The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 08, 1895, Image 3

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Lebanon Express.
Fine weather.
St. Patrick's day la coming.
Mr. J. M. Settle was in Portland on
business this week.
Mm. J. M. Ralston of Albany, was
visiting in the city last Saturday.
Hlraiu Baker received a large as
nortmunt offtall paper l lib week.
April 13 'tte, hardly a person Is uow
all v.i, who can afford to miss it, At
the Academy.
Mrs. J. Gentry und children left
yesterday for Oakland where they go
to v.Bil relatives, '
Mr. T. C Feebler has lentcd the
Waltou ranch where he will move In
the near future,
Messrs. Wcstfall & TJmphrey have
again put the Btage on their mall line
from here to Sweet Home.
Attorney Brown intends to move
into the rooms now occupied liy B. M.
Garland ux noon an they are vacated,
The ladies aid society will give an
ntertaluuient Tuesday evening,
March 111, Ben particulars next week.
"Broken Fetters" the popular drama
will be presented by the otudeutaof
the Academy on the evening of April
Wm, Mark jr. left this week for hie
mountain home ut the toll gat. His
tarter, Mb Sadu, and father returned
with him. '
I. K. Boruhi left Wednesday for
I'ortlund. lie intends to vMtSalen)
and Oregon City before returning
Mr. C. B.' Montague in to lecture on
"Scotland" at the Academy on Satur
day evening at 8 o'clock. Admission
free and all cordially invited.
Hirum Baker received another large
Invoice of spring goods thia week
direct from the cunt, lie invites the
puollc to call and Inspect these goods
u'.id get prices.
Miss A. Dumond left lust Monday
for Portland where she. will begone
fur two weeks to buy her sprlug stock
of millinery. Bhe intends to put In
the finest stock of millinery llileeprlng
that was ever brought to Lebanon,
The attorneyB in the case off Bturte
vant vs Kalstou Have lieeu making
pleadinirs before Biifeiee Yates this
week. The referee will have his report
ready to present to ftie clrcut court
this term. It Is said that Attorney
Bouiers niade-a . speech for fiver two
hours and a half. ' -
We have beeu asked several times if
Pruf. Wilkes was uol the author of the
article in the Expkess signed Patron.
We will state positively that he was
Dot and will also nuy that he Is hot
the aui lior of any other article that has
ever appeared in these columns ex
cept the, one that his name wus signed
to last week, .,
Attorney 8. M. Garland has rented
the frout, room In the Courtuey brick,
the one that was' formerly occupied by
Dr. Courtney, and also the one that
wua formerly occupied by Stowe.
Mr. Stokes is uuw eugiiged In putting
a door betweeu the hvo rooms and
papering the rout one. When It is
completed it wilt be 'the nicest sulie
of rooms for unices In the oily,
At .the regular annual election of the
Lebanon Engine C". No. 1, lust Fri
day, the following officers wus elected
for the ensuring yearr President, 0. E.
Pugli; nonrotary,. William Lewis; as
slstatft secretary, C. H. Kemlirough;
treasure, J. C. Mayer; chief, A. B. Nio
kersou; assistant chief,' W. C. Petersou;
foreman, A. F. Niukerson; usslstunt
Foreman, Frank Tlvey; trustees, J. G.
Boylea, B. K. Kirk and Amos 'JV'iny.
Tlie Y. P. 8. C. E. of the First
Presbyterian church held their first
aemi-iiuuunl election of officers on last
Monday evening, , '.the following
named officer' were elected for the
ensuing term of six mouths beginning
April 1: President, John Swan; Vice
President, Miss Maud Aldricb; Re
cording Secretary, J. B. Marks; Treas
urer, H. G. Everett; Organist, Miss
Nona Miller; Assistant Organist, Miss
Emu a Craudull; Chorister, J. B.
Last Tuesday Deputy Sheriff Propat
brought A. F. Stowe to Lebauou for
the purpose of procuring houdsmeu.
Ills bonds had been reduced to $300
und by hard work and with consider
able persuasion he sucoeeded in gel
ting ten nien to go on his bunds for
that amount with , the provlslor that
Joe Smith be sworn in as a deputy
Bin rift' and guard him all. the time
until court meets. Mr. Stowe Is uow
out no bonds.
Tlie people ot Lebanon have a rare
treat in store. -Ho'ii'. C. B. Montague
will deliver, at the Academy on Satur
day evening, a lecture on Scotland.
Mi. Montague sa talented and eloqu
ent spender. Ills htrih place was
Scotland, among whose beaul fuT lochs
and llrfhi be spent his youth. He la
familiar with .-colloid's thrilling blst
- ury blended with Its Interesting
legends. A rare livat may be ex-
April 18,
Now millinery at Mr. 0, Rioe'i.
Lookout for April IS, next week.
Go to Hlrarn Baker for your wU
paper. ,
Hiram Baker buys all kinds of
Old papora for sale hero at five eenti
per dozen.
Two loaves of bread for 5 cents at
Rilea & Can's.
If you want to sell property list It
witli Peterson & Andrews.
- The populists central committee will
miet here on March 14, at 11:00 a. m.
Dr. G.W. Cheadle's office hours from
11 a. m., til. 6 p. m. Ofliee over City
Drug si ore. ,
The Lebanon Mills make as good a
quality of Germ meal a can be foaud
In the state. Try It.
Mr. l'ugli & Money have bad the
perlitlon taken out of the back end of
their store, which gives mor room.
These hard times we want to save all
we can, hut of course we have to eat,
still you will save some by getting your
groceries at S. P. Bach'a.
The flreman'a basket social, which
will be giveu ou March 14, promises to
lie the the best tiling of the season.
Full particulars next week.
Every cash purchaser of $10 worth of
gouds at 8. P. Bachs store gets a crayon
portrate ol themselves or friend free.
See sample of work in his window.
" Prof. C. H. Chapman president of
the State University will deliver an
address on education in this city on
Friday evening March 15th to which
everybody Is Invited.
Meals at all hours at Rilea & Carr's
restaurant ill Kirkpatrick's building,
also a lunch counter in connection
where you can get a sandwich or a
cup of coffee at any time.
Miss Murle Vauudersal, the elocu
tionist, who gave a very interesting
cutei falnment here several weeks ago,
will give another of her delightful
urograms at the Academy on Satur
day Match 10. The program will
consist of readings, musical selections,
etc. She will be assisted by students
of the music department and the en
tertainment will be given for the
benefit of the Academy. You will be
well repaid by hearing tbi entertain
ment. Ail admission fee of 35 cents
will be charged.
Dr. A. B. Preutis, dentist, will visit
Lebanon ou or about March 8, and re
main eight or ten days. He has had
Ul'leu years of actual experience with
the- best,, dentists on both the Atlantic
and Pacific coasts and comes to our
well recomeuded. Crown aud bridge
work aud all other work pertaining to
dentistry will be performed in aetrietly
fl I'M class manner aud all work war
rented. Prices have been reduced
one-half. Dr. Preutis especially solic
its difficult, cases also those given up
by other dentists.
Pure Breed Poultry.
W. G. Smith, five miles northeast of
Lebanon, breeds S. C. Brown and
White Leghorns, H. 8. Lauiburga,
Black Mlnorcas, Light Brahuias, C. C.
Polish and Game Bantams. Eggs for
hatching 13 per $1. Orders can be
left at I he postolfice.
School Meeting, j
Last Monday waa the auuual school
election. The largest crowd ever in at
tendance ou such occasious was pres
ent. M utters pretainiug to the school
were mure thoroughly discussed than
ever before. Great interest woe maul
lestcd. A peculiar feature of the day
was tlie presence of several ladies aud
their participation In the diaouasioue.
Their presence added a charm to the
meeting aud put the male members
oil their good behavior. The clerk's
annual report was read at length aud
approved. The c irectors were instruc
ted to provide a room fur each teacher
employed, as the meeting did not
think It wise to have two teachers in
oie- room. 8. M. Garland was re-eleo-ted
clerk by acclamation, and M. A.
Miller wus elected director after a
spirited contest betweeu him aud Dr.
Foley, Mr, Miller being the hand
somer man, received the votes of the
Firemen's Social,
Following la the program of the fire
man's social to be given next Thurs
day evening, March 14, at the Opera
house. This promises to be a fine af
fair and every body is invited.
Music Band.
Music, Orchestra.
Address,. Bon. M. A, Miller,
Solo , Miss Kit ins.
Mimic, ,., Orchestra.
Kecitiitlou, "The Firemen." Dot Harris.
Vocal. Solo, Miss Unltie Warner.
Music,... Orchestra.
Koeitiuion, "Tlie Leap From the
Laddur." Miss Blanch Warner.
Music Orchestra.
Tableau, "The Uescue." By Firemen.
Song, "The Utile UiatCUiW."
Muyscl Mayer audita Kolleiiberger.
Music,.. , Orchestra.
Bong .....Katie and Bessie Miller.
M imle By Band.
Five and ten minute speeches by
firemen and friends. Selling the has-
keta. Last, nut not least, a general
good illus,
On the arrival of the evening train
last Thursday a weak ago, a disting
uished party of scientists from the
State Agricultural college arrived in
the city, They were: President John M.
Bloas, Professora E. F. Pemot, H. T.
Frenoh, M. Craig and George Coots,
were meet at the depot by a commit
tee duly appointed, and by that Com
mittee escorted to the places of enter
tainment provided by citizens of Leb
anon. ' v
These gentlemen hart visited our city
for the purpose of holding a Farmers
Institufty and as their coining had
been thoroughly advertised, a very
largo number of representative farmers
from the vicinity of Lebanon, '.Delud
ing their wives aud families filled (be
Opera house te its utmost capacity.
Promptly at 7:30 p. in., the asseniblege
was called to order and . B. Monta
gue being called In the chair, in a few
words announced the object of the
meeting. Hon. M. A. Miller made
the address of welcome in a very grace
ful speech which was enthusiastically
received by the guests of the evening
aud the the large assemblage1 present.
President Bloas in responding, thanked
the speaker and people of Lebanon for
their kindly welcome and hospitality:
he then made the address of the even
ing, his subject being "The Agricul
tural College and its Purposes."
Many of the citizens of Lebanon were
surprised that within eighteen miles
of ui there existed a finely equipped
polytechnic college as well as a U. 8.
government experiment atatlon man
aged by a council of educated and
skillful experts.
Professor Pernot manipulated a nia
gio lantern which projected tlie
grounds, buildings and many interest
ing experimeuts on the canvas while
Professor French explained in terse
and graphic language the various
views presented. All present enjoyed
the evenlug, feeling that it was good
to be there and went home feeling
they had learned a great many things
they did not kuow before.
The forenoon of Friday, March 1,
waa taken up by Professor H. T.
French on "Clovera aud Forage
Plants," aud by Professor M. Craig on
"Oregon Weeds." It was a caution
the way the farmers aud fruit growers
present fired question after question at
the professors, each one of which was
most satisfactory answered.
The sftern on was occupied by Pro
fessor Blosse on the subject of "Drain
age of Farm and City," aud by Pro
fessor G. M. Coote on "Pruning and
aamll Fruits," the farmers as usual
taking a lively part in the discussion.
At the evening session Professor F.
F. L. Washburn lectured ou "Injuri
ous Insects" aud Professor G.W. Shaw
ou "Waste ou a Farm." Both these
papers deserve the bigli estimation
in which they were held by the large
audience present as testified by their
applause. The farmers and fruit
growers took lively interest lu the
various discussions and seemed to
enjoy keenly tlie opportunity given
them by the courteous scientists of
asking questions.
The Masquerade. '
The Masquerade social given by the
ladies of the Macabeea last Saturday
evening wus a grand sued as in every
way, and the best thing of the kind
that has been In the the city for some
time. There were about 100 maskers
of all sizes and ages, fiom little lots to
old hoary headed men aud women.
There were darkies, scarecrows, Her
alds, big aud little Chinamen, girls in
blue, pages of old King George',
clowns, hunters, tramps, dudes, cooks,
old ladles, young ladies, monkeys, etc.
There were some beautiful oostums and ,
maskers and some of the most hideous
looking sights that we ever saw. The
most completely disguised person that
we saw was Mrs. B. F. Kirk, who was
dressed in a newspaper costume and
mask; aud was among tlie nicest cos
tume of the evenlug. The Expkess Is
certainly under obligations to her for
the way she displayed us that even
ing. The next was Mrs. J. W. Guy,
as genial old Grandma, while Mr. Guy
was nut much behind her as John
the Chinaman, and they did not even
recognize each other. We ure sorry
that the parties that were to get the
names with chara'ter each repre
sen ted did not hand them to us in
time to publish.
It Was a Surprise.
The following very complimentary
tetter explains itself:
CH1CABO, Feb. 1, '95.
G. H. Wilkes,
Dear Sir: I have pleasure In hand
ing you herewith the Diploma of Hon
orable Mention to which yon are enti
tled under a resolution of the Congress
of the United Slut s, directing that
aucb a Diploma may be conferred upon
those who assisted in an important
way lu the production and perfection
of an exhibit which received an award
lu the Columbian Exposition,
A certificate, slgued by the exhibi
tor, la now ou file iu this office, declar
ing that you were coniieoted with tlie
exhibit as Indicated lu the Diploma.
With congratulations, I am,
Youra very truly,
Virginia C. Mekedith,
Chairman, Committee on Awards,
fJaj of (M; (uuagrf .
Mr, Edditor yo ort tu hev bin
tuer. twuz ther. It'wux an on
Kweshchmiabul Suckiesa tha kolled
out tu men fur Derecktur oune uv
them had lots uv whiskers on biz chn hare on the top uv blis lied an
the uther felow had no whiskers on
hiz chin an lots uv hare on the sumet
uv biz lied, an therfore he knod tok
the most an wuz alecked. I voted for
both uv them, but hwen the felow
that namd the votts Kuni tu mine he
kolled them blanks I bad a nosliun
tu git up an tel him he had maid miss
tnlic fur I waz a thinken ovtlie difu
reiKe betwen the tu men an reflccktlu
ovur the pleahyoor it wood glv lu tlie
difiunt kinds uv peepul ill the decs
trle'kt If tha wur both nlecked an I
muld a slile jiiisstake and rote down
whiskurs oil won balut an No whis'
Jcurs on the uther won then the
felow whut red out Hie Imluls kolled
them blanks gess he thot I wuz a
(grene-Ide-Beetle) or "Santecam Buc
kur" that dideut no enything 'about
names, but gut awl mi nolege bi taste
and smel i dont like the ide-ur purty
good, but gesa ive gut In tuke mi med
ian, so Ive swnllerd it.
I wuz sum whut rezincd tu mi fate
hwen i hurd the discushun ontu the
skule teuchurs az tutherplei tefuliuea.
it wuz brite an deep so many uv us
had tot skule befour that wee kood hit
the week pints in '.he piezuntaddmm
uustrashun, (ide like tu sit down on
the felow that maid that last wurd, it
it tekus so awl fired long tu epel it) an
sho tun how extravegunt onncssesary
erewul an prepoaturualy purnieketty
wuz tlieslstum uvskweezing5 techurs
Intu 4 romz an 3 uv em wimmlu at
that, jest thuu sum big felow that
was a man in everry centa uy the
wurd bwen it kum tu drawin air, be
Iowed out ''5 rooms iz the fare" an
you ort tu hev hurd the applawze that
went up! it was sole Inspirein. The
rattlin uv them fetecawzed concushun
in mi brum z an yoo just ort tu hev
hurd mee tok to tin t liss-emblage uv
skule putturns, untill teers az big az
guse egs fel frum mi blured ize an wet
the boozum uv mi blue flanell ehrt
that 1 had wore awl wiutur so that i
mite be abel tu git galluses fur mi 0
boys so tha kood awl go tu ekule 7
dase. hwen bi sum streek uv deviltry
born in him frum the kingdum after
wicli be wuz uamed, he urued the
most deep-seeted lickin that ever
tuched tlie feelitis uv a boy. The
Perfeur maid him lay down ou a chare
like he wus Inokin dow n a crawfish
hole an thu he give him Solomuus
kure frum the reer an that boy had an
awful spel uv braue fevur now 1 sa
no pursuu'iz fit tu teech skule onless
he studdis the annotomy uv everry
child. Kaws awl childrun air mixt
Bum mi 9 boys has gut ther branez in
dlfrunt plases-uow the Perfesur hit
Brit write ou his braue-pau now he
mite a licked Tad enywher If be
diduut bit hiz haudz an nevr huit hiz
brauoz kitwse he iz the smartest boy at
steeliu i ever sea. then there ml Zeke
he mite bud him tu Kingdum Kum
tin never hurt hiz branez, kuwse he lz
like a Sukker his br.mzc air in hiz tale
and cents he baz gut out uv the mon
key stage tlie tale iz gon an so he baz
no bratize.
I kunt sea whut the skule horde wus
tlieukiti abowt hwen tha hired 5 tcech
ers 'for4 rooms tha furgut that the
peepuls voises wus repiiblickuu an ort
iu bee hurd why mi hired man Pect
gits up ut foour okloek everry morniu
an fcodg tlie horses milks the kows
slops tlie pigs kicens the ike slabel
then goes tu the field an plow frum 6
okloek til dark so he. doze, an awl tur
$(;) a uiuuth with borde uu whut is a
teeeher but a hired man if he aint a
hired womun. yes ime fur ekouummy
so much so that i kolled ml oldust
gal Ekonumuiy an ive neyer regreted
it kawse her inlioounce over her 11
sisturs is eggzacktly along that line.
Ime in favur uv inakin the skule da 10
ours , long sted uy 6 an then them
teechers oil hev sum thing elec tu du
sides korallin uui urn selvez 5 lu
ininibur in 4 roomz with 201 kids.
Yes felow voturs an tacks pa urz,
ime goin tu yell fur 5 roomz If i have
hav tu put kotfuu in mi Eerz tu stop
yoornoizu I wus atokkun with wuu
uv them papper mill felowz an he told
mee he thot tlie horde kood rent wun
uv the back rooms uv (he piipper-mill
verj.t cheep and git it seeted with Kot-tun-woud
bloks, which woud mak
verry soft an plezunt seets an the chil
duru wouduut mak eny uoize setuin
down on urn tha woud bee away fur
enufffrum the rest uv the skule ao tha
cuudunt mak fuses um i hope the
the borde will notis this an let the
peepulls volse bee hurd. The uoo
Dureektur sed he wanted sum sujges
tytins I wuaglad hwen i hurd that
kawse wouce hwen i wus Deerecktur
I had 978? sujgestyuns given tu mee
an I didupt yuse Kuite 100 uv um so i
will be glad tu help him out witli
whut iz left.' as the pappur wont hold
them now will giv um later, Yoorz
furekoiiuniy an fi rooms.
All persons known themselves in
debted to me will pleass cull and seltle
at ouoe as I ueed my money.
Or. Pries'. Cream Baking Powder
World' fair Highest Award.
Shoes For Ladies.
Battle Ridge.
An item In a recent issue of Thi
Expeess headed "In an Acorn Shell"
and signed "A Sinner" Is worthy of
notice. The contribution throughout
is an aspersion designed to cast igno
miny ou our prosperous and creditable
league. Sinner aiserted in his effu
sion that the Epworth League of
Battle Ridge waa in a state of snail
like contraction and that the members,
being ao few, could crawl into an
acorn shell. These assertions are
simply erroneous and without founda
tion. My friend also advocates that
sinners, such as himself, should he
permitted to attend league meetings as
they are in the majority. Thle ftate
ment is unable to bear inspection, but
I will just let It pass for tlie interim,
as my friend seems to have a great
disposition tor whining over false
statements. I might say that our
league consists of about twenty mem
bers at present, and aa many respect
able young people who are not mem
bers come aud take active part with ua
it follows that our meetings are up to
the standard and are all that can be
desired. I am glad my foasil friend
limited bis remarks to the league only
it Is a wonder he did not attack nur
prayer meetings, oloss meetings or
Sunday school. But I suppose he con
cluded he had done enough for the
devil and probably was permitted by
his Satanic Majesty to draw off. I
suppose Sinner was quite at home at
the dance not long since. Madam
Rumor was present and declares it was
a drunken revel; a general break
down, and the winding up of dancing
forever in the vicinity of Battle Ridge.
Thus this great evil, consequent to the
weighty influence of onr stable and
virtuous League, has received lta
obsequies, and very soon it shall have
passed into oblivion,
Yanq-tse Kianq.
Preaching at the school house Satur
day evenlug by Bev, Brown of Soda
ville. Rev. Bramption and Norton talked
to the people at the school house Sun
day morning and evening.
There seems to be some atlratlon for
Bert Gather in the nlghborhood of the
school house. Bert is a nice young
One of Mr. GatU' boys iiad the mis
fortune to break bis leg the other day
while wrestling.
Mrs. Davis of Waterloo, was the
guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Gee a few days
last week.
Mr. and lira. W. H, Cumuilngs
have beeu ou the sick list for several
days. There are a little better at this
Mrs, F, Camming bos relumed to
thkkrod Mils rttW. SWMrt
Fine elegant photos at Bogd's gallery
for cash or produce. .
Smith hosjuat added fifty new hooka
to his circulating 'library..
If you want to buy property call ou
or write Petersou & Andrews.
Buy you tickets East over the N. P.
fi. B, of W. C- Peterson, Local agent.
You can get one dozen photoes at
the Lebanon Art gallery for 75 sent;.
When you want to buy a suit of cloth.
Ingyou will save money by getting
it at Bach'a.
All knowing themselves indebted to
me will please call and settle at
once. M. A, Miller.
Dalgieish & Everett can sell you fine
presents that will give satisfaction,
comfort and pleasure every day In the
year. ' "
Ladles, If you want a good cheep
shoe for yourself, don't forget to go to
Baker's or send for his 09c, $1.23, $1.50
$2.00 or $2.50, the best ill the world for
the money. His motto Ib, never to
be under sold.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WorM's Pslr Mtdil uid Olploau.
There la
more Catarrh In this section of the country
than all other diseases put together, and
until the last few years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constantly
failing to cure with local treatment, pro
nounced it inourable, . Science has proven
catarrh to lie a constitutional disease and
therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional eure on the market.
It is taken internally in' doses from 10
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces ot tlie
system, .They offer one hundred dollars .
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
S0BoM by druggists, 7&c.
HlghMt Honors World' Fair.
A pun Grips Otsmf Tartar Powder. Free
few AmnonlL Ahim otanyethw duNmnt