The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 22, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 52
' . Dm
One yen...
6n W'in ivBiioi'.' l" 5o' pilr year.)
fllx montliK "" HQ
Throe months
single copies "
J.N.Dolpli, (
Jolin H. Mltolielljf
Blngor Hermann,.....'..: Congressman
Bylvester Pennoyor, Governor
Ooorne W. Mollriilo, Secretary o( State
Phil Molnchaii Treasurer
F, B McKtroy, Snpt. Public Instruction
Frank d Baker...... State Printer
wARuSM Supreme Judge.
11, S. Beun, !
s "
JiHlKc.I...:......... J- N- I)"ncan
(,lelt .N. Noedharo
Itacorto,'.'.'!..'. D.F.Hardman
HhoTlIf, : J' A- MoKoron
School Superlntomlont A. K. Rutherford
i Treasurer, ,
1 Assessor W. F. Iloukins
I Surveyor E. T. T. Fisher
Coroner K. A. Jayne
N , I jonn i urn
J..tfr'.,n.,tlaal,tMf,rH T lit lV.i..-i,
K :
B. 0. LONG,
City Council meets en the Bret ami third
Tuesday ovoning" of each month.
Secret Societies.
. tlNK TEfIT,'Ne.7,K.O.T,M.-MootlnU.A.
R. Hall on Thursday evening Of each
Transient Hit Kinuhts are cordially Invllcd to
islt the Tent mooilnK.
j, A. Umi, Com.
Uto. W. Rim, It. K.
HONOR LODGl!, No. He. A. 0. U. W. Meets
vert Tuesday evening at 0. A. U. Hall.
I. E. Bobvm, Bee.
I,KI)ANOmoUar:,N0.47, 1,0. O.F.-Moets
.YorrHamrday evening at una renews
8 O'OKH p. m. A. E. DAVIS, N. G.
V.,jC. rCTKIWON, Bect'y.
Meets at l.O.o r""" """
dav evenlnas of eanb month.
nay even.. g. CRUSON, N. (J.
UJIIANON LODOK No, A. F. 4 A. M.-Meots
. nnnr before the full moon In
each month, at Masonic Hall. Cor. Main and
(Irani sW. Bololirauig nruinum t,..,n.., .......
toattend.,. . iEHulKtlJlOV,M
8.0; Wal ace. Sec, .
OKN'I. MEKIUH CAMP, No. W, nivlslou of Ore
I ..M.ot lii G. A. It. Hall.
800, nous oi lh .,,
levory Salurday evening,
tbalurdayofeaehmonlll. meeting the third Pr
luay llistoad.' All lirolliers of the Sons of Vet
Urans and comrades of Hie . A. R. are cordially
L.-tted to meet with the Ciunp.
T K. 0. Cin, Capl.
,"JV .uwsv, First Stgt.
sa , , .
W . .'. ..'KT 1IIVK. NO. 1. L. 0. T, M.-
MMtson head l" Mdl" 6V0"""! of
Moots on inoiu, . . ,. ..,, ,s.a,..
attend. . a MviiK. ljuiv R. K.
A. -
u , . i, (ULTiiAiisii. Lady' C1-
ssa't. M. GARLAND,
Waatherfotd -S Wjatt, .
ALBANY, Ottawa.
A Cure 'for Rheumatism.
3For rbuomatlsm I have found noth
ing e(1unl to Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
It relieves the pain as soon as applied,
j, W. Young, West Liberty, W. Va.
The prompt relief It attords is alone
orth many times tne cost, ou cents,
onntlnued use will efleot a perman
iure. Fof Mia bj l W. Smith
"Aa old an
the hills" and
never excell
ed. "Tried '
and proven "
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Rogu-
lfilnr is t.hfl
P ' 'f 'only Liver
G iVvC an,i Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin your
J-T"' faith for a
1 Iddfl Silld 'laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
J'77 ing directly
r1 1 1 C on tut) Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be Uken dry or made into a tea.
The Klu(r of Liver Meuinlnen.
" ! have timid yuurtsimmniiH Uvri'Kf fu
lfill,! ran c:,ni(!lmiloUPty Huy : Is l.hy
kltiit hi n'.l liver nii.ilk.liii'K, I wjntultir it a
iiit'ill,;iie In lt.tdr. ijKu. W. JA'jji
Sc:., 'luoninu, Wusltluguin.
tins t'ift Z f:tunu In red on vmuoswr
All persons known themselves. In
dented to me will please call and settle
at once us I need my money.
.LJSTTt TninriTT"
prompt answer and an hnneat opinion, write to
MIINN oV CO., who have had nuarlT fifty years
experlunoo In the patent business. Cnmnranlua
Uons strictly ennfldentlal. A Uandbiiok of In
formation concerning I'airnte and how to ob
tain theni sent free. Alio a catalogue Of mechau
loal and selonllHo boohs sont five.
Patents biken thronxh Muna t Co. reoelTe
Special nntlee In the Hrlenttflo American, and
out cost to the tnvontnr. This splendid paper,
Issued ircekly.elOBantlylMnntratod. baa by fur the
lamest clrculutlno of any sclentllle work lu Ibtt
rims are emuKiii wianiy eerorethe purine with.
wunu. mit a yar. diiioiuc enineB aent iroe.
Hulkllng Kdltluo, monthly, I'JJOa year. Htnale
ciiiVB, u., uuiilb. E.vory immuur eununne UUUU-
tlful plates, In oolors, and uhotoamphs of new
houses, with plans, enabllna Builders to show the
Mis. T. H. Hdwklne. Obuttuuonga,
Tonn. says, "Bhllob's Vitalizer
'SAVED MY LIFE.' I oonside' it the
best remedy for a debilitated system I
ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or
Kidney trouble It excels. Price 75cts.
Hold by. N. W. Bmith.
it i aold on m annarantea hw all rin,B.
(tats, it oures Inoipient Conaumptioa
aad is tke beat Ooub aud Oroup Cur. ,
For sale by N, VV. Smith.
Insure your property with Peterson,
Boss & Co. They are koiiIs for the
Old Reliable, Home Mutual, New
Zealand, Springfield of Minsueliusells,
Continental, and other good, roliuble
ooin pnnles. They also have money to
loan at 8 per cent, In sums liom 2lK
Best Shoe sold at the price.
$5, 84 & $3.60 Dress hoe
hquul custom work, costing trow $6 to $3.
$3.60 Police Shoe, 3 Soles
Beat Walking Shoe ever made.
$3.60 nd $2 Shoes,
Unequalled at (he price.
Boys' $2 & $1.76 School Shoes,
Are tho Best for Service,
Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $1.76
Best Dona-ola, Stylish, Perfect Fitting;
and Serviceable. Best tn the world. All
Styles. Insist upon having W. L. DouKias
W.L. DOUCLASj, Jttookton, Mass,
Hiram Baker.
Luuauou, Oregon.
SHILOH'S CURE Is sold on a
guarantee. It cures Incipient Con
sumption. It is the best Cough Cure
Only out cent a dose Soota., 6l)ots.,
M few. KM4 kf ft, "VY, femkMh
a CAV t A 1 0, 1 nnUt MAKKS J
mm . .as - t.
r . Ml -':?tSrJR
Says She Would Have Opposed It Hor
Statements Disproved No Ac
tion Had Been Taken When "
the Stamer Left Honolulu.
steamer Mariposa from Honolulu
brings advices dated February 8.
Ex-Queen Llliuokulani was arraig
ned on February S, on a of misprison
of treason, the original chaige being
treason. She refused to plead, and
denied Hit right of the military court
to try her, saying it is a violation of
the present consitutation of ttie repub
lic. Witnesses testified that Liliuo
kulunt was undoubtedly aware that a
rebellion was to be started. She de
nies this, and says she would have
dissuaded the rebels if she had known'
but would have kept their secrots.
She admits that if she had been re
stored she would have named a new
cabinet, and she einims she had the
right to select officers in anticipation
of a change of government iu accor
dance with the history of other govern
ments. Her diary has this entry: "I. 0. Car
ter called m rue and delivered Presi
dent Cleveland's present to me." This
Is dutcd hut summer.
Her diary frequently mentions Ru
dolph Spn-ckc-ls promises of aaistance,
telling her she could Ret plenty of
money and amis in Sun Francisco.
In the concluding of the trial, a pa
per was rend oa bebulf of the queen, in
which alio related that she had no
knowledge, cither directly or'-Indirectly,
of the iiftoiifended revolt, iior
bud she tiny information concerning
arm, where or by whom procured.
She says she acted of her own fr-.-e will,
and was aeouaUd by the sole aim ot do
ing good to her country. Tile queen
expressed her regiet that danger to
women and children at the hands of
Hawuiians bad been reported, which
she said hud no foundation whatever.
She appeals to the court to remember
that the government of Hawaii is on
tral before the world, and that it will
be'iudged by the outcome. She con
cludes by saying that the prosperity
aud happiness of Hawaii are in her
hands, aud that as they are commenc
ing a new era iu the nation's history
she hopes Hint they will have the wis
dom to lead it into paths offbrbearance,
and to consider the people anxious to
udvnticc in the way ol civilization out
lined by American liberty.
On the Slli insl. the court required
that Beverul passages iu her statement
be stricken cut, before it could bo ad
mitted to record,
Neuuian spoke tor an hour, main
tabling Ibat evidence entirely failed to
prove that the act-used hud any know
ledge whatever of the uprising. Judge
Advocate Kinney responded for forty
five minutes, (renting of the impossi
bility of Iter Ignorance with Chief Con
spirator Nowlelu, living under her
roof, and otlleial documents passing
back and fourth between her and
Gulick relating to the establishment of
a new government, at tho very time
when preparations were made to laud
the arms and the insurrection was
ripe. The (rial closed at 2:30 p. m.
It is believed die military' court will
find the ex-queen guilty, but will re
lease her ou her own recognizance.
The next case will be Jonah Kaui
ounoli, a prince under the monarchy.
It Is said the queen intended eventu
ally to abdicate in Jonah's favor to
keep Princess Kaiulaui from the
Crushed in the Mud.
ASHLAND, Or., Feb.. lS.-Fred
Wells, the 13-year old sou of James
Wells, living three miles north of Ash
and, aud was killed in an unusual and
Bhookiug mauner last eveuing. Early
in the afternoon he left his farm home
on horseback to herd his father's sheep
oft'a neighbor's pasture as lie bad been
in the habit of doing. Not returning
at the usual time, bis folks became
anxious, aiidbis father, brother and a
neighbor's boy started out lu the even
ing after supper to look for him,
About two miles from home they
found his horse's trail and with a lan
tern, folowed it to where it orossed a
gulch, the neighing of the boy's horse
bwlug heard lu the meantime Tk
animal was found fast in the mud and
half dead. Directly under the horse
aud almost buried was the llfeltssbody
of the poor boy, his body 'lying length
wise with the horse, the feet to the
horse's head, one leg only being ex
posed to view. How the accident hap
pened, of course, can only be surmised,
but it is supposed that the animal
stumbled and the boy, not looking for
it, Was thrown suddenly out of the
saddle and the struggles of the heavy
1200 pound horse in the miry clay
crushed the life out of him almost
instantly, as he was buried in the mud,
Steeves Gets Fifteen Years,
PORTLAND, Feb. 16.-Imprisou-ment
In the state penitentiary for the
period of fifteen years and a fine of one
thousand dollars, was the sentence im
posed by Judge Stevens today on Law
yer Xenopbon N. Steeves, convicted of
manslaughter aud complicity in the
murder of George W. Sayres.
The sentence almost reaches the
limit for manslaughter fifteen years
Imprisonment and 15000 flue.
The motion for a new trial filed sev.
eral days ago by Attorney Mallory, but
when the time for argument came the
j motion was withdrawn, and the sen
wuw wan iiaaaeu uy iue court, ine
defense next presented 8 motion of
probable cause for a new trial pending
an appeal to the supreme court, which
was furnished the district attorney,
and the 10,000 bond on appeal, ap
pearing satisfactory, the defendent
was allowed to retain his liberty.
The Turk's Denial.
government denies the report published
abroad some weeks ago, that there
have been anti-Christian outrages in
Beyrout and Siflon recently. In re
b, Rinse to the requests of the ambas
sadors and their complaints of violence
aud assassination in the city's streets,
the port has promised eflecUve measu
res to protect life aud property. The
police have been strengthened, and
mounted patrols have been added to
the force. The governor of Beyrout lias
iufurmed- the ' British- coueal that
tourist and others will not be allowed
to go to the interior without speoial
permits from the porte.
Unprecedented Weather.
ATLANTA, Feb. lo.-No storm in
the memory of the present generation
has been so severe as the one now pre
vailing throughout the South. Atlanta
has bad snow since eariy morningj
and five incbes ol fresh snow is cov
ering the ground on four inches of
frozen ground. The trolley system is
paralyzed, aud practically no business
is being transacted. The streets are
given over to improvised sleighs, and
merry enow-balling parties enjoy
the unaccustomed sport.
A Tour of Saloons.
SIOUX CITY, la., Eeb. 15,-One
hundred wonieu of the West Side
Woman's Christian Temprance Union
made a tour of the saloons yesterday
afternoon, (o see if the provisions of
the mulct law were being observed.
On entering each barroom, the leader
read the law and warned the proprie
tor that only strict observance would
save him from lieitig closed today.
Then, after singing a hymn, they de
parted for the next place, followed by
a curious crowd.
Proposed Torpedo Boats.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-The
opening of bids for sea-going torpedo
vessels, which takes place Tuesday, is
attracting great interest. The Union
Iron Works, of Han Francisco, had
ottered to guarantee a vessel with a
speed of 26 knots, while an Eastern
firm expressed a determination to
discount this speed. The government
specification cal.s for a speed of 24
A Lone Highwayman.
OROVILL, Cal., Feb. 16,-The For
bestown stage was stopped this morn
three miles from Oroyille and two
passengers were robbed and tke treas
ure box taken. Two hundred and
fifty dollars was taken from the two
passengers. One hundred dollars was
in $5 greenbacks and the remainder in
gold $5 and $20 pieces.
Swindled Hotels.
women, giving their names variously
as Mrs. Westover, Allison and Atkin
son, mother and daughter, are wanted
for swindling swell hotels here. They
obtaiued credit each time by claiming
ownership of a large ranch near
Take Llverlne, manufactured by
the Auohor S Chemical Co,, Lebanon,
The Sale a Monstrous Fraud It placed
the Credit of the U. S. Below
That of Egpyt's The
Day in Congress.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16,-In the
senate today, Senator Wilicott, in a
speech bristling with sensationalism
and denunciation of the ptesldeut for
the recent bond sale, declared he was
informed by the present of a New
York bank bond syndicate that it
would never be compiled to pay mote
than ten per ceut of its investment
The bonds it had purchased at 104.50
were already being taken at 112 In
New York, and there was a great de
mand for bonds at that figure. The
bond resolution, he declared, had at
tacked the government credit. The
president's message to congress conta
ined a lying statement that he desired
to maintain the parity of our currency
when he had already negotiated con
tracts which discredited silver.
Teller arraigned the president in
severe terms. He characterized the re
cent bond transaction sb a most mons
trous fraud. During the long years he
had been a student of affairs of this
country, there never before had been a
time when opportunity was offered for
a public charge of dishonesty in a
financial transaction by the govern
ment. It was idle for senators to say
this was the best the president could
do. With bonds less desirable selling
on the market at 110, it was futile to
say that a better price than 1041 could
not be obtained. It is impossible to
characterize too strongly the transac
tion which placed the credit of the
best government in the world four per.
ceut. below that of Egypt.
Our Minister to Mexico, Dead.
CITY OF MEXICO, via Laredo, Feb
14. Minister Isaac P. Gray died at 7:05
this evening.
City op Mexico, Feb. 15. Minister
Gray's body leaves tomorrow at 11:00
a. m., via the Mexican Central for In
diauapolis, his home, accompanied by
Mrs. Gray and Bayard Gray.
President Diaz will accompany the
body to the line with a brigade of sold
A general order has been issued by
the president that all national flags
shall remain at half-mast until the
body has crossed the Rio Grand. Mr
Diaz called this afternoon on Mrs,
The German minister has asked his
colleagues to let their Hags remain at
half-mast until the body has crossed
the frontier. The city is in mourning.
A Corpse for a Bedfellow
TACOMA, Feb. 17.-A corpse for a
bedfellow was the experience J. Under
wood had last night. When lie awoke
in his room at the Brunswick hotel, he
found his room mate, George Deardorff
cold and stiff in death beside him.
Deardorff was a laborer, aged 57. Ho
had been on a protracted spree, and
death was doubtless caused by alcohol
ism. He had no relatives here.
Firemen Badly Hurt.
AKRON, 0., Feb. 17. During the
progress of a small fire this morning
Firemen Georg Burton, Frank Nies-
wanger and Harry Towuseud were
caught by a falling chimney, The two
first named were so badly hurt that
will probably die. Townsend will re'
Old Linn Good Enough.
- The Scio Press Bensibly says: "Linn
county is not a bad county, after all,
to live in, with taxes at 14 mills, It
yu will only think of taxes ranging
from 20 to 80 mills in other counties,he
is apt to feel better satisfied with old
Linn's management." A coupli
Brownsville men in the oity good
uaturedly remarked that Linn was a
pretty good county after all. The
citizens of that city as much as they
wished division from a local stand-
point are taking the matter philosoph
lcally and have no ill feelings toward
those who opposed It and stood by
Old Linn, as good a county as there
is in Oregan.
. Price's Cream Baking Powd.r
The editor of the Brownsville Times
seems to be some what mad and shows
hlssence. The legislature simply did
the wishes of the people when they
wiled the bill. We publish what that
paper has to say without comments
just to show what a fool a man can
make of himself:
The bill was sent to the senate in
form of a "message," and on its arrival
without one word of explanation re
garding its nature, Mr, Dawson moved
that it be indefinately postponed, and
tho motion prevailed. There were
however, less than one-half dozen votes
cost, no one save Dawson and a few
of his gang knowing what was before
the house. Why was it not read?
Simply because they dare not give it a
ralr chance. Had we been beaten
honorably we should have taken our
defeat heroically and without a mtir- .
mur, but we were defeated in an under
handed manner, by a few individuals
who apparently have not a sinrtledrop
of honest blood in their whole anatomy
by men who can wantonly trod tile
express wishes of 1300 true American
citizens under their feet, and who can
then point to their cowardly acts with
pride. We conscientiously believe
that there are but few men within the
confines of the penitentiary who would
stoop to baser things than do a few
individuals who grace the halls of the
Oregon legislature.
Taking in Deciledly.
Mr. Walter Moss, manager of the
Calhoun Opera Company, and well
known by quite a number in this
county, being a former Webfoot, was
recently taaen in, in a very decided
maniier, in St. Louis. . A Seattle pa
per tells about it: He was in a crowd
watching a fire when a pretty woman
rushed down the stairway of the burn
ing building, and, apparently crazed
by excitement, threw herself into his
arms and Implored him to save her.
Of course Moss attempted to soothe
her, and the rest is best told in bisown
words: "She soon caught sight of
some one she said she knew and with
profuse apologies for disturbing me
was soon lost in the crowd. Shortly
after ber departure a pootblack at my
elbow exclaimed 'Your watch chain
is broke mister.' Then I began lo take
stock. My watch aud diamond Bpark
lor were gone, likewise a small roll of
bills from my vest pocket. I tried at
once to find the maid all forlorn, who
had left my fortune so tattered and
torn, but the earth seemed to hare
opened aud swalled her.
Card of Thanks.
The following from the Baker City
Democrat will be endorsed by very
many : There has a custom grown up
iu Oregon, that came from nobody
knows where, of the relatives of dec
eased persons publishing a card of
thanks tn neighbors, friends aud the
public for the sympathy aud aid ex
truded duriug the illness of the dee
eased. With all deference tn those
who follow the custom, we would sug
gest that it not good taste. The thanks
are uncnlled for and unnccssary. In a
Christian community, the care of the
sick and the burial ot the dead with
proper and becoming respect and de
oeucy, are not things to return thanks
for, for they are the simple duties of
the friends and the neighbors, acts
performed for others that others w ill
repay by performing similar services
for them. Let the ourd of thanks
cease lo appear. ,
A Rich Assay,
S. C. Smith, has received a letter
from Gen. A. Dyson, of Brownsville,
who is interested in the Blue River
mines, giving the returns from an
assay ot ore taken from the McCauley
mine iu that district. The letter
states that the assay showed 172.59 of
gold and 2 ounces of silver to the ton.
Mr. States that a number of parties
Interested in mines have -written him
regarding the prospects for beginning
work there, and be looks for a lively
time there this season, Parties at
Brownsville and Oregon ' City will
commence work as soon as the snow
disappears suflloiently. Register.
The Trolley Reaching Out.
Half a dozen of the electric roads in
and connecting towns north of Boston
are getting up a consolidation by way
of making a continuous line from
Boston to Newburyport, Massachusetts,
under one management, This new
system of transit is threatening the
steam Hues in Eastern Massachusetts
about as closely as in Conneticut.
It Is holding out the promise of a net
work of tracks on the public highways
running between town and town, and
bringing the whole fate more closely
together than tta iieaia toadl hv)
IbM W Mi