The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 29, 1895, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
Be nurt' find attend the aoclal Apr. 1.
"A llltle nonsense now and then
relished I')' the wisest men."
It la reported that Mm. Klme 1
8. P. Bucli was lit Albany Wednes-
0 ii y on business.
ti. M.Gurlund was lu the count;
scut hint Monday.
We are glad to report tbat Mr. F.
Kettle In Improving.
Mra. Btubblefield returned bom
from Albany yesterday.
L. L. Mulit in filling Johnnie Mor
gan' place as assistant in the depot
. lor a few weeks.
Hon. M. A. Miller, J. Wassom and
F. V. Hansard, of tills city, visited Al
bany Weducsduy.
"Broken Fetter" Thursday eve. Bo
; not fall to hear It at the Academy,
i Admission 25 cents,
j Rev. E. Estes left yesterday for Oak
j land. Or. He Intend" to return the
J middle of next week.
Mr. H. J. Boyd went over to Shedds
yesterday to meet his mother whom be
expected up on a visit.
The Daughters of Rebekah ,S give
an eutertaltiment on Aprh 18. Look
fur particulars uext week.
X. W. Smith has rented the house
where Rev. Estes now lives and lu
I tends to move into it uext week.
Tbe excelsior factory shipped three
carloads of excelsior this week, one
to Portland aud two to California.
Tbe Epworth League will give Rev.
Irwin an Informal reception at the
M. E. pursouuge Saturday evening.
Mrs. J. W. Menzles and children
left Monday for Salem where they
Intend visiting for a couple of weeks.
The ltetieknlis will give all Antique
- entei tnlumi ut on the evening of April
I 111 iu the room beneath tbe I. 0. 0. F.
I hull.
Mrs. Meuisles who has been visiting
her son aud family of this place re
turned to her home lu Portland last
Key. U. M. Irwin, State Buperiuten
daut of Pulillu Instruction will preach
: at the M, E. church uext Sunday
' morning and evening,
j The Indies of the Elrat Presbyterian
church will give a social at tbe reai
1 deuce of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Montague
next Monday evening, April 1.
Mr. A. L. West aud wife, who have
beeu visiting their uncle, Rev. Estes
and family at this place, returned to
their borne In Salem, Tuesday tnuru
i ' 1
. Mr. C. B. Moutague Is having tbe
store building next to tbe poeloffioe
l lilted up and will put a new frout lu.
It is reporlt d that Isuac Benjamin will
occupy it wheu it is finished.
' Johnnie L. Morgan has been ap-
- 'pointed depot i gent at Natron for a
Jew weeks, w hile the agent at tbat
pluec Is hiking a vacation. Johuuie Is
1 u nice steady boy, aud his many
friends will be pleased to hear of bis
I promotion, and will wish blin further
I eucuess along that line In tbe near
i future.
j Mrs. Nancy Marks died at the home
t! of her sou, William, on Wednesday
I muming at 4:311 a. in., at the advanced
age of UU years 5 months and 22 days,
j The funeral services will be conducted
by Rev, J. H. Eeattie assisted by other
ministers of the city, at tbe C. P.
church at 2 o'elock today
Lust Huturday night a fire broke
' out in the resilience of Mr, A.
i.'inphrey. Tbe fire originated from a
111 ill having Wen left too close to the
stove pipe. When discovered the bed
v, us In flames. An alarm was given
and the tire department quickly turned
j nut. The Hie boys taking the hose
I carts down the muddy streets like
gooc fellows, but before they arrived
at the house the file was extinguished
, by a few buckets of water, The dam-
t age was small.
Next week will be a lively one so
cially. Ou Monduy evening, at the
huudsoiue residence of the Hon. C. B.
Montague will be held an April Fool
social. Tuesday evening, the Hon. D.
P. Murkey will give a free lecture at
the Opera house. Thursday evening,
the students of the Academy will pul
on the boards, the drama, "Broken
Fetters," Friday evening, graduating
exercises of the Academy. Saturday
evening, a grand concert given by the
students of the ,Mulc Department at
the Academy, aud en Sunday all can
go to church.
The Eugene Register says that C. H.
Vebrs, of Bodavllle, who Is engaged Id
the creamery business at that place,
In an Interview with Mr. Edrli, who
has been visiting at Bodavllle, ex
pressed a desire to move lis creamery
here. He dms not expect a bonus.
He only wishes to lie sure that he can
SHMre enough cream lo enable him to
run bis creamery to Its full capacity,
lie dues uoi w Ish to remove to a plane
, tlmt will furnish from less than 1000
. ,4iiws. Not nmny people know that Vein bud a vmaiuery Outfit of
4UHT vapwttf".
Watch fur the uniilversaiy of the
Try Lebauon Sour If you waut good
white bread.
Hear the three grand choruses of
forty voices at the Academy April 13.
George Dibble has moved into Mr.
0. Saltmarah's house lu the eastern
part of the city.
One musical feature ot the Choral
Eutertaiumet will be the "Goat Bells,"
Don't fall to hear them.
The choral society arc preparing a
flrstclass entertainment which will
be preseuted at the Academy ou Fri
day evening, April 13.
Ladles, you are cordially invited to
attend tbe Grand Spring opening, and
Inspect tbe large aud handsome sto:k of
millinery on display next Friday and
Saturday, April 5 and 6, at Miss
Dr. J. V. Gad was discharged in
Portland, for waut of testimony and
with his wife left for O.ikville, where
ther are now visiting previous to their
departure for California, where they
will hereafter reside.
Charles D. Montague, wife and little
son, of Portland, arrived iu Lebanon
last Thursday evening, and are now
vistlng relatives in Ibis city. Mr.
Montague has been very low with
bleeding from bis teeth, but is uow
much better.
Porf, John M. Bloss, president of the
State Agricultural college of Corvallas,
will deliver a free lecture at this place
on Friday evening, April 12. His suti
tect will be "The Value of Higher
Education." All are invited to at
tend. Parties from the county aeut report
that A. F. Stowe, Esq., who wa? given
20 days In the county jail by Justice
Lovelee, la now helpiug to do the
writing in the Sheriffs office the jail
at present being repaired. This Is a
pleasant way of working out one's
A moral wave Is passing over Me
Mlunville. Not long since the city
couucil passed an ordinance prohibit
ing tbe opening of saloons and gambl
ing joints on Sundays. At lis last
meeting another ordinance was passed
for closing of all barber shops on the
same day, which If violated, a line of
$10 to (20 is to be imposed.
The store of Matthews ft Washburn,
of Albany, was closed Thursday of
last week upon an attachment suit
brought by 6. W. Dodd, representing
himself in the sum of $1744.00; First
National Bank, $1500; W. C. Tweedalc
6.21; Martin Ludwig, $300, and
another attachment by the Linn
County National Bunk iu the sum of
(tOO. They have beeu .ood business
men whom It is to be regretted to see
fail. '
Mrs. Wni. Odell aud children re
turned lo Oregon last Saturday from
Missouri. Mrs. Odell was dissatisfied
with this country and about tbe first
of the year with her children returned
to her old home iu Missouri and Mr.
Odell expect -d to go back as soon as he
got his business so arranged that he
could, but as soon as Mrs. Odell got
back and saw bow things were, she
wrote right back to Mr. Odell to not
come and also said I don't see bow
people back here live and if I ever get
hack to Oregon will be contented.
In conversation yesterday with F.
U. Hiekok, agent of the 8. P. railroad
ut tills place, be Informed us thut busi
ness jver tbe road at this plase was
nearly double what it was a few weeks
ago. That he would ship about 15 or
IS carloads out ol here this week of
palter, wheat, potatoes, excelsior uud
produce, and it was hard work to cet
cars, as business all over Hie lines is
picking up the same wy. flu said
lust Tuesday he shipped out a half ear
of egge and till ckons alone. We hope
the move is general and that It bus
Come to stay aud ere long we will see
the good times thut has been promised
so loug.
It has beeu a good many years since
the Willamette vulley has had as
favorable outlook for an overwhelming
crop at this season of the year, both lu
gralu aud fruit as this year advances.
The winter season has beeu so jlc-
ngutrully mild I bat no man can possi
bly find an excuse for not having his
grain crop all iu, bis orchard well
cultivated, aud his berry crop well
looked after, and there are few cultiva
tors of the soil who are lu need of an
excuse the work is practically all
done. Everything seems to have
worked harmoniously this year.
Register. Certainly the outlook is
good so fur. Let us hope it will keep
up the present speed.
At the last meeting of the asylum
commissioners permission was granted
the superintendent of tbe asylum to
employ a lady physician wbenever he
deemed such services for tbe best iu.
terestsof tbelnu ales of the institution
In accordance therewith, Superlu ten.
dent Rowlaud has selected Dr. Clara
M. Davldsou, of Lebauon, Linn
county, to serve lu that capacity, Dr.
DavldsoD hut been In practice In Sa
lem for time, but her borne In
Lebanou. She Is a graduate with high
bvuoraoftbe Woman's Medical Col
lege of Pennsylvania and Is thoroughly
versed lu the mysteries of the iirofes.
Ion, She Is alto a Judy of culture and
rial ml it 1 1 il i im
The Red Crown Mills are again iu
trouble. It seems that tbe company
has used all the wheat stored by
farmers and others, In making dour,
and the warehouse Is empty. Formal
demand bas been made by various
parties for their wheat, and two or
more attachment proceedings have
been started. Criminal porsecutlon Is
throattned against sonic of the officers.
There is a plan on font to settle with
the creditors and to start the milln
again. It Is to lie hoped that the
plan will succeed and further trouble
prevented. The Red Crown Mills
have a wide and favorable reputation
all over the country ond when Mr,
Isom was at the head of it, no concern
stood higher. It is understood that
this trouble will not effect the ware
house here.
Mr. Thomas Kay, of the Salem
Woolen Mills, passed through Lebanon
last Saturday on his way to Water
loo, He informed us that he intended
to stuy at Waterloo the most of tbe
time now until alter the mills are
started. He said be would superin
tend putting in tli i machinery and
the running of the mills until every
thing was under good headway. He
thinks It will be. about the middle lif
May before they will get to running
and possibly longer. About $20,000
i been expended iu converting the
Waterloo hosiery factory into a woolen
mill. The company now has a force
of 12 men at work adjusting the uew
machinery and building tanks, a
dye house etc. It will ho a three-set
mill and the output will be wholly
flannels and blankets. The enterprise
will give employment to alwut 80
hands when completed.
Last Sunday evening the Baptist
church in (bis city, was crowded to its
utmost capacity, and many were un
able to enter. Tbe occassion was the
farewell sermon of the pastor, Rev. E.
Estes. The ministers of the city, dis
missing their own congregations, came
In a body to express their esteem and
appreciation of the work of the retir
ing pastor. Mr. Estes topic was the
"Apostolic Benediction," which was
delivered in a very impressive man
ner aud was very appropriate for the
occasion, Kev. Moiloy, president of
the ministers Association, of which
Mr. Estes is a member, made a few re
marks at the opening of the service,
expressing his regret thut circum
stances called for such a gathering.
After the sermon, short addresses were
made by the other ministers; all ex
pressing the higli esteem Ibey felt for
Mr. Estes. Subscription papers are
now In active circulation and "the
church Is making ikw uud determined
efforts (o still retain the services of
Rev. Estes as pastor. So fur, they are
meeting with a fair measure of success.
Death of Jesse William George.
Mr. Jesse W. George died in Seattle,
Wash., Saturday morning at 10 o'clock
of pneumonia at t he uge of 59 years.
He leaves a wife and four children,
two sons and two daughters. Mr.
George was a prominent and wealthy
chisel) of Seattle. He win a brother
of Hon, Melvin C George, 'of Portland,
and a nephew ol Simon A. Nicliersou,
of this city. He wus a pioneer of
Oregon, having (r-e-sed the plains In
1851 first settling on a funu now owned
by the Dodge boys at the foot of
Peterson's Butte 3 miles from Leba
non. The following sketch of Mr. George's
life has been prepared: Mr. George
was born iu Morguu couuly, Ohio,
November 11, 1835, and was the second
son of Presley Mabula (Nickerson)
George. His father was a native of
Virginia, but early in life migrated to
Ohio, where he married and lived for
40 years. His mother was a descend
ant of an old Puritan family in the
Bay state, and iu 1817 removed with
the family to Ohio. His grandfather
i n his father's side drew a pension for
services as a soldier in the revolution
ary war. In 1851 the family crossed
the plains, settling ou a donation
claim near Lebanon, Linn county,
which is still known by his father's
name. He received his rudimentary
educutlou in Ohio, and also attended
the Santlam Academy In l.h n county.
He remained iu this county, taking
prominent interest in locul afl'ulrsund
developed unusual business capacily,
until 1872, when lie removed lo Seattle.
During his residence in thut city lie
was prominently identified in various
enterprises, and wus one of the three
original organizers of tbe Washington
Iron Works. In all these enterprises
lie displayed sound business judge
ment and 'firmness of character.
Fred Whitcomb Kille 1.
Last Monday morning the regular
freight was passing Wolf Creek in
southern Oregon when Fred Whit
comb, one of the brukemen met w ith a
horrible death. In some man ner un
known, he slipped between the curs
ana fell uuder the wheel, cutting him
In two and mangling his body lu a
frightful manner. His remains were
picked up and taken toTacomu, where
his parents reside. Whitcomb at one
time w as brakemun ou the Lebanon
train; then he held a position us extra
ou the passenger trains hetweeu Port
land and Roaeburg. He wus a genial,
good hearted fellow, Ho was a small,
wiry mau wboe face was known to all
bo have traveled up and down the
bond ttjexKl
T ' 1 7 ' '
The Cctri Bark Industry,
We notice In some of the valley pa
pers an occasional Item In regard to
small shipments of this article. Now
this Industry was Inaugurated in Leb
anon in the year 1883, and since
that time something over tour hun
dred ton have been shipped from this
Utile city alone. In 1898, Dr. Latuber
son and Captain George Pope of Port
laud, bought and shipped 148 tons,
paying an average price of $00 per ton
for the same. A portion of this bark,
also Oregon grape root Is a component
part of Llverlue, which is a Lebanon
enterprise, the members of this con
cern are residents ot Linn county, and
own property here. We are pleased
to note the success of this enterprise in
our city, notwithstanding the fact
that the Albany papers have tbe plant
located there in a large two-stnry brick
building, we-feel assured tbat Llverlue
will grow aud flourish in the manu
facturing city of its birtb. Much credit
is due the general manager, Dr. J. A.
Lambersnn, for the tact and energy he
has shown in the working out, and
his knnwledge-of chemistry of this
difficult problem; In taking three
differeut bitter extracts and com
pounding as sweet and pleaseut a
remedy as he basin this, case. Now
with our pa,r mill, our Excelsior
mill, flour mill, plaining mill, Llver
ine factory and in the near future our
chickory plant and also the distilling
of the oil of the peppermint. We have
good reason to feel proud of our fair
Another Pioneer Gone.
W. R. Temple died at his home near
Rock Hill schoolbouse last Monday,
March 25, 1895.
Mr. Temple was born in May of
1832 Jand would have been
63 years-old this coming may. He
crossed the plains in 185S and In 1888
located on this farm near Rock Hill
where be bas lived up to the time of
his death. He is tbe father of nine
children, seven of whom and bis wife
still survive him. Mr. Temple was
well known all over the county and
was an honorableman.whose death will
be uuivirsally regretted. He had been
a great suflerer for many years. Rev.
C. C. Sperry of Brownsville conducted
the funeral services at the house and
the remains were iutered atSa&d Ridge
cemetery under the auspices of the
Brcwuville and Lebanon Lodge
I. 0. 0. F. He was a member in good
standing of the former lodge.
Consolidated Brownsville. -Where
there were two cities,
Brownsville and North Brownsville,
seperuted only by strife and the Cala
pooiarivtr, there is now but one, tbe
people almost unanimously having
voted last Monday to have the greater
obstacle strife; removed. , While
there was but a small vote cast, com
paratively speaking, it was sufficiently
large to show the exact sentiment of
the people. Out of the total of eighty
nine votes cast on the north side,
eighty-eight were for consolidation,
lilenu the south side thirty-three
ouior tniny-nve lavoreci consolidation
As our interests were identical it ap
pears strange that this step was not
taken many years ago. Let tbe old
feuds and strifes of the past never lie
resurrected, but let peace and bar-
ninny reign supreme, and the city of
Brownsville will some day be an
honor to the great state of Oregou
D. P. Markey.
The following program will be rend
ered at the reception tendered Hon.
1). P. Murkey, supreme commander of
tbe Knight of the Maccabees of the
World, by the Maccabees of Lebanon,
April 2, at 80 p. m., at Hope's Opera
hull. Chairman, Sir Knight Com'
inaniler, A. H. Crusan.
Music Orchestra.
Welcome Address Hou. M. A. Miller.
Music, Orchestra.
Solo Miss Huttie Warner,
Address Hon. I). V. Markey.
Music, Orchestra.
Holo Miss Myrtle Oareon
It is stated that Mr. Markey is an
orator of national repertatlon. Don't
full to hear him. A ooidiul invitation
is extended to all.
More New Goods.
Prices the very lowest. Calicos and
sheetings 20 yds $1. Satteens 10, 12), 15
and 18 o. per yd. We have reduced
the price of caehmer, uow selling SO c
goods for 20 c. aud 26 c. goods for 22 o.
These are our regular 50 c, goods. We
have Jet bead drees trlminiiilng at t
tbe usual price. Fine Initial scarf plus
10c. Brownie pins 5 o. Fine silk ties
15 and 20 c. Silk Brownie ties 20 0.
Fin kid shoes $1 10. Oxford ties fine
$1.10. At the Racket Store.
Closing Out.
We have concluded to go out of
business aud are offering for sal our
entire stock of hardware, stove and
tinware at and below cost. Now la
the time to get bargains such a never
before heard of In Lebanon. Come at
once so as to have the best selection.
F. L. Cakxan Co.
Pugh&Muncy have just reclved a
urge lovolo of ladles' child reu1 tod
oueu's shoe i. $ tbatft and yul) will
Shoes For Ladies.
Read. Peacock & Co.
Hiram Baker buys all kinds of
There will be fun at the social Mon
day evening.
Go to Hiram Baker for your wall
Old papers for sale here at five ceu ts
per dozen.
Two loaves of bread for 5 cent at
Rilea ft Carr's.
Fine elegant photos at Boyd's gallery
for cosh or produce.' .
Selling out at cost Is what F. L.
Carman ft Co. are doing.
Smith has just added fifty new books
to his circulating library,
If you want to sell property list It
with Peterson ft Andrews.
Table board at Rilea ft Carr's retuu
rant for only $2.50 per week.
If you want to buy property call ou
or write Peterson ft Andrews.
Pugb ft Munsey want your produce
aud will pay you tbe highest price
The most Hon. Thomas Jefferson
and Lady will arrive on tbe 19th of
Pugh ft Munsey are always ahead
on fresh groceries at prices as low as
the lowest.
Dr. G.W. Cbeadle's office hours from
10 a. m., till 5 p, m. Office over City
Drug store
When you want to buy a suit of cloth
Ingyou will save money by getting
it at Bach's.
You cau buy a stove or tinware
cheaper at Carman's than was ever
heard of before.
For tbe very best of dental work, go
to Dr. Prentls. Office na Parlors at
the St Charles.
Pugh ft Muncy h.tve just received
their spring stock of hats which they
are selling cheaper thau ever.
All knowing themselves Indebted to
me will please call aud settle at
once. M. A. Milleh.
If you want anything In the bard
ware or tinware line uow is the time
to buy as Carman ft Co. are selling out
below cost.
These hard times we want to save all
we can, but of course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
groceries ,t 8. P. Bach's.
Hiram Baker received another large
invoice of sprlug good this week
direct from the east. He invite the
public to call and inspect these goods
aud get price.
Pure Breed Poultry,
W. G. Smith, five miles northeast of
Lebanon, breeds 8. O. Brown and
Whit Leghorns, g, H, l.amburg,
Black Mlnorcas, Light Brabma, O. C.
Polish and Gam Bantams. Eggs for
hatshlui II ner 18. Order can h
Meals at all hours at Rilea & Carr's
restaurant In Klrkpatrick's building,
also a lunch counter in connection
where you cau get a Bundwich or a
cup of coffee at auy time.
Ladies if you are thinking of getting
a pair of shoes or a new dress uext
week, you will want to know where to
get tbe best for the least money. Mr,
Baker always carries the best.
Ladles, If you want a good cliejp
shoe for yourself, don't forget to go to
Baker's or send for his 09c, $1.25, $1.50
$2.00 or $2.50, the best in the world for
the mouey. His motto is, never to
be uuder sold.
Cedar Posts.
Flrstclass cedai posts for sale cheap.
Call on or address Walter Brown, Al
bany office, at Frenche's jewelry store
erseeS. A. Nlokerson at Labanon.
Now on sale by 8. E. Young of Al
bany a very large line of summer dress
Outing flanels, light and dark; from
8 cent up,
Wool finished satlue, black, bro
caded and In colors.
Duok; one of the newest, neulest and
most serviceable of materials for sum
mer dresses,
Crepon; two grades, very neat. ,
Oriental Pongee, cotton finished like
Challle; silk stripe, all wool, cotton.
Lawn, percale, - giughum, fancy
In fact many new goods and now
Highest Honors-World' Pair.
A ur Crip Criiffl of "tK'.vt Powder, Pre
two Amrponlt, Alum er my other tiiultiimt
rrfciirrHi ihmm