The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 22, 1895, Image 1

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    1 P.JJ f-g
NO. 4
mil year - 12 W
(If ialil 111 adviuioo. II Mi ;ir year.)
-tlx minulc ' 00
Tlirtui tnniitlni
S.'lKloCHi'lett UD
STATE oFFirmts.
w- M''R,ril',''. Senators
John II. Wilcliell.l
liinoor Hermann (lonpemnmn
William P. bonl (Invemor
II. It. Kinr-aid ti-OTtary of Stale
Pliil Metsclian, Treasurer
H. M. Irni.i Sn.t. Tnlilic lnstrnctiori
II. W. Wis Htlc Printer
It. S.St-aliti ,"
Win. r. t.iirtl, Supreme Judges
K. ti. llcan, I
Judge,. J - N. Duncan
Clark N. Neeilliaru
; Uncorder 1. F. ttimiman
Hlicritr. J- Mcleron
Ht-lMKkt Biiimrliiloiiilont A. H. Rutherford
Treasurer,. P- !,l"rri"
Aan'iwvr W. F. Dcukius
Surveyor, K. T. T. FWier
(Juroiier A- ,a5''"-'
, , i John I'ngli
Commissioners, j. M. Waters
M vYolt M.A. MIU.Kli
w. k. disown.
X. 8. IUI.HI.KUIS11,
' .... ,,,-.- J. ' HII.YIH',
WtM 1I.MI'.N8. , i,oNi,
,'.,. III. W. UH'H.
Hily Coniidl meets ii 'he Brut and Uiinl
'I'uiwdny evenings of each n'Un
Secret Societies.
LINK Tf"iT, N. 7, K. 0 T, M,-MeelHin U. A.
R, II.. II on TlmtHuy evemnii eaeli 'ik.
Truii-iulii Sir Km are tuvltcd 10
Tluli tlie Xunt laticttiig.
J. A. Uaai'.iaKiK, Com,
limi. W. Kits. K. K.
jlOKOK UHK.K. N". A. 0. V. W. Meet
every fumlaj evrtilnii al n. A. U. Hall.
-' I.ttrJloauH KflC.
I..HASON' lHKJI!. NO. 47, I. 0. 0F.-Meel
tvery aaiunlny eviitiini: at tald Fulluws Hell, al
, c. j'tri'Kimos, Mt'r.
PKAIM.KEIIKtXIA I.OII0E. NO. 47. 1. 0. 0. C
leels at I. O. 0. F Uall mat anil llilrd Bedneii
iuy evenings ol oacli month.
tllM. C.Al'.A BOYLE, . 0.
LEBANON UHHiENi), 44 A.F.AA. M.-Meet
Hdiuriliiy tvctniifi ,; tiofort ilit lull iuojM tn
i-mih moiuli, at JliiwJitic Hull. Cor Main ttiid
Grain km. jiiinltiK liMlmrn eorimilly invited
tu iitiunrl.
1C. II. Hajiisiadk. W, Mt
8, 0. Wl atic. rtifd,
K,N'L SWCtWi'AMl1, So. Ill Htvtuluii ofOre
fiiill. 8Mlh of V;ur..5ii Mt'el in . A. It. Hall,
evry j.atir.;lt'.y twaiiig. xt!tit Uic HUrd
Biijunltiy tu'h lm-iiUi, luiititg tliu Uiiitl Ffl
. .,my Ut.ttiftttl. AU bfuUiurf of Uic Sum of Vel
ttti ami nmiriKlvfut io U. A. U, w wmllally
invUtfi i' n:tji tili Uic t:ituii.
E. 0. Caws t'ajrt,
. A. UlhM ., 1'IiM fclRt.
7il?A 41. 'E-T 111 VK. NO. i; I.. 0. T, M.-
Mwlii on tin-al, Wi ami ."ll Friday t'Viinliis or
;u'b iiurolli al . alU..j. li. Hull, iraii
.iiit l4iiiy iili;i'rtinniii am cotdwily luviuid to
A. A. HvuK, l.ily tl. K.
H.u:.w Sautimwi. Lady Ojiu.
Sam'l M. Garland.
Wcatherford k Wyatt,
. j
. W. M. BliOWX,
it i p.i ' f ',' f , .
Vrf.r,.l.i,i...g. -v,.t..u,Aiy. I.;i,,:i. i-.
" riO-price's Cream Baking Powder
Wirt l-alr Hia-hiiit Wartal una Blptamai
SvTJTVwk "Aa old us
1 UnllVo,,,!
never exec!!-
oil. "Trio;!
and proven"
is the veniio!
o f millions.
S i m m o p a
Liyer Ilogu
"r lator is the
??onl y Liver
4JUttL, ami Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
ban munrd ,i
. ' tive, and
purely veg
etable, act-T-
7 7 ing directly
IO on the Liver
tH" and Kid
iievs. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powdor
lo be taken dry or made in ton tea.
The King; 01 UverM,-(lH:!ii'S,
" I hitvi. iiHfd ,vourHliii!no!niLlvi-rP.f'i.r
lai.ll al.l I'OllRlll'lillllliV HV II UlliO
khu: til a'.l llvnr lufdii'lnti:, 1 con-i'vU'i it a
riifiiii.iiit; I'licst In li-i-li (ix;o. V. JACfi:.
hs, 'J'uuouiu, V,'usliltit,rtuii.
Inn ITin Z fitaiiu) In red on wriucrr.
Mm. T. H H.iwkiiiK. CI athinti'.pi,
T"iin. wiy, ",' li ili 1 1 ' Vilnliwr
BAVED MY Lll'E.' I wiidldiT II tl.e
t Bl ri'iiicdy fur rli liilitnttd Kyplcni f
ever u.-t'd." For Dyspc piu, Liver or
Kidney trouliie il cxrcla. l'rioe 75ct.
W"ld liv N W. Sniitlt.
pniunn oniwor ana hii nom'st otiiuion. wntc to
MlN CO., who liHvt: iinlt nwirl lllly yenr.'
eipenmice In tlm imtcnt aunlnpsii. Viiniutitifca-
loiii! ntrlctly fionrtdiintinl. A llniidbiik ol In
iimmtlmi ooniwrnina 1'nteutii niia linw to ob
tain ilmmtwiit tiuo. Alnoit ciitukiguotil luaulaui
loul mid tiuiiiiitltlii UinlCK until tn"j.
Pntoiim tnkon tlmiimh Munn & Co. recehre
tmnjiid H 1,'titltic Anierirnti, and
IIiub are arontbt wlnoiy before tin, uulilicwiiu
out ftwt to tlie Inventor, This mlntdld nanrr,
lanued wftpkly, b1ikuiii I v lllnntmlcd, Int-i i,t ldr tl-e
tar-eit cirimliitiiia of any 1,1: 01,1(10 wory In the
world. 3 a yiiar. Snltii'le cor:, com liee.
ItulldiiiK EilltKiu. niontlily, f'ntla your, ttlnirlft
eoinoB, 'is cniim. l'Vury tnmilior cootnloH tionu
tllitl ploton, lu onlom, ami raiotoi'iniiliii of now
tnianea, witb plaint, rmililiinr linn,kTto Hliowtite
lati'Ht dMIl'tif anil A.onro mntmrta. riilrr:,.
UUKM & CU., :ktV Voim, li,l BUU.fcliW.AY-
HIILOH'H Cl'RE is sold tin a
guiirniili e. Il curt Incipient Con
Btimplion. Ii is the besl Cough Cure
Only one cent a dose 2Bels., .ri0. Is.,
and fl.(K). Sold by N. W. hiiuilh.
An nfrreeable Laxative atittNEKvT Toitto,
BoldtiyDniristsorBcr.t ryraaiL ao6yu.
and. $1.00 per parami. Eararles tree.
Wrt Wft lie Favorite TStTHKrWBES
ELV IiWfnIioYccUiu;ulJteaUi,iivo.
l't-l1 .-ale i,y A", IV. hniith.
Insure your properly with Peterson,
Rosa & Co. They tuu ncctils f. r 1 lie
Did lieliablc, Home Mutual, New
Zealand, fipringlleld f 1I:;:ii Iii:kcIIs,
Continental, ami oilier ;;, l"!btli!e
eouipallies. Tile;
loan at H per cent
!s. !:a .e itiiuiry to
in sums iti.ui i'2M
Beat aimc spki hi tne nrice-
S3, $4 & S3 00 Ln S3 Shoe
liqiial cuMoin work, c.nlitiy; lion, $6 to if -i.
S3.60 Police (shoe, 3 Soles
Best Walking Slio ever inude,
62.60 end $2 hoes,
Unctj nulled nt iliu price.
Boys' 82 & $1.75 School Shoes,
Arc the Ilisit for Survicc.
Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $1.75
Heat Donola,eitylltth, Perfect Fittlotr
and Servleettblf. liiial lu tlio world. All
btyltia. insist iiion having w. L. ItotttrlHa
blioea. Naiiioiind ,rlon ataniuod on liot
tnu. W. L. UOUULAS, Jiroiitou, illaaa,
Hiram Baker.
I.i'tiiitniit, Ori'olt.
These hard times we want to save all
We can, but of course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
Baotutk tti C, Baud's,
- 5
vow i
A Narrow Escape.
On Sutuidiiy, ay the Oregon Ian, 8
miner, Picree Rogers liy name, who is
well known at linker City, nd em
plot ed t tlie E. A E. mints nlCrackor
Crock, had a narrow esciipe fhitn an
aful death liy the dynamite roule.
linurm had orenaion to visit the black
smith ahop at I lie mines, and when he
lei'l tlie tunnel where he had been at
work wnli the hummer and drill, he
placed two alieka tif giant powder in
ilia boot leg, not un unusual tiling for
miners to tlo. He liud no sooner eiv
tereil tlie tlmp and stood facing the
anvli, wliert r apuik from Hie forge
dropped i: to bin bisit 1 gaud set fire
to ! lie powder. Tuu man realized bis
danuir, but could do nothing. Several
bynlaiiilers rushed pell-mell from tlie
simp, expecting mi expltwion and all
would lie killed, ltogcra made an ef
fort to pull bis pool off, but not until
b'lMi tliiks of pouder had been en
tirtiy eoiisumitl,- and Ins leg was
buriii-il, fioni ibe edix'ts of tvhieh he
Is now laid up ft rejrairs, but lie is not
seriously Injured.
A Fat Job.
Five members of tlie house have la-en
revising the lioiw journal at a cost of
$10 a piece pel day. They have taken
tweiilv-lhree tlaya, t ice as long as us
ual. Tlie total cost, will be JllioOfor
about a $100 job. The men who have
been prolong ngjjie work for a Utile
money will "get It in the neck" if
til - y ever come up for office again.
This is a sample of tlie stuff that is put
into tlie legislature. To the credit of
Senator Dawson and the other mem
bers of the senate committee it may
(be said that they are doing the worg
for untiling. They ought to get some
thing, but not enough to make It ajob.
T'dnk of an editor who would be for
tuiiiite tiese days of saving $10 a
monlli, lei alone making $10 a day.
Why Physicians Use an "R."
A woman of no investigating turn of
mind stnrted out 1 lie oilier day to dis
cover why l he phfcsiclans begin their
prescriptions., with Ihe letter
Well, si, e found out, but il took some
time anr' caused her souie trouble. It
seems thai (luring Ihe middle ages,
when astrology was in fashion, a char
acter veiy much like our "It" was Ihe
sign of Jupiter,' the preserver of
health. Tint libysielans, being then
equally devoted to the acieuce of medi
cine and astrology, invariably began
their prescription., with the following
words: "In tlie iitinie of Jupiter lake
the following tinst'D in tlie order set
down hereinafter." In the course of
time thi., I'm inula was abbreviated
tin I i I at present only ihe letter "R" le
mains to leach us that the medical art
was once iissocialed with Ihe science
of Ihe slurs. llosion Traveller.
A Female Engineer.
CorvnUia bus n female engineer Kite
is Mrs John Selm Ml, ami for more
thi'.n a year l;v lu:.-. tiu the four horse
power engine in ibe Coiviillis AJ tils
eii itn, r , . Jtlui in;; 1 lint lime not one
dollitr ol rei airs lias been put on the
machine and llic. lite in the furnace
1ms always nia,:e,-:!e:illi just as success
fully us if Hie person in charge had
been an nyed in liousers. BtaideS op
eralhig the eujiine, Mrs. Behiildt runs
the se-artor, churns the cream, works
the Muter tiiul prepares it for market.
Let it be lecoKieti in history, that
there was plenty of opportunity for
wideawake women to thrive ill the
closing years of the nineteenth cent
ury. Corvnllis Times.
An exchange perpetatcs the follow,
lug as Hie prayer t fit red by a eon
verled railroad man while kneeling at
the "niotine r's bench." "0 Lord,
now that I have flagged Thee, lift my
feet oft the rough road of life and plant
them safely on tlie deck of tlie train of
salvation. Lei me use the safely lamp
known as prudence; make all Ihe
ouplings in Ihe train with the strung
link of Thy love and let my hand
lamp be the B blo. And Heavenly
lather, keep all Ibe switches clostd
that lead off on the sidings, especially
those willi a blind end. Ob, Lord, if
it. be thy pleasure, have every
semaphore block along the Hue snow
w hile lines of hope, that 1 may make
the run without stopping. And Lord,
give us the feu eomiunuduients as a
schedule, and when I have finished
the run and have, rn schedule time,
pulled lulo ihe great, dark station of
Deaih, may Thou, the Superintendent
of (lie utilverae, say with a siu'le.
'Well done, thou good and faithful
servanl, come up and sign the pay roll
and receive jour check for eterual
happiness!' "
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
SHji ilrHynKK.)r WiiwillMI
He Opene 1 the Doors of Seattle's Jail
. ..and Went Forth, Followed
by Eleven Other
SEATTLE, March 17.-A daring
jail delivery, headed by the notorious
Tom lilatick, twice a murder, was ef
ftcledatthe county jail here nt 7SJ0
o'cltKk loinght, in w hich ten prisonets,
including three convicted ofinurdir,
made their escape. The delivery was
accomplished by means of a dummy
revclver made of wood. At that Hour
Night Jailer Yerkberry went Into Ibe
north corridor to take medicine to W.
A Wilcox, a convicted murder. When
he reached the iron door in front of
the cells he saw a revolver thrust be
tween the bars and heard Blauck say:
"Through up yonr hands." The gun
was Irtjtweeit the jailer and the outer
d(r, and, as he hesitated an instant,
l lie command was repeated and the
jailer obeyed. lilatick then made
Yerkberry turn around, took a rope
from his pocket, lied bis captive to
bars, and then ttaik the jailer's revol
ver from Itis pocket. Here Blanck dis
carded tlie "fake" revolver and hence
forth ued the jailer's. He next loos
ened the cord about the jailer's right
arm and threw a noose over bis neck,
at the same time calling out: "Unlock
the combiiialioif." The jailer obeyed,
and with the disengaged hand soon
had Ihe iron door to the cage swinging
open, ilianck then went through th-
j .ilei's poekels, lakiug bis keys and 31)
cents in money. Then proclaiming
fieedom to oil in the cells, lie wall-'id
leUuiely out of ihe cage and escaped.
There were twenty-three p.isoueri in
the cage.
Mulch 18. Two nt the escaped con
victs have been ruptured, Uuiten and
Cosgrove. Until were taken at Orillia,
souih of this cily. Blauck whb lu the
company of Kutteu and about twenty
feet behind him, but before the officers
could hold him he escaped into the
thick underbrush.
A liberal reward is offered for their
Another Will found.
BAN EKANCIiSCO, March 18,-Tbe
contention in the courts over tlie mil
lions left by James G. Fair, developed
anotht-r SA-nsution til's morning, Winn
the case a failed before Superior
Judge Black a gieat scnsullmi was
caumd by the iu.rodticliou of what
pui polls to lie a later holographic will
wtilleti in had pencil on two sheets of
legal cap paper. It was brought into
court securely framed between two
plates of glass l,y Keuuen Lloyd, who
lias iieen relahitd ill Ihe ease by Mis.
Geirichs and Virginia lair, daughter,
of Ihe deceased, This ultegcd W ill di
vides tlie (Stale almost equally U-
tween Ihe two daughters and Charlie
Fair. It laqtieulhs a few thousand
dollais lo ceilafu orphan asylums, and
makes no provisions for suc h a trusi
as (he eslate is left lu colilrot of under
Ihe w ill previously liliu.
The attorneys w ho represent the ex
eeuiers under the previously filed, and
of w iiich the original copy was stolen,
Intimated very a rongiy that they be
lieved Ibis latest alleged will lo be a
forgery. The case was finally contin
ued to April 2.
Thought it was a Joke.
About 10 o'clock tonight Cornelius
Stagg, proneritttir of the Ingleside
house, ait out "f lown resort, was sit
ting In one of the side rooms talking
witii one of iiis colored hostlers, when
a man entered from the door leading
to the saloon. He was masked, and
carried a large pistol In his hand. He
commanded Htagg to surrender and
accompany him to the saloon, hut
Slagg, thinking It was a joke, laugh
ingly refused. Upon Ibis Ihe robber
hit li i in on the. temple with the hut
end of the revolver and then shot him
over the right tye, killing him in
stantly. The murderer's pal was in
the saloon, having covered tlie bar
keeper and two visitors with his pistol.
When he heard Ihe shot he went be
hind Ihe counter, pushing the bar
keeper aside, opened the till and re
Luuved Urt outetits, Uotl) robiwrt
then made their escape. They are sup
posed to be the same men who held up
a crowd of people In Haggerlv's saloon
on Ocean hiach near tne Cliff House,a
few weeks ago, when I hey made
good haul and escaped, flfflcersand
citizens are now searching the sur
rounding country for the' perpetrators
of tonight's crime, but the chances of
catching them are very slim, as the
land is very thickly covered with
-hrubs anil Ihe thieves will have no
difficulty in eluding tlie officers in the
dark. . They may be apprehended dur
ing the daylight hours, as the roads
are being carefully patrolled. The
Ingleside Is a favorite resort for mid'
night parties, being one of the most
'notorious roiui houses in this country,
i ue receipts ol the house are very
large, and the locality Is peculiarly
adapted tor such a crime.
Heavy Dry Goods Failure.
PORTLAND, March 18 -Rudolph
Goldsmith, for over twenty years in
Ihe dry giaid business in this city has
failed for something like $45,1)00. The
Goldsmith store, which is estimated
to contain fully $100,01)0 worth of stock,
was closed on two attachments. Satur
day night. They were brought by J.
M. box und Fleischiicr, Mayer & Co.
The first suit amounts to $21,000, and
Kleiscliner & Co.'s is $15,400. The lat
ter sum Is composed of assigned
claims, among which are two notes of
the First National bank, for J4000 and
$4500 respectively. Remaining claims
in Ibis suit are held by Valentine &
Go'dsmilh, Neudsiadter & Co., und
Flelschner & Co. Today two more
suits were filed agaiust tlie house.
Luideke, Warner & Sc-humier, of St.
Paul, have a claim for o(8, and George
Gnettinger, ol San Francisco, files a
suit for various assigned claims held by
him amounting to 87873. The total
amounts of Ihe claims filed against tlie
house up to this time is $-15,901, and
more is e' pected.
Drowned in the Chahahs.
C'EN i'RALIA, Wn., March 16-
Early Ihis morning the body of Joseph
Vallad of Ihis place, together with Ills
horse, were found drawled in the Che-
balis river.iihout three miles from Cen
tralia. The supposition is that he at
tempted to cr. ss the river on horse
back, and In crossing his horse became
entangled in the brush. Circumstan
ces go to show that Vallard got to
shore, and afterward went back to as-
ist ills horse, when both were
drowned. From marks found on the
back of his head and body the suppo
sition is that he was kicked several
limes by the horse. The water was
unite shallow, being about three feet
deep, and had been an old fording
place, He leaves a wife and children.
The Boys Had a Picnic.
PORTLAND, March 10, Last even-
lug aiiout twenty-live hois, ranging in
age from twelve t) seventeen years,
were hanging aboul the Purk theater.
Some lime before the performance
e i.nnieniK-d the boys gained nil en
trance to ihe lower part of the theater
tlin. ugh a window. Tlie ringleaders
found themselves in what was formely
ihe barroom, contents of which wero
still behind the bar. The boysinnned-
ialeiy began to drink Ihe various liqu
ors and pass bottles full out to others
on the sidewalk: They were not dis
covered until after the fust act of the
play. When found all ol the boys had
escaped except two, who were too
drunk to move, The two were taken
lo the police station, where they
were given an opportunity to sober up.
En Lieutenant C. E. Laui.hton is dead.
TAIO.MA, March R-Ex-Lieuten-anl-Uovernor
ChurlcB E. Laughton of
Washington, was stricken with heart
liiilnre and died at 8;'.!0 o'clock lust
evening, lu his rooms at the Bohemian
Club. Death seized him suddenly.
He had but a second's warning of Its
approach, and hail time hut to says
"Oil, my God," when lie was a
curpse. Tlie cause of death was di
rectly heart trouble and indirectly the
result of kidney complaint, dropsy and
other ailments, among which was
bronchial catarrh. For months past
the cx-lleuteiuitit-gnvei'por has been
ailing. The kidney trouble had of
lute caused dropsy, and tit tlie time of
bis death Mr. Laughton's abdomen
was distended with several gallons of
Qresham and Cleveland Confer.
WASHINGTON, March 19. It Is
admitted at the state department that
a. dispatch has been received from
Minister Taylor annouudng the fact
that he presented tlie American pro
test, but nothing further. Greahem
visited the White House today with a
number of papers prelatiiiiig to the
Alluuiua case in his povsesshHi,
Crushed Hia Skull.
SEATTLE, March 16. -Joseph II.
Albright, the elevator man In theSt -attle
National bank bulldlnrj, wm
found with his skull crushed In at tlio
bottom of the elevator shaft at twelyn
o'clock to-day. Early In the mouth
B. N Mayhue, the elevator man, no
tified the agent that be wished to quit
on the 8th. Albright was engaged,
and has been learning how to run tlm
elevator since. Yesterday wus th.)
first day on which he was given tho
entire charge of the elevator. Albright
fell nut of the elevator and then down
the shaft. He was a G. A. R. man
and left a wife and one child.
Woman Guilty of Murder.
JACKSON, RV. March irtTi.
Jury in the case of Catherine McQulmi
charged with complicity in the murder
of Dr. Rader, returned a verdict cf
guilty or murder in the first degree
this morning, fixing her nmilshnions
at confinement in the state prison for
life. As Mrs. M On Inn loft a.
u-. iim me uiuri-
mom in charge of the Jailer she smll.,i
at some members of the jury.
Woodmen of the World.
ATLANTA, March lfl.-Advi. ....
ceived here today states that IlieWood-
"eu or tne world, a fraternal l,,s-
surance order numbering 30,000 mem
bers and having lodges lu all thecitie
and larger towns of the United Stales,
at a meeting at Omaha t
cided to hold their narr i
... uuav auilt'tu
meeting at Atlanta during tn. r..,.
States' International Exposition.
Circuit Court.
Criminal cases disnoaed f t,.
grand jury finishes its work.
J he grand jury returned the follow
ing ludictments:
A F Stowe of Lebanon .k. ,
with emblezziement, not a true bill
William Ray charged with attempt
ing to murder Joseph Buhl at Leb
anon, not a true bill.
Oweu H. Hunt of Stnvion !,....,
with larceny, a true bill. Tbn nri.
oner waved time and plead guilty. Bc-
turner sixteen lie was sentenced to
the reform echool.
The following cases vm .it.,.,.!
Jacob A Stean vs tlm Fsm s.
Merehauts Ins Co, recovery of monev
nonsuit. . .
Hiller A Hoffman vs the Farmer. A-
Merchants Ins Co, recovery of money;
S A Stover vt WE Rav et al. re-
eovery of money, attachment: con-
H Bryant vsJMKeenav Jinn fl T,
Beach, recovery," of money, attach
ment; contiuued.
Btate Insurance Oo. annelhmt t '
P Whiting and A M Whltim. .n,,.
dentsappeal from justice court; ver
dict for defendants.
Kuapp, Burrcll & Co va Jam w.
Heudrick and A J Johnson.
of money; continued.
R L Sabln vs Oriental Tea Co. le-
covery of money, ntaehment; contin
ued. Will & Link va G W and 8 L Ltim-r.
recovery of money, attachment; jutig
iiientand order to sell attached pro
perty. I K Wcatherford vs G W and 8 I,
Luper, recovery of mnnov nttinii.
ment; judgment andoidcr to sell at
tached property.
John W Gains vs Louis Stringer, re
covery of money, attachment; judg
ment and order to sell attached pro
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co vs G W
Rodgers, recovery of money, attach
ment; continued.
Rachel Jeans vs Llllle Foust et al,
recovery of money, attachment; Judg
ment In vacation.
Hannah E Rutherford vs R H Ruth
erford, divorce; granted, and former
name, Hnnmili E Peacock, restored.
Stale vs W F Maxwell, larceny; plea
of not guilty withdrawn; plead guilty
and fined $50.
Averysaduud what will probably
prove to be a faltal accident, oocured
about four miles southwest of Eugeuo
on the farm of -A. Koslerman. It
seems that a biush fire had been
kindled in the near vicinity of the
house, aud one of the children, a little
girl some four or five years old, while
playing, In some manner came in con.
text with the fiery element, and the
little innocent was almost Instantly
wrapped in flames. Before help ar
rived tlie child's clothes were almost
entirely burneu from her. Her arms
aud bauds were burned iu a most hor
rible manner, the fleshed almost drop
ped from one of ber hands. Her feet
and limbs were also burned severely,
as well a her cbut aud abdo-