNIf, SI.W. 1.8. iiiiiim, Hmi. LEBANON l-Olnili, SO. 47, 1. 0. 0. r.-MwtH every Hiitimliiy cvonhm t WW Poiluwe Hull, at 8 o'clock li.tu. A. K.-IMVB, . 0. w. ;. l'BTKUUON, Hua'y. PEAULItlillKCCA WIKIK, MO, 47. 1. 0. 0. F. ''aJtelsall.U.O. KHall Holt Mill third Wedlioa-,,.-venlUKSOfcfudi roniitll. , HUH. CLAltA U0V1.B, N. 0. JI18B HArMB B1M''8.' Cur, Mill,, .ml well month, w Mown!" . .. . ,. j Uraut. Htj..iiiriit..i? ba'tliorn '"v"w ionlleml. m 15. K. HamkacK, V, . 8.0. Will Me, U0. , OKN'I. MKliitiH CASH', No. U, Plvlnlon ntOro Bull, Bom ill Vliou-Mijiil in 0. A, It. Hull, livery Diilliiiluy tvenliw. omiiit tlio tlilri BMiinlny of iwch 'mouth, niuotlim third Frl ' day llnleml. All litolliom of the Bonn of Vot omns anil TOiiimilwof ilie li. A. It. uro coraiolly Invlicil to uiMt wlih the t;amp. U. U. Cabk, Unpt- A. TMiltlV, Flrlfii'8t. UlNAM.M'liST H1VH, NO. 1. L. 0. T, M. Mecuouilievil, ltli oiiu "ih frtihiy evonlnii of l.0iiBionlUl7flUiMi.t. A. It. Hall. Tran sient L.y Nileeahea ore corulully luvlled to nuonU. , . a, a. llyuc, I.mly It. K. HAIIAH 8AI.1MAU.'"- I-tt,ly J'MOFMSlOML. Sam'u M. Garland. ATTORNEY -AT - LAW . MiDAMON. OllKOON. Wherford & lyatt, ATTORN EYS - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OKEOON. y?,R BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OBEGON. W. M. SHOWN, Attorney-at-!-aw. LEBANON, OEEOON". Dr. H. L. Parish, FlirSLCMX AMD SURGEON, Oflloe and FU'HlrlBnce In the Bt, Clmrli Hutul, 'XEBANON. .... ORSflON. Cedar Posts. Flrntcliisii oedur pnsth for mile ohenp, y - Cull on or add reus Wnlter Brown, Al bmiy olfioe, fit Kienolic's Jiwuiy store otnee a, A. Ktokorsou t iobuuu, "Ab oW aa the hills" and ; never excell ed. ' "Triod and proven " istheverdicl o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the Betterz ly Liver medicmo to which you. can pin your . faith for a cure, k' mild laxa n van tive, and purely veg etable, act- Ti'JJ ing directly C on tne Liver J. tftO and Kid neys. Try it. Bold by all I'l t'.gfriKtri in Liquid, or in Powder to'lio lakou dry or made into a tea. Tlio jvliitf ol Ltver JHodltiiiiot. " ! iniveii'i,.,! youi-HlmiTionsMvorTtopri-liuoi rtim run iioiimileiitlijuHly miv It It the KiiiL- hi a'.l liver inetlleliieB, I consider it a nieilleliieelieHtlii itiielf.GKo. W. Jack bom, iueolilu, Vf'UHlllUKtOO, fiTBT rACKAGI TO rlitH t!in Z fttunu, ln nd on vrnuuHir- KARL'S CLOVER BOOT, the grcut Blood purifier elves frmlinosa And clearness to the CoiiiploctioD and cures Coistlatlon, 2B ets., 60 (its., $1. Bold by N. W. BmiHi. COPYRIGHTS. f'AK I nnTAIM 1 PATFNTf Tor Snrnipt ni!nwar and m booest opinion, write to ll'NN il' CO.. who ltvn Inid noarly fifty ymin' experience In the imtont blMlnemt. Oemmnnlea tlonentrlctlyeonllileiitlal. A Uundbiiob of ln (iiriniilleii eencenilUK I'lltrlHN and hew to oh. lulu theui lenl free. AlH, a eatalogueof IBaabaa. Icul mid Hclentllle tinohs iiout free. 1'ntciitn titken thnnmh Munn A Co, reoerre aiieehti llettcolnfhe Nrlenrtlic American, and thus are broimlit widely before the public with. ont cent to tlic Inventor. This nplendid paper, tinned weekly, eleaantly I1IHM rated, ban by for the luriest circulation of any HOIontlflc work Id the worm, nuaycnr. rihuiiic l'oihcb aeni tree, lliiudlne Killtlon. metulily. d'.uua rear. Bin lliiudluii Killtlon, metulily, c!.uua year. Blnnle Mploa, 'in cenlH. Kvery number contaloa beuu. :l r .if niates. In eolera. and nhnlmrraiiha of new Coploa, 'in ceiila. Kvery number contaloa beuu. luiuen. with plnnn, ciiiibllini billhlera teahow the hjleet uettlk'nn end Hocum eontrarta, Addreaf UUKN i CU., f.'tv I'OUK. Slil BuoADWAT. KAJtL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your Blood, . clear your com pk'etlon,' regulate your Bowels ' and moke your head clear as a hell, ,25c., 60c, and $1.00. . fold by N. W. Bmlth. Tf. 4m .mll nr, & anikTantoai hv All flrea. rlsts. ll ourea fooipient Contumpuoa nditl boat Couch uud Croup Cum. , , For aaln by N. H . Biiiitli. Insure your property with Patoison, & Adniewe. They are aueuts for the Old Reliuble, Home Mutual, Hew Zealand, Bprlngfietd of Masaachusetts, Contlnenlal, and other good, reliable companies. They also have money to loanntSperoeiit, iu buuis trotu $200 up. ; - ' Beat Shoe aold at the orlea, 6, $4 $3.50 Dres tho liquid custom work, coating frein if6 to $5, 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles Beat Wulklng Shoe ever made. $2.60 and 82 Shoes, Unequalled at Uio price. Poye' $2 fit 81.70 School Shoes, Are the Best lor Service. Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $1.76 Host l)olia;ol, Stylish, Poi'foet fflttlnl orvlu'ltble. Beat lu the world. All ''I'"" I'l"'1" w-1. BollKlUB Hiram Bakef. , Lubanon, Oregon. CAPTAIN WEESEY, U. H. A, Sun Dli-irn, Cul. y: "Hhlliih'B Ca tarrh Remedy Is the first medloine I huve ever louiiri that would do uu any good." Prloe COo, BulU by N. W, UutlUt. It!'?- WRECK OF THE COLIMA. THE CAUSE IS A MYSTERY Fourteen of the Passengers and Five of the Crew Have Arrived Safely at Man. , zanillo, 'Tbeateaarntilp Collnia, with 182 per sons sboard, including the passengers and crew, foundered oft the coast of Mexico on Monday of last week. Fourteen passengers and five of the ortw reached 'Mimzanillo, Mexico, Tuesday, 28th, and gave the first In formation. Whether the remainder escaped in small boats or went down with the ship is not known. A telegram informed R. P. Schwerln, general manager and vice-president of the Purine Mail Steamship Company, at Ban Francisco, that a boat contain ing fourteen passengers and five of the orew had. reached Manr.aulllo. The names were not given, neither waa there any information about the re mainder. TheColima sailed from Sail Fran cisco on the 13th, for Panama and way porta. She carried 112 passengers, forty in the cabin and thirty-six whites and forty-six Chinese iu the Bteerage, The officers and crew num bered seventy, making in all 182, Alexander Center, general agent of the company, says lie is confident tint other boats will oome iu. Just how many of the passengers were aboard the vessel when the acci dent occurred which sent her to the bottom has not be ascertained at pres ent. The vessel stopped at Mazutlan and San Bias before reaching Man zaulllo, and passengers were lauded and taken on at both ports. The Collnia was due at Mauzanlllo Sunduy the iKith, of last month. Dis patches show that the vessel foun dered Monday 8, off Mauzanillo, which would indicate that probably some accident to the machinery occur red which retarded the passage af the vessel and prevented her from reaching .lie port of Manzah lUo before ahe foundered. The offlaera of the Patiflo Mail Steamship Com pany do not believe the vessel struck a hidden ledge. They are inclined to think the cause was an accident to the machinery. They are satisfied that I he oflloe re and crew did their duty wheu the trying moment came. The vessel had six lifeboate, which hung from davits, ready to be launched at a moment's notice; and it is thought that all of those could have been launched, no matter how rapidly the vessel sank. She carried about 2000 tons of cargo, valued at $103,000. . How They Saved Him. The Port Orford Tribune haa this pleasant picture of life on the Oregon 'coast: John Bartelle had rather an uupleasant experience during the last storm. He lauded on the small rock, off Bumbug, last Thursday, for the purpose of preparing to engage lu egg gathering. A supply of hardtack, wa ter and a couple of quilts were also landed, aud It was the Intention of Emit Jessine to return for him on Fri day. But a strong southerly wind name up, and be did not go out. The wlud ooutinned to increase in violence, and continued throughout Saturday, Saturday night ud Sunday, accom panied by a drenching ralu and a rough sea. The rook is barren, cold and blesk,iid there is absolutely no proteptiou from the storm. And thus Rartelle was forced to remain exposed to the storm, without fire or shelter of any kind, from Thursday until Mon day morning, when the iaunoh Dread naught, with five or six of the fisher men ou board, succeeded lu reaching the rock, a distance of five miles, against & headwind aud heavy sea. A landing could not be made, but a Hue wbb thrown to the rock, aud, making it fast around his waist, Johnny jumped into the foauilpg sea, aud was soon hauled ou board. He suttered in tensely from the oold, aud was chilled to taa bono, but (he boyB had the fight sort of medicine in a black bottle to" cheer ills coopiiie spirits aud revive hi. oxlinusled vitality, ?"1 W not long until "Richard was himself again.", .: . - IMou want to buy property oall on '(H -J rite JHtotreou Andrews, Coin's Financial School, In view of the prominence of the author of "Coin's Financial School" the following sketch of his life will be of interest: William' Hone Harvey was born in Buffalo, W. Va In Au gust, 1861. His father waa a Virginian, of Scotch-English extraction, a descen dant of the tuuioUH Harvey who dis covered the circulation of the blood. He received a slender' education in a loghouse school and a rustic academy, doing farm work between limes. At sixteen be taught school and later he studed law. Then he went west, and made some money in real eBtale spec ulations in Colorado, Utah and Cali fornia. After attending several con ventioiiaof the Trans-Mississippi con gress, he became Interested in the money question. He went to Chicago and established a weekly paper called 'Coin." He is not a great render, but is a painstaking student of history. He has four children two boyB and two gii Is. He is very fond of his wife, children and home, and cares nothing for dogs, horses or outdoor life. He is tall and thin, with a face suggesting native force and determination. He has a pleasant voice. His dress is neat, but not fashionable. . The Cat, A Itoseburg dispatch of last Friday says that Mrs, Fred Tulles, living near the fair grounds, a mile and a half east of Roseburg, was shot last night about nine o'clock iu the back, between the shoulders, with a shoigun, the shot lodging iu the left shoulder. The par ticulars, so fur obtainable, are as fol lows: The Tulles and a family named Bridges are neighbors. Bridges, who had been away with cattle for several days, returned last night. His wife told 1 i in that Mr. Tu.Ues had killed their cut iu Bridges' field while he was away, claiming it hilled chickens. Bridges immediately went over to Tolles' house and they quarreled. Tol les' called to his boy to bring the gun, which he did. Bridges claims that Tolles held the gun across his brest, and that he (Bridges) held the barrel and stock of lli gurr being behind Tolles, when bulb barrels were dis charged, one loud striking Mrs. Tolles who had come into the yard. Where upon Bridges knocked Tolles down and started for houiu, after which Tolles fired three sholsathim from the rifle. ' A Big Chunk or a Big Lie. A mau came Into Grant's Pass from Powells creek the first part .of the week and reported a big fiud there. Eli Taylor, an old prospector, he said, took out thirty-one pounds of gold from a pocket in bis claim. The In former said lie helped the old mail weigh out the money and they used ordinary scales, which are sixteen ounces to the pound. Oue pieee weighed thirteen and i" half pounds, which would figure up to over?3'00. The whole lot amounts to about $8600. No one in Grunt's Puss seems to luiow definitely about the mutter, and as the money ha9 not been brought iu, it is doubtful as to the truth of the state ment. Powells creek is a tributary of Williams creek and 4s about eighteen miles from Grant's Pass. Use of the Telephone. The anuual report of tlio American Bell Telephone Company for 1894, re cently made public, gives some Inter esting statistics showing the remark able growth of the telephone Industry in this country. The number of sub scribers has increased during the last six years 42 per cent. The average dully use oT each instrument has In creased 40 per cent, while the number of employes engaged In exchange work has increased 70 per cent. The company now owns 806,674 miles of wire, 1866 miles of which is laid under water. On an averuge each subscriber nukes and receives seventeen calls a day. ... , , Trample i to Death, About throe miles f:ra Antelope, on the Dlekersoii piuce, H. H. White met with a serious accident, Muy 20, that terminated fatally. It seems that he was in a corral saddlluga younghorse, having hltchrd the team he was drlv ing to a fence. The colt backed against the fence uiid.sciii'i d the team, which started to run, While caught them by the bit, bin, stumbling, foil beneath the horses un.l v, .is trumplcd upon. Several panic.-uv the accident and immediately went M the rescue. The doctor whs sun I'm, 'mi shortly after he arrived 'bile ii; d. Asfarascau be learned lie was f.iu Coiviillia, All knowing Uionisilves Indebted to ma will please cull and settle at HMD M, A, MILLS! CAST FROM A WINDOW KILLED BY HER RESCUER A Woman Thrown From a Burning Building Has Her Back Broken on the Side- walk. ABERDEEN, Wn., June 2.-A small building In the Tenderloin dist rict was gutted by fire this morning. George Daley, a logger, was burned to death, and Mable Moore, au Inmate, is fi.tally Injured and cannot live. The fire broke out on the first floor, aud when discovered the lower portion was a mass of flames. The woman was overcome with smoke and fainted. W. A. Anderson, who had passed the night with her, threw her out of the second story window, and then jumped through the flames after her. The woman fell on the edge of the sidewalk, breaking her back, and sus taining internal injuries from which she cannpt recover. Daley was asleep in a back room, aud managed to reach the front room, vlien he was overcome by heat and smoke, and dropped within a few feet of the window. Anderson strained his toot in his jump, but was other wise uninjured. Races at Independence. INDEPENDENCE, Or., June L This has been a gala day here for In dependence. Fully three thousand people have been lu the city attending the teachers' picnic' and the bicycle races. The weather was fine, but the the track, because of receut rains was heavy. The attendance at the races was over 1500. The event of the day was the one mile open, class B. The entiles were Eli Wiuesett, of Olympia; Eli Lee, John Staver, L. V. Raymond, Carey Howe and H. Hewittee, of Port land; J. A. Drain, Guy Brown and J. M. Campbell, of Spokane. There were more bicycles here today than ever known at one time. Not less than 200 persona rode wheels to the ground. Oue very pleasant feature of the day was the distribution of the prizes, California, Oregon, Washington and local wheelmen were winners. The medals are pronounced by the visitors to be very acceptable trophies, both in quality and design. Two races were run over on account of not coming within the time limit; these being lu the oue mile, class B, and two mile, class B, The receipts will add about $1160 to the treasury of the athletic dull. Three Nigroes Lynched. BURLOW.Fla., June l.-Tuesday night Mrs. Tlmberlake, a young widow who lives with her father in the western portion of this county, was assaulted by a negro while in bed with her little daughter. Four negroes were arrested for the crime. Last night they were taken from the guards while enroute to this place to be jailed, by fifty men who wore black masks and carried Winchesters. The masked men disappeared with the four negroes into a swamp, where three of them were killed and the fourth almost beaten to death and ordered to leave the country. After Pullman's Charter. CHICAGO, June 1. Several months ago, Attorney-General Maloney began quo wairanto proceedings against the Pullman Palace Car company, for the purpose of taking away the company's charter. Judge Baker handed down his decision today. The court held that the company had the right to own the Pullman building, brickyard, land, and to sell liquor on cars, but had no right to own the Pullman Iron and steel stock. Highest of oil in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Frightful Murder. Minneapolis! June i.-Mra. Martha M. Ellas and her d uinrlifer Annin worn fnnnrt t,n., ....li.......... 1 w.w r. CIVCI IIIJJ, 11 their own blood ln their rooms over a drug store on Nicollet avenue. It was at first thought that the old lady hud shot the girl as Bhe slept, then turned the revolver on herself, blowing the top of Her head off. A more careful examination bv l b authorities, however,, shows beyond question tbul both women were mur dered. It Is the belief of the officials that the deed was committed by Lorraine D. EliaB. a son of thn mur. dered woman. Elias Is mentally unbalanced, and was for a time confined in the asylum, " but was released May 1, as harmless. His grip, containing money and cloth ing, marked with his name, was found In his room. A clean cut bullet hole through a glass of the front window showed that one shot went wild. At the morgue it was discovered that' the victims had been hacked and bruised with some Instrument like a hntcher and the wounds were sufficient,' iu the case of the girl, at least, to havo produced death. The revolver was not clutched tightly In the old lady's hand, as it would have been hnd aim shot herself, but it appeared to have been thrust into her hand. The vie tims were well to do. Mrs. Unas' mind has been affected by the violent death of Her husband, eleven yeans ago. " ' Free Coinage. NEW YORK, June 2.-The Stindnv World prints this morning the result of the telegraphic noli of the next con. gress upon the silver, tariff and in come-tax guestions. The list is not complete, as many are away from home, or declined to respond. Out of no wno give positive replies regarding the silver question, fifty-five fayor free coinage, forty-four hl-metalism. . seventeen the gold standard. Annar- ently there is goino to be vigorous at tempt to cnange the tariffiu some im portant particulars. About mi evn division, is recorded on the Income-tax principle. Southern and far Western states are almost unanimous for fro coinage. The centeral states lean to ward silver with international bi-met- alllo qualifications, and It is only in mew xork, jew England and adja cent eastern states where thero nnv avowed gold-standard men. It is to tie noticed that silver men are open and enthusiastic In their declarations. They speak like men who know what they want and are bound.togct it, or know the reason why. Opponents of free coinage almost all lack this ng. gressive vigor, and sneak'with numur- ovs qualifications. Tennessee. Oscar Davis and John Hanley left a , week ago Tuesday for Prinesville, aoroas the mountains. Two weeks ago last Sunday Teniics-, see's base ball club met with a glori ous defeat. Heretofore Tennessee had won two of the hardest games thut they have ever played. Up to the Inst liming Tennesse wus ahead., Tlio game stood, Canada eight, Tennessee four. William Fronk, Paul Valiiiur, Anna Blaoklaw and Monna Fronk visited Sodavllle aud Waterlog last Sunday. Rev Wallaoe, from the state of Ten nessee, who ust arrived hero from Chatanooga, preached an interesting sermon upon the Bubjeot of "records." Most all the potatoe growers have been planting potatoes, Stella Fronk has again arrived here. Bert Blaoklaw visited Knox Butte a week ago last Sunday. Protracted meetings Btarted at this place hiBt Friday. Rev. McLay was to preach, but he being sick, Rev. Cross preaohed. The hopllce have already made their appearance on ,the hops. Sherman Wallace visited Scio last week. F. W. Parker left Tennessee a few weeks ago. William and Churles Ross attended a picnio given for the Sons of Vetrans last Sunday. School at this place will end June 25. CiESAR. akin Powder i