TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ..'...... Three nioitlhH..... Sluyls copies....." STATE OFFICERS. John i'iUtcliellj .....Senator ..........CoofTsasaisn , Oovsrnar Blnaer Hermann . BylvesUsr Pennnyer, George W. McBride Phil Metnclisn K. B, McKlroy, Bnpt. Frank 0. Baker............. ..Soarstary of Btals .............Trasaarar Public Iastniotien ......,..8tats Printer R. 8. Bt-abn. I Win. K mi, &, 8. Bean, 1 JBuprsne Judges i'OUKTV omcEtts. Joiixe,....-.-Clerk,.......-..-lUiconler,.. J. . Panose N. Nesdhaie .......D. C Haniaaaa J. A. McKert B. Kstherfar4 P. 0. Morris W. t. Iakins K. T.T.Fisber R. A. Jar I john Push i J. M. Waters nimiir... School Kuperliitendeirt,, Troaatirer,.-.........-..-.--' Assessor......... Surveyor,..- Coroner.... - Coiumiaakmer, ... CITY OFFICIALS, MAYOH... ..... .. -Ic. B. MONTAGUE. KKCUltllElt MTU' -CITY ATTOI1NEY..-...B. M. GABLAHD. rilEAHUKEB -I- F- HYDE. MARSHAL......: P. W. MOiiOAK. TED. KKM.ESBKBOKR, I J. 0. BBKD. -,: .... T.C. COTTOS. fJOCKl ILIUM,, A.M.UF.W8. S. H. MYBU8. Ui. w.itite. CUy Council meets en B and """ Tuesday evenings of each month. Beorat Soolatlse. . ....... V... - n T u HMB la 0. A. B. Ball on Tbawoay avenliis of eean waa. TraMcnt sir Kniahts are oMOiaUf tarned la MtlheTenliueeUin. -.. . J. A. LiaastaM, Cam, ao.W."RKa,B.K. UtBAKOKEKIOBtOPGE. So. '' Mu..y Hnnlar ststtlug at 4 A. B. Kau IBo'iitoek, J.B.MA1U CI. .Aiis8iaria, Sec'r. , itfllSKON 10W3K, NO. fl. 1,0. 0. .- 'every Saturday evoutut al Odd Fallows Ball, at 0KKka.ni. j. w. MOilUM, . . B. H. GABUKU, 8M'y. mBtBtUfXlCA tODOS. o. a. I. o. a t. Meeki at L 0. 0. 1 Ball nn anil third Wednes day evening of each niooih. oar erenow w CHU80 B. 0. XIAS BATTIE WMPHON, Becff. LEBASiOK LODCifBO. A. T. A. B.-Beala KMnjdevenliis. on before tbe Ml u each month. - j. B. Haioucx, W. B f. M. MiaE&.o. OErjMEMtCABP,Ho.lS BivUarm Of Ore- .. u..n. VniAniaiwMeel In 0. A. B. Ball, err jbatwoar ewillng. ainer the thW BaioKlaroteaijIinionih, meetln the third Fri day InMeaO. All btMhen of the Bou of Vet rau and comrwlMof the 0. A. B. an eoralallr invited to meat with the Can. fl V. A. lUHitTyFlM Bi't. B1KAM. BIVB, BO. 1, U O. T, B - Basuonthe!, li and 6th Friday ewnlns af tub month at M0 r. a. at (i. A. B. Ball. Traa slot Lad)' Maeeatieos are eiUauj united la attend. f A.A.BrDcJaorlE Bi'iaii Sunuum. Udr W- PEOTESSIOJfJL. Sam'l M. Garland. ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. IJCBANOS. OBEQON. JTeattertord 4' Wyatt, ATTORNEYS - AT iUW, . ALBANY, OREGON. ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, ALBANY, OEE00N. W. M, BU0WN, Attorney-at-Law. LEBANON, ' ORECION. Nutloe ot JLHvwolutloii.. Notke is hereby given thai tin oopartnsr ship heretofore existing between W. C. Peterson and A. Umpbrey, uudor the firm name of Peterson A Vniphrey, doing real estate and insuruniw business at Lebanon, .Oregon, Is hereby dissolved by mutual con sent, Mr. Umphrey having disposed of bis interest to R. H. Boss. All accounts due aaitl linn of Peterson Umphrey are paya ble to W, 0. Peterson tvho Iwcomss respon sible for all indebtedness of said firm. Dtu, this 10th day of October, lsDs., W. C. TntHWt, "At old M the hills" aad never excell ed. "Tried and proven " it the verdict of millions, Simtnoaa Liver Rem tt-v lator is the and Kidney medicine to Thick you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid- Pills ; neya. Try it Bold by all Pruggiata in Liquid, or in Powder to he taken dry or made into a tea. Tka S!a( af Urar I bave Bind ytntrSlmmoua Liver Rea WUH and obu eoniclentlouiily my It l.i lua KlQf of ail 1 iver aaedlelna, 1 oouwliitr It a MNU?4ne oheel In Itwlf. Unu. W. iteMr Sum, Taooma, Waahlugtou. ' frwran PAwaera aa Um I Btasu Ifnla wraaaaa. STATE AND CCAST. Takaa Prom Our Exchangee Through out the Northwest. . Tha Wtaloti uorrual achoul' au rolnuuit la 102, a good increuae over thatoflaet yoar. Tulmla la about to anaiet In the aaUbUabiueut tbare of a creamery, tha plAUU wf wllifU VIM come rrotu liou toa. RoUaFrog, tuapected of the aaaull M Poattuaatar Ixaac, of Hallx, waa bd at Pendleton, to 70 boodato tha Brand jury. '"Sirroundtug iuflueueea ef eivlllta- Uoo" if tbe happy eynouym uaed by Um Couullle Ciiy Herald in poaklug efatealjaile&gea. Daaa Co. ahlpped 1,409,910 faat of lumber to San Fraueieco from tlieir Cooa Bay City mill durlug tbe mouth October. Beutaii itouuty wilt probably be tbe Brat In the state to get ber tM roll oampleted and in tbe band of the heoretary of tbe ata'e. atra.W. . Macsulay, of Medford, waa nearly gored to dtb by a cow oae sight laat week. Uer rigbt leg, Its Fame STATUE OF THE REPUBUC COURT OP HONOR WORLD'S COLUMBIAN SWOSITION. 1 V 4.11 I vjav isajfr rtaUl) f; i,BiOialBla.n''talrl-a)b n.'n" 'I P : i'- 'TI Jr. Price's Cream Baking Powder )X received the highest award at tbe fair from jury headed . the Chief Chemist of tha U. 8. Department ef Agriculture, ' ,t. Price's was officially commended for highest toavnie A &viiA''44 -? -'. - Hoar the tblgb, waa torn opeu, and ahe was otherwise bruised before rescued by a passer-by. There an ten divorce and tve murder cases ou the clree.lt oaart docket of Douglas county, J. V7. Wiley, of Pbeanix, took tkras car-loads ol hogs and one ear-load ef cattle to Ban Francisco last week. Tbe managers . of the Pendleton suiuilng mill praeented aaeb Karri. man In tbelr employ wltb a Thanks giving turkey. Tbe residence of Hoa. J. J. Daly, of Dallas, was damaged to the extant of 11,009 by Are Wednesday; fall; lusured. Tbe Ashland mine is still being worked night and day. A eontraet for the running of another 100 feet on the big tunnel bse been let. Tbe Corvallis public school eon tiuuea to increase at the rata of about three new students par day, and 450 pupils are In attendauos. A great many hogs are being slaughtered In Jackson county, all hough still more art being shipped. This will scatter a considerable sum of money among our farmera Denny Crowley, of Klamath county, baa become almost totally blind, the result of a trip across tbe suow aereral years ago, with little bops for the restoration pf his sight, Tbs fees raoeived by tbe Douglas county clerk will probably Closed (400 for tbe month of JJevember. This exceeds tbe salary upeuses af tbe office. 11 its Mlunis Senders, of Albany, was badly bunted about the head, face and breast Thursday eveulng, while auceaafully helping the kitchen Are with kerosene. T. L. fiiewart and S. M. Bushy, of Fossil, Uilliam oouuty, alerted Tnure day for Texas, each wltb a car load of horsey forty head In all It will cost over $10 a bead to get lbs horses to Texas. Isaac laya, a well-knowa and re elected citlsan of La Qranda, died at the residence In that ally Wednesday morning from heart trouble. Deoeaa ed waa the father of Mrs. J. I). Slater, of La Grande, and waa aged abeit as yeare. Tbe November term of circuit oourt In Malheur oouuty, just adjourned by Judge fee, was very short, lasting only two aud one-half days. Tbs grand jnry reported that tbey found tbe oouuty in excellent financial oan ditloo and although they had diligent. Will Live. The World's Columbian Expoe ition marked the climax of hu man achievement It will live ina memory of the crowning glory of modern times. No other devel opment of the closing century can compare with it in practical benefit to mankind. Who that exhibited it not proud of it ? Who that failed to exhibit does not regret the omis sion? The former are the people of to-day. The latter are relics of the past. No honor so high as that em. bodied in an award at the fair. Competition was world-wide, the fruits of ripest experience and noblest endeavors were submit ted for examination. . Honest tribunals, composed of eminent scientists, examined and passed upon the claims of exhib itors, Their judgement based on inquiry and justice, proves con clutively the value of any article they commend. . Their approval was stamped on ly Inquired, they had been unable to learn of one crime committed, tn the oouuty miring the previous six months. Sophia Western Husaer Brown, who died near Willamlna last week, was born In Ohio In 1813, and settled in 1850 on the homestead where she died. Her husband, James H. Brown, passed away in 1875. Tbey were married In 1832. There Is no clue to the missing Jobu Henderson, of Harlan, or Huiumlt, Linoolu county. - Hs is about glvea op for loat. Horns forty men have ust relured from a fruitless search and the hast of hit four dogs bsve come home creel fallen. Borne think be has voluntarily left the country, aud bis wife is Inconsolable. There was au uuusnslly large express package in tbe express car on tbe east bound train Monday morning a horse, shipped from Portland to Denver, by D. C. Bailey, the iliarge being $160. He was Inclined to take full possession of the car at first, but finally became quits friendly with Express MesseDger Volger, who acted as hostler. Sun. A tramp called at a residence at Independence Wednesday, and asked to buy five cents worth of milk. Ou being furnished with the article, he deliberately entered tbs house, laid hi gunny-sack bundle down, spread his bread aud cbeess out on tbe dinner table, which was Just set for dinner, drank his milk, snd wbeu through arose and said, ''Thank yon." ' John Devit.e, tbe prominent Klein mountain caitlemau, delivered to buyers at tbe Huntioglon stockyards on Saturday 276 bead of prime cattle. This is ssid to be the best drove of cattle driven there for shipment this year. They were well graded, alth Shorthorn and Galloway breeds, aud showed their good breeding prom inently. Several Jackson county men sold 900 acres of mineral-bearing laud this week to tteaule parlies. Provpeetore have already run a tunnel 1,200 teet in tha old channel, which is rep resented as being vuu yard wide aud ruus tbs full length of tbe claim. The gentlemen who prospected It sav that tbs channel Is eighty feet deep snd will pay wall either fur drifting or hydraulic mining. The price paid was S 15,000 cash. It is never dull times with tlx Industrious lorsdo. When the mills are shut dowu aud men are out of work the torede go s rigbt ou and puis in his, time Just the same. The insect has had steady employment at the wharf of the Hotithern Oregon Company, at Marshfield, snd Inel week about forty feet square nf that structr ure fel down, carrying ilh it shout 40,000 feet nf lumber. The mill was compelled to close down ou account of injury to the track uaed to run rut lumber. Another coal find bas beeu made In Jackson ccouuty. Quite receuty on the farm of County Commissioner Samuel Furry an eight-foot vein of coal was discovered. Three IVet of the rein la Bald to he excellent quality of coal, while five feet Is hitumlnoun shale. This Hud is uliunet illrwlly south of the Crit Tolmau mine, near Boxy Anu, and the finding of the uew cropping proves conclusively that there is an Imtnens bed of cwl underlying a thin cnverlu; of Htrth, aud only a, short distance cost of Medford. ' Tbe Blletz Indians are drinking a good deal of whiskey thee dn)S and stories are numerous of their naughty deeds. . Oua report Is that a lady and Some school children were Insulted by Indians from tbs retervutloii, Another report is that two citizens of Wiihtmiuu, driving cattle between Willamlna aud tbs ageucy, were stopped by Indians aud o:io of (be s.uv. utiles drew a knife aud threatened to kill oneof the whites, who promptly clubbed the Indian with his Will' Chester and knocked him 110 his horse Into tbe mud. It is likely tbs Bykes ussuult story from Bhotpouch creek will lai brought to the attention of the next Uenton county grand Jury, Bykes, I he Pole, who is uccused ot milking fuc with two of bis neighbors' wives, Is lu bad repute in tbe settlement and plenty of evidence will be forthcimikg. It seem that the leusou the linlc hus bands have so long delayed reporting bis lust summer's utroeitles is tjiat tbe women folks kept the mutter to themselves until last week. The atory rune Unit he spent a whole urek with one or (lis victims, who not only keut Uie assault a suvna, l)W avW HAPPY HOME. Spelling school Friday sve. . Singing school Saturday eve. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Mrs, Todd aud Mr. Cox have moved on the Llndley place. If you want n good old time chat call on Mrs. Molly Uee, the florist. Rev. Norton went to Sweet Home Saturday to entertain the people en religlouo topics. Mr. Rollings and his son, Harvy, are doing a laage amount of work on tbelr place. Tbey are rustlers. ... -Rev. Brown, the Happy Home school teacher has the good will of his pupils as well as the patrons nf the school- Beautiful winter weather and the farmers have Improved it seedimt all done, still, the ploughs are still running. ... Grandpa nncl .Grandma Cummlngs are able to be around again, the old couple have bad a rather hard time for the past three weeks. Mr. Grant Ltndley has traded bis farm for a bouse and lot In Lebanon with a Mr. Cox of the same place. Mr. Llndley has moved upon Hamilton creek on his mother-in-law's place. The Individual who took a lot- chain from Mr. Gas Is requested to return the same. . Bsdbook. . Don't Like Them, ... Tbe two big engines now on tbe S.P. are run between Roseburg and Grants Pass by Engineers Wake and Porter. The former's was laid up for severtl days with a broken malt' rod, but Is back on the road again. It seems tn be the intention of the com pany to put.elx nf these engines on between Roseburg and Portland to take place of eight smaller ones now in use, tbe two running south to take the place of three now running there. They will then take off two of the' helpers here and one at Grants Pass, throwing three crews out of employ ment. The engineers do not seem lo take kineUy to the big machines, believing them lo lie rather risky things t run on, especially south through the canyon. They soy that it is Impossible to see any distance ahead on track, and that they will probably run into obstructions more frequently than heretofore. Review Asleep In a Bath Tub,'' ' The Porllaud Welcome tells the following: A man giving the name of Henry Waterhouse, hailing from Albany, went Into a First street bar ber shop Friday afternoon and asked for a bath. It was noticed that he was slightly lntoxlouted, but no par ticular attention was paid to him, and he was shown Into a hath room, He was heard to splosh around awhile and then everything became quiet. So quiet that the janitor became curious and looked' over the door1 The man hiy.ln the water apparently dead. The door was broken open and It' was ascertained that Waterhouse was almost drowned, A physician who was summoned, however, suc ceeded In resuscitating him und he came out all right. Too much boozi- caused him lo fall asleep and he had a narrow escape. - ;.' His Shoul ler .torn Off. Ashland, Or., Dec. 2, This town is in grief tonight over a horrible iui cident that nccured today, Charles lleobe, a lud hut 10 years of age, and generally beloved by the entire com munity, Ilea at death's door, slid pro bably before this Is printed he will have passed the portals. Beebc's en tire shoulder and arm were torn from bis body today by u loud of shot from his gun, Ho was out quail hunting, und In milking a step he fell, and dis chaigiug his yuu, the entire loud mangling and tearing away the shoul der and ami. 1 Two Governors. Montgomery, Dec 1. Tbe capital is thronged with men bearing arms, wltb bristling bayouets, ordered here to assist in the Inaugenllnn of Governor-elect W. O. Outes. Many other men are also hers, unarmed, with the vowed intention of placing Captain Kolb In the governor's chair. Kolh was sworn in by a Justice of tbe peace hut failed to get posesaiou of tbe oflloe, She "Who's that nice looking muu across the street?" He-Why, that's Mr., . H.'s wearing one of those flue tailor-made suits, made by the Salem Woolen Mill store." - Moral Ik llkswUs bid U wall. CONGRESS CONVENES, The Prealdent'a Message the Only Business. Washington, Dec. 8. At 12 to-day the Fifty-third congress convened. When Its term runs out at noon on the 4th of March next, It will bavu been In session fifteen months. Beside listening to the message of Preside t Cleveland nothing was doue to-day. The senate calendar contains Mi bills and resolutions that have be u reported by tbe committees, many of them measures of great Importaun, which will be urged for action as soon as the senate can emerge from tl a inertia that characterises the begin, nlng of a session. The most impm -unt of these, from a political point f View, are the tariff bills. Jones on1 Harris, of tbe finance committee, have said they Intended to cull these up, especially the sugar bill, at the ea.iieH possible moment, but it Is not like!.? tbut they will urge them during tha first week. Cleveland indorses the recom mendation by Comptroller Ecklen that congress permit national banks to issue currency to the amount nf one-half of tlieir capital, without depositing United States bonds us security. The president's message contains 15,000 words. Its keynote Is financial reform, and it discusses foreigs affair und the Nicaragua canal at length. PROPOSITION ACCEPTED. Contract Awarded for the Portlani Astoria Railroad. Portland, Dec. 1. A dispalivi received from Astoria that the con tract to construct a railroad ho:,-, Gohle's point to Astoria bad been awarded to Messrs. Bonner & Ham mond, of Misscula, Mont. Inqu y was made of a member of the railroad party who is at present In the city, an.t tbe following additional particulam were obtained: A proposition to build tbe road h'"l been submitted by Messrs. Bonner A Hammond, of Missoula, with M', rjtunten, ot Astoria. The gentleman had received a dispatch this afternoon from Astoria Informing him that this proposition had been unanimously acceptcp. The proposition was to build the road from Goble's ou t ie Columbia to- Astoria and from th ,i point to a connection with the Seasldo road at Young's bay. Tbe proposition requlred "c contractors to complete tbe road by May, 1896. China Humbled. Washibqtow, Dec. 1. An offlch'1 !'i a position to know the facts says Japan bos replied, favoring China's prn'Ier presented through United States Minister Penby. It still remains, however, for China to plainly show -she can and will execute what she bai proposed. Until this Is done third will be no cessation of hostilities. While the exact terms of the offer am not known', it is said to be about $1 5, 000,0110 cash indemnity and China's relinquishment of sovereignty o c Coi'eu, There Is nld to be no a t render of China's territory. A Novel Way, I Ban Fka'noisco, Dec, 2, The socle!) women of Suu Francisco have adoptej. a novel plan to raise money for ,ih support of a ward for liiournblea at the children's hospital. Tbey are going to edit the Christmas num's-r of .The Examiner, W. R, Hea si, proprietor of the paper, has agreed t turnover the whole newspaper plant lo them und they are geiug tnwrl o every line of the paper, manage Hi-' buisiness department, edit the te f. graph news, collect local news, sol uh the advertisements and, iu fact, li-i everythlnir. Aii S. P. Brakeman Aseaulued by Tramps. RobebI'HO, Deo.3, Benjamin Lolif, a hrakcmun ou the Southern Paoillu overland train No. 10, going south yesterday, while at a point near tunnel 7 discovered three tramps on .tlui tiuln. In attempting to put them oil he was struck in the lues with a rock by one of them and badly Injur."', The trumps weie all bi ought to Iht-i place and bound over to appear before, the grand jury. '. Ban Fbamckco, Dec. 2. Among the arrivals in this city last evening was J. M. Rappt, the transcontinental lieilest Hun, who left New York May ldi h ou a wager of (5,000 that be would reach Han Francisco on or before December 1st without spending a cent other Hum what he earned ou lie Journey. Tbe traveler Is a medium sized niau of about forty years, with hulr. almost thlhi And a lAsai . i '