The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 17, 1895, Image 3

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    Lebanon: Express.
John Doiiuca It quite nick tlilii week
with 1 t rlppe.
W. F. Ayers and family left yester
day for Yuq ulna.
Ira Blodgett has returned from
Southern Oregon.
Mr. 8, M. W. Hludman left Mon
day for Crook county.
W. 3. Guy received a carload of lee
tills week from Albany.
George Elklns went to Albany on
his wheel Saturday evening.
Mr. C. H. RalHton was visiting In the
city a couple of days thle week,
Deputy U. 8. Marshal George Hum
phrey wax In the oily lout Tuesday
W. E. Chandler was very nick the
firm of the week, but In around again.
Meesro. A. B. Nlokerson and W. E.
Harden drove over to Solo last Friday
to put in a kid on the new aohonl
. building.
N. W. Bmllli and wife spent last
Saturday nlghl and Sunday in the
oountry visiting with I'rof. Mayberry
und family.
On Account of extra work In the
eolli'go at Albany, Be. A. Melvln
Williams will not preach at tils place
next Sunday.
A picnic will lie held in this city
June 0, by nil the fraternal urdera. A
rnrl affair la expected. Watch for
the program.
The Indies of the W. It. C. wlil give
an Ice cream social tomorrow evening
In the Miller hall. Every body oordl-j
ully Invited to attend.
Mrs. J. 0. Boyles and Mm. G. W.
Crimon are In Halem this week attend
ing the Kebekah convention. They
arc delegates from Lebanon.
Yf. E. Harden and Mr. Parrlsh are
putting an addition to the etore build
ing occupied A. E. Davis. Alex la fit
ting up a nine Ice cream parlor.
All the teachers, late of our Public
school, will leave today for
attend the teachers' Institute which
meets In that city tomorrow.
As there Is an ordinance against
reckless riding or driving Inside the
city limits, some of our hlcyolest had
better look out how feat they are rid
ing. Mr. John ftrleirs had the misfortune
to cut his li ft hand pretty serverly last
week while cut Inn wood. He came
to town and had Dr. Bo.ith to
dress It, and nt present Is getting along
The voters of Lebanon and vicinity
will meet at the Band hall next Batur
day nt 1.00 p. m , for the purpose of
.organizing n Bl-metallc League. Good
speaker will address the meeting.
Iinat Monday evening at the pleas
nut homo of Mra. G. W. Warner a
number l'f the young people of the city
met and spent a few very pleasant
hours with liar eatecmable family.
I'rof. G. W. Wilkes Is at Albany
this week, assisting In examining the
the papers of the tenohers' Institute.
On account of this work be has post
poned starting cast, till ft week frjm
A paper read be fore the Pastors' As
sociation 'if this city, by Rev. J. H.
Beattie, pastor of the First Presby
terian church of Lebanon, May 6, '5,
Is published by request of the associa
tion, on the flrBt page of I his Issue.
; Mrs. Ruth Crabtree, who lives on
Crabtree creek, had her residence and
ulllts contents burned last Saturday
night. She was visiting hero in the
city at the time; She Is a widow lady
with five children, and the loss Is a
liard blow to her. There was no In
surance. Mr. 8. A. Nlckersnn, while passing
one of the buassaws In his planer last
Friday stumbled, and In throwing out
his hand to catch hold of something,
oiiught It to the saw and got It badly
cut. Dr. Foley was called and dressed
it. At last account he was getting
along with It all right, but It will be
sometime before he will be able to use
Jt again.
: W. Claude Ayers has resigned his
position aa typo on the ExPRnaa, and
: gone to Yuqulnu. Claude Is a good
alendy printer, and the many friends
jhclias made in Lebanon during the
f,.w years he has resided here with his
parents, will join with us In wishing
liim success and prosperity. The
young people here will miss him, but
those he makes (u his future home will
liuve cause to esteem and respect him.
Mr. J. M. Ralston hod a partial par
alytic stroke of his left side a week ago
lasi Monday night while op his way
to Portland to ultend the funeral of his
brother-in-law, Mr. John Hamilton.
ilo and his family returned to their
home In Albany last Mtlua& but he
still has little or no use of lib left side,
mid especially of his left leg. The dog--torn
say It lias been coming on for a
loom time. It was oansed by over lax-,
;ing his miiK1. Mr, Ralxton't friends
at this place are Indeed sorry to Hear
of his mlsfortuue and hop lit way
Men ttawth
Harlcy Crandall was In Solo last
Tuesday. "
Mayer Klmbrou(,h wants yoi
Smith hasjustadded fifty new book
to bis circulating library.
You Oan get 8 loaves of bread at
Mayer Klmbroughfur 26 eta.
If you want to toll property list It
with Peterson 4 Andrewt.
Misset Ola Smith and Nona Miller
returned from Salem Monday evening,
Pugh & Muuscy want your produce
and will pay you the highest price
J. C. Gordon and Mr. Richardson
left Monday on a prospecting trip.
Theyo In search of geld,
Pugh & Muntey are alway ahead
on fresh groceries at prloes aa low at
the lowest.
G. W. Cruson and S. A. Nlckerson
are In Salem, this week, delegates to
the grand lodge of the I. 0. O. F.
- Dr. G.W. Cheadle's office hours from
10 a. m., til. 8 p. ui. Office over City
When you want to buy a suit of cloth
ingyou will save money by getting
It at Bach's.
Mm. Joseph Mayer hat a bicycle
costume, which is the first one Intro
duced In Lebanon,
Pugh & Muncy hive Just received
their spring stock of hats which they
are selling cheaper than ever.
All knowing themselves Indebted to
me will please call and settle at
once. . M. A. Miller. '
Mayer & Elmbrough will pay you
Bets, per Hiund In cash for your
chickens, ducks nud turkeys,
Spring has come and now la a good
time to have some photos taken. Drop
in at the Lebanon Art Gallery and
get prices.
Mm. F. M. Miller, Mrs. S. H. Cowan,
Mist Huldab Newquiet and Lewis
Crandall drove to Albany and back
yesterday. I
Ladles, summer It here and bo are
the summer hatt at Miss Dumond't.
The latest, neatest and prices to suit
Carpets, carpets, oapets. Mattlug,
matting, matting. Buy of the Albany
Furniture Co. Baltimore Block. Al
bany, Oregon.
Don't wait till the days get hot, but
come now while the air it fresh and
oool, and tiave your photos taken at
Boyd's Gallery,
Mr. J. W. Oleson and wife of Port
land, are In the city visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Uoyd. Mr. Oleson Intends locat
ing near Sodavllle.
Pugh 4 Muncy have just reclved a
large Invoice of ladies' elilldreu' and
meu's shots. See them and you will
buy them.
Mrs. Eccleston, wife of Rev. Ecole-
tton arrived In Lebanon Tuesday frcm
California on a visit to her parents, Mr
ad Mrs. J. M. Markt.
These hard times we want to save all
we can, but of course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
groceries at 8. P. Bach's.
Ladles If you are thluklrg of getting
a pair of shoes or a new dress next
week, you will want to know where to
get the best for the least money. Mr.
Baker always carries the best.
Goods renewed every two weeks,
therefore always fresh and new. The
finest lot of lacca In town at prloes
away below competition. Our challia
cannot lie matched lu price, hall' wool
16c, cotton .twetity-ltve yards for (1.
Good heavy overalls 60c. Meua under
shirts and drawers 60c a i.ult. The best
oil groin plow shoe iu the market $1.80
Ladies fine Oxford ties tl.16. We are
now having men's shirts made here at
Lebanon In flrstolass sliap1. Much
better than the factory made article.
At the Racket etore.
The Sodavllle Concert band will
give a carnival at Hate's grove in
Sodavllle on Saturday, May 25. A
cordial Invitation is given to all the
bands In the county to be present.
This is not in the nature of a contest,
but simply for the various bands of the
county to get together, become acqu
ainted and have a good social time.
The public in general are extended an
invitation. The best sodawater In the
state will lie furnished lu abundance to
all who go; also, au Interesting pro
gram will be rendered.
Last evening a number of young
people of Lebanon met at the home
of Miss Lulu Westfsll, and at Dine
o'clock, atarted iu a body to the tieauti
ful residence of Mr, and Mra. J. Q.
Reed, ou Bridge avenue, and gave a
happy surprise to their daughter, Miss
Elisabeth. The few hours were wbiled
with social conversion and pleasant
games. At 11:80, all were Invited to
tjlC dining room, where an elegant
luuchem had beep spread. Theguesta
departed at a lute hour, all expressing
their delight and pleasure and wishing
tllsk Reed many mure happy hours tu
the future. Tliosp present were: Mr.
and Mrs. G. Buhl, MIsseB Lulu West
fall, Ilda Elklns, AnmiDumoud, Mug
gie HouoK, Nona Miller, Maud Aid-
rich, Madge Marks, Etfle Dem.y, and
Ola Smith. Messrs, Robert Montague,
Clark Klmbrough, J. U. Murks, M
J. Demy, Alpln McDraigal, Hurry
Everett, Frtd Hlokok H Asa
There are only twenty-four houn of
measured time In a day. The 8,600
leoonda of an hour, are the smal
lest divisions of tls time. The days of
the Idler stretch away Into long and
dreary periods, that In the silently
spoken truth of hit own heart, make
bit life a barren desert of ever shifting
Not to with that one whose hands
are tlways ready to take hold of any
thing that needs lifltlng up, whose
mind, receiving the first truth in life,
It eager and anxlous to obtain the sec
ond, and whose heart overflow! with
that love and sympathv which It con
oerned for the good of hit fellow cer
tainly, such unselfish interest becomes
the oil oj gladrwse In the hearts of,
thoie to whom It Is apparent.
It was our privilege to attend the
dosing of our public school on last Fri
day afternoon.
To say that we were agreeably sur
prised and very much pleased, with
the array of school work, as a goodly
Dumber of the patrons aud friends
viewed aud reviewed it, in the differ
ent departments, grades and sections,
does not express, to those who did not
see It, toe slightest Idea of its beauty.
The carefulness and precision with
our boys aud girls applied the princ l
pies they have mastered, during the
term of school just closed, was every
where to be teen; whether in solution
of problems aud coustrcution of dia
grams, or the analyse! of sentences
and the application of what they had
been taught in the decorative arts.
The liigonious aud deftly formed
models of every conceivable shape,
size and material, gave evidence of the
patient and careful training whioh
these orderly aud well behaved pupils
have received from the hearts and
hands nf the earnest and able corps o,
instructors that have labored so hero
ically for the advancement of each and
every student
May every boy and girl who has
had the stamina to stay in school until
It dosed, hold dear the memory of the
man who determined from the begin
ning of bis work, to make this the
most successful school the pupile ever
attended; and may the boya who have
been relegated to their proper sphere,
because of uumanlv conduct, ever re
member that they have irrevocably
lost, for the past term, the assistance of
a friend whose aim was to teach them
how to improve every passing mom
ent of that time now gone forever.
We believe a uew Interest has been
aroused in the citizens of Lebanon for
the higher standard of through work
In our Public School; aud we sincerely
hope that it will be mautaiiied by our.
Board of Education doing its very best'
to obtain the best talent iu every par
ticular. We regret very much that we can
not again have the services of our
worthy principal, but since our loss
mutt be bit gain, we can only say
peace be with him, who hag shown
himself our friend aud the tried friend
of our children. H
A Cook Book Free.
"Table and Kitchen" is tbe title of a
new cook book published by the Price
Baking Powder company, Chicago.
Just at this time it will be seut free if
you write a postal mentioning the
Expess. This book has been tried by
ourselves aud is oue of tbe very best of
ltkwd. Besides containing over 400
receipts for all kiuds of panry aud
home cookery, there are many hints
for the table and kitchen, showing
how to set a table, how to enter tbe
dining room, etc.; a hundred and oue
hints lu every brunch of the culinary
art. Cookery of the very finest and
richest as well as of the most economi
cal and home like, is provided for.
Remember "Table and Kitchen" will
be seut, postage prepaid, to any lady
sending her address (name town aud
state) plainly given. A copy In Ger
man or Scandinavian will be sent if
desired. A postal card Is as good as a
letter, Adrest Price Baking Powder
company, Chicago, 111.
Schoolteacher Convicted.
A young mau named Herman, who
hat been teaching a school near Al
meda, Whitman county, was tried
Monday for whlppiug a 18-year-old
boy, Alva Wes', too bard, even strik
ing him over the head with a stick,
The whole neighborhood turned out,
aud, while the twelve good aud true
men were weighing the evidence in
the courtroom, twelve equally good
and true were getting Inebriated and
enjoying a noisy rough-aud-turnble
fight outside. The teacher was con
victed and fined, aud the cause of good
order was vindicated.
Where are you going, my pretty
Maul? To the summer school at San
tiam academy, sir, she said. I am go
ing to see when the school Is to begin,
(low long It will continue lu session,
and what the tuition will be. I shall
see that the announcement it put in
the Lebanon Expbkss next week, for
we are expecting a large attendance, a
good school, and a real nice school eu
entertalimient by us "little folks" at
the end ot the term. Oh, I see, said
the gentleman, aud he hastened home
with the newt.
Hiram Baker
fart, 1
buys all kinds, of
Congressman Siblej; And Gen, Wamef
Address Thousands. Non Political
Mass-Meeting. Many Citiet
Ask For, But Lebanon,
Won The prize.
. Of all the champions of silver In tbe
last lamented congress, Hon. Joseph
C Sibley of Pennsylvania, strndt today
at tbe great champion of the white
metal. Of those not in office, General
A. J. Warner of Ohio, stands first.
These two gentlemen are making a
tour of the United States in the inter
est of lil-metalism. They addressed
large audience in San Francisco, in
tending to skip Oregon, in the hurry
of their tour. Lebanon, always alive,
and never backward, In asklug for
what she wants, telegraphed to these
gentlemen courteous and presslug In
vltat.ons to stop with us a day and ad. the waiting multitude. These
obliging gentlemen came, saw aud
Hon. M. A. Miller, our talented
mayor, met the distinguished guests In
Aibany, aud escorted them to the city,
where they were met ky a large con
course of ladies and gentlemen, with
our fine hand, and taken to the St.
Charles hotel. For several hours tbe
citizens of tbe county were introduced
to, and were charmed by these pleasaut
Visits were made to the paper mill,
which was much admired, aud to
other points of interest. By oue o'clock
the marshal of the day, Hon. C. B.
Montague, mounted his war-etead, and
with banners flying and with martial
music by the Lebanon and Sodavllle
bands, soon escorted the destingulshed
visiters iu carrages to the shaded
grounds of the Santiam academy, to
which place bad come three thousaud
of our population, all anxious to hear
and see tbe two most distinguished
bi-meialisls of the day. The object of
the meeting was stated by the presi
dent of the day, Mr. Montague. Mr.
Miller Introduced Mr. Hi 1 bey in an elo
quent speech and tbe meeting respon
ded with prolonged cheers, that
brought forth a very feeling response
from Mr. Sibley.
General Warner was afterward in
troduced by Mr. Montague. Tbe in
troduction and tbe response were re
ceived with merited applause. Tbe
day will long be remembered by our
city. ' Democrats, republicans, popu
lists, probhibitmsi and woman suffer
agist, white aud 'lack, old and young,
regardless of politics, religion, race,
color 'or previous condition of servi
tude, all with one accord worked for
tbe glorification of Lebanon and tbe
entertainment of the distinguished
Many interesting arguments, a few
appropriate anecdotes, aud multiplied
statistics were given by the speakers.
Tbe hack-bone of the silverltes didn't
need strengthening, or they would
have been. The ranks of the republi
cans furnished many recruits; tbe
democrats, like the poor widow lu the
bible, gave of their mite, and now a
democratic is a scarce article; tnejpopu.
litt are tottering aud will likely tur-
enderthe tenets of tbe Omaha plat
form and follow tbe new Moses
through the wilderness, under the bi-
miialic banner of gold and silver. All
old parties are back numbers. The
principles of Jefferson and Cleveland,
of Lincoln and Garfield, of Mrs. Lease
ai.d Mr Pflfler, are things of the past,
All are now united by a standing vote
aud pledged to Bi-metolisuj, with Mr,
6ibley's chances for the presidency
very bright.
fast sellers:
Duck for ladies summer dresses.
Solid colors, figured, striped. See my
dry goods window for a few patterns,
Paraaola, cotton, glo'ia, wool,
silk covers and many different style
of handles, Including tbe popular ac
acia sticks. ,
Talla.Ho hats for ladiea the
rage. Almost Impossible to get them,
Trilby hats too, six patterns.
S. E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Or,
HlghMt Honor-Worid'i Fair,
aold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
,' Meet Ptrfect Had.
We have the
of Dry Goods in Lebanon. No old
Jl nil cVinri-wriVTi crfru c lnftVin lotnct
designs direct from the manufac
tures. Call and see for yourself.
Our Spring Stock is now
entirely on, including the
greatest values that a season
of careful buying could pro
cure. Special care has been taken
in selecting choice patterns
and the most becoming styles.
The new Albany Woolen
Mills goods are equal to any
in the market for wear, the
patterns are neat and the gar
ments are elegantly made up.
Suit of these goods run from
$10 to $15 and will satisfy
any one wishing good value.
Princely styles in black dress
Summer suits from $8.25
up, in beautiful shades,
Do not forgot that we also
carry a large stock of the new
est Hats, Furnishing Goods
and Shoes.
If you are not able or pro
par to come send your order
and we will forward goods on
approval. Mail orders prompt
ly filled.
Albany, - - - Oregon,
best assortment