The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 12, 1895, Image 4

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    Lebanon;' Express.
Fit RAY, APRIL 12, 185.
Taken Prom Our Exchange Through
out the Northwest
Tillamook claims 4500 people.
Salem is building another cannery
V handle this season's small fruit.
Ten carloids of lambs, about
2000 head are being shipped from
Pendleton to Chicago.
Representative Al Lyle is in
Polk county buy:ng cattle for his
Crook county ranch.
The Homer carries 400 to 600
tons of Coob bay coal every trip
from Marshfield to San Francisco.
Two hundred head of Pine and
Eagle valley cattle hsve been
brought into Union to be fed for
the Omaha market.
Sherman county has paid up its
state taxes for 1895, and is proud
that it has yet to be found deliuqu
ent for eithar principal or in
Senator Maxwell is quite ill with
la grippe at his home in Tillamook
county. He has been confined to
his bed since his return from
Corvallis is scandalized by the
report which is commonly repeated
on the street, that a negro wench
luu been dancing naked before
groups of men and boys.
School Superintendent Newburg,
t.f Jackson county, is laid up, from
the effects of stepping on a nail
lust week. It penetrated his foot
and is likely to be followed by ser
ious complications.
Joseph Berry, a pioneer of the
Airlie neighborhood, recently re
ceived $10,000 from the estate of a
rbiladclDhia relative and has
bought 200 acres of land from Sol
Stump at $22 an acre.
Gabe Long, of Bickleton, Gill
iam county, had the misfortune to
lose his two-year-old child by
-drowning. The child foil into the
well, and life was extinct when the
remaius were taken out.
At Lafayette a gang of bridge
carpenters is covering the railroad
bridge across the Yamhill. The
railroad company seems to be mak
ing substantial and needful im
provements along the line.
The Southerd Pacific his a pile
driver at work at Kewberg driving
some 80 Cirt piles, preparitory to
putting in a new 100-foot span
across Chehulem creek. Some of
the timbers in this span measure
112 feet in length.
Thirty sheep-sheirers will be
employed at the Cunningham!
sheep ranch in Umatilla county
this season. It is expected the
total clip will reach 300,000
pounds. The sheep to be shorn
number 20,000, and are in prime
The dog question has begun to
bother the Kewberg council al
ready, and a new summer ordin
ance has been passed condemning
to death by shooting at the hands
of the marshal, all dogs which
neglect or refuse to pay their
An official letter from the office
of the supreme master workman of
the A. O. C. W., to Moro lodge, lo.
04, of that order, requesting assist
ance for 4000 destitute brethren in
Kebraska, met with prompt re
sponses from the brotherhood in
Sherman county.
The Washington county grand
lury nrnls the county jail "en
tirely unfit and inadequate for the
needs of this county. We deem it
entirely unsafe for the keeping of
criminals or prisoners of any xind,
and so constructed as to be a
veritable man-trap in case of
The Oregon City Newt says that
Victor Keller, the old man whose
eye was put out by a stone thrown
by some hoodlum as he was riding
on a train near Huntington re
cently, had just finished serving a
two yeais' sentence in the peni
tentiary for incest. The News
haads lbs puagttfbi "Was It R-
S. H. Sittou, of Echo, is exten
sively engaged in the stock busi
ness, and save that stockmen arc
uncouragvd by the advanced price
of cattle off the range in June at
12.05 to Oregon buyers, r.nd this
year he has already received an
offer to ship to an Eastern market
at $2.25. Prices, he thinks, may
even run up to $2.50.
Persons coming into Baker City
from the Virtue mine confirm the
report of a rich strike in the
Virtue, and say that the gold nug
gets taken out ranged in value
from $100 to $800, with, of course.
smaller pieces. Superintendent
McXally was in the city Wednes
day, and he appeared to be the
happiest man in town.
Byron Barnard has bought up
all the cattle that he can find for.'enonof nature. The death of Dr.!
li imnnJ V-iaa!! n11uf' Vrl ' T !... .... .,.-.,1 .1. '
-muu u.oi'i "I'M i, ,,tu tauw;u .IICEU IU UiUUTU WtJ
nesday for Prineville, where he is ! deeply. To him ihey attributed
informed 1,000 head can be bought, j great powers and the usual wonder
Dnring the past 10 days he has jfal cures by means of magic. Had
bad men buying for him in Grant
and Crook counties, and will prob -
sbly get 3,000 in all, which he will
ship to Montana from Arlington
and Hcppncr.
McKinley Mitchell, of Gervais,
Lias shipped 80 cars of potatoes
since the season began, and he
estimates that 150 carloads have
been sent from Gervais and vicin-j
ityboth by rail and steamer, M
' , ,. , ,
many are delive.ed on the river
bauk,sixand ten miles distance,
These potatoes go to Sun Fran -
Cisco, Arizona, Texas and other ;f district 14.
Eastern points. - I AfP"""0 of wr1 et 1,1 tnr
' road grunted.
Ben Hauxhurst and a Mrs Grif-j petition of E M Fletcher et al for
fitb have been held to answer to 1 county mud, granted,
the Tillamook grand jurv for i Petition of J C Hardain et al for
adultery in $100 bonds tach." The! , . , .
3 IVtithn of i W Gains et al fur
counroom was crowaea aunng me
preliminary examinations, applause ; Bill of Irwiu, Hihiou Cj., $19.75,
being frequent as the cae pro- wan disallowed.
gressed. An application haB been i 811 "r c- Hl,,ne $18 for
made to place the little daughter of i1"""1- t . 0
. . , . ,! Petition for county road at Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith in the care of Homt, ?riinted
the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, of. i application of W W Rowland et
Portland. al for county road, after a content the
D. R. Dale has arrived at Coos ; Petj,i,1'"8 we'e ,:,,t A""a 18 to 13
, , , and the Mail was ordered opened.
Bay and comes prepared to de-j Tbe f()Unwiug mil were ordered
velope the coal property on Ifith- j pjd:
mus slough in which he if? interest- "John Usher, jamtor t 10 oo
ed. A SOO-font tiionni v ill be run
, . , ,. ,
into the vein at once. A shipment ,
of iron to fully prepare for the j
work was received a few davs ago,
and it is fully expected that the
owners will be ready to begin ship-'
mentsofcoal in large quantities
during the present summer. ;
Polk county now has aimoat as'" -. jwjr 7 00
many goats aB sheep. i)t near
AVillamina, William Savage and
son, Buford Stone aiid Allen
locom nave at leas bM; Jotin .
Stump, West of Monmouth, has in ;
th npiffhhnrhnnfl nf 0(V"i .,,,,1
many others have hands of fromsj
20 to 75. Goats are just now extra :
good property, for they will shear h ure )uuuas oi i::o-
hair, which brings about 20 cnUi it liudieriord, npt to 00
a pound ' F M ,!eiii'L'llJ- 1,t'i' clerk 83 86
fE Propst, dep sheriff: OS 66
The members of the co-operative ', Aid Sirs ciurk oo
saw-mill company met in Coburg;''0 fan,i,y so
last Saturday, and, in a degree ;,, c K!m) ai(1 ,w
perfected an organization. Giles ; ot l.user, aid sou
Smith was elected superintendent !BI'zabe,h 0,i,on. aid Bno
j t it r , . i baraU Hinxt, aid 6 00
On account of all inenibers not
being present, the board of dirtPt- j
OTBWae not e'ected A committee
on wae nut, e.ectea. A CoinmiUM.
W88 appointed to examine a mill !
near Yaquina, with a view of pur-'
, ...
chasing game, and a committee ftan
also appointed to find Buitiibie loc-'
uoyernor JLorU 18 in receipt ot an :
acknowlegment, from J. R. Wilson
of Utah, of the recant nf niene nf
.. . x . u 4i :
timber preaeuted by the governor .
of Oregon, a a specimen of thiai
state. Itwillbeu80,linataUeto:f"f,t,JUD'c " on
, , ; J A .Md reon, acct deputing 14 00
be presented to the first le lslaiure ! Oarhmd uiiscellaneoua 26 00
of the
new state. VihWs table ,
is to be composed of samples ofi Ligi.tCo... 22 50
. . ., , . , iBWt wiier, account roads 2 25
wood contributed by the ..overnors
of the states of the Union, 'flie;
sample furnished by Governor
Lord is an oato one. taken from I
ajmud sill of the Mission Bottom j
flouring mill in Marion r-outity.!
This was the first flouring ' raUHdebivd h tue will please call and settle!
ever established in ; Oregon, and
the sUl from which the sample was!
taken had lain in the water 55:
years. Mf. Wilson is mnch elated
over the prize, and assures the ;
governor that it is second to no :
tWlQti) pit Hosirwl j
The Josephine county court has
extended the time of closing tbel
fcesmot mils until May 1.' Out
fat .S..1 .f $43,049.77, tle whole
anirfuii of tax, $9020.81 his so far
been collected by the sheriff, leav
ing a net balance due the county
rl $34,028.96. This balance is due
April 1, and some has been turned
in inee that time.
The Indians on the Umatilla
reserve attribute the heavy wiud
Uonu of Monday to the death of
Dr. Jo, the medicine man, who
passed away to the happy hunting,
grounds. Although generally
thought to have advanced beyond
the stage of superstition, the Ind
ians yet -cling to the crude ideas
i end may easily be inspired with
j awe when observing some phenom
j Dr. Jo lived through the storm, beh
; would have convinced the Indians
j that he caused the wind to blow by
! the aid of the Great Spirit, for he
'seldom failed to turn the works of
(nature to account in holding his;
i reputation at a medicine man.
u. Ouun Woners J M Water.
and J V Pugli together with county
jUligl. J K Dullciin are holding their
j regular nmuhly session.
: J L Berry was appointed constable
gran(ed ,
, 4 "". rout 01)
A K ltmherionl 310 00 1
y j vviiuanfca 12 to j
on 'rawfordoviile roads 60 10
i'r "'1''BU"1- il,eBnt j
Ir I . I 1 or miaua KiYi!
l(r E L lnntt CI. iu!MZZZ i 00
Dr Ji H oiu, ex. insane s
'J'1"" !"."' i-
Kms ,.', i;mt iSam'ZZ"".. IB 45
10 00
A C W T notor rent It 00
. Wi.none, .unions
; Tn,:
rutiu. tic ouu, nHUB.... ZL bi)
Fl.M ,saie n Jr.lict Hamilton,
E I T llm. .nn-eyer. IO 50
b (iPMUtis amttKiuir 71 fat
A itcl eron. sberk..!"!.!". m 66
' -Nmiiiani, eierk!. mi 66
if 'ecorder
l oo
10O 00
y 0 jiorrj8, treasurer S3
ilattie Taylor, aid 10 00
,n!" " mi - 6
5ir'""i Mr" Uarnord' id 6 00 1
y fmtSu!t, ,ldr 8 OO '
Jltnr Jleyom, aid S 00 :
hann, aid 4 OO
vAAiuen,Bin v uu
uili m
.,hn Coclinm, aid 2 eo!
Windham, aid , 7 76 ;
; A b' IWi ll. tuxk inspector.. . 0 00 1
Lmber Klcina. deputy attorney 3 do I
im Elkina & it c Miller, pre. ex 4 OO
'" "
H I" W ill. book. 2 25 .
j i. v0i, wiutie, clerical work 20(
R w Fibw, road - 2 25;
c W Bumgiit, acct poor. io oo
M jauiscn. 'janitor is is
J W fugU, coauuiMtoner It road... 2100
, l Jf M Waters,
25 40
I M lJunduii, roads.... , ,
" ""' !
Mi ik-imu knowing themselves In
aL onw M 1 my 'y-
Cedar Poata
Fit!dt8li w.dar p!l, for ,ule
Cull on or uddres. Walter Brown, Al-
Imuj office, at Funche'i Jewehjr store
f KIJtrn t taUiwiti
Fleasant to take bv old or
young. No griping
j Ihe .root of ttie Liverine
Plant is extensively used in
Norway for the cure of Piles.
Sold by all first class drug
gists. Wholesale Manufactures.
Anchor S Chemical Co.
Lebanon, Oregon.
The Yaquina Route.
Chaa. Clark, Reoelvar,
Direct Line Quick Dispatch
Low Freight Rates.
Connecting with steamer Ho
mer between Ysquina and San
For freight and passenger rates
apply to any agent.
Chas. J. Hexdkys, Son & Co.
Kos. 2 to 8, Market St.,
San Francisco, Cal.
Chas. Olakk, Receiver.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Buy .'u ticMs East over the K. P.
A. R of W. C' Peterwin, L'al oR. ut.
IJlMMolutiou Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that the purtner-
WwiWI. nd the tmnnenihip henHofove
t . .. . D u , . ,
j u'egthiU & rmnhre?. both nartnernliit be-
t. .... I...... t
1 '
ina; cninifnid in the Mvury & Fead busiueaa
In Lelwnon, Linn county, 'Oregon, were on
the 12th day of February 1895 diwolred, P.
31. Smith witb drawing from aaid firms.
r. M U'tfll nl A I1,,,, ill .
' tinue the aame biiBiueaa at the aatne plucea.
oa W'eatfall A I'mprey. All partiea indebted
to the old tirini are earuestily requeateil to
aettle at once. P. SI. Bmith,
G. M. Wbktfau.,
A. I MPllKtr.
First publication, Feb. 22, 16.
A.dmlalMtFiitor'H Notloc
Notice ia hereby given that the umlcr-
ftflftfntimMl hut Iwpn dnlv tirtf.(ittiri hv tlie
County Court of Linn county, Oregon, the
administrator ot the eatale o( A. V.
Croutto, deceued ; and haa duly qualified
uch adminiatralor. All peraon. bav-
ing claima against the estate are hereby
required to present them, with proper
Toucnera, wnoin six momiiB irom the
A ht , ... n,i,.iOT,,. .i,.
office of W. M. Brown, in Lebanon, Linn
county, Oregon.
Haled tliia 22nd. day of January, 1805.
I'hll liiller.
W. M. Brown,
Attorney for Adminiatrator.
Albany Steam Lanndry
All Orders Receive Prompt
L . , . ,
bDcClol liulcS IOl
fUUllJ BBSlllDgS.
j, .i, , "''v
J. E. ADCOX. Aaraint. .'
BASllOk iwIilDBEE, I'roprk'Uir.
We cany first cl.-ri meat, sutb as lit'cf, Mutton, Veal,
Ete. and will endevor to twat all fustomernair.
- Your is Solicited. .
Second Term Commences January 2, 1895.
Normal, College, Preparatory,
Business, Primary and
Music Courses.
Circular Containing
Tuition, Courses of Study,
fully Mailed on Application.
S. A. HANDLE, Principal,
LEBANON, - - - - - OREGON.
Paper Manglxo
To Advertisers.
.,i.f- .....
If you wish to obtuiu the bust
returns from jour advertisements;
. Don't Forget
the important fact that
The Lebanon Express
will give the desired results, as it
Is The Best
Advertising Medium
in Li u n County,
' "
Blacksinllh wmiled, uw who under
stands L'l-li'TuI I'lui'khiiillli work und
especlully linnwuhiit-ini; alio can. do
wixid work for nulling nf wuKmut
and tuncltliiBry trill furnUh Klii.p I'n e
uOuaift for one yuar. Can furuU
;qjtca uuiubor of tools. For furtht r
formation write
A. F. IUbimos.
Uiilky, On-andi,
Full Information regarding
Text-Books, Etc., Cheer
East and South
Of TH k
Soatbern Pacific Co.
I Exirei( irui',, leave ('(inland duily :
;ift " 17vliiiuirid..M.Ar. i Ndb u al
j 10:21' V, M. ! l,v....Wliiy.. ,.Ar. 4:'.'6a.
j 10:1a A. M. j Ar.-San l- ra'licinco hv (7:110 r. U
'1'ln- ttliuvc mo!! b('.i). at nil KrulionsTroui
i Hfirliumt 1(, AMi'i" ii.i:IUMive;lii(i'i'nni.'nt,
i Hla-ial, IJiilM-y. llarriburK. Jntictiun t'ity,
i Irviav, liut-i'tie itnd u!i Htutiuna from Itoiw
i bui'K to Anitlatitf iiiflliflive.
hOHcliuiy mail tla'.ly:
(:).. M. i l, .IWlluad ...Ar7r 4:20 rTi.
12:45 r. . j Lv...A1I.uiiv Ar. 12:1)0 r. H.
!rM: m. . Ar...lln'biiri!I.Lv. I 7:00 A.M.
I al
pa!i(!nir tralna dally (except
S:20 A. . l.v...All,ai.y......Ar. ' 10 :-10 a. .
:Jo a. a. ! Ar...l.i..anon....lA', li:ii. a. ;.
i:m p. . I.V...A U niiv Ar. I K-M r. u.
6:20 P. . ! Ar...ll,anou ...l,v. 6:50 r. H.
DUtiiig Cars on Ogden Route.
P1U4..UAN lil'Ff it Slkkpkks
Second-Class Sleeping Cars At
tiitlmd to all Through Trains.
Wewt Wide IMvlHlun.
BiiTr.E! Po'aruii n ash (Jobvalus.
Mull, train daily li-xcispt Sunday);
7:.'l A. at.' f i...I'iii-t.lBi,f I.. A r.j (:WTj.
l-lfiJM. 1 Ar...t:orvalli. .hv. liUlp. M.
At Allamv and Corvallis niuuuiit with
iraiim 01 urayon ractuc railroad.
Exnriw irain dully (esccpt Sunday): .
4-A(i e. a. I U-Z'. Portland hr'."r X-nTi.
7:S p. M. I Ar.M. Mi,nvilli. hv I (i:(KlA. M. '
- IjaMi-rfBialia.l'ttn.
ada and JCuropc can lis cilituined at lowpat
rams from I. A. Ilmmctt. niwnt, Ilianon. v-
i. , J Koi:)II,I;k, Msitagpr.
. f, ll'0Eli, Asm. 0. t, k yH, At.