The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 19, 1895, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
FKIDAY, APRIL 19, 1895,
" gxpttoaion. ,
Mrs. Dumood went to Albany Tues
day evening.
Mr. I. R. Borum drove to Corral lie
last Monday.
Mr. D. W. Warner moved Into the
Wilson Cbue bouse this week
A large number of our oltliem are
going; out and cutting up their next
wlnter'i wood.
Mayer ft Klmbrougb will pa; you
8cta. per pound for your ehlokena,
ducks and turkey.
Mr. D. Bridge ofShelburn to In the
city visiting hie daughter, Mrs. N. W.
Smith, this week,
County surveyor Fisher was In tbe
city this week laying oil some lots In
the Maaonlo cemetery.
George L. Alexander spent last
Saturday and Sunday in Eugene
visiting bis parents.
Mr. A. Btraney, an upholsterer and
repairer of Albany, was In tbe eity
Rev. F. D. Holdman left yesterday
for Salem. He Informed us that be
will soon take charge of a churoh near
that city.
Mrs. W. E. Chandler went to Al
bany last Tuesday evening to visit her
parents. She returned on Wednesday
morning's train.
Pearl Rebekab Lodge No. 4T I. 0. 0
F. will give a social and supper on the
evening of April 26. All cordially In
vited. Bupper 25 cents.
Spring bas oome and now Is a good
time to have some photos taken. Drop
In at the Lebanon Art Gallery and
get prices.
Mr. H. J. Boyd and wife drove over
to Hhedda last Sunday and returned
tbe same day. Mr. Boyd Intends to go
over again today.
Mr. W. J. Guy h is had bis fine
trotting colt brought to from tbe past
ure. Mr. Win Royoe will train him
for Mr. Guy.
Messrs. George Elkins, Ed Unipb
rey, Dol Boslar and Wm Lewis rode
their wheels to Albany aud back last
Bunday on a pleasure trip,
, William Lyon, J. A. Bethune and
W. A. Gibson have leased the Red
Crown Mill und will run It for grist
huntress, 40 lbs. of flour for one bisliel
of wheat.
Rufl Hiatt traded one of his vacant
lots down by Mr. Goan's planer lat
Monday, to Mr. Mossholder for tbe lot
on Main street here Sr. Lsmberaon's
office stsnds. It wi a fine trade for
William J. Ray traded bis residence
and two lots In Lebanon this week to
T. W. Tillman for seventy acres of
fsrming land In Bedford county,
Poetutlster fitulth Informs us that a
change has been made In the Wood
burn and Natron mall route, whereby
towns on that line receive two malls a
day Instead of one as formerly.
Miss Ilda Elklns Is visiting relatives
aud friends In Albany this week. Bhe
will sing next Bunday In the choir of
the Congreaetlnnal church of that city.
Those wbo have the pleasure to hear
Mlas Ilda. will enjoy a treat, as abe Is
a lovely singer.
Duply D. B. Marshal George Hum
phreywasln Lehanon last Saturday
and subpoenaed W, F. Avers, Joseph
Smith, D. D. Shaw, C, H. Klmhmugh
and ('baric Flush to appear before
the U. B grand jury In Portland on
Wednesday tbe 24th of April. It is
supposed, that they are wanted as wit
lessee in tbe counterfeiting case of
The third quarterly meeting will be
held at the M. E. church Saturday
and Sunday, Rev. John Parsons will
preach Saturday evening at 7:80; fol
lowing, which be will bold the quart'
erly conference. Tbe sacrament of the
Lord's Bupper will he administered at
tbe close of the Sunday morning ser
vice, and the lovofeast at 8:30 Suuday
On Salurdnymornlng, April 18,1805,
Mr John Smith, the oldest and most
highly respected citizen of ilbauy,
died, after a lingering Illness, but from
the Immediate effects of la grippe of
only a few days' duration. The de
ceased was born In Crawford county.
Pennsylvalna, on November 12, 1801,
and hence was 98 years, 6 months and
1 day old at tbe lime of hlr death.
The address by President Bloss of
the Agricultural college at Oorvallls.
given at the Presbyterian church last
Friday evening, was attended by a
lurge and appreciative audienoe. Mr.
Blow' lecture brought up many vivid
pictures of Ancient History, and made
one to feel grateful for living to Jhe
Jigm ana civilisation or the nineteenth
century. The program rendered by
tbe pupils of the school was excellent
We take especial pleasure In con
gratulatlng them all. We believe that
the plan of monthly lectures on edu-
CHtlm al topics under the direction of
-.A he Pllhltrt uihrutl It a miuM mnwuh,.
f m4 w4 feyeo fM;
Mayer ft Klmbrougb want your
produce. ' ,
Go to Hiram Baker for you wall
Old paper for a bereat flreoentf
There are eight .saloons and one
brewery In Eugene,
You can get 8 loaves of bread at
Mayer ft Klnibroughlur 26 eta. ,
If you want to bay property call on
or write Peterson Andrews.
If you want to sell property list it
with Peterson A Andrews.
Pugb A Muusey want your produce
aud will pay you the highest price
Salem bas already begun arranging
for a big celebration on the 4th of
July. .
Pugb A Muusey are always ahead
on fresh groceries at prices as low as
the lowest. ..
Dr. G. W. (.'beadle's office hours from
10 a. m., till 6 p. m. Office over City
When you want to buy a suit of cloth
ing you will save money by getting
It at Bach's.
Born, to the wife of William Car-
others, April 17, a daughter. Mother
aud baby both doiug well.
Pugb A Muucy hive just received
their spring stock of hats which they
are selling cheaper than ever.
Prof. Michner, principal of tbe
Brownsville public school, was visiting
in Lebanon hut Saturday.
All knowing themselves indebted to
me will please call and settle at
once. M. A. Milueb,
lilverine is becoming a ooinmou
word all through Oregon. The Ex-
Pftras sees it lu many of its exebages.
If you want anything in the hard
ware or tinware line now is the time
to buy as Carman A Co. arc selling out
below cost.
Don't wait til) tbe days get hot, but
come now while the air is fresh aud
owl, and have your photos taken at
Boyd's Gallery,
Pugb A Muucy have Just recived a
large invoice of ladle' children' and
men's shot. Bee them and you will
buy them.
These hsrd times we want to save all
we can, but of course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
groceries at S. P. Bach's.
Hiram Baker received another large
Invoice of spring goods Ibis week
direct from the east. He Invites the
puolic to call and Inspect these goods
aid get prices.
Lsdies if you are tblukirg of getting
a pair or slroes or a ui w dress uext
week, you will want to know where to
get tbe best for tbe least money. Mr.
Baker always carries tbe best
Lsdies, if you waut a good cheap
shoe for yourself, drn't forget to go to
Baker's or seud for his 99c, $1.26, 11.50
12.00 or 12.50, tbe best in tbe world for
the money. His motto is, never to
be under sold.
Bishop Stanford D. D., of Pennsyl
vania, will begin a meeting at tbe
church in Sodaville, Muuday evening,
April 22. at 7:80. Also Tuesday and
Wednesday afternoons and eveulngs.
Every one Is cordially invited to at
tend and bear him preach.
Monday night our fire department
was aglu called on to pull the hose
cart through tbe muddy street In
double quick time, for the simple act
of a flue burning out. It does seem
like some people could use a little
more judgement in turning In au
Tbe annual report otCounty Superin
tendent Hutbtrford for tbe year end
log March 4, shows the total disburse
ments were 178,625.54, of wblchv48,
685.10 went for teacher's wages, f 18,-
551.77 for new whool buildings, and
tbe reinuluder for repairs, insurance,
Tbe Revival meetings at tbe M, E.
cburob south are still going ou with
mueb interest and will ceutlnue over
Sunday and may be longer. Rev. T.
P. Haynes, of Junction City, is still
here aud Rev. McFarland, of Albany,
intends to return In a few days if bis
wife is so be cau leave.
Messrs. E. E. Aldrfch, A. C. Mo-
Dougal, L. A. Wiley and J. B. Marks,
and Misses Emma Craudall, Muud
A Id rich and Ilda Elkins went to
Albany last Tuesday evening
to hear tbe J Mozart Symphony
Club. Tbey all report tbe music fine
and well worth tbe time spent to
bear it.
When in need of overalls always buy
those wblch are warranted not to rip.
Can't bust 'em overalls with five pook
ets and continuous fly. They am tbe
best and strongest la the market sod
cost' no more than common ones.
Don't forget that tbe largest circulat
ing library In town is at tbe Racket
store, with books at leas thsu half the
regular price,
Prof. J, W. Vogcl, tbe eye specialist
of Salem, who was lu Lebanon for
while returned home last Saturday.
Tbe Prof, fitted quite I Dumber of
glasses while be was here and treated
quite a number of peoples eyes. His
won bas given good satisfaction and
when lie returns b will reoalva a
sW4 .If frff$ f.?
Ben Dodge ha bought him a be
flyole. , , 4
A. H, fjruson returned from tbe
Walton ranch last Sunday.
Mr, 3. F, Hyde was visiting tn
Brownsville several days this week.
Uncle Win Corchorn, of California,
but formerly of Brownsville, was lu
the city a few days this week.
Robert B. Montague bought Ben
Dodge' house and 12 lot near the
Lebanon cemetery this week. .
Mis Little Reed who has been at
tending the medical school in Portland
returned home on Monday.
On Tuesday April SO, Tbe Ladles
Aid Society will give an ice cream
social. Lookout for particulars next
Mr. Charlton who has been visiting
his grandfather, Mr, J. K. Charlton
leftMonday for bis home at Lakevlew,
eastern Oregon.
Mr. J. B. Marks Intend spending
his summer vacation working in the
insurance business. He represents the
State Inaurauce Co., of Salem.
Eugene is to have a gold, silver and
nickel plating establl-hment, claimed
to be tbe only one between Portland
and San Francisco.
Rufl Hiatt Informed us this week
that be has already bought about 800
bead of cattle. He will surely make
something out of them if they still
continue to go up.
1. B. Marks and Henry Smith drove
over to Brownsville last Friday to see
about playing tbe drama, "Broken
Fetter," at that place, but have de
cided not to play It,
Tbe largest judgment obtained at
the last term of the circuit court was
that of J.H. Neil et al., of the Lebanon
paper mill, against tbe Lebanon Ditch
company, for (24,200.
The annual county institute for tbe
teachers of Linn county will be held
at Albany, beginning at 1:30 p. m,
Wednesday, April 24, and closing at
noon Saturday, April 27. The special
features of tbe work to be done during
tbe institute will be a thorough study
of tbe county course of study and a
class in the study of psychology.
U. 8. Marshal Grady last Monday
arrested B a Richardson and Frank
Rosa, at Cascade Locks, for counter
feiting. They are wanted in Nevada,
where tbey did business uuder a man
named Jennings. Tbe men bad
been at Jeflerson; but sent to the
postmaster tbeie to forward their mail
and this led to their arrest It is said
that these two men were around Leb
anon last Bummer aud worked with
tbe Jennings boys. That the Jennings
made tbe money and these two men
passed it for them. They havebeeu
taken to Nevada.
High Fight.
Last Sunday a crowd of Lebanon
boys went up on tbe top of Peterson's
Butte to spend Easter Bunday. Be
sides carrying a large number of eggs
they also took a flask or two of bug
J'lhv. While they were up there an
Albany photographer came along and
wanted to take their pictures so they
were arranged in order, bat it seems
one young man felt too good to stand
still and after trying some time to gel
him still enough for the photographer
to take the group, another boy became
discouraged and hit the first one
uocklng him down and be rolled off
on some rocks which has caused him
to ware a terrible face on him for the
past week. Borne of our boys are now
bragging about having the highest
tight ever fought lu Linn county with-
out Queensberry's rules, but victim
does not seem to appreciate tbe honor
of high fights aud is talking of retali
ating by bavin the fellows arrested
for selling tbe liquor.
A Convict Choir.
A Portland man told the Hun about
a trip to tbe pen: While at tbe pen
itentiary I attended a service, which
was conducted by a-oholr of 16 men,
14 of whom are from Portlaud. A
mong them are Willlson, the ex
preacbed, Rieubart, Lusk and Green.
Green, wbo is serving a 10-years' sen
tence, is conductor, and Lusk is the
orgauist. All have well trained voices
and the songs are excellently rendered
The Portlaud boys also have a choir of
tbeir own, which is known as tbe
Multnomah delegation.
Editor Expkess: We would like
to enquire through the columns of
your valuable paper wha' has become
of our friend " Yaiig-Tse-Klang." Has
be strayed off aud beeu killed by the
Japs, or bas he and his newly born
Epwortb League again crawled Into
their acorn shell. The good people of
Battle Ridge would like to bear from
him again and -as we are loaded for
bim we ourselves would like for him
to oome again if be Is still in the laud
of tbe living. Sinner.
Call Meeting.
To tbe members of the Lebanon Re
publican club. You are requested to
attend a meeting of the club to be
held at 780 p. m April, 24, 1896, at
G. A. A, ball. Important Business to
bt transacted. ... All members please
, f B4 NIC8KHS0M,
Council Proceedings,
The city council met last Tuesday
evening at their regular meeting.
Present, Mayor and all the oounoil.
Minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved.
Tbe Marshal then reported that
there Is a dangerous porch just across
the street from the City hall,
The mayor's veto to ordinance bill
No. 86, was then read to the council
and the question then being, shall the
ordinance become a law, notwith
standing the objection and veto of tbe
mayor. Koll call showed the follow
ing vote; Rico yes, Myers yes, Long
yes, Dalglelsh no, Kellenbergor no
and Bllyeu yes.
So the ordinance becomes a law not
withstanding the objection and veto of
tbe mayor.
A committee from the fire company
theu appeared before the council and
asked that the hand engine be turned
over to the fire company, or that the
same be put lu good order.
Moved and carried that we take the
proposition of the lire touipany under
consideration until our next regular
meeting. Mr. A, B. Nickcrson then
asked the privilege of making some
changes in the doors and stairway to
the ball. Moved aud carried that tbe
request of. Mr. Nlckersou be granted.
Upon motion tbe rules were suspen
ded and the following bills were al
lowed and warrants ordered drawn on
tbe treasury for thesiuae, Dalgleish
A Everett $1.40; George Alexander
Moved and carried to adjourn.
To Ihe Honorable City Council, of
tbe city of Lebanon Linn county,
I herewith re
turn to you ordinance bill No. 36,
without my approval. I have care
fully examined this bill and among
things I desire to call your attention
to certain objectionable features.
p The prov Ision of the bill apply only (
to steam wood saws, while there are
other engines that do even greater
damage to our croes walks n jt included
in this bill which seeks to preserve
aud protect crosswalks. ,
To impose a tax on wood saws will
tend a fear to make tbe business of
sawing wood a monoplv and thereby
raise the price.
I believe an ordinance of this kind
should afford thorough protection to
our cross walks aud at the same time
not tend to create a monopoly of the
business of sawing wood. I herefor veto
tbe ordinance. Signed,
51. A. Miller,
Mayor of tbe City of Lebanon.
The Choral.
Tbe concert given by the Choral
Society at Sautiam Academy lost
Saturday evening was well patronized
by the musio lovers of this city, and
a very deserving aftair. Many of the
renditions showed that thorough work
bas been done iu the musical training
which lias been given at the Acudeiny
during the past school year. The
comic quartet, O. P. R. A., was en
thusiastically encored. Below is the
program, which was highly appreci
ated and good throughout.
Elevate the Sign of Judah."
Haydn Chorus,
Quartet, "Old Kentucky Home,"
Leslie Messrs. Smith, Uniphrey,
Marks and Kiiiibroiifdi.
Duet, "When Life is Brightest." Pin-'
sum C'allie Warner, E. Aldrich.
Bolo, "Oh, Promise Me." J. B. Harks.
T rio,"Protect us Through the Coming
night." Curshnian, Hattie War
ner, ilda Elkins and Callie Warner.
Double Quartet, "The Forest Choir,"
Fairbank Misses Carson, War
ner, Simpson, Aldrich. Messrs.
Lewis, Aldrich. Coleman, and Smith.
Sextet, "The Goat Dells." Bessie .Miller,
Annie Morgan, Pet Smith, Libbie
Morgan, Paulino Adums and Katie
Bolo and Chorus, "How Lovely is
Zion." Wersc-hul Misses Aldrich
and Elkins.
Piano Duet, "Invitation to the
Dance," Weber, Misses Elkins
and Carson,
Solo,"Goodniglit,Farewell." E. Aldrich.
Duet, "A B C! Lesson Duet." Parry.
Ilda Elkins and J. B. Marks.
Quartet, Stars of the Hummer Night."
Misses Aldrich, ('arson, Marks and
Solo, "Bird Song." Ilda Elkins.
Quartet, "O. P. K. A., Leslie
Misses Simpson and Warner.
Messrs. Smith and Marks.
'Oh Hush Thee My Baby." Sullivan
Smith has just added fifty new books
to his circulating library.
$ioo Reward, $ioo,
The readers of thii paper will bo pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cute
in all Its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known in the medical fartcmity. Catarrh
being a constitution a disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
ours is taken internally, acting directly
upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe
system, thereby dlstroying the foundation
of tbe di8easa, and gives the patient
strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe
proprietors have so much faith in lis cures
tivs powers, that they offer Ons Hnnired
Dollars for any case that It fulls to cue,
Send for list ot testimonials. Address.
F. J, CHENEY 4 U0., Toledo, O.
MMetd bS-tiMMttlt, Tfc,
Shoes For. Ladies.
Read, Peacock A Co.
For The
New Firm
(Successor to Peebler)
CO, CONFECTIONERY; Etc, give them a call.
Their price are as low, if not lower than anywhere else,
in the valley. -
Highest Prices Paid for Country
Keeping Up Their Record.
The Roseburg Review says: The
new soldiers' home hoard has just
discovered that the secietury ?if slates'
office stands as a harrier between It
and the treasury, nnd thuMlic legality
of all Its acts as a board is called Into
question. The trouble rests in the fact
that three of the Ave members of the
board failed to file with thu state their
oath of olllce. Henutor Alley, C, B.
Orinsby and one other" Ih. it took the
oath before some one in R'iseburg.
The oath did not reach the secretary's
office until Thursday. Seerctury Kin
caid informed a committee of the board
that ho would honor no hills of the
board until a majority of i htm had
filed oaths in a regular way,
Highest Honors World' Pair.
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powi'tr. ftm
bam Ammonia, Alumoranyotl.iraduitcruti.
The Farrell Case. ,
The Corvallls Times tells of a case
before the grand jury at that city lu
the following gruphio manner: From
wituesBes who were in attendance rtii
the grand jury it was learned that the
norlli end of the county furnished the
gentlemen of the Lexow unmialttce, as
tbe grand jury was called, with some
interesting mutter, Down the river
some two mil s from Albany jii the
Benton county Hide, there Is u grungu
hall, and In that hall several weeks
ago there was a dance. Walter Far
rell, ail Albany blood, attended that
dance, and when the bug juice he
carried in his tank got to working
right good, ho seized a chair and
smashed one of the chandeliers that
hung pendant from celling. The oil
.blazed up, the maidens screamed and
as he yelled ''By here goos for the
other," he smashed the only remain
ing chandelier In the room, The
young men seized their overcoats and
extinguished the fire with great dif
ficulty, and by some unnocountible
freak of fate, Farrell's case came before
the grand Jury of the county. Instead
of bis having been tarred and feath
ered by the brawny young men living
in the north eud of Benton.
Pure Breed Poultry,
W. G. Smith, live miles northeast of
Lebanon, breeds 8. C. Broun and
White Leghorns, S. B. 1 nitibtirgs,
Black Mlnorcas, Light Brabinus, G. C.
Polish and Game Bantams. Eggs fnr
hatching $1 per 18, Orders cnu be
left at Ihe posloilice,
Dr. Price'! Cream Baking Powder
WeMe FM Hfi tnmi,