Lebanon Express. TKIDAY, APRIL SHI, IB6. Joliti Donaca was doing business in Albany Monday and Tuesday. Attorney George W. Wright of Al bany was on our Mreet yeaterday. .' Minuet Lul mid Lela Westfatl are visiting relative In Albany t hia week, !. Call t Mia Dumond's for stylish " millinery. Everything new and prion the lowest. County Recorder I). F. Hardman and wife "pent last Saturday and Sun day In the city. Mr. Peter Smith and Mr. Ewlng, cashier of the 8clo bank were in our oil V Wednesday. Johnnie L. Morgan went to the counly aeat lnat Friday, returning home Saturday evening. Mm. Andy Vail who baa been living ' ut Wlllaiulna for the past tew months ' baa moved back to Lebanon. Mr. N. H.Allen or Albany, waa In the city Tuesday looking after his eleotrlc light and water plant. ' Mra. C. B. Montague n turned laat Monday from a vhtlt to tier daughter, Mr. A. J. Rotierta ut Springfield. Mra. 3. Wussora and Mis Adella Hiirkbart were the guest of Mr. and Mm. J. W. liurkharl last Tueaday. Mr. J.M Settle drove to Alliany, Inst Friday, aecnuipuulnied by Messr. Joseph eSUwurt, Cbailea Gel. try and B. Uenlrv. Mr. Whltten, late fnim tbeeaat, baa bough: Peter LnForge'e ranch near Hiaiaville, Mr. Whlleeu lntendatogo Into the bog bualueaa. Married, on Monday, the 22d, at the court bouae in Albany, by Judge Dun can, Mr. A. Willlaiue and Miaa A. Itahn, both of Llnu county - The meeting at the M.E. church 8ouib ia alili going on. Rev. T. P. . Hayues returned home yeaterday but Rev. Crow of Harriabuig la expected here today. The wiuieeara who were subpoauaed fruui tiiia place to appear before the Uulted Wlale grand jury at Portlaud, : on the Jennings' counterfeiting caw went down laat Tuesday. Mia Huttle Tbouiuaon of Cottage Omve, la the gueat of Mra. 0 Walker and Mra. W. Hurl. Bhe ia alao a dele gale to the Kiuekuh Male convention Wiiich uieeta at baleui May 18. There la only two weeka more of public school. Aa there la money enough to run aiiother uiontb llaeeme like It might be a good Idea if the dl- fedora would extend the lime for one month longer. ; Mr. Phil Kilter, administrator of the eataleof Laura Eiiiullne Taylor de eawd,old ai auclion laat MoiuIhj- her residence ahuuled In J. M. Ralaluu'a addllliou to Lebanon.' The property . waa bought by Mr. Joe K lao for 1300. Mr. A B Lovi alland wile of Ben ton euuty were vadtiug with relatlvea and frleiida In Leluinou the flint of the week. Miaa Llllie Loveuil aouuni punled them bouieon Tueaday, where he will vlalt for a while. Mra, WJtliuui Rulaton of Alliany waa taken aerioualy III luat Monday uioru U1 by reuaou of a rupture of a blood veaael iu her head. It waa feared for a while It might prove fatial;bu. the bleeding w estopped and abe la now improving. Prof. G. W. Wilkes, L. A. Wiley, Mra. Fronk, Misses Fannie Grigga aud Alllr Ttniple, all or the touchers or our puollu achool left Wedneaday after noon for Alliany where they will at teud the county Inatitute which la lu session iu thai city tills week. Mra. Coleman hue resigned her posl tl.ni b teacher of district Ko. 81, very niuuh to the regret or but li ppla and falroiia of the Heboid, Her aueeeaaot Mr. MuyWrry cornea well recoru mended; and will no doubt prove hhu elf worthy of the coiitldrnee repiwd In hiu). Mr. W. E. Chandler hua bought Mr. V. F. Ayi i'H' ploiiibing and tin toola anil Intends m iprii a tin and atuve (tore In thlacity about (lie flratof May. ... He will buy an wulre new atock of gooda. Mr. Chandler la a good work man lu that Hue and he Informed ua thut lie propoaea to work at hard time price. 4 ' Tlie Express force returns many tluinka to Fay Do'nncu fir bringing up a nice plale of wed. log cuke A curd on one aide of I he plute read: "O'lfll mi nti of Mr mid Mra. J. M. Homers." jrunythlng niakea prlntera huppy, It la wedding cake, and the larger tl.e p ate, the happier we are. At the meeting of the Republican cluli Wedneaday evening, everything went uamuiHithiy aaoouid be expected, mull one of I be uieinliere auggeated the idea of linitruetlug the delegate to . the atute convention, for free allver and tlie eleeliou of Untied State sen or by direct vote of the people. Till brought on a ahort out aplrited debute tin Hie allver question, mid there not bi'lnit a majority of the memtu-ra prea aeiit, the club iiilourn d to meet next idueeday aviulng, at which lima a W. Claude Ayera vlalted Alliany Tueaday, Mayer 4 Kimbrough wants your produoe. . Old paper fur aale here at live cent per dozen. Smith baajuatadded fifty new bftbk to hia circulating library, Attorney W. M. Brown waa doing bualueaa lu Albany yesterdny. You can get 8 loavea of bread at Mayer A Klmbroughfor 25 eta. If you want to buy property coll on or write Peterson A Andrews. If you want to sell property list It witb Peteraon A Andrewa, Mn. B. F. Kik waa visiting her sla ter In Albany tbe flint of the week. Pugh A Munacy want your produce and will puy you the highest price paid. Mr. Ed Kellenberger killed another large beef thla week. It dressed Ilia pound. I'ugh A Uiintcy are ulwuya ahead on fresh groceries ut prices aa low us tbe lowest. Dr. G.W. Cbeadle's oftloc hours trom 10 a. m., till 6 p. m. Office over City Drugstore. . Mcaar. Asa Uul;r anil D-d Boslar rede their bicycles to Alb any and buck yesterday. Mra. M. J. Cooper, atep-mothor of Mr. C. A. Elsou, left yeaterday for Salem. Win n you waul to buy usuit of cloth lug you will aave money by gelling it ut Bach'a. Mra. R. li. Curl and little daughter of Browuavlll ', lias been Ike Quests of Mra. J.C. Bllyeu this week. Pugh & Muncy hive just received their apriug stuck of hats which they are aelliug.cheaper tliau ever. G. W. Aldrlcb, proprietor of the Champion Mills, of Ibis city shipped a carload of flour to Loa Angles this week. i All knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle at once. M. A. MlLLEK. If you want anything lu the bard ware or tinware Hue now ia tbe time to buy aa Carniun A Co. are selling out below coat. Don't wait till tbe days gel hot, but oouie now while the air ia freab and cool, and bave your phoios taken at Boyd' Gallery, Pugh AMuucy bave lust recived a large Invoice nl ladles' children' uud meu'aabth. Bee them and you will buy them. Mr. W. B. Douaca Inn shipped eight carlouda of polittnca to Haciunieilto this week. He Informs us that he will have about seven mote to ship These hard times we want to suve all we can, but of course we have to eat, till you will save some by getting your groc cries at SI. P. Bach'. Mr. F. U. Hickok, B. P. Agent, at this place Inforiuid U yeaterday that the railroad company would put in a two peu atock yard at thia place Is: the near future. Agent Hickok Informed ua yeater day that he would ship outof Lebanon thlB week about 18 cur load of pota toes, poultry, paper, merchandise, elc This seems like there Is some business going on around Lebanou, Ladies If you are ihiukli g of avtting a pair if aline or a in w dress next week, you will want to know where to get the liesl for tlie leuat money. Mr. Baker always curries the heal. Mr. R. A, Uurss, lately of Tbarp, Wla., hue decided to loente iM Lebanon after looking around over the valley for aome time. He lina aent fur hia family and ex peels them out here lu a few week. Ho think aeverul oilier families will oouie out fioui there lu tbe near future. Ladles, If you wuut a good cher-p shoe for yourself, d n't forget to go to linker's or send for his 99c, U i, f 1.50 12.00 or 12.60, the best In the world for l lie money. Hia luoito ia, never to ia; under sold, Prof Louia Ruriiee went over to Drain Haluidiiy. While there he ac cepted the editorship of the Slate School Journal, anil will assume Hie duties of that position May 1. This, together ulili his school, will make the professor u very busy man for the n 'Xt year Jifleisnii Rview. The atock i f alovea uud hardware of the Arm of Matthew & Washburn of Alliany, waa aold at sln rlff aale lust Monday. It wus bid in by W, H. Goltiaon behalf of I be Linn Bank for $4100. The atock Invoiced about, 8U00. Tbe amount bid will about cover Hie local cluin a wh cli were assign d to B.W. Dodd. Last Friday Mr, 1. W. Menzles was out ut hia barn with hia children when the oldest little girl, Ida, fell Into the well. The water n tlie well is about ten feet deep, but us Mr. Menziea wua close oy wnen she Ml in, and it waa only about six feet In the water, lie reached down fork bundle which the little girl caught hold of until he got a bucket down to her, which ehe then took hold of and wua drawn out. Mr. M?uziea also got fastened In lb? top of the well while trying to get her ou', but soon got himself loosened It was certululy . ua ow ecp for tUe UtU Hiram liaker buys all kind of furs. Mr. A. B. Purvla baa been quite alck this week. Mr. Hopkins of the firm of Hopkins Bros, of Albany, was on our street Tuesday. Mayer A Kiuibrougli will pay you Seta. -per pound In cash for your chickens, ducks and turkeys. Hon. J. K. Weatlierford of Albany, waa in the city for a short time Mon day on hia way home from Waterloo. Pearl Rebekah Lodge No.' 47 1. O. O F. will give a social and supper on the evening of April 2fl. All cordially In vited. Supper 26 cents. Spring has come and now is a good time to have tome photos taken. Drop lu at the Lebanon Art Gallery and get prices. Ou Tuesday April 30, The Ladies Aid Society will give an Ice cream soeiul, Lookout tor particulars next week. I Ladles, summer 'a here and ao are the summer hats at Miss Duiuoud's, Tlie latest, neatest and prices to suit all. Carpete, carpets, Capets. Matting, matting, matting. Buy of the Albany Furniture Co. Bultlinore Block. Al bany, Oregon. There waa a tripplo wedding at Brownsville laat Sunday morning, tlie bridea being the three daughters of Mrs. Brooker. Miss Josie was mar ried to Joseph Harrison. Miss Etta to Allen t'hastan. Mb Ella to William H. Tempietoll. The ludlea of the Cumberland Prea. byterian church will give au ice cream social in thia city a week from tomor row evening. An excellent program will be rendered. A male quarktt from Albany will be present and sing several selections. Misses Maggie and Nellie Whipple arrived her last Friiby on a visit to their Bister, Mrs. H. J. Boyd. Miss Maggie left Tuesday for her home In Portland, but Mies Nellie will remain for a while longer with Mra. iloyd. Prices the very lowest. Calicos and sheetings 20 yds f 1. Hutleens 10, 12, 15 and 18 o. per yd. .We have reduced the pries of cash mer, now eellingSSOc. uorda for 26 c. and 26 c. goods for 22 c. These are our regular 60 c. goods. Wre have jet bead dress trlniminlng nt J the usual price. Fine initial scarf pins 10c. Brownie plus 5c. Fine silk tics 16 and 20 c. SHk Brownie tiee 20 c. Kin kid sboea $1 0. Oxford ties fine H.I0. At the Racket Store. Mr. F. L. Carman shipped hia en lire slock of hardware, tinware, stoves etc.. including his household goods to Aberdeen, Washington,, this week. He chartered a car through. He and his family expect to leave tomorrow. He intends to open a store at Aberdeen similar to the one he had here. Mr. Carman and family have been in our city now nearly two years and during the time he and hlsesthuablewifebave made many warm friends who regret to see them leuve, but extend their beit wishes to them In their new home. . A telegram from Woodhurn of the 24th lust, says: "The Woodi urn post office wus robbed last night of about $1100 in money and postage stamps. The burgluia effected an entrance Ihrough the front door.- '"he knob of the safe was broken off and drill used to open It. W. E. Finzer's private papers, which were In tile Bate, were all taken. Nothing else Was molested save a few 25 cent cigars which were taken out of the store. The hammer and other tools were stolen from the blacksmith shop of Tcharback & Mil ler There is no known clue to the;roh hers." . .. Dr. II. L. Parish, wife and lit t le dauahter arrived in Libaiion lust Tuesday from Kali Francisco. The Dr. is a graduate of Coopers Medical Col lege of Kan Friiociscn and for Hie st four years has lam pracli. ing medi cine iu .Oakland and Sail Francisco, but on uccouiit of tlie licallh of his little daiiichler it became ueeetaary for liliu In muke u change in climate and afler looking around some, lie lias decided to locate III our city; Dr. Parlsli is a pleasant appearing gentle man and comes well recommended. Tim Exphhss Is glwl to welcome him to our city. His nfllee and resilience are in the St. Chuilea. 4 . Ice Cream Social, The Ladies Aid Ho'-loty will give an Ice cream aoeial Tuesday evening April 30, at the Academy. Tile fol lowing program will be rendered: Song By Sun Flower Quartette. Itccibitiou "iloben Linden," .....Ten Young Ladies. Song "Merry Olcaaera," uurtette. heading . Blanch Warner. Kecitalion p..,,....;,.ilot Harris. The Lord's Prayer, , Kive LittleOirls, Instrumental Music, Admission 10 cents. Ice cream and cuke 10 cents. Every body inviUd. Cedar-Posts. FiraicluRs cedar posts for sale cheap. Cull nu or address Wnlter Browu, Al bany office, at Fienclie's jewc'iy store or see h, A. Nlckersou at Lebanon, Dr. Pric'g Cream Baking- Powder SEEK AT SHEDDS, A Man Supposed to be Brady, tha Train Robber and Murderer of Bogait, It was reported luat bight that Brady, the murderer of Bogart tn the famous train robbery at Wheatland, Calif,, was in the vicinity of Harris- burg, Considerable telephoning was done up and down the valley. Thia morning Tom Wilson, a former real- dent of thia vicinity, having worked across the river, arrived In Albany by the blind baggage from Cuba. He gave a graphlo account of meeting with a man who Is undoubtedly the murderer of Bogart. At Harrlsburg after the train had started and was go ing at a good speed a man ran and caught ou the blind baggage. He In. juired of Wilson about Portland, and bow to get to British Columbia, and remarked about taking a steamer to China. His description is that of Brudy exactly. Ho had two gold upper teeth, with drooping lower lip, which he seemed to try to Cover up. His head wua bent forward and bis legs were long, eyes prominent, all just like the description. In bis waist go ing down Into hia pauts were two re volvers ready for Instant use, which he tried to keep concealed. When tbe train stopped at Halsey he got ofl and atoopeddown by the tralu with one of the revolvers drawn and eyeing every movement made. He rode to Shedd, when it was getting too light, the train was late, when he got off and disappeared. He asked about whether there was a road around Al bany before leaving. His plan is evid ently to travel by night as far aa possi ble, aud hide lu the day time. Such men are often seen many time before the right man Is caught; hut this man' description is too exact tn leave much doubt of his being Brady. Wilson bos secured a pas to Port land and left on the noon train to join John Mluto and a party who will try aud capture Brady. It was reported this noon that Brady waa seen by the track on tbe Oregon- inn during the forenoon and that a sberiffund another man in disguise a tramps were close on his track. It 1 doubtful If this is tbe right man. Al bany Democrat A Wedding. Hear the mellow wedding bells ,; , ' Golden bells I , What a World of happiuess their barm- 1 . onv foretells! On lust Sunday evening, April 21, 18H5, Miss Lizzie, tbe only daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. W. B. Donaca was uni ted In marriage to John M. Bomers Ksq., of tlie law Arm of Blackburn A Somers, at the residence of the bride' parents iu this city, Rev. J, A. Beatlie, pastor of tlie First Presbyterian church solomuizing the ceremony. The event was a notable one; tbe fair bride being the only daughter of our jiiBtly esteemed, public spirited ncigblKirs and friends, Mr. aud Mrs. W.B. Donaca, a native of thia city where she hua lived from Infancy. Her betiutiful life and noble traits of character have endeared her to all with whom she was acquainted. Young and old of Lebanon vie with etch other III wishing Mrs. Somers happiness and prosperity in ber new life. ... ! Tlie groom ia a rising young lawyer of Albany, of tlie popular law firm of Blackburn & Bonier. He la recog nized by tlie profession as a close student and conscientious attorney w ho bids fuir to uttaiu the front rank among Albany's foremost lawyers, Tlie beautiful home was elaborately decorated with floral eiiibellMimetls; everwhere the taste of the decorator wus apparent, v, bile tlie bridal supper was cliarming iu it bountiful supply of rare dainties. The gueats were: Rev. and Mr. J. H. Bealtle, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Doll- acu, Mr. and Mi's. D. F. Hantaan, Mi-a Belle Martin, Misa Hettle Hen di lcksoii, Miss Ida Cowan, Mr, Henry Kiuger, Mr. James. Whiilaw aud Mr. J. 11. Boyd. Amo :ig the many presents werea set of silver knives and forks by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Douuca, a set ot silver table spoons by Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Donaca, u toilet Bet by Mr. and Mrs. D. F. liaidman, a wutcr set by Mr. uud Mrs Pugh. Ruff Hiutt presented tlie bride with a beautiful Holstelu cow on condition that she would com pel the groom to milk the same regu- lurily morning aud evening. Tlie happy couple took the Monday evening's train for Albany, where they will muke their future home. The people of Lebanon extend to Mr. and Mrs Somers their kindest cou- griitululluiia and good wishes for their liapplueBs and prosperity. The orange blossoms swells, And bursts in wedding bells; And while tbe joyful souuds, Ab halo all surrounds, Two souls are Blle.l with love, Sweet, guileless aa adove, Thus dual hearts that cannot part, Are-held impaled on Cupld'sdart. - Clpango. Dr. H. L. Parish, PUYSICIAXAXD SUBGEOJf, Offli e and Residence In (be Bt, CUarle Hotel, Read, Peacock & Co. LEBANON, Is the place to WE CROW For The New Firm MAYER & KIMBROUGH (Successor to Peeblor) When you want GROCERIES, CROCKERY, TOBAC CO, CONFECTIONERY, Etc., give them a call. Their price are aa low, if in the valley. - Highest Prices Paid for Country Produce. Notice of Executrix. Notice is hereby given to all whom It nay concern, that, by an order of tha County Court for Unit County, Stat of Oregon, th undersigned baa been duly ap pointed and ia now the duly qualified and acting Eiecutrii of th last will and testament of Eugene H. Vim, deceased. All partiei indebted to aaid estate are re quested to make Immediate payment to th undersigned, and all parties having claima against the estate are hereby re quired to present the asm properly vert- tied, within six months from the 5th day of April 1898, th first publication of this notice, to the undersigned t tlie ottlc of Sara'l H. Garland, Lebanon, Ore. K. J. Urn, Ex. of the last will and testament ot Eugene H. Ulm, deceased. SiM'L M. Uabland, Alty. for Executrix. Awarded HlfttMt Ktaort World'g Pair, Odd Mtdal, MMwlatw Fair. CiiEAKI DMflNfl Vjt rrf0 K4. OREGON. get bargains. not lower than anywhere else, Not Quito 800 Seven hundred and ninety-four pair of ladles and mlBses Oxfords, tan and black, ringing In prioe from U to 4 a pair, now on aale at H. E. Vouny'a, Genuine Hair Cloth aud two grade of imltatlau In stock. Blavlc Capo Cloth. Another piece of the heavy serce. Just tbe material for cape. Exactly im tbe goods 1 had before which sold out so quiokly. Many ladies, perhaps yu are waiting for thla goods. 8. E. YOUNG'S, Albany, Or. A Hard Decision. A decision for the plaintiff has been reiidered In Judge Bellinger' court In Portland lu theauit brought by the Bank of California to set aside the deed by which Mrs. J. L, Cowau be came tba owner of the family resi dence on the owner of Fifth ane Ferry street in this city, Whatever may he aaid of the Linn County National Bank failure, It U a fact that the de positors will all be paid in full, a con siderable portion of It already been paid. Mi. Cowan had considerable money of ber own, and It would seem Just tbsl abe stuiuld be entitled to" keep ber home. It to not Improbable tbtt tba case will h tppmM M tb ltlMM.'aafigktbf, -