The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 08, 1895, Image 3

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    Lebanon Express.
Fogg; weather,
Are you going to the Masquer ode?
Thin promises to be a lively mouth
for Lebauon eooially,
Mrs. F. M. Miller 1b taking tlie
school aensus of this district.
Mr. C. G. Rawllngs of Albany apent
last Monday night In tbe city.
License baa been issued for the mar-
rluge of John Morgan and Lulle
Knlghten. .
Bob ilrash la painting and papering
the building formerly occupied by Mr.
Mr. Simpson moved into D.O. Holt'i
residence oil Main Btreot the latter part
or law week.
There will be Sunday sohool at the
schoolhousc one and a half mile north
of Lebanon, Sunday at 2:80 p. m.
Dr. Booth and son Willie, returned
laat Friday evening from Portland.
Willie had been In that city for some
There will be one assessment In the
A. 0. TJ, W. for February, making
three assessments for tbe first two
months of the year.
Rev. A. Melvlu Williams, of Albany,
will preach at the C. P. ohurch next
Sunday morning and evening. All
arc eordlaly Invited to attend.
Mr.. B. Kirk returned last Saturday
evening from Albany, where ahe bad
been attending a meeting of the W. R,
C. She reports a grand time.
Mr. F. J. Hendrlckson hat moved
his nboe shop into the comer room of
the old Exchange hotel. Mrs. W. M.
Riley has rented tbe building that he
formerly occupied.
Mr. A. H. Cruson was busy the first
orthe week puttlnga newooat of paint
mi the front of all of W. J. Guy's build
ings on Main street, which adds much
to their appearance.
The Muslo class at the Academy
,-111 give a recital on Satuday evening
of (Vis week, and you are Invited to at
toud, wl" "ot c(wt anything and
youareet1retoe'Jy '
Mm. Unrui'v , 8tate lectures, will
deliver an addres Bt tlle M- E. church
next Monday eveni!" 0,1 the subject
of Temperance All 1,wna of what
ever belief or business are' Invited to be
rrnf. G H Wilkes, principal' of thp
Lebanon Hleh school, Informs us' fh,
the lnrirwt avernce attendance t.'1!"
city has menrd of was Inst week. The
nvcrntre for the week w 217. The to.
tal number on the l 2W1.'
Rv. t. T. Rtimmervlllo had the
ltilfo-tune t have one of the flncmrea
on hl rlcht bund manned a few dnra
turn He wn woiklnir with aome enrd
wood, and s hesvv piece fell down and
caused the painful wound.
We had a mMnke In one of our Tall.
man correspondent's Ifems Inst week
which we correct. Tt wns about the
recent snle of the 0 P., written In
oarw, and Hie tvpn looking at It cross
ved. P 0 srielled It ontaspnatofftce'
fine man ellm to hnve been offered
QfGQfln for bis vote for Senator, and
nnot!'"'r nn' VW Thla makes (rreit
resrtlnp " ,n n"e rn' "'w'y how
nueh fnii H ,hf,v ,n wh reporln.
Vin llba J'uvc the nameof havlnc
(refused blr an, ,nr ,I"',P vni- "
Tiarenai ror a cam-
Ihnny. wife
Ynnkes splendid
pnlirn Ex.
Mm .Inala filn.n....
of the late Ahner Rlmraon.' ,ved ' "
check foris onn from tl, M 1M,IW'
fill! pavment of thf heneflcfnrv hi
8t.-Valntlne! Day Is approaching.
Old papers for sale here at five cent
per amea,
Mrs. S. P. Bach Hade Albany a visit
Born to the wife of John Dodge
February 6, a daugter.
Attorney S. M. Garland waa In Al
bany on bual neat Saturday, i
C. R. Loveall and family, visited
relatives In Bentou county this week.
Mr. J. W.Bell of Talimaa fell last
Wednesday at hit home and broke
two rlt a.
Dr. G.W. Ohoadle'a office hours from
11 a. ui., till 6 p. m. Office over City
When you want to buy a suit of cloth
ingyou will save money by getting
it at jjaon's.
Mr, Ground Hog saw bis shadow oa
tbe flint of the present month. We
all kuow what to expect.
Rev. J. T. Abbett, of Albany, will
preach at the M, E, church iu Leba
non Sunday morning aud evening
and Kev. D. T. Summervilie will be in
Albany at the same liiiie.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hildreth, at their
residence a mile and a half
north of this , city had the
pleasure of entertaining a large num.
ber of their friends last Friday even.
Prof. C. H, ChaPmau president of
the State University will deliver an
address on education in this city on
Friday evening March 16th to which
everybody Is iuvlied.
Ladies If you are thinklrg of getting
a pair of shoes or a cw dress text
week, you will want to know where to
get the best for the least money, Mr.
Baker always carries the best.
There will heTa Farmers' Institute
held at Lebanon on February 26th.,
March 1st aud 2nd. The Institute
will be held by the Oregon Agricult
ural College. Prof. : Bloss and several
others of tbe faculty will be present.
Full particulars next week,
Mrs. McCartney of Sodavllle, has
sued Messrs. Dr. Jones and J. P. dies
her for damages, for taking the bell off
of the C. P. church in that place, she
having held a mortgage agaluBt the
church at tbe time It was taken. '
Later Since the above was set up
we have learned that Mrs. McCartney
uaB gained the suit, but is out of pocket
WU, as cost, while tbe defendente have
the bell, for which tbey paid $56.
Ladles, if you waut a good cheap
shoe for yourself, di n't forget to go to
Baiter's or send for his 90c, 81.26, $1.50
$2.00 or $2.50, th best in tbe world for
the money. His motto is, never to
be under sold, J ' :,
.Have you teen the great bargains at
the-Racket SUH. Ladies' all wool
vests reduced; to 700i also ladles' all
wo 1 hrWKci.imildren'B 16c. White
wool Jinion aults $1.25. Twenty yards
of calico 'or $1. Flue aatteen 12jc. Al
paca, for 10q. '
The reason that J. E, Adcox, the
wutiihuiaker can change a key-wind
watch io stem wind at a less price than
others is because lie does his own work
while others have to seud the work to
Frisco or Chicago and pay $7 to $6 for
baveing it done.
The entertainment given by the
Final account In estate pf B. W,
Hamilton set for March 6. '.
Jonas Davis appointed guardian of
Jonas Dye, "
In estate of Jonathan Needhlm, ad
ministrator discharged. .,;
In estate of Owen Bear, distribution
recei'pts filed.
In iistate of D. V. Michael, Invent
ory fllod; real property, $4658.60: other,
Ella Curl appointed administratrix
of the esUte of Mary Holman; bond
Final hearing in estate of George
Henderson set for March 4.
Inestateof N. C. Meyer, Inventory
filed; real property $1650, personal,
Will of H. E. Stover admitted to
probate; bond of administrator A. B.
Johnson, $3000.
In estate of A. B. McHwaln inven
tory filed; real property, $14,250; per
sonal, $9295.41, total, $23,545.41; peti
tion to sell personal property granted
with order to purchase goods and
produce and employ clerks.
Estate of Jonas Dye, minor, ap
praised at $1000.
In estate of N. D. Jack, final account
set for March 4.
In estate of E. L. Knox, supplement
ary inventory filed; real property in
Multnomah county $400.
In estate of Jennie Vineyard, J. L.
Vineyard appointed; bond, $4700;
appraisers appointed.
In eatate of Henry McBride, invent
ory filed; real property, $1000.
The name of Victor Peacock char,ged
to Victor Wright.
The name of Celia E. Nelson ordered
changed to Cells E. Smith.
Someone Has called the publichjbl
"Th Lap of The Nation." In it' is
nurtured the future cltiaen ' of the
country, trained In all the truth, and
prlnolple. upon which real, true- and
sterling character may be established.
Jlut we notice that there Is a forma
tive period la tbe exnanslvsive enoch
of Ms school days; in thla period.
while his eyes are opening to receive
tne light of intelligence, he may be
come defective in sight and hearing by
means or the Impurities of tbe moral
atmosphere In which he it forced to
live, that he may be known as the in
habitant of a certain place called by
me sacrea name of home.
Here he walks between two guard
ians and teachers, to whose giddy
height he looks up and sees the stature
of bis own future manhood; a perfect
ideal in bis sight, because no other
paragon Has been placed before him.
There is no use of parent denying
the fact that every, child appears in
the schoolroom with the picture of his
home life upon his face aud conduct.
True, it n,ay be affected by a street in
fluence, but, beyond a question, the
parental government is responsible for'
aujf MKicici iuuh euect uiai may oe pro- i
duced by contact with this stratum of)
A""' J . . jjl' lj ' SrF
Make the new year a
By buying your
Btudenls of the Academy on Saturday
Another Pleasant Evening.
At the leeidence of Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Marks, under the auspices of the
ladies of the First Presbyterian church
a social was given last Tuesday even.
Ing, which was a success in all respects.
The pass-times of the evening were
games of authors, pulling straws, fish.
pond, messenger boy, social conversa
tion, eating pie, etc.
Those present were: Messrs. and
Madams. G. W. Aldrich, Lovelee, C.
B. Montague, H. Y. Kirkpatrick, N.
W. Smith, J. H. Boyd and Rev. J. H.
Beattie. Madams. R. C. Miller, J. G.
Boyle, Jones, Spurting, McCall, Har
din, PurvlB, Hansard and Booth.
Misses Mattle Nixon, Alice Temple,
Anna Marks, Lulu Westtall, Huldah
NewquiBt, Margaritte Houk, Ola
Smith, Maud Aldrich, Jessie Carleton,
May Mulit, Gertie Davis, Pauline Ad
ams, Pet Smith, Lelia Westfall, Alia
Davis and Fannie Mulit.
Messrs. Ed Aldrich, Fred Hickok,
Alpln McDougal, Joseph Buhl, Asa
Baker, Mack Wiley, Will Ross, Sher
man Wallace, Harley Crandall, Claud
Ayers, Moss Walker, Byrd Hall,
Harry Everett, EbertThompson, Will
Bilyeu, Webster Wight and little folks
to numerous to mention.
Deaths Reported.
News was received here from Harris.
burg, conveying tbe sad intelligence
of the death of Mrs Monroe Fillpott,
the estimable wife of one of Linn
county's well known and influential
citizens. Mrs. Filpott was widely and
favorably kdown and will be deeply
evening, February 16,1s going to he j m(lUrlied by a large circle of friends,
good and yon ahoujd attend. Twenty. -rhe UrieiL!ln falpHy will have the
defray the expenses encurred by tbe
ereolton of a fine new stage'. A uuui-
bere ol choice selections of music, reci
tations, dialogues utc. Is being prepared
and an enjoyable time is promised.
Go and spend a pleasant evening.
The titayton Times say that a man
named Morri, Hying across the river
In this, Linn unty, went to Albany
ou business some three week ugg. He
was seen by several there who kiieff
husband, who died bv accident on hlun tuf be wt'nt dowu' but iBce
December 14th The nnvment wnni
have been made even earlier but for
the fnct that the death woe c.snst'd bv
an aceldent and the pnpers h:nd to he
isent east on ccnunt thereof, for In-
About flftv ladles, mmhem and In
vited gneitn assembled at the residence
of Mrs. J. W. Mencles lust Tnendav af
ternoon to celebrate the F.lirlith anni-
wcrsarv of the Lndles Aid sonHcty of
this place. An Interesting pineram
was rendered and an cleernrr. "ten"
was served. Th taWns looked urniid
with their rich glass and fine silver
loaded with nfl It would bold. The
parlors Bnd dl nine room were nicely
dcooruted wlt'h potted plants and ele
gant palma, AH present reported a
most enjoyable time.
The chil dren of the High sohool will
give a pi'ibllc entertainment on the
evening of February 21. The drills
and niarohcsnlone for the evening will
iretpnntirit some fifty children, besides
mmliy more In the exerolseB. The oc
'cHfiion Oniiies on the eve of Washlng-
,t...H?n J ...Ml I I.... 1..
tvv'li p wii ii I ri mfl ,v IIU v I II lie (l veil III
- icomnie'i nratloii of the time, and also
for Hie drill and benefit to be gained
,by the children in becoming oocus
woWUHl to present their exercises to the
lpulllc. .Every body is cordially in-
vlted to attend and lend encourage-
nent to the yomiK people. The pro-
tiraiu and full purticumrs Will nppnar
.I...- ..ll LI. A 1,..
that unlri "Bauer "is lawny nor
fritiuds ht?ye nettr" V0 trom "'"N'
Lebanon's Brave Flre By9 re "P1"'-
lu" either palnJ" or moay 10
.i i 'oue ball . grand affair. A
their h.nque "UI . a
Committee- wl" "jm k ,S
attlmthetra'"- The boy. riU be glad
to have all vli.' Flreu"u l.e
Town ballon tbe wlu8 of tbpWI
Remember the da e Mrum 14.
New goods. New g'f .d of
. . . . ... . -11,1 Ml IM JIIII-
sueeung lor ti. f ine iw.
brellttlBl.ll) Oiimhaiu 61 ni.-oo.
ellng, cotlon 6o. linen 10c. IreKoods
8, 10, 12k, Cashmeres 12i tr'- "d
tine for 30c. Ladles vests 8 15 26 Jlud
nil wool 70c. White wool union suits,
very flue $1.25. Mens undershirts and
drawers heavy, 30c. half wool ,60c.
Fnclnators 66c. Spenoerlau copy hooks
10c. 24 sheets wilting paper 6c, Best
envelopes 5c ft bunch. - At the Racket
For tbe purpose of making an exami
nation ttfull ptrsous who may offer
themselves as oundidates for teachers
of the schools ' of this county, the
county sohool superintendent thereof
will hold a public examination at Al
bany, In the court bouse, Wednesday,'
February 13, ut 1:00 p, ui. . The law re
quires all applicants to be present
promptly at one o'clock ut the; Open
ing of the examination, Tba exami
nation of applicants for state diblomoa
and life dlplouio will occur at tluy
kindest sympathy of all. She had
been sick for semernl weeks. It was
also reported that Fritz Kreisel, voung
estsonofMr. and Mrs. William Krei
sel, aged eighteen years, a bright and
promising young mau, died on Febru
ary 1. The parents have the sympathy
of the couianiuity iu their affliction .-
He, aid.
In an Acorn Shell.
Madam Rumor is inquiring for tbe
cause of the snail like contraction of
the newly bom Epwortb League of
Battle Ridge. The young organiza
tion has taken a very sudden con
traction, as til.- indications are, why
should the League crawl Into an acorn
shell and leave the sinners to shiver
in the cold? These are some questions
puzzling one who begs to snbscribe
himself A Siknkk.
.Some six ninths ago little Roy, son
of W. B. 6mith, pf Browiisyille, en
joyed excellent health, but today is an
(jjyalid. One day last full after he had
been playing and running, a severe
pain struck him in tbe leg below the
knee. Jn a few flays the member was
frightfully swollen, aud bfts steadily
rown from bad 10 worse, until it be
came: necessary to remove a portion of
the bo,' ffm the affeoted member.
A few da.vs ago an operation was per
formed. A' piece of decayed bone
about two and one-half Inches iu
length was taken out, as was alas a
number of sinallw pieces.
Every cash purchaser of $10 worth of
gouds at S. P. Buohs store get a crayon
portrate of themselves or friend free.
See sample of work ill bis window.
great Blood purifier gives freshness
and clearness to the Complectlou , and
cures Constipation, 26? cts., 60 ots.,'$l.
Sold by N.W. Smith.
If the home training has been loose
an W'thout a purpose, as soon as the
chWf enters the school be will herd
U&1 that class that have the MD1A
iits of life which he has received and
those who are stronger In their power
of influence will overcome him with
their caprices, atrategus and Intrigues,
thus laying the foundation for trouble
in the schoolroom, that will more or
less affect the entire community.
This bring8 before us the fact that it
is absolutely necessary to have our
schools under the supervision and di
rection of a principal who is ft teacher
in every sense of the term, and also, to
see that be is backed by a Board who
have the manhood and courage to see
that bis good work is sustained.
It has been my privilege to investi
gate tbe present management of our
public schools and quietly examine the
basis of certain complaints that have
been peddled about the streets by local
fakirs and store-loafers, concerning cer
tain punishments that have been iu-
dieted upon certain offenders among
tne pupils of tbe schools.
Such examination has brought to
light the. facts, that the punishments
given, fell far short of the proportions
and just deterts of the crimes. If the
School Board will now manfully doits
duty in , this matter, instead of wink-
lug at such conduct, and place these
oases on tbe; docket of the courts, then,1
unaer tne evideuee that stands readv
to be revealed at the proper lime, these
culprits must find themselves behind
the bars of a felon's sell. There is a
IhwIcps element in this city, particu
larly among the boys, that is guiltv of
tne most obscene and indeeeut langu
age mat ever defiled the lips of a bu-
mau being, and they are the perpetra
tors ot tne dirtiest and most devilish
deeds that ever blackened a mind
You will fliid them on vacant lots, in
empty houses, at the doors of the
churches in tbe morning aud evening,
and on Saturdays and Sundays", plv-
Ing their arts of deviltry to the utter
disgust of every respectable cltlien.
ThiB is the element, which the wor
thy principal of our schools Is man
fully struggling to eliminat from them:
aud we are glad to say he la succeed
ing, There is a large enrollment and
a better average attendance than is ou
record of any previous year in the his
tory of the schools.
As a patron of these schools, I give
facts as gathered by personal investi
gation and observation; and be who
sits in Judgniept upon any other
ground, to say the least of It, is riot
Read, Peacock 4 Co.
; Fine elegant photos at Bogd'scallerv
for cash or produce. ' : v
Smith baa lust added flftvuetr iinnL n
to his circulating library. ,' . J
If you want .to sell property list it
with Peterson & Andrews.
Celebrating .the Downfall of Monopoly
,; ( -t In Lebanon.
' Last night about 9 o'clock the Leb-
1 you want to buy property call on i""0"8?88 Band mar,!hed tb&
Pr. Prlts'tCmm Baking Powder
The schools are controlled by the
mpaest yet nrmest discipline, and the
methods of Instruction used are alter
the very best to be found in tbe land.
Sly advice, to those who are inclined to
find fault, is wash y ur face, oouib
your hair, then brush your clothes
(no matter how common or thread
bare tbey are) and go up to the school
house to see and hear for yourself.
Now talk. A Patron.
(The oolumns of the Expbkss are open to
all who wish to discuss this question no
matter wbjph side jt is 011EpiToa.)
Fine winter weather.
8. B. Wisturu or Uncle Tip as be is
oalled, is very much orlppled up with
rheumatism. : .
Miss Addia French has been quite
sick, but if improving some.
Grandpa Cummlngs returned a few
dayu ago from Oakland, Oregon, where
he was uaiied tp (he bedside of his Ut
ile grandson, y"ille, who passded to
spirit life, January 19, M?s. .Florrenee
Cummings came home with him, and
is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs
Burrell on Ranilt.pp creek, She will
spend several weeks visiting friend-,
and re'kuivft ad 'then return to Oak
land. V i .-;'. :
Mr.Rollins who has been very poorly :
all winter is much bettor and able to
or write Peterson & Andrews.
Buy you tickets East'oVer the N. P,
R, R ofW. C' Peterson, Local agent;
Tbera will be preaching in Miller's
ball Sunday morning and evening. '
.You cap get one dozen photoes at
tbe Lebanon Art gallery for 76 cents:
.Take Livorine, manufactured by
the Anchor S Chemical Co., Lebanon,
Oregon, .
J. E. Adcox the watchmaker can
give you ft flratolass fit in glasses.' No
fancy prices, . ' .
All knowing themselves ludebted to
me will please call and settle at
ouoe, M. A. Miller.
Dalgleish 4 Everett can sell you fine
presents that will giy .Satisfaction,'
comfort and pleasure evei'j' day in the
A large lot of new bboks at the Rao-
ket store. 20 and 21c books for 8o two
forl6o. . Circulating library booka'es-
changedfbr5e, ... ,
Still lower, changing kev-Wtid
watches to stem-wind $5.40 tp $,":85 by
J. E. Adcox, the watchmakflr at
Smith's drug store,
These hard times we want to save all
We can, but of course wa have to eat,
till you will save some by gettint;your
groceries at g. P. Bach's. ; , :
' The Ladles Aid of the M. E. church
will give a-Fanoy dress social t J.
W. Menzies, Tuesday evening Feb. 12.
The gentleman and hidy Wearing the
most appropriate dresi will he re
warded with a free lunch, Every
body invited. Hard time price, ten
oents will fill the bill. . '
the streets aud treated the citizens to
soulstirlng mush), oelcbratinsr the in.
dependence of the patrons of the'
Lebanon Electric Light & Water Co. v
Banners were carried aloft, with the
following inscriptions: "Down with
Monopoly," .-"Coal. Oil is good enough
for ui" and "We'll sprinkle where we
please or not at all." After marching
around town they halted in front of
the St Charles and played several
pieces, when Mr, J. B. Thompson, the
genial proprietor,, Invited them to
come ' In and partake of an elegant
oyster slipper which was gladly- ac
cepted by the band bovs. This has
been a red letter, day in the history of
Lebanon, and makes another day
worthy of celebration,
One Of The Boys.
the mass meeting.
H'lghest Honors-World' -flir.
k pure flrabe Cream of Tartar Powder,
from Amino'gitAlu.m or any other adu'i.ljg,
Last Tuesday the Lebanon Eleotrio
Light & - Water Co. distributed a
pamphlet among its water patrons of
mis ouy, containing their rules and
regulations governing the water and
its rates. Some of the citizens took
acenpjion to the; restrictions set forth
In this pamphlet and called a mass
meeting. Hon. C, B. Montague was
called to the chair aud Geo. Rice waa
elected secretary of the meeting.
By a motion of Phil Smith, seconded
byM. A. Miller, it was decided that
the citizens would not accept the rules
and r.-gulations as adopted by the
company. - v
By. motion a committee of five was
appointed to form resolutions and re
port iu ten minutes. The committee-.
inen.woreP.'M.Shalth. chairmafl, J. C.
Mayer, N. B. Dalgleish H, Baiter and
J. K Thompson, who made the follow
ing report:
Wii, your committee, would respect
fully make the following report:
That we reccouirrend no change in
the water rates, but we reserve the
right to sprinkle after 6 p. m, and as
far as our hose will reach fe,r any aud
all purposes that we may desire, aud
ask that lights be reduced 26 per cent.
Ibe above report' was unauomously
accepted.., ;.,, .-, .-.j". ,:
By motion of M. A. Miller, it was
decided that . if the company djd not
accept this rate tiM all pataouage
pieseut would withdraw their patron-.
J. E. A4coir tbe watoli make, bf 6
lltdM outifittttnanf' at v ti'Uau flhftlhs
,, t ftjf mi f IH-ajftut!)-! fun,
1 SJW f ,n aiANUHIUF
... v