VOL VIII. LEBANON OREGON, DECEMBER 14, 1894. NO. 42 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. onrt r"00 If oataiuadveuae.Sl toparycuj mi onllM.. - 1 J Tkneaumibs tlojM oopl.. , STATE OFFICERS. 1. K Polpli, ...Senators l..l.n H Mitchell Binder Hermann, .- Cowrreaaroan 8ylet Pennoyrr Governor Onw W. ilcBrtde,....,....8ecretary ul Slate Fkii Mlchn,.. Treasurer I. B. atcKlroy Bupt, Public Institution Frank il Baker............. -..State Printer K. S. St-ahn, 4 :;. Wm. J Lord,!- - Buprcme juiIkps, IL H. Bran, I . . ; COUNTY OFFICERS.- Judae Clerk,--.-. Recorder,.. ,..J. Duncan N.fceedlftm F. Hordfr.an Hhcrlir, ,.J. A. McFrroh 'i School Superintendent,.....,. K. Rutherford Treasure. N" Aeseswr, Hunreyor,. ,W. F. Diitkins ,.,.E. T. T. FLdicr 1...E. A. Jayne Caranef,..-....... ..- I,.l.n 1'tll.h Commkmlonere, ) J. m. YVatrra CITY OFFICIALS, MAYOR C.B.MOXTAGIE. -A. P.. STOW K ' ITY ATTORNEY B. M. GAtlLAM). TRKASUBEK J. F. HYDE. umaxil. . r. w.muuuas. f KD. KBMJSXBKRUKU, J, O. ItKKI). COTMC1LMBK i'VtllEWli, - .. P. H. MYI'.KS, .... IO.W.K1CB. City Council niecte en 1' BnlJ thir(1 Tueaday everilnp of each mouth. Sec rat Societies. ...... . it ft T. M.-.Maots In G.X. B IU m TlwnAw eeenlus of .Ml" " TniKtont llr Knwhti an oordlnllT tavUed to Milne TeaSewetlof. s .. . , . j. a. um om, cn.fr. Bio. B.K. 'i n " I " " """ LtSAXOS CMOS LOW, E. N0.4M. I.O.O.T. .Hag trtrr Homlir oroiinc " O- & Hatt ..I . J.B.UUIU, C.JV AuouSiamK, lee'f. La.ABONL0DaB,K0., 1,0. O.r.-Meett My aenudar etenliur u Ml Fullowi Hen, t I. W. MKOTHS, K. 0, J, B. BARUlfU, Booty. FBiBlBBWWf LODOB, NO. 47, IrO. 0. F. SUeun l.O.O rllall Unit sod third Wedues for eveBbueefeaeamotti. 4 MKS. 0. W. CKl-SOK, . 0. ' BISK BATT1E KSlraOH, SMl'f.. LKBANOK L01KIEN0, U A.F. A. u.-mmu i ejauuday eretupf , ou w .mj kBMAtb. B. E. lunges, W. M, t. B. Hiun. &ec. Vi'BBBX BHOQB CAMP, No. IS, DItMoii of Ore faa, Koui ef Velemue-Meet in a. A. B. Ml, ,r Heurtey ewalng, pt tlie third laiafdayefeeoa month, moetluc tlie third Fri day huue4. All biolhen of Hie 8oin of VM faaiaod ounrade.uf the O, A, It. ins cordially " "u ,he a. cam, w. A.Tuonv, flntftst. , . BINAB.WB8T HIVE, NO. 1, L, 0. I, M. Ktettoa the ad, tb and 6th Friday evening of aflh mouth at 7)0 P. U. at Q. A, K. Hull. Trail " aient Udy Uaorahect are airdlully luritcd to tusd. ' . A.A.llvun, IjidyE.K. CaUB ttmaaaa. Lady'Colll. PROFESSIONAL. Sam'l M. Oakland. ATTORNEY- AT - LAW. LEBANON. OEE00N. - 1 ..-n i t WeathBrforfl ft Wyatt, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. - . W.R BlLYEU, 4 ATTORNEY - AT- LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. - F. M. BROWX, Attorney-at-Law. ' LEBANON, OREGON. Afotloe of JlttoluUon. jS'utiee is hereby given that tlie copartner ship heretofore eslnting betweon W. t). Petereon and A. Umplirey, under ho firnuf nanieofretereon A Uniphrey, doing real atats and Iniurunce business at Lei, anon, Oreion, Is hereby dlnolvwi by mutunl con sent, Mr. llupbrey having dispoeed of bit lritenit to K. II. Koas. All sccounti due altl firm of Peterson t Omphroy are psySKiL bwM W. O. retenon uo beooiuei respon atle for all indebtedoeii of laid firm. 1 elS, IUh 1Mb dsy of Ootolisr, iM, V, 0, rituttox, Ai VsVBMfi "Aa old as theLi!ls"and never excell ed. "Tried and proven H is the verdict of millions, Simmona , Liver Bcgu- tt - . lator is the Af?r?only Liver MJCl'lVf and Kidney 1 " medicino to - t, which 7 o u , can pin your fyT faith for a mild laxa tive, and purely veg- ' " etable, ?H T 7J 'nS directly , -' C on the Liver JL tltd- and Kid- , ' tney8. Tryit Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powdef to be taken dry or made into a tea. . TU King of Llvr Medietas. " I bnf b oed joiir8lmmon Liver Kp J Istoi n4l oun uimmitentiuuHly my it 1. the kin ol all liver mt'dicloee, I oonelder It ft medlelKc choi't In lUelf.-Olo, W. JAV uk, 'XutHJiua, Wtuhtugtoa. WKVCBT rACKAQE-f Baa tie Z Statu ! red oa TrrraTaTm. TATE AND COAST. TUn frcrrt tjur EsclnneB Thn?uh. out the Northwest. . Three foit officsh Mtowhai fallen 11 81klvus. I A Newlmrg mnu It pulling out 1,200 pounds oi pfnch-iin. Bull in 'u Building 4 Loan Awocialion lias uK.'lls now of over 1100,000. - I'. II. r.cclJf. f, of Oakland, hot turned off f 12,000 worth of bogi thli ..11 1 Thirty sfVfn carloada of potatoes have luen shipped from Jefferecn Ibil full. - -- -r; Xhore 1 some tulk at Dallas of the reopening of the woolen mill now Idle. New berg expects to have telephone connection with McMlnnvllle In sixty day " Diplluria Is bud at Elgin, but is quaruutlnccl by Mute stretched lu the streets. ' , Tlie rriueville Review Ubf pjeoe of reuoully tullen aerolite for a paper weight. The South Oiegon Monitor has appeared nt Medford, Charles E. Wol coit, editor. A new town st the Rogue river's mouth, opposite Gold Beach, Is called New Haven. " Central Point horsemen will cele brate Christmas by working off a race a race programme of fouroveuts. The Seattle Post Intelligent has purchased lilt) Telegraph, thus doing sway with one paper In that city. OFFICIAL OBTBB WORLD'S FAIR AWARD , Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. ' ' . ,. '.. t John Boyd Thacher, Chairman of the Executive Committee on Awards at the Col- umbiah Exposition, writing from Washington D. G, to the Price Baking Powder Company, says: ; , " herewith ttuhse yu en official topy ef ftur award, which in iu time, mill tt intcrilid in th Vijhm, and forwarded tt your eddrtit, unlist tthtr- , mst indicattd by you," ' , ' . Thus are the honors awarded Dr. Price's Baking Powder at the World's Fair fully verified. On the other hand the claims to awards at the Fair by a New York Baking Powder are "proven wholly false. Official records show it was not even an exhibitor. . Was . tt because It contained Ammonia W. P. Dawson, of Salem, Is doing thirty days for wlfe-beatlng, Bears are unusually fat and plenty In the Curry. county woods this winter. Many are caught In traps. , A combined grist and saw mill Is going in on Elk river to meet the needs of Rogue river and Port Orford. R.D. Hume Is notifying his Gold Beach tenants they must psy up or move, otherwise he will prosecute them. A. J. Bhelton, of Jordan, Populist candidate in June for Sheriff of this county, H going to Morrow county to live. T-epresentatlve Ehulrum, of Uma tilla, is preparing a bill forbidding the further sale of narrow-tired wagons. Eastern Oregon .apoitsinen are to meet at La Grande December 22d to devise a game law for submission to the legitflu'urs. Baptisms by In mersion at Coquille City arc conducted In the ifver oppo. site the water 'front to large aud admiring Sunday afternoon eottgre. gallons. , The next bond sale of prominence hereabouts Is that of the Astoria water commission, set for February 10th. The bonds are In amount (200,000, and run for thirty years at five per cent. R. Garrlton, who has just turned over tho contract for carrying the mail between the depot and postofflce at Eugene to a succesjtor, has per rbrruei. the service daily since Angust 1690. The Tygli ridge cattle have an epidemic among them again. This time they call It the "blind staggers," for want of a more accurate term, and many are dying of IL Tbe ali-months-cld baby of J. Q. Hales and wife, of Adams, Umatilla county, died tbe other night while its parents, lying by it, were asleep. The left side of the body had turned entirely black from some unknown causer" 1 ' '' - i Some people, In Mountain valley, Umatilla county, did a good deed jn observance of Thanksgiving, The home of W. Ray was destroyed by Are, tbe loss being $750, and all his neigh bors turned out and rebuilt his house. Some boost' of large mining pipe liavlng recently been made in Eastern Oregan papers, the La Urande Chron icle ofiVrs iu evidence that used at Catnp Carson, on the Grapd Ronde, some of which is thirty Inches lu diameter. Down on Brushy Ball cteck, In Curry couuty, one day last week, the two Miller boys came upon an old fat bear aud killed bim. He was sur rounded by tbe remains of (our Urge bogs, freshly killed, and evldeutly borne by blm to bit lair. A hobo on Monday morning's train tried to get out . from under the coach while the c trs were leaving West Fork. His fo,t was caught by a wheel and bis toes pinch"! olf. He crawled to brakeueau auiu and rods to O'en. NOTICE TO dale where the train hands took him. IB and brought bim to this city. Dr. Kramer cut oft the mangled toes. The unfortunate young man stood his sgonies like a hero. The state pays the expense. Grant's Pass Courier, Mr. Beth McAlester second son of Dr. A. E. McAlister, bus been elected to the position of awtlstaul In the department of analytical chemistry at the state university. Mr. McAlister is an exceptionally studious young man and tils appointment Is very gratifying to, his many friends. Eugene Register. There arestlll noclues to the manner In which J. D. Masten, of Union county, met bis tragic death Iq his house recently. He was shot by some oue, whether purposely or accidentally may never be known, but it is thought an overburdened conscience will at last bring forth the truth', There is prospect for lively times on Rogue river during tho next year. The Alaska Packers' amoclation have decided to have a cannery in operation iu time for next spring's fishing, aud It Is quite probable Hume will also build a' cannery. The Alaska Com pany will build at the Bngnell ferry, Which is considered the beat location ou the river for a cannery. B. R. Daniels was arrested nt Till amook last week, at the instigation of A. Anstlll, charged with violating the fijli law. He was taken before Justice Siiiitlij where to pleaded guilty, and was fined tifty dollaa. Mr. Daniels was out trolling for salmon,' not knowing the law prohibited cafch lug ' fish lu that way in this season. The Headlight plainly says that the prosecutlou was spite work. The Port Orford Tribune has meager reports of a duel on tfs.il ajnug Pistol liver, between Jamas Averill and James Starr. They met on the trail It appears and, on account of some old feud, Starr began to shoot. Sev eral thots were exchanged and Starr finally disappeared. This is Averill'. story, who weut to' TjulaTTSeach and gave himself up. Search tiga. been made for S(sjr, m for without avail. The Salem Post U making a eon" tlderable stir over young man .who was eugaged to two young women at the same time. That la nothing. Orvllle Van Burea Thompson, a man of thirty, ef Chicago, it bas just been learned was engaged to four young ladles at tlie same time, using tbe same diamendrlug for each, ant besides having a wife and two childreu. The Salem clerk Is most emphatically "not in It." Tbe Salem Journal notice one c( Linn county's seuators aa follows Senator Johnson, of Linn comity, la lu the city for a few days. He is a riaiug, Intelligent Republican from the forks of the Sanliani, a native Orcgonlan and a succeseful business man. Mr. Johnson is probably the youngest man In the seuate, but he is a quiet and determined rustier, of a family that have made an Impression upon the history and developement of our own state In whatever they have undertaken. A' Although notified, the Southern Pacific railroad company failed to appear and show cause why their assessment should not tie raised, therefore tlie county commissioners court l.ai increased their asseeergpntA oil the main line of their track In Laue county, -4,005 mllia, from 3,500 per mile as assessed, to HOOO. This will Increase the total assessable property of the county 120,375; Last year the company paid on the track at the rate of $4,003 pet mile. Eugeno Guard. , Gaifleld Sutton, aged fourteen, and William Huntley, aged sixUten, who were brought here from Drain by Disciplinarian F. N. Bryant, of tlie Slats Retorm School, are still here and will remain uutll Mr. Bryant returns from Roseburg, where be weut yes terday to look for young Shortell, another runaway. The boys were found near Cotnstook. Two other escapes, Wilbur Davey aud Patsey Mooney, are said to be In Lane county, tut no trace of them bus been found. Eugeue Guard. Tbe coroner's Jury Inquiring into tbe explosion at the quarry on Coos river lost week, by which one man lost bis life, found a verdict that the accident was due to tbe criminal care lessness of Superintendaut J.'G. West. There have been several acoideuts of a similar nature due to oarelessueas at tbe same quarry, aud the verdict and probable lawsuit therefrom will cause those having tbe work In charge to take greater precautions hereafter for lb iafsfjr af tbe tw ployed. - COUNTY COURT. , County Judge J. N. Dnjiran and Com missioner ,T. M. Watera ami I. W. PiiRh Lave been for two days trammeling the reg ular monthly business of tlio county const. A. J. Jaruogan was appointed iustice of the peace for District No. 8. Upon ballot a free Bcliolarsliio was granted Miss, Lulu Lindwy to the State AKnrtiiiiinnnjoiicge. The following; bills wore allowed : G 0 Oooleyaid Mrs. Clark 6 00 Aid,Kcrinrlliy family 10 00 W K.Bavago, aid Cox ', fo 00 R V Kemp, aid ... 5 00 Elisabeth Osborn. aid. .;.,. 6 00 Sarah Hines, aid s 00 Mattie Taylor, aid 12 00 Mrs O F Junkcy, aid.. 8 00 John Usher, janitor. 10 00 Aid Onn Watson j oO Aid Mr and Mrs Barnard 5 00 Aid Henry Meyers,. 6 00 J A McFeron sheriff. ICS 65 N Neetlbani, clerk kit, qs D FHardman, recorder.,. s 150 00 J N Duncan, judge Z 100 00 Pi Morris, treasurer. 83 35 A R Rutherford, aupt 60 00 FM Kedfleld, den clerk 83 35 Q E Proap, dep sheriff. flrj 05 Glass & Frudhorame, bks g 50 Dr w H Davie, acct insane 6 on Oregan vs Aanderoon and Sharp.;... 33 80 Geo Henshaw, roads..... ..,, 1 go Oregan va Walter Downs 28 20 R O Wigle, roads : 4 nn J 1. Berry, bounty ; j 55 J B Tillotson, bridges... jjjj 00 Aid F E Robinson ... 10 00 Sloper Co, roads ...t.... ' g 95 P, W. Morgan ,,..,. t 23 00 R M Moses, roada ', . 9 98 A R Rutherford, acct aupt El 00 K R W'sir 4 Sort, roads 2 32 Aid Mrs M E Davis 14 rsi J D Burkhart acct poor..., "87 a r, oicuwain, am poor. , u go WmJlickinger, acct poor 4 00 W W Crawford,,...,,..,,, bj u John Fjeldj, lumber,...,.,.", 31 91; Albany Electric LighrCo " 22 50 P G Morris, stationary 1 85 Was Ht John, bridge 47 30 Read, Peacock & Co, aid Emma Coal 9 00 H B Moyer, lumber. 17 99 Stewatti Sox, roads .......,.. ' 1 25 A R Rutherfor, postsa. a on Jlary.Jleenif.iiy aesiio4r.?fJSr-" 8 00 u r j'anneis, roaue.. q 00 Bill of Win Brenner $18.35contlnucd; also or Stafford dt Gonett, $21.00 Petition for appointment of II II Chance, justice of the acc. not granted. . Petition of-J W Gaines ct al, for county road granted. 4 Bill of John Sclimeer, case of fa-nnk Peck, $26, dismissed. . t , The following bills were allowed : J M Wiley, acct roads,,,,..,,,.,,,, t 95 B M Payne, sundries gioo Ben C Irwin, books 3.1 60 Ben C Irwin, books ,., 37 00 Oregan va Frank Peek.. 30 10 Oregan vs R H Chaplain , 35 75 llarrisbnrg Lumber Co...r. .., . 84 10 W Willla, roada 7 60 J A McFerop, board and statiouay 14 80 C L Morris, deputy sheriff 8 40 Mathews 4s Washburn, court house 6 81 Portland hospital, poor... , 23 u4 E E Montague, roads n 08 Albany Iron works, bridges 18 SO Senders & Sternberg, roads 25 0Q A n 1 arson, roans , 7 61 G W Young & Co, roads 1; 95 P Mf Spinks, lumbor ., 47 so G V Blandish, deputy slieriir. 4 60 Stltos i Nutting, printing, 3 so Conn t Riiettner; bridges 213 00 Crunie & Davis, roads 9 70 W A Kimscy, roada 17 38 D F Hardinan, deputy recorder,,.,,. IS 00 C W Watts, printing. , si 60 fj F Smith election , g 09 G C Brown, acct.poor 2 IB L Poison, Jan(tar,, , ' 19 40 Q W Oruson, roads 4 55 Ladies Aid Society, poor , ., 20 65 G G Belts, roads ,......... 12 60 R G Watson; poor..; , is 60 J W Pugli. per diem.: 12 00 J M Walters, per diem.., jg 40 J M Walters, bridges 14 10 The services that have been In pro gress for several weeks under tbo auspice for the First Presbyterian, Cumlieriaud Presbyterian and South ern MelhoiUst churches nre proving a blessing to this cotumunily in causing saint and sluuer to look more 00 ro fully into the word of God and see whut is necessary that each do his part in the all Important work of bringing all that will come Into the favor and services of the Master, No "Sensations" or "New Methods" of procedure have been employed or dcvelopsd en the ministers at work, but the plain truth ful preachitg ot God's word, and the audiences Jiave always manifested a patient and earnest walling upon the preaching of the word. Excitement has not been known in tbe meetings, but much sincere and sober thinking is Ulug done. Dr. Guyune will be here tonight and will comlnue to preach every, night for one week; The Dr. is conceded to be one of the best If not the beat preacher upon tlie Pacific Coast. Be sure and do not fail to hear him vry night, pr, Price's Cream Baking Powitt AvpSefMe tm eWtlsw t, Its Ma THE OREGON PACIFIC. Comments Concerning the Approach:ng , .uure win oe Biaaers. Tho Corvnilis Times Says poaitivn assurance is had Hint at leiwt one bidder will be on hand at the cumins Oregon.Paciftc ab. This Is certainly encouraging news. If any reasonable bid Is made itt the coming sale, it should be confirmed. Failure to do will be a serious blow to the road, the jjicdltors and to the state. The Corvallis Times says: In iin of the fact that the Montana peopla nave signed a contract to bu:ld tlie railroad from, Globe to Astoria, thoy are still swinging around, tlie circle of tho Oregon Pacillo, Tuesday Mr. E. Stono and D. L. Smith arrived in town aneY remained until, yesterday, when they took the 0. P. train for Aibauy. Smith is a civil cnginetr, identified with the Bonnef and Ham mond people, and Mr. Stone is the tnau'who has been over the O. P. several times recently. The first ex amined surveys, maps, etc., of the general office and the other took ac counts of the earnings and espensi s of tho property. Mr. Stoue admitted frankly that his penple were lookiug overibe property to see whar could bo done wjtli it, and said that ho wou'd lie In Corvallis on tlie 21st, which happens to lie the day befons the sale. After eiguiug a contract involv ing the outlay of a couple of millions In the construction of the Astora road A. B. Hammond, of the Montana eyudicate,sald lo'an Oregoninr! re porter, relative to the Oregon Pacific: "I do not wish to say anything about my Intentions in that matter. I con sider it a good speculation and who ever purchases it will secure a first class property that, cost several mill ions. The last time it was sold It brought $200,000, but It is bard to say wk.. 11 ...111 L.I . .1.;- . . m, wuul it win uuug ai luis aaie. 1 tie close observer of human nature will argue, concerning Mrt Hammond's remarks,' that if he had no designs on ItlAfl Tl ha ,unM .1 .' porter ill plain English that he didn't want It. a WKALTU Of LINN COUNTY. ' Assessor Deakins has completed the footings of tlie assessment -roll ot Linn countf and hat forwarded the same, to the secretary of state. The summary is as follows: '. Acres of cultivated land 192,301 Value of cultivated land $2,378,585 , Value per acre $12.84 Acres unimproved land 875,020 Value unimproved laud. .'. . . .$1,273,218 Value per acre. .. v .:. $3,30 Value, of improvements on deededland (530,545 Value of town lots (084,855 Improvements on town lots. . (577,315 Improvements on land not deeded.... .' $15,790 Railroad canals and telegraph lines.; $820,553 Mdse & implements t'W,4!li Money $30,1(4) Notes and acete. . . , (077.47 'Household furniture $223,985 Number of horses 8,97(i Value 0! horses... (200,0:0 Value per head $22.! 5 No. cattle 13,4)8 Value cattle : (88,1(0 Value per head $ti..'5 Sheep andgoats 88,0i Value sheep and goats $10,260 Value per liead . $l.C!t No, hogs '' fl.HH Value hogs,..; $12,2?5, Value per head $2.C0 Gross value all property.. . , .'. (8,004,275 Exemptions (594,115 Total taxable property $7,470,1(10 Polls ' 2,810 Tho total acreage for 1894 iao08,421, and for 1S03 it was 621,022. THE BOLL FOB 1893. By way of comparison the following summary of the assessment of 1893- will bo interesting: VALUE. Acres of land. 621 .022. ; t4.9titi.848 Town lots ,. 1,550,230 improvements lii.osu, Md'se and Implements 739,95(1 Money,,; 116,320 Notes and accounts.. 1,0)10,113 Shares of stocks 48,500 Furniture, carrineos, oto 287,500 01 her personal properly ...... - 2,830 nurses ami mules, ,3 Cattle, 14,952 145,4fU Bheop anil goats, 81,720.. ...., 52,700 Swine, 7501 ,..... 10,975 Gross value (9,276,917 Exemptions 684,057 Taxable property. ...... .!, . . 8,592,850 Number of polls 2,005 Average value land $10.50 j horsos and uinlea, (31.50; rattle, $9,71; sheep and goats, $1.53 : swine, $2.57, A Cure for Rheumatism. For rhueinattsm I bave found notlu itig equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm It relieves tbe pain as soon as applied. J. W. Vouug, West Liberty, W, Va. The prompt relief it affords Is alone worth many times tbe oast, 50 coins' Its eoutlutied use will eSset perms n, iitourf. rM!t bjf i w, (inil'.l, friprii