Lebano;i Express. H. Y. K1RKPATR1CK, Editor - and - Proprietor. Cleanliness is next to Godli ness. - Now is the proper time to have the city cleaned tin. Dkstroy tlie microbes of disease lv thoroughly cleaning np the oitr. Caw.oaps of (irftiisf nre heinr shipnerl from T.b Ansrrles to Florida.almtwt dailv. TSe election of Senator Shoup in Idaho leaves bnt one state in doubt on this question now Dela ware.' The Portland school census shows the population of that citv to be 117.804. Probablv padded 30,000 or more. The Express would cnll the citv d.ids attention tn the fnct thnt now is a wind tim tn huve evervhnnV clean up their back yards and alleys. AoRici'LTi'RtPTS can not have cmse to complain that the wenther has not permitted them to cultivate their land and put in their crops this ft nson. One thing certain, when times and Imsiness again revive the pwiple will be less ready to assume deht, and more conservatism will prevail. This will be for the gen eral good. The Eugene Regis'cr, which has always been an excellent paper, has changed management, Yoran Bros, being succeeded by C. 3. Ho ward and Ii. 6. Shd Howard Row land. The Express wishes the new proprietors success. i We do not pretend to be posted on matters of theology, but we must remark that we believe it would be a sin for even a consistent church member to damn the Ore gon legislature '. when he pays taxes on his double assessment this year. Review. It is with pleasure that we note the city council took the suggestion of the Express and had an ordin ance drawn up to prohibit boys from jumping on the train and ptherwise fooling around the depot at train -time. It will probably pass next Tuesday night. Then lookout bovs. ' Farmers in the Willamette val ley are paying more attention than ever before to tbe small details about the farm, which may have been brought about by the low prise of wheat. It may be that the depression will result in actual benefit in this line, and it is sin cerely hooed tht it will. . Mexican bankers sre now look ing with suspicion upon the drafts issued by the leading banks of this country, and refuse to honor those not made expressly payable in gold. Mexico, a free silver Country, is afraid of the financial r responsibility of her gold standard neighbor rather a queer state of affairs. ' '. Chas. A. Dana, the veteran New York editor, has been indicted. for criminal libel by a Washington, D. C. grand jury. The numeroun ictims of hie venomous pen should club together and raise a prosecut ing fund. Dana has always ar rogated the right to mercilessly sbuse those toward whom he held a real or fancied grievance'. A .Boston church has caused a censution all over the United Elates by building a parsonage which is a wonderful innovation tin church parsonages. It ha a bowling alley, a well equipped ir.vrmissium'aiid a billiard and pool trocm. Tht auditorium has t platform and footlights, ts near in , , , appruauu iu a stage as uiuiu weu V buiH In conneotion with a fiiSitiiiii Yob can tell a live business man by his advertisement in the oaper. People should patronize tlioas wh show a willingness to patroniti other industries in a town. A max who does not advertise is like tin boy who went tt town with a aacl of fish to sell. When he return hmrjff in the evening his ftithe asked him how he had d"ii- "Didn't sell a durned fish," suid hi 'nobody wilted me hut I had ii the suck." Another boy, a rouel brijibti'r boy, went to towu th next day' He took a big hor: along, nd first ht blov a deafen iog blast and then he would ycli 'Fish, fish fur sale," and soon In had sold them all and went hum. with an empty sack and a pocket full of money. A live merchant always toots his horn and yells. Ex. George S. Downing was super intendent of the Oregon penitenti ary just seven years. He will probably remain in Salem and practice law. CIRCUIT COURT. Cinuit cnurt convened Mnurlay, department No. 1 before Judge Bur. nett and department Nn. 2 with Judge Hi-wlU mi the bench were both opened. Heretofore there has been much con tusion by the presence of attorneys and witnesses being required in each de partment at the same time. This has b -en obviated bv the following older teamed in each department: That ad writs of review, mandamus and habeas corpus cases shall be trans ferred to department No 2, and that a!) indictments and orimlnal proceed ing be transferred to department No, I. The grand jury returned not true bill in the case of Frank Peck, charged whta larceny of a team from John Behmeer. The following cases were disposed of in department No 1: E F Wyittvs Harrisburg Mercantile Co, to recover unewwion of personal property; jury out. Tnpiitz k Co vs Mary C'ougill, re covery of money; continued. Geo J Brauuar vs Mary Cuugill, re covery of money; continued. Mooue, Valentine & Co vs Mary Cnueill, recovery of money continued. T P Baldwin k Co vs Guldamitb k Runfcle, recovery of money; attach ment B O Griffiu vs Farmers k Merchauts Insurance Co, recovery or money; continued. D H James, at assignee of Bank of Oregon vs C B Watson, recovery of money; settled. Will k Link va W H and H J Haple. recovery of money; continued. Fied W Blumberg vs Mrs A Muel ler, recovery of money, attachment; continued. Jnhn Knbsou vs L W Deyoe. recov ery of money ; settled. B L Babin vs Adolph Benders, re covery of money; judgment by default. B L Babin vs Kiggs 4 Brandon elal, recovery of money; judgment against Brandon. J A Crawford vs Margarette Budine, recovery of money; settled. D M Osborne & Co. vsP L Bllyue, recovery of money, attachment; judg ment with oroer to to aell property. M J King, as executor of Nancy Biggars, vs W C Peterson et at, recov ery of mmiey ; settled. Wl.l k Link vs O W and 8 L Luper recovery of money, attachment; judg ment fur pl-iintiff. U F Chevalier k Co v Metzgur k Mesainger, recover of money, attach ment: judgment against Metzgar only.' ripaulding Mfg Co vs J A Montgom ery et al, recovery of meuey, attach ment; judgment and order to sell pro perty. Btewart k Box vs M E Kinder, re covery of money, attachn enl; settled. J M Pierce va H J Hand, recovery of money, Bttuclinieiit; Judgment for plaintiff. Kachel Jeans vs Llllie Fount et al, recovery of minify, uttachmcut, Judg ment in vacution. Bead, Peacock k Co va John Huston et al, recovery of muuey, at achment; settled. Knnpp, Burrell k Co W J Highl and Frat.kVanuta, recovery of money, attachment; settled. W J Van Hchny ver 4 Co vs John Itnm jr. et al, recovery of money, at tuclinieiit; Judgment for plaintiff. Joseph R K Jrvlne vs Kiebael Mc- Telgh, recovery of money, altiichmeiit; continued,- Smith k Ueary vs Clyde McCoy, re covery ' of money, atta-:bineiil; Judg metit ft-r 97 and cin, Stewart k Stx vs J A ZyMt, eonBr- amthin; canSrmed. Jnhn Hnglies vs J C Cswond and F.nneW Ciiwrnaj, oonSriuHtlun; eon- ! 6r"" " . C A Parker va M J Phillip et al recovery of money, attachment ; let- tlnl, dry of money, attaohmeiit: settled. Btewtut k Sox yb Daniel Hurt et al, ecovery of uimiey, uttauhriiiont; set eled. Hihler, Blmre k Huldredge vs H W Bilyeu ct al, recovery nf money, at achuient; settled. Sophia Crnlsant Vb A J Slu-ltmi, rt overy of nuiiiey; settled. The dU.-w.irt & x Ha.dwarc C.i, a orpomtion, vs F M Giinrcl nod J (' lurdln, recovery of iiitiucy, .attach tent; Nettled. WJ Monti-Mi vs C MftK-.nr a id 11 i Crani-r, ncovery of luimt-j ; jiulg neut by di -fault. N V Slate vs John A ninl Aif'rtt hMn-ii", recovery nt iimiify; scltied. W T Ci elinni and O 1' -Ctmnow, vs iillimn ( uclinm, c-il i ii ri i : . . 1 1 .i ; ; i-.iu-1 iriued. A T HlmxriVr vs Cliii! pneider, riv i im-ry of inoiit-y; enntinuvil. Andrew Hclslar vs Robert tiuith, woyery of umucy; cnulinued. Theodore Seliroi-der vs Christ Hob roderet al; continued. Theodore Schroeder vs Jiucpli Dentach, recovery of money; e.uutiii ued. . The grand jury relumed uot a true bill iu tlie ease uf tlie stole va Aimer Carey, held on a charge of rutie. In the case nf W F Maxne'l, ac cused of stealing George UlnylMiinV overcoat, the grand Jury reiurueit true bill. In the ease of Walter B.ias. cliargeil Kith laaceuy nf some jewelry nt Leba non, not a true bill was ruturni'd. E V Wyatl vs IlarrisOurg Mureantile Co, to recover possession of personal property; verdict fur plnilitltl for 3500 bushels of oats valued at fl'M, ami for defendant as to 1500 IiusIh-Ib of outs. S E Young va M B Fry, recovery ut money, attachment; judgement by de fault and order to sell attached pro perty. W E Glthens vs John T McNeil, recovery of money; continued. G W Bntllh vs the Farmers & Mer chants Ins Co, recovery of money; continued. The Oriental Tea Co vs J A McFerini as sheriff, r-covery of .personal pro peny; verdicv for plaintiff; goods, Ur 000, fruit tm and damages $0. B E Young vs N P Blale. recovery iif money, attachment; settled. Mitchell, Lewis 4 Stnver Co vs C L" Cross, recovery nf uiuuey, nttaeliiiieiit; defauU and jmlgeineiit, with order to sell attached property. Knapp, Burrell k Co vs Emil Aile- man, recovery of mnuey, uttacliineut default and judgement, with order to aell attached raoperty. Frank Bros Co, rexpntident, Vh Jnhn Harder, appellaut, appeal from justice court; bousulL A Clubbing Offer. A ereat many of our readers Llnu county like to take the weekly Oregnn- ian. We have mane arrangements whereby we can turmsli It at a reauet Ion from the regnlar price to thnee who want bdtb tlie Exprixb ami tlie Oregonian. The regular price nf the Oregnnian 1 $1.5(1 per year, and nf the Exi'K(H $i.50 when in advance. W will furnish both f r t- lr year in advance 8 saving of one dollar to the subacriper. The Oregnniun gives all the general newsnf Ike country once a week, and the Expkess gives all the locul news once a week, which will make a most excellent neks service for the moderate sum of 2. per year, Those who are at present sutweribur f tbe Express must puy iu all arrear ages and one year iu udvunce to obtuiu this special price. Notice. , Blacksmith wanted, one who under stands ceueral blacksmith work and especially horseshoeing uUo enn do wood work for rei-alrini? nt nin and mncliinery, will furnish shop free of charge for one yei,r. t;n furnish qjlte a number of tools. For further information write A. F. Hamiitox. Hollev, Oregon SUMMONS, tn the Circuit Court ol tlie State ol Oregon, fur Unn county.' la department No. 2. Mary J. Henderjou, plaintitf VS. f Jacob W.IIeiidenoii, defemlant) . Kuninions To Jacob W. Henderson, the above named Defendant. IS THE SAME OF THE Ot OflSOO.t : You are hereby required to appeur and ain- -jrer tlie complaint of tlie above named Plaintiff, in the above entitled court, now on tile with the Clerk of said Court, ui oi- uelore the lint day ot the Itegular Term of the above entitled Court, to wit : Monday the 11th day of March, 105, court being held at Albany, Linn county, Oregon ', and you are notified that if you fail to appear and answer aid complaint, a hereby re quired, the Plaintiff herein will apply to the i;ourt for tbe relict prayed for in Pliintliri complaint, tiled in the above entitled Court; to wit: Por a decree dlMolving the bonds of matrimony now Mining between t'lai.-tii; and Defendant and tor an absolute divtrcc for Plaintiff from Defendant, and for the care, custody and control of their minor daughter Vestlt and fur the cost and di burseir-euU of thit suit In be taxed. Thia anmaiom it published by the order of the Honorable H. 11. Hewitt, Judge of the Third Judicial District of the SiMe of Oregon, and of this Court, made at Cham bers hi the City of Albany, 1-iun I'ouiity, Oregon, so the2Jnd day of January iSS. gAU'l U. UtllhAtti. fmtiftf (OrPlabniS, Glen's Shoes: il 50. 2 00. 2 50. 3 00. 5 00. W. L. But his affont for the Best Slioe iu lite Wovkl. We rarry large lines of shoes from Barton Bros., of KannaB City, Brown Shoes Oimipsuiy, (if Bt. Loui-, and many oilier shoe manufacturers; and also carry a large line of Kuhhcr Woods of nil kinds. ' AVo Iihvc a fine lijie of Press Goods arriving from the East which will ho bo11h cheap as anywhere on the face of the earth. Remember We Cnrry .J001 (JOODS For the Least Money. HIRAM BAKER, Lebanon, Or: LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. icuiuisid Krerj Week.) Wheat -3-U-. Outa ffilc Hay fo toSU per ton. Flour $0 6niU5. per aaok. Chop fl ",") ier cvt. lirtiii 7l)o Mir ow-t. Middliii(i-i)70percwt. , Potatoes Sic. Apples Dried, 6c per It ' Plums Dried, 6c Onloua "v. Hue,' Dresaed, 8o. Veul 45e. Pork Drenaed, 4. Lard 10. Hums 10 por lb. Slniuldeni Sc. Khlea 10c per lb Oeeae f4 o r dm. Ducka-42 t3 per doz. Cliiokcna 2 08 80. Turkeya 8o per lb. ' Eggs 8c ier dot. B ittor IS 20c pr lb. ' n Uk-8 Ureen, lc; dry, 2c. It la wnuderfjll how many good can be luiugltt for a little money. Hard timee make low prices, and there is nothing xpeaka a plain at apot eah. We keep g-aida for tlie people whose wants ure many and whose cash la very light. We buy for cash and -sell for cash at leas then half tbe usual pro lit, and we euii undersell all competi tors. Give ua a trial. You will be con vinced. We sell genuiue kid shoes for 51.50, and very Que f 7o. Fine cash mere 85 c. oil culiea'a and turkey red and all the finest grades 16yds tor a $1. Curling inula all sizes Sc. Barlow knives 10. flue ones 25 and 50c. at tbe Rackets tSlore. IiMMolutlou Notice. Notice is hereby given tiiat the partner aliip lieretnfore existing between P. M. Hniith and G. M. Westfall. knosin as Smith ,t eatfull. and tlie uamiership heretofoK exislinK between P. M, Bmitb and G. M. Wentfull and A Uiiiphrey, known as Smith, Wcstlull & l'inlirey, both Hrliierhips be ing engnged iu tlie I.ivcry & Feed business in Leliauon, I.inn county, Oregon, were on (lie 12th day of February 1886 dissolved, P. M. Smith with drawing from said firms. G. M. Westfoll and A. Umphrey will con tinue the same business at the same places, an Welfoll & 1 lliirey. All parties indebted to the old firms arc earnestlly requested to settle. at once. P. M. Smith, G. M. Wtsmu. A. I'MraasT. First publication, Feb. 22, IMS. Albany Steam Laundry RICHARDS & PHILLIPS, Proprs, A.lbany, Oregon All Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Special Kates for Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money . ; Refunded. ' J. E. ADCOX, Agnt, InSmitU'sDrugfcilow. Or. Price' Cream Bftkinff Paw4tr THIS IS MOT I i - -Sri 3 U ' fc IrW IP r My maw S&sxjJi:.''i ',..: ess. GIVES Do II III I II Hit rtO MM Wt HMlt tHmkt IHI I have a LARGE STOCK of BIUCK, for sale at my Yard, in the suhurlis of Lfl :i! on, For Sale at Reasonablt Rales. AU kind of niHson's woik done with iicatiicss and despatch. , . o. W. HARDEN. BARBER SHOPiLebanon " ' BestBhaveH, HnirCutoi ejliump-io u! j B. F. KIRK, Shaving Parlor. NEXT DOOR TO -ST. I. HA UT.KK . HOTEL. Elegant Baths. Children Kindly Treated. Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty. AdmtntMtrutoj'V N'ulIi Notice ia liereby Iven that the iiiiddi' sipned has been (Inly iijjKiinti;il hy tin County Court or Unn cuitnty, Urtruti, tin tulminlfltralor ot the entatc uf A. V. Onroutte, deceased; mid lias duly tjtmliik-d to such odniinistruior. All itersoits lim ing claims again 9 1 the fulate utt; hereby required to prerient tlnnii, with rot.-r vouchers, within mix months from the date hereof, to the undernignetl, ut the office of W. M. Hrown, in Lobunun, Linn county, Oregon, Dated thU 22nd. duv of JtuiUiiry, im. ' Win Hitter, W. M. Brown, AdmihUtrator. Attorney for Adininintratur. li7adMpUfapattlwtiklji'(romiU jptrtsutM MlTMstAfMMboeiniMn. LlbnU eoamUtlon to local too- P 'i'fe. Lr lawn and varaoa. WTrantyonnow(wliUoj i Iruli incltis l it U m nt. Oood clmnce for rtTftBCSfuent. Outllt nniiftill par- tipuUre tmt. liHOWH UUm. CO.. nur- .... SnmolliliimtHtr. til-) Ladies Fine Shoes: $1 50. 2 50. 3 00. 4 OO. 5 00. udlas, rsssfss R E L I K F. Meat Market, Ed Kellenbergcr, Prcpr. Fresh & Salted Beef Pork, Mutton, Sausage Eo. logna, and Ham, - t-J-Bacon and Lard Always on Hand Main Hltet-t, Lebanon, Or. The Yaquina Route. OREGON TACIFIC RAILROAD, Chas. Clark, Receiver, Direct Line Quick Dispatch Low Freight Katos. Connecting with steamer Ho rner between Yaquina and San Francisco. Fur froight and pnBseriger rates apply to any agent. Chas. J. Hendrys, Son & Co, ',, Nos. 2 to.H, Market St,, Sim Francisco, CU Chas, Oi.aiix, lieetiver. CotvnUis, Crugun, f i