The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 12, 1895, Image 1

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    f -
I !S
s ;, ,:,
Oat n V w
,(lf pM mdvauoe,$l HeperycK.)
8li monthii 1
TOree nmitlil .,.............-.....
SIQifle ooptei.................. ......- w
Ono. W. McBndet
John H. Mitchell,)'
Binger Hermann, Conjrcssitian
William P. Lord ; (toveroor
H. R. Klncaid Becrotary of Stute
Phil Metwhan,. - Treasurer
0. M. Irwin Supt. Public Instruction
H. W Leeds State Printer
K. B. Bt-alm,
K. 8. Hl-alin. l
Win. i-. lard,!' .
it. 8. Dean, I
...enipreme juurct
Judfte, J.N. Duncan
Clerk X. Needbaru
Beoorder J. F. Hardman
Sheriff, J- A- McKeron
Seliool Superintendent, A. E. Butberford
Treasurer,.... F- Morri
Assessor W. F. Dcaklns
. jr.. T. T. Fisher
Coroner,.'. K. A. Jayne I
. , I Jonn rugn
Commusioners j j ji. Waters
K. 8. OAUil.EElbH,
oounuilmen. iulE!''
,U. W.K1CE.
City Couucil tneeta n the first and third
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Sacrst Societies.
U.VS TENT, N.i. 7, K. O. T, M -MeeU to G. A.
B. Uall ou Thunder eYciiluff of each week.
TrMiacnt Sir Kniehu are cordially invited lo
Tlrti tbe Teal msettug.
J, A. LuwcraoK, Cum,
GEO. Vf. Kits, R.K.
HONOR LODGE, No. S. A. 0. TJ. W. Meets
very Tuesday evcutug at G. A. R. Hali.
V, ROOD! KB, SI. '.
1. 11. nnu Uec
LriJiNON LOCJE. SO. 47. I. 0. 0. r.-MecM
rrj Saturday eveulusal Odd retkws Hall, l
.kp-m. , A-fWTOSt.0.
W. C. I'ETKBHyS. Sect'y.
Beetsall.O.O. FUtU llrsl aud third vfeduee
aay eveuluK of each mouth.
Him HAtm lUMl'SON, Beefy.
U:tlANUNU)rH.iENo, A. F. 4 A. H. Meet
Haturday cvtmiuK. on or before the full moon in
each month, at Mmonlc Hall, Cor. Main and
irant sta. bojuuruhn hrothera eorolally Invited
to attend.
E. E. Huoucx. W. M,
g, 0. Wal ace. Sec.
UEN'L MEKitiB CAMP, No. 1 Drefcdon of Ore
gon. Sons of Veteraann Meet in 0. A. K. Hall,
overy Baluwlsy evening, eicept the third
oaiurday of each moiilh, maetiuf the third Fri
day instead. All brothers of tlw Buns or Vet
eraui aud coutradesuf tlie U. A. M. are ciirdlally
turned to meet with the Camp.
X. a. Cash, ('apt.
A. Tkiy, flirt Beat.
DINA M. WEST 1UVE, NO. I, U 0. T, M.-Mc-t
on tliesd, 4th aud Mb Friday evcutrut or
each month at 7S p.m. at U. A. K. Hall. Tran
aiotil Lady Maccabees are cordially Invited lo
A.A.IIvuk,' E. K.
bAHAU BAl.rABu. Lady Com.
Sam'l M. Garland.
Veatbertord 4 Wyatt,
Bold pt.t -hilit. do wnl. no rwaltr. Adnj'.fl
ViH ..... nr li.iiitr. NhmIm! in .VP.T
! Ihuliie, tl, . Mure itnd uCic 6rMt oonreo-
:rTllftcw mi'HJ',.' .till.ronpHrtlt.
l tlnif In II if,"i' uionn. a win hi nu ,na
U.i.,1,1,, u 1 in. in.immnnbi. no ton. aork'l
yiUi.ywhni,i.i.j dihtaiic. (JomploU. wmdr tor
Wf 1 two "lh A Can t imt up t.r i,nr I'liOi
Vi 1 (Jn,oroiit(rf iiiilor, no roiwlriiw, lft.1. A Ilia
1 ! Pi'iio. nniT-'iii. A rooitoy m.hfir. Write
11 V. r. Harruuw A Co., Cava 10, Celunliua, 0.
"Cr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
WnrM'a r II ital am IXsl ml,
"Aa old as
the hills" and
never excelled.-
and proven"
is the verdict
o f millions,
Liver Kegn
t lator is 'the
modicme to
which you
can pin your
(mrJl faith for a
1 Id (III mild 'laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
Y 77 ing directly
JL ft f3 and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of LtTar Medicines.
M I hava used yoorHlmmons Liver Reeo
latot a,ud can oonsrleutlously sav it U the
kinaoratl liver mediclnea. 1 oonmiierlt a
medicine chest In Itaelf. UEu. W. JACK
aoa, Taooma, WaahluKtuD.
Has tba I Stama In red on wzmapes.
Sun Jlicgo, Cal. aaja: "Shil::h'B (.'a-
turrh Rinutly is Hie first medicine 1 1
have ever Inund that wnul! do rue any
good." Prit 50e. Bold by N. W.
ChH I ORTAllf A PATFJT f For ft
prompt iwmor ind ten noriMit opinion, write to
M Ij S N V Vit., who 1 1 are bud nmrly ftr rears'
experitinoe in the patent boaiiten. C minmnlctv
tloniftrictly onnfldontiai. A Handbook of In
formation ccmnerninc Fatmta and iiow to ob
tain LliemwTit free. A!ao a cat alogqa pi mdcbtui
ica! and scientific bonk MM free.
Patttiu tHfcro ttiro-ich Mumi A Co, reeeiv
rmttiial notice inibe r it nrl lie Amrrirnn, and
tiiua are brought wtdf 'y ttorellie pnlhcittt
oat emit to tie itiTmi'or. Thin itplpndid paptr,
lasumi wwklf, e!tUir)vl!lt)Ftnitfft.haslTfartiie
lan-oat circtilimrra of auv tcirnriflc work In Uia
World, ;iayiBr. Ppmptf onriH-K ajnt froe.
liHtldiiiK Kfl'tion.unml tily, V,jOa year. StTiale
floiiiea, '2 cetiti. Krcrj nutntwr nontnini beau
tlful pliite. in color, and pliotviaphn of now
hoaMB, with pliiiin, tinu(l!ii( miiUlnr. to rbowtii
Jaiont doblrti' nml 'tirB cintrprta, AMmt
MUNN ft CO, NJW, aiOl BMyaiUWAT.
purify your liKiJ, flt-ttr your enu
pleelion, regulate your Bowfls anil
make your Jwad flear us a WW, 25e.,
60c, and $1.00. rld by N. V. Htuitit.
Itia sold on a. B-uaraiitoo hr all rinio..
asta. It ouras Incipient Consumption
ad la tht beat Ooufili and. Croup Cuxn, ,
Jur sale by K. W. 8inith.
Iimure your property wilb Pekreon,
4 Adnrews. They are aEetits for the
Old Reliable, Home Mutual, A'cw
Zealand, Bpritigfleltl of Mussaeliusettti,
Coiitliieutal, and oilier gMd, reliable
oouipatiirs. They ulao have uioney lo
louu at 8 per cent, in buujs from $200
Iteflt Shoe sotd at the price.
85, 64 & $3.80 Dress Shoe
juiual custom work, cokUiis; irum $6 to $S.
83.60 Police Shoe, 3 Soles
Best Walking Shoe over made. ,
$2.60 and $2 Shoes,
UucqtutlM at the price.
Boys' $2 4t $1.76 School Shoes,
Are the Bust for Service.
Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $1.75
Best Doaaola, Stylish, Perfect Fitting
and aervitieabie. Iteat in the world. All
Myitis, lustst upon havlue; W. L. loualas
tfhoes. Name and irl,f stamped on hot
torn. DOUGLAS, Urocklou, Mass,
Hiram Baker.
Lit-bHii.iu, Oregon.
great Blood purifier gives freshness
and clearness to the Ootttpleetiou and
cures Constipation, 25 cut., 60 ct.,$l.
Buttl I K W, rJUiWi.
Si.oo Bottle. d 5 gi Z J m
One cent a don, "a U-J.iLzM
The Road Will be Reorganized and
Developed. Plans of the New
Company. What Mr.
Hammond Says.
Mr. A. B. Hammond, one of the
nurchnaers of the Oregon Pacific rail
road, arrived in Albany last Monday
aeenuipaniid by Httjierintendeiit Chas.
Clark and Mr. Edwin Btiitie. He will
spend u day or two lit re nnd make a
tour of inspection over the enlire roud,
to familiarize liiuieclf with the exist
ing conditlone.
Mr. Humtuond is a pleasant appear
ing gentleman of abnut 40, whom ap
pearance and conveieatioti at once in
dicate a shrewd, level headed business
During the afternoon in company
with Mr. J. V. Ciwlck, Mr. VV. F.
Crosby and C. L. Custer of Sun Fran
cisco, he visited points of interest about
the city and took a look at the
various Oregon Pacific properly iu
To a Herald reporter Mr. Hnmmond
aid there was nothing In the affairs of
the road that he desired to keep a
secret "We come here," he said, ''to
do business openly nnd aimve board
and" want the r operation of the
public. At present we tre unuble to
proceed with our plutis until the ease
of the appeul of t.'.e continuation is
decided by the supreme cout t. It wua
our Intention to have begun by this
time the improvement of the roud
already built. It will ' cost at least
tSO.CXK) to d this, mid we do not feel
likfespi inline thu much uioney until
we know that we will secure tiie title
In the mini. The purchase price, $1(W
000, is a very siiwll pariinn of the capi
tal to be invested m the to make
ita paying I roj.erty. H il'Singincit.
ey anil must be developed.
Ou;' acli'Hii are now baiidieiippcd by
tile appeal pendii.g lu the autpreiite
court but if that is decided satisfactor
ily, we will first put the roud iu tirst
eluss condition. Then will come the
question of extensions. I am informed
that the people of Eugene and rjulem
are ready to give substantial encour
agement for the extension of the road
to those towns. Jf business JuatiQca it,
we wilfbuild brunches to both towns.
As to the eastern extension, we will
build that as fa-t as t lie business will
Justily aud expect eventually ,to con
nect with one of the through eastern
lines. 1 wus told in Pott bind that the
eastern end of the road diil not amount
to much, lint Instead of such being the
case, I can my that no Ktilroad of the
same length in the United Klales oil
ers so much tonnage iu sight us dues
that part of the 0. P. bciwccu Albany
aud Its present eastern terminus.
There Is in the limber region up the
Korlh Bunllatu nine of ten billion fict
of timber, which If sawed Into lumber
would make a train of ears 8000 miles
long. There is a great lumber industry
to be developed there, and It Is part of
our plau to undertake this, which will
require belttr wharfage In Sou Fran
cisco and the chartering of a line of
steam BcbiHinets to mid from Yaqulna.
We have abundant capital to carry
out our plans, but cannot go oil with
them except In a limited wuv until
the appeal case is settled. I expect to
go over the road, nnd we will then de
teimine upon how aud when that ex
tension will be commenced. We ex
pect to build some eucli year until we
finally carry out our plun for un east
em connection. I have had reports
from Eastern Oregon, and realize that
a great traffic across t he mountains
awults the udveut of a railroad."
Mr. Hammond is naturally pleased
that a new survey has been ordered at
Yaqulna, ai d has confidence that this
harbor will receive just recognition
aud appropriation for further improve
ment. He will probably go to Yaqu
lna today, when he will see the steam
ship Lakuie that comes iu without
trouble drawing eighteen feet of water.
Probate Record.
In estate of Jane Carter, Ed H. M.
Cartel' was appointed administrator.
Bond JI0O0 Inventory filed, l'l'l'
aoiial property, t)00, real, $55. .
Kocond account tiled In estate of 0.
In estate of Fled Mesoelt Inventory
filed; teal properly, t'i.'M; personal,
In estate of Eugene H. Ulm, ap
praisers appointed.
In estate of Hlrnian H, Smith, In
veniory filed; personal property $220.88.
Petition to sell personal property
grunted. ,
l:t estate of A. U. Gatotttee, appllca
culion to sell real estate OrM.rltn
ation returnable May 6.
In estate of Henry H. Irons, N. M.
Newport was appointed lulinlul-trutor
iu place of A. P. Hirous deceased.
J n c-tale ot James McMahnn, in
ventory filed; real properly, $38,980.87;
personal property, $885.45,
The Populist Goes for Its Delinquents.
The Populist goes for Its delinquent
subscribers In th - following very ener
getic milliner: The Oregon Populist Ib
one reform publication which has
come to the point where something
more substantial than promises must
be forthcoming. We do not ask you
to come and make us a gift, but we do
say that the money owed by our delin
quents must be paid or we will be
forced to the conclusion that about
one-half the populis's in this county
are men void tit any principle except
selfishness. If you want your paper
call in and p iy "foi It if you do not
want it act the part of h nestmeu and
pay for what you have had. Don't
force us to consider you bilks and per
sons trying to reap the bent fits of our
luoor and expense. Perhaps those
who owe us for subscriptions are not
aware of the fact. Unless we hear
from them this month we shall bo
compelled to notify them by publish
ing a list of delinquents, withamouuU
A Needle in His Throat.
John Snyder a Grande Ronde
fiouiier, has been troubled for a long
time with some obstruction in his
throat. Lust week he went to a
doctor in La Grande, who, after an ex
amination, with considerable difficulty
succeeded in extracting, with the aid
of forceps, a needle which had lodged
crosswise of the windpipe. The re
moval of the same was a source of
much gratilicatbiu to Mr. Snyder, who
is at a loss lo know how the needle be
came lodged there, as it baa not been
the habit to include needles in the
liiiiiily mi'iiit. His tl.tory is, however,
that the needle must have been iicci
dcnllly dropped Inlo his foud.
Gossip's Should Read.
"Thou shall not bear false witness."
"The devil has a great many tool",
but a lie Is a bundle that fits them all."
"Deliver me from the candid
"A gossip is the chiefest handwork
of the devil and is made in his own
"Liars should have good memories."
"Judge lint lest ye be judged."
"Keep your own hearth i,wept clean
and you'll have no time to look after
that of your neighbor."
"Believe only half that you see und
none that you hear.
Cannot He Excelled.
Oregon has been benefited by the
lessons taught by the hard times dur
ing the past two years, and ill the
future more reliance will be placed on
her resources. Heretofore, every com
modity has beeti Imported, aud the
money sent away. It is to be hoped
that ill the future our producers will
export instead of Import, aud this will
lead to Independence and wealth.
Oregon eggs, butter, hams and bacon
are good enougli for any one, and can
not be excelled afly where.
The Mint Shortage,
WABIIIGTON, Ap'll O.-Offlclul of
of the mint bureau and secret service
division of the treasury department
utterly discredit the storv sent out
that the shortage iu the Carson, Nev.,
mint will reach half a million dollars,
They say they have no information
that the shortage Is more than $90,000
us stated in the Associated Press dis
patch yesterday. They also discreit
the report that the Ban Francisco
Mining Association lias asked to have
all Carson City gold coiu recalled, say
ing no such Information has been re
ceived and there has been no rrold
coined at the Carson mint since May
1, 1893. All coinage prior to that time
at that, as other mints, Is regularly
tested by the government assay com
mission, Pure Breed Poultry.
W. G. Smith, five miles northeast of
Lebanon, breeds B. C. Brown aud
White Lyjliorns, 8. H. i umburgs,
Black Mlnorcas, Light Brahmas, O. C.
Polish and Game Bantams. Eggs for
hatching $1 per 13. Orders cau bo
I, ft at the poslolfice.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WorM't Mr llMrt wvd,
In the mailer of the tisslgiinieut of
Alberlina Krlescl, Continued,
In the matter of the assignment ot
Boenlckc Bros. Final account allowed
and 20 per cent ordered distributed.
J F Hetidrilt agt (! liaber et al Par
tition. Confirmed und lefcicc ordered
to mulie conveyance,
L and M Gerhard, us administrator?,
agt G P Warner el til. Confirmation.
Argued and submitted.
J K Wealherfoid ngt Louisa and
Charles Duncan. Foreclosure. Judg.
ment by default.
8 W Crowder agt Mary E Dickson et
al. foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff.
Attorneys fee set at $75.
L J Houck et ill vs W S Vernon et
al, partition; partition decided: James
Elkins appointed to iimkc partition.
In the matter of assignment of H F
Pound, assignment; final account al
lowed and assignee discharged.
Olivia B Scaton vs Benjamin Cutler
et al, foreclosure of moilgtigc; contin
ued. William Shullz plaintiff and re
spondent vs C C Huuitu defendant aud
appellant, appeal from Justice court;
review sustained and judgment rever
sed. J Laurent vs E S Latin ing et al fore
closure; decree for j lnimifl'; attorney's
Tee set at $350.
Ruth Trinwith vs Henry Trinwith,
divorce; granted, pluintifl: awarded
custody of child.
Kel lie C Brush vs C L Brush, di
vorce; granted.
In the matter of the assignment of
the Oregon Metalic Paint company;
In the matter of the assignment of
Propst & outlier; continued.
In the matter of the fiasignmeut mf
Issue Beam; continued.
J O Bushnell vs Frank I) Wood et
al, foree.osure of mortgage; continued.
Flora E Clifton vs A J Clifton, di
vorce; granted. -.
Mary E Johnson vs Charles Brietzke
et al, foreclosure of mortgage; judg
ment for plaintiff.
Mary J Henderson vs J ,ob W Hei -
demon, divorce; ju.liriueut for plaiutili'. ;
J Shea vs J Mfltear et al, foice.loa- ;
ure; judgment for plaintiff.
J n tile matter of tile assignment of ii
T Henucss; final account allowed and !
assignee discharged. j
In the matter oi (he assignment of i
Al Hamilton; sale of real estate or
dered and continued.
D M Buehner vs C S Cohen and
rsaiuM Bissinger, foicelosure of mortg
age; judgment by default.
John Brewster va .1 D Walton and
SJ Walton et al, foreclosure of mortg
age; judgment by default.
8 E Young va G W and Sarah Luper
foreclosure; judgment by default. ,
LFIinnvsGW and f-ttruli Luper,
fortclosurer; Judgment by default.
F M Jack et al va Lorett Hale et al,
partition; partition decreed.
In the case of J. A. Htui levant vs, J.
L. Cowan ami J. M. llalsioii, as Bank
of Lebanon, the report . of J, V. Yutts,
was opened by the county clerk. The
referee found that the defendant, J. M.
l'alstoli was not liable for the claim of
t lie plaintiff and rendered a verdict ill
favor. A judgment was rendered
ogalntJ. L. Cowan for the amount
asked over $4000. The case w ill collie
before Judge for confirmation
ou Monday.
J M Arthur vs 'f N Humphrey et
ul, foieclosure; Judgment for phiititiit.
L and U Gerhard vs.G P Warner et
al, sale set a side und W. A Buckiier al
lowed to file answer.
George B Shepherd vs John Miller
etal, demurrer sustained and cause
Assignment of SI 10 Hotirn, contin
ued. M J Anderson vs S Anderson, di
vorce; not granted.
Judge Burnett held court lust Mon
day afternoon for two hours and tran
sacted the following business:
J A 8turtevaiit agt J L Cown aud
J M Hal-toll us Bank of Lebanon.
Plaintiffs given until April 20, to move
to set aside report of referee, if made
to be heard In chambers.
Jus G Kelley agt llut'risblirg Water
Power Co. Report of referee set aside
cause recommitted.
Kuapp, Burrell & Co. agt Lltideey,
At issue and continued.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
14 iiwa XuSFi
MO. 7.
wswiM 'ins i Lin i ii mirwie.iw,m ,
Miiilhit Hay agt A L und LitUM
Motrin. Judgment for dofh.
N. P. Slate ogt E F He-,. ley tf al.
Judgment lor pill' for ?12!)..'i).
It N MorrN ast Geo W itagcr.t.
Judgment for plfi; costs ' 11.
JohtiV AkhoiHc n;;t HJMnptiM j .
ul, confirmation. Confirmed.
HE, Young agt W It McPhcrson, ,
Sale confirmed, , '
8 W Dniltl ut Matllc.uB & Wa'Mi.
burn. Judgment for plaintiff, 4
tuched property to lie huH.
Linn Co National Bunk agt Mullh.
ews & Washburn. .Sitnie.
Jloucyimm De Hart & Co agt Mr.!,
thews & Washburn. Bunny
Detroit Stove Works Bgt Matthew'
Washburn. Same.
' Goldsmith & Loewcnuerg' agt Mat
thews A Washburn'.. S ame,
Jus McKeralo. agt II Hawlereoti.
Judgment for plaintiff.
Died in His Bath Tub.
"SEATTLE, Wn., April o.-Thm
community wasshocki d and startled
this morning by. the news (hut Gcorgo
Hoilhrun, the banker, i iv. ycr ,i:t t
JournnlM, had been found dead in biV
tub at lbs residence. Mr. H, l!,rH
rose at 8:15, and as is his usual,
after getting the morning paper, ei,5
to the bath tub lo tend it. He iisua'iiy
spent about an hour In the- bath, per-',
using the morning paper. This morn-,
lug he remained longer than usual,
and the servant, Mrs. Hayttes, became
alarmed and told Mrs. Heilliron.
8he told the servant to go aud see
what the matter was. The scrvaui,
knocked ou the door and there was no
answer. She pushed open the door,
and was surprised and horrified to dis
cover Mr. Heilliron dead. Mr. Hell
bron usual y esterday ami
appeared to bo iu tho best of health.
Dr. Kharplcsa was summoned, end af
ter making a careful examination of
the body declared that death was dtia
to apoplexy. '
M. Hciibi'on leaves his family in
good circumstances. Besides having ii :
private Mate his life was i:isiin d f..e
140,(100. Vho deceased wr.s ru.,,,
editor aud otvnu! ,i:;-t Iii; ihti rut a:
the Post-lutellii., i,,vr. ii.- :;s ii!s
manager of th,, (.ftioraiit.-e Loan .
Iru-t cemp.'in.c, a ..nJiUf bank of ilia
city, ami ws SI year of';;e, and a lat
tice of Bust oil.
'ijyui:; Froir, Gturcaiicn. '
iSAN FiU.Neisro, April li.-Tlie
spectacle of a niiddlc-ugid woman fall
ing In a taint near the corner of Eddy
and Leavenworth streets yesterday af
ternoon attracted quite a crowd. Those
passing paid It .tic? attention, until they
wcrs Informed that the woman hail
collapsed by reason of exhaustion
caused by starvation. When taken to
a restaurant, the woman said her
numn tyrs, Sullivan. She at riiei!
here from Portland u few wee' a-;.-.
"I have suffered frigh!l'n!l," re
marked AIiH- .StlSii vim. "jiy health U
very pour, nnd owing lo lack friiimv( '
I Win) 111, able U ;.!Vn.Ul'i; sn, il I I;iie.; a..
I needed to sustain n.y E,ieii-.i!i. I
could find no (-!iij-!f)j-:iu in, t od ti,o
few cents I laid whenI anivid he:-,
soon disappeared. I tried to secti;-o
work mid failed. After repealed fail
urea to get anything, nnd Iv'nj; tin.
willing lo be;;, I went, to my room to.
die." Mrs. iSuiiicm made the almost
incredible s::iLi.jct that site had not
eaten anything for four days. Or
Wilcox i'lonnunced her case one of
physical exhausting, clearly due tti
prolonged lasting. She ia now being
cared for by Mrs. Boothby. She will
tie removed to a hospital for traitintnt. ,
Torn to Pieces.
SIOOX'CITY, la., n,--C. E.
Converse, a wealthy runcbnuiu, living
nciir Jcllcrfin, it small town iu thin
vicinity, met u liortible death last
night at tbe hands of a iiiunlac, -who
Imagined hiiusuifto he. n vampire, and
attacking his victim, literally devoured
him ulivu. The lunatic tuel t!iutverso
us he wits returning home from town
bile at night. Instantly he set upon
hint, dragged him to the erotu d und
tore him lo pieces with ha, teeth aud
nulls. Nothing was known of the af
fair until the next morning, when tho
man appeared at Jcll'crsun cov
ered with blood and began to boast of
his exploit. Thcluuatlc is supposed to
have escaped from an asylum,