The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 29, 1895, Image 2

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    jiicu Express
xr - ancf - Proprietor.
i.. I!cib Ingkmou, came out in
Miiu-rvrew Saturday in favor of
'.i tor Allison for pre dont. He
le the uuminttion will goto a
L silver uian.
t,r . :
The oldest Mexican war pen
ci 'hit is David McCoy, of Redland,
tj:il., xuttl 104 years, and the
. ,iiid oldest is Hosea Brown, uf
osophina County, Oregon, aged
,.w rears.
tl .
w Thomas Blakck, the murderer
Fd jail-breaker of Seattle, is dead
fbi'rt Crow and John Shepich, two
ci the men who have been hunting
tr the ir.urderer ever his
tU'spe. killed him in a personal en
tinnier on the Korth Pacific Rail-
ninV track, about a mile north
of Kent Station. Blanck died
lighting, and seriously wounded
J Mii'JilCii.
""TSmaredaJ's of economy
certain. A Benton imm-
'suggests in future the legislator.
A woman's character has been
likened to a lawtage stamp, one
imick nif.rfe rums it. Man's like
" treasury note, no matter how
Many stains, it passes at par. And
ttiiun a womau falls from grace
her character is generally mined
Iff IW UlffcAl, 111.:'-
the other hand, a man mar
5raig!:tcn up and be received into
the nest society again.
should begin the work eccnomizim
oy coming the bung-hole as el
M the spigot. It wouW-W-t!,
cornier s name halved "or Quar
tered, the appropriation for thi
C...1-. .. ... , ..
uiw uuitereuT and the nnruia
schools cut entirely off, all
provements about the return
school, the blind school, the insane
asylum, the uenitentiarr. as n-. l:
as the building of sewers in Sidcm,
ana clearing out Mill creek should
oe slopped. The secretary of
state's emoluments should be re
duced from $20,000 and the treas
urer's from 130,000 to their consti
tutional salaries. Be would hue..
the printing expenses reduced f.-,,n.
193,000 to 118,000, all nourish
ment lor homes abolished, and
every useful commission wiped
away. The annrouriation of t-
500 that the Agricultural
receives from the stete should be
cut off, every commission abolished
and everv useless clerk dismissed.
f Tn Eudgett, of Astoria, has
neon taking a vote on the money
Question with the following result:
; i.einocrats for gold standard 36; free silver 162; republicans, for
goiu standard, 40; for free silver,
2-if; popuiists for gold standard, 1;
free silver 98. A total ot 83 for
- S!d standard to 3U for free Bilver,
--J" Inch is alxiut the size of public
-ntiaieut in the northwest gen-
Mb. Jikbs has come, and gone,
-:iid is presumably better offfinan
rinlly for his visit. He is a labor
iaiderof mure respectability and
intelligent: than most of them.
ti:ll ,M k. J:..
fci-ud in the world if he labored i "PP06-- to the interests ofcorpor-
more wun ms bands and less with "'"' "oseonrg iteview.
his tongue. He may be entirely
o iliest, hut it cannot be supposed
A newspaper, to wield power
must be made for all rather than
one man for the whole
Itmust carry to the mind of its
readers the conviction that it i
earnestly the friend of popular
rights and not the chamninn ..f
individual schemes. The people
are the capital of an honest news
paper. It is their friend and thev
give it success. Mouev enables a
trained journalist to add strength
ana interest to his Daner and tn
make it more deserving of popular
support Hut all the money in the
world will not give influence,
power and Buccess to a nevrsnaner
that speaks for sj.eciel interest
and not for public good. Ex.
The new ruling of the commis
sioner of the general laud offiee in
regard to the selection of railroad
lands in mineral districts is h
lished in todav's Review It
should be very eratifvirie to thou-
interested in mining enterprises,
and shows that the present admin
istration does not underestimate
the rights of the people when
that he is traveling for his health
a .
r tailing merely for glory. Wei
T:L2 status of the railroad com
missi iners seems to be still unde-
-i d. though the later reports arc
t:..!t the governor and attorney
:s-!tral li,tvc about concluded that
I'm old commirsioners will bold
over, and continue to draw 10,00C
a year. This is to be reeretted.
though if snybody is to have this
i. ice little perquisite, it may as well
he the old commissioners as others.
They are very, pleasant, harmless
Hattie Fbost of Butte, Mont,
has secured a verdict of 1 15.000
damages in the United States
court against the Oretron SI jort line
and Utah Northern Kailroad for
the death of her husband, an en
gineer, who was killed in a colli
sion several years aco. The
accident was caused by the-
operator failing to deliver an order
to the engineer.
The magic lantern I'uke .has eouie
Hii.l deonrted enriched hy SI 30, From
nil ren -ruut was a eood nli r,'.. n...
aieni",- enureii memu-r li attend
. .n iivvr iiiuTivinig with work
up-ii thu dnm. hut the sin U.r.,
b:.II itiiiiOs ltt. uikI hick tu i.. II fen-
truth nfur the si) lt. ,,f Annius.
" Jirx"' i.ii.I the restofthi. diwrm
tied Swliivilliaiii, shmiiil move lo vv.
terhM. Hea- they would Dud eoii
geuhl eiutipany. Wbeu a man gota
ial.n Cm w-h.Hil (Urtttm his only
hi thi-n U to 1 t-lei'twl rd Ukh n
Ihut is tlit- nffiee ut par with direc
tor. Our eyiuimthlis are generally
with the under dug, hut we cuiinot hv
that either party dwire our ttara in
ease, hut we give this advice gratis;
that if the superintendent should live
in Sodaville three oionlhs, Sudaville
would include a tmrt uf Lane cuuntv
Our rtuson fur believing thtnly ia this:
aecoratiif tu reimrn Kui . i
in district Xo. 6, the boundary line
coojuii ueea in .he ranter of the W. V.
C. U. wacnii roau at G. Kluin'a 11.
and angles to the Sautiam and thence
ui) sum nv. r tu the nlace of IwinniiKr
There is nrrious talk of getting I.loj-d
of fian Francisco to figure out this
eunuuidruiu afier he I: nil snut,.,-
Fair's last w ill. A good mineral bath
would no doubt lie a beuefit to both
purtira ui the disuule. trv it hmihorn
it could do in. harm, but don't we las
see-.'h yuu aiiiital to the cuuntv auner-
inleudfUt us his luburinus enough. If
jou settle the matter come
owr toe hi!!, we are mure generous
and if you can be elected cliTk vou
will he sure to net 10 ner eent. nf all
moneys handled.
The dance wiisas iisuul a howlinir
ucreas. ','hc dan 8 here uuv not lu
up to date with other sections, hut we
will wager a w-eiiou of mud that they
will compare favorably with tiie ghost
dance of the savages.
Lebauon may boast of its Tennessee
ruuki ts and wild nod woolv attonifv.
but did not bodily fear nrewnt. u-
eouidatoleunjold that would cauel
ram loiuviuuai uair to stand upright.;
As the caaen stand, dame seanilul will I
scatter them to the four winds. Do !
not think ladies that I mean any par
ticular lady in our meanly little incor
One more thought. Huv TV.
LainiK-rin at once ship five cases of
His Liverine to 8da In pure ot
J. R P. or auyone h? may chouse; 'Us
c pity to Haste- vaiu-ible medi- ine, hut
it will undoubtedly ptidong their
wnrtlilesa carcasses and we find prent
fuu in witnesHing their bloodless duels
ou paper. He knew when the legisla-
iure i..iji.ur:,cu vn:r.ul a uniiurul ap-
proprialion that some one had to
move; as uaual we are correct. We
predicted Dawson's downfall and now
mere if war in ueaven (Soda), we
are preparing the choir to sing "Breth
ren in umtv we lluvl ...ui
week we wnt quote scripture to them
Iu the estate of Fred Mesneli luillrimi
lurnitosnr w h i .
In yiKirdianshiiiof Lesale M. Bart.
. .
iej, iineniory llled, personal uro.
jeri,v isz.i)H.
Iu ealaie of tiob.'rt 3r Ci'Uonuh. ex
ecuior was CiioweU to sell rv.ll nnu
In ciiardiansliii. of Juseuh A. MoUt
v. i. aioisi was ujipuiuied guardian.
Blind JlttlO, filed.
In estate of S. M. Mi-flou. hnmi r
,WK1 if J. L. ili!;,i, adair. tlud.
In eMnie of Jennie Vinevanl. Iiivn.
tory fiU-tl, pioiwrty, $3iiJ 5o,
lu estate o! r. -I. Pi.voe iwtitinn l,.r
i adiuinlstralor itppruvrd B. M. Payne
appoiuieo. aloud KO.IWO.
In estate of E. L. Knox petition for
appointment or B. M. l'ayne adniinis
tralur de lands mm wlih will nuiiexed.
Bond fixed at i0,000.
In guardianship ..f Morris Merrick,
in competent boud filed,
luesliile H. il. Waller final MlKwlllIlt
set for May 6.
In estate of Thouins Momon
property reported sold for 2fl.i50
There Is
more Catarrh iu thin ma'tiun ..f fl,
than all other diseanen put lOftelHar, anil
iiiiiu me m lew years was supposed to be
innirulile. For a ereat manv vniir i..i,.
proiiouiicul it alm:al iliwaw. and pre.
scniieo iiKial wiiicilies, am! by constantly
failineto I'ure villi local mm,...!
nounceil It iiicuralile. Seioure has proven
eaiarrlito lie a constiliitional ilisoane and
therefore requires cimaiitulional treatment.
Hull's Catarrh Cure, niaimrneiumi i,
F.J. t'lienev Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the
only eoiinmiliomil cure ou the market.
It id taken iuteitiatlv n. i,wea r. m
dmiwloa leuniNuinrul. Il acta .Hiwilv
the IjUiuil and mucous nurlaces of the
system. Tlioy oiler one liuuilred dollars
for any i-aie it faili to cure.
eireubre ant! linlimoiiialH. A.liiress.
V. 1. CHKNKY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by ilriifrjtisia, 75c.
Fob several years the high waters
of the lllamelte have been en
cronciiing not a little on several
places along the river iu the vicin
ity of Madden's riffle, in Lane
, county.' Several of the enterpris
ing farmers and fruitgrowers in
that vicinity, who have land iu
close proximity to the river, have
Uceuied to do all they can to put a
b!p to toe river's inroads. Ac
cordingly they have madearrnnee-
nicnts to drive something like
-XJOO piles, in the river, and will
fill in with 6r brush.
Tue legislatures every where are
doing nothing this vear. In
Missouri and Nebraska they are
figming over capital removal.
Delaware and Idaho have been
fighting for United States senators,
and in Oregon and Washington
the senatorial fight prevented any
good being a -compliBhed. Kansas
legislatori are also fighting away
their time. If ever a nartv de
served thrashing from the people
is tue republican. They went
The Jackson county naners stain
that lieo. F. Merrtman, of Mcdford,
was promised the position of war
den of the penitentiary, and rely
ing upon that uromiee ho closed
out his business and, prepared to
move to b.'lcra when the news
came that H. B. Brophy had been
appointed. Now, Mr. Merriidliii
and his friends are rilled with
righteous indignution.
The new divorce law f.,r South
Dakota precludes the possibility of
fraud by requiring persooul service
to oe made in all cases, it .cijuircs
residence in South Dukot thre
months before an aetioii can 1
betun and three in:,ic U-Ue u
decree can bs granted. Katt
Field's Washington.
A Clubbing Offer.
A great many of our "readers rim,
county like Ut take the weekly Oregon
iau. We have
whereby we can furnish it ul a rednt-l
ioti from the legnlar price to iS,iwe !,
want both die Vxphi - is..
Oregotiian. The regular ink-, of the
Uregouwn Is per yeur, an 1 ..f the
ExfBtssflowheu iu advaliei,. W.
will furui.b both f r S ' ia.r e,u- ii,
aovance asav.ngof one dollar lo th,
i ne uregiii,:,,.! gt-.-,, aj.
thegoueral news of the country once ;
week, and the ExPBEsa
lueal new n:ice ft wtcK, w'rl:U
BiuLif ft lUnaf PKi-tUi.t , . i.
into office boasting of their honesty I fur 'he moderate sum of fc. net year
and ability, and ridiculine thl1'U".telln "ro l ,r,,u' "bscriber.
democrrts, Xow thev return to I p"yl,i a!l amar
r...r,. .r(,,..i.u wvn piunoer, ;intsspei)ilpile,
corruption and ignominy. ""' mui ';;.,'
they ndiculthl how HdlouU tasio. I J . ' "' -wr-
Oecaflional ga;s esiihisions un this
way of late.
Mis JI. if. Ktisheu has been vei v
sick with siillielhilli like r-fnmutifii',i
chills, but is better.
Iiev. Frank Graham resiiroed 104
ofilee at mayor of the town a few days
Mrs. P.J. Baltimore of Albany," la
htar at present mayine with her
mother, Sirs. M. M. Basher who has
been quite sick.
Tiie inhabitants of the cilv feel
happy that the eouiuui'tia! stoim !.
paesed by and no houses Uet.
l:., I... -i i,
jiwiich ti,e tilmtl nun, it,
here for a Tew days. If a blind man
can keep on the uneven sidewalks of
ww place without breaking his neck,
surety tiwwe who have their eve-sii.hi.
are sale. ' '
i'.ur corre:-p.,ndent Is to hu,t,
oimneii lo attack church oriranizuli,,,,,,
or ii.di". iduuls unjustly, and univ t.
fi rs io thiiign in a general wsv. hut if
asniie me tiiriitiy, we know It bv the
iioist- t!it fellow iniikes.
the nev.- school board of this (list, lei
have discharged Mrs. Ilea!, the
principal, without cause so fur tis the
public know. e holds a I.
coiilraci with the former direetois for
two or three months burner.
The gudiiwuter is fine and fresli and
many people are ex hecic-d In viait rl...
Spring this summer, esrieciallv durine
the ramp meeting. Good ptuttnrc for
iio!s neiir oy tiiifl nt reasonalile ruM.
Urfore that time Chcslier's iii. hotel
wlil be open. Cheap and easy con
veyances will be furnished tn. lr .t
forth from Hodaville to Irfhaiiou.
Mis. Ilease! has appeakil to the
eouiily school suiiiiileuileii. ihut n
is hoped that justice will be swarded, i
sue lioi.i, turee ejtale Iliplouuis
J'riwiiiMi tvery Wtiek.l
Wheat Doe.
Oats lflc
Hity-$: to$C per tun.
Flour o fiufiiOo. per sack.
Chop to "5 jier ewt.
Bran 70e per cwt.
Middlings $n 70 ier cwt.
Potatoes Siic.
Apples Dried, 6c per It
Plums Dried, Oc.
Onions So.
Bee,' Dressed, 3c.
Veal lirtioc.
Pork Dressed, 4.
laird 1(1.
Hams 11) per lb.
Shoulders 8c.
Bides 10c per lb
Geese 44 $5 (Hr doz.
Ducks-J2 $ 3 per doz.
Chickens $2 00g 8 60.
Turkeys 8c per lb.
Eggs Sir -cr doz.
B .tter-16 20c p..r lb.
1 Sides Green, le; dry, 2t.
Prices way clown.
I!k ution 3N'otioe.
Xotice is hereby irivcu that die nr!i,i.r
sliip heretofore exislirii' Iwtwemi P At
'Smith ar,d C. JI, Wcstfail. kimwii as Smith
n est lull, and the partnership heretofore
eiiaiint! between J . 31. Huiilh and Q. M.
Westfiill and A.t.'.iiplirey, known asSu.ith,
tt'estfall A I'mphrey, both .artlicralii be
ing engaged in llie Livery 4 Kced business
hi Lelmuoti, Linn county, Oregon, were on
he 12th day of February IMS ilissoiviij, I'.
M. Boiilh with ilraaing from said iirms.
G. M. Westfull and A. Cini.lm v o in ,n.
tintie tin mm,,- l.ituii , it... ......... . i
H. ,v ,.lllc jltxH ,
as V.'cstiull A 1 injury. All purlieu indebted j
w uic oiu nrui.1 ure earuestlly re.ursted to
witie ai once. y. jt. riaiTH.
i. I. Westfai,!..
&.. t'MPIIKKr,
First publication, Feb. 22, 18K.
-.VInilaltrotorV IVutlcie.
Notice is hereby civell that die ..,:,...
!"fi"cu i"ri.-ii tuny uoaiuieil ny the
County Court of film county, Oregon, the
administrator of the estate of A. V.
Garoiltte, deceuiied : and hm ,i..k' i;.i
aa such admiuwlraior. All persons hair
ing claims Sramt the estate arc hereby
required to present tbeiu. with i.r..,r
vouchers, within six inoutliit from the
date hereof, to tiie uiuier-uenril at n.a
omccol w. JI. Drown, in Lebanon, Linn
county, Oregon.
Haled this 22ad. day of January, lsb,5.
Phil Kilter,
W. M. liroan, Administrator.
Attorney lor Adminiatrator. '
Albany Furniture Co.
BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon.
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, matting, etc
Pictures and Picture molding.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Albany Steam Laundry
Albany, Orogron
I have a LARGE STW-ir nf r. -i . ... .. ..
Yard, in the suburbs of Lebanon, For Sale at Reasonable
Rales. All kind of mason's woik done with neatness and
despatch. D.W. HARDEN.
nun Washington and tur. froM thl.l All Orders Receive Promnt
aid.e I--! -.1 l.i M..1?l. .1 -i. ..I r
she preaent iute auperlotendent. Bhe
nas taut;iil auiiooi a great deal .. tin
tlosr for the laat twenty veara. ..f
it bad never been dlacomred thai he
wo incapable of tuaehing; nebool until
utcjiu Ui .lavi l. With nil ..r
hl it niaKet theae men mad to
,. ... ... i wnwDinvuvu uuurnillUVU or AiOIieV
! i mm ifityt'f
Duti It r ihl li feiuiin lit. ...........
Special Rates for
Family Washings.
Beat Bhaveti, Hair Cut or Shampoo at
Shaving Parlor.
J. E, ADCOX, Agent,
Elegant Baths.
Children Kindly Treated.
3Ieat Market,
Ed Kellenberger, Propr.
Fresh & Salted" Beef Pork,
Mutton , SauEegc Eo.
logna, end Ham,
13-El.con and Lord Aitvuye cn Hand
Ulrvvti Lvlaiuou, ori