The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 15, 1895, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
One your.,.; (, ,., ,,.,.82 00
(If paid Lit advance, $1 Super year,)
Six monttih. 1 00
Three mom lift..,,.,,....,,,,..,, j 80
. ilugto onploH OA
Oen. W,' McBrldol , ,,,
John H. Mitchell,)' - " Heitoto
Biimor IIprmmin,,..........,.....CdnpTOsH)Bn
,' Williiun P. .Uird, ., ;,..,;.Govcriior
H. K. Kiticuid,..,. Secretary ot Slate
1'hil Mctaoban, ....................Tjensnrur
O. M. Irwin,. Supt. Public Instruction
: H. W: LoeilB ,.,.,..State Printer
K. 8. St'iihn, I . i:
Win. 4r. Lord, ...Supreme Judges
K.S.Bcaii, I .
., Judge,, .' J.N, Duncan
' lwk,. ,i..,.,.,,..,,.... S. Ncedham
Recorder, ,.,. D. F. Hantaan
" Blwritr,... a ,.,., A. MoKeron
School Riiii!riiteiideut A. il. Ktuherford
Treasurer,. ..... P, (I. Morris
Assessor . W. P. Unkiin
; Surveyor,...,.,..,... E. T. T. Fisher
Coroner.. ............ ..;.K. A. Jayno
' - J John i'ugh
"' " i J. M. Waters
1 Commissioners,
city officials,
. li&tOK. M.A. MILUiR
. it Kcounicit ........ w, n. iiuows.
: ruEAtummt... j, p. hyde,
; uocmlmes (j ltAv:
1 8. 11. MYI4K8,
. 10. W. 1IHH.
City Council meets en the first mid third
Tuesday evenings uf each mouth.
il exr-eil-
CO.1 "Tried
raid proven "
ia the verdict
of millions.
i m m o rii
Liver, fiogiv
iaior is tho
'only Liver
ami Kidney
medicine Jo
, which you
' can pin your.
faith . for a :
. c a r e. A
. mild laxa
tive, and
. purely veg
' etabla, act
ing directly
on the Liver
a n- d Kid-
lwys. Tiyit.
' 'i Sld hy all
J i-SRptoln Liquid, or in Powder
U;i;3l! dryer madeioto tea.
Ti'. fill.;; r;; l.nTrMF'r'fjncs, ,
v-' 7;'il-'-M" l
-. :- . s
4LS s V V U I
NO. 3.
Secret Sooletles.
Um TENT, No; 7. K. 0. T, M,-Mtfl ID 0. A.
H. iiutl on Thurwduy t'vt'uinp of outtit woefe.
Tmii!t;ut Bir K met its ai-ti cordially invllud to
Tisiitlio ftjut meoilitg.
1 : J. A. Lamrkhhok, Com,
Cm. W. Una-, It. K.
it n ujm,, VT.I,
Sun Dloeo, Cul, avs: ''-thllnli'.
turrh Iiciiuity is the first medicine I
have ever touiiri tlmt would do me any
(rood." Price goe. HuM l.v in w
ISmitli, '
Proceedings of the Reilu Mmh
Term New wagon roads projected. ,
x-eiuion oruonert Ulaaa andotbera
for eld on county road, near Cnw-
HiruBviiie, jrranted. and isa .nnrnnri.
aled, to be expended under direction
or u. u. Bwan
Petition of R. M. Fletcluui nri
otheie for location of county road. J
11 . .
. uavis, u. j. miedd aod Frank Por
ter appointed viewer to meet al Plain
view on Monday, March 11, at 8 a.m.
Petition ot tieott Ward intt nth..
for location of county road, same
viewers appointed to meet at same
place and time.
Bill of M. Sbackleford far am rfi
Report on "J. W. Gainm road. i.
unuea. .'; i
Warrant for collection Of tlTM fnr
1893 and nrevioui! vears. whioh hi
ey pirea, was ordered reissued.
retltion of J, c. Hardin -et af., for
iwaiion or county road, irranb-ri. .1...
e, james rerry, John Smith and
John Garland.
The followinz bills VPM Ant.nwl
(laiu. . J -
AlU Mr De Haven I nn
, . v w
" A Lumming. acct poor .-, qi 00
r onmuier & Irving, acct poor......... 14 70
w r jueakini. it rm.hrii. ibm
j, , n ' "... w
Head, Peacock 4Uo, acct poor... . 10 70
mums vase, acct poor g nj
M H Ellis, acct noor n i
J W Pugii, commissioner. 15 u)
J m aters, commissioner. 1540
jH E Biers, ex insane 5 m
. omuunii, aep aliens. 5 vj
A L Mrrris, dep sheriff 7 45
" a. tliandler, dep sheriff.... 75
A Promm, rebate 0! tax ........'." 4
JlOMOU I.0IK.K, No. US. A, O. U. W.Mcots
ttvury tuuiKiay evenliifi nt (1. A. U. Hall,
VV. ROUlilNK, M. W.
I. K. Iltinrs, Iter.
' MIANON 1.01KIK, SO. , I. O. 0. 3. Itfuuts
. tfvury Siuiirvlity cvuninfr at Odd FtiUuwH Hall, al
t ij'ulocik p. m.
A. E. DAVW, N. 0.
'. 0. J'KTRIiBOS, Boct'y.
'AKL MSRI0CA U)D0K. KO. 47, J. 0. 0. J
Mcoisail.u.O. F Halt Brat and third Wednn-
( day ovenluKw of eiHili month. .
. ' - JIKS. CLARA M1YI.E, N. B.
MBa HA'ITIE DtMJUON, tkiol'y.
i lKtiieRt ojilnlon. write to
DWlPt n.iuwcr ai,d anliniiBt.
m u n i:t,., who have lind naarty ftttr vettrit
formatlim emiwra na rntenta and hiiw tTAiC
FntoiitB talcnn tliRjiiKh Mnim A fin wMtohM
ffnolal notion In the i,lT."iiliiJ a,JSJVS
oSt"f ftf,1! W'r K o twMMBffrSS
hi tli plan.. mnhllnaUllam??!lSWuI
LEBANON WIKilitio.M A. If. 4 A. M.-MecUi
Hoturday evening, tin or before the full tnouli in
still mouth, at Mawmlu tlnll, Cor, Main and
Urmil st.i. Kojoumliis hmtluirn corulully invited
to tttlCllli.
K. E. HAJMUeK. W, M,
S.O. WaUue. tied. :
tJKN'I, M I'll K.K fA 1 1. Ki IU lllvUI,.iwimrr,
flon, btms -of Veleviiatls Meet In 0. A. It, Hull,
...Vfirv MiiOmluV nvMilitu n,nnl .1,,.. .hlr.t
atutirtltty of4)aeli moiilh, meefelim Hie third Pri
on? umleoil. Ail umliier or tne Hons 01 Vet
amnfl unri eiilnriHtefotlie ti. A, K. are eordlully
invited to niitel with the Ciimp.
.0. Caiiii, Capl,
A, (I tSM.V, J'hsl Segt.
12 00
20 00
12 00
10 00
33 78
purify .your Blood, clear your com
pleclion, n-pulute your liowels and
mnke your bead clear as a beil.
60o., mid M.OO. Sold by N. W. Smith
JIISA M. HluiT HIVE, so. 1, L. O, T,
HIi'etHon theal, 411t and titli.Ffidiiy evening of
objiIi ruiHitli at lau l. Jl. t U. A. It! Halt. Tran
sient Lmly Miieealiees are cordially Invited to
a'leud. .....
A. A. H vol!, Lady R. K.
, BAlullSiHUABPH, Lndl'Cim,
Sam'l- M. Gakland.
' Koranic by K. VV. Smith.
J W Peery, acct roads ..
J uuncan, acct toads .
Aid Henry Meveri
John Uetier, janitor ...............
J W Swank, road sup j...
O Butler, road aiirjervisor
T L Golden, roads... ,.
A F Gooch, roads...... ,....,....
J C Qoodale, roads.
Gloss & Prudhomnie, books 31 00
n. a jjumenora, supterlntendiit. J4 40
Elizabeth Cajothers, teacher's ex.... 30 00
Albany Electric Lhrbt company.....; 22 SO
o i i r inner, surveyor and poor...... n 60
Oregon vs Owen Hunt.. .; m m
B M Payne, acct clerk a oo
J o van Winkle, acetcierk .. 42 00
Dr W H Davis, ccctinaana son
Or Ellis, iusano S 00
niaie vs uscar Black......... ..... n eo
oiuie vs winiam Kay.........., u 75
state Kichard Allen .,. 12 40
oiaie vs A H L'rrey g 10
ft r itareer. drawiiiEinrv li.t nn
r j smiley, printing 28 JO
fflartin faulson, janitor . 12, 00
J a atcjeroii, boarding prisoners... M 7
, mileage and expenses 70 30
. sneriir loo r
Needhara. clerk v 1 a
D V Hardinaii, recorder. ' imm
j n Duncan, judge..... -...100 00
P 6 Morris, treasures .'' S 86
A H Rutherford, supt .. 50 qq
m Ave,iiueia, aep clerk
H Jl fropst, depsherifl .- 9505
G C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark e 00
W E Savage, aid Cox jq 00
1) White, aid Persiful g m
It C Kenin, aid a nn
O T Lubker, aid ; 3 qq
Insure 'ymir property Willi Petcmnn.
Utiso & Co. They are itirenta for tl,
Old Keliiilile, Homo Mutual, New
Zealand, Hprlnglleld of Museueliusietts,
Cnntiiienta), and other m.od- reliiihlo
eouiiunliH, llrcy u, mve money to
Kiiin nt ti Iter cent, in aunw trom f2U0
Elizabeth Osboru aid
Saruli Hines, aid
Robert Gilock, aid self...,,.,..
Matlie Taylor, aid
P M Smith, aid O Watson...
Aid Mrs Barnard
Mrs GFJunkey, aid..,
, Weatherford & Wyatt,
W. M. BROWlf,
Attorney, at-Law.
A Cure for Rheumatism.
1'or rhuotnatlmn I have found nnth.
lug equal to Clinmberlnln's Puln Bnlm.
II, rollevca the pnln as soon as applied.
J. W. Young, West Liberty, W. Va.
, The prompt relief It aflitrda la alone
worth ninny times tho coat, 60 eenls,
Its eotitlnucd use will .effect a permnn
ent cure. For sale by .N; W, Hmllli
Best tshoc Bold nt tlie nrice.
S6, S54 & 3.50 Dress Shoe
Juul ctittloiu work, costing iVom $6 to
S3.60 PoUco Shoe, 3 ScCoe
Best Wulkim Shiie c'cr iimtle.
2.60 and S2 Shoes.
iriioqimUcd t tlic price.
Boys' $2 & SI. 75 School Shoes,
Ar tlic HtMt for Service,
Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $i.76
Beat Bonsola, Rryllsh, Peoet Wttina;
and rJervlotuilila, IJert lu the world, All
Kl) lea. limine uon having w. L. ilouirlsia
Miuos. Siuiiiii and prlea annulled nu but.
toul. VV. L. UOLOLAS, Uroektou, Maaa,
Hiram Baker.
. , heliinion, OroHon. :
6 00
10 00
11 Art
James Irew, aid. . on
ji v w atson, tor poor. a no
d c vraw, Keeping poor ... o o
R A Jayne, aid poor..: g
j v curithart, aid poor... g oo
j lrasa, aia poor ., g qq
Emma Cave, aid poor. ;. ..." ( 03
19 80
36 00
8 00
' 16 76
11 60
7 60
42 00
1 16
10 00
10 00
choolhouse. Bhe did not, low ti,t
as sue was alone her parents always
ioukto alter her on the way. They
could see the road the mnt of tho hi.
tance only where the was a ttnv 11,.
uestream and a hnnb at in. 1,111 i
sand as they never saw her como nn t n d
go on her way. from that bunk as a
matter or course she was looked after.
Malting little mountains of sand and
breaking sticks and planting for trees
had beeau to be hioiintnnnni. i,,i ci,.
began to think it must be nearly time
fortoeatherdiuner. When she got
up to get her basket, hor innthfte nr..
but a short distance away, breaking a'
switch. She knew what that meant,
and catching un her dinnnr. h
started ou to school. Time will never
efface that walk from my memory, ns
she kept close behind ooonnlonniiu i.
ing me a reminder to hurry up every
few yards. She never spoke a word,
Bhe wasted no breath that way. As
we neared the house I beim.11
slower and slower, but tho retYiinrh.i-c
only came the faster, and I thought
win sne goon into the houae. hut
waiten on me to the doorand flaw tlmf
I went in and then weut home. I did
not know for years that mv tenchee
saw that procession con inc down ti,
road. When I got to school that day
11 was not long after reccess, and I
thought It had been
teacher had me recite and then whis
pered to me to go and wash my hands
and fane, and at noon did not allow
the children to ask me any questions
When I went home no 0110 a.,;,ti
about it, and it was not until some ol
tne children in the neighborhood had
been playing truant that it was rpfprpd
to as my mother's remedy. But I can
resury mat it was effectual, as I went
to school years and vears aflpr that.
and never had any desire to tarry by
Miewaysme. 1 know that mv n. ,n:
municatiou Is gettiue to lomr. ami I
am thluktng of that Waste basket, but
wish to say a few words to the nnronia
or patrons ot the school. Even if you
rain the teachers are not quite right,
for your children's sake keen it to vnnr.
self, or rather keep It from your cliil-
ureo. uo to me teacher yourself and
hear , What lie lias to Sav. bafaravna
flud fault before your children. It is
verygooa cmidren that will obey a
ieacner 11 tney hear the r narenta find.
ing fault, calliog him names and say
ing ue is not lltted for the noailint, hu
is in. A child to do any good in
school 'should be taught to respect, his
teacher and whenever
and respect their teachers, they will
learn ir tney are capable, but as a mut
ter of course children do not, all lpnm
alike aud some art very slow to learn
wnue iney are small, that lu after
years make splendid scholars.- Ami
neither parents nor teachers ought to
get discouraged with a dull child if It
is obedient, and is willing to try.
I do not know which side 1 am on
I think neither. My sympathy Is for
the teacher.. As OtnsiBBtt.'
Indians Not so Warlike Troops Are
Held in Readiness The Reds
' Will Accept their Ciii-
zenship Quietly.
PENDLETON, Or., March 11-A
visit to the reservation disclosed everv
tiling ..quiet with the exception of a
few minor disturbances with Indians
whoshow an inclination fo get drunk
under the new order of things. A few
fiery fellows show a desire for retalia
tion for alleged wrongs and indiscreet
remarks attributed to Chief No' Shirt
rvgardjiig his feeling toward Agent
Harper. Captain .Richards came in
from tile reservation and telegraphed
General Otis, Vancouver, that all was
Washington, March 11. Upon re
presentations of the agent of the Uma
tilla, Or., Indian asrencv. that, trnnhio
might follow the release upon hahaes
corpus or tne two Indians now under
an est, the war denartment haa ftllt.hnr.
iaid General Otis, commanding the
uepartment of the Columbia, to send
troops there if in hjs Judgment it Is
uecessary aim prudent to do so.
The Indian offioo ha- "one! trail tn
formation that Indians No Hhirt .nj
Little Chief, arrested on the Umatilla
agency, for whose satpkeenmu tho Tn.
- . - , Q - - --
man agent asked U. 8 troops, have
been released and no further trouble
will follow. It is expected No Shirt,
Little Chief and Peo, of the Umatilla
trioe, will visit Washington lu a short
The Axe Descends.
PORTLAND, March 8. As a result
of the rupture between Joseph Simon
and Mayor Frank, the latter this
morning announced his appointment
of George W.Bates, ft nrlvntu hn.,l,n-
in Albina, as chairman of the bnnidof
pouce commissioners, vice Daniel 'VI.
McLaughlan, removed. Ha i.'
stated that he had asked for Mr. Mc
iiaugwaii's resignation early this
month, and that irentlemnn f, , J
present It, he exercised his prerogative i
and removed him.
Mayor Frank also
appointment ofW. T.-Rvprflnn aa ..
speetor of boiler.. l.hft at., , :
"I'-'inuiiiciiu lu :
go Into effect April 1, 1835, with a sid
ary of $1500 a year. Other removals 'k
and appointments are expected to ';
follow. - , , - .' '.:.:
Shot Out of the Sky.
SAN FRANCIHt JO. March O i"n
tain Heegaard.. Of thft snhititnctt T,iA '
mier, which has iust
Grays Harbor, reports a peculiar ex
perienoe on the way down. On Frl
day, the 1st Inst., at 2 o'clock in tlie
morning, Mate Nelson nnn .i. '.
a big meteor shot out of n. ci.-,. .! J
buried itself In the ocean about inn
yards away from the vessel on tire loe
side. The sky, accordino- to tho mnta
was suddenly illuminated and a b'g
mass of flamiiiir
along from west to east, looking like a .,
blazing coal. The men watched its
course In mortal terror, until it disap
peared With a loild PVOInai,, 1
the waves. .
Ladles If you are Ihiiikli 0 of iretMotr
B pair of shoes or a w dress next
week, you will want to Itmnv .tvh, tn
get the best for the h 'list nioiipi' Mi.
UsJw al'wuye oarrk the best,
Froniau Bros, acct rnala
Sloper Lupton Bros, acct roads
GLovelee, iustica feea
Fees preliminary exam
E I T Fisher, surveying school dist.
Dr W H Davis, exam inaana
F P Nutting, printing
J 8. Van Winkle, dep clerk ,
r u Morris, jipstage
Train , Whitney, printing
Mary E Davis, acct poor
I know a sure cure for playing
noKey as it is called now. When I
went to school It was called playing
iruaut , but the name does not matter,
the cure ia alrlaht. and I can
mend it to all parents. Once upon a
nine a siuaii enna neard a man telling
how he spent days in the woods gath
ering nuts and fishing while bia wid
owed mother thought he was In
school, and he managed to get back at
thenehool house Just as school closed
and would toll the teacher how sorry
he was t hat he bad to be out or school,
but that he was preparing the winter
wood. So one nice moruluv thia
small child concluded It would bo nice
to put in the day out in tbe open air
Ujr Mm dr fetfgad.
. How It Happened.
The Corvallis Times says Joliu Mc
Cain, recently murdered by John Mc
Dowell, In Lincoln county was shot
down from an ambush in a cold
blooded manner. Charles Hvde. the
fourteen-year-old son of County Treas
urer nyoe, of Lincoln county, and a
nephew of McDowell. Wflfl nop nt tl.A
witnesses, and he has made a state
ment that throws an evil glare over
the shooting. MeCalb about 7 o'clock
in the evening rode up to the fence in
front of McDowell's house. Young
Hyde, together with a youug son of
joiiu incuoweil stood in tlie yard, and
the former MoCalh .e.iipH ,i ui,.i
if Mrs, McCalband the children were
in the house. Hyde answered to the
effect that thev were, and i.n
after Mrs. MoCalb camo to Ihed'w.
but not out side, and ti Iked to her
husband ehrounh her brother fi,s,i.0
McDowell. McCalb asked her to go
home with him. but she dei.iiiio,t t
so. McCalb then said that he would
come after her and the children the
following morning. It was at this
moment that the first shot was fired.
MoDowell's ambush was a honey
suokle bush that stands In H,u
and young Hyde asserts that he bud
no mea mat MoDowell was bohlnd it
until be saw the flush r n, ,,., ir..
. .. ,,. ajto
is also positive that McCelb did not
kuow that McDowell WAS n.wJt
after the shot was fired. Hyde saw
the first shot and saw McCalb full from
his horse. Then ha
bouse to go to the barn when lie heard
another shot' On the road to tlie barn
he heard another shot, nod t m,p i
still another. He then got his horse
uu roue to tae home of his brother
Frank Hvde.
, . - ft w vuni iu
Hyde s story there were no words
at all between Mn,,u,ii , r
iiw ,
Rush to the Mines.
SPOKANE, March 8.Th tam
(fede to" the Trail creek minlnir riis.
trict continues. This district, la w
aeroos the Canadian line, north of
spoxaue. Keeent developments there
or tne prolitable shipments of surface
ore nave caused a great sensation
among the miners of the whole upper
country. The ore is gold and copper.
There are 600 people in Eostland, and
we nve Hotels cannot accnmmndatp
the rush. Men are slet tli lie on ton thp
snow. The camp is only tern miles
ii om tne Spokane & Norlhern line. A
patty ot engineers is now loeatinir ,,
branch line to be built by July. The
mjues are mostly owned by Spokone
men, out Montana m ii im men nrn
t!"iiig in ana tioundiuir nronerllea
t ne coming season will bo one nf wrent
u.'uvity in the whole miner eonntrv
The Columbia A Kootenai Steam Nav
igation company Is buiidinir tha la
est and finest steamer ever run on the
upper Columbia. The International
Telephone-Telegraph Comuauv todav
secured a charter from the county
commissioners to build a telephone
line to the north, the purpose being to
connect "the towns of tho Kootenai
country and Spokane. ,
Big Fee For a Lawyer. ' .
CHICAGO, March 0. .Indoo Tm1I
decided this morning that Attcrney
tiuwin walker was entitled to his big
fee in litigation with reanrd to tho
Chicago, Danville ami Vincennes
Ituilroad, as reported ,bv Maatr.ln.
; Chnucery Royeeen. The court ordered
an entry of decree allowing Mr.
Walker 8127,000 of which iffifi-nun l
found. to be for legul services. The
Court held that tho fee was adequate
for the services rendered by the rail
road attorney, as the proceedings
lusted for a long time and repres.-uted
ten years' labor on the part of Mr,
Walker, besides being in an extraordi
nary proceeding,
They Are Boun l for Liberia.
SAVANNAH. Oa MD.i, o m.'.
nundred negroes, renrpspntin nu.,i
every state in the South, arrived here
msc night bound for Liberia. They i
were expecting? to Una a ai.i j.i .' ;
o ----- .n, lUttUJ iu
sail at ouce, but none has araived. T. 1
u. Howard, secretary of the Interna- -tional
Migration SocIpI.v ia i
of the party. He said a ship has beT.'i .
chartered, which will be here in a day,"
or two. The neirrnps hm, t . lU-
tbe way, from infants to gray-haired' 1
men. They are now encamped in can .
in the Georgia ( Vntral u.nn.i i
. ,.,,,,,, I.L
but the agent in charge of the party
says they will be put Into camiMiut',1
niiivui oi tne ship. .. .
Ex President Harrison 111.
INDIANAPOLIS. Mr'i, o oo..
condition of General Harrison is not
materially changed
James said this morning; "(Jeneral
"oiiibuii uas oeeu working very hard
recently In Richmond. n k ti.
a bad-cold, and almost has la grippe.
He has acute bronchitis, and lass
Thursday he had pleurisy pains. Ho
Is very weak, but I' should any he is
not iu any dancer. Oi7ork i
good deal to do with bis weakness."
Talmage's Strange Prayer. .;
NEW YORK. March in -ri, n ...
Dr. Talmage preached in thoAcude'ny ;
of Music todav and In hi' tw... ui.i.
"We thank thee that the congress of ?
tnis nation has departed, that mm,"
of those who represented the. peoplo i ':
in ; publio officers will no more nv :
present them. We pray that you will : .;
forgive them for the damage they h'tve
done to Ibis nation." J
, , , Killed by a Live Wire.
PORTLAND, March 0. Thia even
ing some electrio light linemen were
repairing the line, when an Ifi-vaar-nM
sou of Jacob Mayer,of the firm of
Fieischuer, Mayer & Co., a student of
electricity, in experimenting with the
detached wires, received a charge of
iww volts of electricity. The shock
killed him almost Instantly. '
Bids for the Prizefight;
KANSAS CITY, March 9.-G Wil
helm, president of Kremlin, Okla
homa, Sporting Club, writes to a local
paper and says lie is authorized by the
Kremlin Sporting Club and citizens of
mat town to otter a purse of (136,000 for
the.Corbettt-Fitzslmmons fight, This
It a talis of 910,000 over the Perry bid.
V.V The Wheat Aphis.
Hon. J. M. Stnftord of Mohawk,
was iu tho cltv vesterrlav Ti. 0t
that in plowing he found a number ot
littb patches of mold, and on. inveatl- :.
gallon, after hearing the aphis had
been found in these, ninld aiir.fu P...,...l
that there are millions of the little lice-
all over his field, -He says they did
not seem to suffer at all from the cold
weather the mist wlntr. i,t i,..
been buried deep enough to be protec
ted, and will undoubtedly come out in
the spring In full force, He also
stated that for the past twenty years
he had noticed these spots of mold
while plowing but never before invest
igated them.-Eugene RegisterA'
.Hearing petition for appointment of
guardian for Morris Merrlelt ,, i.
competa'ut, set for ApriU.
Mnrn Craft was appointed guardian
of Mason and C. V. Craft. n,i so .
500. . , , , ' "
First acoount filed i n oatntp nt tl,..
vey Bhelton.
Inventory filed In satntn .if tr,.
Stover j real property, $2010; personal,'.
$10-12.14. ;.
In estate of Martha Hunter final ac
count set for April 0.
Inventory filed in estate of Wesley
Downs. Petition for sale of personal
tS4oSO;A. J. Johnson administrator -;
In estale of 8. M. McLune. J. I,.
S''' appointed administrator,
Uolld fJOoO. '.:
Filial uppnnnf In ol,.l nu.."..
Allied Set for Aptll t.