The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 01, 1895, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Energy Is the life of a eomunlty .
Mr. I. R. Doruru spent last Sunday
and Monday In Albany.
Br. LuinlierHim wus doing business
in Albany this week,
Mm. W. H. Donaca was visiting In
Albany yesterday.
Mt.- Jm Kelso moved Into Dr.
Courtney's house this week.
Quite a number of our communica
tions ii i'o crowded out this week.
Miss Ola Smith vlnlted friends In
Albuuy lust riiiii.v ana Buturnay.
The spring work Is eouimeuciiig In
the hop-yards around the vicinity of
It Is reported that the racket store
will soon move into the I. 0. 0. F.
Mrs. A, K. Davis and step-daughter
' relumed, last Wednesday, from a
visit to Portland.
Mr. J. C. Mayer and Mrs. Joseph
Mayer attended the dance In Albany
lust Friday night.
Little Dulsy Ullispy died Wednes
day night at tier home In this city and
will tie burled todny at 10 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hansard had the
pleasure of entertaining a large num
ber of their friends a few emenlngs
Mn. Walton Sklpwortb who has.
been visiting relatives In the city for
f some weeks ten last Tuesday ior ner
home In Union.
Miss Lucy Godly who bus been
vlsltlhg the family of Mrs. J. Nixon,
her aunt, returned Wednesday to hei
home in I'ortland.
Lebanon flour is acknowledged to
bo. the best flour iu the market. For
sale by all the leading grocers. Call
for It. Have no other.
These hard times we want to save all
We can, but nf course we have to eat,
till you will save some by getting your
groceries at S. I', Rach's.
The Kpwnrth League will give a
Novelty Uncial at the residence of Mr.
H. Raker Tuesday evening, March 12,
to which everybody in cordially u
Ylted. Supper Mots.
At times J. M. Hcttle haB from ten to
fifteen liicu at work on his place mak
ing propositions for the future in the
way of rutting wood, clearlug land
and Improving in general.
The two great events of the past
week were the public school entertain
nient given at the Opera house under
the direction of Prof. 0. H. WllkeB,
ami Hie W. R. C, at Mrs. Miller's
Mr. t', l, MontngU'i will deliver a
free popular lecture at the Academy
Saturday evening March B, on the
subjeri) of "Scotland." You should
heiir this eloquent geiillcman ou this
Interesting su'jeot.
Tnerc are 121 fumillos represented In
our Putilic School, Hll pupils enrolled
for the year, 130 boys and 1!11 girls.
The average belonging for the last
month Is 1 the average attendance
Oscar Rhick who was oonvlcted be
fore Justice Lovelee ou lust Thursday,
for currying concealed weapous, and
sent to jnll for 6 days in default of
1'Hyll'B $1) "'0 lowet.t tine. The stale
wns represented by Attorney Harlanfl.
The valuable half section of land,
Just across the river, left by William
M. Bmllh, to Ills heirs, lias been sur-
Jyed and divided up sullafactorly be
tween Joseph Hmitli, George Smith,
Mrs. V. H. Board and Mrs. K. E.
Monday at one o'clock Is ths time
for the annual school meeting, when
a clerk and one director will beelected.
'it Is hoped that a large attendance
will he .had, us the utl'nlrs of the school
uive a personal Interest for ever pat
ton and tux-naypi',
Mr. N. H. Allen, the cleotrlo light
mini, wus In the city this week. Mr.
.Alien Is u pleasant genlleman to deal
Willi and the patrons of the company
wo believe will have no cause of com'.
plaint. Me seems determined to treat
w his patrons fairly. His patrons will
take no advantage of him.
A ealied session of the Presbytery of
til's GlWlbo.julrt F resbyterian church
Will lie hold at this plape ext Monday
evening. Thar will be preaching In
the C. P. ohuroh on Monday ovenlng
and ao Tuesduy morning to which
everybody Is invited.
Rev. A. Mclvln Williams will
aucupy the pulpit In the C. P. ohuroh
lu tills city next Sunday, both morn
ing and evening. The subjeot of the
morning discourse will bo "Freedom,"
and In the evening, "Is the young
man Bafe?" Other services as usual.
Miss Marie Vaundersal, the eloou
tloolst, who gave very Interesting
vMt'rtlllprf)e4 here several weeks ago,
will give another of her delightful
programs ut the Academy on Satnr.
, day March lfl. The program will
mandat of readings, .musical selections,
etcW An admlssluu fes of i& oenls
Will lit llrl,
Hiram Buker buys all Itlndt of I
fill's. , jf '
Old papers for sale here at five cents
per dozen,
Judge Fllnn of Albany, was doing
business in the oily last Friday.
If you want to tell property list it
with Peterson A Andrews.
The populists central committee will
luiet hero on March M, at 11:00 a. m.
Banker J. W. Cuiiuk, wife and little
boy spent last Friday In the city
Dr. G.W. Oheadleis office hours from
11 a. m., till 5 p. rti.. Office over City
Drug store.
The Kpwnrth League of the M. K.
church will cimdiiet the public service
nest Sunday at 70.
Prof. 0. II, Chapman president of
the Slate Univeriiity will deliver an
address on eriucatlou In Ihlscltyon
Friday evening March llith to which
everybody is Invited.
Every cash purchaser of f 10 worth of
gouds at 8. F. Bach store gets a crayon
portrate of themselves or friend free.
See sample of work In his window.
M. J. Benjamin', the jew merchant
that has lieen doing business in this
city, has moved to P-ortlaad. He
shipped Ills good's by boal.
The fireman's basket social, which
will be given on March 14, promises to
he the the best thing of the season.
Full particulars next week.
Mr. Rawllngshas had hit household
goads moved to , Albany. Mr. H. M.
Boslar will eoctipy the Ballard pro
perty that had been rented by Mr.
Tbe Symposium on Home Missions,'
given at the Presbyterian church last
Sunday evening by the Young People
Endeavor Society, was a decided suc
cess. Mrs. Holmair returned home Tues
day from Portland where she had been
to have little Blind Johnny's eyes
treated. The doctors removed one
eye and put In a glass one and they
think the little fellow will now have
relief. f
Mr. L. Fletcher, of Portland, and
Miss Minnie Blackburn, daughter of
A. P. Blackburn of Rockhhl, were
murricd at the home of the brides
parents last Wednesday evening, in
tile presence of a few invited guests,
Rev. Beattle ofloite(J. The happy
oouple will reside u Portland. Long
life to them.
Quite a number of the most promin
ent citizens are devising plans for pro
ducing und manufacturing chicory
which would lw a great benefit Ui the
farmers in the vicinity of Lebanon, as1
well as a paying iudustry to any Indi
vidual or corporation that would carry
their plans into efteot.
There will bftn mask social Hut(r
duy evening, March li, at Union Hal
given mider th auspices uf the Laity
Macabee', The adwMou fee (or gen
tlemen masked or nut masked will be
twenty-live cejiln. Ladies masked will
be aduitled H , and ladies not masked
will be charged ten cents. All the
ladles are requested to brlug a box
with luucb for two. Every body lu
vited to uiask.thut wishes to go and
have a good social time,
Tile papers have beeu full of the new
remedy for diphtheria. Wednesday of
lust week a practicle trial of it was
given at Aledl'urd, Dr. .K li. Picket
received from Dr, Miugua, of Portland,
a bottle ol it and the name afternoon
administered it to a child ol John
Norton, leslding .. about four miles
son III of Medl'ord, iiatmtfay the, pu
tent wus discharged by the physician.
It wus tile Hist case on whluh the
medicine was tried ju the state.
We are informed that Ed Carr has
done some very proficient work with
his new stump machiue ou the farm of
Mr, J. A. Rurkbart. There it uo
doubt but what Mr. Carr's method ot
clearing laud will be of more benefit
to t he rising geueratlou of Llnu county
thau all the Chluameu that ever lan
ded ou the Pacific const. Messrs.
Joseph Steward aud John Moist are
ultM edtuvqrlg tu make the forest
bloom aud blossoui.
Lust Monday a resident of Tangent
named James West was takeu to Al
uauy, aud a complaint of Insanity
lodged against him. He was ex
amined, adjudged Insane and Bent to
the asylum. It is said thut Mr. West
hud been a hard drinker but tome
three months ago ceased entirely,
w hieh seemed to cause a general break-
illg dtnyu Qf is ei's,efl frqm (he Jong
excess, MM insanity uowl.
Klohurd Allen, who has beeu travel
ing aruuud the country as driver for a
lady who has beeu giving exhibitions
of birds, traded a horse belonging to
the ludy with Mr. E. H. Fruiu. His
trade was not approved by the
horse's owner, so the young man re
turned the horse and took the oilier
from Mr. Frum's barn lu the night.
For this conduct, Mr. Fruui hud blm
arrested. Justlci Lovelee tiled the
Ouse and sent the defendant to thj
gruud Jury. In consideration of the
mental weakness of tlie defeugajjt
and other mitigating clrcimimtauiits,
he was allowed to go ou his own recug
uisanoti aud he will probably go.
The state was nmraatiubMl by 6. M.
At the request of Mr, N. H. Allen of
Albany, another mass meeting of the
citizens of this city was called last
Monday afternoon, . Hon. C. B. Mon
tague was called to the chair
and briefly stated that the meet
ing was called at Mr. Allen's re
quest, as he wished to make some
statements In regaad to the Electric
Light and Water works'. By motion,
Mr. George Rice was elected as secre
tary 'of the meeting. .MyUlun
jnatlea-brlef statement in regard to
the history of the plant aud its work,
also showedfeome 'figures about what
the plant Is making and what the ex
penses jire.a.nd tutu il fUSf counting
the Interest at 8 per cent, not counting
the wear and tare of the machinery
that the plant .lacked about $100 a
year or, paying expenses and also
stated If he allowed tile 25 per cent, oft
that the citizens nijaested, it would be
donating it out of his own pocket.
He stated th he owned the most of
the plant Snd would in the future
look after ,. himse'and.Vt6at he
thought In a sliort time he mould be
sole proprietor as he was row negotla
Ing with Mr. Rawlings for his Interest.
Hon. M. A. Miller lu responce to
Mr. Allen made a talk In which he
stated that the plant was an honor to
our city and that we did not wish to
see any one lose money; and that as
he made the former motion he
tiow move that the resolution in regard
te 25 per cent off for lights be re
scended in consideration of the
explanation made by Mr. Allen
Mr. P. M. Smith seconded the
motion which was carried unanim
ously. The meeting then adjourned.
Later Mr. Allen was In the city
again Wednesday and informed us
that he had bought Rawllugs' interest.
A Fare Well Party. '
Last Monday evening the young
people of the Epworth League of the
M. E. church In this city, meet with a
few invited friends, at the pleasant
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pugh, In
honor of one of their most earnest
workers and popular young lady,
Miss Emma Tivey, who left Wednes
day morning for Tacoma, Washing
ton, to bid her fare well, and a wish of
happiness at parting. The few hours
friends and companions' spent with
her will long be remembered. The
time was passed with a few quiet
games and a light luncheon. She has
many friends here who regrcted to see
her leave.
Those present were: Rev. Summer
ville, Messrs. and Madams. Tivey,
Hope and Munsey. Misses Lulu West
fall, Alice Temple, Ada Miller, Minnie
Uilson, Grace llmphrey, Ilda Elkins,
Mable Carson, Nellie Randle, Mattle
Nixon, Nettie Amoe, Blanch Warner,
Hattie and Addle Simpson. Messrs.
Henry Smith, Albert Orandle, Will
Roas, Hhermau Wallace, Ed Umpiirey,
Frank Miller, Hugh Nixon,'' Jake
Springer, i Aue Kees, John "' Ewing,
James Boyd, Herbert Simpson, Oeorge
Randle, Johnnie Morgan, John Kell
euberger, Alpin McDougal, John Don
aca and Churles Amos. " A
Justice Lovelee bound over to the
graud jury ou Tuesday William Ray,
on the charge of having beeu, con
nected with the robbery of Joseph
Buhl last .November, when Buol waW
attacked by two men at lilglit' and
robbed 01210 near this: plac;': Ray'
had been suspected for sometime and
his recent flight to California did not
allay suspicion. He had, : , been
inputted" grip hearing that he would,
be arrested, he came to Albany Mon
day night and walked to his home
before day where he was found after
wards bidden In the cellar. He was.ibeld:the Firel President of the U. S,
arrested with the above result.
Damaging evidence was found on his
person, but he strongly protested his
Innocence. The prosecution will not
divulge the evidence In their poses
slon, but It has beeu rumored that Ray
implicated one of Lebanon's represen
tatives iu the county jail. Others
claim that a full confession, ajs,q i(y
PllplUtng tilt) lam man, 'has' been
made. Whether he has made a cori
fnsslon or not, cannot be ascertained:
The state was represented by S. M.
Garland. The arrest was made by
Constable Morgan and Deputy Phil
Smith. Ray is now In jail.
The examination of the papers of
teachers applying for certtlcates has
not yet been completed, but enough
have been passed ou to show tlui( o,n(
of sixfy-five applicant .there will be
oyer thirty who will fail, most of them
going down on theory and practice.
Miss Ida Daytou, nieoe of Mr. John
Foshay, who recently oame here from
Canada, was upon' presentation of a
life diploma given a recommendation
fur a state diploma, aud the following
were recommended for state certiflia
les: G. h'. Caluvar,, James A. Bilyeu,
Mrs. Hattie TllloUoti, Mrs. W. A.
Calder and Miss Iva Templeton.
Some where ou the street betweeu
Mra. J. Nixon's, and. , M, Ponaoa's
residence, just Sunday, a silver braolet.
rrh Under will please leave the same
at this nfUceor at Mrs.Nlxou.
Creira BiklngTWdtr
The Father of Hit Country Honored.
Q.IFTED singers have failed to
give the inspiration meted
out to the eager audlenuce that
thronged the Opera house on the eve
of Washington's birthday, ax It was
done by the many sweet young voices
that mingled in the melody of the
opening; Hong.
VVEN the hero of Valley Fotge,
wmilrl havfi fltnnneri rnhhinff
ahfe - : fcnumbed' lingers and listened
with admiration to the childish voice
that so' kindly told the story of his
life; certainly he would have reined
his horse for a moment on the river's
brink, could behave seen the glowing
face of the boy who so graphically de
scribed 'The Crossing of the Dele
Ware." ;.
("kM'Kept' After School,"could
-V; have reminded him of the
days of his boyhood and the result of
placing a bent pin on the seat for the
boy'whg sat in front of him, but "The
Pride of Battery B," must have called
him back to encourage those brave
cannoneers who manned their guns so
well: !;.,..-.
O EARED as he was before this
-K ; country was free, yet he had
the true spirit of "The American
Boy;'' joe, be ' would have scaled the
"Kocky Mountains," if It had been
nerWary to make "This Old Country"
free.' ' 'i : .
3.REAT would have been his
" delight if he could have
heard "My Mother's Songs" and
listened to that little boy tell "How I
carl be like Washington;" then saw
the "Little Hands" as they gracefully
gestured in "The Bridge Keeper's
Story," while "Grand Pappa" looked
under hfs spectacles and "The Dutch
man'''' exclaimed, Dat petes der Father-
landf"' ' .
tjERY'': brave soldier, who!
J-" marched in the army of the
noble Commander that made the
Redcoats leave' Boston, would surely
have forgotten to move forward If they
lutd been permitted to catch a glimpse
of those sweet little girls that executed
with such precision the beautiful
Broom Drill;" their ears, noses and
fingers. Would have tingle had they
heard ibis little voices that Carole the
the "Jack Frost" song.
WIDE awake would have been
the, condition of the pleasant
old gentleman of Mount Vernon, if bis
telephone had beeu connected with our
Opera house at the time the juvinile
brrftlon on "George Washington," fell
iu regular cadences from the stage and
he eertahily would have said "I wish"
I was there.
A FTKR the: battle was gained, it
would-have rested his mind,
if lit habeeh a "listener to "Over the
Tsl&jraph Wires," and given audience
to Ike tltnilhig story of "How Cushlng
.Destroyed, the Albemarle." The plain
Jthef trails of tlwi'Itallan Song" would
have, caused him to lotc consciousness
In a dream of his eunney Southern
home." . , i . '
SLOWLY would he have scratch-
ed His head, as he thought
fully listened to "Do ng Examples"
,811,4 gladly "exclaimed that's right
when he knew there was "No Mortg
M&on the Farm,"
XTI3 eyes 'must have,, dimmed
swith tears, .when- the sad
swept notSs of "The Dying Eiiginer''
touched upon WBggwaitaVno doubt,
be would have turned a summersault
lu KleeJ'IflieJiad seen the tragic pic
tuiwofV'CleveriPeter'and the Ogress."
IT ' wuld' have 'taken the whole
.1 Bt-tt.A lif' Rlirtd'rt Island in h'tva
aud his army, if the, "Hoop Drill" had
taken place iutheir.reseuoe "I dou't
want to play In your" yard," us the di
alogue ot soiig, would have opened
their eyes and ii6ullis lu astonish
meht, while wntfgijiarge of the L,(ght
Brigade." would' bay trough them
all to a pJaitioH of defense.
VEX'4, the vivid description of
V,, i'Xhe Inspector", must have
made ,tUeip wider if'hc was not aspy,
arid Ihe." folfaufl "of tiib' ''wo Cub
Bears" woul''certa(iily have caused
an uproarious burst of laughter; then
"Pupa's Ijetter" wirnld have carried
them all baekjn mind to the homes
where the Jlttjg,pne' .were waiting br
papa t'o'cbiue,,, . r)t: '
GRANfl, y'fluUUh;'Ve Hen the
shout qf.jojt tlmt puist have
gone up If. They tad 'heard the "Song
of the 'tJhiofi," and they would have
wondered If the maiden Jadies at home
were m'a'kfiig1' '!Nelgliborly - Calls"
when ttie hieu were away fighting the
foe. .: : ,;
rPI ME would fail me ere I could
fell i ycu how quickly the
Father' of his' Country.', would changed
his army life Tor that of a dairy farmer
if he had been permit ted to see that
beautiful company of pretty maidens
In the "Dulry Maid's Drill" and
heard their .happy voices as (hey
merrily Jingled, n (be sweetest music.
V HOW suprlsed lia would have
been, if .he had seen the
"Cullud Gen men Fom Qowceh" on
the stage and heard his. "Fourth of
July Oration!" Certainly, he would
have reproved, him for dressing
trvsiauWy, eould be lit iwm
" .-.' ' ' ' '". '
Call and SEE the bargains they will
offer YOU.
Lebanon, - - - Oregon.
auditor to "Business in Mississippi"
he would have been charmed with the
growing prospects of good trade in the
far South West.
"VTEVER could his mind have
' wandered from place to place
in the most exciting conflict, as it
would certainly have done if be had
beard "The Hired Girl" and then been
Immediately transported to the land
of melody by the rapturous measures
of "His Mother's Songs." Could our
belove Washington have sent a pb olo
graph and caught the restive strains
of the "Good Night Song," bow many
pleasant dreams he might baye en-
Joyed In the closing hours of the
eventide. But, peace to his Memory!
He has been honored by the Public
Schools of Lebanon as never before In
their history.
We are glad for Washington's sake
that he was not here, for the the city
council ot Lebanon would have made
him pav a license for the privilege ef
appearing in our oity. X. B.
It is wonderfull how many goods
can be bought for a little money.
Hard times make low prices, and there
is nothing speaks so plain as spot cash,
We keep goods for the people whose
wonts are many and, whose cash is
very light. We buy for cash and sell
for cash at less then half the usual pro
fit, and we can undersell all competi
tors. Give us a trial. You will be con
vinced. We sell genuine kid shoes for
1.60, aud very flue $2.75. Fine cash
mere 35 c. oil calica's and turkey red
and all the finest grades 10yds tor a $1.
Curling irons all sizes 5c. Barlow
knives 10. flue ones 25 and 50 e. at the
Racket Store.
City Ueente.
We are (nfuruied that the ordinance
taxing all tutertelnmeute to which ad
mission Is charged, was passed to
or ret an abuse that had become quite
commou. The claim Is made that va
rious lectures and others would give
their entertaiuments at some church
to avoid the tax, and would give the
church a small percentage of the pro
ceeds, pocketing the great bulk of the
receipts themselves. In this way the
city wai denied its lawful income, and
ii church was but poorly recom
pensed. For these reasons, the law
was wade. It was not the Intention to
require the tax from entertainments
given Bolely by home enterprise.
By some mlsiinderstandltr; the Pub
lic School entertainment was
taxed, but the council will
refund the money. Nevertheless, it
was hardly necessary that the whole
thing should be published in the
Oregoniau without giving the real in
tent of the council in these waiters.
Our little home affairs should he
settled among ourselves, withou t pub
lishing to the world an article thut
reflects upon our wisdom and our
oharlty. Members of the council
express this purpose ef changing the
ordinance so at to prevent future mis
understandings, and then theieafter
such entertainments will not be taxed,
The mayor says this matter will be
properly adjusted. A. Z.
Dr. Prlc'iCrum Haklnf Powder
WaVjt . mm nwwt m tr
Fine elegant photos at Bogd'sgallery
for cash or produce.
Smith has just added fifty new books
to his circulating library.
If you want to buy properly call on
or write Peterson & Andrews.
Buy you tickets East over the N. P.
fi. R. of W. C' Peterson, Local agent.
You can get one dozen pliotoes at
the Lebanon Art gallery for 75 scnts.
When you want to buy a suit of cloth,
Ingyou will save money by getting
it at Rach's.
All knowing themselves Indebted to
me will please call and settle at
"ce. M. A. Mir.LKK.
Dalgleiah & Everett cau sell you fine
presents that will give satisfaction,
comfort and pleasure every day in the
Ladies, if you want a good cheap
shoe for yourself, den't forget to go to
Baker's or send for his 0!)e, J 1. 25, $.fo
$2.00 or $2.50, the best iu the world for
the money. His motto is, never to
be under sold.
Blacksmith wanted, dtie who tinder
stands general blacksmith work and
especially horseshoeing also cun do
wood work for repairing of wagons
and machinery, will furnish shop free
of charge for one year. Can furnish
q jlte a number of tools. For further
Information write
A. F. Hamilton.
. Holley, Oregon.
There Is
more Calarrh in this section of the- country
than all other diseases put together, ami
until the last few years was supposed to te
incurable. For a treat many years doctors
pronounced it a lucal disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constantly
failing to euro with local treatment, pro
nounced it Incurable. Science has proven
catarrh to he a constitutional disease and
therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hail's Calarrh Cure, manufactured by
P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally In doses from 10
drops to a teasioonful. It acts directly on
the blood ami mucous surfaces of the
system. They oiler one hundred dollars
for any ease it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address.
F. .f. CI1 KNKY CO., Toledo, O.
aV-Sold by druggists, 73c.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
frem Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.