The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 08, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 2.
One year ,..,.12 M
itr ..i.l in urluHiipH. SI fill nor voar.l
Hhr mniithN.
Three months
Geo. W. MdlHclol Bcim(or,
John H. MiUslioll.l
lllnpor Hermann Congressman
Sylvester I'eimoyer Governor
H. II. Klncahl, Secretary of Btate
Phil Metscliun, Treasurer
K. B. McKlroy, Sunt. Public Instruction
Frank i). linker State Printer
K. 8. Nt-ahn. i
Win, . Lord.V Supremo Judges
u. s. 11CUU, j
Judge, J. N. Pinion
Clork N. Ncedham
tteconlor I). F. llardman
Bherill', J. A. McForon
Kuhotil Suiicriiiti'iiitait A. It. Ituthorforil
Treasurer V. 0. Morris
Assessor, W. F. Deakins
Surveyor, E. T. T. Fisher
Coroner K. A. Jayne
) John PiirIi
" i J. M. Waters
i n. s. ha1.ui.ee1mi,
8. H. MYERS.
Ill, W. RICE.
City Council meets n the llrst and third
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Secret Soolotles.
LINN TKNT, Mo. 7, K. 0, T, M.-Meeta In ti. A.
It. Hall tin Tiuirsihiy evening uf eneli week.
Transient Hlr Kruclils are cordially Invited to
VIkIi the Tout meeting.
J. A. l.AMtiaasoK, Ouui,
Gko. W.BiccH. K.
H0N0H LOIluE, No. UK, A. 0. D. W.-Meeta
every Tuesday evening at ti. A. K. Hull.
1. K. lleiil'H, Itee.
I.KUANON L0IIUIS, NO. 47, I, 0. 0. F.-MeeU
every Saturday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, at
8 o'cluek p. in.
A. . IUV1B, K. 0.
W. C. PETERSON, Boefy.
PKAK1, REBECCA LOUGK, NO. 47, 1. 0. 0. F.
Meeu at I. 0. 0. F Hull llrst and third Wednes
day evenings or each month .
LEBANON I.OJXIK No, 44 A. F. Si A. M.-MooW
Haturday evening, on or before the till! menu In
each month, at .Masonic Hall, Cor. Main and
(irunt sis. Siijnuriilng hrethern corolatly invited
to attend.
. . . Hajimack, W. M,
B, 0. WaUcc. Bee.
"UliN'L MKKKIBCAMP, Mo. 10 Dlvlfiiun of Ore
gon, Bona of Voteruaiw Meet Id 0. A. It. Hall,
every Baturilay evening, except the third
Baturdayofeaoh month, meeting the third Fri
day instead. Alt brothers of the Bona of Vet
eroni and commde.iof the U. A. R. are cordially
j Invited to niuet with the Cum p.
, U. UABB, Uftpi.
A. TtMSfcY, Firm Hegt.
BIN A M. WKHT U1VK, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M.
MeeUtoii tlic 2d, 4th and 5th Friday evening of
ehuh mouth nt 7:iiu i m. ut U. A. K. Hull. Trail
iunt tudy MHCi'ubiiCr urn vmtllully Invited to
A. A. Hvnis, ldy R. K.
8 All AH SAIMAIWH, Liuly Com.
Sam'l M. Garland.
A Cure for RheumatiBm.
For rhucuiutlsm I have found noth
ing equal to Chaiiiberlnln'8 Fain Bnlua.
It relieves the pnln ns soon ns applied.
3, V. Young, West Liberty, W, Va.
The prompt relief It affords ta alone
worth many times the oost, 60 cents,
continued use will efleot a perruan
ent dure, tot sale by Nl W. Smith
"As old as
tke hills" and
never excell
ed. ' "Tried
and proven "
is the verdict
o f millions,
Liver Regu-
T") . lator is the
Ac?r?only Liver
JLJlsMVI an(1 Kidney
medicine to
wmch you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a lea.
The King el tlm MeOletuia,
"1 have used .V'Mir HlmmoiiH Liver Ikti
latoi Biid can couicleiitioualy say It Is the
king or all liver medlelnes, I consider It a
medicine chest lo luielf, Gao. W. Jaok
tuu, Taeoma, Wasoiugtoa.
Baa the Z sums tm ted ob vraaae
Mrs. T. S. Hjwklns. Chattanooga,
Tciih. says, "Bhiloh's Vitalizer
'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider it the
best remedy for a debilitated system I
ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or
Kidney troulile it excels. Price 7iicts,
Sold by N. W. Bmith.
pronipt awmar wid an I
BI ISfi Oc CO., who liava bad m
noneii million, write to
ly fifty jMn
tiOllS MLrlljtlv (Kinfllluilt ll Tllunithnaii I, In.
eiironeiiRe in tun iintent btuintiM.
formatfon oonfloraiiit 1'atf nil and how to ob-
tatn tbum aunt f r.
i. Aitoa oatAlogiMOf meiJut
I'atlinU tftkfm thmnvh Unnn A CV
poclai nottcetntha HrlnntiQr Ameriron, and
tliuB are brouRht wldfly before tho Dublin wtth-
put cjiHt to the tnTuntor. Thla apleodld papar,
Hued weekly, eleaunt ly utnntrat ad. baa br fax the
in In 0 acieiiiino wor id tiie
f. KBiuple ooiim sent free,
m, monthly, K.DO a yoar. Bin le
Every numliur eontnlnj buaiu
Cop 1 08, 'Z,
tuui pii
pint oh, in colors, and plifitofiraniig of oi'W
18 01 Ol'W
ahow Uia
laiont utMlRiit and musure c(intnrt h. Aditramm
(treat Blood purifier uives freshness
and clearness to Ibe Complection and
n ran CoiiKtipnthn, 25 cts., 60 cts., fL
Solifby N. W. Smitli.
Insure your property with Peterson,
Boss & Co. They tire aaents for the
Old Reliable, Home Mutnnl, Kew
Zeuland, Kpringlleld of Mntsnchusetls,
Coiitiueutul, nlid other gund, reliable
coniptiinea. Pliey also linvc money to
loan nt 8 per cent, in sunn from J200
tuita. It ourea lneipteiK Cuumrjooat
ad, it the beet Oeuia aai Cxop Gun. ,
For sale by N, W. Smith.
Best Shoe sold at tho price.
85, $4 & $3.00 Dreas Shoe
Kquni custom work, costing from $6 to $3,
83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles
Beat Walking Shoe ever made. y
$2.60 and $2 Shoes,
Unequalled at the price.
Boys' 82 & 8I.7G School Shoes,
Are the Beat for Service,
Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $1.75
Bolt Dona-ola, Stylish, Perfect Fitting
and Servloeabie. itest iu the world. Ail
Styles. Insist upon havine; W. X.. Douglas
ro.uic nno price stamped on oot
W. h. DOLOLAS, Bioottoo, Mass.
Hiram Baker.
Lebauon, Oregon,
Ladies if you are tulnkirg of getting
a pair of shoes or a new dresa next,
Week, you will want to know where to
gut the beat fur the Uatti money,
Oneoentadoae.Vi 1113
And she said he always gave them
as they one by one went to their first
schools a very serious talking tooubout
their duly to the ehllilren. His idea
was what might help one child would
ruin a dozen and when be bud to pun
ish a child he never did it before Hie
School. He said lie hud had to switch
nine of his lit tic boys hut lie could
aay among the univy children .that
bad come under his care there were
very few but what talking to them
alone and trying to cultiyate what
was good in their natures and if they
had wronged any one to h:tye them go
mid ukk their forglvuuss very often was
better than two or three-whippings.
He thought whippinglujured a child's
sell'respeet and pride, and, these were
both quuiities that he thought ought
to be cultivated. One your ago this
old teacher went to his reward nt the
age of seventy-ceven and his sons are.
men Of middle age, both prufftssors of.
colieages, one in Ohio and tho oilier In
TenucBsee, his daughter said they have
none of them ever luid down many
rules to govern their schools by, when
they were teachers iu the public schools
but one of the rules her father gave for
her to follow was tolteep an oversight
one her school during play hours. She
said that among the large boys there
was someone you could trust to look
lifter the boys, and she always made it
a rule to go out with the girls and take
a part in their romps and plays, and
some days in the week, they would in
vite the boys to come and play with'
them. Said sometimes they wouJd
slug and march, sometimes pluy base
or 'blackiuau, and - sometimes the
boys would .invite them to come and
play ball over on their ground,' She
said she did not think many of the
girls was much of a success as bull
players, butrexercie was what she
was wanting for them. As she thought
she was lespouible for their bodies as
well as their minds. I think a Veal
consciencious. Touchers arn every
dollar that they get and should be up-.
held by the palniua of the school and
uot a 'IPatron," but I am personally
well acquainted wi.b some of the
teachers in tiie school and I think if
we all had tried to do our duty us
faithfully as they have, perhaps they
would have an easier time. I have
nevei visited, nor-been on an investi
gation tour up to tire school, and am
not acquainted with the gentleman
that is the1 principal of the school now.
But I know by my own experience
that a teucher may be' unjust and not
mean to be. When I, was-going to
school committing anything to mem;
ory was uot work for me, it was noth-
lugbut play, while my seat mate,, a
girl some older than I was, would
study so fiiithfully and hard and then
very ofter w.ouid fail, so one eveuing
at home be spoke about it and said he
did not know why she could u. t have'
her lessons us well as I did, as she was
the oldest. We wero then reciting in
Hirk hams' grammer and it was as
tedious to me as an otd law book, but
that made no difference to me about
memorizing, whether I understood it.
That was another question. Now, I
thluk it was very doubtful, as I kuotv
that I was to young, but I could suy it
oil like a parrot. I 1o!t( our teacher
that if I studied my lessons as long us
she did, I could leiu-ii a dozen pages
whilu she was leuriiig one, i think
that teachers ought'to Study the capa
cities and natures of the children un-,
der their care. Some have a talent in
one direction and some' in an other,
and some seem to be almost a blank us
fur as learning anything from books.
But will go out Iu the world and seem
to learn from their associates and Bur
rouudlugs, so they will pass through
the world and you will uot know how
Iguoraut they really are. But if B. D.
is really telling the truth and there
has any ot the children bad to be
whipped as severely as he says. I do
uot thluk I should hire a mau at a
dollar a day, but would try what a lit
tle sound whipping would do at home,
aud If that did no good, I think a
oourse at the reform school might be
beuiadal. I do not thluk any teacher
whips for the fun of whipping and I
never kuew a good child to be abused.
I did know of one teacher, he had
been a very successful teacher, but had
not seemed quite like himself for a few
days and when he called his school to
order he begun a wholesale business
and before he could be overpowered he
beat one boy quite badly hut he was
To be continued.
The fireman's basket social, which
will be given on March 14, promises to
Krvkbetbs the best thing of the seasou.
HjBuaaahuaijM UMTS SSMV
Several of our townsmen Inflicted
their sociely on Albany this week,
J. B. Wirt has left for parts un.
known, he may lie in Albany or gone
for hi colony.
Medley the inventor has gone to
Albany to take charg of the carding
department in the woolen mill. Mr.
Younger formerly of that city has ar
rived here to manage the cards which
we trust will soon be put In motion.
Mr. Harbin the. foreman fo the mill
has been actively engaged in damming
theSantinm that there may be plenty
of power when needed to operate the
mill, it has been a severe vmtract but
he has It well under way and the com.
pany, should be complimented for hav
Ingso able a foreman whoso work
throughout has been very thorough,;
Poor old man Dolph and our friend
Dawson are getting a much needed
rest at present as some have a much
more weighty matter on their fat
minds. One is trying to find out who
daggers Is, it keeps them away from
meals; too had that editors don't print
each correspondent's autograph in full
for the benefit of prying dispositions;
friend ask the "spiriti" who we may
tie. A few think they know every
thing but this is one fact that they
can only guess at and prowling around
and nosing snout will not reveal this
that there may be a "written report"
sent to headquarters. Ta ta Melches-
dic ami Groggeuhamnier, we will see
you next week. Jaoqehs.
Found a Skeleton.
Last week, men at work on the flsh
wbeels on the beach above the Dalles,
In an embankment which had washed
out, found a human skeleton. It was
only partly exposed, and there was
nothing ieft of the remuius but flesh
less bones. These were embeded quite
deep in the sand, and appeared us
though they had been buried there.
From ail appearances, the skele
ton had been in the ground
for years, as ho lames showed that
they hud been subjected to the ele
ments for a long time. No conjecture
can be termed as to the identity of the
skeleton, and the poor fellow may
have been drowned or met his death
by foul means. Before Jim Cook was
hanged, iu 1879, he gave intimations
that some citizeut of The Dalles who
had mysteriously disappeared had
been murdered and were buried on the
beacb. Soon after his disclosures were
mude a skeleton was found in the
sand, and this may te another of the
Victims. There was a time In the his
tory of The Dalles when law aud order
were not respected, aud the washing
aw ay of the beach, as happened dur
iug the last flood, may brlug some
things to light which are hidden now.
Oregon Sugar Beets.
A bulletiu of the Stale Agricultural
college orj sugar beets in Oregon, em
braces a resume of the work doue. The
bujletin contains comparative climatio
tables showing the conditions under
which the experiments were conduc
ted. A Summary of the analysis for
1 H'Ji shows on average for the state of
15.70 per cent sugar, w ith a purity of
78.08 per cent against 13.75 per cent,
and a purity of per cent for 1891.
.Out of sixty-five' samples analyzed
in 1802, only eleven samples showed
less than 12 per cent sugar, and forty
one gave over H per cent sugar, the
the extremes being 9.4 per cent. Some
of tiie conclusions reached are; first,
good sugar beots can be produced In
Oregon; second, they can be produced
at a price which a factory can afford
to pay; third, the yield compares fav
orably with that of other states now
raising beets for the manufacture of
sugar; fourth, large beets to not con
tain suVarge a precentage of sugar as
small beets, and the purity is less;
fifth, beets could be profitably substi
tuted by the farmers for bare follow.
Appointed by the Governor.
nor Lord has appointed the
following as the state board of medical
examiner under the new law! Alio
puths W. H. Saylor, of Portland, five
years; W, A. Cusich Salem, three
years; W. E. Carll, Oregon City, two
year. Homeopaths -B. E. Miller, of
Portland, four years, Electric W.
McCeunell, of Newberg, . one year.
The following appointments, to fill
the expired terms if the slate board of
horticulture, by state executive council,
composed of the governor, secretary
aud treasurer have also been made:
John Miutoof Salem, in place of R. D,
Allen, second district; Emil Shannon,
The Dalles, to succeed himself In the
fourth district, and G. A. Noble, uf
M'.ltou, in place of Jaoies HsxidersbxH,
Itt tirt Oftti MrtrWI.
Adjourned Sine Die at Noon. All the
Appropriation Bills Have Been
Signed by President
WASHINGTON, March 4.-Noon.
Tiie 53d congress adjourned sine die.
The clock was not turned back and
both houses came to a close slmultan,
The senate at 4:05 a. m. took recess
until 9 o'clock, with the understand.
lug that no business should be tran
sacted until 11 o'clock, except Iu con
nection with conference reports.
The last of the great appropriation
bills was sent to the president shortly
before 10 o'clock. There were five
bills on which enrolling clerks were
engaged all night deficiency, sundry
civil, diplomatic, Indian and naval
Final agreement on all these were
reached during the night. At 11:30 a,
m. Private Secretary Thursday an
nounced that the president has signed
all appropriation bills.
Nicaragua Canal Bill.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 2.-Cap-
tain W. L. Merry denies that the canal
company had any lobby in congress
working for or against the Mallory
bill. He added: "The failure of the
Nicaragua canal bill in the house was
not a surprise to me, for Mr. Catch-
jugs, chairman of the committee on
rules, stated in December that congress
would not have time to consider it,
and that it would not pass the 63d con
gress. The passage of the house bill
would have been an advantage to the
company, eveu if its terms were not
entirely acceptable, fur the reason that
it would have gone to a conference
committee with the senate bill, aud
also because, whatever the result, the
enactment of the measure agreed upon
thereby would serve as a vantage
ground for further legislation, if de
emed advisable. If. lobby Inflences
could control the rules committee, It
must be admitted that interests ad
verse to the canal may have been act
ive. The Pacific coast delegation
spared no effort to pass the bill through
the bouse, aud Its members deserve
the thanks of our citizens more could
not have been done by them. We
may look more hopefully for the ac
tion of the 54 congress, aud mean
while it is gratifying that events have
proven that the congress of the United
States would have passed the bill had
it been permitted. It is to be hoped
that it wilt haye another opportunity
betore European interests place the
canal beyond American influence.
The canal enterprise moves slowly,
but, although disappointed, we must
not be discuraged; 11 will see Its day
of victory."
A Pleasing Message.
HALEM, March 3. In these times
of financial stringency any accession
to the public funds ot the state will be
pleusurably received. Last evening
Governor Lord was the recipient of a
telegraphic message from U. S. Sena
tor Mitchell which is along that line
aud which It gave the governor great
pleasure te the people. It read as
Washington, D; C.Mar. 2. '02.
Hon. W- P. Lobd, Salem, Or:
I have succeeded In seeuring the
adoption of an amendment by the
seuat'! to the deficiency appropriation
bill, appropriating the run amount or
t he moneys due Oregon .California and
Nevada for moneys expended In sup
pressing the rebellion. The total
amount is 1,699,000, of which 1335,152
for Oretron. All deuends now on the
action of the bouse.
He Drank Strychnine,
OAKLAND, Cal., March 2.-WU1-
lam F. Cashman, pioneer wholesale
whiskey dealer of Ban Franolsoo, but
retired from active business for some
time, died last night at his home In
Alameda from the effects of strych
nine, whether accidental or inten
tional Is not know. He had a strych
nine preparation in his cellar, which
he used for killing gophers. It Is sup
posed that he drank some of this, as
he was found by bis family out Iu the
yard suffering Intensely. At on time
the deceased was very wealthy, but
lost heavily durUlg lb Mock wlta.
Worse than Reported.
MEXICO, March 2,-The railroad
accident on the Inter-Oceanic railway
last Thursday is far worse than was at
first reported. At least 110 bodies
have been recovered from the wreck
and many still remain Imbedded In
the debris. The damage to the rail
way con" pany 's property caused by
the wreck, Is variously estimated from
$20,000 to 150,000. Many of thelnjured
threaten to sue the company for dam
ages. All of the dead and Injured bo
longed to the poorer clcsses. The en
gineer in charge of the wrecked train
has not yet been found, but the chief
conductor has turned up all right.
The railroad officials say the accident
was caused by the truck's tender slip
ping out of place.
Blown Out of the Straits.
SEATTLE, March 2.-The schooner
Mary Dodge, Captain Bergman, 32
days out from San Francisco, loaded
with 100 tons of dynamite, was towed
into port tonight by the tug Magic. It
was feared she bad been blown up by
dynamite. On February 17, while en
tering the straits, she encountered a
northeast wlud, which carried her 180
miles out to pea. One week later,
wlills she was entering the straits
again, another wind caught her and
carried her out 60 miles, Last night
she succeeded in getting inside aud
meeting a tug. Fifty-five miles south
west of Cape Flattery the schooner
sighted a piece of keel seventy feet
long. . . ,,
Four Hundred Dollars a Ton.
HELENA. Mont.. March 2,-One of
the biggest gold discoveries ever made
in the state was reported, todav bv
Thomas Carmin, of Pony, Madison
county. Years ago he located the
wnite Pine lead, near that niace. but
did very little work uoon it, until re
cently, when he began to deveiope it.
A tew days ago he struck a: 10 inch
vein of gold ore, which runs $400 to
the ton. This is richer than tho
quartz found in any of Montana's
iamous mines. -
Coal Four Dollars a Ton.
San Francisco & San Joaquin Valley
Coal Company, just incorporated,
claims that within a few months it
will be able to furnhh a good grade of
coal In San Francisco for $4 a ton.
Coal uow costs manufacturers $6,
which Is cheaper than it has ever
been before. The new company has a
mine in Corral Hollow, near Liver-
more, and also intends to furnish
electrio power to Stockton and San
Suffocated in Her Bathroom.
SAN FRANCICO, March 2.-Miss
Grace A. Benjamin 18 years of age,
was found dead In her bathroom last
night. There was on odor of gas In
the room when the girl wsb discovered,
and at first it was supposed that she
had committed suicide. Ou Investi
gation, however, it was found that
the apartment was heated with a pat
ent gas apparatus, and that soon after
Miss Benjamin entered the bath, tho
pipes got out of order, the room filled
with gas, and she was suffocated.
Appointed by Gov. Lord.
SALEM, March 4. Governor Lord
today appointed Andrew N. Gilbert as
superintendent of the state penitenti
ary, Mr. Gilbert Is associated with
Mr, I. L. Patterson, state seuator tor
Marlon county, in the general mer
chandising business. In the republi
can state convention he nominated
Governor Lord, and has for years been
prominent in the politics cf Marlon
county, and bis appolutment was not
unexpected to his many friends lfere.
The Old Story.
COLUMBUS, 0., March 2.-At
Wilmington, O., yesterday while
Homer Hlnshaw and RobertHolliday,
schoolmates, aged 14, were playing
with a 88-oallber revolver, whleh they
thought was not loaded, the former
told his companion to point the gun at
him and snap It and see if it would
make blin wink. This was done, and
the ball entered Just above the right
eye, resulting in death,
At Froien Oranges.
NEWCASTLE, Iud., Marob 8.-
Carrle, the 4-year-old daughter of
William Williams, is dead from the
effect eating froien oranges, In com
menting upon the death an old doctor
aid health authorities everywhere
should take strict measures to
destroy the thouaauds of boxes
of frozen orarges shipped from Florida.
A Chicago Blase,
CHICAGO, March S.Vfhe Globe
moulding works on Henry and Brown
treats burned today. The km it wo