The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 10, 1895, Image 1

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    .j VUL, 1A.
NO. 11.
Oaeyear 12 00
(ir paid In advance, II Ju pur ymv.)
tlx montliH 1 00
Throe monthe W
alnglecuplua . ... - M
W. M'-Briftit ..........Senators
John H. Mitchell,!
Hliipar Hermann , Congreaanian
William P. l-ortl Governor
II. It, Klhcald, Secretary o( State
Vhll Metachan Treasurer
0. M. Irwin ...,B"it. Public Instruction
II. W. Leoda State Printer
K. B. Hfiilin, i
Win. I'. Iiril, , 8nireme Judge!
I'., 8. Iluan, I
oukt omnciis. '
Judge J'". Duncan
fJicsrk N. Neatlhani
llecorder, I'. P. Hunlman
Bhorltf, 3- A. Meleroii
School Superintendent A. 11. Rutherford
Treasurer M"rri
waor, W. F. Iluaklna
Burvef or 'f' KIlier
Coroner , JJ""
i John PiiKh
Uomniissiouera J. M. Waters
ii-ii.ii, :
:ii oiii'K.. V
.....,W, K. HIUIVVN.
,.... M. OAltLAKII,
.J.F. HYDIi.
P. W. moltOAN.
kd. Knu,iisnniif)nit,
, N. H. IIAUiblililBH,
,,ri',.i.rJJ t IIIIAEU,
iXibMilLMkN 8 W,NI1
lu. W.ltini.
City Council meet an the Ural mitt third
Tiuwluy cvonliiits of each month.
Seoret Booletlea.
LINN TKNT, No. 1, K. 0. T. Sl.-Muotn In 0. A.
It. Hll on Thumiay evening of each week.
Truiuiout Blr Kmgliu are cordially iuvliod to
visit tlio Tent meeting,
J. A. IiAUiiEitwa, Com,
Oau. W. Kick, U.K.
HONOR WIMK, No. an. A. O. U. W.-Moett
very ruoaday evening at . A. H. Hall.
I. R. lloauu. Roc.
LtCIIANON UJBUK, NO. 47, 1, 0. 0. F.-Meett
error)' Balurday evenliiitat Odd Fellow, Hall, at
,l,'k- A. E. DAVB, K. 0.
W. C. I'KTKKBON, Beofy.
PEARLRE1IKOCA WDGE, NO. 47, 1. 0. 0.
ileeu at I. 0. 0. F Hall drat and third Weduea
day ovenlnga or each month.
11118. CLARA BOYLE, N. G.
. t ii.Nnx inlUiFNii U A. F. t A. U.MeeU
Baturday evening, on or uofaro the roll moon in
each month, at Maaonlc Hall, Cor. Mnlu and
JranliU. Buimirntuii hrethern cornlally Invited
to attend.
K. I. Uauuack, W. M,
S. 0. Wal aw. sec.
UKN'L MKIliOS CAMP, No. U, llivlnlon of Ore
gon, Bona ot VetetajHia-Uwl hi U. A. It. Hall,
every Baliirday evening, caceiit the third
Hallinlay of each month, meeting the third Frl
Oay Imlcad. All htolliers of thoSona ot Vet
eran! and comradeaor the U, A. R. are cordially
luvltad to meet with Hie Camp.
K. 0. Caaa, Capt.
RINA U. WEST HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. 'X, M.
liioionthal, 4th and Mil Friday evening of
eaoh month at 7:80 r. a. at U. A. H. Hall. Trail
lout Lady Maonahuua are cordially invited to
atloud. v .-
A, A. Hvos, Idy R, K,
HiaAii 8Ai.TtAiiav, Lady Oom,
Sam'l M. Garland,
Weatberford & Vyatt,
Dr. H. L. Parish,
Office and Resldeuoe In tbe
St. Charlet Hotel, '
Cedar Posts.
Flrstciass cedar posts for sale cheap.
Cull on or address Walter Rrnwn. Al-
fM bnny office, at Frenohe's Jewe'ij store
or tee b. A, Nickerauu at Lsbauou.
"As old as
never excei!- -ed,
and proven ''
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Regit-
Infer in tho
'portly Liver
medicine to
which you
can pin your
fT" faith for a
r)7fl cure. A
J. IJUt . miid laxa.
five, and
purely veg
etable, act-t-v
7 ing directly
r"f 1 1 C .oa the Liver
tltO and Ed.
neys. Try it,
Sold V.y all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dryormadeiritoa tea.
The King of Liver Medlclnea.
" I have used your HlrnmonnLlvar Keen,
lntol nd can couarlentlouKly say II ie the
king of all liver medicine. J consider it a
medicine chext In ttaelr, Ubo. W. jack
tott, 'J'aeoma, Waahluglou.
Boa the S Rtams in red or vraraev.
KAliL'rt CLOVER flOOT, ll.e
Kl'ont liluntl puriiler uivoa fi'iluifHH
ami clcarni'HH to t he (Xitiplt'(;l if ti und
cure C'onatiiutioii, 26 cla , 50 cl., $1.
Bold by N. W, Binllli.
n Tfiini
Rroeiirt annwer antl an honoiit opliilcn, write to
I l!NN oVdO,. who have hndnearlT fifty yeara'
exiwrlenco In tlio pattmt bunltim. U'Uimunlca
inmH ntrlctly otinlliloiHIal. A llandbeok of In
formation oncemlDft Patrnta and bow to ob
tain tliuin it!n(. free. Alno a cataloaua of median.
leal and Miluiitino Ufinkn Heat free.
ratonta taken thminth Munn k Co. reeetve
apeclal notlee In the Hrienllllu Amerirnn. and
tiiaa are bnniabt wirtvly beloretbe pebllcwttb
oui pm w Hie invi-iiinr. -j in. PUiming
I rannr.
tainieO weokly, oleanntly lllaBlnited. ban by far tbe
ot nil. i
rid. 83 a year. Pninnle oni.ii'.iient free.
lullilliiK Kdltion, mnntlily, flfilla year. Blnale
entile., 25 oente, Kvery number contnlne beau
tlfiil plutee. In coin, and iibolniirnnlis of ni'W
pMUBCB, Willi plana, ennbltna bHlldewl
iauHl dcMlitnii and Htinure eonlmrtii. Adilretw
alUNM oun i;w Voua, attl Biioaowat.
purify -your Blood, clenr your com
pltotion, regulate your Boweta mii
nmke your lieud clcur Be a bell. 25c.,
Site, mid M.00. Sold by N. W. Smith.
An agreeahle Iintlve and Nmi Tonia
BoldbyDnigKlataoraenttiyinalL iikdUo.
lad fl.OO por packaire. Bamploa tret.
irn Tift The Favorite IMTHRWWI
IV U liVorthoTeothan(lljreath,&o.
'or sale by N. W. Umitii.
Insure your properly with Peterson,
jt Adiirews. They are airents for (he
Old Reliublo, Home Mutual, Acw
Zeuluud, Bpriuelk'ld of MmumchuseUa,
Continental, and other good, reliable
Companies. They ulso have money to
lunu at 8 pertjeut. In sums from $200
Beat Shoe aold at the price.
85, 84 & 83.50 Dress Shoe
jLUiial custom work, conting from $6 to $3.
83.60 Police Shoe, 3 Soles
Beat W ulking Slide ever nuide.
83.60 and 82 Shoes,
Unetiuallcd at the price.
Boys' 82 & 81.76 School Shoes,
Ar the Beat for Service.
Ladles' $3, $11.60, $2, $1.75
Boat !ine;ola, Btyllah, Perfeot PHtlnK
and Serviceable. Kitat lu the world. Alt
Htylea. Inalat upon having W.I.. Uouglne
Slioua. Name and price alnmped ou bot
tom. W.JL.. DOIOLAS, Uioektoa, Uusa.
Hiram Baker.
Lpliuiinn, Oregon,
Bun Diego, Cul. anya: "Sbltili's Ca
tnrrh Remedy is t.lio first medicine I
have ever luund Hint would do me any
good.'1 Prloe 50o. Bold by N, W.
The British Matter Will Cost Nicar-
ague Heavy. He Fail
ed in Hit
NEW YORK, May O.-Dispatches
from Tegucigalpa and' Nicarguan
pointa to the World say that fighting
has begun iu Granada, Nicaragua,
and disorder Is also reported from
Leon, Word comes from there that
the followers of Oritz, Zerula and Ma-
cherrohave united to make war on
President Zelayn. The Honduran
troops concentrated at Cape Graclas
will remuin there, us it is feared that
threa'eued outbreak on the Mosquito
riervuIiou may extend. General
Uniilllu will take 4000 men mid go to
President Zeloy's aid If requested.
Though the JiritHi have left Cor
I u to, murtiiil Invv will continue some
duya, on aocount of the fear that the
uprising at Giaiinda will upr.ail.
Il Is estliiiut d tliat the trouble with
England bus cost Nieurugua fl,000,000.
It it claimed that Envoy Barrios
failed iu his duty by not informing
his government that United States
Amhaxaador Bayard was not second
ing Gresham's views ill favor ofaset
tlement by arbitration. This view it
discredited by the oilicinls, thouaih not
ortk'iully . General Suurte bus arrived
at Blueflelds. A high official says the
reports of the opposition to President
Zelays ate greatly exaggerated.
WiU Go To Europe.
NEW YORK, May S.-Tbe Sun
publish ! the following; ''A frejod of
President Cleveland is authority for
the statement that iu case he is not
nominated for a third term, he will
take an extended foreign tour soon af
ter he leaves the White House, visit
ing England, France, Germany,
Austriu, Italy and Russia. There la
no doubt that If ' the ex-president
should go abroad he will be received
in a becoming manner, and would be
entertained by the Boverigns of the
countries he may enter. He will be
royally entertained by the British
queen as by the Italian king, the
French president aud the three emper
ors. His friend believes that il) the
event of his going, his European jour
ney will be of the kind known as a
'triumphal progress, 'onward fromLon
don, the lnrgest of cities; to Paris, tbe
gayest; Berlin, the most warlike;
Rome, the most ancient; Vienna, tiie
most composlle, and St. Petersburg,
the uui onqueiuble. There will doubt
less also be buuquets and military re
views in his honor.
If Mr. Cleveland entertains the
purpose attributed to him, he ought
to carry it out promptly at the close of
bis term, immediately after leaving
the presidential mausion, while yet
wrapped In the airs of that far-famed
establish men.t, and while yet his name
may be remembered In foreign coun.
tries. For the name of an ex-presi
dent is apt to be soon forgotteu by tbe
sovereigns of foreign countries.' '
A Fearful Crime.
OAKLAND, Cal., May 4.-At 6;!
this morning Thomas Thome,
French shoemaker, stabbed his two
daughters, Annette and Henrietta,
and then killed himself. Annette Is
fatally wouuded and Henrietta's in
juries are severe but not absolutely
dangerous The crime occurred at the
French laundry, 1440 San Pablo ave
nue, and is attributed to the result of a
debauch, as Thome has been drinking
heavily for some time.
The daughters and their mother con.
duct the French lauudry in question.
Thome has not been living at home
for the past six months as, owing to
his bad habits, the family could not
dwell together. In a semi-drunken
Condition Thome arrived at tbe laun
dry shortly after six o'clock this morn
ing. Meeting his wife at the door he
drew a revolveratid said: "I have come
to kill you." At the same time be
drew a knife and advanced at her,
Hlie wrenched the revolver from his
blind and fled shrieking Into the
Thome theu rushed (o the bedroom
nt the hack of the store aud entered
tbe apurttueut in which his daughters
slept. Thty were (1111 lu btd, Ht I
rushed at them and nabbed Annette
six times In the breast, the most dang
erout wound being In the cavity of the
chest. Henrietta's wounds were in
the abdomen and wrist. Thome then
turued the knife on himself and pier
ced bis heart six times. Thome was
about llfty seven years old. Annette
Is twenty-tliree.and Henrietta twenty
one. ; .
Indivdual Communion Cups.
regular communion service of the First
Congregational church today Individ
ual communion cups were used for
tbe first time in Oregon City, and It is
believed this Is the second church ou
Pacific coast to mako useof Individual
cups. The set consists of four oval
shaped trays, each holding thirty-six
tiny glasses, and each glass basa capa
city equal tua tablespoon. The trays
are only abouta foot long, each sets on
four legs, aud they are arranged in a
compact tier, so that the whole may
be carried about easily and with safety.
The glasses are bell-shaped, flaring
moderately at the top. In serving the
communicants, each deacon takes a
tray laden with glasses of wine and
passes to the members, each of whom
takes a glass and waits until all kave
been served. The same is done with
the bread. Then the pastor and the
congregation partake of the cominuion
in concert, constituting an orderly and
anddaiuty I'evotion. A small socket
on the back of the seat in trout of each
communicant receives the empty cup.
A Report and Its Denial, -CHICAGO,
May 3.-Nellie Grant
Bartons and General Henry Kvd
Douglas, of Maryland, are shortly to
be married. The information Is said
to have come directly from the familv.
The report was published a year ago,
and wits then denied. It Is under
stood the wedding is to occur at the
residence of Mrs. Sartoiis, in Washing
ton, and will e quiet. After the wed
ding General Douglas will sail for
Europe. Geueral Douglas, wko was a
member of a Msrvlaud Confederate
regiment, is the adjutant-general of
the state of Maryland. He owns a fine
old country place iu Maryland.
New Yokjc, Man 8. -An afternoon
paper quotes Mrs. F. D. Grant as say
lug: "Mrs. Sartoris lias stated posi
tively to all tiie members of her family
that there is no truth whatever in the
report of her engagement to General
A Triple Tragedy.
LITTLE ROCK, May 6.-James
Taylor, Dave Echols and Ed Boban-
uon, white men, were killed aa the re
sult of as attempt of the latter to ar
rest the flint named uear Duraut, 1,
T. Bohannon was reading tbe war
rant to Taylor, when tbe latter sud
denly drew Imb pist 1 and liegan firing.
Echols, who was in the house near by,
appeared on the scene, wheu he was
struck by a. flying hulet aud killed.
Bohanuou returned Taylor's tire, re
treating as he did so, but Taylor fol
lowed 111 in until he emptied the con
tents of a six shooter, the last shot
striking Bohani.ou In the head and
killing hjm. Taylor dared any one to
take him, and walked two yards, when
he fell and died. Officer Bohannon la
the third of bis family to meet a vio
lent death In the past twelve months.
Hfjd to Answer without Bail,
Joht) Baaun the Wallowa county
murderer, baa been held to answer
without ball. The maq seems to have
entertuined tbe Idea that as Fleming
was on bis land he had a right to kill
bim and that the law would sustain
him In so doing. He has been talking
freely of the affair aud his own story
puts him In an unenviable light,
Fleming was on horseback and un
armed, and Bastw did not shoot him
lu a moment of passlou, as he went a
half-mile for his shotgun after the al
tercation, aud returning, fired upon
his victim in old blood. Basim does
not seem to realize at all the enormity
of his offense. So far be bas made no
move toward securing counsel,
A Governor Arretted.
TOPEKA, Kan., May 8.Goverr.or
Morrill la to be arrested on tbe charge
of obtaining money under false pre
tenses. This is the statement made by
Waters & Waters, the attorneys, who
are preparing tbe papers, which will
be signed by Warden Cbase, of tbe
state penitentiary. The charge is
made that Governor Morrill drew
money from the state to pay for the
services of his present private secretary
a month befors the governor was In
augurated, Go to Hiram Baker for your wall
Six Thousand Have Been Purchased
as an Experiment, Meat to
Be Smoked and
The Oregoutan of May 0, has tbe
following: "A number of enterprising
citizens of this section, who have been
endeavoring for a year or more to de
vise some scheme for disposing of tbe
immense number of horses now cum
bering the cattle ranges of this state,
at a profit, have at last solved tbe
problem, and soon the great American
horse will be kicking for admission to
I lie markets and stomachs of Europt
on an equality with the great Ameri
can hog.
Tbe great point which the promoters
of this soheme had to solve was whe
ther they could find a market for horse
flesh canned, or dried and smoked.
The bides, hair, oil aud bones of the
horses would about come to enough to
pay for the animal and for slaughter
ing bim, ami if the meat could be sold
there was a chance for some profi t. It
is well kuown that horsemeat is eaten
In France and Germany by the poorer
classes, but la is furnished to them iu
a fresh eonditian, aud no one has tried
to put it on their markets In a canned
or dried condition. A great deal of
trouble bas been taken to find out
what the prospects would be for sell
lug horseflesh canned and dried. Of
course, it was Impossible to find out to
a certainty, without a practical test,
but the parties interested have been so
well convinced that the goods can be
told, that tbey have decided to make a
practical test.
To this end articles of incorporation
by the Oregon Packing & Fertilizer
company will be filed in tbe court
here today. The incorporators are: 8.
Kinsman, a stockman of Heppner; M.
Sichel aud Ben Selling, of this city.
The business in which the company
proposes to engage Is the buying and
slaughtering of horses, and the pre
paring of their flesh for food, utilizing
the oil, bones, bair etc., and making a
fertilizer of the offal and refuse. The
capital stock of the company is $20,000
and the principal place of business will
be this city,
The company bas already purchased
about 6000 horses, and have many
mote offered, If their experiment
proves successful. The slanghtering
will begin as soon as the machinery
and canning plant necessary, ami
which has been ordered, can be put
up. Just where the plant will be lo
cated is not definitely settled, but will
belli a few days, There Is a good
slaughtering plunt at Clarnie, which
may be secured if deemed advisable.
At all events, Portland is bound to
have the first plant ever put up for
slaughtering and canning horses for
food. If any one of the crowued heads
of Europe is now anixous to trade his
kingdom for a horse (canned or
smoked), he can be accommodated.
There is no particular reason why
horseflesh Bhould not be considered as
good as that of beef cattle, except pre
judice, arising from the way in which
one has been brought up. The borne
it as cleanly In his food and habits as
tbe ox, and more so. His hoof is all iu
one piece, aud he does not find it
necessary, after having swallowed bis
dinner, to belch It up and chew it all
over again. But how should this
make his flesh any the worse? Some
people have a prejudice against the
flesh of the bog, while other people
find both palatable aud wholesome.
Mr, Cowan Exonerated.
Tbe Portland Telegram last Friday
evening says iu its court proceedings;
"Tbe most important of the cases of
exoneration Is that of the Linn
County National hank. Mr. Cowan
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 NX jssssa
has been haunting the hulls of tho
federal building for a week awaiting
his opportunity to explain to th
grand Jury the nature of the charges:
against him, He was accused of em
bezzlement, in one case of having
taken 115,000 of the bank's money,
aud in another of bavingstolen $33000,
When at lost an opportunity win
given of testifying he came before tlio
jury and delivered himself of an eh
quent and earnest plea. His explana.
tioti was really a speech, though wlut
unconscious effect. He sold that In)
was ruined as a result of the bank'
failure, that he had lost $56,000 ami
was now broken down physically ami
financially. According to the descrip
tion ot the jurors his talk was very
dramatic, for when he liad Unlabel'
the sad recital of Ills woe, half thj
jurors were In tears, and there, wero
none whose eyes were dry, including
District Attorney Murphy himself.
Mr. Cowan was indicted by the lust;
grand jury when the feeling against
National banks, was running high,
just after the panic of 1803. No invest
igation of the case was made at tlio
lime. He was not charged with any
specific crime, simply enitiezzlemei C
without a description of the amount,
time or method of the crime, The in
dictment wus resubmitted and the al
legation was dismissed by, it is anid, a
unanimous Totemf the jury." '
A Linn County Target.
Senator Dawson of this county,
seenis to be consldereable of a target.
Here is shot at him. The Milwaukee
Republican Club, with a membership
of 129, which is claims is the second
largest club in Clackamas catinty, has
passed the following resolutions:
"Whereas, It is the sense of the Mil
waukee Republican Club that u prom
ise by a candidate to the people is on
of the most sacred of agreements, and
"Whereas, We have before us tin
pledge of Senator S. A. Dawson t
vote and useall hisiiifluenee In favor if
alaw culling a constitutional conven
tion at the earliest possible date to sub
mit to the voters of oregon a u-w oo'i
stitution Including the Initiative ami
neierenaum system or malting law,
"Whereas, Senator Dawson wilfullv
violated his pledge, therefor, be It
"Resolved, sy the Milwaukee Re
publican Club, that Senator Dawson,
In our opinion, has forfeited the re
spect and coufideuce of ull houoroblo
men, and that he is unworthy of hold
ing any position of trust and honor.
Resolved, that our secretary is here
by requested to send a marked copy of
this resulutlon to the press and to Sen
ator Dawson.
A New River Craft.
The promoters of the light draft
steamboat to ply ou the Willamette
between Salem and Albany, the year
around tire meeting with excellent suc
cess in this city. The merchants are
Interesting themselves In tlio new en.
terprise and are subscribing toward
Its support, Messrs. Graham ami
Buldwin will he about the city th"
first of next week for the purpose of
completing the work of taking sub-:
scrlptions. Wheu Salem has been
thoroughly canvassed these gen tleme.i
will visit Independence ami Albany
business men who have promised ti
aid the new enterprise liberally. The
new boat will undoubtedly be con.
structed and should Salem have a can
nery, this boat would prove herself
very valuable lu gathering milk at
way-points between Albany and rjulem
where it is ton far aud too expensive hi
bring it by steam. The new boat will
be seventy feet long with a slxteeu
foot beam, capacity fifty tons and will
be allowed to carry 100 passengers.
Her engines will be like those in Al
tona aud will carry 200 pounds of
speed. She may prove herself to bo
tho speediest craft on the river, Sn
lem Journal.
For Sale or Lease.
At Waterloo, near the woolen mill
a two story building 22x60 feet suita
ble for a restauratit. The up-stnirs ia
divided iuto seven rooms aud can bo
let to operatives of the mill. Posses
sion given May 19, next. For particu
lars address, A. E. Ansokok,
Lebanon, Or,