VOL VIII. LEBANON OREGON, JANUARY 11, 1895. 41 V- TERM! OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year (If paid la advenes, II M per year.) Six montm..... .......................... 1 w Ths nwnths ...... ....i.... St lnlooil...,-....f..M""- -.-..- " STATE OFFICERS. J. K point;, 'I ...,..,..,.., ......Senators John H. Mitchell,! Mlneer Hrmnn, .......Congressmen Sylvester Femioyer, Governor (ieorge W. MoBride, Secretary ol State Phil Uetsohan Treasurer X. H. McElroy, Sup. Public Instruction Frank i). Raker,....,.......- .State Printer K. S. Sfahn. I " ' , Win. r. httiS .3apren Judges , K.8.BMH, I liOCKTt OFFICERS. Judge,,.. ...J.H- Bunosn t;ier ' , .K. Keedhsra JlecorifrZ"..."."..- n Sheriff, J.A.MO'eron School 8urinlendent, A. B. Eatherford Treasurer,.... a- MorrU .....,. W.r.DUi Surveyor T- Fu,w Coroner... Jy" I John Fugh Commissioners J. At. Waters CITY OFFICIALS. MAYOR.!... ...ire. B. MONTAGUE. RECORDER BTUWJC. CITY ATTOKNKY.......B. M. fJARLAKD. TREASURER ' HYI,K MARSHAL P.W.MORGAN. fED.KIU.KSBKRGER, , I J, G. RKBD. . OOTJNUILMEJI T. 0. BlTIW . 1 i). ANIKKWB. g, H. MYERS. - 10. W. KICK. City Council meets n tht nrsl end third Tuesday evenings of eeah month. Seoret eoclertleie. LIN TENT, He. 1. K. 0. T. M.-MMU In 0. A, m ii.i, ah (PhiiMrtuir Jivsnhll! Of MOU Week, Tnnttent Sir Knurlus us cordially Invited to lllll fciitmwiuil, J. k.tiMmm,Om, Cso. W. Rict, B, K. . . i i. i unv twins liirjOF. Ko. 4J4. 1. 0. 0 -Xu mt) MmJai witlnn it a. A. 8. Hill atso'elock. "". v. . Alius Santos, Sw'y. ... " -' .- LimANONWWlK.Ka.47i 1. 0. 0..-Mee every H.tunl., mmlm U Odd fellows flail, at o'clock p. m. ;. j w m,ES,i!.o. H. )I. GARI.ANU, Beefy. nvAiit mritltnru litflGE. NO. 47.1. 0. 0. J JaU,ntlU.O.f UsII But and third Wednes day mnlnjxiieMh month. MM. 0. W. CHUSUN, K. 6 HIM nATTIK UMMUN, Doot'r. i.miNirtiLonGItNo.! A.r.AA. k-Nl luirLr evening, on or before tin fall noon In .Mb mouth. K.1.A(ulia,w.M, F. H. MiUJts. see. . U EN'L II BIIKIS CAS!', So. 10. BWWon Of Ore Cn nf VntKruim Uttfll In U. A. H. HU T thttiirdity elnf. oxonnt the third Hawnl.VfOfeMlinioiiUi, mMUiig ine b " jlii hrothem of UmHoui of Vel um lun.w". rnjndoordtofthea.A.R.re eordlelly Invited to meet u A...-- A.TMmY.IintSrit. .... u u-vai uivtt. HO. 1. L. 0. T. M. uiksh. i. ...... VeeUonllinlM, h d Sth rrtdur erenlnt of oh month tuaOMt.etO. A- " T lent tdv HMMbeei ere oordlelli Invited to Ir ' A.A.nvM,Mri.K uuSai.ti.uu, Udir Com. PROFESSIONAL, Sam'l M. Garland, .TTORNEV- AT - LAW LEBANON. ORKION. Weatherfori & Wyatt, ,vTORNEYS-AT- LAW, 'IXBiyOREOON. W'.R BILYEU, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ALBANY, OEEGOK. W. SBOWJf, , Atto'iiey.at-Law. 1 LEBANON, ORECON. " NotlO Of UlSMOlUtlOllt K otloe is hereby glvon that the oopartner ship heretofore existing between W. C. Peterson and A. Omphrey, under the firm name of Peterson dt Pmphrey, doing real "estate and insurance business at Lebanon, Oregon, Is hereby dissolved by mntusl con nt, Mr. tmplirey having illsposed of bis 'nteroattofl. B. Ross. All scoountt due Vlrm of Peterson Uinpurey are pays. mdaysfOgtoliw.liM "As old as tho hills" and never excell ed Tried and proven" is the verdict of millions. Simmons Liver Been- y . . lator is the fP ffJf only Livsr JLfCfilCf ftnd Kidiey : medicine to . which yon can pin your CTJ for a nan mild laxa tive, and purely , veg etable, act n7 ing directly rl 1 1 C on Liver JL ; and Kid- neya. Try it " gold by all DmggisU in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made intoi tea. The Kht( sf Lrver Medlelnei. hnve tied yourHlininoniLlr&r Rem ittal &nd CitQ oonKolffntlfitmlT av It I. the klne ufull tver medlelnee, 1 eunwldor It t BBdiolneMiealln lteeir,-un. W. j(kc mm, jnouiiia, wuuinvttm. r-oxKT rACKAopet i tho E Itjuaus la ft , . Notice. All persons known tkeinselres In debted to me will please call sod settle at once as I need my money. Ed Kellenbekcikb. KARL'd CtOVER ROOT will purify yonr Blood, . clear your oom pleotlon, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell.' 25c., &0c- and $1.00. Bold by N. W. Smith, Insure your property with Peterson, Boss & Co. They are aneuts for the Old Reliable, Home Mutual, New gealaud, Bprloefield of Uaaatcbusetts, Continental, aud oilier guvd, reliable oompaules. They also have money to loan at 8 per cent, in sums from 200 up. The Woman's Era Within Her Sphere She Reigns Supreme. Woman claims her own. Her field wideni constantly. Every day brightens bet prospect. Her progress fore shadows the greater triumph at hand. Emancipation and equality will be hers ia the years to eome. Prophetic of final victory were her achievement! at the World's Fair. At her shrine there erected the nations bowed. The leston taught at the "Woman's Building" will last "till time shall be so more.". Their enlightening influence will be felt around the globe throughout the dawning century, Only lest memorable were the honors gained at the Fair by Dr. Price's Crensn Ditilnj Powder ,. The higastt wrd wztomi t tbii ptelest prpar ' How's Tbiel We oAer One Hundred Dnllart Reward for any con of Cuterrh tint cennot bo cured by Hall' Calerrh Cure. F. I. CHENEY & CO., props,. Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. i. Cheney for the Uet IS yean, and believe him perfectly honorable in all biislnc. traneaction and financially able to carry out any obligation rnmlc by their Arm. Wm Tmjax, Wholesale Druggiets, Toledo, 0. i ' Walsimo, Kram & Masvij, Wholenale Druggists, Toledo, 0, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Testimo nials free. A Cure for Rheumatism. For rhueinatlsm I have found noth ing equal lo Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It relieves tbe pain as soon as applied. J. W. Young, West Liberty, VV. Va. Tbe prompt relief It affords is alone worth many times the cost, 50 cents, Its ooutiiiued use will effect s perman ent cure. For sale by N: W. Smith PrggesL The Boy Recovered. Any one who bai children will rejoice with L. B. Mulford, of Plain field' New Jersey. His little boy five years of age, was sick with croup, For two days and nights be tried various remedies reuommended by friends and neighbors. He says: "I thought sure I would lose him. I had seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertiwd and thought I would try it a a last hope, and am happy to say that after two doses he slept until morning. 1 gave It to him next day and a cure was effected. I keep this remedy In tbe bouse now and as soon as any of my children show signs of croup I give It to them and that Is tbe last of the croup.", For sale by N. W. Bmltb, druggist. CAHTAIN SWEENEY, XT. & A, San Diego, Cal. says: "Sbiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy Is (lie first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Prloe Mo.- Bold by N. W. Smith. STORMS IN THE EAST THE RIVERS RAPIDLY RISING. Several Railroad Bridges Washed Away : anp Much Damage Is Threatened Excessive Rains. PITTSBURG, Jan. 7.-There is a possibility of a flood II the river contin ues to rise any length of time at the present rate. A large amount of ice is coming out of the Yougbiogheny, and at McKeesport the little steamer Tillie, was sunk. The Ice is all coming down the Allegheny and coffer dam at Har ris is In danger. A twenty-five foot stage in the Ohio river is expected here, and river men fear it will reach thirty feet. Twenty-five feet will flood the mills along tbe river aud cause damage to property. Thirty feet Is considered the danger line. It bus been raining all night. BELLAIBE, O., Jan.7.-Tbe In- dlcatlons today are tbe great flood of 1894 will be repeated. The river Is rising rapidly. The ice In tbe Ohio river and tributaries broke up and ran out lust night. Several barges were lost Two bridges on the Cleveland Lorslne at Wheeling railway were washed away. TraffJo on the road Is completely blocked. All the snow has melted and la gone. The low land will be flooded by tomorrow morning. The psople are moving to higher ground. ... . e 1 THE ADMIMSTUAIIOK SCOKED. Bland 8ays the Demooratle Party iei uereat Throngh Fraud and i Treahery. . WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-Debale on tbe currency bill in the house today was begun by Boatner, democrat, of Lonleaana, who expressed suprise at tbe oppewi lion to the measure on the democrats aide of the bouse. He paid a tribute to the abilities' of Secretary Carlisle, aud. dwelt upon the duty of supporting him. which he said rested upon the democrats. In tbe course of Boatner's speech Bland put several questions to show that tbe administration had adopted a gold policy, and finally declared Its financial platform was a fraud if there was no intention to carry it out, as sertlng that a platform should mean something. Boatuer asked if Bland had not been a supporter of President Cleveland in the last -campaign, whereupon Bland responded that be bad supported the platform and had voted for tbe candl. date, and tbe party bed gone down in an ignominious defeat forks treachery and fraud. " - Pence brought up Secretary Carlisle's advocacy of silver while a member of the house in suppnrtlnglilutthows' res olution, and asked if soon aft-r accept ing the treasury portfolio he bad not announced bis lutenllou of paying some of the government's obligations ;n sliver, and if be bud not been "cat led down." Boatuer replied that It was unless to revive free silver as factor of the currency question. . Bland retorted: "You can't run the demo cratio party on republican lines, and uo mugwump can change its policy." Nebraska's Governor Seated. LINCOLN, Neb., Jun. 4.SIlos A, Holoomb was formally induced into the office of chief executive of the state of Nebraska yesteeday afternoon at o'clock. The inauguration ceremonies were of the simplest and most inform' al charcter, Tbe gubernatorial party went to the cupitol and remained in the executive apartments until notified by tbe committee from the joint eon veutiou that the legislature was pre pared to listen to the message of the outgoing governor, The galleries and lobbies oi representative Hall were packed with tbe throngs of peopli long before,,,, S o'clock. Governor Crounse's message was of more than usual length aud occupied more than an boui iu Its delivery. After be had fiuisbed, a committee escorted Chief Justice Norval to the ball and the oath of otiloo was administered to Governor Holoomb and tbe other stats officers. Governor Holoomb then proceeded with his inaugural message, field Under the Hammer. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 6.-Tbe Morning Call, one of tbe oldest news pnpef on tbe PaciQo coast, was sold at auction yesterday afternoon by United States Commissioner Heaoock, aotlng maie.'sln ehai eery, to Chsrlee M 6hoi'tri)go7c1Itor of the San Joss llerourv &, umiXKiS. Tbs sals of tbe euiv i 1... tftwpousv UUUJ 1111 new Salvation Army's Drums.' BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 0,-Tbe ruprcme court has decided that the Salvation army may not beat drums indiscriminately. Tbe celebrated case of John H. Flaherty, the Helvetian army drummer, who some time ago came In contact with the authorities of Redlands for violating an ordinance prohibiting the beating of drums, was yesterday determined in favor of the city by the supreme court. There was dissenting opinion by Judges Harrison, De Haven and Fllzgeruld. Flaherty was convicted ef beating his drum on the traveled streets without a permit, which bad been refused , him. The contention of Flaherty's at torneys was that tbe ordinance was unconstitutional. The decision orders the dismissal of the writ of habeas corpus and the return of, Flaherty to the custody of the town marshal. The Train Dispatcher Censured. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 0. The In quest on tbe three victims of yester day's tralnwreck In the Altamont tun nel, was held in Oakland last night. The evidence in the case, was short. It took the jury, however, nearly two tours to agree upon, a .verdict At II o'clock it found that Engineer Hub bard came to his death from injuries received as tbe result of a collision be tween two trains, caused by a mistake In giving orders by C..K. Sims,itrain dispatcher for the Southern company. Tbe same verdict was rendered lu tbe cases of Schramm and Cooper.' The jury at first could not agree on a mod' erate verdict. Some , of tbe jurors wanted to find Sims guilty of criminal carelessness. The majority was against this, however. School Clerk's Suicide. PENDLETON, Or., Jan.S.-Beports were brongbt to town this afternoon that W. 0. Warren, living six miles from Pendleton, shot himself as offic ers were arreetlng'hiin for embezzle ment. Warren was the clerk of the school district at Warren station, and was short $50. He had been sued, to recover the money, and then criminal action was Instituted. The showing on bis books left no hope for acquittal. He was a wheat buyer, a wealthy far mer and a delegate to the last state re publican convention. This Is the third suicide here In the last ten days. A Baker City Bobbery BAKER CITY, Or., Jan. 4. Mr. P. Campbell's store, at the depot, was last evening, visited by three masked men, who with drawn revolvers, ord ered tbe proprietor to open the safe and deliver over tbe money. The command was obeyed and tbe contents amounting to $5, were handed over. Two of them being Mexican pieces, were returned. Mr. Campbell bad Bent a large Sume of money on the evening train to Union, in payment for a shipment of flour, which aocoun. ted for tbe snntll haul. , . He Was Trobably Mardered. SPOKANE, Wu.p Jan. 5.-r-There I now a Btrong presumption that John Wall, the Warduer ralner, whose death lu a lodglnghouse here was first thought to be suicidal, was murdered. The autopsy showed that one of tbe bullets pawed through both veutrlcles of the heart, tearing tiiat ojgan to pieces. The other shattered the skull and sent pieces Into the brain. It Is not believed that Wall could have II red either shot after the other, Wall wag a union miner and had made some bitter antagonists. His Body Thrown Thirty Feet. CHICAGO, Jan, 4.-Today while carrying over his shoulder a gunny sack containing ten ' cartridges filled dynamite and weighing 36 pounds, James George, au employee at stone quarry in the western suburbs of this city, stumbled and fell. A fright ful explosion followed, the shock of wjgch was felt a half mile away iu either direction, and the unfortunate man mangled and torn, was thrown 30 feet through the air. Only frag ments of his body were recovered. A Woman Mangled by sTralau ASHLAND. Or.. Jan 6.-Nortb. bound passenger train No. IS arrived here about 8:20 A. M. 11 hours late. When the train was admit niifa miles from here, a lady, Mary JTatuL, vas missed from m of" Yinrs. The ' HTS. lady was slciJ ' supposed Yr wbllo V- 'ltb V.. 31. to to have wall' dellrlor the Ul. Search aVouttt kw.' ; Kidnappers, ' LEBANON, Ind., Jan. ; cltement occasioned by t , ping of the 6-year-old so, Wlckbam, of Thornton, and , Is still Intense. Ills captors pi, be an organized band of bandits, j In number, who have been a ten' this community for many mo These officers who were In pum the fleeing outlaws, came upon.-t.-cOi In a thicket two miles north of 'their - 1 rendezvous. The bandits at once Cook . to their heels and a running fight en- . .' sued, but no one was bit. Bold Robbery. ELLENSBURO, Wu.,Jan.5.Tho ' ' most daring robbery since the Roslyn ! affair took place 'here lost night be tween 7:30 and 9:30 o'clock. The office of Henry McGratb, of the Good Temp- V are for this stale, was entered, the ante blown Open and $628 taken. It was all lodge money but $90. He ., : . turned to his office at 9:80 amllfou tbe safe open aud rifled, the oom bit tton having been blown oft. The su position is that nltro-glyctrine w. pumped into the safe and exploded. " Killed liy Bleetriclt. ... ' TACOMA, Wr., Jan. S.-Two thow. and volts of electrislty passed through ? reutrfeterson, day electrician at I he city light station, this morning. It miea nnn like, a lightening stroke. In making changes on the switch board be grasped two plugs at the same lime, his thumbs touching them too far up, and on tbe ueninsulaleit portion. There was a flash and he ' fell back dead. ' He had been in the employ of the company six years. It was his own carelessness. Big Baltimore Blase. BALTIMORE, Jan. 6.-The ex- plosion of nn oil tank In a warehouse of tbe Standard Oil Comintny, at Canton, tonight, caused a loss by fire or $400,000. Tbe explosion occurred at 7:30 o'clojk. The burulug oil ran ; In streams down the gutters, commu nicating the Are to tbe adjoluinj, perty.andiu a few mluutes a whole ' " block of buildings was a maws of flames. TACOMA, Wu Jan. 6,-Mrs Marie Jasons. who was IiIIImI kv witri,, aiv a train near Ashland, Or., yesterday, ' waa me possessor of a romance, a i - handsome home In the North End and other property estimated to be i' worth nearly $250,000. Five years ago ber first husband, Mr. Bernhardy, died. Her heme adjoined the inter- . - -, state fair (he was a frequent visitor . there.,.' . Malicious Snowballing. OREGON CITY, Jau. 4.-Two boys ware arrested here today for malicious snowballing. One was charged with putting a brick la his snowball and assaulting a Chinaman with it, but, byasllp In inakiug out the complaint, the offense was allpHmul In hava Wi, commuted in 1894, and the jury ac quitted tho youngster. On tbe other boy, sentence was suspended during : good behavior. , Sleeves Colltj or Mwalauhtir. . PORTLAND, Or.Jau. S.After being out 14 hours b jury In tho Steeves murder trial brought In a verdict at 1:30 today of manslaughter for complicity In the murder of G. W. Sayers. The oase will be appealed to tbe supreme court. Eight of the jury were at first in favor of a verdict of murder in tbe first degree, but finally compromised on manslaughter. An Editor Assaulted. LEXINGTON, Ky., Jan. 4,-Yes-lerduy Col. Shelby, law partner of Col. Breckinridge, assaulted Editor Charles C. Moore, of the Blue Grass Blade, with a cane, breaking t over bis head, He then tore out a bunch of Moore's whiskers. George 8. Shanklin, an other lawyer aud Breckinridge sup porter, accompanied Shelby and looked ' ou while he assaulted the editor. . PORTLAND, Jan, B.-The 0, R. i N. Co's. officials are considering plans for bringing into greater prominence -the mountain polntsaon their liuea summer resorts. With this end lr view It is not improbable tbe co wl 11 go to consldeifeile . M v . making tbe necessary imp : t i to fit up such a resort for ne ' ' ou Mount Huod, Wife and Son Saw Him Drawn, SAN FRANCISCO, Jau. I.-James V, Kitly, who wat standing tes tB(. forward fall of Ui fer'boai Oakland, last nigiu, vtu ifctva-erkKr4 by w, u, rnsRBM Vv ' "9 af " (j , ' f' j"feJ8lt3 ' Y A. -A