The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 08, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 50
itx months ....... 1 rx
Three months JT
Single copies - " w
J.N. Dolph, I Sonators
JiiImi H. Mitchell,!
Illiiiror Hermann , CoiiRranmian
Sylvester I'tmnoyer Governor
Clenro W. Mollriilo Secretary ot State
Phil MclHohun Treasurer
K. B. Mi!Elroy,......Supt. Public Instruction
Prank !. Hukor State Printer
R. 8. St-nhn, I , ,
Wm. h LoriU Supreme Judges
K. H. Bean, I
Jndae,.. J.N. Duncan
Ojofk H. Needham
Iteconler,'..' .1). F. llardinun
Hhiirlfi", ' A. MoKoron
u,.i,l Suiinrintumlmit A. K. ltuthorford
Treasurer V.d. Morris
Assessor W.F. Doukins
Surveyor E. T. T. Fisher
!r,rr K. A. Jaync
i John PliKh
Commissioners j, M. Witters
fiiif.ahitkER ..J. F. HYDE.
N. B. 1M,
City Council meet un the tot and third
Tuesday evenings ol each nioutii.
Secret Sooletlee.
I.INN TENT. No. 7.10 0, T, M.-Mccls lu U. A.
R. Hall en Thurahty uvonliiB of each week,
Transient Hlr Knuiliu are cordially luvltod to
, lalithc Tout niuotbiK. -
. . J. A. UmiEiiK)NCom,
ilONOll MIME. No. 88. A. 0. U. W.--Mcets
very ruostlay evening atl. A. K. Hall.
t , W. HOWHNB, M. W.
I. B. lltiliuuTRou.
LEBANON MIIKIK, NO. 1.0. 0. K.-Meols
every Saturday ovi'iiiiiK at Odd Fellom Hall, at
R o'clock li. m.
A. E. DAVW, N.
tt C, 1'liTKIlBON, Sccl'y.
PKAltLltlillKl.'CA LOIKtli, NO. 47, 1. 0. 0, K.'
ileotaatl.O. 0. Kiloll Hrt and third Wednes
day evening or cueh month.
mim. u. w. omiaoN, .v. g.
I,miANONUlllENo, A. K. 4 A. M. Meet
Saturday evening, on oi before the hill moon In
each mouth.
E. E. Haiwacii, W. M
. F, M., Boo.
OKN'L MEIutiH CAMP. No. 111. Division of Ore
son. Bom of Velornans Meet In 0. A. U. Hall,
every Saturday evening, except the third
rksltirday of each mouth, meeting tno tnira rn-
...... ...J .11 I f l.nU,. nf vat.
tiu and comradoauf the u. A. K. are oonusuy
led to meet with tho Camp.
E. U. ;akb, Capt,
TsMHBY, Flrsl Bcgl.
11INA M. WEST H1VK, NO. 1, L. 0. T, M.-
Moolsou tho2d, 4lh and fith Friday evening of
each mouth at at u. A. II. Hall. Trau-
lent Lady Maccahces arc cordially iuvlud to
" ' A. A. IlYMi, Lady R. K.
, inn SALtllAlinlt, Lady Com.
Sam'l M. Garland.
Weatherford & Wyatt,
A Cure for Rheumatism. r
for rhueinatism I have found noth-
ling equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
lit relieves the pain as soon as applied.
. W. Young, West Liberty, W, Va.
Il'lie prompt relief it affords Is alone
lis Xn "iany ffl cost, 60 cent,
' V .itlnued use will efteot s perman
I. sv. a-l- i, w. W Smith
M:e'i Cream Baklns Powder
"As old as
never excell- 7
ed. "Tried
and proven"
is the verdict, ,
of millions.
Liver, Begu-
j-v lator is tne
7rr?only Livar
JLJCti'C and Kidney
lator is the
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all,.
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to lie taken dry ormadeintoa tea.
The Kins ot Liver Btedlolnea.
" I have UKcd yourMlmmone Liver Ileira.
Iitlui ii(1 eon uuiuictimtiDUBlv any ll la the
kith.' oi all liver nicdlelneK. f eoiiMliler tt
nicdtidite client In itaell'. lo. W, CK
aliN, 'iucoiua, Waahlngton.
the Z Btamv lu red an
All peruana known tliemaelvet in.
didilud tn me will please cull and settle
at once as I need my money.
Jit) KELLENBERaitlt,
promiit aner and an heiiMt opinion, write to
M II NN OV CO., who have liafl tMarlr arty years
exnerlonoe In the patont buMlttwb. Cnnimonloa
tlona atrlotly onnfleentlat. A llandbaok irf In.
forinatlfin oonoemiiw 1'atenla and bor Uf Mb
tain tbem sent fraeTAlK a oataloaue of aMahaa
loa) and aolontltla bonkH aont tree.
Patents taiien throuaP Munn a Co. Nostra
epeolal nutlcelnthe Hrtrnttflc Amerlrnn. and
thus are brouubt wldoly berorethe public wlta
out ciMt to tbe inventor. This splendid eeper,
tssued weekly, otesantly lljniitrated, has by far tbe
laruest cirenlntloo of any Klsnllrio work tn the
world, ell a year, snnnrie ennlen siHit free,
Building Edition, monthly, tiwa year,
copies, lift cents. Kvery number contains beau
tlrul pistes. In colors, and photwrnphs of new
huusos, with plans, enabllns nullders to show tbe
latest doHisus and secure cinlrscts. Address
UUAN & CU Nuw Voaa, U01 ButuuWAT.
Ml". T. rt. HdwkiiiB. Ctnttnnotiga,
Twin. b,v, "81iiI(iIi'b Vitalizer
BAVED MY Wra.' I oonaider it the
liest pi'medy fur u debl)l(,atfj system I
ever uecl." For Dyspepsia, J-iver pr
Kidney trnulile It excels. Price T5uts.
Hold by N. W. Smith.
Itia sold on a tiiarantee by all drug-
arista. It oures Inoipient Consumption
euu ia iuf wit iuuau kvuu i,j-uutf uure.
Fpr sale hy N. W. Smith.
Insure your property with Peterson,
Ross & Co. They arc audits for the
Old Reliable, Home Mutual, New
Zealand, fcpringfield of Mimanchusells,
Continental, mid other gi.od, reliable
companies. They also have money to
louti at 8 per oent, in sums from $200
Bust S1io (told tlto priqe
86, $4 & $3.50 Dress thee
Kqual cuttom work, coiting from $6 to $3.
$3.60 Pollco Shoe, 3 Soles
Beat warning anoeover maac,
$2.60 and $2 Shoes.
Unequalled lit the pricta
Boye' $2 : $1.75 School Shoes,
Ate the Beat for Service,
Ladles' $3, $2.60, $2, $1.76
Best Donrol. Stylish, Perfect FIttlnl
anil Serviceable, Meat lu the vorld. All
Mtylos. Insist upou havlns W. A., lloufflaa
- name Hnu price stainpea on uuv
W . L. DOUGLAS, llrockton, 4SS.
Hiram Baker.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Putroniw home Industry by buying
and taking a bottle of Anohor 8 Liver
ne for conatlpatlnn, Indigestion aud
liver Ot.aiBiatUt. fur Salt Lv all druirt
He Pranlaei a Foil Explanation of
Bis Course lu the Senator
tal Questlen
A letter received by the Herald from
Senator A. J. Johnson, of Linn county,
from Kalcm, aays that In the near
future he will in an open letter explain
bis course in the senatorial contest,
and clearly net fourth to the people of
Linn county the full proceedings of
the caucus (so-called) which will fully
explain that he has fulfilled every Im
aginary obligation, even morally con
structed, in that connection. Referring
to the three members from Linn
county who are voting against Mr.
Dolpb, rjenator Johnson aays:
"I feel very confident that when th
republicans of Linn county fully un
derstand all thlngo connected there
with, and also knowing that a very
large majority of tbe republicans of
Linn county are against Mr. Dolph's
re-election, and hundreds of them
have o petitions- us, that It will be
dear that we are simply trying to full
01 our promises to them and carry out
their wisheB, and eventually elect a
man who will honestly and ably rep
resent tbe people of tbe entire state of
Oregon, and at the same time a man
who Is Just as sound on the leading
question of (he day (finance) a Mr.
Yaquina Bay.
A dispatch from Portland reads:
Cup tain 7. W. Symons of tbe U. S.
corps ot engineers has just made an
official report In which be declare
that Yaquina Bay, Oregon, ia un
worthy of further improvement by tbe
government. His opinion is endoraed
by Col. Mendell, division engineer,
aud by Gen. Casey, chief of engineers.
Capt. Pymons in his report says: "The
plan for tbe improvement of Yatjulua
Day, as pmposea oy a competent board
of engineers, has been practically com
pleted, and tbe improvement of the
bar has been all or more than tbe
board hoped would be accomplished.
There is now a permanently located
channel with from twelve to fourteen
feet depth at low water. In my
opinion it Is beyond the power of man
tn make It a harbor of sufficient capa
city for deep draft shins engaged in
irelgn commerce or In fact to give
this entrance a bar channel depth ap-
reciably greater than now existing."
And yet Yaquina will a. ways be a
good pluce and one of tbe best resort
ou tbe coast.
A State Census.
The coostjtutiqn of Oregon provide
that an enumeration of the people of
the state shall be made every ten years,
beginning with 1866. The statute
further provides that thi enumeration,
shall be made by the county assessors,
beginning not later than May 10, and
that besides enumerating the people of
tbe state, they shall classify them by
age and sex and collect various simple
statistics of production aud industry.
'file assessors are tn make returns to
tbe county clerks, who j to fqrptab
blank forms for the enumeration and
declare the result. Penalties are im
posed upon assessors and clerks who
fail to perform tbeduties imposed upon
them by tills law.
Waut Lower Salaries.
The committee of 100 ol Salem have
passed a resolution asking the legis
lature to fix tbe salaries of Marion
county officials at the following rates;
8he-lfl, $1800; sheriff, i deputies, $2-
000; clerk, $1,800; clerk, 1 deputy, $1,.
2110; recorded, $1,200; recorded, 1
deputy, $900; assessor, $1,600 and the
assessor to appoint his deputies and
their compensation to be fixed by tbe
pounty commissioners' court. While
the legislature la at II, It should modify
tbe salaries of Linn county officials,
not to take affect though until the
present terms expire. Tbe recorder,
for instance should get $1200 with $800
for a clerk,
It Didn't Work.
The says: The other
day Marshall, tbe prisoner In tbe
county Jail, awaiting the aotion of tbe
grand Jury at the April term of the
circuit court, Informed Deputy Sheriff
James Sklpton that there was a plot
among the prisoners lu the Llnu
county Jail to break out, and that they
were provided with tools to do the
work. Sheriff McFeron at Albany
was Informed of tbe fact and on
search discovered a club and knife
Improvised into a saw, eonoealed.
Marshal had served hi time In tbe
Linn counly Jail and was familiar
with the Inside workings.
All kuowlng tbemaelvt Indebted to
Will plsi
call and asm at
The Cause Was an Article Which
J It Wa Though ReBected
On the Camera
ASTORIA, Feb. 2.-Auother As-
tori newspaper editor was in trouble
yesterday, and warrants were Issued
today for the arrest of Phil Cook and
C. Tlmaon, charged with assault and
battery on the person of C. Wood a,
brother-in-law of Reperaeutatlve C. J.
Curtis, and editor pro tern, of tbe Her
ald. Those accused of the assult are
member of tbe Columbia Camera
Club, an organization composed of a
number of the best young men in
town, who took umbrage at an article
that appeared in this week's istue of
the Herald. In tbe offensive article it
was claimed that the young ladles who
attend d an entertainment given by
the Camera elub, in being escorted to
tbe nail, were compelled to nasa
through a disreputable part of the
town; that tbe vlewa in the exhibition
shown were poor, and tbat the camera
used was worthless, The article also
oast a serious reflection on the charac
ter of tbe members of the club. When
Mr. Wood was called upon, he denied
having Intended any Insult, but bis
caller refused to accept' the explana
tion, and proceeded to chastise him.
The editor clinched bis assailant, and
before anv damage was done aeistance
arrived, and the combatants were
separated. Several other members of
tbe Camera club have promised to give
Editor Woods a thrashing, and the
outcome of the affair Is awaited with
lAu luamna Mother.
NAPA? Cal., Feb. g.An awful
tragedy oceured here early this morn
lug lu the home of Peter Meterulcb,
who resides In the northern part of
this city. Mrs. Metemich, while In
sane, undertook to kill her four chil
dren, and succeeded in doing them all
serious injury. Mr. Metemich had
bad period of insanity, but had not
been very violent, and her hUBbnnd
hod always cared for her at home and
avoided having ber committed to the
asylum. Her mania was a religious
one, aud she bad tbe delusion that she
had greatly sinned against God, and as
a punishment for her sin her children
were to be sold into slavery. She had
threatened to kill the cliildcrn to avoid
this. Her husband went away hi his
work this morning at 6:30 o'clock leav
ing all at heme In apparent quite, but
within a half hour his wife bad taken
au ax aud with it fearfully cut and
beateu every one of tbe children. The
children are Ethel, eight years; Au
tone, six years; Pauline, three years,
aud a baby eighteen months old. They
were all struck, infliction ugly gashes
and fearful bruises. It ia feared that
the baby will die, as there are sympt
oms of concussion of the brain, The
other children will probably reeovir.
She would probably have killed tli-m
all had tbe neighbors not beard them
scream and came tn the rescue. The
woman was caught in ber frenty and
taken to the county Jail and later ex
amined and committed to tbe insane
Not Settled Yet,
EUGENE, Or., B'eb. 2,-Today the
heirs of Joseph Bailey received from
the government $15,180, in settlement
of an Indian depredation claim, ahich
they have worked for for years. Mr,
Bailey was killed, aud bis cattle,
horses and other property destroyed
by thi Indians during the troubles on
Rogue river in 1662. Tbe case of se
curing damages from the government
was commenced fifteen years ago.
Now that tbe claim bo been allowed
by the government, and the money
paid, the litigation is not ended, as
there will, in all probability, be a big
contest to decide who are tbe rightful
heirs to receive the property. The
lawyers say th re will be a long con
test over It, and It Is doubtful how tt
will finally end. The brother- of the
deceased will be Interested in the case.
Stteves it Released,
PORTLAND, Feb. 2.-LawyerX.N.
Steeve, after numerous attempts to te
oure his freedom, was released from
til county Jail thi afternoon on bond
orii.m MM.o. r. Uuu M w,
Europe Runa Our Finance.
WASHINGTON, Feb. l.-It is al
most a certainty that another issue of
gold bonds will be Issued, which prob
ably will be disposed of in Europe, and
has caused the silverities to talk of tbe
impeachment of Cleveland and Car
lisle. The silver men in congress ate
determined to defend the country even
if extreme measures are necessary.
Latek, There is no longer any
doubt that negotiations are about to be
completed for tbe sale in New York of
$100,000,000 of 4 per cent. 80-year bond.
While the prospective purchasers are
New York parties, It Is known that
the bonds are expected to be disposed
of by London bankers, and to be paid
for entirely with foreign gold.
Medford't Move,
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 2.-Today a
subscription paper was circulated In
Medford to ascertain what amount
could be raised as an inducement for
the people of Jackson county to re
move the county seat from Jackson
ville to this city. As a result of two
hours' work, $5000 was subscribed. No
signatures were accepted for a less
amount than $600, although several
smaller ones were offeree", but were de
ferred until latter.. All tbe men who
put their names down today are
worth many times the amount given,
and will doubtless give more should it
be necessary. Those who have the
matter in charge feel greatly pleased
at the result of their efforts today, aud
think tbat $30,000 can be raised, In a
few days, within the immediate vicin
ity of Medford. Tbe metter will be
pushed as rapidly as possible and,
should sufficient inducements be off
ered, the proposition will be Immedi
ately placed before the citizens of the
country. Tbereseems t be little op
position to the move. As Medford is
located in tbe center of the valley and
on the railroads It is thought by Med
ford people to be the Only proper place
In the county for the county seat .
To Wheel Around the Country.
NEW ORLEANS, La. Feb. S.-To!)
W. Winder, the Indiana cyclist,
started from the city hall this after
noon to wheel around the entlje
oounaary of tbe United States, a total
distance of 21,600 miles. A number of
local cyclists have made arrangements
to accompany him for the first 60 miles
of bis trip. The trip is the result of a
wager to cover tbe distance in 300 con
secutlve days, which means a daily
average of n miles. If completed on
schedule time, Winder will have the
advantage of warm weather through.
out tbe Journey, crossing the North.
western states early In summer, which
is sMrmost favorable time. This is
the longest bicycle journey ever under
taken, being considerable more riding
than is needed to encircle the globe.
Wrecked his Engine,
CASCADE. LOCKS, Or., Feb. 2.
Peter Valentine, an engineer who was
recently returned today, threw the
throttle wide open when he entered
the cab of bis locomotive. The engine
was totally wrecked on obstruction on
the edge of a ninety-font embankment
Contractor I. N. Day immediately dis
charged Valentine, who did not take
kindly to the reprimand and dismissal,
Hot words and blow followed. Th
engineer drew a latge jaokknife and,
iu attempting to stab Day, the knife
closed on bis own hand, slashing it in
a fearful manner. Friends finally
took Valentine away from the govern
ment grounds.
Why Bis Head Was Cut Off.
THE DALLES, Or., Feb. 8.-A. G
Johnson, who was the other day re
lieved from duty as deputy county
clerk, lost bis official head because of
the fact tbat during a visit to Salem
he saw fit to work against J. N. Dolph.
It Is siid here that Clerk Kelsay's
bondsmen brought the matter about,
and that Kelsay did not have tbe
backbone to tell tbem that he would
-do as be liked. Simeon Balton, who
has taken Deputy Johnson's place
,n the derk'8 offloe' u el-udltor of
Klickitat county, Washington.
Sergeant O'Xeefe Dead.
DENVER, Feb. 2,-Sergeant John
O'Keefe, famous throughout tbe coun
try as an adventurer and story-teller,
died here today, aged 47. For eleven
years he had charge of the signal (ta
ttoo at tbe summit of Pike's peak.
For eight years after that he was with
the United States jaavy, but at tbe
time of hit death he was holding a
position in , Weuver fir depart
meat. QT. i ktadiMt gf M
Joint Committee Deeldea the Columbia
Be Closed tar Eight atonths.
TACOMA, Feb. 3,-The iolnt fish
eries committees- of tbe Oregon and
Washington legislature today con
sidered and adapted a bill which will
be favorably reported to each legis
lature. It closes the Columbia river
and tributary streams to fishermen
eight months per year, and grades
fishermen's license fees from $200 down
to $2.60, according to the way tbe fish
ate caught.
I iwasw
Convicted of Criminal Libel.
SEATTLE, Feb, 2.-Rev. M. h.
Nichols, a preacher ot the Metbodist
Episcopal church, was convicted in
the superior court of criminally libel
ing Rev. T. E. Ford, the presiding
elder of the Methodist Episcopal
churches in this district. Tbe trial
lasted three day, and the court room
was packed during the entire time.
Forger Canght.
Speaking of the arrest of the forger
In Salem tbe Journal says: A. tall,
smooth-faced , young man, wearing a
dark brown overcoat and a Aack orush
hat, walked into Bush's bank and pre-,
sented a check for $80, signed by Leo
Willi. Cashier Oswald West ques
tioned the man before cashing tbe
check, but the forger seemed honest, '
replying tbat West could look un the
signature if be desired! v The check
was Cashed but Bo sooner bad the for
ger passed out the door when West ran
straight for Lao Willis' office, where
he learned that it was a forgery. '
Hastening beck to the bank '
be met And Cost, whose serv
ices he secured, and they went immedi
ately to the depot on their bicycles, ar
riving Just before tbe train reached the
depot. West pointed out tbe forger to
Cass just as he was going aboard the
train and they both slezed tbe man.
He offered considerable resistance at .
first, but was soon under control and
marched to the county jail. Upon be
ing searched, $261.10 was found on his
person, 265 of which was gold. Be
sides this amount he had eight checks
already, made out aud endoned by Sa
lem business men but had not signed
them. He also bad the signatures of a
number of Salem gentlemen, among
wriom were Father White and Ben
Hoyden. He secured the signature of
Mr. Willis by writing letters to tbut,"
gentleman, representing himself to be
an agent for a theatrical troupe, and ,;.
asking tbe rates for the opera house.
These letters Mr. Willis answered and
the signature secured, the oue on the
check being a face-eimila of Mr. Willis'
writing. -v
A Qood Measure. , i
Senator Dawson's' bill to fix the
time whtn taxes become delinquent !
provide tbat: "The sheriff shall j
make returns of collections to the '
county court on or before the first
Monday of October next ensuing tho
date of the warrant Issued by tbat j
court, and that if at least one-half of,
the respective sum of taxes so chargedV
on Baid roll is not paid prior to tho
first monday in April next auoceediug-'
the date of bis warrant, said one half
shall be deemed delinquent, aud if the
remaining half la not paid prior to the
first Monday in October following, it
ball then also be deemed delinquent,
and there shall be charged, collected
and turned over by the sheriff, a for
feiture of one percent per month on all
portions of said taxes that have been
allowed to become delinquent, from
tbe date of such delinquency until the
same are paid; and, provided further,
that the sheriff, before entering on the
duties of collection of taxes, shall exe
cute an additional bond in such sum as
the county court of tbe county may
direct. That is, taxes may be paid in
two half-yearly installments,
After Money.
Money, what won't a man do for It.
The Eugene Guard tells this: A few
days since the treasurer ot the Cong
regational churoh, while baudliug
some money, let a $5 piece drop to the
floor. Unfortunately said treasurer
was standing near one of the registers
Into which the ooln naturally dropped.
The next morning two boy were
dispatched to tbat place and on taking
down the pipe tbe coin was found.
Of court the last was spoken of by
several and beoame generally known,
but th fact of It being found bad not
been mentioned. Well, to end this
story abruptly the next sight some
pertou entered tbe bawmeot of tbt
oburcb.' and took all the' pips apart
and laid them oa: the floor In their
search tot the V, bat fading It,
u I!: the tipt mm
U'l Pair Wtnm 4a$i
'UP ;::