The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, March 01, 1895, Image 1

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; -" " r;--rt't?-'f-Jt'" t-ff'1!- - . ...
VOL. IX. , , fy ? BANON dStEG '
,"" . . , no. l.
tcdui ne BiistriDTinM. m I . s I . ,
Oaeyear :. 12
(II pnld In advance, H to per yes;.)
Blx month ..,... 1
Three luoiiilis
Single coplen,
'f K.grtjfjj .' ,.t I ....... ...Senators
; JiiWii H. Mltchcll.1
lllnner Hernmnn Congressman
Hylvestor I'bnnoyor ....(loveriwr
Onorac W. Midlrldc Scnretsry of Stale
J'hll Metsolian 'I'rBBiiiirer
K. II. juiElroy,,,'...Hnpt. I'ulillc Instruction
Frank iK flakor,...... State Printer
II. 8. Stmhn. j
Win. I-. bord.V Supremo Judges
It. S. tan, )
Jni1m,"...:...n'..n'. .'. J. N. Dunoan
Clerk a N. NotHlliBin
itecorder, , I). F. Jlurdmin
. Hliurifl'. J. A. Mcl'cron
School 8uwfhitmident.,.....A. K. Rutherford
Treasurer P. fi. Morris
Assessor, W. F. Deakltn
Surveyor,.., K. T. T. Fisher
Coroner It. A. Jayns
Conimlnniuiww, j'Si'VaSri
MT(lll M. A. MILI.Kll
rUEASUKEn..' ...J. F. HYDE.
M AttHHAL,. P. W, MOltOAN,
si" fEIt. KKM.ENBEKUEU,'Illl.VEfi,
1 M. 0. UlKd, '
S. H. MY Hi!S.
City Council meet n tliu liret and third
1. ...I.
Secret Sooletle
3JNN TtoT, Nil. t, K 0. T, M.-MeU In 0. A.
H flail mi Tlmrily uvuiiIiik of oaoli wank.
' Tmimeiit Blr KauitlU are ciinllnlly Invited to
TiK tlw rout rouolli,
, A, UHM. Com,
JlONOR Wrx, No, M, A. 0. 1'. W.-MeeH
ry TuoNlay nrcillllj at Ul A.."Bn. i
I W. HdBBIrlH, K.W.
I. It lloal'K, Hoo. i
, , -.,,r,s,..;
LKlANtliV UIBUK. KO. 4f', .CiO..-MwiH
eror)' HaUirday evening) OlVd Folium llall, at
H o'clock p. in. - - ' . .
. V. : A. ti pxm. N. a.
KHAKI-ttKBKCCA IXIUOK, NO. '. 1. 0. 0. r.-
tUmtt at 1. 0. 0. t llall tint oinHjl.ini
4af ewiitilgN of oaeH month.
'. G.
MUM HATTtB WMrSON, Beefy, . , .
ivoiunviniuif Un U i V Jb k Hi MmIji
Hauirda)'ovcnliiK.onorlwfiJietbe full moon In
DiMin monin. at iniuuiiiii n.iii vui. uum m
' Viruiit nth. .Kiijiiiimini brutluini mimlally Invited
to attend.
h K. 8. Hahoi. W. M,
U. ll. Wutlmie. See.
U :
OliN L MKlUliH l.'A.MI1, No. It, Olvlnlnll of Ore
gon, Sona of Veleraatni-Meet in 0. A. K. llall,
every rjtitunlay ovenintr. eaoept the third
Hatiirday of uaoli month, raoolhiK Hie Ihlnl Frl
day Inaiead. : All Moilitrr of thoSotm of Vet-
aritna and comradeHOf tlie ti, A. K. aro cordially
jfj; ln'tfod lamuel with the (.'niiip,
E. 0. Caan, Capt.
A. Tt.NNKV, Fill! f igt.
BINA M. WW HIVE, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M.
Meebiou the'Jd, 4th and Ath Krlday evenlni; of
each month at 7:3(1 p. a. at U. A. K. Hall. Trail
tent IJKly Matiraliucs are conllully Invited to
A. A. HVM. IjkIv It. K.
KiitAU 8ltwii, Liuly Com.
Sam'l M. Oarlanb,
Weatherford t If att.
A Cure lor Rhaumatiam.
!Ji For rhuewatlim I have found uoth.
I J lng equal to Chamber Iain's Pain Balm.
( It rallevm the pain as aonri u applied.
I J. W. Voung,' Wtrit Llbe.rty, W. V.
A, The prompt relief It affords It tlnne
HUAitth nnanw tlmaa fha nnat An Mhi.
t42 M,.lili,i,.A n.A u.ttt .t . ......
w,itt gum. for sal bf V W, Smllh
"As old as
the hills" and j
never excell-
ed. " Tried I
and proven " J
is the verdict f
o f millions.
- Liver Eegu-
T ".. lator is the
At? only Liver
JJCffO and Kidney
medicine to
; which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure.. A
mild laxa
tive, 'and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the. Liver
and Kid-
. neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Pruggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to b taken dry or made into a tea.
Th King of Liver Mcdlolnen.
; "lhaveuiidyi)nrBimn.onI.lverReini.
lator .nd can eonuilentliiuHly Hav It Ik the
in of a,ll liver mudliilnee, I oonlder It a
niedliilne client In Itnelf.-yiui, U', jaiik.
uk, Tuooma, Waahtnittonr
-nvmi PAC1UOI -M
aa tlifi C Umds In red on wraiwer.
All neraonn known l.lienisi.Iv.m In.
debted to me pleaae call and wttle
t once an I need my money.
"oyrt aiwwer anil in honert opinion, write to
t'Bn OYCO.. whn have hnd nearly fifty veura
eiperlenoelnthe imtcnt bllslneu. Conininnlea.
illinn itrlotly ooiiltdentlal. A Handbook of In.
Kin t "liii. enu pow to 0D-
t HHwiiuii. i-airni. will pow to 0D
aent friie. Aleo a oalalosua of meonan.
I."!'""...""""1 . throinrh Wmni k Co. mlva
fff il"'na''!"-"'lneAraeritnK
f"?."1". wM"1' aMoreUie putillc with,
out oat to the Invmitor. Tim i.lam peiier,
iuea weeHv. eleaantly lllnnralen.luui by iCthe
lariett elroulatmn of any lelenllllo wurk In the
World. Sit . veer. Ullllinle n.ul.. ,,.
Bulldlna Bdltloa. mnnthlr. a?.fill. .... mn.i.
fnplea, 'la oentt. Every number eontalna beau.
iiw HI.IM, in ooiors, and pliotntfrapbfl of new
uu.,ff kiiiiib. .iinuiuiR Diiiinunto ehowtha
1iSKJS"!!l!lt anU'eeii enntraeta, Adrtreu
MUAN A CU. LW VOllK. Hill Rriu...
Sun Diego, Cat. aayai "Hhlloh'. Oa,
Ittrrh Remedy Is the Ural medlnlnn T
have ever found that would do me any
good." Prloe 60c. Hold by N. W.
, . , " "i uMnuvw ana wxbt twio,
"i11 b J 'Dtugg Itu or aent by matt. o, too.
aadtLOOperpaokage. Bamplcatree.
For sale by N, W. Smith.
Insure your pronertv 'ltli Peterson.
Eoea&Co. They ait) hKtiiU for the
Old Reliable. Home Mutual. New
Zealand, Springfield of Massachusetts,
Continental, and other good, reliable
oompauies. They also have monev la
loan at 8 per cent, in sums from 200
Bt Hlioo laid at thn nrlo.
SO, 84 It $3.80 Drevt Shoe
Iiiqual cuatoiii work, eoHtlng from 6 to $S,
83.60 Pollco Shoe, 3 $ol
Seat Walking Shoe over made,
83.60 and 83 ho,
Unequalled at die price.
Boy' 83 It 81.78 School Show,
Are the Beit for Service,
Udl' $3, $3.00, $3, $1.70
Beat DonioU, gtyll.h, Ferfeet Plttlni
and fHwvloeable. Beat In the world. All
Jtylea, In.l.t upon havlne W. L. Uouilaa
Jlhoea. Name nod prlee stamped on hot
torn, W.L.llOuULla.Brookton.MaM.
, Hiram Baker.
bebanon, Oregon.
Ladles if you are thlnkli g of getting
I pair of slides or a tin dress next
tvsek. Vnu will want tn knnur u1,hu it.
tut the best tat the (imt mousy, Mr,
f SUV tnvajrs tri m iml,
1,1mh A JJ . "T""Y'V ' ' - mu Tnxy DEAL FAIRLY?
WBWW a,rfffnff 7...M
Mb. Ei)iTOB:-It ha4' been many
:yer since I have dime fyy acrjUtlirig
forpubllo, but aa tlilt.semi fb'be
row, I thought I would come in as
in uie iignu l'cannoi tucee
With all that Patrnn hniolH'i!,.i tul
most of his communication is, veri
llPnr florllt I bnni ,1.., M. tL..
b"- "itti vow streams
ui'jiigiier uinu meir source, butniay.
ullilHii lnn U....B lV....n. ' . j .t. 4, '
-r ivcr. na njl me
vicli.UB children do not come frtnu bad
homes. There" are many causes, UuU
iie uir DacK of ineir training tlfat are
uitwiy responsioie ror thMr (Jlsuosi.
Hons, and if to a had Inherited Uatjire,
Is added bad training, can you expect
a good obedient cliilfl, either at home
or at school? Wheit I nW ; -him
our home wa a home for manyofthsV
-..v. B. wuniuiuy nruunu waa
vogue-ln those times, between flW
and sixty years ago, and my :ittotlJerJ
llud flAAIl . .ua..l.. i.. I . I
a navuci in uer young aays,
so she knew what It melrtfor the
teachers to travel ever a larite' distri'ei.
vi get a place to eat and sleep. ,Wp
Hu (iiemy 01 room ana was near the
fcheol, so it came to he a common
thing for most of the teachers to make
tneir nume with Us, or with a friend
of ours that lived still nearer than w'
did Teaohere "are like other peopie,
they must have stike one to tefl their
troubles tao, fand fliildren are not al-
-"J"!' mien uieir 4?yes are snut.)
Hoi heardflneof rjtir most suentwifiii
teachers talking- tn mother :oC'her
school. She saiif uITp iviiilii ni ;h.
stand how the children two faiijllles
IP her school ooiilh beW bad wlien the'
parents and even the grandparents
were all such model 'cfirisjlan people,,
had for years and ycjre held authiirity
in the church, unrt tjie children were
in sucn good citrlsirnn homes. The
answer to ner was: "poor cbudifh.
vol nli.ii.. ...,l. IV.. '... " . 6
MiG mi uii-ii us wen as you
can, for lliey are 'lit be pitied, not
blamed." I have wMhe'd,, to speak
Moat those children, they am very
huid to learn, ilb not have atjy encour
agement, at hahie. tli'etr teachers im-
enly found fault with' lc!usetliev !a
not learn as- fast1 ai some ,tf tlit-iV
iieigbtmr's cMrdrtn. B'nd )are often
severely whinoed for ri.u. riifl:A',.
llllademou.inp 'nA ....
Mtlr, .,fmc giave mutt nil
attelltiftli nulil mIi 1. l.W
HoW liumin'.; . ' I '
I think when a child loyos taei'r
teacher, lliey Jaltiiost uJwai ihlnk
lliey Know even pinye giu . their
mother. Ho as I was goftif foichool,
In a moment of chililiuh
told her all of her and jnptkwy cbg.
Versation, and although so'many years
have passed, I have always recollected
her talk to me. That I must never
tell what I knew wufrjc iutyidd for
me lo hear, and she wanted me to un
derstand that it w as Dot right for ber
to talk about her seliolaia hut 1.1,0
so troubled she wanted advice, 'and
iiiuv was uuw sue ciime to talk as she
did. ,
In the other honiiHi wa, want of
united government' and' a careless
Wuniieron the pail ot the fntber.
talking before his two children He
would tell all of his doings) fthfj lie
was a buy and going to '(chral, that he
would uever mind t wmnm ihi
woman could not control a iojt and If
a womau naa ever ti led to whip him,
it would uot be well' for her. This
rutin had a nice home and a land lady
like wife. He was a than weil liked
by his neighbors, he would not have
done anythlug to injure' any one.'an
when bis boy and girl beaan to, '!oo tn'
school, he did' not know . why i they1
oouio not get along with the teaCjberj.
They had laughed when their teacher
tried to make them mind, and1 lieiw
the boy was sixteen neither father",
tnoiuer or teener could do anything
with him, and at lust he tried to, kill
bis own father aud then rau away and
joined the army, soon deserted and
came home to his mother, his father
was dead, and died befofe 'he reached
middle lite. My brother' was . with
him in -Ills last sickness, and he talked
of bis wrecked life. He said some had
to much training, some to little. , Hn
was oue that hud to little, when be
was small. When his father tried to
whip him after he thought he was 'a
man, he turned ou him and tiearfy
killed him. ' . , f-
One in my family that taught from
theageofeighteeu utitlll he was sixty'
five years of age was always very
muoh opposed to the use ot the rod in
his school. One of his dauvhters
One of his daughters was!
'ears ano and wa -bpV
b 're a few years ano and we w. .'
peaking nf his strict adhereauoe lb
most bible rules, and one of the .wise
sayings you so often here ouoted 'he
did uot believe . In, aud ' that watt
"Bpart the Bod and Spoil the Child."
He had Ha ohlldren and tby ail were
Those Who Now Want the O. P. Sale
, , , let A elite?
A i correspondent In the Corvallis
Times signing himself as Junius anva:
,"Ontbe3rd day of January last, when
no-BHTcnasers ot the O. p. railroad
made an application to the court to
to connrm-tue sale, a strong appeal
wawuade to the court bv certain nar.
tie r time in which to raise money
to iticrease tne amount bid, and strong
atid apparently sincere assurance
gjveft "thnt the amount would hn
doubled. ' -Under the extarodinarv ef.
forts Otade.the time for:eonflrminir the
sate ias extended to (he 19th of the
month, when there being no nrosneet
ui any tieiter 01a the. me u ,,,.
firmed. Now then, parties areappeal
ing from the order of
thewder of Octobers), 1894, ordering
uiennte as nun and void. If that is
tueVlsitf reasonable to sunnose th.
would have bid $200,000 for, the pro-
pert? t a void sale? There does not
appear, to be any good faith In the
movfcient, and If they can get the
sale set aside, the, road will
11 back into the hands of the court,
anirthere'wIH never lie another nnr.
chasefthO road will rot; the enterprise
wilt be abandoned; the whole Willam
ette valley will suffer and the ousted
tatltin wHl have their revenue. What
in to) be gtilhed. by this appeal? Is
nereanian.fin this: county who be
lief.aiiy better bid Ciin be rot for Hm
LfdadS Knot, what other obiect can
Uherebc!hi;this whole movement, ex-
pept Bill tne enterprise, now and
forever; and wipe out entirely the
vregon Kactue. railroad.
ocorea py Committee.
i,Tfce ioitat committee severely scored
,thje (Hildief's home niunaeement. and
Lno rjouat tlovernor Lord appreciated
tue aiiuaiion rcr he appointed a new
board of directors. , The Reseburg Re-
viftways:''The joint eoinrniltee which
iliveatliratea tlid 'mid ier'a hniuu ut
Koselirge,mitde a very unfavonble
reporbtuJay.. they elaime that the lo
flitiim n-aawlwto, no eompetitlou be-
itur -aHoweif .11 Vlinnaliiir .ilo f. i, .
. " o " "" l
,iuisejlHch eduld nut be toostronirlv
tLci)tideeiuel The building is, also,
Hieiatlsimory iff Its' ai raugemeut and
i(Cfinyiawm.jn the iiffleer living below,
Hu.neiue.tBd'vtrbraiis have to climb
Hje stairs. Twelve employes, the com
Wittf Hgrds. air too manv. and the
,LMyutlaffleers as too high., The
(u.aiuj,i:iruT,iee nsa num an unnces
iiary..iiiiiabeotmeetini!8. drawitny iwr
diem iu Ulolatiou ofthij law. Trustees
iMcaeuanamuileu are scored for tak-
tngs.jituketiiig' trip to California at
Oifl exneusoif the state, drawing mile
age for alia tame while tisiuir free nan.
ses ditrlng their travels. The big de-
lieieucy which niu;be provided' for
Was lai'HoUktjfe.eBiiit' nf n,ii.,.,u..
nient at)d j;trava(diice.
... ,un,U,iuu in mo investl-
gating iiiiniuiUeoi)iicluded bv snvino-
that tjiey Jiave Ishovvn extravagant
an'd useless expenditures nf the fund
and reooiuineiid the nou-coiiflrmation
of Hie presefy board wtiloh 1 composed
of the fo.hnviiig names: j.Vf. Mullen,
CbaiWiekellJ' . . Bellows, H. H.
Truing afiii,Tyron. The com
mittee furtfief say lhe,v( condemn most
emphatlcartylhfe systeinof petty lar
ceny, inaugurated and farried out by
the hoard. 'If i',.lnimu,l ti.n i. ....,.
have-pllferell the state and varied the
performance ; by baek-bltlng each
other. Vrhoetort:conclude8 by say
iiig the muiiageWtlthuj not beeii able,
hSnesI, clekmnor'tcenomlcal and he-
sidea recommending a non-coufirma-
tiop oi.qie.goArn irecommend that suit
be tegun to fwee the' toard lo return
to tb i sate stoleji; money. The report
is signed: Oralis senate: B. F. Alley
and John A.Hmith. Of the house; 0.
P. Yatee,, J, 8. :Boolhliy aiid J. E,
BlundeJV , , , fc
' f . Their(Pay.. ..
Certineiiles'wewi iIihumk. .ml il.a
v.. H-'B eIaker; Weiinesday for the
auibijiitB to which ibe several mem
bers declared to be entitled as lier diem
and mileage for attendance at? this leg-
mWW sfiisiou and for acting oh com
miUeas toihivestfeake Hie' several atnto
lusUtuitloiis, tislries, t public works,
etc. ine regular pay is $8 per day for
forty days and flf;een.cent8 pet mile to
.ani from the capitjii; , Members' of
Junketing commUlees are ulsi) entilied
tomlle&0A l IttataAJ frit lln
I7-'W " TOUW VI ll.lC I11CIU
berecflved quitea little sum outside
of tiibtr Vai,j0. ... iru. ..i '...'..
"i-," --n,iii 1 uv VIIBI aiuiiuia,
coverediiy. giesa, osrtlilcates is'$llL604.
'feippleten repekves' $183.20, ' Smith
ijoott 130.6Q, '
Every ousb purchaser of $10 worth of
goods at 8. P. Buobi store get a crayon
portmte of themselves or friend froei
MM tepefe of work tn his window,
Temporary Injunction To Prevent In
terference Wilh the Con
tinental Company's
SAN FRANCISCO, 1-VIi. 2,1-Tlie
trouble among the insurance men
roaeheil an interesting stnre todav.
when W. S. Duval, state ugent of the
Continental Insurance Company, went
before Judge McKenna, of the United
States Circuit court, and secured a
temporary injunction restraining 'the
combination of insurance men, who
recently organized as the board of
Fire Underwriters of the Paeilie Coast,
from interfering with his business.
Judge McKennus et the ease for hear.
ing March 28. filed to
day alleges intimidation unit u con
spiracy to boycott. The t recently
organized board, it is aliened. Is a
secret organization, the purpose of
which is to coerce other insimin
agents and companies and interfere
with, vex, annoy and obstruct them
in the management, of their business.
ine complaint alleges that the com
panies forming tile board have eon
spired by agreement not only to re
gulate their own conduct but to in
terfere with the rights and privileges
of the plaintiff coninanv and oilier
companies which have refused lo join
the compact, It is recited that the
constitution of this new hoard of
underwriters contain a lion-intercourse
clause, through the operation of which
agents representing the companies in
the combine are prohibited from plac
ing any insurance for or with com
panies not ot the combine. Thus,
the compluinants allege, they are
practically boycotted. It, is alleged,
too, that mi attempt has been made to
injure the business of the Continental
Company by means of cireul ar.s urn!
telegrams, which have been distributed
throughout the l'aciliu coast sinini
Specific instances are cited of the
operation of the alleged boycott in the
fines of scuttle, (Spokane, Oakland,
San Jose and Visuliu. It Is aliened
that many agents of the Continental
have been coereed into abandoning
their work for the couinhiiiiinir mmi.
pany. The injunction issued orders
that the alleged interference' com
plained of shall ceases, and cities the
defendant companies to apptur mid
show cause why the Injunction should
not be made ,iennanenl.
Oil Calmed the Bea.
American Ship Prussia arrived Ibis af
ternoon from Hakodate utter u 37-dnys
trip. On the voyage over, the Prussia
was struck by a cyclnt e unrt badly
dumaged. Her bulwarks trerc stove
in and her cabins were ilonilcrt with
water. "The gale was awful," said the
captain, "in all my experience at sea
I never encountered u vvoise slorme.
It was almost impossible to stand ou
deck without holding on to some part
or me rigging or a railing. The wind
acted very strangely. First, it, was
very light, then it blew up suddenly.
Sails were shortened and we scudded
along with very little canvas. The
sea was terrifieiilly high. Waves re
peatedly boarded us and smashed
everything that was not securely fast
ened down. The bulwarks were liadlv
damuged. Oil was used on the wai ter
tosouie advantage. We fastened two
bags forward and we felt their good
immediately." The Prussia looks as if
She had been through u rouirh exneri.
ence, for her bulwarks and deckhouses
are uailly battered.
Hot Springs Burned.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 23,-Aspeciul from
Hot Springs, Ark., says: Fire breaking
out here at four o'clock Ibis morning
has raged without control, and four
blocks of buildings have been de
storyed. Fight peopleare so fur known
to have perished in the tire. It is
feared the uumber dead will be uiueh
greater, as many people who lived iu
destoryed buildings are misslug.
The lire orlgiualed In the bakery
over which were furnished mum
The total low Mrfi.OOO ltb very little
Called Clownish Legislators,
CHICAGO, Feb. 22-Tho Post haa
the following editorial; "Tlie Califer.
nla legislature is the first to put in
form the rage of U,e m.m.(, nmn
against the high theater hat. It lum
passed a law forbidding the weitriiiof
b.'Hs It: places of putillc am wement
and pr.,viiling for a line f - n v- ,l.'
lain for its violation.
"What a silly thing t,is ( ul i Torn iia
law is. Wind puerile notion f their
I'"'1"' "it these assemblymen ,,.
terlnin who fancy their duties com
prebend a censorship over dress. n
olher times and other countries hnvf.
were seriously enaJlerl fnei,i,i,n,...
, , '"""hi, tins
class or that from wearing beards ,r
allowing their hair to grow n(v,'r
appearing in public in ceitniu (,,01,
uoiimng mouses of a certain sivle or
boots of a certain length. jint 'one
would think that Americans of tliia
century hud gone beyond this firt , r
experimenting. Possibly the action of
tbeUiIiforniaiiswastomfoolery, which
the clownish legislates Iiuvo'liKr.,,
in of late, in which case it is dub:v
Divcr3 to Examine the Elbe
LONDON, Feb. 2:l.-The Oliver
tomorrow will print adispatch from
Us Berlin correspondent, saylno- that
theNorlh German I,y,i8 c" '
has employed three German, -tluve
English and two French divers, all of
whom are experts, to examine" the
wrecked steamer Elba and attempt to
recover the postal properties, which
are valued at $87,000. The ,v..i,
occupy about eight days.. Each diver
has signed a enntract to descend nine
nines daily, and will receive 20 nmliH
lor each descent. The sum of in (Km
marks has been allotedvS-. prizes 'for
important recoveries. The sea in as
yet too sAttrniy for the work to begin
At the 1', of a passeng-r the'
steamer Emvwho lost his wil'eflml
three children on theElbe. tlie captain'"1
'e"" suiweu tlie spe?d of
vksci on passing the place of the
aster, ami the widower threw
leaden wreath overboard.
. : Ttiose at Sea.
"ip., from Bermuda, sight
,, , : oMiimiu i muni si.
behruary 13. TbeW seemed to be
rigging and nu,.the decks, but
.Wi re strangely inniinnless. A n. on
sue larnwtn i .nl, -
tug to wimlward 'two miles, the B,.,,,,.
uell saw the Britsh ensign, with the,
Union down, slowly. mouut tn tU(J
inaslhead of the Emma H. Captain
Henderson signaled:
"Do you wish to aband'.m' your ves
sel'.'" ,,- .' '
No response came, and he signaled,
"W bat do you want?"
The lirunnel ran within liw feet
of the; schooner, hut there came no
reply, ami the crew were .Mill motion,
less. After waiting in u dangerous
mx hours, (lie Briinnell steamed
1 Us the opinion of shipping iu..i that
the crew was frozen to death.
George Washington Wept.
WASHINGTON, Feu. 22,-VVash.
ingt.m's birthday was more elaborately
bi ve,l by the military orgaiiizalions
here than it has been for a number -,f
years, i'he additional fealure u-. ...
pairiolic exercises of tl,c. .' i
Council f Women, now h, j,,,,,,,,
Airs. Kate liinuiilee Sherwood saiil:
"U'ashingion's roverence for., ,u
mother was shown when lie hastened
to her sio'o upon his election us the
first president of the republic. 'Go,
George,' was her good-bye, 'fill the
destiny that heaven bus assigned j.0M
You havayour niotlire's blessing now
as in the past. You will see me n-,
more.' And the hero of two c uitin
ents laid his head ou hi moihers
breast and wept like a child."
Terrible Train Wreck.1
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Feb. 28.-A
terrible train wreck is reported on th, .
Louisville & Nashville railroad. .il,.,t
40 miles south of Montgomery.' U v, :is
a .Harm urns train, and many persona
are reported injured. A sneeiul nnii',.
left here ut once for the scene with all
available physicians iu the city.
I'.ight conches were overturned, al.
filled wiih passengers hound for tin-
Maidi (iraa at. New Orleans, "The.".,'
coaches at once caught on lire, and are; "
now burning; ... , ".
Relief Has Been' Sent."
NEW ORLEANS; i'e ii jll-Relik '
has been 'sent lo the Morgan line,
steamship Hewes, ashore on Colorado
Will Lie In State.
NEW YORK, Feb. 2o.Muyor
Ktronir r ( vil.i i. .. . , .
allow the body of tlwhteFredDttttrfiw
... 1 1 i . . ...... -Mf.nvi
i)' '..."'.
ji . ..
i te in tn ity hail,