The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 15, 1895, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
April 18.
Wry pleiiuuiil cool nights.
f-unduy in St. Put rick's Day.
Mrs. Frank .Settle lnu Wn quite ill
this Week. '
Mx Ola Smith bus ordered a bicy
cle. , -
Mr. U. flnslnr bus purchased a fla
new wheel..
Dr. A. B. Prentls, the deiitM 1 now
III the city. Office lu (he St Charles
hotel pui lor.
IS. 11. C'nj'k moved Inln I lie house of
H. Myers tbi .
Mr, II. Baker was doing business
111 Albany yesterdiiy.
Lou in Messenger lilt this week for
Ills old home, lu Indiana.
Mr. F. L. Curmuii la at Ahvrdet'ii,
Wash., lliiD week nu business.
It, A. Bums of VVinummiu, was III the
oily ibis Meek looking lor a lueulioii.
The ladles of Hie Presbyterian
church will give u social uu April 1,
The geuial countenance of Tom
Overman waa been nil our streets this
Mm. V. E. Chandler is visiting her
parents lu Albany it couple of days this
Miss Nora Miller relurned home hint
Monday from a visit to Forest Grove
uml I'm lloiiil.
. Mr. H.J, lluyd and wife returned Tuesday from Eugene. They
report u line lime.
E. E. Hum muck left Hi is week for
California where lie' goes in the In
terest of Ihelr patent step ladder.
Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Ityde were the
gucs of Mr. and Aim. W, J. Uuy Una
week. Mis. Royde is u sister of Airs.
l)r. Lumberson and little aoii Nor
. niau was lu Eugene a couple of clays
tills week. The doctor was there 111
the Interest of the A nehiii S Chemical
Prof, R E. Miehner and wife drove
over from Brownsville last Friday af
ternoon mid apent Hie night und all
day Hatuidny lu the city vialtitig eld
I'rof. Wilkes and Miss Fiinnle
Griggs ntUntM the funeral ol N. P.
Par lie lust Sunday a' JJuux Butte,
and iitlerwurd drove to Albany, re
turning the an i e e cuing.
Isaac Benjamin of Portland, waa III
Lebanon tiiia week. In conversation
Willi him, he Informed us that he had
decided to move buck to Lebanon and
would open up a store here about the
1st of April.
Churlo D Montague's many Mends
ut this place will be sorry to learn I bat
be la having another bad spell of
; bleeding at his home In Portland,
caused from having seven belli ex
tracted On April 13, the Choral society of
thin place will give a grand musical
tntoriulnmtnt consisting of solos,
ducts, quurlells, choruses, etc. Lovera
of music will do well to bear Ibis III
i:b d as it promises to be the event of
the season,
Last Saturday morning Misses Hose
and Dorena Marshall accompanied by
It. I,. Burkhart. Gilbert and Kome
McCully and John Doe, of Albany pils
ner! through our city en route to Knr'.a
ville on their bicycles. They returned
borne the same even ng,
Lust Tuesday evening after dark Mr.
. John Mlllaid, w ho resldi lu the
tuii'Ui'lia "t Albany, was running after
a calf, when h fell, breaking his left
leg ul the thigh end n lione lu the right
ahouldcr. Mr Millard will, as a result,
lie con fined to biff room for a good
, ninny weeks.
There area couple of men and a
woman going around the country
claiming to give n Mairlc lantern and
lii'bt-r f hand perforuinnce, Thev are
a act of all round dead boats They
, were In our plcasent little city last
Wednesday evening. Advertised a free
show, drew a well tilled lmuse and
dlsapnlnted everybody. Look out for
them, They are mi the bum.
, The ladles aid society will give an
entertainment Tuesday evening,
March 1, al Mrs. Miller's Hall. An
admission often cent" will be charged
which wilt Include a lunch A special
feature nf the evening will be an old
time spelling match, in which every
Wlv Is Invited to participate. The
one that ai.clN down the sclnsil will
receive a Reward of Merit from the
teacher. Good mttsln and other at
1 1 act lona a re prom led .
In conversation with Dr. Lumber
ann one day this week, lie Informed us
that the sale of their medicine Llver
Ine had far eicctedod I he expectations
of the company, of which he la man
ager, aid i bey were all imiehe nonur
lined. He has two men working and
bottling i he medicine, and three
young ladles at work nearly all the
time labeling and putting rapper on
VitW' boitlea, and then they cannot keep
iHrwllh Uusuukrea Ulejr eojuetoi 1
Remember tbe idea of April,
New millinery aj Vim. 0. Rlea's,
Bran aud shorts for aale t the HIU,
Go to Hiram Bukor for your wall
" Editor Bugger ofScIn, waa on our
atroeta last Saturday.
Table bosrd at Rlloa ft Urr' retau.
rant for only ti.ih pr week.
Two loaves of bread for 6 ovule at
Itilea ft C'arr'a.
' If you want to sell property list It
with Peterson ft Andrews,
Hiram Haker rccclvtd a large as
sorh.ienl of wall p.iper tills week.
Dr. O.W. (Ibearlle's office hours trom
11 a. m tlli 5 p. ni, Oltloe over City
Iliraru linker received nnolher largo
Invoice of sprirfg goods this week
direct from the cast. He Invites the
puollc to cull uml hispi ct these goods
Mil get prices.
Meals at all hours at 111 lea ACarr's
restaurant in Kirkpatrlck's buildiug,
also a lunch counter in connection
where you can get a sandwich or a
cup of coffee at any lime.
Do not fail to hear Mis Vnundersirf
at the Academy on Saturday evening
aiDooiocK. mic is an elocutionist or
rare ability and a goad program is
The students of the Academy are
practicing the drama, "Broken Fet
ters" which will lie played on April
4. This Is a splendid play and will no
doubt be be rendered lu good shape,
Mr, Percey 11, Kcllcy has resigned
bis position as deputy prosecuting at
torney. He has filled the office well.
It is not unlikely that Mr Luther
Elk'ua will be appointed by Mr. Mc
Cain. On Bunday Miss Dora Page, a stud
ent at the Albany college, was crossing
theCalugooia street bridge with some
other gh In, when lu looking over th
the ra
ng her told wateh fell luti. the
rippling waters of the Willamette
seventy feel below. Yesterday Joseph
Smith aud R. &. Humphrey procured
a boat aud with a garden rake fished
the watch out. Heralds. .
Dr. A, B, Prentls who is to be in
our city on the 14th wishes it to be
distinctly undcratond that he is not a
traveling dentist, but is looking for a
good location. The work done by
him will be us good as that done in
any Kftlce on the coast. Dr. Prentls
will he pleased to show samples of
work and quote prices to all w ho may
call, win titer they have work to do or
not. Parties having work tn will
please call early and make appoint
ments. His office will lie in the par
lors of the 8t. ('buries.
A fatal accident happened Wednes
day nnou of last week at the home of
Harmon Heeker residing near the
Huutlain bridge. Mable, the five year
old daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Heeker
while playing iu the kitchen, as Mrs.
Heeker was getting dinner in some
manner upset a pot of hot coffee, the
liquid covering ber face aud breast
scalding ber IU a frightful manner.
medical assistance was secured, but it
was impoesile to overcome the eflects
ot the burn, mid the child died after a
painful eXH?iience Wednesday night.
The grand Jury failed to ictuiu a
true bill iigainst A'. F. rlt.iwe, thus re
leasing him from custody. This action
was due, not to u lack of cvlrletiee, for
his wrong doing was evident, but for
the purpose of giving the defendant
one more cbunee of r .-fomiaiioii. By
(be aid of a tew benevolent gentlemen,
.bonds were obtained a lew day before
cofirl; aud by the help nf other kindly
disposed persons, sulllccut money was
raised to re-iuiluiise Mr. J. Ibarlng,
whose money hail licen appropriated
by Mr. tilovve. No mall, wllhin the
memory of the ol.test Inhabitant, has
ever been helped so often und so gen
erously as bus been this man, and but
tew have shown so little gratitude.
Drink bus brought him within the
shodow ofu felou's cell; and, unless he
speedily reforms, drink will yet make
him a felon. We hope that this lesson
an dearly bought, will prove to biui a
lasting warning and be the means of
opening before him a successful aud
honorable career.
The grand Jury did not Indict either
Walter Bass or William liayt both of
whom were suspected of being the
parties who robbed Joe Buhl. It is
commonly rumored that the jury were
strongly Impressed with the guilt of
the dfeuduuts,but doubted the State's
ability to secure a conviction ou the
evidence obtainable. The crime of
which these men were suspected is a.
most dastardly one, und the vuilty
parlies should be severely punished.
This is hut one of the several crimes
oouimitted in this neighborhood, aud
yet no man has been mude to suffer lor
his guilt. The arm of the law seems
powerless protect totheooinmuulty aud
the efforts of our best citizens are un
availing. If tills tiling continues, a
lynching party will i e the result;und,
If the guilty party Is the victim, but
few regrets will follow. No man la
safe with criminals at large. Murder
and robber, burglary and theft, in this
county should demand the prompt aud
vigorous action of the authorities. Peo
pi uud Ihelr property deniund pruteo
tm fli'l MS I
Ex-County Clerk N. P. Payne died
ut his home near Albany, last Salun
day morning at three o'clock, after an
illness extending over several years,
with Bl ight's disease of the kidneys.
The deceased oame to Oregou In 1851
from Illinois Willi his father, Mr. Mar
tin Payne, He afterwards took up a
D. L. C. a few miles from Albany,
which he has since owned and occu
pied, except during his recent resi
dence of four years In Albany. Id
1890 he was elected county clerk, a
position he tilled with ability and his
popularaity icsullcd In bis re-election
In 1892. Lust year he retired from the
office and returned to his farm. He
was r member of the Corinthian
I.odgt of Masons and was an exemp
lary citizen, u true husband and father.
For a good many years he was prom
inent in the Orange in w hich lie al
ways labored for the best interests of
I lie funnel's. He leaves a wife and
ten chlldred to mourn his death. He
was bom on D cember 16, 1843, aud
died March 9, 1805, at the age of 51
years, 2 mouths and 21 days. He was
buried lu the Knox Butte cemetery,
the funeral being conducted by the
Masonic fraternity.
Last Friday evening about 8 o'clock
many of our citizens noticed a fire due
west of this place, w hich was supposed
to be a dwelling on Are; but the next
day it was learned that it was the
barn of Mr, H. L. Lrissell. The cause
of the fire is unknown, but the most
plnusahle theory Is, that It was the
work of tramps M r. Laasell does not
smoke, nor had not had a light near
baru. Mr. Lassell says that it was only
forty minuts from the time he was at
the barn till it was discovered to be on
Are. When discovered, the whole lu-
alde of the structure waa in flames, and
It was impossible to go near it. The loss
I besides the barn was: nine head of
horses, one single buggy, carriage, 300
busbclB of graiu and about eleven tons
of bay w ith harness and other farm
implimente. The total loss will
amount to about $2500, on which there
was only 1400 insurance.
Practical Education.
Prof. C. H. Cbapxan President of
the State University will deliver a
lecture entitled, "Practical Education"
at the First Presbyterian church thet
Friday evening. The exercises
will commence ut 7:30 p. m. Every
body interested in education is cor
dially Invited to attend.
Song, "Greeting Ulec," ..By six girls.
ltecitatioii, "Wlieu I'ni .a Man." .
Wiliard Marks.
ltecitatioii, "On Hunker Hill."
boyd Eetberford.
Hecitatiou, "Tint Foolish Little
Bonnet." Katie Miller.
Recitation, "old Iron Side." Fred Steliy.
ltecitatioii, "E. Plurebus Unijni."
: Lillian Bealtie
Mutic, "The Ocean Wave." (Instru
mental,) , Mae Gatchcll.
Lecture, "1'opular Education."
Dr. 0. H. Chapman
Kong, "America Columbia's Do
main." Bv six girls.
Speaks For Itself.
Scio, On., March 11, 1895.
Lebanon, Or.
, Gentlemen: Please send us as soon
us you cau conveniently, two dozen
Liveriue -)c size. Llvcriue is the sel
ler with us aud gives universal satis
faction. As you are aware wegnfcthe
bill a month ago, aud during the
month we have aohl dozens of it while
Syr. Figs, Castor's and kindred pre
parations set on the shelf, and of all of
them put together, we have not sold
one dozen.
With liest wishes for the success of
your venture Y e Are Reap.
J. 6. Morbus & Co.
Per. Peeby.
. Notice Is hereby given to all whom
it may, tbut I am directed by
the city council of Lebanon, Oregon,
to rigidly enforce the ordinance re
lative to cleaning yards, alleys and
privies. The ordinance cau be ex
amined on application to the Recorder.
All parties violating any provisions of
this ordinance, after the jjoth of Murcb
1S95 w ill be prosecuted.
By order of the City Council.
P. W. Morgan, Marshal.
Dated March 14. 1895.
Letter List.
The following Is the list of letters re
maining uncalled for in the Lebanon
Pcstofflce, Friday, March 8, 1895:
Bean Frank, 1 Davis Miss G L ,
Foster Alex., ' James Bert,
Kelso II L, MeKlnney Joseph,
Martin Owin, McNanrary Tom,
Nickols Mrs M B, Quincy Mrs E E,
(julncy Mrs Kwnia, 'Quincy Mrs E,
Quincy Robert )!, Klcliardson Mrs M J.
Cuai. A, Sum, P. M,
Cedar Posts, .
Flrstclasa cedar posts for sale cheap.
Call on or address Walter Brown, Al
bany office, at Freuche's Jewelry etore
or see S. A. Niokerum at Labauon,
These hard times we want to save all
we can, but of course we have to eat,
still you will save tome by getting your
kfuouwU 4 1 f Baoll't.
. ' Mr. Montague's Lsctura,
As the Exi'hbhs promised in Its last
Issue, Mr, Moiitaugue'a lecture on
Scotland proved to be a rloh treat.
lue spacious nan at me Academy waa
well filled. In order that the large
audience might be comfortably seated
before the lecture begun, Prof. Handle
pleasantly exhibited and explained the
beautiful new designs on the stage
curtains, a work of consider able artistic
skill. The sweet lingers of Lebanon
rendered several dilHcult and beauti
ful songs. The lecturer was introduced
and was received with much enthusi
asm. He at once began to unfold, in
chaste and eloquent language, the
thrilling history of Scotland, among
whose rugged yet beautiful hills he
was reared. He touched upon her
legends, the dawn of Ik r history, with
a charm that captivated his audiuiice,
and threw into bis story a pathos that
was irrcaiatable. Passlog briefly over
her unauthentic history, he began to
tell, with remarkable familiarity, of
her recorded history, in words so
simple, vet so beautiful, that his
audience was instructed while it waa
immensely pleased. He vivioly nar
rated the history of Bruce, his mis
fortune and his triumphs, of Walluce
and his heroic deeds and tragic death,
of Macbeth immortalized by Shake
speare, and of other famous and In
famous characters In the life of this
truly wonderful people. With the
grace and eloquence of a tragedian, he
quoted fumiliar lines from Shakespeare
and Scott, bearing upon these great
men.. His entire discourse might well
be published in full aud we regret that
our space will not permit it. - Without
intruding to flatter the speaker, we
will be permitted to add that his ac
curate knowledge of Scotland's history
and his charming eloquence enabled
him to deliver au address the superior
of which we have never heard.
We feel under obligations to make a
few remarks hi reply to an item which
appeared iii last issue of the Express.
It seems the "Acorn Shell" item fit
pretty well. Ii is all true anyway,
aud if. the shoe fits you, wear it. No,
your Sunday school, prayer meeting
and class meetings were not men
tioned iu connection with the League,
as I suppose "Sinner" had not heard of
auy one who wished to attend, being
denied the privilege of attending any
of your meetings, except tbe League.
You need not try to crawl back in
your shell and deny having told the
sinners they were not welcome at your
League, because you did politely in
vite them to remain elsewhere.
As for what our friend, Yang Tse
Kiang, says in regal d to the dance not
long since, we would Infer, be was
either not present or else does not cure
to tell the exact truth. Which ever it"
may be, he baa gratly misrepresented
things. It is true there was a little
disturbance created by some who were
strangers lu our community; still we
think the dance was more of a credit
to tbe neighborhood, than the way
some (who term Ibemselveschrisliuiis)
conduct themselves at Buttle Ridge.
As for that being the lust of the dances
in the vaclnlty of good old Battle
Ridge; we would kindly inform you
that we Have no intention of giving up
our favorite amusement as the dance
is the only place where the poor sin
ner is welcome to come, as the good
people of Battle Ridge are so weak in
their faith they are afraid to mingle
with tbe outside world. Now we do
not mean to cast any slur on religion
i t all; far from it. We only refer to
the way in which the reins are held at
Battle Ridge. Hoping Ynng-Tse-Klang
will experience great pleasure
in shedding those model christians,
(we do not include all) we thank him
for l:is good opinion of us, und to
gratify the curiosity of our noble friend
Yang-Tse-Kiaiig, wo will kindly In
form him that "Sinner" was not
present at the dance.
At Battle, Ridge they have a League.
A private one they say. I guess it
must be so; for I know sinners are In
vited to stay away. Sinneb.
Sweet Home Items.
School closed at Foster lust Friday.
W. H. Douaca will start in a short
time for eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Powers of Santlam, Is visiting
her mother, Mrs. William Shelton.
A. F. Hamilton preached at the
Evangellcul church last Sunday
.C. T. Blgbee who has been teaching
the Sweet Home school, moved to his
fanch across tbe river last Saturday. "
Amoii Phelps contemplates leaving
for eastern Oregon soon.
Pure Breed Poultry.
W. G. Smith, Ave miles northeast of
Lebanon, breeds 8. C. Brown and
.White Leghorns, 8. S. I amburgs,
Black Minorcas, Light Brabmas, G. C.
Polish an'd Guine Bantams. Eggs for
hatching- $1 per 13. Orders can be
left at the postolflce. ,
All persons known themselves In.
debted to nie will nlease call and settle
at onoe as I need my money.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Shoes For Ladies.
Read, Peacock S Co.
Miss Stella Frunk nf this place has
been visiting relatives in Lebanon the
past week.
Theie was a birthday dinner given
in honor of Fin Hansard, at tjie resi
dence of Mike Shere. In the evening
the girls gave a party, aud every oue
had a good time,
Thursday evening a few of the Ten
nessee people visited Lebanon.
The 'Literary is getting more Inter
esting every week. ' Saturday liefnre
lust, It was decided that single life was
more of a pleasure to man than mar
ried life. Last Saturday it wai, decided
that whiskey Is a greater curse than
Sunday morning Mr. Aaron Balti
more preached a good sermon to the
Mlsa Anna Blacklaw has returned
from Lucnmb where she has been
teaching. She will teach the spring
term at this place. We wish her suc
cess. Last Sunday night the League
Mlilcu was conducted by Miss Mamie
Kcehler was most Interesting.
Monday at 2 o'clock the annual
school election resulted as follows: Mr.
N. Bashorwas elected director, to
serve three years, and Mr. J Allmau
w us elected clerk to serve one year, .
Mr. W. Barger is building a resi
dence in the west part nf town,
Several visitors are In the lily drink
soda water for health.
If a teacher has any reputation he
should never apply to tills place for a
gchcol unless he wants to retire from
the business,
A black smith wanted here who has
cupitul enough to keep at least three
or four sets ol horse shoes on hand,
und honor enough tn pay tils debts.
The annual school meeting was held
at this place on the day prescrlben by
law. Everything cut and dried.
Sodaville Is noted for Its wise men.
Many school teachers in thia atate can
subscrlb to this fact.
Mr. Thomas Batch makes two trips
a week with a four horse team to Al
bany for goods to supply this place,
and Fisher's store at Sweet Home.
If the county school superintendent
should reside here for one month and
see the foolishness that la going on in
the district, tbe schemes, conniving)
and principals by persona without
families and property, he certainly
would disorganize the thing and con
nect the renienants with adjacent dis
tricts, and exterminate this for ever.
Or. Prlce'i Cream Baklnj Powder
. MAwM Mr U1H Aa4
Flue elegant photos at Bogd's gallery
for cash or produce.
Smith has just added fifty new books
to his circulating library.
If you want to buy property call on
or write Peterson A Andrews.
Buy ynu tickets East over the N. P.
ft. R. of W. C' Peterson, Local agent.
You can get one dozen pbotoea at
the Lebanon Art gallery for 75 sents.
When you want to buy a suit of cloth
Ingyou will save money by getting
itat Bach's.
April 13 '95, hardly a person la now
alive, who can afford to miss It. At
the Academy.
All knowing themselves indebted to
me will please call and settle at
once. . M. A. Miller.
Dalglelsh a Everett can sell you fine
presents that will give satisfaction,
comfort and pleasure every day In the
Ladies, if you want a good cherp
shoe for yourself, don't forget to go to
Baker'a or send for his 96c, 1.25, fl.5u
(2.00 or 2.50, tbe best in the world for
the money. His motto is, never to
be under sold.
There Is
more Catarrh In this section of the country
than all other diseases put together, and
until tbe last few years was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constantly
failing to cure with local treatment, pro
nounced It incurable. Hcience. baa proven
catarrh to lie a constitutional disease and
therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is 'the
only constitutional cure on tbe market.
It is taken internally in doses from 10
drops to a teaspoonful, It acts directlv on
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case It fails to cure. Send (or
circulars and testimonials. Address.
F. . CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, 0,
iWSold by druggists, 75c.
ilijheat Honor World' Fair,
A pure Gitpe Geim ef Tirtii Powder, Fici
guts Ammonia, Alum er m ettitr sdultawjL,