The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 05, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 6.
IS l
Mi Montba... ....
Tltreamnntlw ...... .....,...........
Blng-ls niv.....- "
Oeo. W. Hefiridai .Senators
Jolm H. ntitohell.l
Bil.ger HenuMf Congressman
-u .m:.... b inrri Oovcntor
V H. It. KluJaL,.... secretary 01 n
PhlHHlihn;.-....'. Treasurer
""a.,M. lrwin,i.-..8nj. Public Induction
tL Zfy. IjHrfa,...; ....8tate mntcr
....Supreme Judges
k Recorder,.: - .D.r.aarunian
Huenn - -
School BuiriiiUuetit,..-.A. R. Buthorford
Treasurer - P. G. Morris
Amm - .....W.F.Iteakln.
Surveyor E.T.T. Fisher
.Coroner... - ....R. A. Jay,
.". , ) John I'ngh
' Cojunueaioucra, j . M. Waters
attttikDKK -W. N. MtOW.N.
f EI). KELLENBr.IililtK,
8. H. MYERS.
a. W. KICK.
Clti Counoil niecK U rirat and third
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Saorat Soclatlas.
LINK TKNT, No. 7, K. 0 T, M.-Moel" In Q. A
n Hall on Tirondar vonlna of earjj mk
Transient air Knwhu are cordially Invllcd to
TUll tha Xi'Jrt mwflni.
J. A. LannniaoK, van,
Gsc.W. K.
ilUSOR LOHUE. Ko. S8, A. O. 0. W,
tmi Tuoaday evenlnc at 0. A. K. Ball.
I.k. Boai'j Bee.
LiOIASOK L0D01S, SO. 47, 1,0. 0. F.-Maeta
etury Batiwiay avenlut ai Odd Follow. Kali, at
I. 'clock,... A. E. DAVIS, N. Q.
w. c. mxitiioN, sxvj.
PKARLItEMSCCA LOIXiE, NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. F.-
atactt at 2. 0. 0. F Uall oral and third Wudnwt-
Aay n euaga of each month.
Saturday evenlus. on or before the full moon in
ach owns, at Mnaunic Hall, Cor. Main and
Maul M. Sajournlmr InvUwru conilally Invited
lo attend.
S. E., W. M,
B. 0. Wallace. Sec.
UEN'LllKIUOBCAMP, Dhrkatm of Ore.
,on, Bona of Vcternans-Mcet In 0. A. R. Hull,
tot Saturday cnniiic, eaoept the third
Saturday of iiarJunouili, mauling the third Frl
day instead. AH bMitltcrs of the Bon. of Vet-
inn ud comradMOf tlic U. A. R. are cordially
Invited to meet with the ('imp.
w E. 0. Cbk, Caul.
BINA 11. T JUVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, at,
Moeta on thead, tth and Hh Friday eveniug of
each month at 7:80 r. H. at U. A. R. Hall. Trail
alent Lady ttaecibw are cordially invited to
A. A. Hvn, Lady R. K
Baiuil Bunaatii, Ludy Com.
SamX M. Oakland.
Vtatberford & Wyatt,
ffildoutrialit,nar(iat,Born1tf, Adnirttd
iBto Oili.Tillitgp or Luantrr. 1S1m in t-rory
i.Uu ...rf hrit .1.1 ratnaw.rth.
m " ' 1 A" i 9r
ij' jia line id n pftiilofp tntfaa n Mlt to al1 the
ina'fha rt mw nairinu, no icoit, wurai
( nI.iiro, try fli-fl' c. CunipUt mc; 'or
iiiiw))HDnMiiTeti. ljn tfoput uv brt(-m.
Sfcttect i'.-if o r, no ifrMnK. iHt- a li
tt.H. tUhTliiUi Co., t-ui 10- CciumiJUJ. a
Sir. Prk' CfMnl Baklltf PWrJtf
never ;excell- .
ed. "Tried
and proven "
is the verdict
of millions.
Liver Eegu-.
Y , , lalor is the
?rJfonly Liver
JLfCffO an(i Kidney
medicine to .
which. y o u
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act-'
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid-
neys. Try it
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The Klnf ol Liver Hedlclnee.
w I have dk1 yourMlmmonit Liver Repu
latol ud no (xtnerleiittoutily aay It 1h the
klnaofatl liver nit'didoee. 1 oouslder 11 a
medicine cheet in lutelf, Obo. W. Jack
aos, Taooma, 'aahlutrton.
Baa the X Stamp In red on wraaneit
Mr. T. S. Hawkins. Cttitlunooga,
Tenn. hu.vs, "Shiloh'i Vitalizer
AVED MY LIFE.' I eniiaidrr it the
best remedy for a debilitated oylem I
ver ui-ed," For Dycemia, Liver or
Kidney Inmlile it excels. Price 75cts.
6ld by N. W. Baiitb.
prompt BnBwer and an hf.npst opinion, write to
fll I N N V CO., who b&ve liad uoarlT fifty renin'
experience Id the imtont btulnetis. Cotumntilca
tlona suictly oonntlatitkal. A Hanrfliook ot in
fornjatlgD ctmcurauiff Falrnt and bow to oU
Ulnthcro nvtit frue. Alio a CMlalogiwotiaacBiatv
ob) nnd notetitlfio bookn mat fiue.
latntj tnken tbroivtt Munn ft Co. raoetre
peclal notitwtnthe Hi lriitlllc ANiertrnn, and
tliua are brought widely before tlie public witti.
out ort to tbe ttrTiMHor. Ttiii i!pndifl paper,
iaaned weekly, elonani lr ttlmrtrntcrt. has by fur i be
lon-'eM circulation of any scientific work In till
world. 93 a rear, tinmrile onittra aent free.
Building Edition, monthly, J.liO a yc ar. int9
Onplea, M!i oenta. Every nutnliur oontnlns beuu
tifol ptatea. In nolom, and vbntoirniiihii of new
lateit dealvtin mil wwe ctintmita, A (litres
BHILOH'S Cl'HK h w.ld on a
guuninlt-e. It cuhm Iucipiei.t Cn
uiiiptiD, II is the brat ( nu(jt Cure
Only one cent a dose 23eU., fiOrtf.,
and fl.OU. Hold by N. W. Kmfih.
An ainwable Laxatlm and Dim Toinn
SoldbyDrucirlsUorKnt bytnalL fS&,6to
and 11.00 per package. Eamnloafjee.
ITft Tho Favorito TOOTS KWHi
Mf UwOTtteIocU)andIireath.2ic
I'o: Mtie L') N. W. Siuith.
Iiieure juur pmiwrty tvilli Petersou,
A Atlnrews. Tliey aie tinenti for the
Dirt Keliuble, Honw Muluul, New
Zt-'Ulam), (Sprili'Htlii of Miu-aurliUBt'tls,
Cotititifiital, nnd ollitr gi.tii), reliable
coQipuuit. Thty also have uioni'v to
loau nt 8 ler utnt, In auiua Irum $200
Best Shoe sold at tlic price.
$5, 84 & $3.50 Drees Shoe
Lqual custom work, costing from $6 to $3.
$3.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles
Best WaUuug Shoe ever made.
$3.50 and $2 Shoos.
Unequalled at the price.
Boys1 $2 6t $1.75 School Shoes,
Are the Beit for Service.
Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $1 .78
Beat Doncola, Stylish, Perfect Plttlr,r
and serviceable. Kent In the world. All
Ntyles. lii.Ut upon having W. L. Doug-lae
isaine Bii.i .ifintii,a on dou
W. L. UOU0LAS, Urockton, Mai.
Hiram Baker.
L.timmii, Orttgul).
All persons kn w log themselves 111
debtud to me will uleuae cull and Mettle
, at uuoe s I umt tuy money.
falSO.rOH A Cft'jE ITWILL NOT CUr-..
To thk Editor of tub Express.
As you lmve (kn ot t tl one ctiluniti of
your papiT to the ciuse nf education,
which Is the foundation of the pros
perity and happiness of a mil ion, I
wl-h to express my sentiments on the
itjeet. Not on the line of contro
versy, but on the ny of exehnnging
Ideas Willi other. ,
The object of our public schools, as I
uiidcistand it, is to 'ducato. By edu
cation, we mean the gaining of useful
knowledge, the development of tne
mind along tbe natural paths that
lead to human happiness. The object
of our public school system Is to give a
child an opportunity to learn demon
strated facts of science.the true history
nf world. the great principals of human
copduct, Ihe thing's necessary to the
preservation of the individual, of the
state and such arts and Industiles as
escenlial tothe pret-crvatlou of all. It
should le the duty of the principals of
our public schools to teach their pupils
the, diflVrriice between right and
wrong, to develop the minds in the di
rection of the beautilul, of the highest
art; so that Ihe palace in which the
mind -dwells, way be enriched and
and rendered beautiful.
There are tin two Individuals just a
like. Ko we must all differ In our
lives and methods. Each producing
something different from the others.
And as there are no two individuals
jutt alike, the same rule in tbe school
might not apply to the best advantage
to all its pupils. Therefore, these diffi
culties have to-be settled by reason, by
candor, by intelligent and kindness.
And next to being lightly born and a
good home education, we must look to.
our public schools as tbe means of de
veloping the miinliuess ofita pjOa by
making the sentiment of houpi ' a rule
of life. . v .
In my opinion, Moat'-g ('(.'ourls of
Honor," Willi their code of laws
should be pari of our public school
system; and questions of honor,
hypothetlcalli.or in fact should be dis- j
cussed, not only b r the bringing nut
and cultivating this nice sense in those
pupils who have not had the advant
age of good family tiaining, but for
di8linj;uUhiiiir Che false, sentiment.
Belf-respeet is a twin virtue with
honor. It is the cure, and the only
cure, for those personal vices which
degrade and ruin so muny thousands
of our raw;. Pride, in Its definition as
a noble self esteem, springs from a
conciousnesH of worth, belongs as a
motive power to good morals, to the
same family of uplifting virtuts of
which honor ami self-respect are mtm
hei's. In addition to the science of
physology, which shows 'hat all per
sonal vices are destroyers of health
anil suicidal in their tendencies. We
would dtvelop and cherish into be
coming proportion the sentiment of
honor, a snaik of which as leverage,
lit latent somewhere in the bosom of
every man, no mailer how degraded
he may be by vice mid crime.
There is, and always has been, such
a tiling uo a person being too proud to
be vain, too proud to do a mean, self
ish, acl and loo proud to give up the
government of himself and become a
scrvenl to any will habit.
The public school has an entirely
dill'crent function from that of tbe
family. Here the children of all the
citizens composing our political family
in each state of the union meet to
gether to receive, at the publio ex
pense, such education as will fit them
for the practical business of life, and
for the duties i f citizenship. Here Is
the place where character is developed
and appreciated, where friendships
are formed which last for life and are
the source of future pride and pleasure.
Here in the spirit of the constitution
courteous respect Is engendered and
manifested to all persons. Here is the
place where tbe constitution of the
United Hiates, as a grand text-book In
political science, and the machinery
of the government uuder it should be
studied by the advanced classes; and
on which the teacher could and should
comment without the danger of giving
offense; so that every youth shall be
able, when he goes to the polls to exer
cise bla sovereignty as a voter, to oast
his ballot lutelilgently and for the
good ot bis country. This can be done
only by development of the heart and
brain. , K M. C,
Closing Out.
We have concluded to go out of
business and are offering for sale our
entire stud, of hardware, stoves and
tinware at and beh.w cost. Now is
the time to get bargains such as uever
before heard of In Lebanon, Come at
OUve no tut to have the beet selection,
City Jail Burned to the Ground
Last Wedneaday Morning.
Word reached The Dalles Saturday
of Ihe burning of the town jail at
Prlneville, with the death in the
flames of Frank McNnlly. Mr.
Artlm' Hodgeti, county clerk of Crook
county, writes to Register Moore of
the land office, as fo.lows:
"Shortly before 8 o'clock this morn
ing the fire alarm was sounded, and It
was discovered that the town Jail and
old engine-house were ablaze. Before
the fire department could roach the
spot, the fire in these buildings was
beyond control, and it was with the
greatest difficulty that the blaze was
kept from extending toother buildings
in the vicinity. Frank McXalley was
locked In the jail a lew hours before
by Marshal Dolison, and it is supposed
be set fire to the bed. He was burned
to death, and bis charred remains were
found beneath the debris after the
flames had been subdued. Cornor
Priugle called a jury today to inquire
into the cause of tbe death of McNally
and the jury rendered a verdict In ac
cordance with tbe facta
"lobe victim of the fire was about 40
year of age. He came from Michigan
to thtp state and has resided in Crook
eouii' for the post six years. He ap
peared to be a man of educatiou, and
had rtrany good traits of character, but
bla kSfe for drink had wrecked his
life, awl brought to an untimely end
tbe eilstaiice of one who otherwise
wouldjave been a useful citizen."
Mr.irant, who drives the stage,
stated Jhat the general supposition is
that SftNally set fire to the building
h-imself in a fit of despondency.
A Big Fin I.
Items J'ks the following from the
Jacksonville Times nukes the public
restless; The report published in the
Times not long since, to the effect tbrt
Lawrence & Cameron of Gall's creek
had struck a rich ledge, has been con
firmed, excepting that Ihe discovery
is much richer than was at first sup.
posed. Tbe owners bad a eleven tons
of the ore crushed at Ihe I.lndleyou
rjaidine creek one day this week, from
wlrch wus obtained $4,300 in gold or
nearly $440 a ton. As there is a large
quantity of seemingly as rich quartz
still in sight, it appears us if Lawrence
& Cameron have a bonanza. Gall's
creek is one of the richest districts in
Oregon, but very few well defined
ledges have u yet been found, pockets
The Oregon.
Governor Lord wishes to do honor
to the new battleship Oregon, which
is now being armed and will probably
sleam up the Columbia within six
mouths. He has therefore issued
letter to the mayors of Oregon cities,
setting forth u short history ot the
Oregon and closing witii: "Believing
we should foster nnd cultivate a spirit
f state pride, and thinking the pres
ent an opportune lime for action, I
hereby Invite mayors of incorporated
cities and representatives of couimer.
cial bodies to meet in the state capitol,
the-22nd day of April, 1895, nt 2:00 p.
in., for the prpose of considering nnd
terminating the matter of presenting
the commander of the battleship a
fitting token of our appreciation of the
honor bestowed upon our stale."
Burned by a Powder Explosion.
Willie Churchill, aged 12, and bis
cousin, near the same age, living near
Bhelburn, were having an amateur
Fourth of July last Saturday. They
got a half a pepper can of powder and
were building a fire and Intended to
throw the powder in to see the flash.
The fire did not burn quite fust enough
so Willie go; down to blow it He
blew a spark into the can and the
doctor says be may possibly be able to
save one eye, but the sight of the
other is totally destroyed. His hair
was burned close, his eyebrows are
gone and his cheek la badly disfigured.
The other bov was burned too, but net
so badly.
Sastroyad Dwelling and Contents,
William Palmer lost bis dwelling
and contents by Are mi night last
week. The house is on land adjoining
the Excelsior fruit farm near Monroe,
and wus occupied by Mr. Palmer and
family at the time. Before the family
awakened one whole side of the house
was a mass of flames, and in their
haste to escape practically nothing of
the contents wua saved. Tha loss Is
perhaps f.500. It was a son In the
same family, who aecluently eht him
self lu the arm about a year ago.-
The North Bound Express Held Up in
California The Sheriff Killed
One of the Highway
men Fireman
Also Shot.
MARYSVILLE, Cal., March 80.-
The north-bound Oregor express train
was held up at a point 100 yards or
more below the crossing at Reed's
station, seven miles south of this city,
at about 1:45 this morning.
The result of the hold-up was the
death of James J. Bogard, thewell
known aud efficient sheriff of Tehama
county, who was a passenger on the
train bound for liome.and occupying a
berth in tbe tourist sleeping car, and a
robber, six feel in height, weighing
about 200 pounds, attired in a full and
complete bicycle suit, over which he
had a pair of slip overalls and in
which there were two Improvised
pockets made of toweling to hold
pistols, two of which were found on
Fireman A. Kethercott was ser
iously injured, having received two
wounds in different parts of tbe body.
The first iutimation that the engi
neer and firemen had of the presence
of robbers was when, at the place
mentioned, one climbed over from tbe
blind baggage and commanded, at the
point of a pistol, that Ihe train be
stopped. This demand was s earnest
that brakes were applied. When stop
ped, they were commanded to move
about one hundred feet further, which
they did. Then the.j'ouhers caused
them to jump from the train, and,
with others who appeared to come
from a hiding place in the roadway,
made them request that the expreus
car be opened, This wus done, but
the robbers could fiud nothing of
value in the safe, as the combination
was not in the hands of the messenger.
Tbe two railroad men were then com
manded to go Into the cars.
Tbe robbers had a leg of an old pair
of overalls tied at one end, as tbey
went through the first oar, the
smoker, and made the passengers,
who were few in number, put their
coin and valuables in it, the fireman
uelng custodian and guard behind
which they stood.
The colored porter In the sleeper
just beyotind the d.iy coach became
aware that a robbery was In progress,
and, knowing that Bhwrift Bogard was
in u berth, called hliu. That heroic
man was in his shoes and trousers in
an Instant, aud,armedwiih his heavy
revolver, started for the door to tbe
north. He crossed the platform be
tween the sleeper and day coach, and,
as he entered the latter nt thu south
door, the robbers came lu at the north.
The sheriff stepped to one side,
aimed and fired. His bullet dropped
the man nearest hi iu, hut the second
failed to reach Its target. One of the
robbers must have seen Bogard enter,
and on doing bo jumped down, and
running alongside of the car, entered
and shot him from the rear,
When the robber was shot he ex
claimed: "I am done for!" Another
asked: "Are you killed, Bill?" aud
thereupon they hastily left the car,
telling the now thoroughly frightened
Haiti men not to follow.
Tbe train then ran to this city, The
booty was left In the car when the rob
bers fled. The firen an Is seriously
wounded. Tbe dead robber has been
Identified as one McGuire, who
claimed to be a bicyclist, They are
believed to have been railroad em
ployes before the strike. They came
from San Francisco on bicycles.
Contract Blgned,
ASTORIA, March BO.-Several
meeting have been hld today by the
members of the subsidy committee
Highest of all in Leavening
A. B. Hammond and his associates,
looking to a closing of the offer made
yesterday for a modification of the
orlgnal contraot. The attorneys for
the city have been busily engaged ar
ranging the proposition so as ' to
securely guard the legal rights of m
theoartles. The-work nmirreiwed wlili
tha utmost harmnnv AnH at. an n,1.
Journed meeting of the suusldy com
ruitlee this evening tbe contract was
formally signed. All of Mr. Ham-'"
mond'a demands, Including a guaran
tee of right of way from this city to
Goble; good and sufficient deeds to the
property included in the subsidy; an
extension to three years of the time in
whioh the road must be completed,
and discretionary power as to the
monthly expenditure In construction
have been complied witb. Astorians
are very confident, and many of tbein
look forward to seeing the road com
pleted within a much shorter time
than that allowed in the contract just
Endorsed by Governors.
BALTIMORE, March 30 In a dis
cussion of woman suffrage at a Friend's
circle last night, J. K. Taylor, prcsi
dent, read extracts from letters just re
ceived from governors of weetern
Governor Morrill of Kansas, writes:
"There has been no complaint. It
seems to be successful.".
Governor Mclutyre of Colarado,
says: "Their advent into political life
will positively and permanently ben
efit all the people."
Governor Richard of Wyoming:
"Women are allowed all the privileges
men have in voting. They are not al
lowed to sit on juries, and do not ask
for it any more than they ask for
military rights."
Justice Grossbeck, chief justice of the
supreme court of Wyoming, says: "1 1
has been tried aud not found wanting."
Suspended From the Ministry.
BAKER CITY, Or.,March30.-Rev.
Oscar A. rjmith, pastor of the M. E.
church, was yesterday arraigned be-
iwir n uutm ui luijuu y, uuuiptraeu r n
number of ministers, Presiding Elder
Anderson presiding, charged with de
famation of character. The charge
was sustained and Rev. Smith was
suspended from the ministry until tha
next meeting of the conference, at
which time his case will be disposed of.
; Found Dead.
TACOMA, March. SO.-Tbis morn
ing Abe Gross, a well known merch
ant, was foand dead In bis room in
the Gross block with a bullet hole in
his bead and a revolver between his
legs. While indicatlous point to
suicide, it can hardly be credited, bb bo
had no troubles, so fur as known.
Will Hold Over.
The Salem Journal says that tha
attoruey-geueral has this ufteruom
filed with the governor, his opinion ;u
to the status of the holding railroad
commissioners, tbe pilot commission
ers, the fish and game protector and
the food and dairy commissioner. Ho
has compiled an array of decisions
that seem to establish the claims of a' I
the above named officials to hold their
olllees although not elected by the leg.
Isluture, and the effect of this opinion,
which Is purely advisory and not ju li
cial, will be to declare that there are
no vacancies. Thegrlst ot the opinion
Is contained in the following para
graph: "The language of the statue
and the sections of the constitution iu
our Btate are similar and lu some
Instances almost identical with
those discussed in the oases above
cited, and in many of the Instances
the courts hava held that the liiouiu-
benl is not only defaoto, but ae jure,
the officer. Surely theu there can bo
nu authority to appoint." Mr. Idle
man said to a Postman s "I have con
sidered the matter thoroughly; have
cited fourteen different cases, and am
thoroughly convinced that I could not
render a decision otherwise. I would
like very much to see the power
within the dictation of tha governor
to appoint new commissioners, but,
the laws will not permit It, and my
decision was rendered strictly In ao
oordauo with tba laws,"
Power - Latest U. 8. Gov't Report
Ik Vvtwa