Letaai. Express. j.'IUDAY FEBRUARY 8, lfi5. , STATE AND COAST. - Titn From Our Exchangee TUraufh out the Northwest. The Kikapoo Indian medicine Co are now at Baker City. . South Bend, has new paper, Vlie Ricific County Examiner. Gross Valley has organiied building and loan association. Frank Ott of Island City, will establish a brewery at Enterprise, Snn, is the name of a new postoffice on Beaver oreek, Till mook county. Jnhn Galvin end Roy Kramer will soon begin .publication of the Grant's Pass MewB. Several carloads of applet ate ieing shipped from Rogue river valley to New Mexico. The Conner creek mill closed down last week because of the concentrators freezing. A. G. McKinney, an old resident of Bater oounty, died at Auburn, Thursday, aged 61 years. The Yaquina Bay Cannery Com' pany has been incorporated, to operate a creamery at Toledo. Stilla Ridble is adding 1600 more prune trees to his fine orchard of BUOO bearing trees, at Riddle, A new telephone line is soon to be put in between Ocosta, Take- lund. North Cove and South Bend. ,, ' Wednesday La Grande shipped 29 curs of cattle and hogs to pack ing houses at Portland and Ta- coma. ' '" J. J. Steefel, an old Swiss wine- muker, will plant a vineyard for winemaking in Craud ., Ronde valley. . Sunday over 200 skaters were on the Eaton pond, excursions being run from both Union and La Grande. ,; " The step that follows suspension of advertising is almost certain to le suspension of business save an exchange. ' Arrangements are: beiug made to build two store's, a hall, dwelling, a church and a school liuuse at Mifjholl. Grunts Pass citizens want to -change the name nf that place, but have not agreed upon a new one satisfactory to all The Salem Journal, which is giving the Oregunian fits from the ground up offers to club the two papers for $2 a year, John Fraser, of Eagle-valley, Union couuty, has received 175 as second pthe in a world's competi tion for growing cabbages. Contracts have been let by Major Post for the revetment on the rver bank at Corvallis, and work will begin in a few days. Negotiations are in progress for the sale of ti e Phiz: mintral springs, in the Eagle mountains. Union county, to Eastern par ties. . .- ' '.,; An effort is beiug made to secure If 40,000 in subscriptions of stock at Salem for the proposed railroad from Independence to Salem, 10 miles, ' A Dalles paper say that prairie chickens are destroying fruit in the orchards near that city by eat ing the buds and advises shotgun treatment.;;- .. ; Eight thousand sheep are being fattened on wheat and barley in a corral just outside of Pendleton, nnd will soon be prime mutton for the market. Sanford Butler, an Oregon pio neer of 1850, died at hit home on Suit creek, .-January 24,, .aged 80 years. Ae lived continuously in Polk county. "'" '-s! : 'a ' ' ' Henry Stirling, at Island City., while resisting arrest for "drunk and disorderly conduct" bad hit leg broken. His head would have been preferable. , , ! " , Wednesday, night burglars at North Powder robbed tbt store of Rothschilds & Uorliaui of acan IdtrabU amount of money tni a In Lans county an eSbrt'istxing made to have the name of a pre cinct, Long Tom, changed to Hinton. The people there nre tired of the familiar old nume. , Charles Frye, ,of Powder river, has just marketed five hogu over aging 660 pounds in weight each, while another farmer of that sec tion told one weighing 750 pounds. A ferry-boat 20x60 feet, with gasoline power,it being constructed for use on the Columbia between Murray springs and Jordan land ing, to open up a new route to Goldendale. A citizen of Ukiah, Umatilla county, claims to have a letter from t member of the senate say ing "votes were bought like sheep" for Dolpb. That is pretty cheap. Sheep sell for $1.25. H. Wolf, of Corvallis, was pitched from a wagon last week by the wheel sinking into rut, and was thrown out upon his head. He. wat rendered insensible, and hat since been paralyzed. Mrs. Bond, widow of the late Rev. George W, Bond, a Baptist minister well known throughout Oregon for many yetrs, died Jan uary 26 at the home of Anderson Harlow, near Eugene. Placer mining in Southern Ore gon has been suspended for a time because of the freezing of the water courses. Miners are preparing to resume work and are taking pre cautions against freshets. . A competitive jackrabbit hunt in Morrow county, lasting two weeks, with 20 men on each side, only resulted in 164 dead rabbits, or four each, an average of one in three and one-half dayt. r " Both the Ramela nnd Telocaset helper stations on the Oregon Railway k Navigation Company have been abandoned, and the crews formerly stationed at those points will run out of La Grande, Baker City boasts of 14 men who average 240 pounds in weight. The heaviest being 299, and the lightest 201. They are all over six feet, but two, one of them being 6 feet 6 inches, and another but half an inch shorter. The offer to create the office of moral director and pay him a salary of 1200 a yes r to attend to the penitentiary, asylum and re- lormscnool with relimom services was rejected witlumly five votes in its favor ye. terday. : It inust grieve Pennoyer to see so many of hit friends whom he pardoned out of 'the penitentiary while he was governor getting into trouble. And his heart-felt sympathy will do the poor un fortunate fellows no good. A petitiun is being circulated in Eastern Oregon, asking the legis lature to provide for a reduction of grain rates. It is being freely tigned. It is stated that a reduc tion of 5 cents a bushel would sve the farmers there 1150,000 a year. William C. Stimson has been missing from Pilot Rock, Umutilla county for some time, and consi derable anxiety is felt by a number who have business relations with him. Some think he has met with foul play and others that he has sought greener pastures. J. Q. Shirley, an old settler of Union county, was thrown from his cart while driving home from Union Wednesday, and dragged some distance by the frightened horses. He wat picked up un conscious, with his left It fract ured and hit side severely bruited. Saturday 22 Indians from the Umatilla reservation will give a grand street parade in Pendleton as a prefatory number of the eve- nine1 entertainment that is to follow, whioh will inolude several taraous war dunces, given with all the natural zest that characterizes the Vent through which unbridled spirits of the aborigines etcspe. The programme includes Uma tilla war dance in costume, a Ban- took war dance. Bloux war dance, "PieMldl IWhtrs." and "fun dnw,.i. CoWael Mitchell's .tboit . .11 -. '. 'J. .. 'i.i ! The new school "building erected t Butteville war dedicated last week nnd school began in the new edifice last Monday. The building cost 13900, and is said to be one ; ' i at' the best school buildings to be l'ouud in any small town in Ore gon. The contractors lost money on the job. Last week three Corvallis loafers were tried for plundering liquor from a saloon at the time when it -was on fire, and were acquitted for want of evidence. They them selves in court gave evidence of having the original evidence con cealed about their persons in an absorbed form. There is a quarrel at Eugene because the chief engineer ordered the foreman of a hose company to draw hiB hose cart in the street inBtead of on the sidewalk, and the latter disobeyed orders. The fire department is a volunteer one, and the boys think discipline should not be severe. 1 Ex-Governor Pennoyer, of Ore gon has endowed a scholarship of $3,500 in Williams college to the memory of his son, Horace Nath aniel Pennoyer, who died last November at the college hospital. The income is to be devoted to the support of worthy students. In 1670, William Pennoyer, of Eng land, endowed four scholarships at Harvard, uhich still yield an income for worthy students. Chicago Herald. The Northwest Insurance Com pany of Portland, which bos been doing business in Oregon for about ten years has decided to go out of business. The Company will re insure in reliable old time com panies, so that policy holders will be safe. Stockholders hae paid their stock up entirely, and it is doubtfull if anything is left for them after all obligations are met. Same think there will be. The company met a great backset in the Washington fi.es, and also in eastern business, which could hardly be overcome. It is no uncommon thing to read of stock running into a barb-wire fence, or a team getting against a bunging telegraph wire, but it is out of the way to read of a passen ger train getting tangled up in its guiding spirit, the telegruph wire, says The Dalles Chronicle. Such a case occured to the westbound passenger yesterday morning be tween the Locks and Hood River The wires had been carried by a falling pole across the track, and every individual wire sought out some dilierent part of the locomo tive to grasp hold of. The train was delayed an hour and a half, while the wires were cut loose nnd unwound from their varioua posi tions. Cedar Post. Firatcltt8 cedar posts for utile cheap. Call on or add rras Walter Brown, Al bany office, at Frenclie'a Jewelry store jo see H. A. Nickenwi at Lebanon. SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn county. In department No. 3. Mary J, Henderson, plaintiff I vs. r Bummontt Jacob W. Henderson, defendant) .To Jacob W. Henderson, tbe above named Defendant, Is thi hake or Tin Htats or Obkooh: You are hereby required to appear nnd ans- wertlie complaint of tbe above named Plaintiff, in the above entitled court, now on file with the Clerk of said Court, on or before the Brat day of the Regular Term of the above entitled Conn, to wit: itonday tbe Utb duy of March, 1805, court being held at Albany, Linn county, Oregon ; and you ire notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as hereby re quired, tbe Plaintiff herein will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in Plaintiff's complaint, filed in the above entitled Court; to wit! For a decree dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing between Plaintiff and Defendant and tor an absolute divorce for Plaintiff from Defendant, and for tbe care, custody and control of their minor, daughter Vestia and for the costs and dis bursements of this suit to be taxed. This summons is published by the 'order of Ibe Honorable H. H. Hewitt, Judge of the Third Judicial District of the Htate of Oregon, anil of this Court, made at CI, urn bers in the City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, on the 22nd day of January 1S35. Sam'i M. Uasuw, Attorney for Plaintiff. BHILOH'B CURB Is sold on a kuarantte, It cures Incipient Con tunipllna. It Is tbe best Cough Cure Unlv oil asnt a duSe Sifts., SUols.i MD HOT INTERRUPT TRAfPRV tbt ralalnpot bridge In Bwltter land upon the line of tbe International railway, iron i Paris to Vtaana, haaat- M.MaMh atatitlnn 4mm the method! pursued, which an de scribed by Locomotive Engineering. The occasion tor the ohanfre waa that the river oroased the Ithlne had lost in the sectional ana of the passage be tween the pien about twenty-five per cent in thirteen yean, owing to the deposition of (Travel and sediment, white the high water level had rises to such an extent aa to pile flouting de bris six feet deep on the bridge floor In times of flood. The alterations includ ed some reinforcements, besides the raising of the whole structure about five feet The bridge was continuous over a center pier, and had two main vertical poets then and four vertical end posts. To each of these posts an inclined strut was attached in a trans verse vertical plane, presenting a sur face for the top of a hydraulic jack to set upon. Eight special one hundred ton Jacks wen used, with an eight inch stroke and a working pnssun of four hundred atmospheres, the 'piston being nearly seven-tenthB in diameter. The fluid used was a mixture of water, alcohol and glycerine. Sixteen men operated the Jacks, their movements being synchronised by a code of sig nals, designed to secure uniformity of action. The bridge was raised a toot or two by short lifts, followed up by thorough blocking, and then building under one course of cut-stone masonry. The total load was five hundred and forty-six tons, and the maximum load on a alngle jack was eighty-seven tons, The bridge -was raised in four stages during intervals between trains. The longest Interval between trains was about two hours. The weight of trains was rigidly restricted during the time the bridge was undergoing re pairs, and their speed was limited to three miles an hour in crossing the bridge. In addition, a special block system was organized upon that sec tion of the line upon which the bridge is located, so that operations could be suspended snd the track restored five minutes before the arrival of a train at the site. IRRIGATION IN THE WEST. h Vast BB1aM!tof Works of the On Aourteaa Dwett iUftan. Very few people realize what vast engineering and construction problems are being solved out west in what a few years ago was termed the Great American Desert region, says Land and Water. The same desert region is of remarkable fertility when water is supplied by irrigation plants. The Bweetwster dam, in southern Cali fornia, is the pride of its builders and is worth many millions to the lands It renders fertile. In Arizona an immense canal is being built, which will utilize a part of the surplus waters of Colorado and irrigate 200,000 acres of land. In New Mexico, in Eddy county, is the second largest irrigation plant in the United States. To secure an abund ance of water at all times, two im mense reservoirs were constructed capable of storing 6,000,000,000 cubic feet of water. Some idea of the size of these arti ficial lakes may be had when it Is mentioned that one of them is thirteen miles long by four miles wide. The water from these reservoirs is con ducted through some 1,200 miles of canals and ditches and Irrigates or will irrigate 250,000 acres of land, mostly fruit and garden land. Imagine a water-works plant with a reservoir 40, 000 feet square and having 1,200 miles of mains. It took three yeare to build this plant Vet others as great or greater an projected and will be con structed. The future effect of all this vast labor and skill is not easy to pre dict In many places they have surely made the desert bloom and turned poverty into wealth. HUMOR ON THE BENCH. A QaatatkB Mvsad In the Bud br s De- SBSnd for the Pace. When, in a trial about limestone quarries, a barrister called Caldecott, according to the Argosy, had said over and over again with dull verbosity that they "were not ratable, because the limestone could only be reached by boring, which was a matter of science," Ellcnboroughgravelylnqulred: "Would you, Mr. Caldecott, have us believe that every kind of boring is a matter of sci ence?" With finer humor he nipped in the bud one of Handle Jackson's flowery harangues. "My lords," said the orator, with nervous Intonation, "in the book of nature it is written" "Be kind enough, Mr. Jackson," inter posed Lord EUenborougb, "to mention the page from which yon are about to Quote. One of the best "legal" puns was made by Lord Chelmsford when he waa Sir Frederick Thosigcr. Ho hod ob jected to a learned sergeant who, in ex amining witnesses in a case in which he was engaged, put leading question, "I have a right," maintained the ser geant, doggedly, "to deal with my wit nesses as I please." "To that I offer no objection," retorted Sir Frederick; "you may deal aa yon like, but you ana'n't lead." laake Swallowsd Soaks. When the keeper of the snakehouse at the Philadelphia zoo counted the slimy reptiles in the cage reserved for the indigo species be was astonished to Snd one missing. He first counted heads and then, with a pole, he sepa rated each snake from tbe mass into which they had woven themselves, and still tbe most liberal application be could make of bis mathematics re vealed but five snakes, where Wednes day there were six. He went for Superintendent Brown, and that scientist discovered that the sixth rep tile was sleeping bis last sleep in the elongated stomach of one of his cage mates. Investigation proved that the ewsllower was six feet long, while the swallowed was five, Outside of hit In sassd siss ths gourmand watnea EUREKA MEAT MARKET, BASH0R & WH1DBEE, ProprictofT" We carry first class meat, Ete. and will ondevor tn treat Your Patronage is Solisitcd. 1854. Santa Academy Second Term Commences January 2, 1895. -( Normal, College, Preparatory, Business, Primary and Music Courses, Circular Containing Full Information regarding Tuition, Courses of Study, Text-Books, Etc., Cheer fully Mailed on Application. S. A. RANDLE, Principal, LEBANON, - - A. H. CRUSON Paper Hanging To Advertisers. If you with to obtain the best retnrm from your advertisements Don't Forget the important fact that The Lebanon Express will give the desired results, as it Is The Best Advertising Medium in Linn County. If you want photos made and bavn't the money Boyd will lake your pro duct'. . .. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE 1 llttw,timsai4tM. Ownml tmnv i jU uilmi tolUt Mearia. MUM IMMH WO m M WW. Ckst fi ft isMtastanM Matuia tvJa Is ft) I M . a ,ei such as Bof, Mutton, Veal, all customers fair. 1895. -f - - OREGON. and Graining East and South VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OPTHK Southern Pacific Co, - Kxpress trains lenve 'Portland daily: 11:15 1'. a. , I,v...l'rtlinl Vr. ' 8:20 a. k 10:fflp, m. I.v...Allmny.f ..Ar. 14:28 a. m 10:16 . . AjHan Kranclw-n l.v 7:00 ivm The ftbovu trains! Mtofi at airiUatiiniH Trom Portland to Albany iiiohisivtKaUo'iangnnt, Sliedd, llalsuy, Hum-buri:, Junction City, Irvinp, KtiKi'iiu und all stations from Hosc hurg to Anliland iiiclmive, Rosebnrg mail dally: 8:30 aT a.'l l.v '. .Hon land ... aV.T:4 :20 p." m. 12:46r. m. l,v...Allmny Ar. ,12::i r. . 6:6tr. M. I Ar.,.ltonnrB.. l.v. I 7:00 a.m. Local pam-nger Sunday. trains daily (except 1:201'. M. 2:00 P. M. 8:10 A.M. (1:00 a. m. .Albany..,, .ltianon,, pAllmny.,., .Lebanon , 10:21 a.m. 1) :30 A.M. 8:26 r. M. 2:30 1'. M. Dining Cars on Ogden Routs. Pullman Buit.st Slerpkub AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars At tached to all Through Truine. Went Sttlo Division. Bktwssk Portland and Corvauis , Moll train dally (except Sunday); 7:80 7li'. I X v 7T. Pi) V 1 1 iiii 1 ri.'A rfl "6":8SXT(. 12:16 f, M. I Ar,..;irvallis. J,v. 1:00 r, u. At Allionv nnd Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. Express train dally (exceut.Sonday); ' 1i4bT"Ti.O'i)rtland".7Ar78V25Xir. 7:36 r. m. I Ar.McMiinnllle Ly6:S0 a. m. TflMJUun TIlRliTS "" m'n" ln , , Eastern States, Can- ado arid Europe enn be obtained at lowest rsui from I, A. Bennett, upwit, Lebanon. . 1. Ik L ; ' , V- KOICHLKH. MMiogor, - ft fi aWUtt-AA (J, , A JWS 'hisi II J V TI"L rA M tat to tii 4 L - t J