I,obanoii Express. i-:.IIAY, APRIL S, I N STATE AND COAST. V '.'.en From Our Exchange Through out the Northwest, 1T,IKX) acres of land will be open to tiie public at the SileU reserva tinn in a few weeks. The Columbia mine, of Baker r -li.'.ty, ling tlie machinery on the iruv from the East fur a 10 stamp mill. John R. Beegle, of St Helen's, nrusident of the Oregon Press As sociation, lias received an invita tion for the association to visit the Atlanta exposition during October, 1S:5. The Throe Sisters has been em plovcd this week in carrying to Curvalli 2U,00C bushels of wheat stored luBt fall in the Booneville v .i.ehsjuse, and owned by the Ronton mills. The State Suuday School con- veotion will be held in Portland 5iiy7-9, the tenth annual ineet ir.g. Arrangements are being wade -to make it of more than or Uiuary interest. j The sum of (150 is on deposit in the La Grande National bank, mid the same will be paid ob a reward for information that will lead to the conviction of the party who has poisoned the dogs in La lirande. A half column item in the Salem Poet is headed: "Starving to Bea'h. A Sad Case Within the Very Walls of Silem. A Mother iuid Seven Children Together With Two Old People Greatly in Seed of Food." D'!wn near ForeBt Grove a hen has made a nest and is laying eggs in it fifty feet from the ground in the fork of an oak tree. She pro i;:i8 that neither man, woman nor varmint shall interfere with her !'Uiiseis. Ex. 5. B. Vortuingtn, the rustling proprietor of the Kalamath Falls Express. ha3 gold the paper to .)eili G. Pierce and George F. ''anisworth. Worthiogton is look ing for another location, and de serves a good one. Floyd Vaughan, utile in se.irch of his runaway boy, drove from Eugene to Comstoct and retnrn, a distance of 67 miles, from 8;30 in the morning to 9 o'clock at night. This is good lime fur a single'! horse. Eugene Gu?rd. The steamer Homer made its last trip from Yaquina on Monday. She will hereafter be in the service i'f. Hit Spieckles with Captain Drisca in command. The Scotia will take her place, and another steamer will be employed. Private letters from Indiana state Ih .t from the middle of Jan uary, to the middle of February, there were not more than four in-.iriiings when the mercury was above zero, and during that time there were days whea the mercury tr.ood below zero all day. Thursday at Corvallis a deed was filed in fte recorder's office, conveying to the Corvallie Lumber Company title to the Friendly sawmill phmt. The document was executed by S. L. Shedd, as trustee, and the consideration was 15,815.95. t'orvallis people will he disap pointed when the census returns ate all in. Assessor Alexander lias practically completed the enumeration of the city, with the exceptiou of Job's addition, and gives it as his opinion that the total population will not reach 2000. . A first class cabin passage from Portland to San Francisco can now he had for 112. The steerage rate is 6. Thin it a reduction of $4 in the cabin and 12 in the steerage. The Oregon Railway & Navigation Company has made the cut in order to offset the -rate now in effect between San Francisco and Pugflt Sound points. It is out known how Jojig the reduced tariff will continue, but presumably t-.iii.il tLd Usual ralt Wind from tnnM futa The Curry couuty otter hunters E. P. Thorp of the Cottage-Grove-have bad bad luck up to the pre-jEcho-Lemati-Leader, in his paper sent No otters have been billed, ;if last week gives this city quite a and a fine otter boat belonging to' nice write-up. Yet he complained Mel Fitrhttgh was stove mi a rock, i..f too unclean -condition of the was rendered useless, while Eia 1 Vi:-; s. which leads us to wander Jessinc was badly bruised by being v, hat Uo was doing in the back jammed between a bout and a ; rock, 'orders mentioned. A petition is in circulation i.ij Toe Southern Pacific railroad Benton county asking . that :i ' will haul a carload of sugar from deputies of county officials be -rut I Portland, to Albany, 80 miles for off. The present allowances by ' " rents a hundred, $14 a carload the ftounty court for deputies are, ;f 10 t.ms. From Albany toEu tr recorder, $20 per month; !or;-we, J4 miles, the charge is 2S clerk, $70 per month; and for jeents a hundred, or $46 acaiload deputy sheriffs, $100 per month;'01 tons. CRn anyone wonder total, $190 per month. lhat our merchants, whenever The Pacific can factory now have their full complement of niashin-i r ery running on cans and are turn ing out on an average 12O,0W daily. Sext year they expect to! use nothing but American tin j plate, as the San Francisco factory will add a tin-plate dipping de-i partment to their business. Tuesday afternoon the infant daughter of D. V. Pricbard. of Cor- ' vallis, aged 15 days, breathed i'f last. It is said to have been a' marvel of littleness, being only about 12 inches in length, yet was perfectly developed, having re-: golsr features and a bca'itiful face. The remains of the little one were interred Tbnrsdav. The Lincoln County Record is the name of a paper soon to lie. issned at .Newport. It is to be published by B. F. Jones, of this plice, and S. G. Irvin, of Newport, j It will be a weekly six column ! folio, and w:ll be devoted to the j interests of Lincoln county, par ticularly to the real estate and im migration interests. Jim Lindsley, of Bly, Klamath county, gave bis 18 year-old daugh ter, Dora, a seyere beating. Dur ing the melee the daught-r g.it hold of a butcher-knife and whucked her father a terrible blow across the forehead that t Ucpendcd operations of the father's favorite pastime indefinately. Kr. Linds ley is recovering. In the niiu-iml storm of last week at Tillamook bay, more or less damage is reported. Al Bunn of Beaver, lost six head of cattlu. They were standing under a large tree, which was hroken in pieces i W T Porter vs J C Handler, fore and all the cattie under it were!clui of mortgage; continued ... ,. , , .. , , , i M.J King, as executrix, va Newton ei herknled by the stroke orhy i,,,. frrt.l.ureof mortgage; judg falling pieces of timber. Other i mei by default, damage of minor importance isj Margaret Brattaiti et al vs Bice reported. 'uillwoith etal, partition; partition de- ,,,,-. , ! creed, KM Lamar tn Diuke partition. The Portland Chinese merchants j WeHhillgl,m Mm Buil(ling h t recently made complaint that ! j aii vs ES!a F MrFbenmo et l, Astoria were sending rice to Port-' fqreeUnurer J' uiortguge; judgment try land and selling it below what it! default. oosi to bring it' from Cliino, with ! .l j . r -, a , i tbe duty of H cents per pound. I Investigation has shov- n that these j merchants by mixing the same: vb T!niius Y Burber et al, foreclosure quality of rice with a little flour, ' o! nmriige; judgmeut for pUmifT. were able to have mixture rated as L K,,i' J' VB 8 0 W"""'- rt "' nt" broken rice, the duty upon which j JaM ile(;flril!y w B(Bird , TUi. is one quarter of one per cciit.l Utk ( ui berk iid Pul.yerian d.uieh, Bret Hart's estimate of thjs.yiavilie, coiifirnintioi); sale cuic "Heathen Ciiinnee," seems to be finuitl. about rLht. I H Wriglit n 1 L and I'usa E ' , " !H","iiJ.eo:ifirmatioii;8alecoiifinied. A stabbing 1b reported froL Bicjj TJMuukers vs Q W and Mary Hill, Donglas county. It seems iJohimon et al, couHrmautiun; aale that it was the regular d:e of the! i'"ned. weekly prayer-mectins at the' Lh... County National bank vs M , , , . . , ; anil I rjueis Hvde, counrmaliuii; sa!e scnool house, but owing "to Ihe;.,,,;,,) stormy weather ot.ly five or six; Duvid Peter..n va Marion 6 Giaw et boys got together. As they were al, nule ordered in two parts, Gilmn waiting for the people to come in a fin,t' Waoo -cond. quarrel arose over a trivh,l matter,' K H Allen ve John 8 Berry et al, . . . . , , , . . foree!i're of mortgage; judgment by started as a joke, and ended in MmH 1 ' ' b ' Bob Moser st.bbing Henry Caster j Marl, Miller et al v D P Miller el with a pocket knife, cutting seven I a), partition; coiitinued. gashes. The injured man is ser-! Edward O'Keil va Lebanon Bant iouslyburt, but will probably rei lam Ca.ml company, foreclosure; judg- coverinduetime. i"'1!-.,. nr I H B Mover vs A T Kuuell and B L In Oregon are six Cuuulies, in . Ruawll, foreclosure; settled. Washington three, in Nerada ' M ale v William Hunter et al, seven, and io California seven that! f"eeloun; Judgment by default. t,.i ..nt, i crf Charles T Craft et al vs Jacob Ledg- nave each more than 5000 souare j i jr ,, , IrewiKid, motion for present sheriff to miles. The largest county in the , d.d; present slierifl ordered to United States is San Bernardino, m!;e deed. east of Los Angeles, Cal. It ! M fiiwnlierg v John Diereuger and covers 21,000 square miles, an area! A 11 HuUl for1,i,utel li'dgmeut by M00 mile. larPer than that ofjA A L Mlge Cova, LHo.lida .New Jersey, Deleware, Conuc'acut L, f,Weure; continued. and Khode Wand combined,' or . G W Pli!llip vs V O Hayue et al, half tbe area of the stale of New j eoi.flrmailoii; aals eonfirmcd. York. Kltmatb county is o:. of j the il ia Ortgon tbat has n;ori Cei" . , tha W0 r;. mil. To wfJ .lieys when he dUcovea'd tae die- possible, rcttise to submit to this extortion and cold blooded robbery , , , , r . land haul by wagons from Harns- burg and Corvallie? Other freight is about in like proportion. It is enough to make a preacher swear. Guard. Yictor Keller, aged 57, resident of Canyon City, was riding on fiat ear loaded with lumber, over the O. R. Sr X. road between Baker City and Huntington, on Sunday afternoon. While the train under full speed was passing a farmhouse a hid standing near the track liuiM a stone about the .dze of a hen egg with full force at the pas senger, who wa alone on the lumber cur, unobserved by the train crew. The stone struck the old gentleman in the left eye, knocking him down and dostroy .ng his sight forever. Tbe old gentleman was badly injured and is without means. Search for the miscreant is being made. Circuit Court. Department number two of the cir cuit court convened yesterday a! 9 a. m.. before Judge H. H. Hewitt The following case were disposed of: P J Porter vs John C Elder, parti tiuii; enndliiiued. In tl-ninticr nf the assignment of George V Smith, wijrumei;t; con tinued. J W Brown vs J B Wirt et al, fore closure of lien; judgmeu' for plaintiff, hut dismissed an to Waterloo Develop ment company. Fred A Brown vs i B Wirt et al, foreclosure cf lien; judgment for plain tiff, hut dismissed as to Waterloo De velopment company Sylvester I'eiinnyer (governor) et al vs William Cochran and W T Coch ran et ul, foreclosure uf mortgage; iudtrmeut bv default. 6 M D n"vh V8LY Bail"-V Ba'1 " J Bailey, fiireelnsure of mortgage; udg- ','. iMm,u investors Mt? f-eeut'y Co (limited) i - LITMUS TIIE GREAT UVER, EIDIET'UD C0KST1PATI0K CXJI1K. The Manager of our Com pany Is a jiractcal physician and chemist, and uothiiiK will pass through his hands j without being first tested raid; proven fully up to the stadaKl; We ask you to procure a bottle of j LIVER1XE ! from ymir drn;git. If he does nt have it in '(H'!;. Hk liiin 1 1 send lo j theAst'Hou 8 Chemical Co., Llj anon, OregiMi, or In ny wholtsak' drug i house, uliorv m i- tj be Had in any quantiliiK d,irod. liverixe i nieuwnt to t fe. 1 1 union, courses ot &tuay, lext-tsooKs, ttc, uneer An.v child wiii tnko it w-n, . uh.;fuH Mai)ed on Application. Eveu balw will nut rtfuBs it. i ! ' - The proper! iig of LIVEKINE are mildly luxativ? lu sniall di"x d .n.tnni .t. ... r..lt duain. It ii,-ts on ilip liver iw no ot'wr compound does mildly, thuMUijiilv, B'ith"Ut Crciltilljr "m"" ri.milln hi- grtpinn;. The lalU r quality ha umde it o general fuvorile Willi wnmi-u hrfnri - anil after confini-nii-nt. LIVERIXE ia al!i un excellent j KIDNEY COMPOUND. A genuine reuovutor of the nvMi-ni i itlmut leaving any bad after effect, j LIVERIXE lias no equal for the; relief of I5DIGKSTIOX, cowd by defective actimi of the Liver or ob-1 strutted Kidueya. LIVER1NE curea auur Btomach, bilious and aiek beadaehea, hitter taateiulhe ninuih, dizziuees, roariuE ringing in the earn, liver wugha, pain i and snreueiis in thti stomach. Juimdiiw, i and all other afleciioiia nf the human i svBtem caused by defective LIV Elt. j LIVEKIN'E is a xwitive aud cer-1 tain core for chrouic ) CONSTIPATION j or diarrlitea caused by derangement : of the Liver. 1'aiu in the hack, acute; pain nr aching in the liijw, ruuoing ! down the thighs and l-i, a henvy , sediment In the urine, pain or mimics in the bladder, pain in pussiiig urine are permanently cured by the proper tiseofLIVERI.VE. I After taking LIVEIILSE for a time ; it frequently communicates a briuhl, ! healthy straw color to the urine, proving that the bile is being climin- j ated through the kidneys as it should , be. ! Acoullnued use of LIVERIXE in-J creases imtead of ' destroying the appetite. By its wonderful tonic! effect it differs from other preparo-1 lions by tbe dose not having to bej tbe important fact that increased by long taking. It may be j taken by young or old with perfect j safety. iThe Lebanon Express LIVERISE is a purely VEGET- j ABLE preparation, and lias lsu submitted to the lest of some of our best pbyaicians, who speak in its praise. j The done for an adult is from a teaspoonful to u tablespoouful three i times a day, before meals. Doe for achild one vear old 20 to 30 drons. a child one year old 20 to 30 drops. increased or decreased as required. Some of the most prominent people! of this eily and Albany bave been taking LIVERINE for two nonths: past, aud are loud in lit praise. i Aschor S Chemical Co. i Cedar Posls. Firatclass cedar posla for sale cheap. Call on or address Walter Brown, Al bany office, at Frenetic's jewe'iy store or see b. A. Xlckerson at Lehauon. SHILOH R CCRE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, Is tn great riemnnd. Pooketalw ouiitulns twntyflve ooly Me. CUiidrsi. iura II, oi by K W, mm - EUREKA MEAT MARKET. BASHOR&WHIDBEE, Proprietor. ! Wo carry first tin s meat, ' Etc. ami will endevtir to treat Your Patru;:aie is Solicited. 1854. Santi am Second Term Commences January 2, 1895. S j Normal, College, Preparatory, Business, Music Courses. Circular Containinfr S. A. RANDLE, Principal, j l-I.DnlUI'i j ' i " j A. H. CRUSON Paper Hanging To Advertisers. If you wish lo obtuiu the best returns from jour advertisements Don't Forget will give the desired results, us it Is The Best AHvprtisinff Medium AQVerXISmg ITieUIUITl in Linn County. No-.lce. lilaekHiilth wniited, one wlio under stunds t-ii-ru.1 blui!iisuiith work and especially horseshoeing ulso can do wood wrk for repairing of wagon. and machinery, will funiWb shop free (ifchnige fur una yt-i-r. ( an fjruUli q iltr a number of tools, for furtiisr tiiforinailun wrlta A. f. lUMU-lox, such as Besf, Mutton, Veal, all customers fair. 1895. mmary ana Full Information regarding OREGON. and Ghainexg East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Express trains leave Portlniid daily: I): 16 r.i. l,v...l'ortiand., ,Vr. :20 a. a 4:20 a. H 7:00 r. at lft:l r. u. I,v...Allisny.. ..Ar. 111:15 a. m. Ar.Mun 1-ranclwo Lv The above trsjns stop at all atatioiis from rortiRtid to Albany inclusive: also Tsneetit, Hiietld, ilaliH-y, Marridlnirg. Junction I'ity, Irving, Kugene and all stations troiu JRose burg to Ashland inclusive. Itoseliurg mail daily : s:W aVm.'i XvPortlaiid ...Ar. itmr."i. 12:46 p. x. Lr...Alimny.,....Ar. 12:.10p. a. o:wir. m. i Ar...Koenunr..i.v. 7:Wi. a. Local pasienger trainsdaily (uicept Sumiuy. 8:20 a. m. :IUa. h. 4:W s. M. 6:20 P.M. Lv.,.AIbsny......Ar. ' 10:40 Ar...llianou....Lv. :40 a. v. Lr... Albany Ar. 0:45 p. . Ar.. . Lebanon ...Lv. I b:Wr.u. Dijiing Can on Ogden, Routt. Pullman Bckfjt Sleefbhp. AKD Becond-Clasa Sleeping Cart At tached to all Through Train. Wt Sid Division. Bnwxni Vowimv akc Cosvau.ii. Mall train--drilTjewit Sunday): 7:30 a. i7 Lv...Portiaud .Ar. PtjlH A. . 12:lfi p. a. I Ar...i:..rvuliU..Lv. 1 iliO p. M. At Albane and Corvaltls connect with trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. i'.irea train dolly (aioapt Sunday)) TriOlTliTnCvTrFoSland ...Ar. ; 7:."6 p. M. : Ar.McMliiovlllf Lv 8:29 a. h. 6:60 a. M. THROUGH TICKETS I""1 tf"u ajupieru mmie, uan- Ja and Eiirojn nan U oitalnul at lovssl rawl from I, A. ntnimt, ufmy Lstwana. P. Kiir-ULICR. Msasasr. ft. t. Mt(Ni 4. A, t. fails Academy