? n i r K Lebanon Express. FIUDAt Jan 11, ism. 0. G. Bawllngs spout Monday night In the city. Mr, Hub Bryant wos In the city -yesterday." M. LnngsbeiTy relumed to Grunt1 Pan Tuesday. Ad Whcelor now oarrlcs tbo Sweet Home mall. Frank Settle In In Portland this week on business, Jack Parker left Tuesday fur his homo nt Athena. . AllnrneyS. M. Garland lit In Port knd this week on business. KltitM fif Enchantment at Hip Opera bouse tonight and tomorrow night. From Br. Foley we learn that one of Matt Craft's children 1b very nick. 4 W. J. liny left Tuesday to visit his mother who lives In Nebraska who , was reported very sick. Mrs. Longsuerry left Tuesday for Portland to visit her sister. Mr. VV. H. Muney was doing busi ness In Albany yesterday. The Populist oounty central coin mltl.ee bad a business meeting In Lebanon yesterday. "Willie, ton or Dr. Booth, left Tuts j, day for Portland w here he goes to again have his eyes treated. Br. Booth Informs us that Frank f- ..." Vltff.J.,, l...l iNi.niru1 Mlifl lu .mil- blc to be up nearly all tho time. V, 0. Bridges of CYlfax, Wash, and Chus. Bridges of Drain, was in the city this week vlsltrng their Bister MrB. N. W. Smith, Miss Sylvia Bryant fell last Tuesday while skating ou the Ice and throwed Iter arm out of place, Dr. Booth was called in and set It. 1. It. Borum and family are visiting In Albauy this week. Mr. Borum Is thinking something of buying a barbershop lu that city. Prof. C, II. Chapman president of the State University will deliver an address on education In this city on Friday evening March loth to which everybody Is Invited. Mr. 8. P.- Bueh, wife and little daughter, Bessie, are ki Salem this . week visiting friends and relatives. Mr Jo Buhl Isa-slting In Mr. Bach's store during his absence. Mr, D. ('., Ifotjc and wife, who have been Visiting h,fs brother, Dr. Hope, of this place,-left Inst Wednesday for fiouthsrHySalifornlB, where be goes lu 11m hope of benefiting Mrs. Hope's y health.' ' f' Mr. Hlnini llaltir has a force of iron t work cleaning off bis two acres that he recently hou?lt from Mr. Ilurtenshaw on Bridge avenue. Mr. Baker Intends to build ou his pro perty in the spring. . t Mr. B. F. Kirk lias bought, Mr. Borum, his partner's Interest In the arlir shop. Mr. Kirk Is a first class and know doubt but will give 4, ft000" Bntlsfuetlou that this shop lias always done. Frank Sklpworth, an old typo of this offloe, returned to Eugene last Monday where fio Is reading law with bis brother, after spending New Years with his parents. Jllsold Mends were pkd to see him, and all wish blm suc cors. . Iilnn county owes the st ate f 4,078 .110 on old taxes according to the report of the secretary of state. Multnomah cnu lit v owes I111.S27 20; Umatilla, $.12, I18 8fi;01uts(ip, K0,3t.(it) and Union, 110,1180.(10.' ... . Some weeks ago the Express slated that E. IS. Ham mack had bought J. A. Dobkins Interest In their adjustable platform and ladder, In which fact wo were In error, Mr. Hammaek having only traded fur a part lutcrest in the patent. On Christinas day fialph Fisher's eon, of Bodavllle, received ft Christ mas present of a toy air gnu. Young Fisher pointed the gun at Mr. West in sport, and when the latter ordered him to put it down tho boy said it was not loaded, and to prove h;s state ment pulled the trigger. West was hit by a doudle B shot lu the left check, tho shot passing In about a In. If inch when Its force was stopped against a ' olh, Inflicting a painful wound. I.. Frill cut the abot nut. '.t Is understood that Governor Pen noyer is considering the matter of par doning Morgan Wussoni from the pen itentiary. A petition of about 1,500 names of cltiseua of Linn county, es pecially from the vicinity of Lebanon where he resided, has been presented. A good many worse crimes have been pardoned recently and In this case, where the couvlet Is A young nisu who has excellent pareuts and rela tives the cha'nees are much greater hut If liberated he would mend his v ,i's and lieunme a good ettlien, It iltl ict'tii, with sunk a petition of ' i i) im.'.j. s. mill the fact tint nrosvoHb attorney in reonuittuT",." uj I t) m. f-' Feed oats for sal Enquire of W U. Donnoa. Dr. J. L. Hill of Albany, was on our streets yesterday, . Go to Hiram Baker's for your $1.80 men and ladles' shoes, - .' j ' ' If you have anything to sell or trade, call on Peterson, Boss 4 Co. There will be preaching In Miller's hall Sunday morning and evening. When you want to buy a suit of cloth lug yon will save taonoy by getting itat Bach's, Ralph Knapp, editor of the Albany Populist, was In Lebanon yesterday. When you want a new hat don't for got pugh and Munsey. Tkey have the latest styles. : ,. . Old papers for tale here at fi ve cents per dozen. . .. ..... - " ' J. K. Adcox the watchmaker can give yoa a flrstoiass fit In glasses, No fancy prices. : i ." ' 3 Those who palrnjliie Pugh A Muntey always get the best there It in the mar ket; at lowest prices. The test groceries and furnishing goods at the lowest prices at Pugh Munsey's. Try theui. Pngh and Munsey have Jutt received a new line of furnishing good:, price them before bnylng elsewhere. J. E, Adcox the watoh maker, bat a nice assortment of watches, chains etc, at prices that will astonish you, Dalglelsh Everett can tell you fine presents that will give saUk."Aetlon, comfort and pleasure every day in the yeur- ... ' : ' .... Still lower, changing key-wind watches to stem-wind $5.40 to $5.86 by J. E. Adcox, the watchmaker at Bmlth's drugstore, . Just to help us on our way, Boyd will make a reduction of $1.00 on the doc. for photo to all those who have boon married lest than three mouths; -; (! ) ' Young man, Improve your time ty going to school at Uantiam Academy. Take the bushiest course and Jit your self for usefulness In the busiuest world. ' . ,. Music lemons at the Academv have been reduced from $2.50 to. $2 per month, Harmony free to ttudentt taking lessons In any other of the musk courses. a , , , . Petersonj Boat Co. have tome splendid farms, and city residences for sale at a bargaiu on the Installment plan. If you want a farm or town property, don't fall tote these men. ' There will be preaching next Sun day morning and evening at the Mi E. Church South, by W. L. Molloy, pas tor. ; These hard times we want to save all we can, but of course we have to eat, still you will save some by getting your groceries at 8. P. Bach's. Hiram Bnker hat received bis fall stock of ladies' eloaks, aud Invites the ladies to call and examine them. ' The feasoM that i. B. Adcox, the watchmaker can change a' key-wind watch to stem wind at a less price than others Is because he docs tils owii work while others have to send the vi.rkU). Frisco or Chicago aud pay $7 to $8 for hovelng it done. ; Mrs. B. H. Boss, wife of our general' real (state agent received a telegram last week of the serious lines ! her father, who it living at fflontioello, Indlua. She loft hist Wednesday with her children for his beiivldt. ,Asl)e recovery is impiobable,Mt Bote will go back there as soon be can close up his business and assist In settling up the estate, R, II. Ross, of the firm of Peterson, Boss A Co., otters his uousthpjd goods and kitchen furniture at private sale at h is residence, one door south ol the res idence of Mrs. F. M, Miller, Main street. This Includes one new Sold Coin cook stove, one pew Gold Coin heater, a new rug carpel, two good style bedsteads, -"hairs, dishen, nice hanging lamp, a lot of caned fruit, five cords of wood and other articles to numerous to mention. These goods will be sold cheap. Mr, Boat can be seen at lilt residence or at the real estate office. Blind Johnnie, the" tweet child singer will give a Pl'lwt about the i!2d of this month, for the purpose of raising money to defray the txpefiacs of going to Portland to have a long needed operation performed on Lis eye, by which oculist hopes to f uablo blm to resuuie his studies. Wo fuel tyre-all who "have heard this talented -child sing, and understand that be it altttle wafe, whom hie present guardian took fiom a foundling's hospital several years ago and who, glvet blm a motb er's care and love, but is until to pay the heavy expense of snob a -trip and operations as is necessary to save W brain from permanent Injury, will gladly patronise the little fellow's con- oert, They will get tlielr money's worth In hearing him sing apd, piny, besides feeling I hat they have dons n humane aud kindly art in leading this aid lu tmo of urgent UMssilty f lovely cktlrt Who has us ti'ltittdl, ant)' I Slll'll snit fjyset fuoe, djabtiallliili and 8ANDEU3 IN SPOKANE.' Captain W. W, Saunder, tsyt the Sunday Orcgnnlan, recently pardoned from the penitentiary, t at Spokane,, wheie he contemplates, locating. In stead of going to Texas. After leav ing the Oregon penitentiary, Sanndert' went to Spokane, and immediately hunted up George W. Belt, formerly prosecuting attorney of the Third district of Oregon, and now of that city. The Spokane Chronicle Rives 'a long story of the arrival of the pardon-' ed convict, and ntrratet the story of tile crime. The story concludes: "I am not at all ashamed to have people ki:ow I have served a term of im prisonment for killing a man In de fense of a woman's- honor,' said Saori dert ' yesterday," drawing himself proudly up to his full majestic height. 'I am still a young man and hope to again become a useful and respected Citizen.' Saunders is only 37 .years oi age. His Imprisonment precluded the possibility of J)ls marrying tho glrippntyi U..S, Commissioner, waved of hie choice, who. It now said to be a resident of Boise, Idaho. Police Ser; Scant Charles Bartow knows Sau nders well, having been a guard at the Oregon penitentiary when Saunders was admitted." The" Chronicle givee to Mr: K, P. Hogan;of Spokane, form erly of Roseburg, the entire credit of the capture of Saunders after he had escaped from jail. This it Incorrect.' Sau riders' captors ' were D. B. Mon teilh, of A lean y, and Mr. Hogan. Mr. Monteith bad quite as much, If not more to do with It at Mr. Hogan- In speaking of the pardoned murd erer, Captain Sounders, the Oregonlan says: There were rumors in circula tion at the time of the trial that he bad a wife in Texas, and this appears to bare been the case; but whether di vorced or not Is not known here. A short time before Saunders Was pard- oned, Judge Bellinger received a letter from lawyer Id Bonham, Texas,' whoB. Harris, ofthe secret service dlvi- had once Tedded here, asking for .in-j formation In regard to Sanndert' pros pects for securing 'a pardon, and ex pressing a bope that Judge BeHinger would-use any influence be .might possess toward securing Saunders' par don. It was added that Saunders had a wife, a tery worthy lady, and a daughter sixteen years old. At to whether there hat been any legal sepa lation between Saunders and bis wife is probably known to Saunders. ..' .' . .Nights of. Enchantment..: The above eutertamment which has been creating quite a favor in adjoin ing towns will apear bere on Friday aud Saturday evenings at Uis Opera bouse In this city. The performance represents a rare combination of re filled sensations. -Cards of admission 25 cents, children 20 cents, reserved seats at Smith's drug store 83 cents. The Dallas Itimizer says: . Prof. C. A. Lewis has been here, and although our people natron lied linn quite liber ally, we believe they frei better or they have had a cuauoe to get a gqud laugh and have been highly en tertained lu witnessing many fcets that It looks at if a man must possess supernatural powers to perform. He puts up a good show. As a mesmerist he proved his powers to be of high order; ae a mystical performer he stands at the head of the profession, as i) Juggler aone aau outdo him, and as an elocutionist bo is the peer of many leading tragedians. Hieduultter Ida lends him assistance, and tier part oi'jlie program is of Itself worth the pric,e of iiduiirsioii. , Saturday eveniug the attendance was good and on Mon day evening be had a packed house. We alLtakcoff our hat to Prof. Lewis and his daughter Ida, and will kindly remember them in days to cmo, .shvuld tbey return , , - .' ; . .' A Narrow Essovt. Mis, Mllllcan and others had a par row escape a few days ago while driv ing to Hale. There were lu the party Oscar Busey and wife, Mrs- Millican and lula Bradley. They had a team, one horse of which had not. been driven but little, aud was not shod. In going up a grade where was an em buiikmeut about fifty feet high this horse slipped and plunged over. the grade. The other horse braced him self and held this hone up uutil Mr1. Busey got around and cut the harness, and the hoiso rolled down the eiu, bankmeut Jiifo the creek aud after working down the creek some distance got out uninjured. The one horse bracing himself and holding the other after he went over the embank nicut is all that saved the occupants from a tumble, down the embankment, which would- undoubtedly have proved serious. Eugene Register. J (. i I4nn't ' Assessments. County Clerk Needham.bat received Ihe following official statement of the rnisp In assessments lu this county, on which the assessment roll wil bs re vised at once; Town and city lots Iniproveuiei.U J2; railroad lands, other Improved lands, I proved lands, 1 per crniti railroad and telegraph lines, 8 per own horses and mules U per Centj obtiiv, 49 per ntsneep ana "imts, rntnsi twins, fill wr oeirti merch. , A COUNTERFEIER. 'Bos" Davenport Arretted for Counter. . feiring and it Now In th .; Portland Jail. ' Last Friday Deputy U. S. Marshal George Humphery, arrived In this oily slid soon after hit arrival employed Joe Smith and D. D. Shaw to go'out In tbeounty and arrest Wllllan ("Doo") Uayennort on a charge of counterfeit ing one dollar silver coins. Shaw aud Smith arrived at Davenport's home which is about eight miles from this place, and made tho arrest. They also wade a search of his house, secured a lot, of counterfeit dollars, plaster moulds, solder, scraps of lead, pieces of an old boll and some brass; also a ladle used for melting the mix ture In for, the coins. ; They then brought Davenport to Lebanon and turned him over to Deputy U. 8. Mar shal Humphrey on Saturday. . Davenport was arranged before Justio Lovclee of: this - place as examination, and was bound mm ih he sum of $2,000 to appear be- lore the United States graud Jury. Being unable to furnish the bondB be was taken to the Portland Jail. ' 1 -,-. i I Mr. Humphrey left here on the six l,o'tlock train Saturday with the pris oner. Davenport baa served a term of ten years in the peuitentiary already for tlie same offence. " After his term was-out'he returned to this county and mariied the Widow Mills, after which he started a drugstore at Tan gent, but not making a success out of ft, he moved back on to his wife's farm which It located about eight miles from this place where he was arrested. Davenport la a man of education. He served a term in the army and was sssestant aergeon at Fort Klamath durihg the Modoc war. t It Is reported that there was several others Implicated with Davenport and that other arrests will soon follow. , N Sic,' of the treasury department tf Sail Francisco, laid the plain that led to the arrest of. Davenport and it is said that the evidence, is sufficient to convict him, . : ; - MAre Charged Wfith Counterfeiting. r - Last Tu'esdliy Joe Smith and D. D. Shaw went to Waterloo and arrested Lute and Andy Jennings on a charge of counterfeiting $5 and $10 gold pieces. They also bad a warrent for tne' arrest of Frank Jennings, but Frank' heard of H and came to Leb anon; a gave himself up. Shaw and Smith report having had some trouble fn arresting Andy, as lie drew a pistol and w as determined not to be arrested, but after a little strugle they over-powered him and brought him in. Upon arriving at Lebanoa they telegraphed the United State marshal of the arrest they had made, so ou Wednesday George Humphrey, deputy V. S. Mar shal and David B Murphey, V. S..dls- iriciauorney arnvea in Letmnon. The JeMiing boys have asked for a prelim inary here so, they are out now sum moning witnesses and their trial will probably be today before Justice Love- lee Willi D. R. Murphey assisted by A. F. Stowe,. representing theU. B., while J. K. Weathcrford pill appear f8r the defemv. It Is cniit Ihol. thsra lestroVig evidence against them. Re ports are, that there are other counter feiters around here and that other ar rests are sure to follow. ' " i - VttTaltsr Bass Bound Over. ' . Last Saturday at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at anxious' crowd of men and boys fiooked,'-1nto Justice Lovelee's court, ou Main street, eager to see and hear the developments in the cose of the State of Oregon, against Waller Bass, charged with having stolen a gold scar pin from the' vest of Charles O'Neill fan the 28th of December 1894. The Juttlco's court room was almost paektd to suffocation, before the hear ing began,' whereupon the court de cided to move its quarters t the Baud hall jn order to secure more room. The hearing consumed .the remainder of the day; The prosecuting witness Charles O'Neill claimed the plu that was stolen to be valued at $40. After hearing all the evidence, Justice Love lee thought there was sufficient cause to hold young Bass over to appear be fore the graud Jury aud fixed his .bonds at $300 In default of which be was confined in the county jail,' S, M. Ciarland appeared for tho state and Stowe and. Brown appeared for the defendant; .... ; , , - i'. , ir- 1 . " ' ! . '; ' Died. , j Densmore. Near Happy Home, Liuu county, Oregon, on Tbsrsday Cvenlug January $,"1,885. Johnpy, the little lutaut sou of Mr, aud Mrs. Lavfrcnco 4 peusuiwre. . .Aged two L- Oae more loved one Bweclly sleeping, ; tvui- nine juuiiny kuub oeiore. Aatl, if faithful we wul meet him Bafely ou tUje other shore, t Ys we know he's gone forever With the blest redeemer to dwell, Pvt how acl it is to sever Hearts, that we' have loved to well, Cften In the eve, we'll father Kpund the tireslde, dear and lone, Tlilnklngat we grlevo together Mi the loved h how gent home, 0r mart loreil out sweetly itaptnf, ,0.'- '' ijllng baby gone before, Ti, " ' tliuhitnt in mttia . Make tho PROSPEROUS ONE By buying your DRY GOODS, BOOTS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS . Read; Peacock & Co. LEBANON The New Time Table. Commencing the first of the year the following will be the time that the Lebanon and Albany trains will ar rive and leave each place. . The first train in the morning will leave Albany at 8:20 a. tn., arrivlug at Lebanon 9:10 a. m., leaving hern at 9:40 a. ni., and connecting with Wood- burn and Springfield branch train at Lebanon Junction from Washburn, ar riving at Albany 10:40 a. m. The evening train will leave Albany at 4:30 p. m., arriving here o;20 p. ni., depart ing 63 p. m., conecting with Wood burn and Springfield branch train at Lebanon Junction lor Natron and ar riving st 0:45 p. m. The new time card has some advant ages and some disadvantages. It -will suit some better than the old time table, while others, the old way auited best. Dwelling Burned, ; Last , Wednesday morning about nine o'clock, our little city was thrown into a state of excitement by the fire bell giving the warning of a fire. It was soon discovered that it was the Hart property,:, on Bridge avenue which Is now owned by Thomas Fwlng, apd occupied by Mr. Dell. : As the property was out of the reaou of water and the fire was under good headway before the fire company got there, the boys could only stand and watch It burn. It it supposed the fire started from a defective flue, but tye don't see bow it Is probable, at the building bad good new brick flues, but cannot advance any other theory. Mr. Dell got out the most of his things. The building cost about $750 when built, and was almost new. It was In sured for $800 lu the fioyal lusurauos company. . - " ' Look Out For Him, - . Our traveling agent Mr, J, L, Bow man, will be lu Lebauou about Jan uary 15, to take measures for tailor made clothing. He has a Urge line of new samples and yoq cannot afford to miss teeing thtin, Salem Woolen Mill store, Salem Oregon. ; ,. ,. ,Tht Republican - Club will meet at Union htll on Mon day evening January 14 at 7:S0 p. m. All members please attend Fbakk Nickehok, ..; President, ' . Cedar Pottt. PIrstelass cedar posts for sale cheap. Call on or address Walter Brown, Al bany office, at Frenobs't jswe'iy store or stt b. 4. Rlcksrsou aU.luou. Qr, im'i f'. fUi 1 895 " ' now year a SHOES and OF - OREGON SWEET HOME.- ' Snow covered the ground last Satur day night. 8chool Is progressing nicely undtr the management of C. F. Blgbee. roBtmoster Simons has a petition lo the legislature asking for a chango In the gums law, which has about 100 signers. ' There was three dances in 8wert Home last Friday night beside an. oyster supper, which did fMy well for one evening. (, ' A series of meejngs are being held at the Evangellnj church at this place. Rev. Plowman of Sodaville aud Mr VIcker.0f this place are holding a JS&ting at Foster. v We understand that while H.Grecn'g fiunijy was at ilinrch last Sunday a ooupfeof pups filled ten of his chick ens. 'lii pups no duubt eipeeted tl e preacher. ' . W, It. Douaea came home from east ern. Oregon to spend the llolladaya with his father, Obshrvm." - She and Hs, ' , She; John, who's that nice looking man we just pnasedV John: Why lhats Mr. A, he is wearing one of those tailor suits made by the Woolen Mill store. She, He is surely the best dressed man I've Been In town, and I see by the paper that their traveling agent will be here (In Lebanon), In a few days, aud you must be sure and see him and have your measure taken, To Divide the County. There will be a mass meeting of the legal voters of tho southern portion of Llnu couuty", on Monday evening January 7th, at the City Hall, North Brownsville, for the purpose of con sidering the feasibility of the division ' of Linn county. Representatives from every voting preBlnct in said portion of the county are expested to bo present, besides every voter Is re quested to come, as this Is an all im portant questlou. Brownsville Times. To Ills Son's Msraory, WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Ja,, . Governor Sylvester Pennoyer 4,- ' , : gonOias endowed Williams on,, with aseholarsbtp of $8,450 in memoir iX vt uis sou woo uieu uere nisi term, The money Is to be used for Hit sup. port of b needy and deserving s'uileuts, prefe.cnce being givtu to vtrgoii siuuouta WMu tuuu mv i coll go, slidiU." twtdittintt tiWmi tolls h'WW .. 1 :- .ifrtjSs at'ts ss"W hfm r v ..