jmOii-'Eipress. iUlAY SI ARCH 29, ISfti. ; STATE AND COAST. I J From Our Exchanges Thmufih ) out the Northwest. u.tCuovekpromi.edanotherW.SlUers. This is .good price, j ,r. - I out the wheat was of fane Hual''y j . t v :. .1,, ,.f c.i.w Ml nt Cam e niche of Snow fell at Cot e, "di.oday. '!.e l!a,tii!i creamery will begin :ik April 1. contract for a flouring mill isidy has been signed at Eu- e. Another large sawmill of 35,000 (t per day is being built at Ne ein. 71ie little town of Houlton, in rnihia county, is having quite The I'r jsbytpry of the Villamett9 ,'.! meejsf DallaB on Tuesday, - Pundee has voted for saloons, he council tied and the mayor 'itfd for license. i John A. Stranger died at Wilbur, .''iirch 17, aged 70 years. Heranie " Oregon iu 1871. .Scio votes April 4 on the ques- ji! of incurring f65GC indebted :s for a school building. : iIcKinlcy Mitchell, of Gervais. us orders from the East and f Oft rorlnaJ nf )' lutoes. The First Baotist church of jVeston, celebrated its 20th auni- treaty last Sundy in an appro- j :iiite manner. ""Tiic postoffice store of D. Fried man, at Mount Angel, was robbed Wednesday night of about $300 in iiuiriey and postage stamps. Hnliin. while lirofineeiinff . - l 1 o i Gu:cs creeK, uncovered a two-,t-es!i!.l-ii:c!i ledge tbat is very ' icii and con lain? some foOO-per- :o ore. f John O'Hara, living near Weston ... it ytar cropped 10 acres of beans, white and colored. The result was a yield of 0 pounds per acre, or 1 "i i:iiii'.l. Au' Lighthouse, a German funii laborer, bung himself in a hum near Newbnrg Wednesday, "was despondent over his finan-lt!-M!idition, ''' i G. (I.deaian, of Gervais, 1 : ! s-'Kned to his creditors, with :inW Mitchell as trustee. " .'.'.r2,335.G7. -.i "year-old by. Willie Smith, , -r.ndur arrest fur arson at Pendie- i iii. In piny, or for mischief, he wt tire to three shirk of hay, which burned up. E. J. McCIanohan is shipping ! -om Eugene to the state fith and jiame warden of California, at N ntu Ana, 20 Chinese phciBants.lthat uight. As the Eugene was, brifediug purjjosea. Fourteen of the principal placer isiiu along the G.-aud Iionde river bave syndicated, and it ia f-siTtetcd tbnt interested person will arrive at La Graude in a few days to examine them, niib a view of closing a deal for the entile Lit. Haynea k ,Siuuun, ef the Big Kucset placer, , on Oscar creek, Ur.n'-gut iu 1500 coarse gold into One nugget Auighcd f 130; nuother 165, and several chunks resembling tbe meat of the EngUeh walnut, made up the balance of the $500. Mr. Sinytu'e, of Arlington, sold 'ilKJO lainlm and yearling wethers . to (jront 4 Batiau, of Chicago, at $3 per head. On delivery of the i iieeji they were attached at Arling ton hy persona having claims ngaiiift Smythe. What the final outi'i'ine will be is not yet known. J; is learned that contracts ii.r j broidered and fancy gU that for hopj on the three year's plan havei'"'. needlework wouid surprise hu::i n.Mkrat Aurora atil 6t Pnulj '""'O' of our lady reader; a.-idtlicir-In -l.iriim lountv. The nlan is 1'Urcb'ses wouid likewiiC excite . it : .. - k.. p ..w - - - - y r-"r" the fOWHiri cur at 10 cetiU and;ulror" "vuwaiuu inking tauie i hi- third at 12 cents, averaging 10 1 '""'- 6in8 machine oil, grsuite : was dead when Dr. Gardner loundH, . 1 . ' . ,,t , and wu lviiiff in the iorkt ox ft tree , pound for ihthflyt. w1trtt Md other articlei "thbody lull olarrow just m It ...... .a- .. ,H .. r. ... A hupgrowers1 meeting itfafled ! for next Saturday, at Woodbiirn. An association is conteni plated ! and a warehouse at Woouburn. II. C. Rosenborg, who, Apsides; ! near Fultn station, sold SotKl bus-! hcls of excellent wheat at Petidle-f !ton Friday, at 35 cents a bushel, to' na nientea vne nignesi marKt'i t The residence of Station Agent Kyle, in Elgin, w..s destroyed by fire Tuesday afternoon. Tbe build ing was s new one, just completed, and was insured for tlOuO. With the exception of a trunk, there was but very little of the household effects saved from the fire. Athena people are badly fright ened over what the physicians term as black diphtheria. Two death. have resulted from the disease, and others are feared. A rigid quarantine has been establ ished, and it. is thought further .spread of the discise will be pre vented. The Archie Downie cliims near the town of Sumpter, and operated by Mr. Downie for mar.y yearB, have been IcaBcd by the owner to Chinamen who are to pay a royalty uf $300 per week during the work ing season. These claims will be started within the next two or three weeks. Marshal and Furnish, of Pendle ton, within a week expect to ship a trainload of sheep to Chicago. The shipment will comprise lambs. They have 4500 not yet sold to tbe Pacific Meat Company, of Tacoma, 4300 of the older sheep. Their Chicago-bound lot will fill 20 to 25 cars, and make two trains. A human skull is reported to have beeu found by the elder son of John Williams on the Applegate bar. The skull appears to have been washed down in high water and is of the Ciuiasiau type. It iB reasonable to believe that it may be skull of a young man who was drowned in Williams creek during tbe flood of 1891. Aii-'thcr rich strike is reported from the Telocaset mining district a jew miles south of fnion. For some time the owners of the Hinckiey-Spotted Horse mine have been running a tunnel to strike the ledge at a great depth below: the croppings of the ledge, and have succeeded in striking the -ledge as hoped for, and it is very rich in gold. The body of a man, supposed to be that uf Prinr Seott, seen at the mouth of the Sautiam, was carried out of sight by the water before it could be secured, ar.d it has n it yet been fovnd. It was in the evening, just before dark, when observed, too late to do anything stuck on a bar the men could i.ot do anything. The description leaves little doubt that it wag the body of Mr. fc'tt. The South Tualatin creamery, foi the month of February, made and mtrketed 6155 p.;m;?U of butter nd supplied oidy two thirJs of the orders placed with the Portland agent. To make one pound of butter 21.29 pouuds of milk were required. From one pound of butter fat 1.24 pounds were made. Tbe net value of the butter fat for the month nus 25.54 cents per pouud. The mlik netted the d.iirymau $1 per hundred weight. A Land of Umatilla pquans vis ited 1'endletou to Indian ponies to the omaii beys, and gloves and moccasin.? to the mer chants. While an Eul Oreouiau was making his rounds be drop ped into a certain store, v. hen-a few were showing a variety f em- r.rmiern iiiKiiUf. n s-i. I .e itirnier -u ..... . , f.LOMll ti!B(.sta Tim DOWN THE WEST COAST. The Mountain Doftmse orOalltor- nla'e Treasure Bpota. Wbat IM Bm In ma CXxsa Trip Alone tb PletnrcMiue WatwrLlM t Oar Coutluont-Ttio OutpaM of the Tropias, JS fihcinterlor.KritosUhrlesF.LummU in narpers n.u(.-a:'.iie. u inrpeiy a wde of ahrunt brown ridm. Rprinrbig almost from the surt to hide - - - tUo real California from inquisitive eyes uu muni. .iiuicuiwbici iw lanch on the garden to nave cupital lcit for painting the fence, and it islands the primal pattern which hu umnitv has unconsciously followed in 11 mien lands Eden hidden behind an adobe walL Here and there through a crack in the tveathored fence a preen tendril of a vallev creeps. Yonder is a bit of shore with its dark citrus patch: a barren candlestick of a headland. with the white iihait of its lighthouse; a roadstead flecked with fishers' Bails; clouds of sea-birds that snow upon a SEialt-ruOled reach ui sea. With dawn of the third day we are at the beginning of the wayside tying up, at San Diego, to the last wharf with which our steamer will venture upon isU'-h familijiriues in five weeks, with time to visit that Arabian lights hotel who site 1 knew first as sandspit dear at ten dollars the mile; then as sanda pit plus auctioneer and buyers of lots to a million dollars; and now as sand-pit turned garden, whose chief fruit is iii nf the finest hotels tn America. San Diego is the last of the United States, but not the least. It is already ao, for the New Englander rules here as not at home, Spain has gone to the : wiill: and the Yankee, with new wings sud room for them, pervadt all. One muy half guess the patron saint of ir;-ain set down now in the lap of his niunesake daughter, to nib hU eyes at the changed face of her, and at her sons, who know not a saddle from a santo, and whose only saints ring their own mass. It is the last anaelironism. The Spanish spirit is as far Uwlay from the tsventy-Iive-foot-front idea as in the goiden age of Cortes. To its benighted understanding still, money is good for what it will buy, and the object of life is to live. Face and form are new, but the old names are eherishe 1 with the distor t;on which is the pc-mlinr Saxon priv i'l'ge and jy- Four-filths of all the nam: in Calif .jrnia are Spanish, au fy.r-iiHths of them a Spaniard wonld no; recognize in the month of th; mirr.aer. A few hours' rtav. and then the citv. ! leiied on its tilted Bheut of sand, the j Uie pmiosBls and its great hotel, the blae isleii. of Coroaa;a. fail behind, and I .....1,,11. ii,ofi,-fi'-.. iin;..rviL iornia gray-brown arid peaks, fea-j tyred like tlios northward, but more ' cirewoni anrt more mhonprable. Pre- Vi ro u, n i I T 1 u"m", , "7 T -: v. kuuut !.. vin; any lm.1 nfter ellVct. sad t a quite at sea. Two daya; tlms; aud on the sixth the mountainous i LIVEUISE Inn i, eijUal fur lilt desert i-.-a.ks out afjain to greet us. and :n.lirf ,lf iXDIliiTIGX, tawed by wiifcthe to ray of red, the striking d(.fw.lhe a(.ti(, r lllt. Llvef W front of Cane St. Lncah, southernmost . ... . tip of the great peninsula, and outpost cted h.idne;.. sentmel of the Vermilion sea- j I.IVERIXE eiire air stoiuacii, V'ith ranrise of the seventh morning Ijjnu.4 and nick headaelKH, hitler we waken unprotcful to the blankets, . . ,,',, ,,,. .u,,,,. nmrlnir tropics-a change of worlds overnight !! 'rencB.-in the tmaeh. jaumllee, Wears anchorine off Jlazatlan. Iwjaud all nllier affeelioiis of the huinun turquoise semilnne of a bay. symmet-yteni cauwd by defeetive LIVER. rieallv set between three tall abrnpt .,,,,..,. . , , , ishtnds to the north, and three to the LIVERISE is a ) and fer wmth, cntB the very edge of the town, tain cure for chronic whose adobe turns marble with dis- f'ftV iTI 1' TH iV taucc and the sun. On its northern outer S 1 1 1 - liUN island once stronghold of countless ...,. ,...,,.j i... .i..,,..,i .runawayslaves-perehestbelighthouse, three hundred feet aloft This outpost of the tropics six '. leaguss south of the tropic of Cancer, and already in sight of the Southern; tVoss-is the wmmereiaUy first port of! .1 h I second of the whole republic. It key to the Gulf of California or CSulf i of Cortes, lor its discoverer; or Mar After taking I.IVEIMNE fi-r a ti ne Bennejo, for the tinging of its waters u f eotv cn.n.uuicnas a url;;ht, by ferruginous nver-ud to an ex-u , i, l( ,he ,lri tensive intenor of vast potentiality. Iti"1"' " , , was port not only lor binaloa, but fori Pf"'" tl,e bite iB being elnuin-. Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango and even ated through the kidneys as it should ; to Zacatecas, until the opening of ports be. j at SanBlasand ManzanUlocut Kdown . nn-rnvf i. at home, and San Francisco put a knee! A continued use of LI LIU N h to rn iu dirert China trade. - . creases instead of destroying the j appetite. By its wonderful tunic ! Xrjiaf to efft!0t tt ditfen. from other piepara- j A sea captain who lived in -Washing- h lue iime nut lmvll)g t0 u! ton daring his stays on land had a ., . ... . ,, .,., , ,..,' ....lUk .11 luereased by long taking It maj be. cspeeiallypriiedanold gobbler which had been long in his possession. From one cruise, says Harpers young reo- young monkey, which made as much IM.utli. TnrUul "arhita .!. plutnt" One day, hearing a terribli commotion in the hennery, the captain entered and found Jocko with the gob- bier under his arm, whUe he was dcUb- erately pulling out the poor bird's last tail-feather. The captain rescued the turkey and punished the monkey se - verely, who knew very well why he was -chastised. The next day, again hearing a commotion among the leath- ered tribe, tbe captain went to tbe scene of action, and there set Jocko tween his knees, while he was trying 4a n, ,l,a Itri.tham 4i& inn. ' tioos were good, but the turkey seemed unable to appreciate them. Tbs.LMZflSt Amcrlcn I The largest snake that was ever' miii A-r, . . - . . . . tnai menuonea oy ir. uuruuer m nis book, "Travels in Mexico. inemalce cUliUatiaa1 P"1 It 11 dragged Into 81 . . ' 11 .ingbytheaidoflouT honM, ul UTERINE THE GREAT LITERyKIMEY AND COKSTIfATlOH euiiii:. The Manager of our Com pany is a practeal physician j and chemist, and nothing.! will pass through his hands j without heing first tested and IprOVen fllllv Uf) to the . 11 We ask you to procure a bottle of LIVER I NE frum your dr'i:l. If he dow nut have it in xhm-Ic, uhI; lilni Im aeml to the AnthoK ! Chemical Co., Leb anon, Onunn, nr li any wlmlrKilo drug house, here if is tj 1 hud hi any quaiititnw ilwtirvd. LIVERINE i leanaist to t' ke. Any child will in!; it with a rt'lmu. Even 1 babe ill nut refuse it. Hie pronjrtin of IJVK1UXE ur udidly luKnlivv in tmiuii diwi'o mid actively puryalivc wlieu tnkm in full diaHV. It ai ts mi Hie liver nt ao otln r oinipnund does uiiklly,' tlior.iughly, with tit crtittinjr nausea, 'nuiitiug iir The laiit r t,u..liiy has made it ageutral favorite Willi women Iwl'ure and after confinement. j , . 1 MfcBIAElsa!iian exeelk-ut 1 KIDNEY COMPOUND. A K nuini! ti' of tin' jn!piu ' , " ' . t. - . i v , .,,,1 " ' pain or aching in tlir-, tuuiiing down the thiylm a:id 1i k, a heavy sediment iu tlie tinne, pain or uireness ln thp (jij,,!,),., !mill (,,,,(; urhie 'are penuanently cured by the proper in, ',....,..; ,, b? 0UnS " M wiib ! ' safety. uyERINE i a purely VEOET- I ALE Preparation, and baa SUhmltUd to the U-St of SOllie ofour, J best physicians, who speak in its j praise. " The dose for nil adult is tioiu a ' teaspoouful to a Uulenpuouful three j times a day, bel'oie' meals. D"o for '4chi'(l one yeur cild 20 to 30 drops, increttW,d or dr creased as reijuired. j Sonic of the most prominent people j of this city and Albany bave been ! lt,bi,ig LIVEKIKE for two troutbs ,1 ' Ascbob SCuemicalCo. i j : Cedar Posts. rirstelass ccaar pfisis lor sale cneap. UbII on or aooress vtauer crown, at . c t... wj vu., rfv . r we H A, M.'Kwm tti itmuou. . -i - i , -nriii-r-i -T-iVT-ii7i: and Croup t!urf 1h hi rout OciuuuU, '"'"' lw",1l;,v!."J. Ht. CblWrsn Wv It, ua br K. W,., EUREKA MEAT MARKET, ' KASIIOK & YIimi!EE. Troprk'tor. "We carry first clti-.-) meat, such as litn-f, Mutton, Veal, Etc. and will endevor to treat all cutoiuors fair. Your Patronage is" " Solicited. 1 Santiam Academy 1805 j ., .... Second Term Commences January 2, 1895. Normal, College, ' Preparatory, Business, Primary and Music Courses. Circular Containing Full Information regarding Tuition, Courses of Study, Text-Books, Etc., Cheer fully Mailed on Application. . S. A. RANDLE, Principal LEBANON, - - - - - OREGON. A. H. ft Tyrei-fj - - - -4 ! J Ai til i!AAiUliU ; To Advertisers. If vou wish to obtiiiu the best i returns from your advertisements Don't Forget tbe important fact that The Lebanon Express wiU give the dosired results, us it Is The Best Advertising Medium in Linn County. No;i;t. ll.):ntitli u-iiltieil. Oi:e u hu lllliler - ; . ,..(l.r lii.jinii'i w,,rl; mid wmi'ii.liy hoi-i,eiili(a iiig a ' . . - u.o can do Z of vaj-'e.m vvmwi nut l,r r'-'nHi: s , . IIMM.llilw,r4. Wlii t.i,isuu Hh.. free r t BfLtf ft,r tlltf tv; r. Vun f'uUu f to-. furiur.ili n wills Ai If. HAMlItod. CRUSON 4 T?V'i ' East and south i'l.V- THE SHASTA ROUTE ur -i !!;:-- Southern Pacific Go, l-'xj ri- lm'". ;:--e l'tinlrtiid daily: r. . 1 .it A r. . :'.'0 a. X i 1031 p. M. i l.v...,U'wi.e.. ,.Ar. i 4:25 . 1 10:10 a, m A rtei- i''ra:iriwo lv -Mr. u i "n... ,.i ; ,.; y,ni,.;.;7rm ; FMrihiiMl -i Ali-.i: ' ii.rui.-ive; ulflo TuiiL'eiit, ; Hiit.'lii, liuinev, iiin iilmrij. Juuefioii i'ily, I Irvinji, l-iieeia- ati1 i.!l HiitUohK iruta ltoe j hufK lo Ai.liuKl iui-S'.iive. i. Ilweimrn it:.i-.i (i:(ily: . "::) 4.' M. ; l.v. ..Portland .T.Ar. j 4:3) 12:45 p. . J Li ...All,iiMy Ar. 121 r. a. I 6:541 p. M. ' Ar,..l'oeitnrir..l(v. 7:110 a. M. I.ot:al !Ksnior trains daily (exceiit ft:!0 . . i Ar...!.!-t':Uion....lA. i a. 4: . . i l.v. ...ill any Ar. J (1:46 r. tt. 5:1 P. . : A r...I ;.nu)ii ...l.v. i 5:50 P. M. Dining Curs on Ogdtn. Iiuute. PfLLHAX Bi'Ff.JT (?i.Ei:rt:i:s Socond-Class Blecrmig ' Cars At-, tached to all Through Trains. Went Hide UIvIhIoji. BMW EES Poi(TI.A.S-D ASO C'OltVAI.LIB. Mail trai 7:.Ki V. w, 12: lli p. m. Mi-.ij' lexce,it l3unlfly: (....rorilat-d ...Ar. ! &:!lfi A. .'emiiii. .Lv.'i J :W p. l. 4., ' lft..i.e if Cwnlli. .... ,,,.....( Hh ! trains oi i.prej:ijit,,F)iadie railroad. E:;re train- .iaily (except Sunday): 4: !0 c. H Tii'f" P. y. ' 'iuiiil .,.Ar. ; tf:'-'3 A, . ;!"i-vi;ic l.v ! 6:50 . M. 'Z Z uWW. TICKETS lJZZtiX . he. oi-tiiined 8t luvpict .niett, ant, TlliBiitiri. rii'ep frt'iit lf.A. li f!i' HUiiKKt- Al, Vim. All, J s found r nanil tttlftirwv i